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Amazing English 3 Student's

Published by Hamilton House Publishers, 2020-06-02 08:32:16

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Student’s Book Elizabeth Gordon Jennifer Heath Philip James

Contents UNIT Reading Vocabulary Grammar Listening Speaking Writing Welcome - • t owns and • articles - -- cities • some, any, every, pages 4-9 • o ur amazing no and -one, world -thing, -where In Fashion • h ealth and the • comparative & body superlative forms, pages 10-27 • h olidays and (not) as ... as travel • b oth ... and ..., either Helping Others • work and jobs ... or ..., neither ... nor • entertainment ..., one/ones pages 28-45 • question tags • subject & object On The Road questions pages 46-63 The Amazing Kids! & Song: The Amazing Kids • T een fashion: • c elebrity- • present simple • writing words • talking about • writing an what’s cool? related words & present and numbers in crazes email to a • Toy trends • fashion-related continuous gaps • a sking and friend • Y ouTube words • stative verbs, see • deciding if answering • using informal Superstars • verbs & think statements are questions to language • S elena Gomez • adjectives • past simple & true or false find information written by her past continuous, • listening • forming biggest fan! used to carefully to questions Values: Sharing • defining & match favourite correctly from with your non-defining things to people prompts friends relatives clauses Pronunciation: • passive I /əʊ/ and /ɒ/ • order of adjectives Review 1 CLIL: Art and design Culture: Traditional clothing around the world The Amazing Kids Episode 1: School Open Day • R andom acts • e lectricity- •present perfect • identifying who • a sking and • w riting a letter of kindness related words simple said what answering asking for • Volunteering • collocations • past simple & • answering questions information holidays for • verbs present perfect multiple-choice about photos • u sing indirect families • adverbs simple questions • d iscussing questions • A bright idea • present perfect • checking your different sports • S porty Sue’s continuous answers when with a partner blog • present perfect listening to • u sing polite Values: Being simple & answer multiple- phrases to kind to others present perfect choice questions offer help and continuous to reply when • clauses of contrast offered help Pronunciation: the magic -e Review 2 CLIL: Social science Culture: Teens volunteering in different countries The Amazing Kids Episode 2: Mr Top's problem • C ity treasure • d riving- & car- • past perfect • a nswering • describing • writing an hunt related words simple multiple-choice pictures to tell article • A day to • collocations • past simple & past questions a story • using linking remember! • d riving-related perfect simple • matching • finding the words to add • Ski trip verbs • future simple, be activities to days differences information • T ravel • word building going to of the week between two photography • phrasal verbs • future continuous • u nderstanding pictures Values: Asking • adjectives • clauses of reason which person or • using so ... that for help when & result thing the speaker and such ... that you need it is talking about for emphasis before listening Pronunciation: to colour or write /ʃ/ on the picture Review 3 CLIL: Sport Culture: Unusual transport around the world The Amazing Kids Episode 3: The website 2

UNIT Reading Vocabulary Grammar Listening Speaking Writing Communication • E mojis: the • t echnology- • z ero & first • deciding if • a sking and • writing an & Technology fastest- related words conditional, unless statements are answering essay about growing • language- • s econd true or false questions to advantages pages 64-81 language! related words conditional • w riting words find information and • D rones – what • adjectives • third conditional and numbers in • asking and disadvantages Fantastic Food are they and • collocations • wishes & regrets gaps answering • using different what do they • prepositions • w ould rather & had • listening for key questions phrases pages 82-99 do? better information and about to give an • H ow has details before speaking opinion Protecting The technology choosing the foreign Environment changed? correct picture languages • G adget of the • describing pages 100-117 month photos and Values: Being talking about clear about the similarities your feelings and differences between them Pronunciation: /d/ and /t/ Review 4 CLIL: STEM Culture: Greeting people in different countries The Amazing Kids Episode 4: Who are Frank and Linda? • Cheese please! • food- & • r eported speech I • d eciding which • discussing • writing a • L et’s stop food restaurant- • reported speech II speaker says different places review waste with an related words • passive II different things to eat with a • using linking app! • c ontainers for • causative • answering partner words to • W here is your food & drink • m ake, let & be multiple-choice • finding the contrast food from? • c ooking- allowed to questions differences different ideas • Is it a steak? related verbs • identifying between two No, it’s a cake! • adjectives differences pictures Values: Not • verbs between similar • using the wasting food people in a correct past picture before tenses to tell a Review 5 listening to story match names to Pronunciation: them /ʃ/ and /tʃ/ CLIL: Food science Culture: Dining etiquette in different countries The Amazing Kids Episode 5: Mr Top’s story • W ho is • e nvironment- • c an, could, be able • m atching names • describing • writing a protecting our related words to, may & should to favourite wild pictures to tell story starting world? • adjectives • m ust, have to, may, animals a story with a given • Help the bees! • verbs might, could, must • d eciding if • asking and sentence • D on’t be afraid • prepositions & can’t statements are answering • using direct of the dark! • adverbs • modals perfect true or false questions speech in a • Z ero waste is • g erunds & • listening about photos story no longer a infinitives carefully to • speculating dream • g erund or full numbers before about different Values: infinitive writing words situations Recycling and numbers in Pronunciation: household gaps /aʊ/ and /əʊ/ waste Review 6 CLIL: Environmental science Culture: Endangered animals in different countries The Amazing Kids Episode 6: Getting proof Grammar VMTaeabrtbleesrs i als pages 118-120 Irregular pages 121-122 Speaking pages 123-126 Song 1 & Song 2 page 127 CONTENTS 3

