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Home Explore PS NEWSLETTER 1.20


Published by deasyalfarizi, 2020-12-23 07:47:42

Description: PS NEWSLETTER 1.20

Keywords: school updates


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Team Leader Kurnia Khoirun Nisa’, S.Pd. Managing Editors Deasy Asdini P. L Principal Hafiduddin, S.Pd.I Layout and Design M. Agung E. Wijaya Information and Photos Collectors Teachers of Little Camel International Islamic Preschool Staff Writer Teachers and Students of Little Camel International Islamic Preschool

Kata Pengantar ‫ والصلاة والسلام على سيد نا محمد المبعوث لتتميم مكارم الاخلاق‬,‫الحمد لله الكريم الخللاق‬ Syukur Alhamdulillah nikmat dan rahmat Allah SWT masih dilimpahkan kepada kita semua. Shalawat dan salam semoga selalu tercurah limpahkan kepada baginda manusia yang paling agung, Muhammad SAW. Allahumma Shalli Ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad.. Ayah Bunda wali santri Little Camel International Islamic Preschool, kami hadir untuk menjadi mitra anda untuk mendidik dan membimbing putra dan putri kesayangan anda. Kami hadir memberikan kebutuhan mereka melalui kegiatan yang bermakna. Menstimulasi dan membentuk karakter kemandirian serta kepribadian yang baik merupakan tujuan kami. Tidak kalah pentingnya pondasi agama bagi mereka menjadi bagian prioritas pembelajaran kami. Montessori adalah bagian dari metode yang kita gunakan. Hal tersebut dirancang untuk menstimulasi indera, kognitif dan kemandirian putra putri Ayah Bunda sekalian. Selain itu, metode Montessori kami rancang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan minat anak, yang didalamnya ada kebebasan dari ragam kegiatan untuk mengembangkan kreatifitas anak, yang kesuluruhan dari kegiatan tersebut terpusat pada anak. Subjek - subjek pembelajaran Montessori di lembaga kami terdiri dari Language, Culture, Practical Life, dan Math. Keempat subjet tersebut akan membantu kebutuhan putra putri ayah bunda untuk menjadi anak yang tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai dengan usianya. Semoga hadirnya sekolah kami menjadi solusi dan membantu putra-putri Ayah Bunda mencapai kemajuan tumbuih kembang sesuai dengan harapan kita semua, yakni anak yang cerdas, sukses, dan berkarakter. Amin Ya Raobbal Alamin. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Mojokerto, Desember 2020 Principal of Little Camel Preschool Hafiddudin, S.PdI

‫ال َّسلاَ ُم َعلَ ْي ُك ْم َو َر ْح َمةُ الل ِه َوبَ َر َكاتُه‬ Greeting From Us………. Hi, everyone. How is life? Hope you and family are in the best of health. Aamiin Yaa Rabbal Alamin. During the pandemic Covid-19, we have to take care of ourselves, family, and people around us by practicing good habits such as washing hands frequently, wearing masks when working or hanging out, and consuming healthy foods to kepp our body immune system strong. We hope you are still able to enjoy the life in this new normal era. We, newsletter editorial team from Little Camel Preschool, are happy to release our newest letters for you to read and contemplate. Since 2019/2020 academic year, we have implemented Islamic Montessori during the teaching and learning process. Teachers joined the Montessori training held at school and practiced it successfully during the online and blended classes. Although most of the time students schooled from home, teacher and parents worked together to make the online learning meaningful and fun. Alhamdulillah, our students enjoyed the activities designed by the teachers from the school for them to do at home. We appreciate all the parents who help their children to join the virtual class during the first semester. That is why, in this December edition, we intentionally use our Islamic Montessori as our newsletter topic. We collected and selected the best projects done by students. We want you know that both teachers and students did very well using Montessori. In addition, our playgroup and kindergarten students as young learners were capable to join and enjoy the online learning from home successfully. There is no worry for parents not to let them study at school. They absolutely can study from home. By reading our newsletters, you will know that when we (the teachers and parents) keep on being creative, the children will be the same. Thank you and enjoy reading. ُ‫َو ال َّسلاَ ُم َعلَ ْي ُك ْم َو َر ْح َمةُ الل ِه َوبَ َر َكاتُه‬ Best Regards, Newsletter Team Leader (Kurnia Khoirun Nisa’, S.Pd.)

