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BCPA Photography Issue 2 2022

Published by BCPA, 2022-08-26 18:21:41

Description: BCPA Photography, Issue 2, 2022


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摄影 BCPA PHOTOGRAPHY Issue 2 August 2022

波士顿华人摄影协会(BCPA)成立于2009年8月,并于 The Boston Chinese Photography Association (BCPA) was founded 2 0 1 5 年 4 月 1 7 日 在 马 萨 诸 塞 州 注 册 为 501(C)(3)非 营 利 组 织 。 in August 2009, and was registered as a 501(C)(3) non-profit 现在,有约200名成员隶属于该协会。 organization in Massachusetts on April 17, 2015. Today, there are about 200 members affiliated with the association. BCPA定期组织活动,包括教授各种摄影技术和提高艺术 修养为主题的讲座和课程,还有以实践为主题的外拍活动。我 BCPA organizes activities on a regular basis including lectures and 们还为大波士顿地区的其他社区和组织提供摄影服务。我们的 classes taught in various topics of photography techniques and 所有活动都在协会的网站上公布。从2022年2月起,BCPA有 practices. We also provide photography services to other communities 了 自 己 的 期 刊 — BCPA 摄 影 。 and organizations in the Greater Boston area. All our activities are published online. As of February 2022, BCPA now has its own BCPA欢 迎 所 有 摄 影 爱 好 者 加 入 。 无 论 你 是 专 家 还 是 初 学 者 , publication — BCPA Photography. 也无论你是用手机拍照还是用昂贵的摄影器材,你都可以通过 注册和支付年度会费成为我们的会员。 Experts and beginners alike are welcome at BCPA, whether you’re taking photos on your phone or working with an arsenal of expensive equipment. You can become a member by signing up and paying an annual membership fee. BCPA 摄影 第二期 2022年 8月 BCPA Photography 2nd Issue, August 2022 Boston Chinese Photography Association (BCPA) © 2022 BCPA, All rights reserved. Please contact [email protected] for inquiries about photo prints and printed materials. 1

编者前言 Words From the Editors Yan Johnson, 灵感无处不在,它很大程度上取决于摄影师和他/ Inspiration is everywhere, but it depends on the photographer and Vice President of BCPA, 她对周边事物的开放性。一些摄影师善于从最寻常的事 their openness to their surroundings to get the most out of it. Some Editor-in-Chief 物、人和自然那里得到启发,另一些摄影师则选择走出 photographers are inspired by ordinary objects, people, and 副会长,总编辑 熟知区,在边远陌生之地寻找和发现,或者从记忆、思 environments, while others choose to go out of their comfort zone to 想、梦境中、后期制作中得到理想的画面。 find inspiration in unfamiliar places. Some even dive into their Ann Fong, memories, thoughts, and dreams, and put their inspiration on their Associate Editor-In-Chief 也许正如美国摄影家米诺·怀特所言 “我们拍摄 work through post-production. 副总编辑 某种东西的原因有两个:因为它是什么,以及它除此之 Ultimately, as American photographer Minor White put it: “One 外还是什么。” should not only photograph things for what they are, but for what else they are.” 第二期BCPA摄影杂志终于和大家见面了!经过 Our second issue of the BCPA Photography magazine is finally here! 会 长 Paul Hsi, 及 全 体 编 辑 团 队 的 努 力 , BCPA 网 站 投 Thanks to the great efforts of our president Paul Hsi and the entire 稿收片系统进一步趋于完善。经过六位选片编辑的初选 editorial team, the BCPA’s website submission system has been much (为了公平,选片编辑看不到作者, 采用盲选的方 improved. After a blind selection by six editors and a sorting by nine 式),九位专栏编辑整理,评论,挑选了79幅会员作 column editors, we eventually chose 79 member works for the issue. 品 , 呈 现 在 本 期 BCPA 摄 影 杂 志 中 。 These selected works reflect the diversity of BCPA membership, featuring everything by masterpieces from experts to studies by 所选之作品反映出会员们的多样性,其中不乏资 developing photographers. For the latter works, our editors offered 深摄影师的大片和精品,也有一些正在精进途中修行的 additional feedback. 摄友们之习作。对尚有上升空间的作品,编辑们也给出 This magazine is not designed to show the best of the BCPA’s 了他们宝贵的分享和建议。 portfolio, but rather to communicate with each other and learn from each other, so it represents all our members. Without your support, 这 本 杂 志 也 许 不 全 是 BCPA最 好 的 摄 影 作 品 , 但 它 our magazine would not be possible. We want to offer our sincere 是我们交流和学习的平台,它属于我们每一个会员。没 thanks to all the contributing photographers for this issue, to the 有你的支持就没有我们的杂志。衷心感谢所有投稿的摄 column editors for their great reviews and feedback, and to English 影师们,也特别感谢专栏编辑们精彩又中肯的点评,感 localization editor Micah His for his translation and proofreading work. 谢 英 文 编 辑 Micah Hsi 的 校 对 和 对 译 文 的 协 助 。 Enjoy! Sincerely, Yan & Ann 2

编辑部选片团队 编辑部英文编辑 Photo Selection Team Contributing Editors Mingwei Li Weibo Zhang Dongxu Shan Micah Hsi Former Board Former BCPA Former BCPA Editor, English Localization Chairman President President Everest Yang Associate Editor, English Kai L Dan Bo Yang Hong Zuo Localization BCPA Photographer BCPA Chairman of World Renowned the Board Photographer 3

BCPA 摄影 第二期 2022年 8月 目录 BCPA PHOTOGRAPHY 2nd Issue, 2022 August TABLE OF CONTENT 1. 航拍 1. AERIAL 2. 建筑摄影 2. ARCHITECTURE 3. 初学者作品 3. BEGINNER 4. 黑白摄影 4. BLACK & WHITE 5. 创意摄影 5. CREATIVE 6. 纪实摄影 6. DOCUMENTARY 7. 风光摄影 7. LANDSCAPE 8. 表演艺术摄影 8. PERFORMING ARTS 9. 人像摄影 9. PORTRAIT 10. 静物摄影 10. STILL LIFE 11. 街拍 11. STREET 12. 生态摄影 12. WILDLIFE 13. 展览与竞赛消息 13. EXHIBITION & COMPETITION 4

