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American Kids' Zone 3 Student's Book with Key Sample

Published by Hamilton House Publishers, 2022-08-30 10:18:29

Description: American Kids' Zone 3 Student's Book with Key Sample


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Student’s Book

Contents Grammar Vocabulary Page 4 Hello! 9 Unit 1 To be (affirmative, people 21 negative, questions) adjectives Plural nouns 33 This, that, these, those 35 47 Unit 2 Have (affirmative, story words negative, questions) 59 Possessive adjectives family jobs Review 1 Units 1 and 2 Unit 3 Present continuous clothes (affirmative) 1 verbs Unit 4 Present continuous story words (negative and questions) 1 verbs numbers 11–20 Review 2 Units 3 and 4 2

Grammar Vocabulary Page 61 Unit 5 Simple present story words 73 (affirmative) food 85 87 Unit 6 Simple present story words (questions) days of the week 99 Review 3 Units 5 and 6 111 113 Unit 7 Present continuous story words (affirmative) 2 outdoor activities Present continuous (negative and questions) 2 Unit 8 Whose and ’s clothes music Can (affirmative, negative, numbers 10–100 questions) Object pronouns Review 4 Units 7 and 8 Finger puppets 3

Hello! My name is Robbie. I’m a robot. 1 Listen and read. My name is Katie. My name is Jimmy. My name is Pete. I’m a kangaroo. My name is Fifi. I’m a fairy. I’m a jeep. I’m a pirate. 2 Read and match. 1 Robbie is a a pirate. 2 Pete is b a fairy. 3 Jimmy is c a kangaroo. 4 Fifi is d a robot. 5 Katie is e a jeep. 4

3 Write. a b c d_ e f g_ h i _j k l m n o_ p q_ r s t u_ v w_ x _y z 4 Match. pg J rh S R dj E W bs H P we G B 5 D

Hello! Hi! I’m a _pi _r _a _t _e. 5 Write. Hi! I’m a _j e e _p. 2 1 Hi! I’m a _f a _i _r y_. Hi! I’m a _r o b_ _o _t . Hi! I’m a k a_ n_ g_ a_ _r oo. 3 45 6 Write. o n_ e_ t w _ _o t h_ _r e_ _e f o_ _u _r f _i _v _e s _i _x s e _ v_ e_ _n e _ i g_ h_ _t n _i n_ e_ t e_ _n 6

7 Write. 1 b _r o_ w_ n_ 2 w h_ _i _t e_ 3 b _l u_ e_ 4 b _ l a_ c_ _k 5 r e_ d_ 6 g _r e_ e_ n_ 7 y e_ _l _l o_ w_ 8 Write. 1 a green robot 4 a yellow fairy 2 a blue pirate 5 a black jeep 6 a brown box 3 a red kangaroo 7

Hello! 9 Choose and write. brother sister mom dad grandpa grandma 1 grandpa 2 grandma 3 mom 4 sister 5 brother 6 dad 8

Unit This is our dad. He’s strong. My Zone Trace and color. I’m strong. I’m strong, too. 9

a A spider! Help! This is Fifi. She’s very 2 smart! Fifi, this is for you! 1 Listen and read. Thank you. 1 Hi! I’m Jimmy! I’m Robbie. I’m young I’m fast. and strong. I’m Katie. I’m young and tall. 3 I’m Pete. I’m not young! 4 A spider! Pete isn’t I’m old but I’m very brave! Help! brave. 2 Write the names. 1 Jimmy is fast. Let’s talk! 2  Robbie is young and strong. is tall. This is for you! 3 Katie is smart. Thank you. is old. 4 Fifi 5 Pete 10