In Fashion 10

In Unit 1, you will ... Read about three famous people on YouTube. Write an email thanking a friend for a birthday present. Listen to people talking about school uniforms. Talk about popular crazes. Learn about traditional clothing around the world. Find out what happens at the Amazing School’s Open Day in Episode 1 of The Amazing Kids! A L ook at the pictures. What are the people doing? How do they feel? Why do you say that? Use these words. buy clothes decide go shopping pack a suitcase spend money take a selfie bored excited happy unhappy pleased B N ow talk about how you feel about fashion and shopping for clothes. Use these words. buy dress up look like pay for put on prefer spend waste wear UNIT 1 11

Lesson 1 READING A F ind and underline these words in the texts. What do they mean? baggy comfortable copy either get dressed rarely shout teen Teenfwahsaht’siocono:l? Liam TINA I think clothes show what kind of person you My friends and I have to wear a school uniform, are. I like skateboarding and hip hop, so I wear but we love wearing our own clothes at comfortable clothes; you know, big long T-shirts weekends. When we’re going to a party, we and baggy trousers with lots of pockets. I also always ask, ‘What are you wearing tonight?’ I love my headphones! I often go to the shopping usually wear lots of accessories. I wear different centre to meet my friends. My friends and I wear scarves, necklaces, bracelets and earrings. the same kind of clothes. When someone wears Sometimes my friends and I borrow each other’s shoes which aren’t cool, everyone laughs. They clothes. Mum says my best friend and I look say, ‘Are you wearing your dad’s trainers?’ like sisters when we get dressed to go out! Teenagers want to be different, but parents Teenagers often copy their favourite singer’s rarely understand! My mum shouts, ‘You can’t go style. Famous actors and singers always look out like that!’ She doesn’t like my clothes, but cool, and if you wear clothes like theirs, you’ll look I buy them with my own money. Even my little cool, too. Parents don’t always like our clothes, brother is starting to wear clothes like mine! but we rarely like their clothes either! VALUES B Read the texts and write R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say). You read about two teenagers who wear the same kinds of 1 Liam thinks it’s important to wear cool clothes. R clothes as their friends. Tina 2 Liam says his brother copies him. and her friends borrow each 3 Tina can wear bracelets to school. other’s clothes. Why is it 4 Tina’s mum says Tina and her sister wear the same clothes. important to share things with 5 Both Liam and Tina want to look like their friends. your friends? 6 Both Liam and Tina agree with their parents about fashion. 12 Amazing fact! D id you know that the first kind of trainers were called ‘plimsolls’? They had rubber soles, but they didn’t have a left shoe or a right shoe!

