Team Leader Kurnia Khoirun Nisa’, S.Pd. Managing Editors Deasy Asdini P. L Principal Hafiduddin, S.Pd.I Layout and Design Deasy Asdini P. L M. Agung E. Wijaya Information and Photos Collectors Teachers of Little Camel International Islamic Preschool Staff Writer Teachers and Students of Little Camel International Islamic Preschool
Kata Pengantar والصلاة والسلام على سيد نا محمد المبعوث لتتميم مكارم الاخلاق,الحمد لله الكريم الخللاق Syukur Alhamdulillah nikmat dan rahmat Allah SWT masih dilimpahkan kepada kita semua. Shalawat dan salam semoga selalu tercurah limpahkan kepada baginda manusia yang paling agung, Muhammad SAW. Allahumma Shalli Ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad.. Ayah Bunda wali santri Little Camel International Islamic Preschool, kami hadir untuk menjadi mitra anda untuk mendidik dan membimbing putra dan putri kesayangan anda. Kami hadir memberikan kebutuhan mereka melalui kegiatan yang bermakna. Menstimulasi dan membentuk karakter kemandirian serta kepribadian yang baik merupakan tujuan kami. Tidak kalah pentingnya pondasi agama bagi mereka menjadi bagian prioritas pembelajaran kami. Montessori adalah bagian dari metode yang kita gunakan. Hal tersebut dirancang untuk menstimulasi indera, kognitif dan kemandirian putra putri Ayah Bunda sekalian. Selain itu, metode Montessori kami rancang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan minat anak, yang didalamnya ada kebebasan dari ragam kegiatan untuk mengembangkan kreatifitas anak, yang kesuluruhan dari kegiatan tersebut terpusat pada anak. Subjek - subjek pembelajaran Montessori di lembaga kami terdiri dari Language, Culture, Practical Life, dan Math. Keempat subjet tersebut akan membantu kebutuhan putra putri ayah bunda untuk menjadi anak yang tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai dengan usianya. Semoga hadirnya sekolah kami menjadi solusi dan membantu putra-putri Ayah Bunda mencapai kemajuan tumbuih kembang sesuai dengan harapan kita semua, yakni anak yang cerdas, sukses, dan berkarakter. Amin Ya Raobbal Alamin. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Mojokerto, April 2021 Principal of Little Camel Preschool Hafiddudin, S.PdI
ال َّسلاَ ُم َعلَ ْي ُك ْم َو َر ْح َمةُ الل ِه َوبَ َر َكاتُه Greeting From Us………. َُو ال َّسلاَ ُم َعلَ ْي ُك ْم َو َر ْح َمةُ الل ِه َوبَ َر َكاتُه Best Regards, Newsletter Managing Editor (Deasy Asdini P. L.)
IAPA INNER CHILD & MENGAPA IA BISA TERLUKA? Ditulis oleh: HJ. Umi Fadhilah, S.HI, C.Ht1 Bayangkan diri Anda yang sekarang adalah anak kecil berusia 9 tahun. Sore ini sedang bermain dan berlari-lari bercanda dengan adik Anda keliling rumah dan tanpa sengaja menjatuhkan vas bunga. Ayah atau Bunda terkejut, menghampiri dengan wajah marah. Bukannya menunjukkan kekhawatiran, tanpa Ayah Bunda Anda sadari mulai memarahi dan membentak. Mengguncang, memukul dan menyalahkan Anda: ”Dasar!! Anak ceroboh! Selalu bikin masalah. Itu vas bagus tahu?! Hari ini kamu dihukum tidak dapat makan malam!!” Mungkin saat itu Anda sangat ketakutan, tegang, dan bingung, sementara badan terasa sakit akibat pukulan dan tarikan. Dengan gerakan ketakutan, Anda mulai memunguti pecahan gelas, mungkin begitu takutnya sehingga tangan Anda tertusuk dan berdarah. Ayah atau Bunda Anda sama sekali tidak peduli, tegak berdiri penuh kemarahan dan menyalahkan Anda kembali karena tidak hati- hati. Luka akibat tertusuk pecahan kaca mungkin sembuh dalam waktu singkat, tetapi luka batin? akan Anda bawa hingga dewasa. Bila mengalami hal di atas, kita akan mengingat begitu banyak perasaan negatif: takut, bingung, merasa tidak dimengerti, sedih, marah, dan menyesali diri, merasa bodoh, tidak berdaya, dan juga sangat kecewa kepada Orang Tua. “Bentaknya 1 menit, menamparnya 1 detik, menyesalnya 10 jam, menyembuhkan lukanya… seumur hidup….” banyak Orang Tua melakukan hal ini pada anaknya, kekerasan fisik atau kekerasan verbal baik disadari maupun tidak. Hal ini menyebabkan luka batin dan trauma. Trauma psikologis adalah kondisi yang terjadi sebagai akibat dari peristiwa buruk yang menimpa diri seseorang. Kejadian yang tidak menyenangkan ini membuat orang yang mengalaminya merasa tidak aman, ketakutan, dan tidak berdaya. Peristiwa ini menghadapkan kita pada ancaman genting yang overwhelming, berdampak pada terguncangnya keseimbangan jiwa seseorang. Ketika itu terjadi, kapasitas menyelesaikan masalah dari otak kehilangan kemampuan mengendalikan situasi. Kekagetan dan ketakutannya dapat sangat 1 Hj. Umi Fadhilah S, S. HI, C. Ht adalah Founder Little Camel Islamic School
melumpuhkan, apalagi bila dibarengi sakit fisik. Luka batin akibat perlakuan orang terdekat (keluarga) sering lebih menghancurkan. Apalagi bila itu terjadi berulang. Psikoanalisis mampu menjelaskan rinci betapa perlakuan buruk dari orang terdekat sejak masa awal kehidupan dapat menjadi trauma hingga masa dewasa. Luka batin yang tidak terobati mungkin menghancurkan kepercayaan kita kepada orang lain. Luka batin juga sering menghancurkan kepercayaan kita kepada diri sendiri ”Apakah aku cukup baik untuk dicintai?; ”Adakah yang sungguh-sungguh peduli kepadaku?” perasaan merasa tidak dicintai, tidak berharga akan dibawa oleh anak hingga dia tumbuh dewasa. Anak bisa pemarah karena mencontoh seseorang di keluarga yang juga pemarah. Pemarah bukan karakter tapi karena copying (peniruan) atau karena luka batin yang mendalam. Wujud dari insecurity (perasaan tidak aman karena banyak tersakiti) berkemungkinan membuat seseorang menjadi pemarah. Banyak orang dewasa