young tall smart old brave spider 3 Read and learn. Negative 4 Write ’m, ’s or ’re. I’m not brave. To be He/She/It isn’t old. 1 We ’re old. Affirmative We/You/They aren’t short. 2 They ’re tall. I’m happy. 3 She ’s young. He/She/It’s young. 4 He ’s smart. We/You/They’re tall. 5 You ’re brave. 6 I ’m strong. I’m = I am I’m not = I am not isn’t = is not LooK! it’s = it is aren’t = are not you’re = you are Questions Short answers Are you old? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Is he tall? Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t. Are they brave? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 5 Complete the questions and answers. 1 Is she happy? 4 Is he brave? No, she isn’t . No, he isn’t . 2 Are they young? 5 Are they tall? No, they aren’t . Yes, they are . 3 Is it beautiful? 6 Is she smart? Yes, it is . Yes, she is . 6 Ask your friend. Are you hungry? Yes, I am. brave happy hungry  old short tall thirsty young 11

a Over to you! Is Sporty No, he isn’t! Trucky is your friend? my friend! He isn’t fast but he’s very cool! Am I fast? Yes, you are. Am I strong? Yes, you are. 1 Write ’m, ’s or ’re. 1 She ‘s very smart. 2 They ‘re young and strong. 3 I ‘m brave. 4 He ‘s short. 5 You ‘re fast. 6 It ‘s very small. 12

2 Write the answers. 1 Are they old? 4 Are they short? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 2 Is she sad? 5 Is she smart? Yes, she is. Yes, she is. 3 Is he brave? 6 Is it beautiful? No, he isn’t. Yes, it is. 3 Circle. brave beautiful smart fast happy hungry old strong tall thirsty young 13

b The children are here! 2 Those men are soldiers. 1 Listen and read. 1 Hi! We’re in the toy room with our friends. That man is a king. 3 This woman is a queen. 4 Oh, no! The children And that’s a castle. are here! It’s beautiful! Look! Two big feet! In the box now! 2 Read and circle. 1 He’s a king / queen. 1 2 3 4 2 She’s a fairy / queen. 3 He’s a king / soldier. 4 She’s a woman / man. 14

roomhappy mhaunngry sicoeldcierer am wsaodman thirsty child 3 Read and learn. Plural Nouns This, that, these, those This is a box. That’s a castle. Regular Irregular These are pens. Those are robots. -s man – men robot – robots woman – women -es child –­ children dress ­– dresses person – people box – boxes mouse – mice -ies tooth – teeth fairy – fairies foot – feet -ves leaf – leaves 4 Write this, that, these or those. 2 Look at that spider. 1 Look at these watches. 3 Look at those 4 Look at this mice. camera. 5 Complete the sentences. 6 Listen and say children  mice  teeth  men  women  people the chant. 1 2 34 1 Those people are happy. 5 Four tall doors and 2 Those men are tall. 6 four short doors. 3 Those teeth are big. 4 These are sad. 15 5 These children are old. 6 These women are hungry. mice

b Over to you! Wow! Look at those sandwiches! Look Oh no! Look at those feet! at these chocolate cupcakes! Yummy! The children are here! 1 Write. These are boxes. Those are mice. 1 This is a box. Those are fairies. 2 That is a mouse. These are women. 3 That is a fairy. Those are dresses. 4 This is a woman. Those are men. 5 That is a dress. 6 That is a man. 16

2 Read and circle. 5 Look at this / that spider! 1 This / That is a castle. 2 These / This mice are fat. 6 These / Those mice are small. 3 These / Those women are old. 7 Look at this / these soldier. 4 These / Those robots are smart. 8 That / These men are tall. 3 Read and match. 1 room e a 2 soldier f b 3 woman c 4 people g 5 child h d 6 man 7 mice 8 children 17

c 1 Listen and This man’s thin. He is Tim. chant. This cat’s fat. It is Pat. thin fat This girl’s pretty. She is Vicky. Tim That boy’s strong. He is John. That monster’s ugly. It is Bugly. Vicky Look at me! My name’s Dave! Help! It’s a monster! I’m not brave! Bugly John pretty ugly Pat Dave 2 Listen again. Then complete the sentences. pretty thin strong brave ugly fat 1 Tim is a man. He’s thin . 4 Bugly is a monster. It’s ugly . 2 John is a boy. He’s strong . 5 Vicky is a girl. She’s pretty . 3 Pat is a cat. It’s fat . 6 Dave is a boy. He isn’t brave . 3 Read and find the stickers. 1 23 4 Write. young old man tall 1 They’re young. children woman 2 He’s old. 3 She’s tall. 456 4 They’re strong. 5 They’re fat. strong fat mice ugly 6 It’s ugly. girls monster 18