VOCABULARY See and Think See and think have more than one meaning. They can A Match. 1 pocket b f describe states and actions. When they describe actions, 2 trainers we can use them in continuous tenses. a 3 scarf g Do you see that tie over there? (see = use your eyes) 4 earrings My sister is seeing the dress designer now. (see = have an b 5 uniform h appointment/meeting with) 6 necklace I think her trainers are cool. (think = have an opinion) c 7 belt We’re thinking about what to eat. (think = consider) d 8 ring Complete the email with the words in brackets. Use e 9 tie the present simple or the present continuous. i Hi Sophie! I 1 am enjoying (enjoy) my visit to New York. I 2 (stay) in an enormous house – it 3 B Complete the sentences with these nouns. (belong to) my aunt. 4 (you / remember) the TV programme which we accessories headphones hip hop watched about fashion shows in New York City? Well, shopping centre style teenagers we 5 (go) to one like it tomorrow! Then we 6 (see) 1 Liam’s favourite kind of music is hip hop a famous clothes designer because my aunt . 7 (want) a really special 2 At the there are cafés, restaurants and shops. dress. I 8 (think) about wearing my long black dress and my red scarf, but I 3  are between thirteen and 9 (not be) sure. What nineteen years old. 4 Ben usually likes listening to music with his 10 (you / think)? when he’s walking to school. Bye, 5 Tina likes belts, scarves, jewellery and other Tilly . 6 Idon’t like those shoes; they really aren’t my ! LISTENING GRAMMAR See Grammar Unit 1 Lesson 1. Listen to two friends talking about school uniforms. Complete the form with the correct information. Present Simple and Present Continuous We use the present simple to talk about general truths, G✔✘✔✔ r e e1V3BnelfurieyelsdahnHodirggtghrsreekSyyicrht4so, oblaUgngssikyhfioirtrrrttomoursster✘orsuTos-ersr2h(sBirutsy from school things we often do, permanent situations, and timetabled shop.) and programmed events in the future. ✔ School 5 (blazer) with school name I sometimes buy clothes from big shopping centres. The fashion show starts at eight o’clock on Friday. on pocket We use the present continuous for things that are ✔ Black shoes ✘ 6 happening now, things that are happening for a short ✘ Long earrings or 7 time or are temporary, and for plans for the future. Are your friends getting dressed to go out? SPEAKING They are going to a hip hop concert this weekend. Time expressions I don’t wear a Present simple: every day, at the weekend(s), in the Ask and answer with a partner about school uniform. morning, on Tuesday(s), etc Present continuous: at the moment, these days, tomorrow, soon, at five o’clock, on Friday, next week, etc See the tables for form and the spelling rules on page 118. the clothes you wear to school. I wear jeans Stative Verbs • Do you wear a school uniform? and a blue or Some verbs don’t describe actions. They are called stative verbs. We don’t usually use them with continuous - If so, what is it like? white shirt. tenses. Stative verbs can describe emotions, possession, understanding, opinion, senses and other things. - If not, what do you wear to school? ‘Look! This is my new necklace.’ ‘Oh, I love it! • A re there any clothes which you mustn’t wear to school? That scarf doesn’t belong to you! Take it off! • Can you wear jewellery to school? UNIT 1 LESSON 1 13

Lesson 2 trends READING Do Tyooyu trreemnedsmcbhearntgheesseo cfarsatz!es? A Find and underline these words in the article. What do they mean? coloured cube side simple square trend Fidget Spinners Pokémon Go In April 2017, children in Pokémon are creatures which playgrounds were playing you catch and train. First, there with and doing tricks with were Pokémon video games, cards, fidget spinners. These simple, TV shows, comic books and toys. Then, in small, plastic and metal toys July 2016, Pokémon Go arrived. This game were everywhere. They didn’t began a new craze! Teenagers and adults cost much, so children could downloaded the app onto their mobiles and had buy them with their pocket fun looking for the creatures in the real world! money. Many teachers hated The Pokémon appeared on their phone screens while they were walking. There were a few them because they stopped students accidents when players were searching for studying. Where are they now? Nowhere! Pokémon outside on busy streets! It used to be very popular, but now people They disappeared as quickly as they had arrived! have forgotten about it. Rubik’s Cube B R ead the article and answer the questions in In the 1980s, everyone your notebook. from eight years old to eighty 1 What are fidget spinners made of? had this puzzle. It’s a plastic cube 2 Who didn’t like fidget spinners? which is made of blocks with different 3 What did players need to play Pokémon Go? coloured sides. Solving the puzzle is 4 When was the Rubik’s Cube popular? difficult. You have to turn it until each 5 How do you solve the Rubik’s Cube? side has nine squares of the same 6 Which craze is the newest? colour. Some people can solve it very quickly! You can still buy this puzzle today, so why don’t you get one and try to beat your parents? 14 Amazing fact! D id you know that the record for solving the Rubik’s Cube is 4.22 seconds?