航拍摄影 Ting Zhang AERIAL 编辑导语 - 张廷 Editor’s Words 最近几年,航拍在风景摄影界变得非常流行。 Recently, aerial photography has become very 有两种航拍方式:从飞机(或直升机)内拍摄,以 popular in landscape photography circles. There are 及使用无人机遥控拍摄。这两种方法都有其优点和 two kinds of aerial photography: taking photos from 缺点。从飞机或直升机上拍摄的照片具有良好的图 inside a plane (or helicopter), and using drones for 像质量,但在拍摄地点上受到限制,而且价格比较 remote control shooting. Both methods have their 昂贵。相比之下,无人机拍摄有更多的拍摄地点选 advantages and disadvantages. Photos shot from planes 择,成本较低,但通常图像质量较差。重要的是要 or helicopters have high image quality, but can only be 确保你的无人机已经注册,并在拍摄前检查当地对 shot in limited locations and are significantly more 无人机的限制。 expensive. In contrast, drone photography has more options for shooting locations and costs less, but typically results in lower image quality. If you choose to use a drone, make sure your drone is registered and check local drone restrictions before you shoot. 5

LandsAcEaRIpALe 大 地 印 象 ( 封 面 照 ) By Ting Zhang 编辑评语: 利用航拍手法展现线 条与色块的组合来表达现代艺术 冰岛坐直升机航拍冰川河流与海水交融的印象 的理念 Description: This helicopter shot from Iceland Editor’s Comments: Here, aerial showcases the fusion of glacial rivers and seawater. photography uses a combination of lines and color blocks to express modern art concepts. Nikon Nikon24-70mm Aperture 8 Shutter Speed 1/400秒 ISO 250 6

AERIAL 编辑评语:冰岛直升机航拍, 画面以线条与色块组成,比较 具有现代艺术特征。 Editor’s Comments: This helicopter shot of Iceland is composed of lines & color blocks reminiscent of modern art. HOW DO YOU KNOW THE VIEW FROM ABOVE IF YOU NEVER STRIVE TO REACH THE TOP? By Zuo Hong I originally thought that aerial landscape photography required nothing was cropped or added in post-production. This ensures the continuous shooting, like photographing moving animals. But after quality and authenticity of the shot, and the photo better reflects the stepping into a helicopter for the first time, I realized that aircraft photographer's improvisation and ideation as a result. Aerial shots hovers steadily enough and flies slowly enough that precise can be executed like ground shots – they can embody the composition and even handheld photo stitching is achievable. The photographer’s subjective intentions within themselves, without the composition of this photo was entirely planned during the flight – need for heavy post-processing. 7

LandsAcEaRIpALe 编辑评语: 雪景无人机航拍, 光色漂亮。 Editor’s Comments: An aerial drone shot of snowy scenery, with beautiful lights and colors. By Hong Zuo Sony ILCE-7RM2 FE24/70mm F4 ZA OSS F4 1/1000s ISO 1600 2022 FIRST SNOW SUNSET By Yuanwen Liu DJI FC3411 F2.8 1/120 ISO100 8

Benjamin Chueng 建筑摄影 ARCHITECTURE 编辑导言 - 張筱羲 Editor’s Words 建筑摄影的重点是捕捉建筑物和建筑结构,通常侧重于 Architectural photography focuses on capturing buildings 结构设计的美学。虽然它是围绕着静止的物体,但建筑摄 and architectural structures, typically focusing on the 影仍然给摄影师带来了某些挑战。例如,通过使用特定的 aesthetics of a structure’s design. While the field generally 镜头和后期处理,尽量减少在过高或过低角度拍摄时的失 revolves around stationary objects, architectural photography 真,并控制透视。 still poses certain challenges to photographers, such as minimizing distortion from shooting at sharp angles 今天,建筑摄影加强了对建筑物背景的关注,不仅记录 and controlling perspective through use of specific lenses and 它们的外观,而且还记录其实际应用。例如,展示人们如 post-processing. 何在日常使用建筑物的功能。由于光线的原因,也许黄昏 时分的建筑照片通常比一天中其他时间拍摄的照片更具有 Today, architectural photography places enhanced focus 视觉冲击力。 on the context of a building – not only documenting their appearance, but also its practical applications —for instance, showing how people use the features of the building on a daily basis. Due to lighting, architecture shots at dusk are typically more visually striking than those taken at other times of the day. 9

ARCHITECTURE Nikon 850 HALLGRÍMSKIRKJA CHURCH 14-24mm IN ICELAND Aperture f11 By Ti Wang Shutter Speed 125 The photo was taken early this year in Reykjavík. it was post-processed ISO 200 into a luminous black and Post Processing Software white architecture photo. photoshop 编辑评语: 漂亮的构图,使用 黑白是阅读几何图案的明智选择。 这座教堂是一个对称设计的建筑, 在拍摄时,相机的位置可以放在 建筑前面的中心位置。漂浮在教 堂顶部的光环是这张照片的一个 很好的点缀。 Editor’s Comments: This photo has a beautiful composition – using the black & white was a smart choice for reading the geometrical patterns. This church is a symmetrically designed building, so the camera could have been placed at the front-center of the building. The floating halo atop of the church is a nice touch! 10

ARCHITECTURE Canon 5D4 FOG Canon 11-24mm By Mei Zhang Aperture f8 Chicago skyscrapers under dense Shutter Speed 1/100s fog. ISO 160 编辑评语:建筑物都指向天空,并 向雾中传导。然而,对于这个标题 来说,雾有点太薄了。路灯的形状 与建筑物的线条形成了良好的对比。 由于路灯被放置在图片的底部中间, 如果能使灯柱与框架的底部边缘垂 直对齐,那就更好了。 Editor’s Comments: The sharp angle of this shot gives the impression that the buildings are pointing up to the sky, towards the fog. The shape of the streetlamp is a nice contrast to the lines of the buildings. However, perpendicularly aligning the streetlamp to the bottom edge of the frame may have enhanced the composition. 11

