2 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
President welcome remarks Mrs. Barbara Obot Thank you our honorable com- President missioner for works, Barrister Tanko Ashang for providing a Obudu Association in North America building block on which all else that happened tonightOn behalf of Obudu Associa- rests. Thank you to all our tion in North America members and other distin-(OANA), I am honored to wel- guished guests that have trav-come all of you to this momen- eled from all over the countrytous occasion of the very first to attend this convention.annual convention of our asso-ciation. Many of you have made O ANA began as a discussionit here through deep personal between a group of our el-sacrifice of time and re- der statesmen who felt the needsources. I Especially want to for natives of the former Obu-welcome our distinguished du Local Government Area toguests who have traveled over unite and form a forum. A Fo-6 thousand miles to be here rum where our individual tal-with us today. If such an effort ents can be harnessed towardsdoes not demonstrate love of a common purpose of buildingcommunity, I don't know what a community. Consequently,does. Our members are indebted Last summer, just 12 monthsto you for such magnanimity of ago today at our inauguraltime. (Thank you, your excel- meeting in Houston Texas,lency, Prof Ben Ayade, the ex- armed only with an enthusias-ecutive Governor of Cross riv- tic vision of creating a coali-er state for coming out here to tion with a vision of bringinggrace this occasion despite to bear our collective experi-your numerous commitments). ences, Our Association , Obudu Association in North America - Fondly called OANA was born. Our vision as an Association is to lead and facilitate, self- sustaining programs for Obudu community at home and abroad. O ne,only had to be there that day to experience the ex- citement that greeted our hum- ble birth as an organization. The determination to make sure this experiment will succeed, and the hope for something new and fresh for our community at large… ...Continued on Page 15 4 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
His Excellency, Prof. Ben AyadeExecutive Governor Of Cross River State Distinguished Guest Of Honor 5 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
BARR. TANGO ASHANGHonorable Commissioner for works, Cross River State Special Convention Guest of Honor 6 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
About Obudu Association in North America (OANA)OANA IDENTITYOur Identity is made up of Six (6) distinguishing symbolisms:1. The tree represents life.2. The hill represent the obstacle that must be overcome in our socio- economic landscape for the benefit of our community.3. The American and Nigerian flags represent our common goals in promoting unity, and exchange of ideas in our cross-continental heritage.4. The book represents an incubator of knowledge that can subsequently unleash the talents, ingenuity, imagination and foresight to do things that can improve the quality life in our community.5. The bird represents the agent of hope and freedom. It signifies how far and high we can reach when our bright ideas or various viewpoints coalesce constructively to enable us achieve a desired goal.6. The sun represents the light and positive energy that guide our innovation and continuous effort to make changes as needed on the road to accomplish our mission.OUR STORYOANA is a 501c 3 Non - Profit Organization formed in July 2014. The goal of OANA is to bring tobear the collective experiences of Obudu sons and daughters in the diaspora to lead and facilitate,sponsor and build capacity and skills, in order to develop opportunities for world-class education andself-sustaining programs for Obudu community at home and abroad. OANA is focused on three coreprograms.1. Education Access ProgramThis program is geared towards providing supporting and identifying educational resources to currenteducational facilities. Projects under this program are: RECYCLE - A - BOOK (RAB). MENTOR -A - SCHOOL (MAS). REHABILITATE - IT project (RI)2. Technology Transfer ProgramProjects interest under this program are: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER TRAINING (3T).TECHNOLOGY REUSE CORPS (TRC)3. Self-Sustaining Development ProgramThe Self Sustaining Enterprises (SSE) program is aimed at self sustaining education that will createmicro entrepreneurs . The goal of this program is to mobilize business leaders in various businesssectors to educate, mentor and promote self sustaining small business in order to reduce high rate ofunemployed youths within our community.To Learn More about and participate in any of these programs:Visit our website: www.obuduana.org. email us: [email protected] with us: facebook.com/obudupeople. Twitter.com/obuduana 7 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