Ditulis oleh: Yetik Usvaita, S. Pd Practical life merupakan salah satu area penting yang harus anak kuasai karena kegiatan-kegiatan pada area ini dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga memungkinkan anak untuk berlatih mendiri. Tanpa di dukung oleh sifat mandiri maka anak akan sulit untuk mencapai sesuatu secara maksimal, semakin dini usia anak untuk berlatih mandiri dalam melakukan tugas-tugas perkembangan, semakin baik pula perkembangan sosial-emosionalnya khususnya dalam hal kepercayaan diri. Kemandirian dapat berkembang dengan baik, namun harus diberikan latihan yang dilakukan secara terus menerus. Diawali dengan memberikan latihan berupa melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari seperti pada gambar di bawah ini yaitu kegiatan memarut wortel dengan menggunakan alat pemarut keju. Dari kegiatan ini, anak diharapkan akan mengenal bagaimana menggunakan teknologi sederhana di sekitar mereka, melatih mengembangkan motorik dan yang tidak kalah penting adalah belajar mandiri sejak dini. Kegiatan ini sangat menyenangkan dan sangat mudah diaplikasikan di rumah dengan pengawasan dari Orang Tua. Pada kegiatan pertama Ananda membaca doa sebelum melakukan kegiatan, kemudian menyiapkan 1-2 batang wortel dan alat pemarut keju. Berikutnya Ananda memulai untuk memarut wortel dari atas ke bawah secara hati-hati. Ananda diajarkan untuk mengumpulkan hasil parutan wortel termasuk yang masih menempel pada alat pemarut. Setelah itu Bunda dapat mengajak Ananda untuk membersihkan meja dan mencuci alat yang telah digunakan. Pada kegiatan penutup, Ananda mencuci tangan dan membaca doa setelah melakukan kegiatan. “Kakak sangat antusias setiap kali melakukan dan menyelesaikan setiap kegiatan Practical Life. Dengan melakukan kegiatan ini, kakak lebih mandiri dan dapat membantu kegiatan Bunda. Melalui kegiatan memarut wortel, kakak dapat mengenal sayur wortel dan mendeskripsikannya mulai dari bentuk, warna, dan manfaatnya. Kakak juga dapat mengetahui alat yang digunakan seperti alat pemarut keju dan baskom. Terima kasih, Umi.” (Bunda Kak Alvaro)

Written by: Yuli Laili, S. Pd On the first week of September, the playgroup students in Little Camel Preschool had been introduced fruits by using puzzle games and flashcards. This activity taught them a fruit as a part of a plant and introduced kinds of fruits in their surroundings. Formerly, the students were shown pictures of fruits using flashcards and some videos which were available in the link Fruits are sources of essential vitamins and minerals and contain high fiber. Fruits are nutritious foods. It is important to teach the children kinds of fruits and their benefits. The fruit used by teacher in the teaching and learning was watermelon because watermelon has a bright color and most children like it. The taste is sweet too. The teacher was confident that the students would be excited to complete the project. For this fun activity, the teacher provided some materials for making a watermelon craft for the students. The materials were pictures of watermelon, paper plate, water colors, brushes, and origami paper. The water colors or pasta block, scissors, glue, and origami paper were prepared by the students at home. Through online and blended learning (zoom and face to face meeting), the teacher guided the students step by step how to make a watermelon craft using a paper plate. First, the students prepare the paper plate, brushes, a plate or bowl, water color or pasta block, origami paper (black color), and water if needed. The students took some green color and painted on the edge of the paper plate then spread it with a brush. Then the students took the red color to paint the circle in the middle of the paper plate and waited it to dry for a few minutes. After that, the students cut out black origami paper then stuck on the watermelon picture craft. Kak Mikha is a girl student from Playgroup Star 1. She had completed the activity very well at home. She was very independent and active in participating in online learning zoom. When working on worksheet and making crafts like watermelon crafts from paper plate, she was very enthusiastic. Kak Mikha‘s final project showed that she knew how to make a watermelon craft with a paper plate and water color. Great Job! My work “My opinion as a parent about cycle making watermelon craft is while doing the project, my daughter was so excited and enthusiastic. Learning culture subject is very interesting because children are always excited about new things, especially related to “making watermelon crafts or playing using dough. Both are very interesting. Children can do it by themselves.” (Kak Mikha’s Mother)

