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Home Explore BCPA Photography 2022 Issue 1

BCPA Photography 2022 Issue 1

Published by BCPA, 2022-02-19 15:49:46

Description: BCPA Photography 2022 Issue 1


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波士顿华人摄影协会(BCPA)成立于2009年8月,并于 The Boston Chinese Photography Association (BCPA) was founded 2 0 1 5 年 4 月 1 7 日 在 马 萨 诸 塞 州 注 册 为 501(C)(3)非 营 利 组 织 。 in August 2009, and was registered as a 501(C)(3) non-profit 现在,有约200名成员隶属于该协会。 organization in Massachusetts on April 17, 2015. Today, there are about 200 members affiliated with the association. BCPA定期组织活动,包括教授各种摄影技术和提高艺术 修养为主题的讲座和课程,还有以实践为主题的外拍活动。我 BCPA organizes activities on a regular basis including lectures and 们还为大波士顿地区的其他社区和组织提供摄影服务。我们的 classes taught in various topics of photography techniques and 所有活动都在协会的网站上公布。从2022年2月起,BCPA有 practices. We also provide photography services to other communities 了 自 己 的 期 刊 — BCPA 摄 影 。 and organizations in the Greater Boston area. All our activities are published online. As of February 2022, BCPA now has its own BCPA欢 迎 所 有 摄 影 爱 好 者 加 入 。 无 论 你 是 专 家 还 是 初 学 者 , publication — BCPA Photography. 也无论你是用手机拍照还是用昂贵的摄影器材,你都可以通过 注册和支付年度会费成为我们的会员。 Experts and beginners alike are welcome at BCPA, whether you’re taking photos on your phone or working with an arsenal of expensive equipment. You can become a member by signing up and paying an annual membership fee. BCPA 摄影 第一期 2022年 2月 BCPA Photography 1st Issue, February 2022 Boston Chinese Photography Association (BCPA) © 2022 BCPA, All rights reserved. Please contact [email protected] for inquiries about photo prints and printed materials. 1

会长前言 Letter From the President Paul Hsi, I am very excited to see the first edition of BCPA’s Photography magazine published online. We will soon President of BCPA have printed copies available. I would like to thank BCPA board’s support and express my appreciation to our entire editorial team for their hard work on selecting photos and writing reviews. I would also like to thank our members for participating and allowing us the privilege of sharing their works for others to enjoy. Most of all, I would like to thank our chief editors Yan Johnson and Ann Fong, for their tireless work over the past month and half to make the magazine beautiful. In the past six weeks, Yan has made great efforts in designing the magazine, collecting photos & other materials, bringing together our editors, handling the Chinese edits, and managing the project from start to finish; Ann’s expertise on design and printing has helped us through countless iterations of the magazine’s design with her attention to detail. It is thanks to both of them that we were able to put this together in such a short amount of time, Finally, I want to thank my wife Xiaolu Hsi and son Micah Hsi for their support for English localization. As we all know, our passion for photography is only made better by our families’ support. This publication is meant to establish a platform for our members to share their works and to learn from each other. It is not meant to be a photo competition platform. In the future, we hope more members will participate so we can all enjoy your work together. Do not worry if your work did not get selected for this issue — there is always a chance for your work to appear in later issues. For the moment, we decided to limit the page count to 100, which allows us to maintain a reasonable cost and avoid ergonomic issues such as weight. Congratulations to everyone who worked on the issue! I hope it can be enjoyed by everyone, whether you are a BCPA member, family member, or friend. Sincerely, 2

编者前言 Words From the Editors Yan Johnson, Vice BCPA 的 第 一 期 杂 志 和 大 家 见 面 了 。 我 们 五 位 选 片 的 编 辑 从 2 3 0 Ann Fong, 以摄影会友。热爱摄影的 President of BCPA, 张作品中不记名先行选片,然后10位专栏编辑再次选择和评片。由 Associate Editor-in-Chief 朋 友 们 在 BCPA相 聚 , 疫 情 也 没 Editor-in-Chief 于篇幅所限而且鼓励更多会员,这次每人每个专栏只发一篇作品。选 能阻止摄影师探索世界的脚步。 上而未发表的作品会在以后陆续发表。这是一次集体合作的结晶。我 副总编辑 透过八十幅精彩的作品,我们和 副会长,总编辑 代表编辑部感谢投稿的会员,感谢编辑的辛苦工作。我们期待有更多 每一位摄友对话,感受他们带来 的会员投稿也期待看到更多优秀的作品。 的美妙和震撼,也透过镜头之所 现,看见他们的内心。 The first issue of BCPA magazine is now published. There were 230 photos submitted anonymously for review. We had five curators select People who LOVE those photos that they considered most outstanding. Ten column editors photography gathered at BCPA; then choose from the photos that made this final cut. What you have is an we found friends here. Even the amazing collection of images that we know you will enjoy. pandemic did not stop photographers from exploring We had 17 different subject categories for photo submissions. We the world. Through 80 wonderful limited our members to just one photo to publish per category. This pieces of work in this issue of allowed more diversity and more participation by our members. We were magazine, we dialogue with each overwhelmed with the response. Many of the photos that were selected photographer. We are grateful of but held back from being published in this edition will be shared with you the beauty and the thrill brought in future editions. There is much to look forward to! On behalf of the by them; through their lens, what editorial team, I would like to thank all the members who submitted their we also get to know is, their photos for consideration. I applaud the editors and curators for minds. completing the difficult task that was put before them. I thank everyone else who put their time and energy into making this first edition a success. Many thanks to you all. Keep sending us your photographs! 编 辑 部 选 片 团 队 Photo Selecting Team Mingwei Li Weibo Zhang Dongxu Shan Hong Zuo Bo Yang Former Board Former BCPA Former BCPA World Renowned BCPA Chairman of Chairman President President Photographer the Board 3

BCPA 摄影 第一期 2022年 2月 目录 BCPA PHOTOGRAPHY 1st Issue, 2022 February TABLE OF CONTENT 1. 航拍 1. AERIAL 2. 建筑摄影 2. ARCHITECTURE 3. 天文摄影 3. ASTRO 4. 初学者作品 4. BEGINNER 5. 黑白摄影 5. BLACK & WHITE 6. 手机摄影 6. CELL PHONE 7. 创意摄影 7. CREATIVE 8. 纪实摄影 8. DOCUMENTARY 9. 风光摄影 9. LANDSCAPE 10. 微距摄影 10. MACRO 11. 表演艺术摄影 11. PERFORMING ARTS 12. 人像摄影 12. PORTRAIT 13. 运动摄影 13. SPORTS 14. 静物摄影 14. STILL LIFE 15. 街拍 15. STREET 16. 生态摄影 16. WILDLIFE 17. 展览与竞赛消息 17. EXHIBITION & COMPETITION 4