Congratulations !!!Mrs. Christie Ubi and her boys Jerry, Bob and Chris heartily congratulates Obudu Association in North America (OANA), her motherland, on her 2015 LaunchingLong Live OANA! Long Live Nigeria!! Long Live USA!!! 8 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
The Family of Mr. & Mrs. Paddy Ubi CongratulatesObudu Association in North America ( OANA) and sends their warmest greetings toour invited guests and members on the occasion of her 2015 Convention in Minnesota. Congratulations !!! Long Live OANA! Long Live Nigeria!! Long Live The USA!!! 9 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin Uniandeye The Uniandeye family congratulates Obudu Association in North America (OANA) on their 2015 Fundraising Event & 1st National Convention Mr. Ben Obaretin & Family Mr. Ben Obaretin andFamily Congratulates Mr.and Mrs. Kevin Uniandeyeand Obudu Association of North America on the occasion of their First National Convention. 10 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
About our Project: THE water supply is a well that was sunk in 1959 and isTUBERCULOSIS UNIT IN OBUDU, in need of repairs.OBUDU LOCAL GOVERNMENT Access road - In lieu of the contagious nature ofAREA OF CROSS RIVER STATE the disease and the need for isolation, no drivableThe TB Unit was established by the Catholic road was constructed to the facility. In the event ofMissionaries in 1956 as an addition to the Leprosy emergency, it is not possible to transport a patientunit. on a timely manner to a facility with a higher levelThe program was first started as a monthly of care.treatment for TB and was later converted into a Medical facilities - Most of the equipment in userehabilitation center due increasing cases of the are as old and have been there since the colony wasdisease in the community. The center soon saw an established 59 years ago. The facility lacks goodescalated number of patients because this is the beds, mattresses, bed sheets, blankets, pillows,only unit of this sort in Northern Cross River State chairs, examination tables, desks, etc. The level ofand surrounding states. The coverage area include medical treatment at the facility is substandard andsurrounding Local Government Areas of Obanliku, there are inadequate medical supplies.Boki and Bekwarra. Patients also came as far asKwande and Vandeikya Local Government Areas Housing - The physical structures at the facilityof Benue State and even Akwaya in Cameroun. The are in a terrible state of disrepair and continue toeffective treatment of patients at this center greatly deteriorated with time. The sanitary condition,reduced the number of new cases of TB reported. including but not limited to pit toilets and showers,The number of new cases dropped significantly is deplorable. The pit toilets and the showers arefrom about 70 new cases between 1970 and the broken down. The patients at the center have1990s. Today the center cater to about 20-30 patient improvised by using the nearby bushes asper month. commodesProblems / Challenges facing the TB Unit OANA SOLUTION INITIATIVE Our goal as an association, is to mobilize resourcesDespite the success of this TB center, the center is that could be made available through sponsorships,facing some basic challenges that include: lack of donations, and fund raising activities to tackle oneelectric power, clean portable water, access road, or more problems at a time to revamp the facility.housing, security and basic medical facilities. All of your donations, whether small or large, shall be used to renovate the structures and improveElectricity - From its inception until date, the other conditions at the facility for both the patientscolony has not been connected to the National Grid and the staff.and we are still subjected to the use of kerosenelanterns as the source of light in the 21st century. We thank you for your generosity and by workingMost interestingly is the age of the lanterns that together with you, we shall make a difference in thehave been there for decades. Most times patients lives of the TB patients at the centerare asked to come with lanterns or candles to assist.Water - The unit due to the peculiarity of its The Fund Raising Committeelocation has no link to pipe borne water. The only 11 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