VOCABULARY Used to We use used to to talk about things we often did in the A F ind these verbs in the article and match them past, but that we don’t do now, and situations and states that were true in the past, but that aren’t true now. with the meanings. I used to listen to music on my MP3 player every day. He used to love training football players. 1 appear a start We can use there used to be to talk about past situations. 2 begin b have a price of There used to be Rubik’s Cube competitions, but there aren’t 3 cost c start to show/be seen any now. 4 download d teach someone or something See the tables for form on page 118. 5 train how to do an activity e copy something from the A Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Internet to a laptop, tablet, etc Use the past simple or the past continuous. B Complete the sentences with these nouns. card craze digital camera mobile 1 We fell over (fall over) while we MP3 player pocket money trick 1 I can give you this Pokémon card were running (run) in the park. I have two of them. ; 2 ‘ (Dad / solve) the puzzle 2 What do you think the next yesterday?’ ‘Yes, he .’ will be? 3 We (play) football every 3 Idropped my Sunday last year, but we (not play) when it rained. screen. and broke the 4 My cousin showed us a with 4 At five o’clock yesterday afternoon, my parents . (watch) a film and we his fidget spinner. (clean) the kitchen. 5 I’m listening to music on my . 6 My little brother spent his 5 You (not study) at nine o’clock last night. on a fidget spinner. 7 I took lots of photos with my 6 She (turn on) her tablet, (download) an app and (start) playing the game. GRAMMAR See Grammar Unit 1 Lesson 2. 7 I (talk) on my mobile when I (see) you. Past Simple and Past Continuous 8 ‘ (the cube / have) We use the past simple to talk about things that happened any red blocks?’ ‘Yes, it , but it in the past, things that we often did in the past, things that (not have) purple blocks.’ happened one after the other in the past, and situations which existed in the past. B In which sentences in A could we use used to? Did the video game cost a lot? We got our pocket money, went into a shop and bought some SPEAKING I used to have a furry creature comic books. called a ‘Furby’. It was … We use the past continuous to talk about things that were happening at a particular time in the past, to talk about two Think of a craze which everyone loved when you were or more things that were happening at the same time in the younger. Complete the table with information about past, and to set the scene of a story. it, and then talk about the craze with a partner. This time last year, people were buying fidget spinners. It wasn’t a nice day. The sun wasn’t shining and the children Name weren’t playing outside. Colour We can use the past simple and the past continuous in Material the same sentence to show that one short action in the past How much did it cost? interrupted another longer action in the past, or happened Who gave it to you? during another longer action in the past. We usually use How did it work? when or while to join the two actions in the sentence. They were playing Pokémon Go when the accident WRITING happened. The accident happened while they were playing Pokémon Go. Write a paragraph in your notebook about the craze which you chose in Speaking. Time expressions Past simple: yesterday, last night, a month ago, in July 2018, two days later, etc Past continuous: (all) last week, all day (yesterday), this morning, at half past six, this time last week, (from nine o’clock) until ten o’clock, etc See the tables for form and the spelling rules on page 118, and a list of irregular verbs on pages 121-122. UNIT 1 LESSON 2 15

Lesson 3 READING A F ind and underline these words in the blog. What do they mean? afterwards film shampoo YouTuber weareteens.blogspot YouTube YoFImutosTraguekeebectmeaaprnssovbtpaihdersaeecttooataomrasndneyaadoyfnau’ndsmsefseiowulmutphhseoes!rtsNcaatreasntr,s. B R ead the blog and write Z for Zoella, DM for,guwSgwlanskThh.,hsuspeZoSEooblaaonhsostebneegehenocllelolltafhasua,awuntfatlulhtkdslnheses.nnureSwhasaershemhablft.eararhoIedvnsmleueoseithspbf.uctheMoorZrseierootoictrevlkslehtiihhd,osowEeaheanoalnhootislzldisstpicaohnh,shsbfse.ph2ephsSr0euteheohhs0oedbeteSpoa8lieisslulesekma,gstaslnaningsnkdkao’,stdeibaw,snhlnaostigiavwhdudberweteatihsgehtihetcdiehnlehprrs her fans feel better, too. Dan Middleton or R for Ryan. 1 This YouTuber doesn’t make videos alone. R Ampt£yhlno1aie2loulyirmtnoeihcgnrieshlslmrienoiBssaentrnwDiDYtfirwaowsaonhuhnmaToMyYMuhsouibiidudtsseodTedrMludlieiembnitttnoeoop2enrnr0wco.wr1Hvoa7herif,okstwtsvhviheniieddeviaereniodogshseusae.ompsNseeheoarao.mtrrDwnebaaeaMrwndkdaiebanfttobece! hrcocaearuamdtftbey 2 This YouTuber teaches fans something. 3 This YouTuber shares a lot of personal RYRwtanooyybaoauafotwincTnlumhu,thTwibaniohsehgyiLrompsRettaRoioygstreyaaoeefvnlnrrakiteoetrrisvamnnwiigfenmictlw.ahmhiHlbeavliiohinosUduinnsventesioirdttleoos.eevW,yfdoiasedshSnwotebtdolasnleoahtnceh.resaHesemaa,fiwrissrsoelkayfmtipesrhesdoefvhtopehivysuuriioysdrlva,uediphrdnoaaeaegyrnwoeel.odssnavttsoesnd information. 4 This YouTuber earned the most money in one year. 5 This YouTuber saw videos online and wanted to copy them. 6 This YouTuber isn’t British. 16 Amazing fact! D id you know that it would take more than 1,700 years to watch all the videos on YouTube?