yang mengalami luka atau trauma pada masa kecil, tidak menyadari bahwa mereka masih memiliki sosok anak kecil (inner child) yang tersakiti dalam diri mereka. Bila dibiarkan atau tidak disembuhkan, inner child dapat menjelma menjadi perasaan dan perilaku negatif ketika anak tumbuh dewasa. Dan hal ini pasti berakar dari pola asuh yang kita berikan pada anak-anak di masa sekarang. Apa itu inner child? Anda mungkin sudah sering mendengar bahwa sebagai Orang Tua, kita harus berdamai dengan inner child kita yang mungkin masih memiliki luka-luka yang belum sembuh. Luka-luka tersebut seringkali membuat kita “salah jalan” saat mengasuh anak. Sebabnya adalah, kita secara tidak sadar menganggap bahwa penyebab-penyebab luka masa kecil itu adalah hal normal. Sehingga, kita secara tidak sadar juga menormalisasinya ketika melakukannya pada anak. Tentunya, kita tidak menginginkan siklus seperti ini berlangsung terus-menerus. Agar hal tersebut tak terjadi, maka penting bagi Anda untuk memahami apa yang memantik inner child Anda agar tak kembali menanamkannya pada si kecil. Inner child adalah sisi kepribadian seseorang yang terbentuk dari pengalaman masa kecil. Bisa juga diartikan sebagai sosok anak kecil yang masih melekat dalam diri Anda. Anak kecil dalam diri Anda tidak pernah pergi dan menetap di alam bawah sadar. Mereka memengaruhi bagaimana Anda membuat keputusan, merespons masalah, dan menjalani kehidupan ketika dewasa. Pengalaman kanak-kanak yang tidak menyenangkan atau salahnya pengasuhan dalam keluarga dapat terus membekas dalam diri seseorang. Saat tumbuh dewasa, hal ini bisa bermanifestasi dalam berbagai bentuk perasaan dan perilaku negatif. Mulai dari perasaan tidak dicintai, mudah cemas, pemarah, sulit percaya orang lain, dan Apabila terus
dibiarkan, inner child yang terluka dapat menghambat perkembangan diri Anda sebagai orang dewasa. “Semua orang pasti bertambah tua. Namun faktanya, tak semua orang dapat menjadi dewasa”. Kedewasaan yang sejati adalah ketika Anda sudah menyadari dan menyembuhkan ‘anak kecil’ dalam diri Anda yang menyimpan rasa sakit, trauma, serta amarah. Sayangnya, tak sedikit orang yang justru menyangkal dan mengabaikan luka inner child atau luka batin dalam diri mereka, sehingga terbawa hingga ke kehidupan dewasa. Saat dihadapkan pada masalah hidup, inner child yang masih bersemayam ini bisa mencuat ke permukaan dan mengambil alih kendali dalam diri Anda. Pola asuh yang salah seperti sikap yang sering menghukum, membentak dari orangtua diadopsi ketika anak ini dewasa. Dia akan jadi individu yang mudah sekali marah dan menghukum pasangan hidup atau anak. Atau rasa tidak aman yang kuat menyebabkan kita membentengi diri akibat takut dilukai. Ada yang jadi sinis, pemarah, punya kebutuhan berlebihan tak pernah terpuaskan akan seks, kekuasaan, prestise, dan lainnya. Intinya, hal-hal itu menjadi kompensasi ketidakyakinan kita sungguh- sungguh akan pribadi berharga dan patut dicintai. Ayah Bunda “Bagaimanapun, mencegah jauh lebih mudah daripada mengobati”. Bayangkan bila anak yang memecahkan vas bunga secara tak sengaja itu dihampiri Orang Tuanya yang khawatir, kemudian memeluknya, menenangkan, dan membantu membersihkan pecahan kaca. Ketakutan dan kekagetan anak akan berganti dengan kelegaan, perasaan terlindungi dan terbasuh kasih sayang. Anak akan merasa dicintai, dan berharga. KUNCI KEBAHAGIAN DAN MENYEMBUHKAN LUKA BATIN DIAWALI DENGAN MEMAAFKAN, apa yang terjadi dalam kehidupan Anda, semua berasal dari diri Anda sendiri. Bukan orang lain yang perlu berubah, tetapi diri Andalah yang perlu berubah terlebih dahulu. Anak yang mendapatkan pola asuh yang positif, bahagia dan penuh kasih sayang akan tumbuh menjadi pribadi yang berkarakter baik dan hangat secara emosi. Ayah bunda sebagai Orang Tua dapat memberikan inner child yang positif dimana hal ini akan anak bawa hingga dewasa dan menjadi kenangan keluarga yang membahagiakan. Kedepannya ketika anak ini bertumbuh menjadi dewasa akan memandang keluarga adalah hal yang membahagiakan serta berupaya membahagiakan. Analogi anak itu ibarat buah sedangkan Orang Tua itu pohon. Artinya, untuk mengantisipasi pola asuh yang salah harus ada pre-education of parents. Segala peristiwa TERBURUK dihidup Anda dapat berubah menjadi moment TERBAIK dihidup Anda. Ketika anda MAU
menyikapinya dengan BENAR. Jangan biarkan peristiwa masa lalu merusak kebahagiaan masa depan anak Anda. Bekas luka mengingatkan kita tentang di mana kita pernah berada, bukan ke mana kita akan pergi. Ayah Bunda sebagai Orang Tua tidak bertanggung jawab atas pemrograman yang Anda terima di masa kecil. Tetapi sebagai orang dewasa Anda bertanggung jawab 100% untuk memperaikinya. Bagi Ayah Bunda yang mungkin tidak bahagia di masa kecil, balaslah dengan cara membuat anak Anda sangat bahagia sekarang. Buktikan pada anak bahwa Orang Tua baik itu masih ada. Catatan Penting: Ayah Bunda hindari memarahi atau membentak anak di malam hari atau subuh. Luka batin di waktu-waktu ini akan masuk ke alam bawah sadar. Tidak heran jika hari ini banyak anak tidak mau mendengar nasehat Orang Tuanya, karena sosok Orang Tuanya sudah di blacklist di alam bawah sadarnya. Mereka lebih mau mendengarkan nasehat orang lain (guru, teman) yang masih whitelist. Malam hari dan subuh adalah GOLDEN TIME dimana merupakan waktu terbaik untuk menanamkan hal-hal indah dan kebaikan-kebaikan yang positif. *Terimakasih_Semoga Bermanfaat*