Written by: Ditha Jami’atus Sholikah, S. Pd On the fourth week of November 2020, the playgroup students in Little Camel Preschool learnt how to make finger painting of animals by using colored flour. Finger painting is the process of painting using fingers or hands applied on paper by using water colors. However, there was one difference in the finger painting that we did. Usually, people uses water colors but this time we used using colored flour. So, it is safe for the children. Finger painting has many benefits such as developing the sense of touch, improving eye and hand coordination, and exploring creativity. The theme of this finger painting activity was animals so that students knew kinds of animals. The teacher prepared the materials which were colored flour, plate, and paper. At first, the teacher explained the students how to make finger painting of animal by using colored flour. After preparing the materials, the first step was putting the finger on colored flour. The second step was sticking and pressing the finger on paper. The student might use brushes to flatten the colored flour on paper. Then, students chose any animals and colors they liked and did it themselves. Kak Bintang, a student from playgroup STAR 3. He was always enthusiastic to learn new things and diligent to do the homework. One of the activities he had done was finger painting of animals by using colored flour. Kak Bintang made a frog and a turtle. He could it independently with a little help from his mother. He looked so happy when doing this activity. “Alhamdulillah, Kak Bintang was very enthusiastic when doing finger painting activity. He was happy because he could know kinds of animals made by himself. Finally, He could make the animals by using his own hand. After that, he always wants to make finger painting of animal again and again. Then, he shows his work to his father. He said “Dad, I can make a frog”. (Kak Bintang’s Mom)

Ditulis oleh: Iftitah Ilmawati, S. PdI Pada tahun ajaran 2020-2021 Little Camel Islamic Preschool menerapkan kurikulum Montesori. Dalam kurikulum tersebut terdapat beberapa subjek area pembelajaran, mulai dari Language, Culture, Math, Sensorial, hingga Practical Life. Dalam kesempatan kali ini kami akan membahas salah satu subjek area pembelajaran, yaitu area Practical Life. Practical Life merupakan kegiatan yang sering dilakukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan melakukan pembelajaran Practical Life diharapkan semua siswa Little Camel Islamic Preschool mampu melakukan kegiatan atau rutinitas sehari-hari dengan tepat dan mandiri. Pada minggu kedua bulan Oktober, tepatnya tanggal 14 Oktober 2020 area belajar Practical Life melakukan kegiatan memarut keju. Kegiatan tersebut diperuntukan untuk para siswa TK A Little Camel Islamic Preschool. Kegiatan tersebut bertujuan agar para siswa mampu secara mandiri membantu orang tua memarut keju. Melalui pembelajaran online dan blended (Zoom dan tatap muka), terlebih dahulu guru menyebutkan semua alat dan bahan yang dibutuhkan, mulai dari parutan keju, piring dan keju. Setelah alat dan bahan terkumpul, guru memberikan arahan dan contoh bagaimana cara memarut keju dengan benar. Dimulai dari cara memegang parutan, memegang keju dan mengumpulkan hasil parutan keju. Untuk kegiatan belajar dari rumah, diharapkan peran orang tua hanya memberi arahan dan pengawasan ketika siswa sedang memarut keju. Orang tua memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk melakukan semua kegiatan dengan mandiri, mulai dari menyiapkan alat dan bahan serta memarut keju dengan benar. Pada kesempatan kali ini kami mengambil contoh salah satu siswa TK A2 yang bernama Hafsah Asyila Rachman. Kak Asyila melakukan kegiatan memarut keju di rumah. Dengan arahan dari guru di sekolah melalui pembelajaran online (zoom) dan bimbingan dari orang tua di rumah, kak Asyila mampu memarut keju dengan mandiri. Kak Asyila sangat antusias dan mahir melakukannya, sehingga kegiatan tersebut terasa menyenangkan baginya. Kak Asyila mampu mengumpulkan parutan keju sangat banyak. Good job kakak! Alhamdulillah kak Asyila selalu senang dan antusias sekali setiap mengerjakan tugas. Meskipun terkadang membutuhkan sedikit motivasi ketika moodnya lagi tidak enak. Tetapi kakak tetap semangat dan selalu ada saja hal lucu yang membuat saya terkejut sebagai orang tua. Saya tidak menyangka kak Asyila bisa sekreatif ini. Terima kasih banyak untuk semua umi-umi dan abi yang selalu sabar membimbing kakak di sekolah. (Bunda Kak Asyila)