VOCABULARY A Complete the sentences with these words. Add A Find the words in the blog. commas where necessary. You have to use two of the words twice. 1 avery famous person, eg an actor or a football player s _u _p _e _r _s _t _a _r when where which who whose 2 a short film v _ _ _ _ 1 The song which they wrote is amazing. 3 another name for the Internet t _ _ N _ _ 2 Dan Middleton is a YouTuber is 4 the way that you feel very rich. f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 something which shows videos or TV programmes 3 Last Friday we travelled to c _ _ _ _ _ _ Hollywood we met a film star. 6 the kind of money which is used in America d _ _ _ _ _ 4 Chance the Rapper full name is Chancelor Jonathan Bennett is a hip hop singer. 5 That’s the place we saw George Clooney. 6 Look! She’s the celebrity is in my favourite TV show. 7 Emails are like letters are usually short. B Complete the paragraph with these nouns. B In which sentences in A could we use that? audience celebrity film star pop star show So you want to be famous? LISTENING Years ago, it was difficult to become famous. Today it’s different. Singers can go on a TV 1 show like Listen and circle T (true) or F (false). The X Factor. Millions of people watch the singers on 1 Fifteen thousand people watch May’s TV and, if the 2 likes a singer, he or she videos. will perhaps become a famous 3 ! And T/F an actor can become a(n) 4 when he 2 It’s easy to change your channel’s name. T/F or she is in a very popular film. A(n) 5 3 It’s OK if your picture is unusual. T/F can be a famous footballer or YouTuber, too. It’s true that 4 It’s important to buy an expensive camera. T/F almost anyone can be famous today. 5 Your videos should be different from other T/F T/F people’s. 6 Having fun is more important than making money. GRAMMAR See Grammar Unit 1 Lesson 3. Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses SPEAKING We use relative clauses to give more information about a noun in a sentence. A relative clause begins with a relative Ask and answer with a partner about videos and pronoun (who, whose or which) or a relative adverb YouTube. (where or when). ∙ Do you often watch YouTube videos? She’s the girl who started a blog. ∙ What’s your favourite kind of video? Is that the man whose son is a pop star? ∙ Who’s your favourite YouTuber? That’s the channel which I always watch. ∙ Do you share videos with your friends? Brighton, England is the place where Zoe Suggs lives. ∙ Have you ever made a video and put it on YouTube? That’s the day when we met the famous actor. I watch YouTube videos A defining relative clause gives essential information every day. My favourite about someone or something. It isn’t separated from the ones are funny cat videos. rest of the sentence with commas. In a defining relative clause, we can use that instead of who and which. He is a boy who/that could become a superstar! The Net is something which/that I use every day. A non-defining relative clause gives extra information about someone or something. We separate it from the main part of the sentence with commas. We cannot use that instead of who and which. Videos, which are short films, are often very funny. My dad, who comes from the USA, is forty years old. Canada, where the Weeknd lives, is a big country. UNIT 1 LESSON 3 17

Lesson 4 READING A Find and underline these words in the webpage. What do they mean? Instagram like magical power role so what UNICEF ambassador was born wizard SelenwariGtteonmbyezher biggest fan! I’ve watched Selena in different shows since I was very young, and I suppose that’s why I love her so much! She’s an amazing singer and actor, and she’s very attractive, too. ‘So what?’ I hear you saying, ‘Tell me something I don’t know.’ That was the title of one of her well-known songs! 1 c Selena was born in Texas in 1992. When she was only 10, she had already started acting in a children’s TV show, Barney and Friends. The main star, Barney, was a big purple dinosaur. 2 That show taught her a lot! As she was growing up, she appeared in lots of children’s TV programmes. Then she was given perhaps her most important role in a series called The Wizards of Waverly Place. It was about three teenagers who had magical powers. She played Alex Russo, the only daughter in a family of wizards. 3 They all wanted to become the next family wizard! As well as becoming famous as an actor during this time, Selena also became popular for her singing. 4 When this series ended, she concentrated on her singing and became a pop star! She was also the first person to get a million likes on Instagram! Of course, she’s followed by so many fans – I’m glad to say they include me! 5 She was also chosen to be a UNICEF ambassador when she was still a teenager! She was only 17, and the youngest person ever to do this job! B Read the webpage and complete it with these sentences. There are two sentences that you do not need. a She had to act next to him. e She sang some of the songs in the series. b These films made her famous! f In the series, she was in a competition with her two brothers. c I still listen to it sometimes. g She has done lots of concerts. d But wait, there’s more! 18 Amazing fact! D id you know that Selena Gomez is the voice of Mavis in Disney’s Hotel Transylvania films?

