OUR MISSION Georgia Aquarium is a nonprofit committed to inspiring awareness and preservation of our ocean and aquatic animals worldwide. 2 | AquaPact
WELCOME TO GEORGIA AQUARIUM! You are now part of a team with a very important mission. We are a large organization with many different jobs, roles and responsibilities, and we are all dedicated to a common purpose: sharing knowledge with our guests in a positive, entertaining way as we inspire them towards conservation. We are a leading nonprofit in global research and conservation, and we are proud of the work we do. With this handbook, we offer you our employment contract: AquaPact. By reading through and signing AquaPact, you will become familiar with the expectations and commitments that ensure the success of our working relationship. Please read it completely and carefully, and keep it as a guide for your employment. If you have any questions at all, please talk with your manager or Human Resources. You are also welcome to ask questions or voice concerns by emailing me at askbrian@ Again, welcome to the team. Brian Davis, PhD President and Chief Executive Officer |3
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A TREASURED GIFT Twenty years after helping co-found The Home Depot in Atlanta in 1979, Bernie and Billi Marcus wanted to present Georgians with a gift that would educate, entertain, and ensure economic growth in the city. Along with generous contributions to conservation and environmental research worldwide, the Marcuses donated $250 million to create their visionary gift to Atlanta: Georgia Aquarium. Opened in November 2005, Georgia Aquarium has given millions of visitors the opportunity to see tens of thousands of marine animals and foster personal connections with the aquatic world. Thanks to Bernie and Billi, this Atlanta landmark continues to be a place where guests can learn to appreciate the wonders of our one world ocean. |5
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OUR PURPOSE We at Georgia Aquarium serve a unique purpose: we are committed to education, preservation, exceptional animal care, and research to protect marine life around the globe. In Atlanta, we inspire, educate, and entertain guests from around the world every day. Each guest has the opportunity to experience the biodiversity of the aquatic world by way of our hundreds of exhibits, tens of thousands of animals, and seven major galleries. It takes every member of our community to ensure that each guest is inspired by our work. EDUCATION PROGRAM More than one million students have passed through Georgia Aquarium in their studies, and over 400,000 of those students were participants in our Sponsored Education Admission program. Our Purpose | 9
CONSERVATION Georgia Aquarium is a leading nonprofit dedicated to aquatic research, education, excellent animal care, and inspiring future generations to preserve our world ocean. We conduct research to improve animal husbandry methods, develop innovative and exciting new exhibits, contribute to the understanding of the underwater world, and apply new discoveries to the preservation of aquatic life. Our work today can help to preserve our oceans for generations of families, researchers, students, teachers and others to come. VETERAN SUPPORT As a thank you and a way to serve the brave men and women who serve and have served us, we developed the Veterans Immersion Program. Together, we have supported rehabilitation for more than 2,700 veterans with our Veterans Immersion Program. 10 | AquaPact
SEA PROGRAM The Sponsored Education Admissions (SEA) Program provides free admission to students who under other circumstances would not be able to visit GAI. The program provides individuals, corporations, and foundations with a means of donating funds to allow students to explore the wonders of the underwater world by participating in an educational experience at GAI. Throughout their experience, students will come face-to-face with aquatic animals from around the world while learning how we care for them, where they live and what we need to do to ensure they thrive in their natural environment. The SEA Program is offered to Title I schools and non- profit organizations that serve students operating in Georgia. CORRELL CENTER FOR AQUATIC ANIMAL HEALTH Our Correll Center for Aquatic Animal Health is a state-of-the-art veterinary suite and diagnostic lab. At 10,500 square feet, the Correll Center was designed by world-class veterinary professionals and conservation organizations and works daily to keep our animals healthy and thriving. | 11
AN OCEAN OF DIFFERENCES When we stand in front of Ocean Voyager Built by Our team members come from every background The Home Depot, staring through a window that and lifestyle imaginable. We do not engage in is 26 feet high, 63 feet wide and two feet thick, we discrimination at Georgia Aquarium. We treat see why diversity matters to our mission. Biological everyone from mosquitofish to V.I.P.s with dignity, diversity in marine environments strengthens and fairness and respect. Georgia Aquarium prohibits sustains the ecosystem. At Georgia Aquarium, any employment decision from being made (or diversity fuels our success as a team. Training, not made) based upon any protected classification skills, experience, and a love for animals and under state or federal law. humans alike are our guide posts for our team. 121|2A|qAuqauPaaPcatct
TEAM MEMBER CONDUCT INTEGRITY Always do the right thing. Strive to find ways to INNOVATION continuously improve. LEADERSHIP Lead by example. Strive to maintain vision and a professional and encouraging environment. Provide coaching where needed. Together we are extraordinary. TEAMWORKCollaboration leads to exceptional results. RESPECT Always treat everyone with care and consideration. Value the opinions and contributions of others. Do your job well. Excellence is a EXCELLENCE way of thinking, acting, and doing. APPRECIATION Recognize, acknowledge, and celebrate the contributions of all. | 13
GAI Accommodates Disabilities • Threats of violence to team members, GAI will not discriminate against team members or guests, vendors, or any other person on GAI any applicant because of a disability or perceived property; disability so long as I can perform the essential functions of the job. Consistent with this policy • Other behavior that suggests a propensity of nondiscrimination, GAI will provide reasonable toward violence, which may include accommodations to me if I have a disability, as belligerent speech, arguing or swearing, defined by applicable law, if I have made GAI sabotage or threats of sabotage of GAI aware of my disability and have requested an property or a demonstrated pattern of refusal accommodation, as long as the accommodation is to follow GAI policies and procedures. not an undue hardship on GAI. If I believe that I am being subjected to any of the Requesting an accommodation is easy. I am behaviors listed above, or if I witness any of the encouraged to come forward and request behaviors listed above, I promise to report the reasonable accommodations. To do so, I will conduct immediately. contact the Human Resources Department. Once Human Resources receives my request, a Human GAI has no room for Bullying Resources team member and my supervisor will GAI will not in any instance tolerate bullying meet with me to discuss and identify the precise behavior. If I am found in violation of this policy, I limitations resulting from the disability and the will be disciplined, up to and including termination. potential accommodation that GAI might make to I will review the Anti-Bullying Policy here. help overcome those limitations. GAI has no room for Retaliation GAI has no room for Harassment GAI investigates all claims promptly, discreetly, GAI is committed to creating and maintaining a and thoroughly. Retaliation of any kind by a work environment that is fair and free from any supervisor or team member against another type of harassment including harassment based team member who has reported harassment, on sex, race, religion, age or national origin. GAI discrimination, or bullying, or who has participated will always respect the dignity of every team in an investigation, is prohibited, and violations member and expects every team member to show of this policy will result in discipline up to and respect for each other, clients, guests, visitors, including termination. Any team member who, in and vendors. Accordingly, this policy forbids bad faith, brings a false claim also shall be subject any unwelcome conduct that is based on the to discipline or discharge. protected status of an individual or that individual’s associates or relatives. GAI will not tolerate any Our Door is Always Open form of harassment that violates this policy. I will GAI is dedicated to maintaining open refer to the Harassment Policy here. communication and an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. I am part of a team and my voice is GAI has no room for Workplace Violence important. GAI values creativity and innovation. GAI is committed to providing me a safe work Therefore, no matter my position, I am encouraged environment, free from intimidation, harassment, to bring my constructive opinions and suggestions or other threats of violence. GAI does not and will to my leadership team. not tolerate violence of any kind on its property. I understand that GAI will take direct and immediate We are Partners in Compliance action to prevent violence in the workplace and will I understand that GAI is dedicated to providing thoroughly investigate all reported threats or acts its team members with a safe, welcoming work of violence. Behaviors that are strictly forbidden environment. I also understand that I have a duty and are subject to progressive discipline, up to to assist GAI with this effort and that we are all and including separation, include: Partners in Compliance. By signing AquaPact, I agree to be an active “Partner in Compliance” • Possession of a weapon on GAI property; with GAI to ensure that we always do what is • Fighting; right! So, if I am subject to or witness improper conduct or become aware of conduct which I 14 | AquaPact believe may amount to inappropriate conduct,