ARCHITECTURE LOWELL CITY HALL This city hall was built in 1893, and By Sheena Gu lots of city events have taken place under this clock tower since. This Nikon D850 photo was taken shortly after the 24-70 mm @65mm start of 2022, but the holiday wreaths are still hanging! Aperture F10 Shutter Speed /125 编辑评论:在建筑照片构图中良 好地呈现了严谨的规则。 ISO 200 Editor’s Comments: This photo Post Processing Software demonstrates good discipline with its composition. LR, PS 12

Cary Chu 新手摄影 BEGINNER 编辑导言 Editor’s Words - 朱健雄 对于新的初学者来说,有必要多练习,多拍摄。但是,在按下快门之前, 你需要思考。多分享,愿意接受评论。知道如何选择能帮助你的评论。 For beginners, practicing is crucial. However, you need to think before you press the shutter. Share your work and be willing to take constructive feedback. Learn how to choose the comments that can help you. 13

BEGINNER 全神 贯 注 ALL EYES AND EARS By Donna Doung Canon 5d mark 4 编辑评语:在体育摄影中,除了 100-400mm 整体场景外,大特写拍摄更有吸 接球手的眼神充满了自信。 Aperture F5 引力和故事性。我们通常用大焦 The receiver's eyes were filled with confidence. 距镜头拍摄因为主体总是在远处。 Shutter Speed 1/500 较大的光圈来突显主题。高快门 ISO 100 速度来捕捉动作。使用大焦距镜 头,被摄主体在远处,并且通常 在一群,而且动作迅速,所以对 焦非常重要。这张照片,对焦点 准确。快门速度捕捉了动作。如 果她提前几分之一秒拍摄这张照 片,球离手套只有一英寸远,这 将是一张令人惊叹的照片。 Editor’s Comments: Besides the overall scene, the most attractive part of sports photography is the close-up shot, which usually tells the story of the scene. We usually shoot these with large focal length lenses, because the subjects are always at a distance – a larger aperture to make the subject pop, and a high shutter speed to capture the action. With all of these factors in mind, the focus is crucial. The focus here is right on the spot, while the shutter speed accurately captures the action. If the photo was taken just a fraction of a second earlier, before the ball hit the glove, it would have been a stunning photo. 14

BEGINNER USS CONSTITUTION FIRST UNDERWAY IN 2022 By Feng Li Canon 6D Mark 2 编辑评语:从照片上看,拍摄环境 Canon USM 24-105 F4.0 不是很好。首先,光线不足(不是 晴天),需要更大的光圈。但是因 Aperture F6.3 为需要保持大的景深, 所以不能用 Shutter Speed 1/400 太大的光圈。第二,移动的物体。 需要更高的快门速度。但是不能使 ISO 100 用太高的快门速度,因为光线不足。 光圈f6.3,不错的设置。快门速度 为1/400,足以冻结移动的物体。 我的建议是,尝试用较大的光圈模 糊背景,或在后期制作中刷亮船舶, 以便将船舶从背景中分离出来,让 它变得更加突出。 Editor’s Comments: Based on the photo, the shooting environment was challenging. First, there was a lack of a light source, so a larger aperture was needed – but not too large, so depth of field is maintained. Second, the moving object necessitated a higher shutter speed – but not too high, because there isn’t enough light. The he settings this photographer submitted (aperture f6.3, shutter speed 1/400) were good, but it would’ve been best to either shoot with a larger aperture to blur the background, or to light up the ship in post-processing to make the ship pop out from the background. The USS Constitution on the Charles River, with her first female CO (commanding officer) in 200 years. 15

BEGINNER 沉 睡 的 巨 人 By Donna Doung Canon 5Dmark 4 编辑评语:作为一个初学者,我 黄昏时的海浪,这块大石,像一个巨人的头,仰卧在深重的大海里享受着海浪的嬉戏。 100-400 mm 会给她很高的评价。焦点、光圈 和快门速度都恰到好处。构图上, 16 Aperture F5.6 她明智地使用了接近于三一黄金 Shutter Speed 1/200 sec 线的布局。远处的一只小鸟起到 了画龙点睛的作用。这张照片拍 ISO 2000 出了一个令人惊叹的场景。建议: 增加对比度。 Editor’s Comments: For a beginner, this is a great shot! The focus, aperture, and shutter speed are just right. Compositionally, the one-third rule is well observed, with a small bird in the distance serving as the finishing touch. Altogether, this photo captures a stunning scene. One minor suggestion I could make would be to increase the contrast.

黑白摄影 Daryl Luk BLACK & WHITE 编辑导言 - 陆德礼 Editor’s Words 当我们去欣赏一张作品的时候,一般都会从以下几个方 When we appreciate a piece of artwork, we usually explore the 面去探讨:作品的主题,风格,视角,构图元素的平衡, following aspects: the subject matter, the style, the angle and 虚实空间的安排,色彩的搭配,甚至更深层次比如内容 composition, the balance of visual elements, the arrangement of 的解读,感情的表达,意义的传递等等。有趣的是,除 empty space, the use of colors, etc. For more attentive viewers, 了以上几方面,一张精彩的黑白照片还有一种独有的特 they may go further to try to interpret the hidden message, 性,那就是黑白明暗之间呈现出来的节奏感。倘若黑白 resonate with the content, and so on. In addition to the above 灰是黑白照片的语言,那么照片里明暗交替起落的节奏 aspects, a wonderful black and white photo also has a unique 感就是它语言声调里的抑扬顿挫了。如同音乐或朗诵一 characteristic — that is, the rhythm between the brightness and the 样,黑白明暗之间的节奏感可以是慷慨激昂,也可以温 shadows. If shades of gray tone are the language of a black and 柔婉若,这种节奏感就是欣赏黑白照片的独有乐趣。 white photo, then the rhythm of the gray tones serve as the intonation of its language. Just like those of songs or speeches, the 这一期的黑白照片主题涵盖的种类非常广泛,其中包含 rhythm in a black and white photo can be gentle and smooth, rich 人物,街拍,风光,生态等等。让我们一起来欣赏吧。 and impactful, or deep and harsh. The rhythm formed by the tones of gray is a unique visual feast when enjoying black and white photos. The collection of black and white photos in this chapter covers a wide range of categories including portrait, street photography, landscape, wildlife and more. Let's enjoy them together. 17