VOCABULARY •  W e use by + the subject of the active sentence if we want to say who the agent is. A Complete the sentences with these verbs. The TV channel chose that actor. act concentrate follow grow up ➝ That actor was chosen by the TV channel. include play suppose See the table on page 118 and a list of irregular verbs on pages 121-122. 1 I suppose you’ve heard of Selena Gomez? Rewrite these active sentences in your notebook. Use the present simple passive or the past simple passive. 2 How many people do you on The words in bold will help you. 1 Teenagers all over the country watched the Instagram? concert. 3 He’s a famous actor; he’s going to 2 Does Mr Miller teach your brother? 3 The teacher asked you and Joan to concentrate. a police officer in his new film. 4 People everywhere prefer this show. 5 A lot of my fans don’t follow me. 4 Does this film any famous 6 Did these two roles make us famous? 7 Tim didn’t choose them to act in the film. songs? 8 They include Taylor Swift on this list of famous 5 If the students on their music, singers. will they become famous? 6 Jennifer Lopez is a singer and she can also ; she’s been in lots of films. 7 When I , I want to be an actor. B Match. 1 thin in a nice way a attractive JUST SAY it! 2 happy; pleased b slim 3 famous c well known A R ead these words and think about the sound of 4 not ugly d glad the letters in pink. What are the two different 5 not horrible e pleasant sounds? GRAMMAR See Grammar Unit 1 Lesson 4. grow job on photographer Rocky role show well known Passive I B  Now put the words in A in the right place. We use the passive when we are more interested in the action than in the person who does it. We also use Then listen and check. it when we don’t know, or it’s easy to understand, who does the action. grow /gərʊo/w job /ɒ/ The show is watched all over the world. These songs were written in a special way. Lots of concerts are done every year. When we want to say who does the action, we use by. This person is called the agent. The role was played by a well-known actor. We make the present simple passive with am, are or is and the past participle of the main verb. She is asked a lot of questions. SPEAKING I’m not followed by many people on Instagram. We make the past simple passive with was or were and Ask and answer questions with a partner to find the the past participle of the main verb. information about the celebrities. Student A should The Instagram photo was taken by my brother yesterday. look at Cards A and B on page 123. Student B should Were fans invited to the pop star’s birthday party? look at Cards C and D on page 125. Changing active sentences into passive sentences • We use the object of the active sentence as the subject What is the celebrity’s name? His name is Cole Sprouse. of the passive sentence. WRITING The TV channel chose that actor. ➝ That actor was Write a paragraph in your notebook about one of the chosen by the TV channel. celebrities in Speaking. • We use the verb to be and the past participle of the main verb in the active sentence. The TV channel chose that actor. ➝ That actor was chosen by the TV channel. UNIT 1 LESSON 4 19

Skills Building GRAMMAR See Grammar Unit 1 Lesson 5. Order of Adjectives When there is more than one adjective, we use them in this order: Type We use adjectives to describe someone Opinion Size Age Shape Colour Origin Material digital or something. Adjectives usually come cool big new square red English metal before the noun they describe or after a big square metal box cool new red trainers verbs like be, feel, look, smell, taste, etc. She’s a very attractive woman. My clothes are comfortable. Put the adjectives in the correct order. Add a or an when necessary. 1 old / silver / enormous 5 American / red / cool enormous old silver earrings 7 young / English / pleasant car cube actor 2 glass / beautiful / small cups 8 plastic / digital / brown clock 3 paper / orange / horrible LISTENING it right! In this activity, you must match people to A  Listen to Harry talking to Robert about the clothes pictures of objects. Be careful – there are two extra pictures. The speakers will talk about which he bought. What did he not buy? all the pictures, not just the ones which are A BC correct, so listen carefully to everything the speakers say before you match the pictures. B  Daisy is telling John about her favourite things. Who gave her each thing? Listen and write a letter in each box. There is one example. her sister AB her uncle CD her aunt her parents E EF GH her brother her grandma 20

SPEAKING it right! In some speaking activities, Ask and answer with a partner about your favourite things. you are given some words and you have to make questions • what? • from? with them. Make sure you • colour? • when? know how to make different • made of? • expensive? kinds of questions correctly. Asking questions What is …? What colour/kind/size is it? What is it made of? Who/Where is/was it from? When do/did ...? Is it …? /Are they …? What is your favourite thing? My smartphone. I love it! WRITING A Match. it right! 1 Hi …! a nice 2 Thanks a lot for … b Best wishes, 3 cool c Thank you for … When you write an email or a letter 4 Bye for now, d Dear …, to a friend or a person in your family, 5 How’s it going? e for a long time remember to use informal language. 6 for ages f How are you? B Complete the email with these words. C Write an email to a friend, thanking him or her ages been up to cool Hi How’s it for a birthday present. Use the plan to help See you Thanks a lot you. Use informal language and don’t forget to check your work when you finish. 1 Hi Grace! Plan 2 going? 3 for the Hi …,/Hello …, beautiful silver earrings. Silver is my favourite colour Paragraph 1: Thank your friend and say and they look fantastic with my new dress. something about your present. I had a great time on my birthday and I got lots of Paragraph 2: Describe your birthday, presents, party, etc. Paragraph 3: Ask about your friend’s news and say that you want to see him/her. Bye for now/See you soon! presents. Mum and Dad gave me a fantastic blue skateboard. Now I don’t have to borrow my brother’s all the time! My grandparents gave me money which was really 4 . I’m going to spend it on a digital camera. I haven’t seen you for 5 ! What have you 6 ? I’d love to see you. Why don’t we meet at the weekend? 7 soon! Katy UNIT 1 SKILLS BUILDING 21