violence, discrimination, harassment, bullying, or be delivered to management through the same retaliation, I promise to immediately speak with web portal hosted by Silent Whistle. my supervisor. Here are some of the basic features of the system: Any complaints will be thoroughly, objectively and confidentially investigated. The investigation may • Silent Alert™ include interviews of individuals believed to have Silent Alert allows employees to anonymously information regarding the alleged discrimination, submit information regarding unethical or harassment, retaliation, or other prohibited illegal activities within the organization. conduct. All complaints will be kept confidential to the extent possible, but confidentiality cannot • Silent Suggestion™ be guaranteed. Silent Suggestion allows employees to voice their opinions about ways the company If any wrongdoing is found to have occurred, can improve. From ways to improve the appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including corporate culture to an innovative marketing separation, will be taken against the wrongdoer campaign, Silent Whistle allows people to and GAI may take additional steps to prevent freely voice their ideas. further inappropriate acts. It is my obligation to cooperate fully in any investigative process. If I • Silent Question™ attempt to discourage, prevent or interfere with This feature allows employees to an investigation, disciplinary action will be taken anonymously email their questions or against me. concerns they have. The employee and management can communicate back and Anonymous Feedback forth, from inbox to inbox, until the concern is resolved. We realize that each of our employees and volunteers brings unique talents and skills to the Please note that, unless you select otherwise, your GAI. Additionally, we sincerely respect and value comments will remain completely confidential your opinions and encourage you to openly share and anonymous. Your comments, suggestions your ideas, suggestions, questions and concerns and valuable feedback have a direct result to the with management. However, we also understand success of our GAI and urge you to take advantage that there may be times when you may not feel of this additional tool to help guide and direct our comfortable voicing any issues directly. management team. To this end, we have decided to establish a We are Wage & Hour Partners system (in addition to our open door policy and It is particularly important that we follow the law conveniently located suggestion boxes in the break and pay our team members correctly. I know what rooms) to enhance communication within the GAI I actually do in my job. Thus, I shall advise Human and provide you with a means to communicate Resources if I feel I have been misclassified in my anonymously with management. This system will position or I am not paid correctly. For example, be an effective means to provide valuable feedback if I am classified as a supervisor that is exempt to assist the management team to communicate from overtime requirements, but most of the problems, concerns, or suggestions. However, time I actually do the work of hourly non-exempt please respect our intentions of establishing an team members, then I shall report this to Human anonymous feedback system by not abusing it. Resources so that the matter can be investigated Remember, this site is not meant to be a complaint and if needed, corrected for compliance. Similarly, line or “get back at my boss or co-worker” line. if I am classified as an hourly non-exempt team member, but most of the time I am directing This communication system is hosted by a third- the work of others, I shall report this to Human party company–EthicsPoint. You can reach this site Resources. I understand that it takes the whole here. You may also call 1-833-753-0233 24 hours a team to get it right! day, 365 days a year. Phone service will support 150 languages and the information provided will An Ocean of Differences | 15
HOW CAN I SUCCEED? My Introductory Period for all GAI team members to know how we are Like any relationship, it’s important to figure out performing. GAI is dedicated to ensuring that if we are right for each other. So, for my first 90 each of us has the tools and resources necessary to calendar days of work, I’ll go through an introductory develop new skills and improve our performance. period. During this introductory period, I will be That means I’ll receive a performance review considered an “at will” team member. During this at least once a year. If performance reviews are time, GAI and I will have the chance to determine conducted twice a year, one will be in the spring if we are a good match. If the “shoe fits” after 90 and one will be in the fall. days, I will become a regular GAI team member. This means once the introductory period is over My performance review is a cooperative effort and it is clear I will remain, AquaPact will become between me and my supervisor. We will meet to a binding agreement between GAI and me. discuss my performance, goals, and any areas where improvement is needed. I should reflect on If I successfully complete my 90-day at will my performance and work experience before the introductory period, my date of hire for meeting and arrive with something to share. My determination of benefits will be my first date of supervisor will provide me with written feedback employment. that I am required to sign and return as an acknowledgement that it has been discussed with My Performance Reviews me and I am aware of what it says and aware of Part of being upfront with team members is areas which I may need to improve. letting us know where we stand. GAI strives for transparency and understands that it is important Members of the 3C Committee have a separate process for performance evaluations. 3C is a 16 | AquaPact
committee comprised of team members who as tickets to see the Lion King live-action play. All serve GAI by fostering a sense of community, rewards can be found in the online catalog on encouraging collaboration, and celebrating FishNet. fellow team members. Committee members will collaborate to create an evaluation form. Leaders Many of these rewards are coordinated by the 3C will fill out the forms and after, the forms will Committee. The 3C Committee is committed to be given to the Committee Advisors in Human community, collaboration, and celebration. They Resources. work with Advisors to create fun incentives for fellow team members. They order scratch-offs and If I have any questions about my performance other point-earning rewards, maintain the online reviews, I will contact my supervisor. If I have any catalog on FishNet, find tickets to events in town, questions about 3C or am interested in joining 3C, and are always thinking of new ways to celebrate I will contact a 3C member or Advisor. fellow team members. I will contact Human Resources for more information about GAI Awards Personnel Records and the 3C Committee. If I wish to view my personnel file, I will contact Human Resources. I understand that all personnel GAI Promotions & Transfers files are the property of GAI, and I may not remove any material from my file. I was hired for a reason, and GAI wants me to stick around. In line with that goal, GAI offers Awards & Recognition team members professional and leadership GAI believes in giving credit where credit is due. development, as well as career advancement, by In exchange for my loyalty and commitment to promoting or transferring from within. When a serving our guests, I am eligible for certain awards job is available, it will be posted internally first so and accolades. GAI currently offers bonuses and that any team member may apply. The job post various gifts, many in the form of points that can be will say whether the job is also open to candidates redeemed for rewards. For example, supervisors who are not currently team members. GAI will are free to distribute scratch-offs, the points from prioritize employees who apply internally for open which can be redeemed for rewards as wonderful positions. If I am transferred to another location, I may refer to the Relocation Policy to assist with my moving expenses. How Can I Succeed? | 17