Amegie,Thank you for your tremendous couragein challenging us to provide leadershipfor the youth in the diaspora… yourdream has become a reality!Although you are no longer with us,we will always be surrounded with yourspirit.From your:Parents, Family & Friends. 12 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
The family of Prof. William & Mrs. Emma Undiecongratulate the Obudu Association in North America on their 1st Convention & Gala. 13 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
Col. & Mrs. Parker Undiandeye and FamilyWe extend big congratulations to our dear com- patriots of the Obudu Association in NorthAmerica (OANA) on this auspicious occasionof the 1st Annual Convention. It is our belief that the future of OANA will certainly sur- pass its past. As you convene, we wish all avery successful and event – filled convention. Do keep the spirit and flag of togetherness flying high for our common heritage sake. Up OANA! Up Obudu!! Long Live CrossRiver State and God Bless the Federal Repub- lic of Nigeria. 14 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
President welcome remarksLike many of you, I was also our association. You will be very skeptical about this new proud to identify with the sym-experiment. For many of you bols that make up our identity.have had souring experiences Please feel proud to obtain andwith similar attempts that fell wear your lapel pin proudly.apart in the past. However, wewere determined to make this Registration - without properone work as a model that could filling and registration withbe duplicated by others. We re- the appropriate authorities, wesolved that despite those past cannot fulfill our responsibili-experiences, that we will move ties. It will merely be a wishfulforward, learn from past mis- thinking. This association hastakes and build a stronger com- been fully registered with themunity, because we recognized state of Texas as a Non-Profitthat there is strength in num- organization.bers. As the old saying goes:United we stand, divided we 501.c.3 status - A 501.c.3 or-fall. ganization, is an Association that is duly registered and ob-Nurturing a new organization tains the tax exempt status from of this magnitude to maturi- the IRS. I am not sure how manyty is not a joke. It required fo- of you are aware of this, butcus, determination, and hard this is the most important as-work. I say that if I was not pect of any organization thatinvolved at the level you had hopes to do good. Without it,asked me to be, I may not have our association will only beunderstood how difficult it is to able crawl. Suffice it to saynurture this type of baby to that obtaining this status meanscrawl, then walk and finally that this association can nowrun. I am happy to report that run as fast as we want it to.the simple and faithful baby Lets just say that what we havesteps had proven to put us in is equivalent to what a groupthe right track to achieving our like the Red Cross or Unitedgoals. I am also happy to report Way has. Its now left for us toto you today that the state of decide how fast we want it tothe association is strong, our run.baby is now ready to run. C ommunications & Logistics -M ay I crave your indulgence because most of our members to highlight few landmarks are spread across North Ameri-that we have reached within the ca, it was critical that we havepast 12 month of our existence: a constant way to engage and share information. As at today,O ur Identity - An Identity we have a powerful... for any organization is acritical part of that organiza- …Continued on Page 17tion’s existence. The ideas thatyou all contributed help us tocome up with a true identity for 15 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
GOODWILL MESSAGE FROM ST ANNES HIGH SCHOOLOn behalf of Staff and Students of St. Annes High School Calabar, Cross River State, we extend our heartiest congratulations to the Obudu Association in North America on the occasion of its 1nd Annual Convention slated for July 25, 2015 in Minnesota. The ethos of uniting under a common cause for advancement of development in Obudu is not lost on us at St. Annes. Thanks for keeping the spirit of togetherness miles away from home. Please keep this noble ideal alive. Once more congrats!! I wish all well and fair winds. Mrs. Anne O. Eta Chairman and Proprietor 16 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