Ditulis oleh: Arie Putri M, S. Psi Pada jenjang anak usia dini belajar merupakan hal yang harus dilakukan dengan cara yang menyenangkan sehingga anak tidak menyadari bahwa mereka sedang belajar, kita biasa mengenal dengan istilah bermain sambil belajar. Mengenalkan dan mempelajari huruf, angka, dan berhitung merupakan hal yang dipelajari kakak ketika berada di area Bahasa. Sejak dimulainya semester 2 pada bulan Januari 2021, Umi sudah menyiapkan berbagai macam kegiatan yang menarik dan menyenangkan agar kakak tidak bosan meskipun sedang belajar di rumah. Ada berbagai macam kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan oleh kakak-kakak di Plagroup Star 1 pada area Bahasa, seperti: Mengenal bentuk geometri dan warna dengan membuat roket Ada berbagai macam bentuk geometri yang bisa dikenalkan pada anak usia dini, pada jenjang playgroup ada beberapa bentuk sederhana yang bisa dikenalkan seperti persegi, persegi panjang, segitiga, dan lingkaran. Pada kegiatan ini kakak diminta untuk menyusun bentuk geometri dari kertas lipat dengan cara menempel bentuk tersebut satu persatu sehingga menjadi sebuah roket, kegiatan membuat roket ini kakak bisa lebih mengetahui bentuk-bentuk geometri sekaligus mengenalkan berbagai warna. Menempel pohon huruf Hal mendasar sebelum anak bisa membaca adalah mengetahui huruf abjad a-z, pada area Bahasa kakak diajak untuk mengenal huruf sedikit demi sedikit dengan berbagai kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Pada awal semester di minggu pertama kakak sudah dikenalkan hurf a-e dan pada minggu kedua kakak dikenalkan dengan beberapa huruf selanjutnya, setiap minggunya huruf yang dikenalkan pada kakak akan semakin bertambah.
Salah satu kegiatan yang mengajak kakak untuk mengenal huruf adalah menempel pohon huruf. Pada kegiatan ini kakak diajak untuk mengenal simbol huruf a-n dengan cara menempelkan sticky notes yang bertuliskan huruf pada pohon huruf yang sesuai dan berurutan dimulai dengan huruf a sampai huruf n. Mewarnai angka Sama halnya dengan mengenal huruf, pada area Bahasa kakak juga diajak untuk mengenal simbol angka. Pada awal semester 2 kakak mulai dikenalkan simbol angka 1-5 terlebih dahulu, untuk mengajak kakak supaya lebih mengingat simbol angka pada kegiatan ini kakak diminta untuk mencari angka 1, 2 dan 3. Setelah menemukan angka 1 kakak diminta untuk memberi warna kuning, angka 2 dengan warna merah, lalu angka 3 dengan warna biru. Selain mengenalkan simbol angka, pada kegiatan ini kakak juga bisa mengenal warna dan melatih kemampuan motorik halusnya. Menulis di atas beras Sebelum anak dikenalkan bagaimana cara memegang pensil dengan baik dan benar, maka untuk mengasah motorik halus kakak diajak untuk menulis huruf dan angka diatas beras. Selain untuk mengasah motorik halus, pada kegiatan ini kakak juga diajak untuk mengenal simbol huruf dan angka. Pertama kakak akan ditunjukkan simbol huruf dan angka terlebih dahulu, lalu kakak diminta untuk mencoba menuliskannya diatas beras dengan mandiri menggunakan jari telunjuknya.
Menjiplak bentuk geometri Agar kakak lebih bisa membedakan bentuk- bentuk geometri, ada berbagai macam kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengenalkan kakak pada berbagai macam bentuk geometri. Salah satu kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan oleh kakak Playgroup star 1 adalah menjiplak bentuk lingkaran, segitiga, persegi dan persegi panjang. Hal pertama yang dilakukan kakak adalah menempelkan mika warna-warni pada kertas yang bergambar bentuk geometri, lalu kakak diminta menebali semua bentuk tersebut pada mika lalu menggunting pola bentuknya. Pada kegiatan ini selain mengenalkan kakak pada pola bentuk geometri, kakak juga bisa belajar untuk menggambar bentuk geometri dengan mandiri. Menulis menggunakan kuas Ada berbagai macam kegiatan mengasah motorik halus pada anak untuk mempersiapkan cara memegang pensil dengan baik dan benar, seperti menggambar bebas menggunakan media apa saja (crayon, pensil warna, finger painting). Pada kegiatan untuk mengasah motorik halus kali ini, kakak diminta untuk menulis angka menggunakan kuas. Membuat kereta nama Setelah mulai mengenal beberapa huruf, pada minggu ke 3 di bulan Maret kakak diajak untuk mengetahui huruf- huruf yang ada pada nama panggilannya. Pertama kakak ditunjukkan nama panggilannya lalu dengan bantuan umi kakak menyebutkan huruf-huruf tersebut, agar kegiatan mengenal nama panggilan menjadi menyenangkan. Selain menyebutkan huruf
pada nama panggilan, kakak diminta untuk membuat kereta nama. Umi sudah menyiapkan nama panggilan masing-masing anak, kakak diminta untuk menebali huruf tersebut lalu menggunting pada setiap kotaknya. Lalu kakak akan menempelkan dan menyusun satu persatu huruf tersebut sehingga menjadi kereta nama kakak. Menghitung manik-manik Selain dikenalkan dengan simbol huruf dan angka, pada area Bahasa kakak juga diajak untuk berhitung angka 1-10 terlebih dahulu pada bulan pertama di semester 2, lalu pada bulan Maret ini kakak sudah mulai berhitng angka 1-15. Ada banyak kegiatan dan media yang bisa dilakukan untuk berhitung, salah satu kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan oleh kakak adalah menghitung manik-manik. Kakak diberikan bendera yang bertuliskan angka 13 dan 15, tugas kakak adalah memasukkan manik-manik tersebut pada kawat berbulu yang sudah disiapkan oleh umi. Dengan melakukan berbagai kegiatan yang ada pada area Bahasa, kakak sudah mulai mengenal huruf a-z dan mulai mampu untuk menulis beberapa huruf. Selain itu kakak juga sudah mulai mengetahui simbol angka 1-15, serta sudah mulai mampu untuk berhitung secara berurutan.
