INTRODUCTION GOLDLAND COMPANY LIMITED is a registered company in Kenya championing in concept, planning, financial arrangement, implementation, management and development in sustainable infrastructure programs both in private and public sectors. Our areas of interests are focusing on; • Connecting the local market with the rest of the developed world to realize the benefits of heavy investment in modern research and technology • To bring about the best global practices in our development projects that will help to deliver to international standards. • Partnering with private, public and local communities to unearth untapped and underutilized resources to the benefit of developing Kenya and improving the living standards of the local communities. • To bridge the wide gaps between the developers, project financiers, the lead consortiums, contractors, manufactures and the end beneficiaries of the infrastructure and housing development. • Driven by our strategic vision, we engage world class partners who has technical and financial capacity in collaboration with national and countygovernments to undertake large scale and integrated mega projects with significanteconomic and social impact both local and internationally.
CURRENT PROJECTSPROJECT: JACARANDA GARDENSROLE: PROJECT MANAGERSThe project is situated in Nairobi along KAMITI road with aconnection to the northern by pass. The project has been done inthree phases with a total of 840 residential units consisting of 2, 3and 4 bedrooms, commercial centre and a nursery school. The totalbuild up area 120,000 square meters. It was commenced on 1st may2010 and is on the last phase now.PROJECT: GALANA ROAD PLAZACLIENT: GOLD ROCK COMPANY LIMITEDROLE: PROJECT MANAGERSSituated along GALANA road off ARWING KODHEK road in KILIMANINairobi is a 10 floors executive office block with basement parkingarea. The total buildup area is 18,824 square meters. It was donebetween 2012 and 2014.PROJECT: UHURU ESTATES – REAL ESTATES DEVELOPMENTROLE: PROJECT MANAGERS / LEAD CONSORTIUMGOLDLAND Company was awarded the project management role ofuhuru estates. This project is under urban renewal developmentwhere a total of 1000 new housing units comprising of 2 bedrooms,3 bedrooms, shopping centre, loft studio and parking lot targetinglow and middle income citizens will replace a pre- colonial housingestate within the Kenya capital city. These modern first class highrise apartments will be in a total of 123,103 square meters build uparea where we will oversee the negotiations, burgeting, financing,implementation and management of the project as the teamleaders.PROJECTS:• LIKONI OCEAN HEIGHTS• LIKONI CENTRAL HEIGHTS• MIRITINI ESTATESROLE: PROJECT MANAGERS / LEAD CONSORTIUMThis is a JVC program between GOLDLAND , MOMBASA COUNTYGOVERNMENT, STANLIB and other consultants under urban renewdevelopment program. Having been appointed, GOLDLAND will playa major role in the joint venture to bring on board the Architects,engineers, financier, contractors ,estates managers and any otherconsultants as the project managers and team leaders. Likoni oceanheights and likoni central heights sits on 11.75 Acres land which willbe renew of Mombasa old estates. Targeting middle incomesegment will be a development of high rise residential blocks andancillary support facilities. The buildup area will be approximately174095m2 consisting of 2, 3 bedrooms , studio, commercial, nurseryschool, parking and management unit and will be a 3 years program.
OUR EXPERIENCEGoldland Company Limited brings a wealth of construction managementexperience to every project we manage. Our project managers have decadesof experience in managing a wide variety of construction projects. We havebuilt corporate headquarters, banks and financial institutions, retail outlets,churches, grocery stores, gymnasiums, call centers, medical facilities,warehouses, distribution facilities and over 9 million square feet of interiorfinish.Our long list of satisfied clients is endless
INDUSTRY LEADING TECHNOLOGYOur technology is what defines Goldland Company Limited as an industryleader. Goldland Company Limited is committed to new technology and isrecognized as an early adopter in the industry.Better technology means more efficiency per labor hour worked. Ourutilization of new technologies significantly improves the predictability,production, and flexibility of every project. As a result, job starts and jobcycles are completed with unprecedented efficiency, reduced rework, andlower operating costs.our team of specialists is recognized for setting industry-leading standardswhile continually focusing on process improvement for the ultimatecustomer benefit.
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