BLACK & WHITE A LAND CALLED TIBET By Hong Zhou 编辑评语:慢门的拍摄把前景的 流水与远方的白云拍出了优美的 No wonders; no miracles. Just a typical scene in the land of Tibet. 动感,而这一份动感又与画面中 心的山和地形成了一个动与静的 对比,摄影师构图用心。作品细 节分明,有气势。 Editor’s Comment: The slow shutter speed successfully brings out the beautiful motion of the stream in the foreground and the white clouds in the distance. This motion creates a contrast between the fluent stream and the quiet mountains. The work is very fine in detail and has great visual impact. 编辑建议:感觉上作品的主题重 点是想表达西藏的山高地广,前 景的流水的亮度分散了我对于山 的注意,建议试试减少前景的流 水的部分。或者大胆地裁掉前景 的水,只专注在表达山的凝重。 后期也可以进一步加强一下土地 的明暗对比。 Editor’s sharing: The brightness of the water in the foreground pulls attention away from the mountains, so it may be best to crop out some of the foreground, or even crop out the water entirely so the gravity of the mountains can be emphasized. The photo could also be enhanced by increasing the contrast of the land in post-processing. 18

BLACK & WHITE !\"#Mei Hu Canon 5D Mark IV, 200mm F/11, 1/400s, ISO 160 编辑评语:这真是一副优美的托 斯卡纳田园风光作品。主题清楚, 意境优美,山峦起伏,层次有致, 天上人间,烂银霞照通澈。照片 构图平稳,摄影师先把照片底部 的农地压暗了色调,色黑为重, 增加了照片的厚重感;然后照片 从中部开始,透过反光的香烟缭 绕作为引导,把视线一步一步的 带到层层叠叠明暗分明的群山, 观看这个作品是一种享受。 Editor’s Comments: This photo captures a beautiful, idyllic moment in Tuscany. The theme is clear; the mood is romantic; the hills roll languidly; the layers of shadows are exquisite. Overall, the photo’s composition is stable. It appears the photographer first darkened the tones of the farmland at the bottom to increase the image’s heaviness, then uses the dazzling reflective smoke as a leading line to gradually bring the viewer’s attention gradually to the layers of distant mountains. Thank you for sharing! It was a pleasure to view this artwork. 秋收后 作者概述: 托斯卡纳一农庄秋收后烧麦秸的场景 19

BLACK & WHITE 编辑评语:照片非常醒目,片中 两个主角各占三分位,移动方向 一致,构图平衡有力。小牛飞奔 躲避的仓忙,牛仔追赶时脸上志 在必得的神情,在1/1200秒的 快门之下,精准的抓到了那一瞬 间,动感十足。就像摄影师所说 的:时间是取得成绩的唯一标准。 Editor’s Comments: This photo is very eye-catching, with the two protagonists each taking up a third of the frame and each moving in the same direction and creating a balanced and powerful composition. The hastiness of the calf’s evasive maneuvers and the determination on the cowboy’s face are captured precisely with a 1/1200 shutter speed, making a dynamic moment. In the words of the photographer themselves: time is the only criterion for achievement. 套 小 牛 By Yun Thwaits 夏耘 Canon 5D Mark 4 F8, ISO640, Shutter speed 1200 作者概述:套小牛比赛妙趣横生,表现了牛仔们的果断、准确和利索。当小牛冲出圈后,手持绳套的牛仔策马紧追。牛 仔甩出绳套准确地套在小牛脖子上,随之翻身下马,全力冲向被套住的小牛,用双手将百来斤重的小牛提起,而后将其 贯在地上并迅速将小牛的前后脚用绳子捆住,动作干净、利落。时间是取得成绩的唯一标准。 20

BLACK & WHITE SCREAM By Mei Zhang 编辑评语:照片的標題是小女孩在噴 泉附近尖叫。從照片上來看,不是 A little girl was screaming near a fountain. 很清楚攝影師要表達的尖叫是玩水 的開心所引起,還是受到某種驚嚇。 假如是想要表達歡樂的尖叫,可能 可以試試去捕捉小女孩尖叫時快樂 的眼神,那樣主題所要表達的意思 會更明確一點。在後期處理方面, 照片周圍加了暗角把小女孩突出了, 但是明暗漸進不是太平滑,可以看 到banding的痕跡,可能是因為 Level 或者Curve壓暗邊角所引起。 希望攝影師有機會的話可以進一步 改善一下暗角的效果。 Editor’s Comments: It’s unclear whether the little girl’s scream is caused by the joy of playing in the water, or caused by a frightening stimulus. If the moment is joyful, it might be best to capture the happiness in her eyes to make the meaning of the photo clearer. In terms of post- processing, the dark corners around the photo were added to highlight the subject, but the gradation of the brightness and the shadows were rough, creating banding marks – potentially caused by using the Level or Curve adjustment layer on the corners. I suggest that the photographer further refine their work with the dark corners. Canon 5D4 Canon 70-200mm Aperture f2.8 Shutter Speed 1/500s ISO 100 21

BLACK & WHITE Stata Center of MIT Canon R5 By Yun Thwaits Stata Student Center of MIT, RF 24-105mm 06/28/2022, Cambridge, MA. Aperture f18 编辑评语:這個屬於抽象的明度攝 Shutter Speed 1/250s 影範疇,明顯是經過一定的明暗 ISO 100 對比後期處理。照片的特色是充 EV -0.3 滿了幾何圖形元素,黑白明暗對 比比例非常平均,尤其難得的是 Post Processing Software PS 明暗之間的過渡漸進非常平順。 可見攝影師後期處理手法嫻熟。 Editor’s Comments: This is an abstract brightness photograph, which is heavily processed to create a certain contrast of light and dark. This photo is full of geographic elements, with a very even ratio between black and white that can be seen in the smooth transition between light and dark. Overall, this photographer’s post- processing skills are clearly strong. 22