KKpplialidandnesets't' 2 I’m Sarah and this is John. He’s my brother. I’m nine 1 Read. years old and he’s seven years old. We live in Hello! My name’s Richard. Rome. I’m tall and thin. 1 I’m eight years old and He’s short and thin. I live in London. I’m strong and smart! I love books! I always read a book before I go to bed. 2 Write the names. 3 Read, draw and write. 1 Richard is eight years old. My best friend is 2 Sarah is nine years old. nine years old. 3 John is short and thin. His name’s Peter. 4 Richard is strong and smart. He’s tall and thin. 5 Sarah is tall and thin. He’s very smart. 19

C LI LMath (ordinal numbers) 1 Read. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth 2 Count, read and color. 1 Color the second butterfly blue and the fourth butterfly green. 2 Color the first dress pink and the sixth dress orange. 3 Color the third car purple and the eighth car brown. 3 Write. 1 Lisa is the first . 2 Jim is the second . 3 Ann is the third . 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 4 Bill is the fourth . Lisa Jim Ann Bill Sue 5 Sue is the fifth . Values Be the first to help an old lady. 20

Unit 2 I have a new helmet. My Zone Match. a b c d 1 2 3 4 21

2a I’have a helmet! 2 Look! Robbie has 1 Listen and read. a new scooter! 1 Do you have a new watch? Yes, I do. I have a new ring, too! 3 I don’t have a new scooter, but I have a new camera. Oh, no! 4 Are you OK? 2 Write. 1 2 3 1 This is a camera . 2 This is a 3 This is a ring . 4 This is a watch .4 I’m fine, thanks! helmet . I have a new helmet! Let’s talk! I’m fine, thanks! 22

watch ring scooter camera helmet 3 Read and learn. Have Negative I/We/You/They don’t have a bike. Affirmative He/She/It doesn’t have short hair. I/We/You/They have a new scooter. He/She/It has big feet. don’t have = do not have LooK! doesn’t have = does not have Questions Short answers Do I/you/we/they have a camera? Yes, I/you/we/they do. Does he/she/it have a helmet? No, I/you/we/they don’t. Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t. 4 Read and circle. 5 Listen and ✔. a✔ b 1 1 Robbie has / have a✔ b a skateboard. 2 a b✔ 2 Pete has / have a parrot. 3 3 My friends doesn’t have / a✔ b 4 don’t have a camera. 4 Katie doesn’t have / don’t have a scooter. 5 The girls has / have new backpacks. 6 My brother has / have a new watch. 6 Ask your friend. No, he doesn’t. He has a green helmet. Does Robbie have a blue helmet? 23

2a Ov´er to you! Look! Fifi has a new dress! Fifi doesn’t have a new dress. And she doesn’t And she has a new scooter! have a new scooter. That’s Fifi’s sister, Elvina. Oh! Elvina has beautiful hair too! 1 Look and write. 1 Do you have (you) a camera? . No, I don’t 2 (he) a scooter? Does he have . 3 Y es, he does (she) a new watch? . Does she have N o, she doesn’t 4 Do they have (they) new helmets? . Y es, they do 5 Does she have (she) a new camera? . N o, she doesn’t 24

2 Complete the sentences. 1 The children have new toys. ✔ 2 M y friend doesn’t have a big room. ✘ 3 T he queen doesn’t have long hair. ✘ 4 T hose men don’t have big feet. ✘ 5 I have blue eyes. ✔ 3 What do they have? Match. a 1 Does she have a new camera? No, she doesn’t. She has a new watch. b 2 Does he have a new bike? No, he doesn’t. He has a new scooter. c 3 Do you have a new helmet? No, I don’t. I have a new ring. d 4 Does she have a new watch? No, she doesn’t. She has a new helmet. e 5 Does she have a new ring? No, she doesn’t. She has a new camera. 25