Review 1 VOCABULARY GRAMMAR A Read the words in the list. Are they people (P) or A C omplete the sentences with the words in things (T)? brackets. Use the present simple or the present continuous. 1 celebrity P 6 superstar 2 pocket 7 trick 1 In th is p ictu re, my brothers are 3 style 8 film star lying 4 teenager 9 uniform (lie) on the sofa. They 5 show 10 belt (wear) their pyjamas. 2 I (think) about buying these baggy trousers, but I B Complete the dialogues with the words in bold. (not be) sure that I like the colour. 1 audience channel video 3 ‘ (that boy / use) your headphones at the moment?’ A: The schaouodliecnocnecert was great! Everyone in the ‘Yes, he .’ really enjoyed it! B: Yes, it was amazing! My friend, who’s a YouTuber, 4 ‘ (always you / get made a(n) of it. It’s going dressed) before you have breakfast?’ to be on his YouTube ! 2 ring shopping centre ties trainers ‘Yes, we .’ A: W hat did Dad buy at the ? 5 I (not buy) any new clothes this month. B: He bought a pair of for running, two for work and 6 ‘ (your children / like) their school uniforms?’ a silver for Mum. ‘No, they .’ 3 cost dollar download mobile pocket money A: Did it a lot to 7 The shopping centre (open) at nine o’clock. the new game onto your ? 8 ‘ (Tina / go) to the B: It was one I was glad I didn’t have to use all my ! fashion show at the weekend?’ ‘No, she .’ C Circle the correct words. B Circle the correct words. 1 I want to listen to some music, but I can’t find my 1 A: My mum and dad were spending / used to earrings / headphones. spend a lot of time trying to solve puzzles. 2 My friend, Margie, is a very pleasant / slim person – B: O h, were they / did they? And did they use to I enjoy spending time with her. solve / were they solving them? 3 Have you heard of the new dance craze / card called A: Sometimes! The Floss? 2 A: Did he enjoy / Was he enjoying catching 4 Turn off the TV – I can’t concentrate / appear on my Pokémon creatures when he was young? homework! B: Yes, he did / he was, and he was having / had 5 Ariane Grande is a nice person, and she can sing. I lots of fun training them, too. train / suppose that’s why her fans love her. 3 A: W hat did you do / did you use to do when you D Complete the sentences with these nouns. saw the man in your garden? accessories digital camera feelings B: I left / was leaving my room, was going / went necklace the Net downstairs and dialled / was dialling 999. 1 What’s the matter, Sue? Talk about your problems – 4 A: Tell me a story, Grandpa! don’t hide your feelings . B: OK. Listen … It used to be / was a beautiful 2 Ioften use to help me morning. Maria played / was playing in the when I do school projects. park when she saw / was seeing something 3 This strange in the sky! It’s made of gold. was my grandmother’s. 5 A: W e didn’t use to learn / weren’t learning the 4 ‘Do you have a(n) ?’ new dance crazes. ‘No, I use the one on my phone.’ 5 Idon’t think fashion is interesting, so I don’t usually B: Well, you do now. I was seeing / saw you while wear a lot of . you were practising / used to practise in the living room last night! 22

C The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words. Add commas where necessary. 1 That’s the hotel which we met Hilary Swank. 5 He’s the man when has his own YouTube channel. where 2 That’s the Rubik’s Cube who I bought. 6 The shampoo whose she uses is expensive. 7 MP3 players that are a kind of small gadget aren’t 3 Last month which they visited Leeds they very popular these days. went to the new shopping centre. 4 Jaden Smith where father is Will Smith is an 8 My grandpa that is very kind gives me pocket American celebrity. money every week. D C omplete the sentences with the words in E T he adjectives in bold are in the wrong order. brackets. Use the present simple passive or the Write them in the correct order. past simple passive. 1 Grandpa is wearing his new comfortable wool 1 ‘ Were you asked socks. comfortable new wool (you / ask) to leave the stadium last night?’ 2 Do you know who the young American were .’ attractive singer called Demi Lovato is? ‘Yes, we 2 Drums (not use) 3 Grandma’s metal electric grey cooker is very old. at the concert I went to last week. 3 These days, celebrities 4 Jack’s riding his cousin’s English black cool (often choose) to be UNICEF ambassadors. bicycle. 4 Ilove this new show. It 5 Look at this old gold big ring. I love it! (create) by Chuck Lorre and Steven Molaro. 6 Ibought Mum these tiny pretty silver earrings for her birthday. 5 I didn’t make this film alone – it (make) by a lot of people. 7 We hate the plastic horrible purple curtain in 6 ‘ (he / teach) how our bathroom. to sing in his music class this year?’ 8 I’m wearing my long red amazing scarf to the fashion show. ‘No, he .’ 7 She’s very friendly, but she (not invite) to many parties. 8 I don’t write these songs by myself. I watch this! (help) by my friend Amy. What kind of things can be in fashion? use it together! 1 A be B was C is 2 A in B out C up Choose the correct answers. 3 A glad B well known C attractive 4 A copied B followed C acted Humphrey Bogart 5 A includes B supposes C appears The actor Humphrey Bogart 1 born in the United States 6 A star B role C trend in 1899. He grew 2 in New York with his parents and his two sisters. He became very popular, and even these days, REVIEW 1 23 he’s very 3 because he still has a lot of fans. He 4 in more than seventy films. His list of films 5 one called The Big Sleep, which was first written as a book by the author Raymond Chandler. Bogart played the 6 of Philip Marlowe in that film. He was an actor for thirty-five years, but he died when he was only fifty-seven years old.