Written by: Afidatul lailia, S. Pd Her name is Deana Callysta Davira Putri. She is called Deana, the kindergarten A student in Little Camel Preschool. On the third week of October 2020, Kak Deana had been introduced insect animals. There are many kinds of insect animals. They are mosquitoes, ants , ladybugs, butterflies, and bees. At this moment, Kak Deana had been introduced a bee as one of the insect animals. The teacher introduced the benefits of bee and how to make a bee headband craft. One of the familiar words that the students know well is ‘a bee’. A bee is a familiar insect animal that she would be excited to learn and complete the project. It is absolutely because they just know it! Each student was provided a worksheet by the teacher. The worksheet contained pictures of a bee. The scissors, glue, crayons/colored pencils, and paper were prepared by the students at home. Through online and blended learning (zoom and face to face meeting), the teacher guided the students step by step of how to make a bee headband craft. The First step was coloring the bee. The second step was cutting a bee. The third step was attaching the ends of the bee headband craft. Finally, a bee headband craft was ready to wear. The teacher at school and parents at home gave feedback to her. This fun activity had been completed by Kak Deana very well at home. She could do it independently with less help from her mother. Kak Deana’s final project showed that she has been able to recognize insect animal. She also has been able to make a bee headband craft. Marvelous! “Kak Deana was very happy to do this activity. She was be able to recognize insect animals by herself well. She was also able to make a bee headband craft by herself well. I did not help her much. I gave her motivation to do this activity. I was very proud of her. Good job, kakak! (Kak Deana’s Mom)

Written by: Khusnul Fatimah, S. Pd In the new academic year of 2020-2021, Little Camel International Islamic Preschool has started using Montessori Curriculum. So, there are some areas to be learnt by the students. Sensorial is one of the area which is fun to learn. The topic taught in sensorial area is about 5 senses. Teacher and students will learn and explore those senses one by one. In this topic, teacher taught and explored about hearing sense. How do the students improve the hearing sense? Absolutely, the students have to recognize the kinds of sounds, practice to hear, and explore more. The students have to hear the sounds and guess what has heard. On 3rd week of November, the teacher gave a fun activity about hearing sense. That was about making a glass phone and hearing someone’s sound. Phone is one of things which attracts students’ attention. In this era, phone is a need. So, people have to be wise to use it especially when assisting the children to use the phone. Here, the teacher introduced about a traditional phone to the students and taught them how to recognize the sound by using the glass phone. For this fun activity, the teacher asked the students to make the glass phone at home. Their family could help them to prepare the materials but the students had to do by themselves. There were some materials to be prepared, namely 2 plastic glasses, long string, and 2 sticks. The first step, the students made a hole in both of the plastic glasses. Then, they put the long string into the hole of the plastic glasses. The last, the students tied the string with the stick. Well done! Kak Zia, a girl student from Kindergarten A-4, had practiced to make it at home. She did it independently with less help from her mother. From the picture that I got, she practiced to hear the sound of her young sister and she looked so happy. I did not know what did they talk about, but I thought it was fun. Great job Kak Zia !