航拍摄影 Ting Zhang AERIAL 编辑导语 - 张廷 Words From Editor 最近几年,航拍在风景摄影界变得非常流行。 Aerial photography has become very popular 有两种航拍方式:从飞机(或直升机)内拍摄,以 recently in landscape photography circles. There are two 及使用无人机遥控拍摄。这两种方法都有其优点和 kinds of aerial photography: taking photos from inside a 缺点。从飞机或直升机上拍摄的照片具有良好的图 plane (or helicopter), and using drones for remote 像质量,但在拍摄地点上受到限制,而且价格比较 control shooting. Both methods have their advantages 昂贵。相比之下,无人机拍摄有更多的拍摄地点选 and disadvantages. The photos shot from a plane or 择,成本较低,但通常图像质量较差。重要的是要 helicopter have good image quality, but are limited in 确保你的无人机已经注册,并在拍摄前检查当地对 their shooting locations and is more expensive. In 无人机的限制。 contrast, drone photography has more options for shooting locations and has lower costs, but typically has worse image quality. It’s important to make sure your drone is registered, and to check local restrictions on drones before you shoot. 5

冰岛 By Ting Zhang 6

LandsAcEaRIpALe 空中拍摄的独特视角可以提供一 种幻觉的元素。飞溅的色彩和弯 曲的线条翩翩起舞,仿佛在编排 自己的迷幻体验。用长焦镜头拍 摄,河流和湿地朦胧地融合成一 幅动态的抽象画。空中视角打破 了陆地上的视觉界限,显露出大 块的颜色和永无止境的线条,如 果不扩大视野就无法观察到。 The unique perspective of an aerial shot can offer an element of illusion. Splashes of colors and curvy lines dance as if orchestrating their own psychedelic experience. Captured with a telephoto lens, the rivers and wetlands merged hazily into a dynamic abstract painting. The aerial perspective breaks the boundaries of vision on land, exposing large chunks of colors and never-ending lines that cannot be observed without an expanded field of view. 被 打 翻 的 调 色 板 KNOCKED OVER PALETTE By Hong Zuo Sony ILCE-7RM2 FE24/70mm F4 ZA OSS F4 1/1000s ISO 1600 编 辑 评 语 Editor’s comment This photo is an aerial shot from a photographer in Iceland, taken from inside a demolition door helicopter. The work has characteristics of modern art with lines, color 这张作品是摄影师乘坐拆门直升机在冰岛进行的航拍,作品具有现代艺术特点, blocks, and gradations of light and color. Due to the fast flight speed of the helicopter, 用线条、色块、光影色彩渐变来表达。由于直升机飞行速度较快,航拍时相机镜 the camera lens is preferably autofocused and the shutter speed is faster when taking 头最好是自动对焦,快门速度也比较快,这也要求摄影师构图反应要快。 aerial shots, requiring the photographer to be quick in composition response. 7

AERIAL 2021年10月2号,乘直升飞机, 拍下美丽的落基山的秋天。 October 2, 2021, a helicopter ride to capture the beautiful Rocky Mountain fall 编辑评语 这是另外一种风格的直升机航拍 作品,拍摄的是比较传统的具 象——加拿大落基山的秋色鸟瞰 图,拍摄需要注意点与上页“被 打翻的调色板”的直升机航拍是 一样的。 Editor’s comment This is another style of helicopter aerial photography, shooting a more traditional figure – an aerial view of the Canadian Rocky Mountains in autumn – using similar techniques to those used in Knocked over palette. 落 基 山 的 秋 天 AUTUMN IN THE ROCKIES By Yun Thwaits 夏耘 Canon R5 F8 1/600s ISO100 8

AERIAL 天堑通途 By Ting Zhang 张 廷 无人机:大 疆 御 2 F8 1/160s ISO100 编辑评语 夕阳雪山下,大桥横跨罗弗敦群岛之间,连接起群岛雪域。 这是一张用无人机遥控拍摄的航拍 Under the snowy sunset, the bridge spans between the Lofoten Islands, connecting them to the snowy land. 作品,也是现在绝大多数摄影师航 拍的方法,优点是一次性投入设备, 拍摄成本低,缺点是画质不高,暗 光环境拍摄略显困难,拍摄过程注 意无人机的安全边际包括电池电量、 风力、距离等等。总体无人机拍摄 视频需要大量练习操作手法,拍摄 照片相对就容易很多,只要注意参 数设置、构图画质即可。 Editor’s comment This aerial photograph was taken by remote control with drones, one of the more common methods for aerial photography today. The advantage is a one-time investment in equipment and low cost of shooting; the disadvantage is that the image quality is not high, and shooting in dark light environments is comparatively more difficult. Pay attention to the safety margins of the drone including battery power, wind, distance, etc. Drone shooting requires a lot of operating practice, but shooting photos will be relatively easier as long as you pay attention to parameter settings, composition and picture quality. 9

AERIAL 编辑评语 无人机拍摄的一张黑白雪景,用上 帝视角看波士顿郊外的新年第一场 雪别有一番情趣 Editor’s comment A black-and-white snow scene taken by drone. It's interesting to see the first snow of the New Year outside Boston from “God's eye”. 2022年 的 初 雪 FIRST SNOW OF 2022 By Yuanwen Liu DJI FC3411 F2.8 1/120s ISO100 2022 初雪后 After the first snow storm of 2022 10

Benjamin Chueng 建筑摄影 ARCHITECTURE 编辑导言 - 張筱羲 建筑摄影的重点是捕捉建筑物和建筑结构,通常侧重于结构设计 的美学。虽然它是围绕着静止的物体,但建筑摄影仍然给摄影师带 来了某些挑战。例如,通过使用特定的镜头和后期处理,尽量减少 在过高或过低角度拍摄时的失真,并控制透视。 今天,建筑摄影加强了对建筑物背景的关注,不仅记录它们的外 观,而且还记录其实际应用。例如,展示人们如何在日常使用建筑 物的功能。由于光线的原因,也许黄昏时分的建筑照片通常比一天 中其他时间拍摄的照片更具有视觉冲击力。 Editor’s Words Architectural photography focuses on capturing buildings and architectural structures, typically focusing on the aesthetics of a structure’s design. While the field generally revolves around stationary objects, architectural photography still poses certain challenges to photographers, such as minimizing distortion from shooting at high or low angles and controlling perspective through use of specific lenses and post-processing. Today, architectural photography places enhanced focus on the context of a building, not only documenting their appearance, but also its practical applications — for instance, showing how people use the features of the building on a daily basis. Due to lighting, architecture shots at dusk are typically more visually striking than those taken at other times of the day. By Benjamin Cheung 11

ARCHITECTURE MIT STATA CENTER By Sheena Gu NIKON Z5 24-200 mm, F/9.5 1/180s ISO 200 I pass this building from time to time; it is so unique and shows off MIT’s engineering spirit! 编辑评语 MIT Stata Center 不 容 易 拍 , 这 幅 照 片 把 建 材 的 质感和這個角落的建筑設計表現得淋漓尽致。 Editor’s comment MIT’s Stata Center, designed by famous architect Frank Gehry, is not an easy building to photograph; its unique irregularities make it difficult to find the right angle and good lighting. This picture captures a wonderful view of a corner of this building and its building materials. 12