Written by: Melin, S. Pd Teaching sensorial for the children is important since they are starting to learn about the human senses. In sensorial area, the students are taught about touching, smelling, sighting, hearing, and tasting. The human senses is needed by the children to develop their sensory skills. Furthermore, from birth to early childhood, children use their five senses to explore and try to make sense of the world around them. It is an important for the children development and providing the opportunities for them to explore their world through sensory play. Sensory play includes any activity that stimulates the senses of the children. In Little Camel Preschool. Starting from January 2021 as the second semester, the sensory teacher has implemented various activities in teaching sensorial. The students are given many kinds of activities to develop their senses especially in sighting, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting. They are look so curiously when the teacher prepared the materials in sensory area. Students in playgroup especially in playgroup star 3 had been accomplished the most activities in sensorial area summarized as follow: Lacing Colors Activity In the beginning of the second semester, the teacher provide lacing color activity to develop the student’s sight sense. The teacher regularly distributed worksheet to the students for their online learning at home. The worksheet is given to give the color patterns that would be the instruction to lace the string based on the color patterns. Along with worksheet, the teacher also distributed the straws and strings as the learning media in this activity. The students is asked to lace the string inside the straws based on the first color pattern until the last color pattern. The color patterns has 9 (nine) colors such as red, blue, yellow, green, black, deep yellow, white, brown, and pink. By doing this activity, the students were able to recognize the colors and able to use their hands to put the string inside the straws. Handprint Volcano using Color Pasta In order to develop the other senses for the students, the teacher provide another activity for the student’s touch sense. In this activity, the teacher gave the students task to make a volcano by using their hands. This activity allowed the students to feel the textures by their hands. First of all, the teacher asks the
students to prepare the color pasta or make it from the flour, food color, and water. They should make 3 different color pasta (red, orange, and brown) to complete this task. After that, the teacher asked the students stamp their right and left hands separately in red and orange color on the buffalo paper that has been distributed by the teacher. Then, the teacher asked the students to stamp their thumb in brown color to make the land of volcano. Completing the task, could make the students feel the textures by their hands of color pasta for their sensory play. During the activity is implemented, the teacher observed the students that they were fun to make handprint volcano. They felt happy in learning by doing the dirty activity Matching Human Senses Activity In order to observe the student’s understanding about five senses, the teacher gave the activity to match the pictures based on the correct five senses by doing the worksheet. The teacher distributed the worksheet to the students a week before. In worksheet, there were eight pictures and human senses include touching, sighting, hearing, smelling, and tasting. The students were asked to cut the pictures then chose five pictures based on the human senses. The pictures that has been selected by the students, would be put on the correct five senses. For example, the pictures of book which belongs to touch sense, it should be put on the hand to indicate that the book could touched by the hand. This activity allowed the students to recognize the human senses and categorize the things based on the correct senses. Based on the activity of matching human senses, the teacher evaluate that the students were able to match the pictures based on the correct senses. Selecting the Correct Senses Activity Mastering the student’s sensory skills may vary by conducting some activities for the students. This activity is given by the teacher to check the student’s understanding about something around them which includes their five senses. In this activity, the students were asked to select the correct senses in each picture. In each picture there were 3 three senses that should be selected by the students correctly. For instance, the squirrel has three senses (touching, tasting, and smelling), the students should select one sense based on the picture (squirrel belongs to touch sense because it could be touched by the hands) by circling the correct sense using pencil color/crayons. This activity encouraged the students to recognize the things around them which belongs to five senses appropriately.
Coloring Shapes Activity Teaching the students about color was fun because the students were very likes in coloring activity. In this part, the teacher gave the students worksheet that asked the students to color the shapes appropriately. There were four shapes with different color in each. The students must color each shapes by using their crayons or pencil colors. The students were excited to complete the task because it needs the accuracy in coloring. The teacher checked the result of the student’s task that they could accomplish the learning outcomes about recognizing the color based on the correct shapes. Hand-Stamped Textures Activity This activity could bring the students to differentiate the textures. Textures were vary such as bumpy, rough, hard, smooth, and soft. The teacher provided buffalo paper and several things that could define as bumpy, rough, hard, smooth, and soft textures. To differentiate the textures, the teacher also provided bubble wrap plastic, cotton, corn, flannel, and medical wrap. All those things should be categorized by the students into five textures that had been explained before. Even though the students were little bit difficult to categorize it but they could finish in completing the task. Before they categorized the things, the teacher asked the students to stamp their hand on buffalo paper then drew it by using pencil based on their hand. This activity allowed the students to recognize any kinds of textures by categorizing several things around them. By the end of this activity, the students was accomplished the learning outcomes successfully. Teaching for the students in playgroup was very fun because they are interested in learning by playing. Even though they are active children but the teacher could easily teach them by giving several activities such as the explanation above. Furthermore, in Montessori the students are able to make their own creative choices in learning. They are more interested in completing the tasks based on their creativity with the teacher’s guidelines. In sum, the teacher was very satisfied when the students approved to the teacher’s activities in learning. They could successfully accomplished the learning outcomes during the middle of this second semester in 2020/2021 academic year.