HOW DO WE DO THINGS HERE AT GAI? Department Policies & Procedures different language, I will always use English to As a result of its unique nature, GAI has a wide communicate with GAI’s visitors. range of departments that perform very different functions. In consequence, a department may have Time and Attendance its own policies and procedures which supplement Our success depends on our work as a team. Just those in AquaPact. If I have any questions about like my fellow team members, I need to be at work these policies, I will contact my supervisor or regularly to achieve our goals. If I am absent, this Human Resources. creates an extra burden on my team members. If I am unable to report to work, I will follow to the Personal Appearances & Work Attire Call-in policy here. As a GAI team member, I know that my appearance and work attire reflect GAI’s professionalism and Travel Expense Policy commitment to excellence. Every team member is If I have to travel (other than my normal commute) expected to always maintain a neat, well-groomed as a part of my job, I will be reimbursed for sensible appearance and to avoid extremes. and essential costs. I will try to find the best rates for expenditures related to travel for business. If I I will wear any required name badge, security use my personal vehicle for business related travel, badge, or identification while on GAI Premises. I will be reimbursed according to the current IRS If I have any questions about my dress code, I rate. All reimbursement of business expenses will refer to the Dress Code Policy, contact my will be made through the Accounting/Finance supervisor, or Human Resources. Department. Bubbles and Smoke Expense Reimbursement If I smoke or chew gum, I need to keep my habits I may be entitled to be reimbursed for approved (including e-cigarettes) undetectable when I’m in expenses that I incur while performing my job. public or guest areas. I’m free to smoke off-the- If I am in a job that authorizes reimbursement, I clock and away from the Aquarium. If I do choose will see Human Resources and sign an Expense to smoke, I should be sure to wash my hands and Reimbursement Agreement, which explains our freshen my breath before returning to work. policy and procedure. I will submit any requests for reimbursement directly to Accounting/Finance. Language Guidelines We are lucky enough to have team members and GAI’s Progressive Discipline Policy visitors from all over the world! While celebrating GAI uses a system of warnings or progressive this fact, we also want to keep in mind a few discipline when and if it is helpful and appropriate guidelines so that nothing gets lost in translation. under the circumstances. Although GAI intends to use its progressive discipline procedure when If I speak the same language as a visitor who appropriate, I should not expect a warning prior would prefer to speak in that mutual language, I to termination in all cases. GAI may follow one or am encouraged to do so. I will never assume that more of the steps discussed below if it chooses to a guest speaks a language other than English. do so. Unless the visitor initiates conversation in a 18 | AquaPact
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Step 1: Verbal Coaching and Counseling: Verbal visitor/guest or a business partner/vendor coaching (documented in writing) is given, and without GAI authorization; notice of warning is signed by me and filed in my • Falsification of GAI records, providing personnel file. false or misleading information or omitting material information prior to or during Step 2: Written Warning: A written warning is my employment (including information issued, signed by me and filed in my personnel file. provided during investigations); Written warnings will remain active for 12 months • Participating in fighting, harassment, from the date of the warning. inappropriate physical conduct, or any other disorderly conduct during the performance Step 3: Final Written Warning: A final written of my job responsibilities while on or off GAI warning is issued when unacceptable conduct property; warrants it. Such conduct occurs when verbal/ • Threatening or intimidating a team member, written warnings have proven insufficient or when guest, visitor or business partner/vendor, conduct is so egregious or severe a verbal or including but not limited to any threats of written warning is insufficient in management’s violence or harm posted on social media; discretion. Final written warnings remain active • Engaging in discriminatory or harassing for 12 months from the date of the final written conduct, including but not limited to sexual warning. harassment against another team member, guest, business partner or vendor; Step 4: Suspension/termination of employment. • Possession or use of, being under the influence of, or selling or attempting to Depending on the nature and severity of the sell illegal drugs, alcohol or any illegal violation, or combination of violations, the normal substances while on GAI property or during disciplinary progression may be accelerated and the performance of my job responsibilities a more extensive corrective action step may be while off GAI property; imposed, up to and including termination. In other • Insubordination or the failure to carry out words, the steps may be taken out of order. job assignments or job requests of my supervisor after being warned that failure to Unacceptable Conduct do so may lead to discipline; Listed below are certain types of behavior and • Unauthorized entrance/access to any of conduct that GAI considers inappropriate and GAI’s spaces/facilities, offices, or computer which, at GAI’s sole discretion, may lead to information sources; discipline, up to and including termination of • Unauthorized or inappropriate use of GAI employment without prior warning. Among other computer networks, email, text, fax, phone, behaviors, I must avoid: social media and letterhead, other GAI forms or documents, or Company Protected • Use of profanity, disrespectful, abusive or Information; rude language or action against a guest, • Unauthorized recording and/or distributing visitor, team member, supervisor or vendor; a recording of any conversation, phone calls, or other activities in the workplace that do • Possessing a weapon or dangerous not comply with state or federal law; instrument on GAI premises or off • Unauthorized review, disclosure, or premises during the performance of my job distribution of confidential guest, visitor, responsibilities; team member or vendor information in violation of GAI Confidentiality; • Willful or careless behavior which results in • Failure to report damage to equipment, damage or destruction to GAI property, the machinery, or GAI property. property of another team member, or the • Refusal to give, or giving false, information property of a guest or a business partner/ related to accident reporting or vendor; investigations; • Loitering, malingering or sleeping on the • Behavior which violates OSHA regulations job; or creates unsafe or unsanitary conditions; • Theft, attempted theft or the possession/ removal of GAI property, the property of another team member, or the property of a 20 | AquaPact
• Taking an unauthorized break or otherwise and SnapChat. I will refer to the Online Social Media leaving the job without permission, to the Guidelines Policy here. I will use these guidelines extent such conduct is not protected activity to help understand how I can communicate across under the National Labor Relations Act; these channels. • Leaving my assigned work area without Inspections authorization, to the extent such conduct From time to time GAI may need to search work is not protected activity under the National areas (e.g., desks, lockers, file cabinets, etc.) and Labor Relations Act; personal belongings (e.g., brief cases, handbags, etc.). To ensure everyone’s safety, these searches • Failure to observe established fire and safety may occur without notice. I understand that I am policies; required to cooperate, and I agree to do so. • Mishandling of the property or funds of GAI Lockers or any of its guests; GAI may provide lockers for my use for temporary storage of my personal belongings during the • Engaging in dangerous or potentially workday. I understand that these lockers are GAI’s dangerous horseplay or behavior; property and I do not own or have a property interest in the lockers. I’m responsible for • Failure to report personal injury sustained everything I put in the locker and understand that while on duty; GAI will not be responsible for any loss or damage to items stored in the locker. These lockers are for • Taking gifts of any type from a purveyor, use during the workday, so once I am done with guest, or contractor who does business with my shift I will clear out my locker. GAI. Solicitation • Directly or indirectly maintaining an outside All team members deserve an environment business or financial interest or engaging where they can focus on their work and the guest in any other outside business or financial experience without unnecessary distractions or activity that conflicts, in any manner, with disruptions. During working time and in working the interests of GAI; areas, I will refrain from any solicitation related to personal matters or business matters not tied to • Failure to report to work for more than my employment with GAI. 3 consecutive shifts without notifying my supervisor in accordance with our Call-in Vehicles and Violations Policy, except as authorized by law; If I am operating a GAI vehicle, I will refer to the Use of GAI Vehicles Policy here. When operating • Gambling of any kind while at GAI; a boat, I will refer to GAI Boats or Water Vessels • Tampering with any alarm, safety or security Policy here. If I receive a traffic violation while conducting GAI business or in a GAI vehicle, I will systems; notify Human Resources. I am responsible for all • Embezzlement; fees associated with any traffic violation. • Any other acts of serious misconduct as Our Relationship with Coke determined by GAI; The Coca-Cola Company made a significant land donation worth $24.5 million. To honor their gift, I understand that the above list is not all-inclusive GAI team members are prohibited from using non- but is merely a description of types of conduct that Coke products while on the premises including can lead to an unpaid suspension or immediate break rooms and behind the scenes areas. dismissal. I should contact my supervisor, department director or Human Resources if I have How Do We Do Things Here at GAI? | 21 any questions. Celebrities and V.I.P.s GAI is honored to host V.I.P. and celebrity guests. I understand that team members may not, under any circumstances, approach guests to solicit autographs or pictures. Any such conduct will be considered unprofessional behavior subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Social Media Georgia Aquarium uses social media to engage with our guests and fans beyond the Aquarium on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest,