ARCHITECTURE 万 家 灯 火 By Cary Chu Canon EOS 5D Mark III, EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM F8 2.5s ISO 400 夜幕下的香港沙田建筑物 编辑评语 強烈的光和喑,新与旧的对比 Editor’s comment A contrast between bright and dark, modern and traditional. 13

ARCHITECTURE RATED X By Mei Zhang F11 1/100s ISO100 Gaps between skyscrapers in Chicago forming an \"X\" in the sky. I almost could hear the roaring of a thunder following a lightning flash. 编 辑 评 语 Editor’s comment 几 何 图 形 感 強 . Strong geometry. 14

Paul Hsi 天文摄影 ASTRO 编辑导言 Editor’s Words - Paul Hsi 宇宙是如此之大,而地球是如此之小。有这么多东西可 The universe is so big compared to Earth but even 以探索。 住在新英格兰地区,天气总是难以预测。光污染 from where we are, there’s so much to explore. Living in 是另一个难以控制的因素。一个解决办法是在天气好的时候 New England, the weather is always hard to predict, and 到光污染少的地方去,但这通常需要两个小时的车程。另一 the light pollution poses an additional challenge. One 个方法是使用滤镜来阻挡光污染。这样至少减小了光污染的 solution is to try and shoot in rural locations with less light 问题。 pollution when the weather is good, but this usually requires a couple hours of driving each way. Another strategy is to use a filter that blocks light pollution — that way, you don’t need to worry about light pollution as long as the sky is reasonably clear. 15

ASTRO ORION NEBULA By PAUL HSI. Nikon Z7ii, Redcat 51 Upgraded refractor lens, 250mm, F4.9 20s ISO640 I have been interested in deep- sky photography for a long 我对深空摄影感兴趣已经有很长时间了. 我想以后会置办一台天文望远镜。现在我感兴趣的是用便携式设备拍摄照片。 time. Eventually, I would like to 我喜欢的深空主题之一是猎户座星云。一月份是拍它的最佳时间。为了用相机拍出高质量的深空照片,你需要有一个跟 get a telescope; for now, my 踪 装 置 , 以 便 进 行 长 时 间 的 曝 光 。 我 使 用 的 跟 踪 设 备 是 一 个 便 携 式 SkyGuider Pro。 我 拍 的 这 张 照 片 用 了 Triad超 窄 带 滤 interest is in taking sky photos 镜,其带通覆盖了氢α和氢β、硫II和氧III的波长,所以我不需要担心光污染,就可以在家里的后院拍摄照片。 with portable equipment. One of my favorite deep sky subjects 有了上述设备,我就能拍出比以前没有滤镜时好得多的照片。如果天气允许,我将尝试每个月挑选一个不同的主题, is Orion Nebula, and January is 继续我对宇宙的探索。 the best time to take photos of it. In order to take a good 16 quality deep sky photo with a camera, you need to have a tracking device to allow for long exposures. The tracking device I used is a portable SkyGuider Pro. I also used a Triad Ultra Narrowband filter with bandpass that cover Hydrogen alpha & beta, Sulfur II, and Oxygen III wavelengths, so I didn’t need to worry about the light pollution, and took the photo in my backyard. With the above devices, I was able to take much better photos than I was able to without the filter. Weather permitting, I will try to pick a different subject each month to continue my exploring of the universe.

Cary Chu 新手摄影 BEGINNER 编辑导言 Editor’s Words - 朱健雄 对于新的初学者来说,有必要多练习,多拍摄。但是,在按下快门之前, 你需要思考。多分享,愿意接受评论。知道如何选择能帮助你的评论。 For beginners, practicing is crucial. However, you need to think before you press the shutter. Share your work and be willing to take constructive feedback. Learn how to choose the comments that can help you. 17

BEGINNER 编辑评语 对于新的初学者来说,这张照片从构图到相机设 置都非常好。首先你看到了雪景,然后你看到了人和狗。 曝光和色温都很正确。但我希望相机不是在自动模式下。 f9光圈有点太小了。我会选择f7.1,因为1/50的快门 速度太慢。如果狗狗动得太厉害,狗狗便会模糊不清。 快门速度应该再快一点。通常,快门速度低于1/60时, 你必须注意照片中的移动物体。如果你不能阻止它们移 动,就必须提高快门速度。 Editor’s comment For a beginner, this photo is good. First you see the snowy scene, then you see the people and the dog in the picture. The exposure and color temperature are correct. I wish the camera wasn't in auto mode. F9 aperture is a little too small — I would choose F7. 1 because 1/50 shutter speed is a bit risky, and if the dogs had moved there would have been a blur. The shutter speed should be a little faster, so the aperture will be relatively larger. Usually if the shutter speed is less than 1/60, you need to be aware of any moving objects. If you cannot freeze those moving objects, then increase the shutter speed. FIRST SNOWFALL 2022 By Rose Sheng Fujifilm X-E3 F9 1/50s ISO200 On Commonwealth Ave, Boston 18

黑白摄影 Daryl Luk BLACK & WHITE 编辑导言 - 陆德礼 Editor’s Words 当我们去欣赏一张作品的时候,一般都会从以下几个方 When we appreciate a piece of artwork, we usually explore the 面去探讨:作品的主题,风格,视角,构图元素的平衡, following aspects: the subject matter, the style, the angle and 虚实空间的安排,色彩的搭配,甚至更深层次比如内容 composition, the balance of visual elements, the arrangement of 的解读,感情的表达,意义的传递等等。有趣的是,除 empty space, the use of colors, etc. For more attentive viewers, 了以上几方面,一张精彩的黑白照片还有一种独有的特 they may go further to try to interpret the hidden message, 性,那就是黑白明暗之间呈现出来的节奏感。倘若黑白 resonate with the content, and so on. In addition to the above 灰是黑白照片的语言,那么照片里明暗交替起落的节奏 aspects, a wonderful black and white photo also has a unique 感就是它语言声调里的抑扬顿挫了。如同音乐或朗诵一 characteristic — that is, the rhythm between the brightness and the 样,黑白明暗之间的节奏感可以是慷慨激昂,也可以温 shadows. If shades of gray tone are the language of a black and 柔婉若,这种节奏感就是欣赏黑白照片的独有乐趣。 white photo, then the rhythm of the gray tones serve as the intonation of its language. Just like those of songs or speeches, the 这一期的黑白照片主题涵盖的种类非常广泛,其中包含 rhythm in a black and white photo can be gentle and smooth, rich 人物,街拍,风光,生态等等。让我们一起来欣赏吧。 and impactful, or deep and harsh. The rhythm formed by the tones of gray is a unique feast when enjoying black and white photos. The collection of black and white photos in this chapter covers a wide range of categories including portrait, street photography, landscape, wildlife and so on. Let's enjoy them together. 19

