Countries explored: healthier living by dedicating themselves to work towards social and environmental goals. - Acclamatize families, communities and students in adapting to the new environment by fostering cohesive living through social behavior change management. Content: the activities involved in the project are: i. Poster making ii. Science exhibition iii. Street talk/play Which included dramatization, dialogues, songs, music, art, research, collecting datas, science exhibitions models etc. Outcome: - Know about the green house effects, global warming and protecting the environment globally. - Develop communication skills and will be able to tackle more challenges through practical means. - Recognize the way they can, as global citizens lower their impact on environment at home, school and in other places. - The students and the general public will be well aware of the causes of climate change and to combat the change as well as to take precaution in contributing the same. - They will improve in understanding the working of earth’s system, its weather, ocean, land, geology and natural human induced hazards of international climate change. - Understand that climate change is advancing more rapidly in the high Himalayas of Nepal and in many parts of the world affecting both people and natural system. Greenland, Nepal and India
Link school(s): Non collaboration Other sources of Books, Newspapers, Pictures, and videos. information: 3 Weeks Time Period of 108 Students Activity: Number of Students 10-12 yrs involved in this Video Clipping, photographs, feedback from Activity: evaluation sheet. Age range of students involved: Type of evidence included:
Teacher’s Report The main aim of this ISA activity is to combat the climate change and to meet the challenges. The photographs used are mainly from our own collections and sources taken during the time of the activity. We would like to thank all the teachers who co-operated with us in carrying out the activities successfully and we would also like to thank the media for their coverage in the daily local paper. We like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the ISA for giving us a platform where we could drive the young minds to learn more questions and to challenge inquisitive minds with interesting activities to reinforce learning. We have also enjoyed following an interactive approach that caters the young learners through inferential and experiential tasks and stimulating content. We have also discovered that the need for sustainable development holds the key to the future of mankind, and young learners need to be sensitized to it through a gradual study to build environmental and social awareness. These activities maximize opportunities to learn through its wide variety of tasks and facilitate easy learning and develop conversational skills and comprehension with a learner centric approach for effective teaching and learning that promotes experiential learning. These activities were carried out with the help of course materials taken from the learner’s prior knowledge and draw examples from real-life situations to foster knowledge building and understanding them.
The activities provided ample scope for the learners to observe, reflect, their thinking skills and develop effective communication skills. Learners were guided by us to look at the environment in a holistic manner and see the underlying unity in the physical and social environment. In order to accomplish the activities, we tried to: Assess the prior knowledge of the learners. Observe and reflect pre-reading tasks that allow the learners to infer and relate to the topic. Provide interesting tit bits of information and find out tasks encouraging referencing skills. We tried to let children explore research and do application based activities for experiential learning by conducting exhibitions and making posters. We tried to sensitize learners towards conservation of environment, by displaying street talk, drama, singing songs, choreography, poster making etc. The feedback and suggestions from parents, visitors and students have further helped us to improve our attitude and facilitate us for assessing the learners. Mrs. Moushumi Mrs. Shweta
Before commencing the activities on Climate Change, the students are being shown videos on the impact of climate change
Teachers demonstrating and explaining about the effects of climate change
Introduction Climate change is one of the biggest global health challenges of the 21st century. Therefore, as part of ISA activity, classes IV & V decided to carry on three activities based on climate change namely: i. Science exhibition ii. Poster making iii. Street play The teachers in charge explained to the children the effects and impact of climate change on human life and showed videos and demonstrated it through pictures and charts especially taking the example of two countries namely Nepal and Greenland. People living in Nepal and Greenland are more vulnerable for climate change because of poverty, lesser capacity to adapt and lack of strong preventive measures, resources and strategies. Nepal and Greenland are already under considerable environmental stress and they contribute a great amount of impacton the climate change in the world.
Climate change will exert additional stress to the ecological and the social system and has the potential to produce major challenges for human health in Nepal and Greenland. Millions have been displaced in Nepal and Greenland due to flooding in Nepal and Greenland due to flooding and landslides. On the other hand, a weakened and irregular monsoon is causing drought threatening thousands of farmers. The climate change and its rapid emergence in the past decades is together a major challenge to public health in Nepal and Greenland.
Science Exhibition During the science exhibition, students put their hands and head together to come up with four projects connected to Nepal and Greenland. The first project created by class IV A shows: 1. Glacier melting of Nepal and Greenland due to global warming which further leads to rise of sea level as projected in the 2nd model created by class IV B.
2. The rise of sea level causes flood and drought like condition which happens in Nepal and Greenland.
3. In the third project created by class VA, it showcased and exhibited the impact of Amazon forest fire on the environment creating threat due to the rise of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the air leading to health problems, and extinct of several animal and plant species.
Students collecting materials for the Amazon Forest Fire project
4. In the fourth project created by class VB, the children tried to exhibit how human health is affected due to climate change, through charts and models.