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Tipping and Gifts Although it is acceptable for an employee to display and/or discuss a portion or the whole of certain If I receive a tip or a gift from a customer, I will work product as an example in certain situations report and give the tip or gift to my department (e.g., on a resume, in a freelancer’s meeting with director. The department director will reward the a prospective client), information classified as department accordingly, that way the excellence confidential must remain so even after the end of the entire team is recognized. of employment. Supplying certain other entities with certain types of information may constitute Conflicts of Interest a conflict of interest. My work product as a team member is the sole and exclusive property of GAI. Perception is everything, so it’s important that I conduct myself with integrity. I will avoid any Freelancers and temporary employees must be business, activity, personal relationship or other particularly careful in the course of any work they situation which may possibly constitute a conflict do for a competitor of GAI. of interest. Here are some examples of what I’ll avoid: I must promptly disclose any potential conflicts of interest in writing to my supervisor. The disclosed • Accepting employment with, acting for, or relationship will only be approved of if it does not rendering services to any outside business, interfere with my ability to complete my job duties with or without compensation, which or negatively interfere with my relationship with competes or conducts business with GAI; GAI. • Disclosing or utilizing confidential Employment of Relatives information or trade secrets; If any of my immediate family members want to work at GAI, they must be qualified for the jobs • Soliciting or diverting business or guests they are seeking. My family will not be hired, away from GAI; however, if their employment would: • Soliciting team members, whether during • Create a supervisory/subordinate or after employment with GAI, to work relationship with another family member; elsewhere; • Have the potential for creating an adverse • Hiring or working in a position where I impact on work performance; supervise or provide approval affecting wages, hours or working conditions of a • Create either an actual conflict of interest or relative; or the appearance of a conflict of interest. • Intimate or social relationships with team This policy must also be considered when assigning, members that create work environment transferring, or promoting a team member. For issues. the purpose of this policy, immediate family includes: spouse, parent, child, sibling, in-law, GAI, in its sole discretion, will determine when aunt, uncle, niece, grandparent, grandchild, and my relationships are inappropriate. If I am in other members of a team member’s household or a conflict of interest, I will promptly report it to who supports or is supported by the employee. Human Resources. If I have any questions about whether something may be a conflict of interest, I If any team members become part of my will promptly contact Human Resources. immediate family, or if I become romantically involved with a team member or supervisor, GAI Work Product Ownership will make reasonable efforts to assign job duties or transfer team members so as to minimize All team members need to know that GAI retains problems of supervision, safety, security or morale. legal ownership of the product of their work. No If accommodations of this nature are not feasible, work product created while employed by GAI can the team members along with Human Resources be claimed, construed, or presented as property will be permitted to determine which of them of the individual, even after employment with will resign. If we cannot make a decision, GAI will GAI has been terminated or the relevant project completed. This includes written and electronic How Do We Do Things Here at GAI? | 23 documents, audio and video recordings, system code, and also any concepts, ideas, or other intellectual property developed for GAI, regardless of whether the intellectual property is actually used by GAI.
decide in its sole discretion which team member make his or her views about the matter known to will remain employed. the President/COO and Human Resources. Employment of Minors This policy shall apply without regard to gender The minimum hiring age for a GAI paid position and without regard to the sexual orientation is 18 years of age. Requests for paid employees of the participants in a relationship of the kind below the minimum hiring age shall be submitted described. By its discouragement of romantic and in writing to Human Resources for consideration. sexual relationships, GAI does not intend to inhibit All employees under 18 years of age must provide the social interaction (such as lunches or dinners an authorized work permit prior to date of hire. or attendance at entertainment events) that are Federal and State laws prohibit employees under an important part or extension of the working the age of 18 years from performing any hazardous environment. job functions. In addition, no GAI employee shall engage in a Romantic Relationships romantic or sexual relationship with any member Consenting romantic or sexual relationships of GAI’s Volunteer Program who is under the age between a supervisor and another team member of 18, and no GAI employee shall have contact may at some point lead to unhappy complications outside of the GAI work environment with any and significant difficulties for all concerned: the member of GAI’s Volunteer Program who is under team member, the supervisor and GAI. We strongly the age of 18. This policy is not intended to prohibit discourage such relationships and any conduct the interaction of volunteers and employees during (such as dating between a supervisor and another working hours or during GAI events attended by team member) that may lead to the formation of a volunteers. If any volunteer under the age of 18 is romantic relationship. contacted outside of GAI or a GAI function by any employee of GAI, the volunteer must immediately If a romantic or sexual relationship between a contact the Director of Training & Volunteer supervisor and another team member develops, it Operations and / or Human Resources. Any GAI is the responsibility of the supervisor to promptly employee violating this policy will be subject to disclose the existence of the relationship to discipline up to and including discharge. the team members’ department director. The employee may make the disclosure as well, but the Technology Use burden of doing so shall be upon the supervisor. GAI will provide me with all of the tools and Upon being informed or learning of the existence of equipment I may need to deliver amazing such a relationship, GAI’s Management Committee service. Depending on the situation, this may may take all steps that it deems appropriate. At a include email, voicemail, cell phones, computers, minimum, the team member and supervisor will internet, two-way radios and similar equipment. I not thereafter be permitted to work together on understand this equipment only may be used for the same matters (including matters pending at the GAI’s business purposes. All communications and time disclosure of the relationship is made), and information transmitted by, received by or stored the supervisor must withdraw from participation in in GAI’s technology systems (“GAI’s Systems”) are activities or decisions (including, but not limited the property of GAI. No communication through to, hiring, evaluations, promotions, compensation, GAI Systems or use of GAI Systems by me should work assignments and discipline) that may reward be considered private. A few ground-rules I or disadvantage any team member with whom the promise to keep in mind are: supervisor has or has had such a relationship. • I may not install software or hardware In addition, and in order for GAI to deal effectively on GAI Systems, relocate computers, or with any potentially adverse consequences such a perform any type of repair or upgrade to relationship may have for the working environment, GAI’s equipment; any person who believes that he or she has been adversely affected by such a relationship, • I will abide by AquaPact when using GAI notwithstanding its disclosure, is encouraged to Systems; 24 | AquaPact • During my work time or while using any GAI Systems, I am prohibited from writing, posting or otherwise contributing to blogs, personal websites or webpages, list serves or