Written by: Kurnia Khoirun Nisa’, S. Pd On the third week of October 2020, the kindergarten A students in Little Camel Preschool had been introduced a letter sound of ‘i’. This activity is a part of the phonic and letter identification. Formerly, the students were given a letter ‘i’ song and some ‘i’ words which were available in the One of the familiar words that the students know well and like the most is ‘ice cream’. The different favors and colors of ice cream attract the students to taste and in this case, to explore or imagine. The teacher was confident that the students would be excited to complete the project. It is absolutely because they just love it! For this fun activity, the teacher provided a worksheet for each student. The worksheet contained pictures of cone, cream, cherries, messes, and different shapes of ice cream. The scissors, writing utensils, glue, crayons/colored pencils, and paper were prepared by the students at home. Through online and blended learning (zoom and face to face meeting), the teacher guided the students step by step of how to make and decorate ice cream. First, the students were asked to color the pictures on the worksheet. They could choose any colors they like, but they were supposed to know why they chose a specific color. One certain color might indicate one particular favor of the ice cream. The teacher at school and parents at home were active to ask about the students’ preferences and the reasons. Kak Gaurav, a boy student from Kindergarten A-1, had completed the activity very well at home. He could do it independently with less help from his mother. Kak Gaurav’s final project showed that he knew how to put some different shapes of ice cream on one cone and put the cherries and chocolate messes as topping at the end. Marvelous! Yey!!! “While doing the project (making the ice-cream I did it! decorations), Kak Gaurav was very enthusiastic. I think it is because ice cream is one of his favorite foods. Also, Kak Gaurav could decorate the ice cream based on his own imagination. When it came to the coloring activity, he was also excited since he could explore his most-liked colors.” (Kak Gaurav’s Mother)

“Kak Kinar was very enthusiastic while doing this activity (making monster shapes). She was curious what it would be like. When it was about to end (finally), it was funny. Then, she was getting more and more excited.” (Kak Kinar’s Mother)

Ditulis oleh: Anisaul Khasanah, S. Ag TK LC punya cara berbeda untuk membuat siswa antusias menghafal hadis. Siswa dikenalkan dengan metode menghafal hadis dengan gerakan tangan. Metode tersebut diajarkan pada siswa TK A dan siswa TK B. Dengan metode ini, siswa dengan mudah menghafalkan hadis beserta artinya. Pada tanggal 1 November 2020, siswa TK A diajarkan hadis tentang menuntut ilmu yang berbunyi ‫ َطلَ ُب ا ْل ِع ْل ِم فَ ِر ْي َضةٌ َعلَى ُك ِل ُم ْس ِلم‬artinya menuntut ilmu wajib bagi setiap muslim. Melalui pembelajaran online (zoom) dan blended learning, guru menunjukkan bagaimana cara menghafal hadis dengan menggunakan metode gerakan tangan. Untuk langkah pertama guru membacakan hadis beserta gerakannya, kemudian siswa menirukan. Seperti kata ‫ َطلَبُا ْل ِع ْلم‬tangan digerakkan seperti membuka buku, kata kedua ‫ فَ ِر ْي َض ٌة‬dengan gerakan tangan menunjukkan ibu jari, dan kata ‫ َعلَى ُك ِل ُم ْس ِلم‬yaitu menggerakkan kedua tangan ke samping. Selanjutnya langkah kedua, membacakan artinya dengan gerakan yang sama. Kemudian diulang sebanyak dua kali sehingga anak cepat menghafalnya. Kak Arqi adalah siswa laki-laki dari TK A-6. Dia berhasil menghafal hadis dengan sangat baik dan lancar. Dia bisa melakukannya dengan bantuan ibunya. Tugas akhir Kak Arqi menunjukkan bahwa ia dapat mengetahui ajaran Islam melalui hadis yang telah dihafalnya sehingga dapat diterapkan di rumah. “Mengenai hafalan hadis bagi kita sebagai wali anak didik, anak-anak kita semakin sadar akan ajaran Islam melalui hadis tersebut. Cara penyampaian materi hafalan juga mudah diingat oleh siswa seusia mereka, dengan gerakan-gerakan yang memudahkan anak dalam menghafal ”(Bunda Kak Arqi)