Ditulis oleh: Yetik Us Vaita, S. Pd Anak adalah generasi penerus keluarga dan bangsa yang perlu mendapat pendidikan yang baik, sehingga potensi-potensi dirinya dapat berkembang dengan pesat. Anak- anak kita diharapkan dapat tumbuh menjadi manusia yang memiliki kepribadian yang tangguh, berbagai macam kemampuan (multiple intelligences), dan keterampilan hidup (lifeskill) yang bermanfaat. Dalam hal ini, peranan nilai moral agama bagi anak usia dini sangatlah penting untuk mendukung tumbuh kembangnya dimana mereka akan belajar bagaimana bersikap yang baik dan kemudian dapat mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai positif yang bermanfaat dalam bermasyarakat. Berikut adalah kegiatan-kegiatan keagamaan yang telah diajarkan serta diaplikasikan oleh kakak-kakak di sekolah LC: engenalkan huruf hijaiyah dengan cara bermain membentuk huruf hijaiyah menggunakan plastisin dan mengaji dengan menggunakan buku jilid. Kegiatan in bertujuan agar Ananda dapat mengenal huruf hijaiyah secara menyenangkan. engenalkan peribadatan sejak dini seperti gerakan berwudhu beserta dengan niat berwudhu, salah satu contoh gerakan membasuh kedua tangan, membasuh muka membasuh kedua tangan sampai siku. engenalkan alat sholat bagi perempuan dan laki-laki serta gerakan sholat seperti gerakan takbir, sujud, rukuk dan meminta untuk menirukan gerakan-gerakan tersebut. Mengenalkan bacaan doa sehari-hari, serta memberikan edukasi tentang mengapa harus membaca doa sebelum dan sesudah melakukan kegiatan. Hal tersebut dapat ditanamkan secara terus-menerus hingga menjadi pembiasaan (habit), diharapkan bacaan doa-doa tersebut akan semakin menginternal dalam diri anak dan akan membawa perilaku baik dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat.
Ditulis oleh: Bunga Kristrityowati, S. PdI engenalkan angka sangat penting bagi anak usia dini karena mengenal angka menjadi salah satu dasar kemampuan matematika untuk jenjang pendidikan selanjutnya. Mengenalkan angka pada anak usia dini haruslah dengan cara yang tepat dan sesuai dengan tahapan usia perkembangan anak. Banyak cara sederhana yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengenalkan angka pada anak. Di sekolah Little Camel kami mengenalkan angka dengan beberapa cara sebagai berikut : Menghitung Karet dan Menyusun Karet Pada Stick Ice Cream Kegiatan ini juga sebagai salah satu metode dalam mengenalkan angka. Pada kegiatan ini siswa merasa senang dengan berhitung menggunakan karet yang berwarna-warni, Kemudian mereka menyusun karet tersebut pada stick ice cream. Mengurutkan Angka dengan Menghubungkan Titik-Titik Kegiatan menghubungkan titik-titik ini sangat popular sebagai sarana edukasi belajar anak terkait pengenalan angka. Guru memeberikan worksheet menarik garis sesuai urutan angka dengan pola gambar kelinc . Siswa menarik garis sesuai urutan angka kemudian mewarnai sesuai kreasi masing-masing siswa. Menghitung Benda 1-10 dengan Menghias Gambar Bunga Matahari Kegiatan ini tidak kalah uniknya dengan kegiatan sebelumnya. Siswa mengerjakan kegiatan ini dengan antusias. Guru memberikan worksheet berupa gambar bunga matahari, kemudian siswa menghias dengan menempel kertas origami kuning dan menghias dengan menghitung sesuai instruksi. Menghitung Gambar dan Menulis Jumlah Gambar Menghitung gambar merupakan kegiatan yang hamper sama dengan menghitung benda, namun pada kegiatan kali ini membutuhkan kejelihan karena gambar yang
diberikan secara acak dan siswa menghitung gambar yang sama. Kemudian menulis jumlah gambar tersebut Mewarnai Maze Angka Mewarnai juga merupakan kegiatan yang di sukai anak-anak. Mewarnai maze tidak hanya mengenal angka namun juga melatih siswa dalam mengenal urutan angka. Setelah siswa memahami angka dan urutannya, siswa dapat mewarnai maze tersebut. Menghitung Benda 1-10 dengan Menghias Kue/ Cookies dengan Chochochips dari Playdough Pada kegiatan ini siswa merasa sangat tertarik dalam mengikuti pembelajaran karena kegiatan sangat edukatif dan keatif. Guru memberikan worksheet berupa gambar kue/cookies, Siswa menghias gambar tersebut dengan chochochips dan menghitung sesuai angka yang ada pada gambar. Menyusun Puzzle Angka Puzzle merupakan salah satu bentuk permainan yang mampu mengasah kemampuan berpikir, mempermudah anak dalam mengingat dan memahami konsep, anak menjadi lebih kreatif dan berimajinasi. Menyusun puzzle angka ini siswa mampu mengenal angka juga urutan angka sebelum dan sesudah. Sand Letter (menulis di media tepung ) Salah satu kegiatan favorit anak adalah menggambar. Pada kegiatan ini siswa akan mendapatkan pengalaman lain karena pada umumnya siswa menulis di buku tulis pada kegiatan ini siswa akan menulis di media tepung. Guru memberikan instruksi dan contoh kepada siswa untuk menulis angka pada media tepung, Siswa menulis angka sesuai instruksi dan contoh dari guru.
Written by: Arifah Rochminah, S.Pd Learning early math for students especially for kindergarten is a necessity. But teaching mathematics for kindergarten need more creativity and skill from teachers, so that learning isn't boring and students are interested in learning mathematics that was initially thought difficult. In Little Camel Preschool, starting from January 2021 (Semester 2), the math teacher has implemented various activities to study about counting number 1-30, simple addition 1-10, and numbers in words and recognize time. Students received the same topic with different materials for different weeks. Although they had the same topic for almost two months, they didn’t feel bored but enjoyed the activities. Students in kindergarten, especially in kindergarten A2, had successfully completed most of the activities summarized as follow: Counting number 1-25 by using corn seeds In first semester the students had learned to know number 1-20 and count things 1-20. And in the beginning of second semester the students learn count number 1-25. In the third week of January, students learned the activity of counting object 1-25 using corn seeds. And here were the steps: The teacher asks the student to count corn seeds for number 1-25, after counting corn seeds they have to write amount of corn seeds on the box, Stick the corn seeds on the worksheet with glue or tape, and give color for leaf with crayon. Recognize simple addition 1-5 by using sunflower seeds In fourth week of January the students learned about simple addition number 1-5. This activity they added number 1-5 by using sunflower seeds to make sunflower craft. And here were the steps: first, the students were already making or decorating the plates into sunflowers before zoom took place. The teacher asked the student to add sunflower seeds one by one based on simple addition 1- 5. The teacher asked the student to show their result.