mailing lists; social or other networking sites for use by the public, information regarding my (such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, own employment or information about other Twitter, etc.); audio or video-sharing team members that they have voluntarily shared websites (such as YouTube or Google Video, with me, or financial information in furtherance of etc.); or other social media, unless such negotiating terms and conditions of employment. activity is directly related to, and necessary, for my job performance; I understand that I should not disclose or use any GAI proprietary information except as needed I will use common sense when posting information for the performance of my job duties at GAI. I relating to or identifying GAI or its team members. will keep all such information plainly marked as confidential and will return the information at the Audio/Video Recording Consent time of my departure from GAI. I understand that I will maintain the information in an GAI approved I understand that, as part of its efforts to maintain manner. I will not make, retain, or share any copies the highest standards of protection, safety, and of such material. care for the animals that are housed at GAI as well as the safety of guests, employees, volunteers, If I am an Executive or Vice President, I also will and contractors, GAI uses audio/video recording refer to my Confidentiality Agreement. devices to monitor the public areas of its facility and all areas where the animals and humans may Children in the Workplace interact. I further understand that, as an employee GAI values my family and work/life balance. I am of GAI, my voice and/or image may be captured welcome to bring my child(ren) to see where I by an audio/video recording device while I am in work, so long as the visits are minimal, brief, and one of the monitored areas. I understand that the planned in a way that limits disruption to other monitored areas do not include any bathrooms, team members and customers. I am however locker rooms, or similar private areas, and that no not allowed to bring my child(ren) to work with recording devices of any kind are located in such me when other childcare arrangements are areas. I understand that audio/video monitoring not available. I may utilize the EAP (Employee within the facility is intended to ensure the safety Assistance Program) provider to find emergency and well-being of individuals and animals, and childcare alternatives. For more information about that, to that end, all captured audio/video data the EAP, I will contact Human Resources. will be securely electronically stored for a period of up to five (5) years. I will review and sign the If my child(ren) is sick, I cannot bring them Audio/Video Recording Consent Policy here. to GAI. Under rare and extreme emergency situations, my department director may grant Confidentiality permission to bring a child(ren) to the workplace. In granting permission, the department director I know that while I am a team member of GAI, I may will consider my work environment, potential for receive or have access to proprietary information. work disruptions, and the age of my child(ren). I acknowledge that the proprietary information If permission is granted, I need to sign a liability constitutes a valuable asset, which GAI wishes release form as soon as I arrive at GAI. to protect. I acknowledge that I am a partner in protecting proprietary information. Child Abuse Prevention & Reporting Policy GAI is a family organization that provides our I understand that proprietary information includes, guests with unparalleled hospitality, inspirational but is not limited to: trade secrets, operating entertainment and engaging educational techniques, prospective acquisitions, customer programming. As such, many of our guests and and prospective customer lists, customer financial program participants are under the age of 18. information (including credit card information), GAI is committed to preventing abusive conduct vendor and prospective vendor lists, marketing of any form for all team members, volunteers, techniques, training manuals, unique animal care vendors and our guests. I will review the Child techniques records and memoranda, and financial Abuse Prevention & Reporting Policy here. reports. It does not include any information that has become generally known to or is available How Do We Do Things Here at GAI? | 25
WHAT DO I GET OUT OF WORKING HERE? I Get Perks! Discount at Café Aquaria and Gift Shop Working with GAI has its perks! GAI has established All eligible full-time and part-time team members programs to ensure that I can enjoy our amazing are entitled to a fifty percent (50%) discount at GAI with friends and family. The local community Café Aquaria upon presentation of a valid GAI also offers a variety of discounts on services and identification. Team members may not solicit food products I can enjoy as a perk to working here! from the Wolfgang Puck catering kitchen or Café I can preview these many perks here. If I am a Aquaria. The chefs are not allowed to provide full-time employee, most Perks and Benefits are team members with free food. available to me on my first day of employment. If I am a part-time employee Perks are available to All eligible full-time and part-time team members me on my first day of employment and Benefits are entitled to a twenty percent (20%) discount are available to me after my completion of my 90- at any of the Event Network Gift Shops located day introductory period. Some additional details throughout GAI upon presentation of a valid GAI can be found below. For a full list of discounted Identification. proudcts and services offered to GAI employees, see the Perks@Work Policy here. 26 | AquaPact
Passes, Tickets & Tours Transportation So that my family and friends can enjoy GAI as much as I do, I may take advantage of a variety of I shall contact Human Resources to learn about: free or discounted passes, tickets and tours. • Discounted monthly MARTA passes; for Special Events & Programs • The Clean Air Campaign’s Cash Our 3C Committee is a team member- led engagement committee consisting of a Commuters; representative from each department. The 3C • Sign up for the Ride-Share Exchange. Committee, together with Human Resources, coordinates the following GAI-sponsored I Get Benefits! programs and events: GAI provides a variety of benefits that are listed • Holiday parties; below. I will contact Human Resources for the most • Festivals; recent version of the Benefits Guide. I understand • Fairs; that my eligibility for these benefits depends on • Intramural sports; and my full or part time status. If there is a conflict • Pumpkin carving. between anything contained in AquaPact and the plan documents, the plan documents will prevail GAI also sponsors wellness activities, such as: in all cases. • Flu shots; • Discounted rates at LA Fitness; I understand that, from time to time, benefits may • Yoga instruction; be added, enhanced, modified or cancelled. GAI • Annual wellness fair; and has the right to make such changes, including • EAP for mental health of our team members. changing carriers, provider networks, benefit options, eligibility requirements, team member Insider Advantage Benefits classification, and/or the amount of premiums Exceptional discounts on products and services paid on behalf of team members. I will be given through Turner Trade Group, Inc.’s. notice of any such changes. AAA Benefits Within the Benefits Guide, I will find information Discounts on AAA memberships. on the following: Working from Home • Medical Benefits GAI has established a program to examine how • Dental Benefits teleworking can contribute to organizational • Vision Plan objectives and team member well-being. These • Life and Accident Insurance guidelines offer direction for teleworkers, team • Disability Benefits members not teleworking, and management. I can • Employee Assistance Program (“EAP”) view the Telework Program Policy here. • 401(k) Retirement Savings • Supplemental Benefits Parking Parking is free for all Aquarium team members. I Below are additional benefits; I will find information will: on the following: • Obtain the Lanier parking agreement from • Flexible Spending Accounts Human Resources; • Short-Term Disability • Long-Term Disability • Complete the Lanier parking agreement • Workers Compensation form and return it to Human Resources; • Credit Union • Tuition Reimbursement • Obtain a security access card from Human Resources; and, • Present my valid GAI identification when entering the parking deck. What Do I Get Out of Working Here? | 27
HOW DO I TAKE TIME OFF? From time to time I may need to take some time off from work. Under AquaPact and the law, I may be entitled to various leaves of absence. I can find information to each of the following leaves in these links: Paid Time Off Military Leave (Vacation, Sick & Personal) Pregnancy/Maternity Family & Medical Leave Leave Bereavement Jury Duty Leave Voting Leave Other Time Off eligible for up to sixty (60) days personal leave of absence. I shall submit a request for personal leave Upon request, I may also be entitled to unpaid to my supervisor and Human Resources as early time off: as possible, and they will review the request. The decision whether to grant the leave shall be based • To satisfy a subpoena to appear in court; upon several factors, including but not limited to • To obtain a temporary restraining order or staffing needs, my job performance, the length of time requested, etc. If the leave is granted, I shall other relief to ensure the safety and health be required to exhaust my accrued Wellness Time. of myself or my child; The remainder of the personal leave is unpaid. I • To perform emergency duty or training as will review the Wellness Time Police here. a volunteer firefighter, peace officer, or emergency rescue responder; and If I should have any questions, I will contact Human • To appear as parent or guardian at my child’s Resources. school in connection with a suspension. If I am a full-time or part-time team member with one (1) year of continuous service, then I am 28 | AquaPact