BLACK & WHITE 山雨欲來赶路人 B y Daryl Luk 陆 德 礼 Canon R F7.1 1/400s,ISO 100 攝于葡萄牙里斯本河边 编辑评语 照片以工整对称来构图,主题人物非常明显。主 Editor’s sharing This photo is composed in a neat and balanced way. The main subject is very 角手里拿着雨伞,与天空的山雨欲来互相呼应。照片采取 obvious. This main character is holding an umbrella in his hand, echoing the rainy clouds in the 剪影的拍法,加上土路色暗,海面色灰,天边色亮,层次 distance. He is presented in an interesting silhouette. The dark color of the dirt road, supporting the 分明。照片从上到下是一个从明到暗的递增,添增了照片 sea in gray color, followed by the sky mixed with sunlight and cloud, all together illustrate a smooth 的厚重感,也进一步与乌云的凝重相呼应。 progression from dark to bright in the direction from bottom to top. This tonal arrangement adds a sense of weight to the photo and also further echoes the stress inherited from the dark clouds. 20

BLACK & WHITE 勇敢的牛仔 By Yun Thwaits 夏 耘 Canon 5D Mark4 F8 1/1200s ISO 400 2020年3月6日, 在澳洲首都堪培 拉市郊举办了一次牛仔竞技比赛。 骑无鞍马表演可谓惊心动魄。牛 仔们骑在野性十足、凶猛狂暴的 马背上被颠得前仰后合,险象环 生。暴跳不羁的马不停地扭动跳 跃着,想把骑在背上的牛仔甩下 来。而牛仔则在这光溜溜没有鞍 子的背上牢牢的抓住缰绳竭尽全 力保持平衡。牛仔们想取胜,不 仅要适应马狂跳的节奏,还要有 很好的表现力。而牛仔们一旦摔 下马背还得安全逃脱愤怒马蹄的 攻击。 编辑评语 张是这一期杂志黑白类照片里面一张非常出色的作品。整个画面 Editor’s comment This is a fabulous image. It is so dynamic! The horse and the cowboy 充满了动感, 骏马与牛仔形成了多方面的对比。一个正在跃起,一个正在 form a dramatic contrast in many ways. One is leaping up while the other is falling down; 倒下;一个脸朝下,一个脸朝天;人马都是四肢伸展,然而又避免了画面 one is facing down while the other is facing up; both are up in the air yet the photographer 的重叠;两者都是腾空不着地,地上的沙尘飞扬很好地把地面的细节遮盖 managed to avoid any overlapping in the image. The flying debris conceals the details of 了,进一步突出了骏马与牛仔两个主题。背景的黑场干净均匀,把骏马与 the ground to enable the viewers to focus more on the two subjects. The shade in the 马鞍的轮廓描绘得更加生动。照片的明暗对比也非常有节奏感,从上到下, background is clean and even, making the outline of the horse and the saddle more vivid. 黑白色阶层次切换分明。 The contrast in the photo is also very rhythmic; from top to bottom, the transitions between black and white zones are clearly in a very well calculated arrangement. 21

BLACK & WHITE 向往 凯岚 Canon R5 F8 1/320s ISO 250 Bisti Badlands 拍 摄 地 点 编辑评语 照片的标题是 “向往”,在这奇石之旁,悬崖之巅,模特遥望远方, Editor’s comment From the clifftop, the model looking off into the distance creates 成功地营造出那种向往渴望的味道。照片当中的巨石形状奇特刚猛,与模特的 a sense of yearning. The shape of the rock in the photo is unique and fierce, forming a 婀娜多姿构成一个很好的对比。巨石的光影也极有层次。虽然是1/320秒的高 good contrast with the model's graceful figure. The light and shadow are also very 速快门下拍摄,摄影师却巧妙地把天空拍出了慢门的效果,实属难得。 well layered. Although the photograph was taken at a high shutter speed of 1/320 second, the photographer skillfully captured the sky in slow-motion effect, which is 编辑建议 照片的灰度略显平淡,整体明暗对比不足,缺乏黑白照片的节奏感。 really spectacular. 照片的主题是模特,所以摄影师不妨考虑把照片的下部进一步压暗,再提亮模 Editor’s sharing The grayscale is a bit flat, lessening the contrast and obscuring the 特与奇石的亮度,相信效果会更好。另外天空暗部的地方出现了不均匀的暗带, depth of the photo. To accentuate the model, it may be a good idea to further darken 可能是照片画质或后期处理效果所导致,摄影师可以在后期再稍微调整。 the bottom of the photo and subsequently brighten the top half of the photo. Additionally, some more post-processing may be helpful to smooth out the uneven dark band in the sky. 22

BLACK & WHITE IT‘S NOT FAIR By Cary Chu Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, EF 70-200mm F/2.8L USM lens F7.1 1/800s ISO 3200 Came across this man in Cuba. From his eyes, you can feel he was angry. Editor’s comment This photo is a good example of street photography with a neat layout, an obvious subject, and a composition that places the protagonist in a classic 编辑评语 这幅照片是一张很好的街拍示范样片,布局工整,主题明显,构图设 three-quarter line. The man in ragged clothes has a cold gaze, and his gaze reflects his 计上也把主角放在经典的三分线上。衣衫褴褛的流浪汉,神情冷漠,目光里呈现 dissatisfaction with what is in front of him. 出对眼前的不满。 Editor's sharing There is one feature of black and white photos that should be put to 编辑建议 黑白照片有一个特色可以好好地去发挥,那就是色调对比的运用,这 good use here: the use of tonal contrast. The gray scale of this work is relatively 个作品的灰度比较单调,中间灰为多,摄影师可以试试把主题的对比度增加,可 monotonous, with the majority of the areas in middle gray. The photographer could 能会有助于把人物进一步突出。 also increase the contrast of the subject, which may help to further highlight their mood. 23

BLACK & WHITE 小旗手 By Mei Hu Canon 1DX Mark IV 600mm, F7.1 1/500s, ISO 2000 编辑评语 这个是一张轻快简约风格的照片,拍摄主题明 确。小草与小鸟对应,一向左,一向右,很有趣味。也是 这样的一个用心的构图安排,令到画面更添平衡。画面背 景的虚化带来了一份安详平静。小鸟顶光轮廓鲜明,犹如 打了一个闪光灯一样,让小鸟更为突出。 编辑建议 画面的背景虽然已经虚化,但是暗部稍嫌不均 匀,不是很确定是后期使然,还是原片的背景有点杂乱而 成。小草枝杆有部分细节模糊了,可能是后期笔刷引起。 Editor’s comment This is an exhilarating photo in a minimalist style. The fragile stem and the lovely bird echo with each other in an interesting way — one facing left, one facing right. It is such a careful composition arrangement that adds balance to the picture. The bokeh in the background creates an aura of calm and peace, and the brightness at the bird’s crown makes it more prominent. Editor’s sharing The bokeh at the background is great, but the shaded parts are slightly uneven. It’s unclear whether it’s caused by the post-processing, or by the cluttered background from the scene. Some parts of the stem are blurry – likely caused by the brushing in post-processing. 24