Simple addition 1-10 by using worksheet After the students learned to recognize number 1-5, in the first week of February the students learned addition within 10. The teacher gave examples about addition by using finger. The teacher asked the students to review about addition 1-5. The teacher asked the students to do worksheet about addition 1-10. Review number 1-25 by using number spinner In the second week of February, students had reviewing about number 1- 25. They were going to play number spinner games. Teacher gave reviewing for number 1-25 by counting objects. Teacher gave question for reviewing shapes. Teacher asks the students to play number spinner with drawing shapes based on the number. Teacher asks the students to show their result. Recognize number in words 1-10 by doing worksheet Studying mathematics is not only by numbers but also numbers in words. That’s why in the third week of February the students were introduced to the number 1-10 in words. They learned about the numbers 1-10 as well as the spelling and pronunciation. Before they were going to do this activity, they recognized number in words through teacher’s explanation by using power point. After that students have done worksheet about number in words. Review additional number 1-10 by making addition math flag As an understanding of the encoding of 1-10, in the fourth week of February the students learned about reviewing addition number 1-10. Teacher gave explanation about the activity that will they learn. The students pay attention and look the materials that has prepared by the teacher carefully. Teacher gives reviewing to the students about addition number 1-10 by doing addition math flag activity.
Matching numbers in words 1-10 by doing worksheet Learning numbers in words has been taught before. This time the students were about to do review on this lesson by doing worksheet. Before the students did the worksheet, the teacher gives question about numbers in words. Recognize number 26-30 by using fishing math game In order to make MATH lesson more enjoyable, we were varied and provided fun activities to recognize number 26-30. So in the third week of March students recognized numbers 26-30 by fishing MATH game. Here are the steps that they must follow: Before the students did this activity, the teacher gave reviewing about numbers 1-25, teacher gave explanation about the activity that will they learn, the students pay attention and look the materials that has prepared by the teacher carefully, then asks the students to prepare the materials too, to enhance students’ understanding, students doing activity (fishing math game) based on the teacher’s instruction.
Written by: Khusnul Fatimah, S.Pd Sensorial is one of activity that has to be learnt by the students, especially for kindergarten. That activity will help the students to improve their gross and fine motor skills. If their skills are well trained, they can pass or do all practices that are given by the teacher. Here, Little Camel Preschool gave sensorial activity to the students. These are about sight, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching senses. Every weeks the students get those activities but with different materials. The teacher gave the interesting materials, so that the students would not get bored easily. The students have passed all of the sensorial activities greatly. Here are the activities: Color pattern To improve the students’ sight sense, the teacher gave the sensorial activity but focus on the sight sense. That was about color pattern. The teacher wanted to know the students’ skill about their senses whether they can mention the colors correctly or not. The students had to be focus to the pattern that was given by the teacher. The students had to mention correctly what was the next color of the pattern. Make a sensory bag Sensory bag can be called sensory play in Montessori. It was important to introduce the students about touching sense. The students had to practice to differentiate the textures of the things. Here, the teacher asked them to make that sensory bag which it made from the flour, water and food color. They had to feel the texture of the flour before and after making that sensory bag. Then, the teacher asked them to write number or alphabet by using it.
Guess the sounds and make a simple drum Music tool is one of favorite thing that can make the students interested. In this activity, the teacher gave the sensorial activity that focus on the hearing sense. It could help them to improve their hearing sense by guessing kinds of the sounds. The teacher played the sounds one by one and they had to guess the sounds correctly. The end of that activity, the teacher asked the students to make a simple drum. It was made from the balloon, rubber, chopstick and glass. They were so excited. Lace the long rope based on the color pattern This activity related to the previous one. It was about sight sense. Here, the students had to lace the long rope into the straws but they would lace according to the pattern were given by the teacher. They had to be focus and careful when lacing the long rope. Review five senses by circling the picture To knowing the students’ understanding of five senses, the teacher gave the worksheet about those. The students had to choose and circle the correct sense according to the picture. Before that, the students had to mention five senses that had learnt and mention the picture one by one.
Written by: Afidatul Lailia, S. Pd Recognize doctor’s equipments is one of our theme. Kindergarten A students at Little Camel Preschool have been introduced to doctor’s equipments in 4st week of February 2021. There are many kinds of doctor’s equipments, such as stethoscope, medicine, drug, scissor, injection, thermometer, bandage, small knife, etc. At this moment, kindergarten A students learn doctor’s equipments by making doctor’s bag. Hopefully Kindergarten A students at Little Camel Preschool will be able to recognize kinds of doctor’s equipments in their daily lives. In this activity, students are given interesting craft. The students make doctor’s bag by themselves as they can. This craft was expected to stimulate students’ interest. How to make this craft? Don’t worry. It is very easy. The materials and the steps have been given by the teacher. The materials are black buffalo paper, picture kinds of doctor’s equipments, glue and scissor. There are many steps. First, before we start our activities today let us pray together. Second, prepare the materials Third, cut out the picture kinds of doctor’s equipment one by one Fourth, stick it on the bag’s hold and stick all of doctor’s equipment in buffalo paper Fifth, put doctor’s bag symbol (+) and stick on front doctor’s bag Last, let say Hamdallah... Besides making craft, the teacher also provided a video. A video contains kinds of doctor’s equipments. This video will enable students to explore and imagine kinds of doctor’s equipments in a fun way.
There are two ways to carry out in teaching and learning process. They are online (zoom) and face-to-face learning. Through this blended learning, the teacher guides students to recognize doctor’s equipment especially how to make doctor’s bag. Kak Adifa, Kak Boy, Kak Ibra, Kak Fariz, Kak Fahri, Kak Embun, kak Arqi and kak Endra have done very good on zoom with teacher’s instruction. The final project they could show that was able to recognize doctor’s equipment. Good job kids ..
Written by: Anisaul Khasanah Learning letter sounds is one of the first steps in learning to read for kids. And while most consonant sounds are easy for kids, vowels can be difficult for kids. First, vowels do not \"feel\" in the mouth like most consonant sounds, making it harder for children to hear them. This is evident in the spellings that children find, such as V for van, H for horse. Vowels can also be spelled several different ways, making them difficult to read and spell. The letter sound is important for students because students must recognize the letters in the word and associate each letter with a sound. In Little Camel Preschool, starting from January 2021 (Semester 2), the language teacher has implemented various activities to make the short consonant sounds learning simple and fun. Students received the same topic (consonant sounds) with different materials for different weeks. Although they had the same topic for almost 2 months, they did not feel bored but enjoyed the activities by worksheet. By doing repetitions, students were expected to master all of the consonant sounds (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z). By March 2021, students were able to write and mention words with different consonant sounds. Students in kindergarten, especially in Kindergarten A5, had successfully completed most of the activities summarized as follow in the Teacher’s Gallery.