BLACK & WHITE 编辑评语:這個舞者的捕捉瞬間非 常精彩。攝影師故意採用慢速度 的快門與小光圈拍出了動感,長 髮飛揚,舞姿縹緲,虽然是慢速 度,舞者的五官臉龐卻依然是清 晰可見。舞者的身體明暗對比也 很有特色,半邊的身體在亮光之 下,另外一本又籠罩在黑影裡, 與大片的黑色背景混在一起,令 舞者的曼妙舞姿更形突出。 Editor’s Comments: This dancer's captured moment is very wonderful. The photographer deliberately used a slow shutter speed and a small aperture to capture the motion, long hair flying, dancing posture is distant. Although slow shutter speed is used, the dancer's facial features are still clearly sharp. The contrast between the light and dark of the dancer's body is also very distinctive, half of the body is under the bright light and the other is covered in black shadow, mixing with the large black background to make the dancer's delicate dance more prominent. YOUNG DANCER By Yan Johnson Nikon Z7 Nikon 24-70mm A young dancer, performing at her final high school event. Aperture F6.3 Shutter Speed 1/80 ISO 250 23

BLACK & WHITE 编辑评语:這個黑白照片是用手機拍 攝,畫質方面與單反相機拍的有所 鸽子与少年 差別,但是不影響我們觀賞照片的 By Ann Fong 體驗。年輕人的衣服是一片漆黑, 看不出任何的細節。老經驗攝影師 iPhone 7 會知道黑白照片可以分成11個等級, 傍晚巴塞罗纳的街头 從全黑到全白有10個過渡。一般的 建議是盡量避免照片裡面有太多的 全黑或者全白的區域。但是假如我 們老是以一成不變的法則去看照片, 反而有的時候會局限了我們的想像 力。我猜想攝影師可能是故意把年 輕人的背影壓暗,因為她可能覺得 衣服的細節不是重點。重點是動與 靜的對比。從背後看得出來年輕人 是看著飛舞的鴿子,不知道小孩當 時心裡在想什麼。右邊遠方有個路 人回頭看著年輕人,也增加了一點 故事性。 Editor’s Comments: This photo was taken with a cell phone, and the picture quality is different from the quality generated from a DSLR camera; however, this does not negatively affect our viewing experience. Here, the young man’s clothes are pitch-black with no visible details. Experienced photographers can tell you that black and white photos can be divided into 11 gray levels, with 10 transitions between black and white. The rule of thumb is to avoid having too many black or white areas in your photos – but sometimes judging every photo by the same rules can limit our imagination. In this instance, I think the photographer may have intentionally darkened the young man's body because she may think that the details on the clothes were insufficient. 24

BLACK & WHITE YALE CAMPUS By Zongwei Wang Mobile Phone 编辑评语:這個是手機拍攝的照片, 但是細節分明,可能是後期銳化的效 果。照片的特色是線條圖形豐富。幾 何圖形那麼豐富的照片是一個把明暗 層次充分展示出來的好機會。可惜這 個照片的黑白過於平淡單薄。比如說 照片右邊的柱子就缺乏明暗層次感。 正前方的建築物也有點往右下方傾斜 的感覺,希望攝影師有機會的話再後 期處理補救一下。照片裡中心有個行 人與兩隻狗,但是處在陰暗處,不夠 明顯,對於照片的主題也沒有太多的 幫助。假如時光可以倒流的話,我可 能會再等两秒,讓行人與狗走到亮光 的地方再按下快門。照片左邊的圓形 大理石好像也有跟整個照片不太搭調。 Editor’s Comments: While this shot comes from a cell phone, its details are rich thanks to the sharpening effect. One noticeable characteristic of this photo is the line pattern. While this is typically a good opportunity to enhance the light and dark layers of a photo, the contrast in this case is too flat; for example, the pillar on the photo’s right side lacks a sense of light and dark layering. The building in front of the photo is also slightly off-level. Hopefully, this can be adjusted in post- processing. The pedestrian and their two dogs, while in the center of the photo, are too far away to grab the viewer’s attention, and ultimately detracts from the photo. 25

“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”. - Ansel Adams 26

Feng Chai 创意摄影 C R E AT I V E 编辑导言 - 柴锋 Editor’s Words 什么是创意摄影?不同的人会有不同的定义。在 What is creative photography? Different people 我看来,创意摄影就是有意识地使用各种前后期的摄 have different definitions. In my opinion, creative 影和修图技术去创造出一幅摄影师希望得到的,独特 photography is the intentional use of various 的摄影作品。 photography, post-processing techniques, and effects to create unique and desired pieces of photography. 创意摄影的魅力在于可以让你天马行空,不受约 The beauty of creative photography is that it gives 束。这给了摄影师无限的空间去创作,去表达。虽然 freedom to photographers to explore and create. The 创意摄影很令人兴奋,但它也很有挑战性。从最初的 only limit to this kind of photography is your 一个想法,到拍摄前的准备,现场实施,再到后期处 imagination! Although creative photography is very 理,都需要花费很多精力。毕加索说过,你能想象的 exciting, it can also be quite challenging at times. From 一切都是真实的。BCPA的摄影师们能去探索自己的 having an initial idea, to pre-shoot planning, to on-site 想象中的真实,并用创意摄影的形式把它表达出来。 implementation, and then post-processing, every step requires a lot of effort. Pablo Picasso once said that “everything you can imagine is real”. I encourage BCPA photographers to explore and express their own imaginations through creative photography. 27