BLACK & WHITE NEW YEARS EVE OF MIDDLE MANHATTAN By Sheena Gu Nikon Z5, Lens 24-200 mm at 44 mm F19 30s ISO 140 It was New Year’s Eve of 2021. The temperature was around 50 F. Due to Omicron, we did not go to Times Square, instead taking a walk on the New Jersey side of the Hudson River. 编辑评语 这是一张蛮有特色的城市夜景作品,拍摄于一个经典的拍摄地点。前 Editor’s comment This is quite a distinctive nighttime city shot. The slow shutter 景的慢门拍摄把水面的波纹都抚平了不少。远方纽约市的灯火通明,湖面的平 smoothed out the ripples on the water in the foreground. The skyline of New York 静,木桩上栖息的鸽子,形成一个很有趣的对比。 City, the calmness of the river stream, and the doves perched on the wooden piles together make a pleasing harmony. 编辑建议 纽约的冬天北风凛冽,假如在晚上想把水面拍的更为平滑,可以把慢 Editor’s sharing New York’s winter could be very windy. In order to take a slow 门再调得长一点。远方的灯看来有点模糊,可能也是因为强风的关系,在长时 shutter speed picture at night to smooth out the water, one may need to use a very 间慢门曝光的情况之下,相机一旦有所晃动,就很容易弄得模糊了。 slow shutter speed. The lights from the city buildings look blurry, potentially due to the frustrating strong wind. 25

BLACK & WHITE STANDING ALONE By Hong Zuo 编辑评语 摄影师把中国西北荒野中的寸 Scene in the mid of northwestern wildness of China 草不生,荒无人烟的那份孤寂冷清,透过 作品充分地展示了出来。在这荒郊之处, 一柱独木,孤单的站着,让我不禁猜想着 它独自在这里经过了多少岁月?不远处的 小山冈,阳光把它照的灿烂,弥漫着舒坦 与希望,为何在不远处的另一边,阳光却 拒绝眷顾,让这个角落阴暗寂寞呢?这一 明一暗的对比,让独木更添一份萧索。压 黑了色调的天空毫无噪点,也看不出任何 不平顺的灰度暗带,显示了摄影师后期处 理手法娴熟。 编辑建议 感觉独木的背景可以改善一点。 目前独木的背景有白色的山岗与灰黑的天 空,假如机位可以往右边挪一点再往上提 一点,把独木的背景用亮白的山岗来衬托 ,独木可能更为突出,对比更为鲜明。 Editor’s comment This photographer shows the loneliness and coldness of the wilderness in northwest China, where nothing seems to survive except solitude. Yet in such a deserted place, a single pillar of wood stands strong. Examining the picture, I can’t help but wonder how many years it has been there, alone by itself? The sunlight shines brightly on the hill not far away, giving it warmth, comfort and hope – but why does the sunlight refuse to favor the other side, leaving this corner dark and lonely? The contrast between the light and the darkness enhances this sense of desolation. The blackened sky implies its helplessness and speechlessness in this place. Editor’s sharing If the camera could be moved a little to the right and a little bit up so as to lay the log against the bright white hills as the background, the log might look more prominent and the contrast may appear more vivid. 26

BLACK & WHITE 编辑评语 照片最大的特色就是花朵呈现的 玲珑曲线,花蕊与花瓣的舒展,柔如几片 LILY By Maurice Chi Leica M10M, 90mm/Macro-Adapter 在风中飞扬的裙摆。在三分位置的花蕊骚 27 首弄姿,让整个照片充满了波浪的流动感。 编辑建议 !\"#$%&'()*+,-. /012的因素可能是照片里的颜色对于 照片的内容表达贡献不大,如果照片里面 的几何元素,明暗对比,黑白的节奏感更 能表达出主题的话,我觉得可以考虑以黑 白的形式来呈现。以拍花朵来说,假如摄 影师想要表达的是花朵的姿态,而不是花 朵的色彩,那用黑白照片来呈现也未尝不 可。个人觉得这个照片里面花蕊是照片的 中心,可惜花蕊看来有点模糊不清。 Editor’s comment The most distinctive feature of the photo is the exquisite curves of the flower; the stretching of the stamens and petals creates a feeling of freedom, like skirts flying in the wind. The stamens are set in the classic ⅓ location of the photo, following the golden ratio. Editor’s sharing If the geometric elements, the contrast between brightness and darkness, and the rhythm of black and white can fully express the intent of a photo, I think we can consider presenting a photo in black and white instead of color, particularly when the colors in the photo do not help to illustrate the intent. In the case of taking photos of flowers, if the photographer wants to express the posture and texture of the flowers rather than the colors of the flowers, black and white would be a good choice. For this photo, I believe that the stamens are the main subjects of the photo but unfortunately, they look a little blurry to me.

BLACK & WHITE 人像 By Cary Chu Canon EOS 5D Mark III, EF 70-200mm F/2.8L USM lens F6.3 1/125s ISO 500 编辑评语 人像摄影有两个很重要的地方, 一是光影的安排,二是模特神态的捕捉。这 个照片相信是在摄影棚拍的。模特侧身45 度面向相机,呈现出男性的健硕。模特前 45度头顶灯在模特鼻子下方打出了一个蝴 蝶的小阴影,也是拍摄人像的一个经典手法。 后方的灯也恰到好处。模特表情拍摄到位, 神态自然而不造作。 Editor’s comment There are two important aspects of portrait photography: the arrangement of lights, and the capture of the model’s unique features. The photographer is gifted with the ability to put a model at ease during a photoshoot; this model stands at a 45 degree angle to the camera, his expression relaxed and confident and his leather jacket presenting the masculine feature of the male model. To create the visual effect under the model’s nose, the photographer used the butterfly lighting technique. Additionally, the rear rim light is well controlled. 28

手机摄影 Xiongwei Li CELL PHONE 编辑导言 - 李雄伟 Editor’s Words 摄影术出现已走过100多年的历史。在此期间人类从 Photography has been around for more than a hundred 未停止过对影像技术和艺术表现形式多元化的探索。手 years, and people have never stopped exploring the 机摄影的特征是集拍摄、后期、分享三位一体,它是移 photographic technology and artistic expression in its 动通信 科技发展 的产 物。 自 2 0 1 0 苹 果 公 司投 放 iPhone 4 richness and sophistication. 以来,手机摄影作为新兴的摄影门类进入了新纪元。 The newest advent in the field is mobile phones, which 如今,摄影工具市场份额最高的当仁不让的就是摄 deftly combine shooting, editing, and sharing photos. Ever 影手机了。每天全世界有数以亿计的手机摄影作品在传 since the release of the iPhone 4 in 2010, mobile phone 输。尽管手机摄影画面质素不如传统的胶片和数码相机, photography has entered a new era of innovation. 但是清晰不是衡量好照片的唯一标准。由于手机具体操 Nowadays, mobile phones claim the highest marketing share 作简便、隐蔽性强,自有其独特的拍摄优势。手机摄影 of any photographic equipment; every day, tens of millions 方法包括软件拍摄、正常拍摄、遥控拍摄,90度盲拍、 mobile phone photos are shared all over the world. 全景拍摄等。 While the resolution of cellphone photos may not match 随着手机摄影技术的不断改良创新,使用人群的普 those taken by traditional film and digital cameras, resolution 及性,手机摄影方兴未艾,更将精彩纷呈。可以断言, is not the only criteria for a “good photo”. Mobile 传世佳作必定能在手机摄影作品中找到。 photography holds certain advantages in its ease of operation and its non-obstructiveness. Among the most-used techniques in mobile photography involve normal, remote, 90 degree blind, and panoramic shooting. With the continuous innovation of mobile phone technologies and the increasing popularity of the format among consumers propelling mobile phone photography to new heights, it seems inevitable that mobile phones will eventually produce their own collection of legendary photos. 29