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HOW AM I COMPENSATED? GAI wants to hire the best of the best. GAI’s pay over a twelve (12)-month period. My hours rates and benefits are designed to attract and will fluctuate according to business needs, retain the best talent. If I have any questions, and sometimes I may work more than forty suggestions or concerns about my pay or benefits, (40) hours in a workweek. I am encouraged to speak to my supervisor or • I am Seasonal/Temporary if I am hired to Human Resources. perform a specific job for a specific period of time or scheduled to work on a provisional What Type of Team Member Am I? basis. If I work in a job that is not exempt from overtime requirements, then I am paid • I am Full-Time if I work at least forty (40) hours by the hour. If I work in a job that is exempt per workweek on a regular basis, averaged from overtime requirements, then I am paid over a twelve (12)-month period. My hours according to terms of hire. As a seasonal/ will fluctuate according to business needs, temporary team member, I am not entitled and sometimes I will work more than forty to receive additional benefits. (40) hours in a workweek. • I am a Volunteer if I am in a position classified as an unpaid helper. I may be receiving • I am Part-Time if I work fewer than forty (40) hours per week on a regular basis, averaged 30 | AquaPact
academic credit for my efforts, or perhaps Calculating and Reporting Travel Time volunteering because I want to spend time helping at GAI. I understand that as I am responsible for accurately tracking, calculating a volunteer I am not entitled to any pay or and reporting travel time on my time sheets. benefits. I will follow our rules and policies. “Travel time” is defined as including the time the I also understand that I have a separate employee arrives at the airport to the time a team handbook which governs the terms and member reaches their destination. Travel between conditions of my volunteer work. home and work or between the hotel and worksite is considered normal commuting time and is not Am I Exempt or Non-Exempt? eligible for compensation. My job is classified as “exempt” or “non-exempt” Any portion of authorized travel time that takes from overtime requirements based upon what I place within normal work hours on any day of actually do in my job, not what my job is called. the week, including weekends, is treated as If I have a management position, administrative work hours. If I am a non-exempt employee, the professional position, or job that meets the following rules determine whether travel time is requirements for exempt team members, then compensable. If I am an exempt employee, then I may be paid on a salary basis and will not be travel time is not separately compensable and is eligible for overtime pay. If I have a job that does covered by my salary. not meet those requirements, then I will be paid hourly and will be entitled to overtime pay for all Travel time within normal work hours will be paid hours worked in excess of forty (40) in the standard at my regular hourly rate and will be factored into workweek. I will direct any questions that I have overtime calculations. If I travel between two or about my classification to Human Resources. more time zones, the time zone associated with the point of departure should be used to determine My Workweek whether travel falls within normal work hours. Each workweek begins at 12:01 a.m. on Sunday Any portion of authorized travel time (with the and ends midnight on Saturday. The work day exception of driving time) that takes place outside begins at 12:01a.m. and ends at midnight each of normal work hours is considered to be outside day. travel hours. If I am non-exempt and required to travel as a passenger in an automobile, plane, My Schedule or any other mode of transportation outside of normal work hours, those outside of normal work I will receive my schedule from my Manager. Due hours will be compensated at my regular hourly to operational differences, each department may rate. Unlike work hours, outside travel hours are distrubute schedules differently. The start and not factored into overtime calculations. If I travel finish times of my workday, as well as the total between two or more time zones, the time zone hours I work, may vary with business needs. I may associated with the point of departure should be be required to work evenings, weekends, and used to determine whether the travel falls outside holidays. I will work the hours I am scheduled to of normal work hours. work and will not exchange shifts with another team member unless the change has been All authorized travel time spent driving an authorized in advance by my supervisor. automobile as the driver, not as the passenger, is treated as work hours, regardless of whether the Keeping Track of My Time travel takes place within normal work hours or outside normal work hours. I will receive my regular If I am paid by the hour, then I will clock in at the hourly rate for all travel time spent as the driver beginning, and clock out at the end of my shift. I of an automobile and this time will be factored will also clock in and out for my meal break. I will into overtime calculations. Travel as a passenger never falsify time records, or clock in or out for in an automobile is treated the same as all other another team member. I will make sure to account for all hours worked, including answering emails, taking phone calls and completing paperwork, etc. How Am I Compensated? | 31
forms of travel and compensation depends upon important my paycheck go to the right person, whether the travel time takes place between paychecks will only be given to me personally. If normal work hours or outside normal work hours. it is necessary for someone to pick up my check If I am traveling by air and no flights are available for me, I will give them a signed note authorizing from or to the airport nearest my home, then travel them to do so and will provide advance notice between my home and the airport is considered to Payroll. travel time and is eligible for compensation. If I request a specific travel itinerary or mode of I may also be paid by direct deposit of funds to transportation that is different from the one either a savings and/or checking account at my authorized by the company, only the estimated bank of choice provided my bank permits direct travel time associated with the itinerary and deposits. To activate direct deposit, I will contact mode of transportation that has been authorized Payroll. will be eligible for compensation. Overtime Meal periods should be deducted from all If I am a non-exempt team member, then from travel time. Travel time should be calculated by time to time I may be required to work overtime. rounding up to the nearest quarter hour. For each hour, I work in excess of forty (40) hours in the standard workweek, I will earn 1.5 Pay Periods times my regular hourly rate of pay. I will only I will receive my paycheck every two (2) weeks on work overtime if authorized in advance by my a Friday. The time period covered by the payroll Supervisor. check will be listed on the stub. Because it’s 32 | AquaPact
How Am I Compensated? | 33
HOW DO I STAY SAFE? Active Shooter Procedure GAI is committed to the safety and well-being of its team members and guests. Upholding this commitment requires planning and practice. I will review the Active Shooter Procedure here. Infectious Diseases Due to the sensitive ecosystem at GAI, any life-threatening illnesses or contagious disease should be disclosed to Human Resources. Human Resources will keep this information confidential and will discuss with me any accommodation that may need to be made. I will review the Infectious Disease/Pandemic Policy here. Inclement Weather Policy Although GAI will make every effort to remain open for business, there may be instances where conditions make it impossible or unsafe to do so and thus warrant a delayed opening or a partial or full-day closure of GAI to the public. These instances may include but are not limited to severe weather, a declared state of emergency, utility disruptions, natural disasters and/or possible terrorist actions. I will review the Inclement Weather Policy here. 34 | AquaPact
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HOW DO I SAY GOODBYE? Voluntary Separation fault” and that I am not entitled to challenge my I will give two (2) weeks’ notice of intention to termination through the mediation/arbitration voluntarily terminate my employment if I wish to provisions of D.I.V.E. be eligible for rehire at GAI. I may not use any sick days during this two (2) weeks’ notice period. Continuous Service No-Fault Separation Pay No-Fault Separation If I am permanently laid off with no right of recall or 6 months – 5 years 1 week’s pay, plus an if I am discharged for no fault, my discharge will be additional week’s pay considered “no-fault.” I may not seek mediation per year of service. or arbitration of a permanent lay-off or “no-fault” termination under Step 6 of D.I.V.E (Dispute 5 – 10 years 3 weeks’ pay, plus an Investigation and Verification for Employees). additional week’s pay However, I will be eligible for separation pay in per year of service. accordance with the “No-Fault Separation Pay Schedule” in effect at the time of my separation 10 years or more 6 weeks’ pay, plus an unless I have opted out by signing the “Opt- additional week’s pay Out Verification” attached to my AquaPact . I am per year of service, up eligible for “No-Fault Separation Pay” whether I to a maximum of 26 am a full-time or a part-time team member. weeks. By accepting “No-Fault Separation Pay,” I am acknowledging that my termination was “no- 36 | AquaPact