Notice to the parents regarding the ISA Project to be conducted on the following dates in their almanacs
Welcome board made by the students during Science Exhibition
Model on melting of glaciers Model on impact of Amazon forest fire
Students seen here are colouring & pasting pictures for the display board
Model on rise of sea level Effects of climate change on human health
Students interacting with the Judges and answering their questions
Media coverage on Science Exhibition on the theme Climate Change
Judges being honored by the school Principal
Judges Evaluation sheets
Visitor’s Evaluation sheets on Science Exhibition on Climate Change
Parents feedback on Science Exhibition
The students giving examples of the rapidly retreating glaciers, rapid rise in temperature, erratic rainfalls and increase in frequency of extreme events such as flood and drought like situation are some of the effects Nepal is facing during the last few years. Moreover we can even see the same consequences being faced in India in the context of Nagaland. These alarming trends not only make Nepal and Greenland major sectors of economy such as agriculture, tourism and energy more vulnerable but also endanger the health, safety and well being of Nepali people as well. Bio diversity of Nepal and Greenland is also being affected as invasive species will spread fast and useful medicinal, food and nutrition related plants may disappear.
Children added, “climate change is already becoming dangerous to our survival and we have to do everything possible to prevent it being catastrophic to us.” The globally accepted strategy to contain disastrous climate change impacts adoption and mitigation. Nepali’s central location in the Himalaya portends the fact that it is the prime target country of climate change impacts and call for it to play a leadership role at least in global events such as the COP-15 at Copenhagen.
REPORT ON SCIENCE EXHIBITION THEME: CLIMATE CHANGE Science exhibition was organised as part of the British Council ISA project. A total of 106 students from Class IV and V participated in the exhibition. Parents and students from other neighbouring schools were invited to witness the array of exhibits made by our students. This exhibition was organised with a key objective of bringing out the hidden talents of the students and also with a focus on creating more awareness on the effects of climate change in our daily lives and the factors threatening the environment. Mrs. Suparna Roychoudhury, Principal, Hollotoli School, in her speech said that the exhibition is a platform for students to present their new ideas and learn from each other – an opportunity to find out original thinkers. The students’ showcased static and working models which can be used for learning various scientific concepts for children in the age group 8 -12 years. The exhibition also enlightened the visitors of the many environmental issues prevalent in the world today. The objective was not only to inculcate a scientific attitude and research but also created awareness for the future generations. The students prepared models on Melting of Snow, Rise of Sea Level, Amazon Fire, and Effect of Climate Change on Health. Amazon Fire Model bagged the Best Model of the exhibition.
Dr. Chandan Suravi Maiti, Asst Professor, SASRD, Nagaland University, and Dr. Ruby Jain were the judges for the exhibition. They commented that the topic chosen as ‘Climate Change’ was very effective and meaningful as it is one of the most serious issues of the world today and only if children start conserving and protecting our environment in eco-friendly way, there will be a scope to have a better world in the years to come. The judges took the opportunity of applauding the students for putting up such a wonderful and enlightening exhibition. The students were encouraged to develop a scientific fervour and an attitude of research mindedness so that they develop the qualities of analytical and critical thinking. Winners of the Science Exhibition
Poster Making Competition on the theme ‘Climate Change’ On 5th October, 2019, a poster making competition was organized for the students of class IV and V. The theme for the competition was “climate change”. The students were asked to express their ideas through paintings and sketches. Students participated with immense zeal and enthusiasm and made very beautiful posters which gave the message of saving our mother earth and provide ideas to make it free from the ill effects of climate change. It was a great opportunity to watch these young minds to create their ideas of a better environment on paper. The aim behind conducting this competition was not only to check the creative and artistic skills of the students but also to trigger the thought process of the children and sensitize them towards these burning issues. The children were given two hours to make a poster. The judge of the contest was Mr. Bikram, Art teacher, Hollotoli School. The completion was really enjoyed by all the participants.
In the poster making competition, children tried to put their heads and hands together to picturise the environmental conditions of the countries of India, Nepal and Greenland. Students took interest to do these activities with enthusiasm and zeal. They came up with various ideas picturising how human beings are exposed to climate change directly through changing weather patterns and indirectly through changes in quality of water air, food quality and quantity, ecosystem, agriculture, livelihoods and infrastructure and the effects of climate change differs on the basis of health vulnerability. They tried to make posters on rising sea level change in the amount of precipitation and melting of ice caps and glaciers in Nepal, India and Greenland. Students of Class IV trying to bring out the creativity in them
Students of class V engaged in poster making
Posters made by the students
Students displaying their colourful and creative work Students displaying their colurful and creative work
Preliminary Score sheets of poster making competition
Final Score sheets on poster making competition
The winners of the poster making competition receiving their awards
Street play on Climate Change In the street play, the students tried to create awareness among the public regarding climate change, its anticipated impacts on the earth, physical and biological system. They displayed a role play showing how the world is affected by the changing climate jeopardizing human health, resulting health risks to human population. In the play, they revealed how climate changes occurred as a result of urbanization, high levels of vehicle emissions and westernized lifestyle which are correlated with human health problems. Permit Letters
Students performing & enacting the climate change play Rehearsal for the performance of the street play
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