CREATIVE 水墨荷叶 中国人非常喜欢荷花,认为它是高 洁的象征。摄影师们也爱拍荷花。 他们拍出了很多好看的荷叶照片。 在这种情况下,要拍出新意就不那 么容易了。在这幅作品的后期处理 过程中,我把几张各具优美形状和 曲线的荷叶错落有致地组合在一起, 形成一种律动的感觉, 并通过水墨 效果的晕染去体现中国人对荷的特 殊感情。 Chinese people are very fond of lotuses and consider them a symbol of purity; naturally, photographers love to take photos of them. As there are so many beautiful lotus photos are out there, it takes effort to make a unique one. In this photo, I combined several lotus leaves with beautiful shapes and curves and organized them in a rhythmical pattern in post-processing. To reflect Chinese people's special affection for the lotus, I applied a Chinese ink painting effect to finish up this work. 水 墨 荷叶 INK LOTUS LEAF By Feng Chai Nikon D810 70-200mm f/2.8 Aperture f/5.6 Shutter Speed 1/400 ISO 200 28

CREATIVE DAVID AT RINGLING MUSEUM By Sheena Gu 编辑评语:摄影师应用双重曝光技 术创造出了一幅独特有趣的照片。 放在下面的人脸照片起到了抓人 眼球的作用,放在上面的抽象艺 术照片给这个作品增加一层神秘 感。两张照片的选择和重叠的位 置体现了作者的用心和巧思。 Editor’s Comments: The photographer applied the double exposure technique here to create a unique and interesting art photo. The human face serves as an eye-catcher, while the abstract art on the top adds a layer of mystery to this work. The choice of the two photos and their overlapping positions reflects the author's intentions and ingenuity. Combined two art items while visiting Ringling museum. Nikon Z5 24-200mm @85 Aperture F6.3 Shutter Speed 1/125 ISO 100 Post Processing Software PS 29

CREATIVE 时光隧道 By Ann Fong iPhone 7 Plus 时光流逝的速度 编辑评语: :几何图案是创意摄影 常用的元素。摄影师敏锐地捕捉 到的这些重复出现的圆环并在后 期做了黑白处理。在黑色背景的 衬托下,白色的圆环由大到小的 排列造成了一种似乎可以把观众 带到时间另一端的透视感! Editor’s Comments: Patterns are key elements of creative photography. In this example, the photographer sensitively captures recurring circles and converts them to black and white in post-processing. Against the black background, the arrangement of these white circles from large to small, creates a sense of perspective that seems to take the viewer to the other side of time. 30

纪实摄影 Daryl Luk D O C U M E N TA R Y 编辑导言 - 陆德礼 Editor’s Words 纪实摄影是以记录生活现实为主要诉求的摄影方式, Documentary photography is a form of photography 素材来源于生活和真实,如实反映我们所看到的,因此, whose main goal is to record the realities of life. The material 纪实摄影有记录和保存历史的价值。 comes from life and reality and reflects what we see; therefore, documentary photography has the value of 纪实摄影是一种声音,是一种批判力量,是平衡人类 recording and preserving history. 生活机制中不能缺少的一种手段。它的魅力在于拍摄者对 于这个复杂世界细微的观察。纪实摄影师是充满勇气的参 Documentary photography is a voice, a critical force, 与者,因为许多令人尴尬或危险的场合时刻在考验其拍摄 and an indispensable means to balance human life. Its charm 技巧和胆识。 lies in the photographer's nuanced and thoughtful observation of this complex world. The documentary 纪实摄影的拍摄方法大致包括主题系列拍摄、瞬间抓 photographer is a courageous participant, as many 取、守候陷阱、安排摆拍等。纪实作品大多以黑白作品形 embarrassing or dangerous situations test his or her skills 式表达,这样可以让读者更关注内容本身而不是色彩。当 and mettle. 我们看一幅让人感动的纪实摄影作品时,别以为是恰恰让 他碰巧拍到,因为好作品构思早巳潜伏在摄影师脑际。 The methods of documentary photography broadly include subject series, momentary capture, trapped snaps, and posed shots. Documentary works are typically expressed in black and white, which allows the viewers to focus more on the content itself rather than the color. When we look at a moving documentary photography work, it didn’t just happen by chance for the photographer to shoot: it is the execution of a good photo idea waiting in the photographer’s head. 31

DOCUMENTARY 编辑评语: 疫情期間,朋友之間 的見面都改變了禮儀,以碰手肘 取代了親密的握手,在疫情沒有 發生前好像從來沒有用這種交流 的動作。可以說這個碰手肘的動 作是新冠疫情的一個象徵動作。 諷刺的是照片主角的男士雖然因 為顧慮到安全避免了握手,但卻 又不戴口罩,反而照片右邊的女 士卻戴上了口罩,可能這個就是 攝影師想要諷刺的一筆。 Editor’s Comments: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the etiquette for meeting friends changed. In this instance, we see the intimacy of the handshake replaced with elbow bumps, something rarely (if ever) used in the past; it could be said that these elbow bumps are a symbolic action of the coronavirus pandemic. Ironically, although the man in the photo is avoiding a handshake for safety reasons, he is not wearing a mask! Maybe the photographer wanted to satirize this. SOCIAL DISTANCING AT A STEAMPUNK EVENT By Yan Johnson Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 24-120mm An example of social distancing being put into practice at a steampunk event. Aperture F4 Shutter Speed 1/150 ISO 100 32

DOCUMENTARY 波士顿三一大教堂前 By Ann Fong iPhone 12 Max 虽然仍是疫情期间,在大教堂前小栖 的人群,平和安祥。2021 10 编辑评语: :這紀實紀錄片講的是 疫情期間在波士頓大教堂前,人們 安恬休息的情景。照片有一個很明 顯的視覺元素就是那一道斜斜的耶 穌光,配著教堂的背景,意境倒是 蠻有趣味。可惜照片裡面不是非常 能反映出疫情時期来。 Editor’s Comments: This documentary shot shows people resting in peace in front of Boston Cathedral during the pandemic. With the background of the church and the slanted light, the artistic concept is quite interesting. It's a pity that the photos don't represent the pandemic period very well. 33

“If you are out there shooting, things will happen for you. If you’re not out there, you’ll only hear about it.” – Jay Maisel 34