CELL PHONE 编辑评语 一名参观者巧妙进入方 格里的众生相的空白处,既是填 充又是对话。黑白画面的人物表 情去却浮躁,让人沉思。虽然将 参观者融入展览场景并不少见, 但这种另辟蹊径的表现手法值得 称道。 Editor’s comment A visitor enters the blank space among a group of photos of ordinary people, taking up a space as well as dialoguing with the exhibition. The black-and- white images settles the evocative, restlessness, and anxious, leaving the viewers and the viewed in contemplation. Though it is not uncommon to integrate visitors in an exhibit, the unique placement of the visitor in this photo is commendable. 思 By Yun Thwaits 夏 耘 iPhone 8 A man stopped by the exhibition of a photo named ”Life”. While he was viewing the works, I pivoted the camera angle 一男子在名为“人生”的图片展览前驻足观看作品,我调整好机位 to place him in the blank space and pressed the shutter. I 角度,让此男子正好位于中间没有图片的空格中按下快门。我为师 titled the work \"pondering\", the meaning of which goes 作品提名为 “思”,含义尽在不言中。 without saying. 30

CELL PHONE YOU ARE WELCOME By Ziming Zheng 我在波士顿市中心的一个教堂前 看到这个。希望他睡得好,因为 上面写着 \"欢迎你\"。 I saw this in front of a church at downtown Boston. Hopefully he was sleeping well, since the sign said \"you are welcome.\" 编辑评语 高楼下的避难标语与流 浪汉相互呼应。作者为了使画面 主体更加突出,做了部分去色后 期处理,尽管不完全符合纪实题 材作品的规范,但也无可厚非。 Editor’s comment The banner for the refugees lies in contrast to the homelessness of the sleeping man. In post-processing, the photographer accentuated the colors of the subject and decolored the background; though this is not normative of documentary work, it is nonetheless sound. 31

CELL PHONE THE MUGAR MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOSTON UNIVERSITY By Huimin Li iPhone 编辑评语 这是手机摄影运用“拍摄、后期、分享” 三位一体的典型作品。作者运用手机APP修图功能, 将呆板的图书馆陈列景致赋予音乐感,亦真亦幻。 艺术本身没有好坏高低之分,问题在于如何表达。 Editor’s comment This is a good representation of the tenets of “shooting, post-processing, and sharing” often seen in cellphone photography. The photographer lent the picture a fantastic, musical feel in post-processing. There is no good or bad in art, only how one presents and articulates oneself. 32

CELL PHONE 编辑评语 大众化的手机摄影就是记 录生活的每一个片段。 这张看上去 平淡无奇的野外登山照,亮点之一是 它的画质:层次分明,色彩自然,细 节丰富. 科技日新月异,手机成像质 量大幅提升,今年初投放市场的一款 手机首次配置的卡片相机里的1*1英 寸感光元件。手机摄影可登大雅之堂。 Editor’s comment Mobile photography makes it possible to document the everyday moments of their users. This photo is not as plain and ordinary as it seems at its first glance: the image is rich in its layers and colors. The accelerated innovation of mobile photography technology has tremendously improved the quality of the picture; thanks to new 1*1 inch sensors, mobile photography is no longer only for snap shots. WHITE MOUNTAIN HIKERS By ShiPing Li iPhone XS Max This picture was taken at the Jewell trail, one of many trails leading to Mount Washington, in early March 2021. Part of 这 张 照 片 是 2 0 2 1 年 3 月 初 在 Jewell Trail 拍 摄 的 , 这 是 通 往 华 盛 the Presidential range can be seen in the center of the 顿山的众多道路之一。在图片的中心可以看到总统山脉的一部 picture, with the tourist cog rail in the diagonal. 分,对角线上是旅游齿轮轨道。 33

CELL PHONE 编辑评语 照片想表达冰天雪地之 下,狗在等待主人的归来和守护家 园。不足之处在于画面不够紧凑, 可进行二次构图,仅保留右上方约 四分之一画面。 Editor’s comment The photographer perhaps would like to capture the moment of the dog waiting in the snow for his human to come home from their morning walk. However, it could benefit from a re-composition to include just the upper right quadrant. 新 年 的 第 一 天 By Ann Fong iPhone12 Pro 新年第一天的小街,疫情中,早晨出门的邻居和宠物狗,呼吸新雪后的空气 Small streets on the first day of the new year; even in the middle of a pandemic neighbors and dogs are out in the morning, breathing in the air after the fresh snow. 34

CELL PHONE MAJESTIC TREES By Emile Bellott iPhone 11 1.54mm, 1/125, F2.4 ISO25 A grove of ancient trees – spared the advance of civilization, but for a centuries-old rock wall Majestic trees reach up and touch the sky. Over a century they have stood watch Sheltering the forest community below: Hear the sound of birds The drop of a pine cone Buzz of insects A worm slowly moves in silence A butterfly dances in the breeze Young seedlings on the forest floor The sound of footsteps- visitors in this domain Together we face the future 编辑评语 仰拍和俯拍都能产生视觉冲击 力。作者用超广角镜头力图表现树林的 张力,是常见的手法。不足之处是汇聚 中心点部分过于密封,没有透出适当空 间,有压抑感。换个位置或者改变镜头 焦段即可. Editor’s comment Both elevated and overhead shots create the visual impact of this image. The author uses an ultra-wide-angle lens to try to show the tension of the woods, a common technique. The downside is that the central part of the converging point is overcrowded and doesn’t leave enough breathing space, which creates a sense of oppression. Changing the location or the focal length could make a difference here. 35

CELL PHONE WATCHING VAN GOGH By Ziming Zheng 编辑评语 摄影是减法。这张作品横竖两条直线形成割裂感。仅 选取右边部分或者可以改善。 在梵高的沉浸式体验展览中,我看到两个人就在梵高的眼睛下面。他们在看画面,而梵高在看 他们的灵魂。 Editor’s comment This work has two straight lines, which creates a In the exhibition of Van Gogh immersive experiences, I came upon two people right below Van sense of fragmentation. It would be better to crop out the left half. Gogh's eyes. They are looking at the painting, while Van Gogh is watching their souls. 36