My “No-Fault Separation Pay” will be calculated cards, keys, uniforms, IT equipment, cash banks, as the average weekly equivalent of all of my etc. compensation, which includes my salary, wages and any ongoing/regularly scheduled incentive Final Paycheck plan payments, received in the preceding twelve If I resign or am terminated by GAI with or without months. The “No-Fault Separation Pay” calculation cause, I will receive my final paycheck the next does not include: adminitratively feasible pay period. • Overtime; Re-Hire Practice • Non-declared gratuities; If I voluntarily terminate my employment at • Workers compensation; GAI, I may be eligible for rehire. To be eligible, • Long term disability payments; I must have consistently met my performance • Relocation and disturbance allowances; expectations and provided two weeks’ notice. I • Insurance benefits; understand that my eligibility will be at the sole • PTO/Vacation; discretion of management and that I am not • One-time or annual bonuses and awards; guaranteed a rehire. and/or Reference Checks • Or any other type of extraordinary If my employment with GAI ends, I understand that GAI will not provide any information regarding compensation. my employment except to confirm that I worked for GAI for a specific period of time and my last If I have been a GAI team member for less than position held. I acknowledge that my written twelve months, then my “No-Fault Separation consent is required for GAI to release additional Pay” will be the average weekly equivalent of the information about my employment. I understand most recent preceding 90 days of my employment. that information required by law will be released accordingly, such as in response to Child Support For the “No-Fault Separation Pay” calculation, a agencies, Wage Garnishments, subpoenas, or partial year (having completed the initial 90-day other court orders. Probationary-at-Will period) will constitute my first year of service. Thereafter, an additional year of I also acknowledge that team members are not service will be earned on the anniversary of my permitted, under any circumstances, to respond to completion of the Probationary-at-Will period. requests for information regarding another team member. If I receive a request for a reference, I’ll I am also not entitled to “No-Fault Separation forward it to Human Resources. Pay” if my permanent layoff results from strikes, walkouts or lockouts, war, national emergencies, fires, acts of God, acts of terrorism, disasters, riots, boycotts, and any other cause beyond the control of GAI. Exit Interview GAI does not want to see good people leave, but it sometimes happens. If I choose to leave, GAI will conduct an exit interview. These interviews are intended to be conducted in a positive, professional manner in order to help promote good feelings. GAI truly wants to understand my reason for leaving, and I will be asked to provide constructive feedback about my experience at GAI. Before I leave GAI, I must return all items belonging to GAI. A checklist of these items will be completed to ensure that everything is accounted for. I am expected to return all GAI property such as I.D. How Do I Say Goodbye? | 37
D.I.V.E. Dispute Investigation & Verification for Employees [“D.I.V.E.”] I understand that this AquaPact is Georgia Aquarium’s special employment relationship with me. When a diverse group of people work together, problems and complaints may arise. Although I am aware that most problems and complaints can be settled promptly by discussion of the facts between me, my supervisor, and any other involved parties, Georgia Aquarium and I recognize that there is always a need for a system that will ensure that more substantial disputes are fully heard and fairly addressed. In furtherance of this goal, Georgia Aquarium has developed a procedure to assure that problems and complaints are resolved in this fashion. It is called Dispute Investigation & Verification for Employees [“D.I.V.E.”]. It is the responsibility of Human Resources to facilitate and manage D.I.V.E. and may be involved in this process at any step. By agreement between me and Georgia Aquarium, one of more of the six (6) steps of D.I.V.E. may be waived. D.I.V.E. works as follows: STEP 1: I will informally discuss the situation with my immediate supervisor, my department director, or Human Resources. STEP 2: If STEP 1 does not resolve my concerns, I will file a written complaint with Human Resources within 14 days after the event or problem occurred. At my request, Human Resources may assist me in preparing my complaint. STEP 3: Human Resources will conduct an investigation concerning my written complaint, including a meeting with me, within 7 days after filing. STEP 4: Human Resources will issue a written decision to me within 7 days of the close of the investigation. STEP 5: If I am dissatisfied with the written decision in STEP 4, I will appeal the decision to the President/COO of GAI. The President/COO will meet with me and give me a written decision on my appeal within 14 days after our meeting. STEP 6: MEDIATION/ARBITRATION. If I am not satisfied with the President/COO‘s written decision in STEP 5, and the complaint is based on one of the following types of claims as defined by law: a. Employment discrimination; b. Harassment as it relates to my employment; c. Retaliation; d. The FMLA; e. A wage and hour violation including, any claims under the FLSA; and/or f. Or termination of my employment from Georgia Aquarium (including “constructive discharge”, but not a permanent layoff); then I must submit my complaint to be heard by an independent mediator/arbitrator unless I have chosen to opt out of the mediation/arbitration provisions by following the opt-out procedure provided. 1. Mediation/Arbitration Demand. I will submit my request for mediation/arbitration in writing to President/COO of GAI and Human Resources within 90 days of the date of the written decision in STEP 5 unless federal and/or state law allows for a longer period of time to file the particular type D.I.V.E. | 39
of complaint that I am bringing. At my request, Human Resources may assist me in preparing my complaint for submission to mediation/arbitration. 2. What is Mediation/Arbitration? My complaint will be submitted to and resolved through a two-stage process of (a) non-binding mediation, and then, if necessary, (b) mutually binding arbitration. Both the mediation and arbitration stages shall be administered by the American Arbitration Association [“AAA”], or another agency if Georgia Aquarium and I so agree. “Mediation” means the attempt to resolve a dispute by one or more persons who are chosen by me and Georgia Aquarium to hear both sides of the complaint and provide assistance and recommendations to settle the dispute. The recommendation of the mediator shall not be binding on either party. “Arbitration” means the settlement of a dispute by one or more persons who are chosen by me and Georgia Aquarium to hear both sides of the complaint and then come to a decision. The decision of the arbitration shall be binding on both parties. The AAA’s “National Rules for the Resolution of Employment Disputes” will be used in any mediation and/or arbitration proceeding. A copy of these rules is available from Human Resources and online at 3. Selection of the Mediator/Arbitrator. Upon receipt of my written mediation/arbitration request, and the filing of the appropriate document(s) to initiate the mediation/arbitration proceedings, Human Resources will request a list of 5 local mediators/arbitrations from the AAA. Beginning with my turn, Human Resources and I will alternately strike the names of the mediators/arbitrators until only one name remains. This person will act as both the mediator and arbitrator unless Georgia Aquarium and I agree otherwise. Either I or Georgia Aquarium may decide that they do not wish to submit to mediation and the process will proceed directly to arbitration. 4. Arbitration Will Be Final and Binding. If Georgia Aquarium and I are unable to resolve my complaint through mediation, or mediation is bypassed as set forth above, the matter will be arbitrated. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final and binding on the parties. I may file an administrative charge with an outside government agency. Judgment on the arbitrator’s decision may be entered in any court having legal authority over such matters. 5. Use of Legal Counsel. I have the right to retain legal counsel or another professional in labor relations (other than an employee, agent, organizer, or volunteer of a labor organization) at my own expense if I decide that I want to do so. Georgia Aquarium may use legal counsel in the mediation and/or arbitration hearing only if I choose to be represented by an attorney of labor relations professional. 6. Arbitration Fees and Expenses. All fees and expenses of the arbitrator will be divided and paid for as follows: i. I will pay $125 towards the arbitration filing fee; ii. Georgia Aquarium will pay the remainder of the filing fee; and iii. Georgia Aquarium will pay all of the arbitrator’s expenses. 7. Award of Costs. GAI will pay the entire cost of the Arbitration, excluding my cost for legal counsel or representation and preparation expenses unless ordered by the arbitrator, if the arbitrator rules in my favor. 8. Waiver of Right to Go to Court. To the extent permitted by the law, I understand that if I do not opt out of the mediation/arbitration portions of D.I.V.E., I waive my right to have my case submitted to a court of law and decided by a judge or a jury. If I do not opt out, I agree that the arbitrator has the same authority and may decide the outcome in the same manner that a judge or jury would if they 40 | AquaPact