Written by: Kurnia Khoirunnisa, S. Pd Teaching short vowel sounds is important since children need to master it before they are able to learn the rules for reading and spelling in English. Compared to long vowel sounds, short vowel sounds are quite more challenging for children to recognize and produce. They sound similar to one another so that it is not easy for children to understand. In Little Camel Preschool, starting from January 2021 (Semester 2), the language teacher has implemented various activities to make the short vowel sound learning simple and fun. Students received the same topic (short vowel sounds) with different materials for different weeks. Although they had the same topic for almost 2 months, they did not feel bored but enjoyed the activities. By doing repetitions, students were expected to master all of the short vowel sounds (a, i, u, e, o). By March 2021, students were able to write and mention words with different short vowel sounds. Students in kindergarten, especially in Kindergarten B1, had successfully completed most of the activities summarized as follow: Recognizing Short Vowel Sounds Using Worksheets To introduce short vowel sounds in the beginning of the second semester, the teacher regularly distributed worksheets to the students for their online learning at home. The worksheets were quite simple. They contained same short vowel sounds. Usually, one short vowel sound was for one week (‘a’ for week 1, ‘i’ for week 2, ‘e’ for week 3, and so on). The students were asked to name pictures by writing the missing letters. When they got confused, the teacher guided them by telling the letters and their sounds. Almost all of the words consist of three letters with the short vowel sounds in the middle. By doing these kinds of activities, the students were able to recognize the different sounds of short vowels (listening) and identify names or things which have a, i, u, e, o short sounds (reading and writing).
Making Short Vowel O Octopus Crafts In order to make the activities vary from one to another, the teacher developed a different material for the same topic, for instance making short vowel o octopus crafts to review the short vowel o sound. Each student was given a piece of yellow cardstock paper and a list of pictures with short vowel o sound. The procedures were not complicated at all. First, the students chose five pictures they like and cut out them. After that, the students rolled, tape, and cut the paper to make the octopus body and drew the octopus face. Then, they glued the pictures and stuck them on all of the five tentacles (the octopus, for this activity, only had five tentacles). As the last step, the students were asked to write the words (names) below the pictures. Making Vowel Flowers Although flowers tend to attract girl students, boy students in Kindergarten B1 showed their interest during the activity. They were excited while coloring all the parts of a plant (stem, leaf, and flower), cutting them one by one, and then arranging the parts (pieces of pictures) in the flower pot just like growing a plant. The flower had five petals. Each petal represented one particular short vowel sound. There were a picture and a letter of vowel sound printed on the petal so that the students could name the picture easily and recognize its vowel sound well. The activity encouraged the students to produce the short vowel sounds (speaking). Coloring Vowel Flowers This activity was related to the previous one. It was intended to reinforce the students’ listening and speaking skills in recognizing and producing the short vowel sounds. The teacher mentioned one vowel sound and asked the students to find the three words on the flowers with the same
vowel sound that the teacher made. Then, the students were asked to color the words (flowers) with the same color as the teacher instructed. Making Short Vowel Apples The bright color of the apple attracted the students’ attention. They became curious what they should do with the apple and the sticks. After the students successfully made their own short vowel apples, they were asked to insert a stick with two consonants (written by the teacher) into the two holes in the middle of the apple and read the word. They were also challenged to create one or two new words by writing 2 consonants on the sticks then show and tell the teacher and friends. Making Short Vowel Fluency Strips After the students were able to recognize and produce the short vowel sounds, the teacher gave a special activity which encouraged them to read without pictures. This activity was quite unique as well as challenging at the same time. There are lists of words which are different one to another but they sound similar for the students, especially the vowel sounds ‘a,’ ‘e’, and ‘u’. The students should read the words with different short vowel sounds slowly at first and faster at the end. It was not easy at the beginning. The teacher sometimes had to help some students how to read. With more and more practices, finally the students could read all the words very well. Games “Yes or No” In order to test the students’ listening and reading skills, a short vowel sound game was designed by the teacher as the last reviewing material. The teacher gave ten questions and the students only needed to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ by showing the signs (the green and red card). To help the students answer, the teacher used pictures and words in turn. The questions are very simple, for instance “Is it a bag?” and “How do you read
this word, a pet?” When the teacher asked, “Is it a bag?” she was showing a picture of a bug. The answer for the question was “no”. The students were also expected to extend the answer by telling the teacher, “No, it is not a bag. It is a bug.” Teaching language using Montessori helps the teacher to make the materials simple and meaningful. The students are able to understand the lesson easily by doing activities which make senses to them as children. The students enjoyed their learning process and the teacher accomplished her teaching targets.
Written by: Chintya Damayanti, S. Pd Learning early math for students especially for kindergarten is a necessity. But teaching mathematics for kindergarten need more creativity and skill from teachers, so that learning isn't boring and students are interested in learning mathematics that was initially thought difficult. In Little Camel Preschool, starting from January 2021 (Semester 2), the math teacher has implemented various activities to study about counting number 1- 50, simple addition 1-50, and numbers in words and recognize time. Students received the same topic with different materials for different weeks. Although they had the same topic for almost two months, they didn’t feel bored but enjoyed the activities. Students in kindergarten, especially in kindergarten B2, had successfully completed most of the activities summarized as follow: Counting number 1-50 by using corn seeds In the third week of January, students learned the activity of counting objects 1-50 with corn seeds. And here were the steps: The teacher asks the student to count corn seeds for number 1-50, after counting corn seeds they have to write amount of corn seeds on the box, Stick the corn seeds on the worksheet with glue or tape, and give color for leaf with crayon. Recognize simple addition 1-30 by using sunflower seeds In fourth week of January the students learned about simple addition number 1-30. This activity they added number 1-30 by using sunflower seeds to make sunflower craft. And here were the steps: first, the students were already making or decorating the plates into sunflowers before zoom took place. The teacher asked the student to add sunflower seeds one by one based on simple addition 1-30. The teacher asked the student to show their result.