Feng Chai 创意摄影 C R E AT I V E 编辑导言 - 柴锋 Editor’s Words 什么是创意摄影?不同的人会有不同的定义。在我看 What is creative photography? Different people 来,创意摄影就是有意识地使用各种前后期的摄影和修图 have different definitions. In my opinion, creative 技术去创造出一幅摄影师希望得到的,独特的摄影作品。 photography is the intentional use of various photography, post-processing techniques, and effects 创意摄影的魅力在于可以让你天马行空,不受约束。 to create unique and desired pieces of photography. 这给了摄影师无限的空间去创作,去表达。虽然创意摄影 The beauty of creative photography is that it gives 很令人兴奋,但它也很有挑战性。从最初的一个想法,到 freedom to photographers to explore and create. The 拍摄前的准备,现场实施,再到后期处理,都需要花费很 only limit to this kind of photography is your 多精力。毕加索说过,你能想象的一切都是真实的。 imagination! Although creative photography is very BCPA的摄影师们能去探索自己的想象中的真实,并用创 exciting, it can also be quite challenging at times. From 意摄影的形式把它表达出来。 having an initial idea, to pre-shoot planning, to on-site implementation, and then post-processing, every step requires a lot of effort. Pablo Picasso once said that “everything you can imagine is real”. I encourage BCPA photographers to explore and express their imaginational realities in the form of creative photography. 37

翩翩浮 想 By Feng Chai 38

Creative 编辑评语 我 心 飞 扬 MY HEART IS FLYING By Jodie Chin, 凯岚 Nikon D850 F4.5 1/500s ISO 5000 摄影师抓拍的时机非常好,模特的 我心与明月共舞 笑容和轻盈的步态充分传达了她当 39 时愉悦的心情,很有感染力,也很 切题。后期处理时,摄影师用了局 部 碎 片 分 散 (dispersion) 的 方 法 , 碎片化了模特身体的一部分,让人 联想到人与自然融为一体。这种后 期处理方法造就了这张作品的独特 性。 希望摄影师继续精进后期技术, 创造出更多的创意作品。 Editor’s comment The photographer's timing was very good. The model's smile and posture fully conveyed her mood at that moment, which was infectious and relevant to viewers. During post- processing, the photographer used the technique of dispersion to create the effect of fragment dispersion in part of the model’s body, implying that we are united with nature. This post-processing method created the novelty of this photo. I hope the photographer will continue to refine their post-processing techniques and make more creative works.

Creative MORNING FALL By Sheena Gu Nikon D850 24-70mm, 42mm 1/5s ISO 50 编辑评语 Morning Fall 摄影师在拍摄这张照片时用了上下摇 Early morning of New England late fall season . Using slow shutter speed for blur/drawing result. 动相机,结合较慢的快门速度,使画 面变得简洁抽象,突出了秋天的颜色, 是很好的尝试。 美中不足的是,整 张照片看上去有些杂乱。如果摄影师 当时能够只取一个局部,并配以更加 优化的快门速度和摇拍技巧,照片的 效果应该会更好,观者看上去会更舒 服。希望摄影师在以后的拍摄中注意 构图和取景,不断摸索,享受创意摄 影的乐趣。 Editor’s comment The photographer made a good attempt to capture this photo by panning the camera up and down, combined with a slower shutter speed. As a result, the technique simplified the image and highlighted the abstract shapes of the tree trunks and the bright autumn colors. What could be improved? Although the photo is abstract, it looks a little too busy. If the photographer had included fewer trees and used a more optimized shutter speed and/or panning speed, the photo might have been less cluttered visually. I would suggest that the photographer pay close attention to composition in her future shots. Keep practicing and have fun with creative photography. 40

Xiongwei Li 纪实摄影 D O C U M E N TA R Y 编辑导 言 - 李雄伟 Editor’s Words 纪实摄影是以记录生活现实为主要诉求的摄影方式, Documentary photography is a form of photography 素材来源于生活和真实,如实反映我们所看到的,因此, whose main goal is to record the realities of life. The material 纪实摄影有记录和保存历史的价值。 comes from life and reality and reflects what we see; therefore, documentary photography has the value of 纪实摄影是一种声音,是一种批判力量,是平衡人类 recording and preserving history. 生活机制中不能缺少的一种手段。它的魅力在于拍摄者对 于这个复杂世界细微的观察。纪实摄影师是充满勇气的参 Documentary photography is a voice, a critical force, 与者,因为许多令人尴尬或危险的场合时刻在考验其拍摄 and an indispensable means to balance human life. Its charm 技巧和胆识。 lies in the photographer's nuanced and thoughtful observation of this complex world. The documentary 纪实摄影的拍摄方法大致包括主题系列拍摄、瞬间抓 photographer is a courageous participant, as many 取、守候陷阱、安排摆拍等。纪实作品大多以黑白作品形 embarrassing or dangerous situations test his or her skills 式表达,这样可以让读者更关注内容本身而不是色彩。当 and mettle. 我们看一幅让人感动的纪实摄影作品时,别以为是恰恰让 他碰巧拍到,因为好作品构思早巳潜伏在摄影师脑际。 The methods of documentary photography broadly include subject series, momentary capture, trapped snaps, and posed shots. Documentary works are typically expressed in black and white, which allows the viewers to focus more on the content itself rather than the color. When we look at a moving documentary photography work, it didn’t just happen by chance for the photographer to shoot: it is the execution of a good photo idea waiting in the photographer’s head. 41

DOCUMENTARY 男孩的眼神 By Yun Thwaits Canon R5, F5.6 1/250s ISO100 2021年3月21号我参加了在麻省牛顿市举行 的Stop Asian Hate集会。当市长讲话谈到 多起亚裔无辜受伤害的情况时,这个骑在父亲 肩头的男孩的眼神深深地吸引了我,是忧虑还 是担心?他的眼神撞击了我的心,让我按下了 相机快门。 On March 21, 2021 I attended the Stop Asian Hate rally in Newton, Massachusetts. As the mayor spoke about the many cases of innocent Asian victims, the look in the eyes of this boy riding on his father's shoulders captivated me -- was it concern or worry? His eyes touched my heart and made me press the camera shutter. 编辑评语 黑白分明。骑在大人身上的少年一面子惆怅, 他在关注什么似乎没有在画面里交代,只有借 助图片说明才能明白。无论如何,少年之忧就 是大人之忧,社会之忧! E ditor’s comment The black and white is distinct. The young boy riding on the shoulder of the adult looked melancholic, but what he is concerned about does not seem to be accounted for. In any case, the teenager's worry is the adult's worry, the society's worry! 42

DOCUMENTARY 编辑评语 反 歧 视 亚 裔 抗 议 活 动 STOP ASIAN HATE By Daryl Luk Canon R, F3.5 1/800s ISO 100 画面以人物运动的方式,宣示停 照片摄於2021年三月十七日在波士頓举行的一场反歧视亚裔的抗议活动。支持者举著 止对亚洲人的仇恨,是当前美国 反歧视的标语在波士顿公园跑步。 社会的一个关注点。优秀的纪实 Photo taken at a protest in Boston against anti-Asian discrimination on March 17, 2021. 摄影作品应该关注社会,关注民 Supporters run through Boston Park with anti-discrimination signs. 生,关注当下。这幅作品具有这 个特质。画面不足之处在于势单 43 力薄,假如选取一个人多势众的 场面也许更好。 Editor’s comment The picture proclaims through human movement the fight against Asian hate, a current concern within American society. Excellent documentary photography should focus on society, people's lives and the present, all of which are qualities this work possesses. The shortcoming of the image is that the emotional impact is a bit limited. It would have been better to choose a scene with a crowd.