were deciding the case. As in a court of law, I am responsible for my own attorney’s fees and costs unless the arbitrator orders otherwise. 9. Waiver of Right to Submit Claim as Part of Class or Collective Action. To the extent permitted by law, I understand that if I do not opt out of the mediation/arbitration provisions of D.I.V.E., I waive my right to have my claims submitted as part of a class or collective action in court (whether I initiate a claim or I am invited to join a class or collective action). Additionally, I also waive my right to have my claims submitted as part of a class arbitration. This waiver does not affect or diminish the substantive remedies that I may be awarded at the arbitrator’s discretion. 10. My Contribution to the Arbitration Fees. Georgia Aquarium will pay all the arbitrator’s expenses. The maximum amount I will pay of the arbitrator’s fees is $125. I understand that if this maximum fee of $125 creates a financial hardship for me, I will contact Human Resources. If I voluntarily elect to not opt out of the D.I.V.E. provisions, Georgia Aquarium also agrees to submit any claims that it may have against me arising from my terms, conditions, and elements of my employment to mediation and, if necessary, binding arbitration on the same terms. 11. Effects of Filing with EEOC or another Governmental Agency. If I elect to submit my complaint to an outside agency, then the mediation/arbitration procedure under D.I.V.E. will be delayed until that agency issues a “right to sue” determination or otherwise indicates that it has concludes its processing of my claim. When the agency has indicated that it has completed the processing of my claim, the mediation/arbitration provisions shall become my exclusive remedy and mediation/ arbitration shall begin as soon as administratively possible. 12. Application of Discrimination Laws. I understand that to the extent required by law, to make the agreement to mediate/arbitration fully enforceable, the provisions of local, State, and Federal employment statutes, which are pertinent to my claims, are incorporated in and made a part of my AquaPact agreement. 13. Consideration. I specifically understand that my agreement to submit any of the complaints listed in STEP 6 to mediation/arbitration rather than an outside agency or to a court of law is given to Georgia Aquarium in exchange for its agreement to fulfill its obligation to me under AquaPact, including, but not limited to its agreement to fulfill its obligations to me under AquaPact and to its agreement to pay a portion of the arbitrator’s fees and expenses. I also understand that Georgia Aquarium has agreed to submit to final and binding arbitration any claims it has against me arising from my termination, such as conversion, misappropriation of trade secrets, and breach of fiduciary duty. 14. Discovery and Judicial Review. The parties will have such rights with respect to discovery and judicial review as required by statute or judicial decision as a condition of making this agreement to mediate and/or arbitrate fully enforceable by both parties. D.I.V.E. | 41
42 | AquaPact
AQUAPACT MY COMPLETE PERSONAL CONTRACT WITH GAI Georgia Aquarium, Inc. [hereinafter referred to as “Georgia Aquarium”] recognizes my valuable service as an employee, and agrees this _______ day of _______________________, 20____, to provide me with the benefits described in my AquaPact. In return, I, ____________________________________________, agree to abide by the principles, goals, and policies in this AquaPact. I consent and agree to having my image and/or voice recorded and stored. I agree to hold harmless, release and forever discharge Georgia Aquarium and its past and present officers, agents, and employees from all claims, demands and causes of action which I have or may have against them by reason of the recording described as described in the “Audio/Video Recording Consent” section of AquaPact. I acknowledge that the conditions contained in AquaPact may be modified in writing from time to time by Georgia Aquarium. I have read AquaPact and promise to: • Abide by Georgia Aquarium’s goals and standards; • Accept my compensation and benefits; • Use D.I.V.E. first for all complaints even if I have exercised my right to opt out of the mediation/ arbitration provisions of D.I.V.E.; and • Use the mediation/arbitration procedure described in D.I.V.E. as the exclusive method of resolving any dispute I may have relating to termination of my employment and/or claims of employment discrimination, harassment, or wage and hour violations, unless I have exercised my right to opt out. Georgia Aquarium promises to comply with its obligations under AquaPact by: • Treating me with dignity and respect; • Providing competitive compensation and benefits; • Following D.I.V.E.; • Providing opportunities for learning and career development; • Providing access to the mediation/arbitration procedure in D.I.V.E. at a minimum cost to me for the arbitrator’s expenses and fees; and • Utilizing D.I.V.E. as its exclusive remedy for resolving any disputes relating to my termination and/or claims of employment discrimination, harassment, or wage and hour violations. The term of AquaPact is one (1) year and is automatically renewed, but will end if following occurs: • I voluntarily resign; • I am permanently laid off; • I am involuntarily terminated (I can still pursue my rights under D.I.V.E.); or • I choose to remain an “At Will” employee. Georgia Aquarium and I, ________________________________________, acknowledge and understand this unique AquaPact relationship, effective through the duration of my employment. AquaPact is the entire agreement between me and Georgia Aquarium, unless modified by specific letter, the terms of which supersede certain defined parts of AquaPact. Georgia Aquarium employing me pursuant to the terms and my working under AquaPact terms supports this contract. Our signatures confirm our mutual agreement to this philosophy, these goals, and all the rights and responsibilities in this AquaPact or as modified in writing by Georgia Aquarium. We agree that this AquaPact shall become effective after successful completion of my ninety (90) day probationary period. _______________________________ _______________________________ Human Resources Representative Team Member Signature Important Forms | 43
44 | AquaPact
OPT-OUT VERIFICATION I, ____________________________________________, am aware that the contractual agreement between Georgia Aquarium and its employees referred to as AquaPact contains a section entitled Dispute Investigation & Verification for Employees [“D.I.V.E.”]. Further, I have been advised that unless I choose to opt out of the mediation/arbitration provisions of that D.I.V.E. procedure as set forth below, I will automatically be covered by it and required to submit to mediation and binding arbitration for any disputes specifically descripted in D.I.V.E. I have had the opportunity to ask questions of, and clarify points contained in D.I.V.E. and in all other provisions of AquaPact. I understand that if I opt out of the mediation/ arbitration provisions of D.I.VE. I will not be eligible for “No-Fault Separation Pay”, or to receive any of the other monetary or non-monetary benefits available to Georgia Aquarium employees who voluntarily choose to be bound by D.I.V.E. I understand that if I wish to exercise my right to opt out of the mediation/arbitration provisions of D.I.V.E, I must do so in one of the following ways: 1. After I am presented with my AquaPact agreement for signature, I may sign and date this form and deliver it to Human Resources any time during my 90-day probationary period, and for a period of thirty (30) calendar days thereafter; or 2. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the date I am notified of any written amendment to my AquaPact agreement, I may submit a written D.I.V.E. Arbitration Opt-Out Verification form to Human Resources. If I would like additional time to consider the “Opt-Out” I will contact Human Resources. I understand that I may not opt out of the mediation/arbitration provisions of D.I.V.E. while I have any legal claim pending which arose prior to my execution of this form and which has been or could have been submitted to D.I.V.E. at the time the claim arose. Finally, I ____________________________________________, understand that if I should decide to opt out of D.I.V.E., I will continue to be subject to and fully obligated to comply with all of the other provisions of my AquaPact. _________________________________ ______________________ Team Member Signature Date _________________________________ ______________________ Human Resources Representative Date Important Forms | 45
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