Simple addition 1-30 by using worksheet After the students learned to recognize number 1-50, in the first week of February the students learned addition within 30. The teacher gave examples about addition by using finger. The teacher asked the students to review about addition 1-30. The teacher asked the students to do worksheet about addition 1-30. Review number 1-50 by using number spinner In the second week of February, students had reviewing about number 1- 50. They were going to play number spinner games. Teacher gave reviewing for number 1-50 by counting objects. Teacher gave question for reviewing shapes. Teacher asks the students to play number spinner with drawing shapes based on the number. Teacher asks the students to show their result. Recognize number in words 1-20 by doing worksheet Studying mathematics is not only by numbers but also numbers in words. That’s why in the third week of February the students were introduced to the number 1-20 in words. They learned about the numbers 1-20 as well as the spelling and pronunciation. Before they were going to do this activity, they recognized number in words through teacher’s explanation by using power point. After that students have done worksheet about number in words. Review additional number 1-30 by making addition math flag As an understanding of the encoding of 1-30, in the fourth week of February the students learned about reviewing addition number 1-30. Teacher gave explanation about the activity that will they learn. The students pay attention and look the materials that has prepared by the teacher carefully. Teacher gives reviewing to the students about addition number 1-30 by doing addition math flag activity.
Matching numbers in words 1-20 by doing worksheet Learning numbers in words has been taught before. This time the students were about to do review on this lesson by doing worksheet. Before the students did the worksheet, the teacher gives question about numbers in words. Recognize number 20-50 by using fishing math game In order to make MATH lesson more enjoyable, we were varied and provided fun activities to recognize number 20-50. So in the third week of March students recognized numbers 20-50 by fishing MATH game. Here are the steps that they must follow: Before the students did this activity, the teacher gave reviewing about numbers 1-50, teacher gave explanation about the activity that will they learn, the students pay attention and look the materials that has prepared by the teacher carefully, then asks the students to prepare the materials too, to enhance students’ understanding, students doing activity (fishing math game) based on the teacher’s instruction.
Written by: Afidatul Lailia, S. Pd Water transportation is our theme in the previous term. Kindergarten B students at Little Camel Preschool have been introduced to water transportation in 1st week of February 2021. There are many kinds of water transportation. One of them is sail boat. At this moment, kindergarten B students learn about sail boat. Hopefully Kindergarten B students at Little Camel Preschool will be able to recognize sail boat in their daily lives. In this activity, students were given interesting craft. The students make sail boat craft by themselves as good as they can. How to make this craft? Don’t worry. It is very easy. The materials and the steps have been given by the teacher. The materials are craft stick, glue, folding paper, sponge, and paper plate. There are many steps. First, before we start our activities today let us pray together Second, prepare the materials Third, glue the craft stick then put it on the paper Fourth, insert the bottom end of the craft stick into the sponge Fifth, put them in the boat Last, let say Hamdallah Besides making craft, the teacher also provides a video. A video contains kinds of water transportation. This video was expected to help the students explore and imagine water transportation in more fun way.
There are two ways to carry out in teaching and learning process. They are online (zoom) and face- to-face learning. Through this blended learning, the teacher guides students to recognize water transportation especially how to make sail boat craft. At this time, Kak Tristan and Kak Rafa were doing in face-to-face learning. Meanwhile, kak Rara was doing it online (zoom). The teacher at school and parents at home provide feedback on the students' work. Kak Rafa, kak Rara, and kak Tristan are students from Kindergarten B-4. They have done very well at school. They could do it independently. Their final projects showed that they were able to recognize water transportation. The were also able to make sail boat craft very well. They are excellent! Good job ..
Written by: Noor Fitriah, S. Pd Mengenalkan angka sangat penting bagi anak usia dini karena mengenal angka menjadi salah satu dasar kemampuan matematika untuk jenjang pendidikan selanjutnya. Mengenalkan angka pada anak usia dini haruslah dengan cara yang tepat dan sesuai dengan tahapan usia perkembangan anak. Banyak cara sederhana yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengenalkan angka pada anak. Di TK Little Camel kami mengenalkan angka dengan beberapa cara sebagai berikut : Menghitung penjumlahan menggunakan karet dan menyusun karet hasil penjumlahannya pada stick Ice Cream Kegiatan ini juga sebagai salah satu metode dalam mengenalkan angka. Pada kegiatan ini siswa merasa senang dengan berhitung menggunakan karet yang berwarna-warni, Kemudian mereka menyusun karet tersebut pada stick ice cream. Mengurutkan Angka 1-20 dengan kain angka Kegiatan ini sangat popular sebagai sarana edukasi belajar anak terkait pengenalan angka. Guru memberikan kain angka warna warni dan anak menjawab sesuai urutan angka.
Menghitung pengurangan dengan papan angka Kegiatan ini tidak kalah uniknya dengan kegiatan sebelumnya. Siswa mengerjakan kegiatan ini dengan antusias. Guru memberikan soal pengurangan menggunakan kain angka, kemudian siswa menghitung terlebih dahulu jumlahnya kemudian mencari angka yang sesuai lalu ditempelkan pada papan kain flanel. Menghitung dan membuat hujan berdasarkan jumlahnya Membuat hujan berdasarkan jumlahya merupakan kegiatan yang hampir sama dengan kegiatan menghitung yang lainnya, namun pada kegiatan kali ini membutuhkan kejelihan karena anak diminta untuk menggambar hujan satu persatu beserta menghitugnya, jadi anak perlu konsentrasi yang tinggi untuk menjawab. Mengenal angka pada jam menggunakan puzzle Pada usia ini, anak akan belajar mengenai karakteristik jam, jarum panjang dan jarum pendek, atau membaca angka pada jam digital. Dalam kegiatan ini anak akan membaca angka berapa saja yang terdapat pada jam sehingga mereka bisa membaca jam terlebih dahulu serta mengurutkannya. Mengenal konsep lebih besar, lebih kecil dan sama dengan megguakan angka (>, <, =) Pada kegiatan ini siswa merasa sangat tertarik dalam mengikuti pembelajaran karena kegiatan sangat edukatif dan keatif. Guru memberikan worksheet. Mengukur panjang benda (pensil, buku, peghapus) menggunakan penggaris Konsep pengukuran merupakan bagian dari konsep matematika yang harus dikembangkan pada Anak Usia Dini. Guru mengajak anak untuk mengukur benda sederhana seperti pensil, buku, penghapus dengan