DOCUMENTARY 编辑评语 这张照片关注全球变暖, 这个主题值得称赞,毕竟我们生活 在同一个地球。 Editor’s comment This photo focuses on global warming, a commendable theme, after all, we all live on the same planet. GLOBAL WARMING By Paul Hsi Nikon D850, 24-70mm/f2.8G ED, 70mm, F11 1/125s ISO 100 始 作 俑 者 : 进 化 与 毁 灭 Progress and destruction “The glacier disappearing in front of our eyes due to global warming”- The tiny human figures paying homage, however \"由于全球变暖,冰川在我们眼前消失\" – 正是人类,和冰 dwarfed by the glacier, are the very beings that have caused the 川相比如此渺小,在几十年内对数百万年形成的冰川造成了 massive destruction in a few decades to the glacier millions of 巨大破坏。 years in the making. 44

DOCUMENTARY POWER OF NATURE By Cary Chu Canon EOS 5D Mark III, EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens, F9 1/100s ISO 250 2 0 1 5 年 1 月 , 一 场 大 雪 导 致 Scituate 沿 海 地 区 发 生 洪 水 。 建 筑 物 被 海 浪 冲 击 , 然 后 迅 速 变 成 了 冰 。 In January 2015, a heavy snowstorm led to coastal flooding in Scituate. Buildings that were hit by ocean waves turned into ice sculptures overnight. 45

DOCUMENTARY By Hong Zuo Phase One IQ4150 digital back + Phase One XT camera + Rodenstock HR Diganon - S 5.6/70mm, F8 1/500s ISO 50 西藏的牦牛工人把他们的毯子放在路上晾晒。 Yak workers in Tibet put out their blankets for drying on the road. 编辑评语 荒漠雪域高原呈现几件毛毯,让人产生联想。 是旅行者短暂的停留,还是一次意外的发现, 这都需要图片说明加以印证。照片气氛有点压 抑,红双喜字样毛毯起到反向烘托作用。 Editor’s comment The colorful blankets on the desert snowy plateau presents makes one wonder: is it a brief stop-over or an unexpected discovery? The heavy atmosphere of the upper half of the photo is contrasted by the bright red blanket on the lower half, through both its vibrant color and the character for happiness printed on the blanket. 46

Ting Zhang 风光摄影 Editor’s Words LANDSCAPE 编辑导语 - 张廷 Among photography enthusiasts, landscape photography is the top one. But for this massive crowd, it begs the question: What 摄影爱好者中喜欢风光摄影的人估计最多, makes a good landscape photograph? 而对于广大的风光摄影爱好者来说:什么样的作 品才能算得上一幅好作品?这个问题的答案也是 Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but I would like to 众说纷纭。 express my own point of view. 我想说说我个人的观点: First of all, there is no unified standard of beauty. Generally speaking, a work can give the viewers a sense of satisfaction and 首先美没有一个统一的标准,大致来说一幅 pleasure is already considered beautiful; as popular art , the more 作品能给观众带来满足、愉悦之感就已算得上美, they can make people feel the satisfaction and happiness, the more 作为通俗艺术作品能让越多的人感受的满足、快 people are sure of its beauty. 乐其美就被越多人肯定。 Secondly, landscape photography works are divided into 其次风光摄影作品按景别分为大、中、小景, large, medium and small scenes. My personal view is: large scenes 我个人总结:大景抒发情怀,中景描写情调,小 express emotions, medium scenes describe the mood and small 景捕捉情趣,总之能做到借景抒情、情景交融, scenes capture the interesting. In short, if it can express emotions 并能让观众感受到此情此景引发观众共鸣的作品 through scenes, and can make the viewers resonate with what the 才是上品。 scenes evoke, the work is of top quality. 最后一点,风光摄影作品其景必须真实,那 The last point of landscape photography is, the scene that is 些用后期合成的“风光”图片归为创意类,不能 captured must be real; those with post-synthesis \"scenery\" pictures 作为风光摄影作品,因那样的“风光”现实中并 should be classified as creative class, and not as landscape 不存在,是无法靠摄影完成。 photography, because that \"scenery\" does not exist in reality and cannot be captured by photography. 47

LANDSCAPE 江南水乡烟雨蒙蒙 SMALL TOWN ON THE CANAL IN DRIZZLE, SOUTH CHINA By Ting Zhang Nikon D800, F4 1/20s ISO100 EV+1.33 编辑评语 中国泼墨画风的江南水乡摄影作品, 带有浓郁的东方古韵。 Editor’s comment A photograph inspired by Chinese splash ink painting style, with a rich oriental charm. 48

LANDSCAPE 封 面 照 : 另 一 个 世 界 ANOTHER WORLD By Yan Johnson Nikon Z7 14-24mm, F16 1/200s ISO 400 Editor’s comment When I saw this work, I couldn't help 当我看着天空、夕阳,巨石和落日时,我觉得像是在另一个星球上。 When looking at the sky, the sunset and the stones, I felt as if I am on another planet. but think of the scenery in the Song Dynasty’s poet Fan Zhongyan “the 编辑评语 “长烟落日孤城闭”——范仲淹《秋思》(时任 摄影师抓住了落日光芒穿洞的瞬间以准确的设置、灵活 solitude of the fortress basking in the setting sun”. The clouds, the sunset, 鄜延路都部署、经略安抚招讨使,领军戍边),当我看到这 的构图、简练的操作拍摄下一年中只出现几分钟的精彩画面。 and the \"city tower\" are the barriers built by the Song army in the desert to 副作品不由得联想到这句词,这云烟、这落日、这“城楼”, 正对太阳大逆光拍摄,单张出片无瑕疵,这对风光摄影师来 resist the barbarians, to guard their hometown, to guard the people, and to 不正是那大宋边军深入西夏在荒漠中筑起的一座座壁垒,他 说:是对摄影前、后期的极端挑战,要在瞬间准确完成拍摄, guard the civilization, while the hometown and the people are just like 们抵挡着蛮族的侵扰,守卫着家乡守卫着百姓守卫着文明, 并在后期完美表达,无论构图、影调、色调都拿捏到位,不 the sun that radiates a million rays of light and warms the hearts of the 而家乡、百姓也正如那放射万道光芒的太阳照亮着、温暖着 过分也不欠缺谈何容易。 soldiers. The photographer took advantage of 坚守边疆将士们的心。 the sunset, capturing the sun through the hole in the rocks with accurate settings, flexible composition and concise operation to capture a wonderful image that is only possible for a few minutes each year. To work directly against the sun in a large backlight shot and make an image accurately, expressively, and without flaws both while taking the photo and in post-processing is the ultimate challenge for landscape photographers, and this photographer did so beautifully. 49

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