Ditulis oleh: Chintya Dhamayanti, S. Pd Para siswa Taman Kanak-Kanak di Little Camel Preschool selalu diberikan bermacam-macam kegiatan untuk menstimulasi kemandirian anak. Salah satunya kegiatan ketrampilan hidup (Practical life). Pada kegiatan ini, anak- anak akan belajar melakukan aktivitas yang kerap dilakukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sebagai bekal kemampuan hidup yang penting di kemudian hari. Kegiatan ini mengedepankan kemandirian anak sebagai tujuan utamanya. Kegiatan tersebut bisa kita lihat pada kegiatan menabung yang dilakukan oleh ananda Callista Elenoura Vania. Anak manis ini biasanya dipanggil Callista. Ananda adalah murid TK B-2. Ananda adalah anak yang cerdas, ceria, penurut dan selalu bersemangat dalam kesehariannya. Budaya menabung membuat anak belajar disiplin, mengajarkan hidup hemat dan belajar menghargai uang. Pepatah sedia payung sebelum hujan, cocok untuk diajarkan kepada anak terkait dengan kebiasaan menabung. Mereka perlu diberikan kesadaran perlunya melakukan persiapan untuk hal-hal yang tidak terduga di masa depan. Manfaat menabung untuk anak, juga menghindarkan dari kebiasaan membeli barang yang tidak diperlukan (mubazir). Hingga dewasa nanti, mereka terbiasa hanya akan membeli barang sesuai kebutuhan, baik jumlah maupun jenisnya. Slogan hemat pangkal kaya, juga relevan untuk memotivasi anak agar rajin menabung. Kak Callista, murid perempuan dari TK B-2, telah menyelesaikan kegiatan dengan sangat baik di rumah. Dia bisa melakukannya secara mandiri dan penuh kesadaran tentang pentingnya menabung. Proyek terakhir Kak Callista menunjukkan bahwa dia tahu bagaimana pentingnya menabung dan manfaat menabung dalam hidupnya. Amazing Kids! Saat melakukan kegiatan menabung di rumah, kak Callista sangat senang sekali. Kakak dalam kesehariannya di rumah tidak pernah lupa menyisihkan uang jajan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam celengan warna pinknya. Terima kasih abi dan umi untuk bimbingan dan motivasi dalam menumbuhkan budaya menabung. (Bunda kak Callista)

Written by: Afidatul lailia, S. Pd Kindergarten B students at Little Camel Preschool had been introduced to healthy food on the 1st week of December 2020. This activity was part of getting to recognize healthy food that Kindergarten B students at Little Camel Preschool need to learn. Hopefully Kindergarten B students at Little Camel Preschool will be able to recognize and consume healthy food in their daily lives. In this activity, students were given an interesting game about healthy food and worksheet. For this fun activity, the teacher provided an interesting game. It was a guessing game. The teacher displayed some fruit pictures then the students guessed the pictures. This game was believed by the teacher that students found it easy to recognize healthy food. This game was also believed by the teacher that students did not feel bored. Besides giving an interesting game, the teacher also provided worksheets. A worksheet was given to each student. The worksheet contained pictures of apples, oranges, grapes, bananas, pears, strawberries, and a basket. Scissors, glue, and rope were prepared by teacher at school. This worksheet was believed by the teacher that students were able to explore and imagine making creativity in the form of fruit basket. The colorful nuances of fruits attracted the students to explore and imagine making creativity in the form of fruit basket. The teacher believed that the students were excited to complete the project. There are two ways to carry out in teaching and learning process. They are online (zoom) and blended (face-to-face) learning. Through online and blended learning, the teacher guided students to recognize healthy food. At this time, Kak Rara was in blended (face to face) learning. She recognized fruits as one of the healthy food. The teacher also guided step by step how to create the fruit basket. First, Kak Rara was asked to cut pictures of fruits. By cutting fruits, she could recognize the kinds of fruits. Second, she pasted fruit pictures in the basket by using glue. Third, she tied a rope. Finally, the paper fruit basket was finished. The teacher at school and parents at home provided feedback on the students' work. Kak Rara, the girl student from Kindergarten B-4, had done the task very well at school. She could do it independently with a little help from the teacher. Kak Rara's final project showed that she was able to recognize healthy food. Good job . Cut a picture Paste a picture Tie a rope Paper fruit basket “Kak Rara was very enthusiastic while doing the project (making paper fruit craft). In my opinion, she likes fruits so she was very enthusiastic. Kak rara could make paper fruit craft very well. When it came to cut and paste activity, she was excited since she could recognize fruits.” (Umi Lia)