2b This is my family!1 Listen and read. 2 This is my aunt. Her name is Nicky. This green robot is my uncle. His name is Micky. 1 Look, Katie! This is my robot family. This is my dad. His name’s Bobbie. 3 These robots are my cousins. 4 And what’s that? The blue robot is Ticky and the red robot is Tocky! That’s their pet. Its name is Rover. 2 Complete the sentences. 1 I’m Robbie! Bobbie is my dad . 2 Nicky is my aunt . . 3 Micky is my uncle . 4 Ticky and Tocky are my cousins 5 Rover is their pet . 26

fahmaiplypy hauunngt ry iucneclceream cousasidn thirpsetty 3 Read and learn. 4 Read and circle. Possessive adjectives 1 I’m a clown. This is my / her hat. 2 We’re cousins. This is your / our house. I’m a pirate.This is my hat. 3 He’s a robot. This is his / her camera. You’re a king.This is your crown. 4 They’re sisters. This is their / our cat. He’s a robot.This is his helmet. 5 She’s my mom. This is his / her ring. She’s a queen.This is her cat. 6 You’re my dad. This is your / their car. It’s a cat.This is its tail. 7 It’s my cat. This is its / your ball. We’re children.This is our pet. They’re friends.This is their ball. 5 Complete the sentences. 6 Listen and write the number. Their His Its My Her ab 41 cd Hi! (1) My name is Tom. 23 This is my mom. (2) Her 7 Listen and say the chant. name is Jenny. My mom has a Look! Look! Look! brother. (3) His name is My sister has a big red book! Ken. Ken is my uncle. He has 27 two children. They’re my cousins. (4) Their names are Mike and Milly. That’s their cat. (5) Its name is Toby.

2b Over to you! This is my family. This is my Look at Well, these are my baby uncle. His name’s Rex. That’s these eggs! cousins. Their names are my aunt. Her name’s Dixie. Dino and Kron. 1 Complete. 1 This is my dad. His name’s Bobbie. 2 This is my aunt. Her name’s Nicky. 3 This is my unc le. His name’s Micky. 4  These are my cousins. Their names are Ticky and Tocky. name is Rover. 5 That’s their pe t. Its 28

2 Look, read and write. 2 I have a new ring. My new ring is blue. 1 She has a camera. Her camera is new. 3 They are a happy family. 4 The queen has a crown. Toby is their pet cat. Her crown is beautiful. 5 We have two rabbits. Our 6 Robbie has a new helmet. rabbits have long ears. His helmet is green. 7 She has a new book. Her book is red. 3 Complete. aunt cousins family pet uncle 1 This is Tom. He’s my uncle . 2 This is An n. She’s my aunt . 3 These are my cousins , Bob and Betty. 4 This is ou r pet cat. We love it! 5 Mark is a friend of the family . 29

2c 1 Listen and sing. doctor cook Jenny Billy Helen Vicky Ben pilot nurse Jenny’s a doctor. Billy’s a cook. police officer bus driver Helen’s a pilot. Vicky’s a nurse. What about you? What about you? a nurse? Are you a police officer? Or are you What about you? What about you? Gus Are you a pilot, a doctor or a cook? Ben’s a police officer. My name’s Gus. I’m a bus driver. That’s my big red bus! 2 Listen again. Then complete 1 Gus is a bus driver . the sentences. 2 Ben is a . 3 Helen is a police officer . pilot doctor bus driver  4 Jenny is a pilot . cook nurse police officer 5 Billy is a doctor . 6 Vicky is a . cook nurse 3 Read and find the stickers. 4 Write. 1 2 1  The bus driver has He’s a bus He’s a police a new watch. driver. officer. The police officer has 2  a new camera. The nurse has 3 4 3  She’s a nurse. She’s a cook. a new ring. The cook has 4  a new scooter. 30