风光摄影 Ting Zhang 编辑导语 - 张廷 Editor’s Words LANDSCAPE 摄影爱好者中喜欢风光摄影的人估计最多, Among photography enthusiasts, landscape photography is the 而对于广大的风光摄影爱好者来说:什么样的作 top of the mountain. But for this massive crowd, the question must be 品才能算得上一幅好作品?这个问题的答案也是 asked: What makes a good landscape photograph? 众说纷纭。 Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but I would like 我想说说我个人的观点: to express my own point of view. 首先美没有一个统一的标准,大致来说一幅 First, there is no unified standard of beauty. Generally, a work of 作品能给观众带来满足、愉悦之感就已算得上美, art can give the viewers a sense of satisfaction and pleasure which is 作为通俗艺术作品能让越多的人感受的满足、快 already considered beautiful; as popular art, the more they can make 乐其美就被越多人肯定。 people feel the satisfaction and happiness, the better. 其次风光摄影作品按景别分为大、中、小景, Second, landscape photography works are divided into large, 我个人总结:大景抒发情怀,中景描写情调,小 medium, and small scenes. My personal view is that large 景捕捉情趣,总之能做到借景抒情、情景交融, scenes express emotions, medium scenes describe the mood and 并能让观众感受到此情此景引发观众共鸣的作品 small scenes capture the interesting. In short, if it can express 才是上品。 emotions through scenes, and can make the viewers resonate with what the scenes evoke, the work is of high quality. 最后一点,风光摄影作品其景必须真实,那 些用后期合成的“风光”图片归为创意类,不能 Finally, the scene that is captured must be real; those with post- 作为风光摄影作品,因那样的“风光”现实中并 synthesis \"scenery\" pictures should be classified as a creative category 不存在,是无法靠摄影完成。 and not as landscape photography, because that \"scenery\" does not really exist and cannot be captured by photography. 35

LANDSCAPE 编辑点评:这张智利百内国家公 摄影师:张廷 园 Mirador las Torres 的 照 片 是 在日出时拍摄的。这幅作品的主 题突出而鲜明,以美丽的风景和 光线为例证。拍摄这样的场景, 不仅需要艰苦的体力,还需要极 好的运气。 Editor‘s Comments: This photo of Mirador las Torres in Chile's Torres del Paine National Park was taken during the sunrise. The theme of this work is prominent and distinctive, exemplified by the beautiful scenery and light. To shoot such a scene requires not only hard physical effort, but also excellent luck. Canon R5 15mm Aperture F/22 Shutter Speed 1/2s ISO 50 Post Processing Software PS 36

LANDSCAPE 摄影师:左红 \"#$Hong Zuo 编辑评语:智利百内国家公园的百 内角,风景奇丽,此作品拍摄也 是略带风险,拍摄技术娴熟 Editor’s Comments: This photo of Los Cuernosin Chile's Torres del Paine National Park depicts some fantastic scenery, despite the risks involved with taking this kind of photo, and the photographer shows proficiency in their skills. 37

LANDSCAPE 编辑评语: 北极光在冰岛经典景 点蝙蝠山上空出现非常难得,更 何况拍摄到,此作品前景和极光 的形态都很漂亮,可惜前景是山 没法通过补光来提高亮度。 Editor’s Comments: This shot of the aurora borealis over the Vestrahorn is a classic Icelandic attraction. The shape of the aurora borealis is very beautiful; unfortunately, the foreground is a mountain which cannot be filled with light to improve its brightness. NORTHERN LIGHT By kai Dan Canon R5 11-24 The Northern Light spreads its wings like a phoenix. Aperture F4 Shutter Speed 8s ISO 2000 Post Processing Software PS 38

LANDSCAPE 编辑评语: 很有意思的构 图:前景一半海浪一半沙滩, 这一半的沙滩还倒影着一半 的山,整张作品又是一半海 水一半山,山头被残阳染红, 构图下功夫,技术也到位, 时间把握精准 Editor’s Comments: This photo has a very interesting composition. The tide and the beach split the foreground, with the calmer side of the water reflecting the mountains, and the mountain itself is dyed a vibrant red by the sun. These elements are brought together by strong composition, made possible by advanced technology and good timing. VESTRAHORN’S SUNSET IN ICELAND By kai Dan Canon R5 15mm Aperture F/22 Shutter Speed 1/2s ISO 50 Post Processing Software PS 39

LANDSCAPE 编辑评语: 这是一 张经典的麦田 摄影作品,表现光影曲线之优美, 红色小屋对照片的的色彩平衡起 到很好的作用。不足之处在于光 线与阴影的对比不够到位,可以 再加强 Editor’s Comments: This is a classic photo of a wheat field, showing the beautiful curves of light and shadow. The red hut plays a good role in the color balance of the photo. However, the contrast between light and shadow is lacking, and can be strengthened. 晨 光 初 照 帕 卢 斯 麦 田 中 的 农 舍 PALOUSE WHEAT FIELDS UNDER MORNING LIGHT By Wei Hu This photo was taken around 6am in the Palouse region of Washington state. Canon R5, RF100-500mm lens, ISO125, F/11, 1/13 S at 500mm. 40

LANDSCAPE 编辑评语: 最喜欢这张作品在 MORNING By kai Dan A peaceful scene 于:平凡中的不平凡,这是一 个比较平常的民居场景,被初 升的阳光染红的房屋、枯树、 晨雾,一切是那么梦幻轻柔静 怡,充满着诗情画意,摄影师 能在这一刻观察到路边一景, 并为之感动、拍摄下这美丽的 画面,足见摄影师已具备很好 的观察能力、审美能力 Editor's Comments: What I like most about this work is that it is extraordinary in the ordinary. This is a relatively ordinary residential scene, with the rising sunlight, red house, dead trees, and morning fog. Everything is so dreamy, soft, and quiet, and the scene feels full of poetry. At this moment, the photographer was touched by this beautiful roadside scene and shot this amazing picture. It is evident that the photographer has very good observation skills and aesthetic ability. Canon 5D Mark IV 100mm Aperture F13 Shutter Speed 1/200 ISO 100 41