Written by: Khusnul Fatimah, S. Pd On the first week of November 2020, sensorial area was scheduled for Kindergarten B students. Talking about sensorial, it cannot be separated with the sense. In this moment, the students learnt about hearing sense. It is one of sense that is easy to learn by the students. To develop their hearing sense, the teacher gave them a creative activity namely a straw pan flute. The flute is one of music tool in Indonesia. Blowing is a way to sound it. Some of the students probably are not familiar with that music tool, but in this case the teacher introduced that tool with a fun and creative way. The teacher used straws as the base materials to make the straw pan flute. Why did the teacher use the straw?The teacher wanted to introduce the go green to the students by recycling the used things. Every person had to know that the straw can be made anything especially for the music tool. For this creative activity, the teacher gave the task to make the straw pan flute. The materials were needed, such as straws, tape, and scissors. The students should prepare 5-7 straws to make it. The first step to do was arranging the straws. Then, the students gave the tape to make it sticky. After that, they cut the straws like a stair by using scissors, from the lowest to the highest. After the students had done the steps, they had to practice to blow the straw pan flute until they could make a sound. The students could blow several times in order the person around them could listen and enjoy the sound. Kak Ashifa, a girl student from Kindergarten B-5, had completed the activity, so wonderful. She did it based on the instructions given by her mother correctly and independently. She chose colorful straws and cut them neatly. The melody of her straw pan flute was amazing. I was so happy to listen it. It was so outstanding, Dear Kak Ashifa!

Written by: Kurnia Khoirun Nisa’, S. Pd On the first week of November 2020, the kindergarten students in Little Camel Preschool had been introduced a letter sound of ‘f’. This activity is a part of the phonic and letter identification. Formerly, the students were given a letter ‘f’ song and some ‘f’ words which were available in the One of the familiar words that the students know well is ‘fish’. They also can find fish (the real object) easily, for example in traditional markets, supermarkets, parks, fish shops, restaurants, and even in their own homes. In addition, the teacher chose the word ‘fish’ to encourage them to love eating it since it is a healthy food. For this special activity, the teacher only provided a single colored paper plate for each student. The scissors, writing utensils, glue, crayons, and other used paper were prepared by the students themselves. Through online and blended learning (zoom and face to face meeting), the teacher showed how to make the fish craft and different samples of decorated paper plate fish. The teacher let the students decide how their fish would look like. The students were supposed to use their creativity skills to decorate their paper plate fish so that the fish looked attractive and different from one another. The students’ imagination played a key role in this activity. Kak Albian, one of the students who had completed the activity, made a gorgeous paper plate fish. He totally made his very own fish which was different from his teacher’s and friends’ fish. He showed his creativity by adding the tail with a kind of tufts from blue paper and put a pink crown on the fish head. Besides, Kak Albian added something blue around the fish mouth. Awesome! Of course, I helped Albian in this activity, but he did most of the procedure or the steps. He drew a line on the back side of the paper plate to make the pattern of the fish mouth then cut it carefully. He also made small circles on white paper as the fish’ eyes. Then, he continued making the fish tail with blue tufts so that it looked attractive. Albian was very happy while doing the activity. I think it was because he worked happily with his own imagination. He said, “This fish is funny and looks pretty because I made it colorful.” Thank you.” (Albian’s Mother)