KKpplialidandnesets't' 1 Read.  Hi! I’m Jack. 2 My mom’s a doctor. I’m nine years old. Her name is Emily. I’m from New York. She’s cool! 1  My mom has 3 a brother. He’s my uncle. His name is John. He’s a bus driver. 4 5  This is my dad.  My dad has a sister. His name is Ben. She’s my aunt. He’s a cook. He’s a great cook! Her name is Jenny. My aunt is a pilot! 2 Complete the sentences. 1 Jack is from New York . 3 Read, draw and write. 2 Emily is a doctor . 3 Ben is a cook . My name is Tony. This is my 4 Jenny is a . uncle. His name is Dave. He’s 5 John is a pilot . bus driver a cook. 31

C LI LHealth sciences (safety) 1 Read and trace. Stop. 2 Label the picture with red light Get ready. these words. yellow light Go. green light elbow pads gloves helmet knee pads 3 Look and read. skateboard Bike safety 1 helmet 2 elbow pads 3 gloves 1 I have my 4 I look for cars. helmet. 2 I stop at the 5 I take care 4 knee pads traffic lights. of my bike. 5 skateboard Values Always follow the safety rules. 3 I understand 6 I have bright road signs. clothes. 32

Review 3 Write is, isn’t, are or aren’t. 1 Write. 1 We are thin. 2 He isn’t young. They aren’t short. 1 p _i _l o_ _t 4 p _o _l _i c_ e_ 3 She is smart. He isn’t tall. o _f _f _i c_ e_ _r 2 b u_ _s d _r _i _v e_ _r 5 n u_ _r s_ e_ 4 5 3 c _o o_ _k 6 d _o _c _t o_ _r 6 They are fat. 2 Write. rings 4 Write. 1 one ring two men 1 She’s my mom. Her 2 one man seven watches 3 one watch three women name is Sally. 4 one woman ten fairies 2 They’re my cousins. Their 5 one fairy four people 6 one person seven children names are Lulu and Jim. 7 one child two 3 He’s my uncle. His name 8 one foot two feet is Tom. 4 She’s my aunt. Her name is Milly. Its name 5 This is my pet. is Coco. 6 We’re sisters. This is our car. 33

Review 6 Look at Exercise 5. Then complete the questions and answers. 5 Write has, doesn’t have, have or don’t have. 1  Does Katie have a helmet? No, she doesn’t. ✔✘ 2  Do Pete and Robbie have ✘✔ a camera? Yes, they do. 3  Does Fifi have a watch? Yes, she does. 4  Do Pete and Robbie have a scooter? No, they don’t. 5  Does Katie have a ring? Yes, she does. 6  Does Fifi have a necklace? No, she doesn’t. 7 Write about you. ✘✔ I have a watch but I don’t have a camera. 1 Katie doesn’t have a helmet. I have a bike but I don’t have a scooter. 2 Fifi has a watch. Student’s own answer 3 Pete and Robbie have a camera. 4 Katie has a ring. 5 Fifi doesn’t have a necklace. 6 Pete and Robbie don’t have a scooter. 34

Student’s Book American Kids’ Zone is a brand new and exciting multi-level course for young learners in primary school classes. American Kids’ Zone progresses gradually, helping your students reach the required vocabulary and language skill level to continue smoothly into secondary school classes. American Kids’ Zone 3 features: ●   e xciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalized warm-up tasks ●  c learly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organized to fit the teaching year ●  a ll the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practiced ●  fun and achievable activities developing and practicing all four skills ● s timulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as math and science in English, which aim to enrich the learners’ experience ●  t heme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world ● r egular revision sections ● m emorable songs and chants ●  a special Values section in every unit American Kids’ Zone for the student: American Kids’ Zone for the teacher: • Student’s Book with stickers • Teacher’s Book with embedded Student’s Book • Workbook in full color and Photocopiable Tests • Interactive e-book • Class Audio • Flashcard Pack • Interactive Whiteboard Software

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