LANDSCAPE LANDA CHURCH ICELAND By Wang Ti 编辑评语: 很优秀的一张冬季摄影 This was a very cold & windy day, and no one was around when I took 作品,构思、拍摄、后期都很考究, this photo, with the sunset as a backdrop. 尤其色调的运用,让一个看似普通 的场景成为一张优秀的作品,颇为 42 难得。构图方面仍有改善空间。 Editor’s Comments: This is a very beautiful winter photograph. The conception, shooting and post- production are all very sophisticated, especially the use of tones. These skills make a seemingly ordinary scene into an excellent work, which is quite rare. However, there is room for improvement in the composition. Nikon 850 14mm Aperture f6.3 Shutter Speed 1/160 ISO 100 Post Processing Software photoshop

LANDSCAPE 编辑评语: 画面干净,光色后期 处理把握不错,主题突出。拍摄 时的视角选择时应该把光、云的 位置都考虑进去,而不少简单的 按照别人作品的构图进行拷贝, 因为每次拍摄时的实际情况都会 有变化,要因地制宜灵活构图 Editor’s Comments: The picture is clean, and the post-processing of light and color is good. The theme is outstanding. When choosing the shot angle, we should consider the location of the light source and the clouds – we should not simply copy the compositions of others. Each time, the actual shooting situation is different. We should adapt to local conditions and be flexible with the composition. 黄 昏 ” 地 精 % DUSK “GOBLINS” By Jie Ren Canon 5D4 Canon 16-35mm 黄 昏 时 分 , 我 们 来 到 了 久 违 的 Goblin Valley State Park, 看 到 群 群 簇 簇 高 耸 的 蘑 菇 形岩石,当地人称之为“地精”。据说这些“地精”们是由高原岩层历经千万 Aperture F11 年风化后,刻蚀成奇形怪状的石林,分布于沙漠山谷之中,其景观令人遐想万 Shutter Speed 1/4s 千叹为观止。 ISO 100 At dusk, we arrived at Goblin Valley State Park and saw towering, mushroom- Post Processing Software shaped rocks. Known as \"goblins\" by the locals, these formations are the result of millions of years of erosion. This array of \"goblins\" scattered across Lr & Ps the desert valley makes for an amazing view. 43

LANDSCAPE 编辑评语: 美丽的秋晨雾绕,画面充 满朦胧之美,层次分明色彩斑斓。可 惜当时光不够给力,画面略显凌乱。 Editor’s Comments: This photo captures a beautiful foggy autumn morning, with layers of different colors throughout. However, there are spots where the lighting is lacking, and the picture becomes slightly messy in these spots. 雾锁深秋 !\"#Jodie Chin Nikon D850 600mm 晨曦深秋,雾气缭绕。 A foggy morning in late autumn. Aperture F16 Shutter Speed 5 ISO 100 44

LANDSCAPE JOSHUA TREES AT SUNSET 编辑评语:拍摄思路灵活,光芒的 By Yun Thwaits 捕捉技术纯熟,主题突出。画质 略显粗糙尤其天空部分 Joshua Trees at Sunset, Editor’s Comments: The idea in this 02/27/2022, California photograph is quite flexible, and it Canon R5 is complemented by a pure light RF 14-35mm capture technique and an Aperture 22 outstanding theme. Unfortunately, Shutter Speed 1/80s the image quality is slightly rough, ISO 200 especially in the sky. 45

编辑评语: 漂亮的夜景照片,前 景处理非常到位。银河月亮出现 在接近位置,不知道在天文现象 中是否罕见,但在照片中却出现 了两个主题,造成视觉干扰,如 果天空只有银河那就更适合摄影 表现。 Editor’s Comments: This is a beautiful night photo! The foreground processing is strong, with the Milky Way and the Moon appearing close together. However, there are two subjects in the photo, which are causing some visual interference. If the photo focused on the Milky Way, it would likely have a stronger photographic expression. 银河拱月 By Yun Thwaits Canon R5 RF 14-35mm 2 0 2 2 年 的 第一次 银河与月同 框 。2/26/2022, Death Valley. Aperture f8 Shutter Speed 1/20s ISO 100 Post Processing Software PS 46 46

LANDSCAPE 编辑评语: 作品构思很好,气氛渲 染也不错,拍摄这样的作品也是需 要经过一定的努力才能完成。人物 的动作造型不够理想 Editor’s Comments: The idea in this work has been very well conceived, and the atmosphere is well rendered – it takes a lot of effort to shoot something so beautiful! Despite its beauty, the movement of the characters is less than ideal. SAND DUNES AT SUNSET By Yun Thwaits Canon R5 RF 100-500mm Aperture f8 Shutter Speed 1/100s ISO 100 EV EV -0.3 Post Processing Software PS 47 47

LANDSCAPE 编辑评语: 这是一张天和之作, 荒野中的余霞闪电都是上苍赐予 的风光摄影大礼,能遇到非常幸 运,能完美的拍摄表现则是摄影 师的功力之体现,此作品对色调 平衡的把握值得称道,构图也很 有巧思。后期的曝光度可以再提 高一些。 Editor’s Comments: The lighting of the wilderness is a wonderful gift for landscape photography. This photography has strong technique: the tonal balance is great, and the composition is smart. When considering the post-processing, the exposure could be higher. FAR FAR AWAY By Yan Johnson Nikon Z7 24mm Walking into the Badlands of New Mexico is a unique experience. It makes you wonder if you’re on another Aperture F11 planet – it’s so far away, yet so close to yourself. Shutter Speed 1/150 ISO 100 48

LANDSCAPE 向往——洞外的世界 By Donna Doung 涨潮,海浪拍打进洞涛声阵阵。 Canon 5d mark 4 12-24mm F4 Aperture F11 Shutter Speed 1/4 sec ISO 100 编辑评语: 经典的拍摄场景,对海浪 拉丝的拍摄曝光时间控制准确。后 期处理有待提高,作品中出现大片 无细节的黑 Editor’s Comments: This is a classic shooting scene, and the exposure with the slow shutter speed is accurate. The post-processing has room for improvement – the photo has quite a lot of black spots, with little detail within them. 49 49

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