Kindergarten B of Little Camel International Islamic Preschool, on the third week of November 2020, had been introduced about subtraction 1-10. This activity helped the students to subtract 1-10 by using media. The teacher had a creative idea to make towers subtraction 1-10. The teacher was confident that the students would be excited to complete the project, because the students would be interested in making towers. For this fun activity, the teacher gave procedures that had been shared before. So the students had prepared play dough, straws, stick, and scissors. Through online and blended learning (zoom and face to face meeting), the teacher guided the students step by step of how to make a tower subtraction. First, the students were asked to count the number for subtraction. For the result, the students had cut the straws. Then they built tower by using play dough for foundation, sticking, and counting the straws based on the result of subtraction. Arsakha, a boy student from Kindergarten B-5, had completed the activity very well at home. He could do it independently. Arsakha’s final project showed that he finished building towers. He felt so happy and liked his tower. So great work! “While doing the project (making towers subtraction 1-10), Kak Arsakha was very enthusiastic. He was excited to count straws until it became a tower.” (Kak Arshaka’s Mother)

Ditulis oleh: Imma Hukmil ‫اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى ال سيدنا محمد‬, ‫اللهم ارحمنا بالقرأن‬ Al Qur’an adalah tonggak kebaikan sebuah peradaban pendidikan yang terberkahi jikalau di dalamnya terdapat Ahlul Qu’ran. Ahlul Qur’an adalah mereka yang menjadikan Al Qur’an ada di hati, pikiran, lisan dan perbuatan. Program ISL memberikan wadah agar semua santri Little Camel Preschool menjadi penjaga Kalam- kalam Allah yang kelak akan bisa mengamalkan dalam kehidupan sehari hari sebagai Ahlul Qur’an. ‫إِنَّ َم ا الْ ُم ْؤ ِمنُو َن الَّ ِذ ي َن إِذَا ذُ ِك َر اللَّهُ َو ِجلَ ْت قُلُوبُهُ ْم َوإِذَا ت ُلِيَ ْت عَلَيْ ِه ْم آيَات ُهُ َز ادَتْهُ ْم إِي َمانًا َوعَلَ ٰى‬ ‫َربِ ِه ْم يَتَ َوكَّلُو َن‬ Manakala Al Qur’an telah mengisi sampai bathin seseorang, gemetarlah hatinya dan bertambahlah keimanannya. Dengan kita menumbuhkan cinta terhadap Al Qur’an, Little Camel Preschool mengemas menjadi 4 dasar yaitu Adab, Ta’limul Qur’an, Tahfidz Hadist Shohih dan Do’a Yaumiyah. Empat dasar tersebut telah menjadi landasan fokus tujuan Little Camel Preschool untuk membentuk karakter yang berakhlakul karimah layaknya Ahlul Qur’an. Melalui Metode Yanbua, Little Camel Preschool menerapkan maqro’ dengan menekankan Makharijul Huruf dan mengenalkan Al Qur’an dengan Rosm Ustmaniy. Bersamaan dengan menerapkan Metode Yanbu’a, Little Camel Preschool mencetak santri menjadi jiwa yang religius dengan membiasakan mendirikan sholat 5 waktu sejak dini dan istiqomah Murajaah Al Quran dengan kaidah kaidah Tajwid dan Makhorijul Huruf yang baik. Dengan membiasakan menghafal minimal satu hari satu ayat, hadis dan do’a target perminggu, di harapkan santri Little Camel lulus dengan mempunyai hafalan minimal 23 surah dalam Al Qur’an, 23 Hadis Shohih dan 23 Do’a Yaumiyah ‫ بجاه سيد الإحسان بجاه سيد‬, ‫ إجعلنا حامل القرأن‬, ‫إجعلنا من أهل القرأن‬ ‫الختام‬

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