CLIL: Art and Design A  Can you label these clothes? Write. Then listen and check. Materials 1 2 3 cotton fleece leather material: silk wool pattern: → part: Patterns material: silk/cotton material: checked floral plain pattern: striped pattern: → part: collar → part: spotted striped Parts of clothes button collar pocket sleeve zip 4 5 Be careful! material: material: The words cotton, fleece, leather and pattern: pattern: silk are nouns, but we often use them like → part: → part: adjectives to describe what clothes are made of. My shoes are made of leather. I also have a leather bag. Dad's tie is made of silk. Mum has a silk scarf. B What are your favourite clothes like? Complete the table. Use these words to help you. coat dress jacket pyjamas shirt shorts skirt trousers T-shirt Clothes Material Pattern Parts C Talk to your partner about your favourite clothes, and when you wear them. My favourite T-shirt My favourite Project: AS UFRAVSEHYION is made of cotton. trousers are plain It’s striped and it brown. They have Do a class survey about has short sleeves. pockets, a zip and a fashion. Ask students about I’m wearing it now! button. I wear them their favourite clothes and find out what the most 24 when I go out. popular materials and patterns are.

Traditional clothing around the world CULTURE a saris A Where are these countries? Label the map. b India Japan Peru the Netherlands the Netherlands clogs i ii iv iii cd B R ead about traditional clothing around the world and match C Label the photos with the words in the photos to the paragraphs. bold in the paragraphs in B. 1 b In Japan, kimonos are worn on special days like weddings. A kimono is D Which piece of traditional clothing long and it’s usually made of silk. The patterns on kimonos often show different seasons. For example, butterflies and flowers are for spring. comes from which country? Write Men’s kimonos are simpler than women’s kimonos. Kimonos are often the names of the clothing on the expensive; a woman’s kimono can cost more than £10,000! map in A. 2 In India, some women wear a sari every day. A sari is a long piece of E Ask and answer with a partner. cotton or silk which is wrapped around the body. Some saris are eight metres long! Saris can be worn in lots of different ways. For example, you • Which traditional clothing do you like can wrap it around your body from the left or from the right, and you best? Why? can put it over your shoulder or around your neck. Saris come in lots of different colours and patterns. The favourite colour for weddings is red. • W hat traditional clothing is worn in your country? 3 In Peru, men wear a woollen poncho on special days. A poncho is like a jacket without sleeves or a collar. Ponchos are usually red, and • Do you know traditional clothing the pattern on the poncho shows which village the man comes from. which is worn in any other countries? Peruvian men also wear a woollen hat which covers the ears, called a chullo. Traditionally, fathers make chullos for their sons. take it home! Tell your family about the 4 In the Netherlands, clogs are traditional shoes that people used to wear. traditional clothing, which one But some farmers and gardeners still wear them every day to work. Clogs you would wear and why. are made of wood, so they are very strong, and they protect your feet too! About 3 million pairs of clogs are made in the Netherlands every year! 25

The Amazing Kids Episode 1: School Open Day 1 Today is Open Day at the Amazing School. The students are showing their projects to their teachers and families. 4 Rocky Did you finish your project, Dash? 5 Hello everyone. My first Dash Yes, I did. I found lots of interesting 6 fitness trend is hip hop dancing. Please watch. blogs about different things. What about you? Are you ready? Rocky Yes, I am. That’s my boy! Wow! 26

3 Miss Star Hello Feather. I like your project. Feather Hello, Miss Star. Thank you. I love 2 Well done, Cat! Hello, Cat. What’s accessories, so I decided to do a your project about? project about them. Miss Star  I love them too. Tell me about your favourite ones ... It’s about this puzzle that was popular in the 1980s. Let me tell you about it… 7 Linda Liar We are Frank False and Linda Liar, and you should 8 be frightened! Frank False We told you, Mr Top. You must close the Amazing Oh no! What am I going to do? School. Why is it still open? Close the school! What is happening? Mr Top I am frightened! But please, I don't want to close the school! EPISODE 1 27

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