President welcome remarksA s at today, we have a power- the train and be a part of this ful and highly interactive historic journey. Don’t let thiswebsite that allow members to train move without you. I assurevoice their opinion, obtain and all of you that under my watch,share information freely, pay there will be no room for fail-their dues, donate or download ure. No room for indecision. Nodocuments like the by- laws room for anything that you mayetc. Our quarterly meeting have experienced in your pastthrough teleconferences has attempt to associate. Now is thebeen a huge success. Our social time for action. Differencesmedia feed - Facebook and twit- will always be there. In fact itter now has over 100 likes and is part of our human nature, butfollowers. Members are also when we put those individualable to go to any branch of differences aside to pursue aWells Fargo bank and make their common purpose, great things docontributions. We are truly a happen. If you still don't thinknet zero distance organization. this is true, then take a look at one such experiment- the Amer-Project & fund raising - our ican experiment - where indi- goal this year was to select a vidual differences were putproject that will help galvanize aside for a greater good. Todaythe momentum around our vision we are all benefactors of thatand mission. Consequently, we effort. We too can bequest ourselected as a project to rehabil- best effort to our posterity initate the Tuberculosis(TB) Cen- this foreign land that we nowter in Obudu Local Government call home.area, of Cross River State. TheTB Unit was established by the Finally, I will like to thankCatholic Missionaries in 1956 all those who contributed inas an addition to the Leprosy any form or fashion to makeunit. It has seen its days, and it this convention a memorableis in a high state of disrepair. one. There will be appropriateOur $50,000 goal of tonight’s opportunities to give individualfund raising activities will help thank yous. But I will like tous provide relief to the centers thank my family for their unwa-patrons. As part of this effort, vering support this past year -we initiated the sale raffle especially my wonderful kidstickets - if all our members for putting together the rafflesold 100 raffle tickets each. We ticket packets. Also my bestwill be half way through meet- friend, my husband, for puttinging our fund raising target for up with my excessive requestthe project. and time lines, and doing it graciously even at very oddThe future of our association hours of the day - our website, is very bright. Let us resolve our program booklets, workingfrom this day to be active par- with artist to get our logoticipants of this great oppor- right, designing our stationery,tunity to lift up one another. I raffle tickets, and the awesomecall on anyone who has beensitting on the sidelines to join ...Conclusion on page 19 17 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
MEMBERS ACHIEMENT MRS. CELILIA AJANG We thank God for the accomplishment that our mother/wife, Cecilia Ajang, has achieved this year. Not only do we want tocongratulate her on graduating as a part of the class of 2015 with her Masters in Nursing, we also commend her on being able to do sowhile going to work on a regular basis and performing her motherly duties. She shows her daughters and others in her community that the road to success is not easy, but it’s not impossible. Many obsta- cles andcircumstances may present themselves, but eminence is within reachwhen commitment and diligence play a part. Again we say Congrats and may you continue to flourish in all that you do! Love, your daughters Annie, Irima, Emma & husband Josephat AGBO IKOR - YOUTH LEADER I graduated from Vanderbilt University with Bachelors of Arts in Psychology, Philosophy, and Women and Gender Studies. Right now I am preparing for the LSAT, and I plan to attend law school next fall. Congratulations!!! JUSTINA USHANG UTIONKPAN Graduated from John Adams High School, Queens, New York (class of 2015) Proceeding to State University of New York, Oswego, New York Career of Interest: Medicine 18 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
