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Ideology Magazine-2

Published by ashad2779, 2021-06-18 21:01:53

Description: Ideology Magazine-2


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Ideology Magazine Asha Dirks

Collectivism Collectivism is a central belief or ideology that one withholds under the aspect that goals and dependance fall most upon the group/collective than an individual. It is based on the key ideas of economic equality, collective norms, interest as a whole, public properties, and economic equality.

Communism “The theory of communism can be summed up in a single sentence - abolition Communism is seen in the idea of a classless of private property.” -Karl Marx society where all people share in the production of goods and, that the group comes before the individual. The only thing that society lacks is a voice and say in government and the centrally planned economy. This ideology evolved through the twentieth century throughout the Soviet Union and China. Communism provided people with collective ownership over land, production, and goods, and economic equality.

“Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem” -Joseph Stalin Communism (cont.) Past Communism Present Communism Joseph Stalin, leader of The Communist Party and China remains under the communism Russia, was focused on the main idea of power ideology today, lead by Xi Jinping. At least and control which resulted in the use of 95% of the population has health insurance, oppression and fear rather than freedom and education is free however, China’s citizens revolution. He created the Gulag (prison camp) for still are limited in their use of social media anyone who did not agree with his ideology as and anyone who criticizes the government well as created the secret police. He rewrote the can be taken to prison. history and created the collectivization of farms taking them by force if needed in spite of the fast industrialization he was working for. People had no say in government, little information on the media, and were starving in the famine of the country.

Socialism Utopian Socialism An ideology centered around a cooperative community that consists of good and improved living and working conditions for industrial workers. This idea was created by Robert Owen and Charles Fourier.

Socialism (cont.) Democratic Socialism “Democratic socialism means that we must create an economy that works for all, not just An ideology more politically based that the wealthy” -Bernie Sanders transitions peaceful evolution from capitalism to socialism were people share in wealth and have rights and freedoms. Socialism occurs today in the world in countries such as Sweden, Canada, and France.

Liberalism Liberalism values the ideas and beliefs of an individual's liberty like rights and freedoms, self interest, private properties, economic freedoms, and law. Liberalism provides freedom and equality for all, like in Canada today. Modern Liberalism, created by Rousseau, is the ideology that developed over a span of time that specifically addresses inequalities, injustices and individual rights that were created by the capitalist society.

Mixed Economy A mixed economy is an economic system here free market ideas are combined with some government intervention, used to regulate the boom and bust cycle, and the industry production. As well as offer people social welfare programs like insurance, healthcare, educated, etc.

Individualism Individualism is a belief and value in which the individual’s liberties comes first rather than the entire group or collective. Conservatism is the ideology based around a tradition for a society and little changes are made, to preserve social structure.

Capitalism/Classical Liberalism Classical liberalism is an ideology that is based on the idea that rights and freedoms of an individual are the foundation of the society, with a capitalist free market economy by its side. Parts of the United States has conservative policies in the aspect that they have low government intervention, low taxes, and most services and enterprises are private. Andrew Scheer is the leader of the Canadian Conservative Party today. Past conservative leaders are those such as John A. Macdonald as well as Stephen Harper. “To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth” -Teddy Roosevelt

Fascism Fascism is a dictatorship with an authoritarian In the past, Hitler the leader of the Nazi Party and type of government. Its key beliefs evolve country of Germany highly followed facist ideas. around ruling of the elites, use of fear by the He scapegoated majority of Germany’s problems military, and individual interests are subject to on Jewish folk. He used propaganda, youth revolve around the good of the nation. Many movements, strict elimination of opposing forces countries today carry anti-fascist policies. in prison camps, and using fear and force through military control and stormtroopers. He also “If you want to shine like the sun you removed all other political parties to make sure must first burn like it” -A. Hitler his was the only available to rule and have the power, leaving elections useless to the citizens. Citizens rights and freedoms were revoked, media was censored and the curriculum was rewritten.


Facism Facism was used by Adolf Hitler in Germany as well as Benito Mussolini in Italy in the early 1900’s. Facism opposes all other political ideologies and holds a very strong ideal on what their national looks and acts like. People were often controlled by fear and force, anyone who opposed government was sent to prison to die. “Facism is capitalism plus murder” - Upton Sinclair “To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens” - Adolf Hitler

Communism Communism first was introduced by Karl Marx in the mid nineteenth century and introduced to Russia by Vladimir Lenin. It was carried by Joseph Stalin during the mid 1900’s, and communism policies were finally put to rest in Russia in the very late 1900’s. “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything” - Joseph Stalin “Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupter by war or corruptio, or both.” - John F. Kennedy

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