President welcome remarksstep and repeat banners - used OANA members who worked toin our photo op today, etc, etc, make this day a success. I hopejust to mention a few. this day has awaken a new love for our beloved Obudu, ourL et me also use this chance to home state and our Country go- give a big thank you to my ing forward.relentless executive committeefor always reminding me of why Long Live OANA! Long Livewe are doing what we do, and Cross River State!! Long Livethe fund raising committee, the Nigeria!!! and Long Live TheConvention planning committee, USA!!!!the Board of trustees and allAcknowledgement & FarewellThe Executive committee , The Convention Planning Committee and Board ofTrustees of OANA wish to extend their heart felt appreciation to all ourmembers in Midwest and Canada for their efforts in making this occasionmemorable for everyone. Our special thanks goes to the chair of the conventionplanning committee, Mr. Walles Agoye, for his dedication in seeing the success ofthis event. This was quite a show. This fundraising will not be complete withoutthe efforts of Dr. Genevieve Aglazor for her efforts in bringing this project tolight and collecting vital information that enable us to make decision. We alsoextend our gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Uniandeye for their fundraisingefforts, they have single handedly raised over $1,000 towards our fund raisinggoal. A very big “shout out” to Prof. William Undie for his undying supportand encouragement and continuing to serve as cornerstone for our association.Finally, We appreciate the works of all OANA members that worked to raisefund by selling their raffle tickets and getting advertisement on into our programbooklet. May we continue in the spirit of togetherness, may God bless you all andsee you same time next year at 2016 convention!!! 19 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
Loaded Global Nig. Ltd 19A Colorado Crescent Maitama- Abuja Tel: 234-09098888882 Congratulates Obudu Association in North America On her One Year AnniversaryOur Specialties Are:1. General Contracting2. Commercial & Residential Land Development3. Road Construction, Sewer Lines etc.At Loaded Global Nig. Ltd,Quality is our No. 1 priority. Youcan either bring with your designor let our in-house architects andengineers do the design to yourspecifications. No job is too largeor small for us. Prince Akwaji Offiono Managing Director 20 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
21 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
OANA July 2014 - July 2015Executive committee Registered OANA MembersMRS. BARBARA OBOT President (Fort Worth TX) ADALIKWU CHRIS (Korea) ADIE TONY (Atlanta, GA)MR. WALLES AGOYE Vice President (Woodbury, MN) ADIE JONATHAN (Atlanta, GA) ADIE JUSTY (Vancouver, Canada)PROF. WILLIAM UNDIE Secretary (Houston, TX) ADOGA RICHARD (Houston, TX) AGADA ROSE (Chicago, IL)MRS. CECILIA UNIANDEYE Treasurer (Houston TX) AGBA TERESA (Baltimore, MD) AGBA CY & ALICE (Indiana)MR. JOSEPHAT AJANG C.I.O (New York, NY) AGLAZOR GENEVIEVE ( Calabar, Nigeria) AGOYE WALLES AND JENNA (Woodbury, MN)MS. AGBO IKOR Youth Leader (Atlanta, GA) AJANG JOSEPHAT AND CECILIA (New York, NY) ALADA MICHAEL and TERESA (Minneapolis, MN)Board of Trustees ANANA UWHHANKEBE (Baltimore, MD)PROF. ASHIWEL UNDIEH CHAIRMAN (Baltimore, MD) OBOT BASSEY AND BARBARA (Fort Worth TX)DR. PETER UGBONG (New Carrolton, MD) OGEDENGBE COSBY & USHANG (Atlanta, GA)DR. GENEVIEVE AGLAZOR (Calabar, Nigeria) BEPEH ROSE (Dallas, TX)MRS. JOY GOLD (Bronx, NY) EYO ALICE (Providence, RI)MR. MICHAEL ALADA (Minneapolis, MN) GOLD JOY (Queens, NY) IKWUN BIBIANA (Sister) (Oklahoma)Convention Planning IKOR TONY AND MARY (Atlanta, GA)Committee SHYAM CHRIS (Albany, NY)MR. WALLES AGOYE CHAIR (Woodbury, MN) UBI PATRICK AND CHRISTY (ST. Paul, MN)MR. & MRS. PADDY UBI ( St. Paul, MN) UGBONG PETER & UTEBYE (New, Carrollton, MD)MR. & MRS. MICHAEL ALADA (Minneapolis, MN) UKE PATRICK (Minneapolis, MN)MR. & MRS. RICHARD OGAR ( St. Paul MN) UNDIANDEYE PARKER & EKOR (New York, NY)MRS. ROSE AGADA (Chicago, IL) UNDIE JOHN (Los Angelis, CA)MS. JUSTINA ADIE (Vancouver, Canada) UNDIE WILLIAM AND EMMA (Houston, TX) UNDIEH ASHIWEL & AMAKA (Baltimore, MD)Fundraising Committee UNIANDEYE KEVIN AND CECILIA (Houston, TX)DR. PETER UGBONG Chair (New Carrollton, MD) UTIETIANG BEKEH (MR. KEVIN UNIANDEYE (Houston, TX) UTIOKPANG GABRIEL & ANGELINA (New York, NY)MR. MICHAEL ALADA (Minneapolis, MN) ILAM BOBBY ( WV)MRS. ROSE AGADA (Chicago, IL ) OGAR RICHARD AND FLORA (Minneapolis, MN)MRS. CHRISTIE UBI (ST, Paul, MN) AWHEN GODWIN & Felicitas (Dallas, TX)MR. GODWIN AWHEN (Dallas, TX) ADALIKWU PAUL (Nigeria)MRS. JANE EKOR UNIANDEYE ( New York, NY) OLAH SIMON ( Chicago, IL) 22 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
Goodwill Message from Obot Family The Obot family congratulate, The President & the Executive Committee for steering OANA from its infancy to becoming a formidableAssociation ofObudu people inDiaspora.Congratulations!What aremarkableaccomplishment!! 23 OANA 2015 Convention. Minnesota. July 25
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