For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack1 Thyroid Complex** 2 x day with food2 TPP Protease 2 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support1 Adrenal Complex** 2 x day with foodGlandular support to nourish and support the adrenal glandswith glandular tissue, nutrients, herbs, and enzymes*1 MasterZyme** 3 x day with foodUniquely formulated to support the endocrine system*1 ReleaseZyme*** after each meal AND3 ReleaseZyme*** at bedtimeTo alleviate constipation common in thyroid disorders*2 Privita**** 2 caps dailyFor those who experience heavy bleeding or painful menstrualcycles, this product will support the reproductive system andhealthy menstrual flow*2-3 ExcellZyme first thing in the morning or mid-dayBrain fog and fatigue are common in hypothyroidism, and thishelps support mental clarity and improved physical energy*2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodSupports reduction of inflammation that can be created fromhypothyroidism within the body*1 FemVita**** 2 x dayPromotes sexual function and libido which can be lost withhypothyroidism*1 Mineral Complex daily with foodBrain fog and fatigue are common in hypothyroidism, and thishelps support mental clarity and Vitamin/mineral deficiencycan exacerbate hypothyroidism and repletion is important torestore normal function: the Vitamin A, C, zinc, selenium, andmagnesium in this formula help restore thyroid function andproper conversion of T4 into T3.***Testing or monitoring of hormone levels is advised withglandular / nutritional hormone therapies.***ReleaseZyme is intended for short-term use (1-3 months)during the healing process and periodical use after as neededfor chronic constipation.****Privita may reduce frequency and amount of cyclic bleeding.FemVita should not be taken while on birth control. Stop takingFemVita and/or Privita if you suspect or verify that you arepregnant. *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 103
PCOS(Polycystic OvarySyndrome)Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a health problemthat affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. Womenwith PCOS have a hormonal imbalance and metabolismproblems that may affect their overall health andappearance. They often struggle with blood sugar control,weight management, and excess testosterone. Othersymptoms include excess androgen (male hormone)production; menstrual problems, which can include fewor no menstrual periods or heavy, irregular bleeding; hairloss from the scalp and hair growth (hirsutism) on theface, chest, back, stomach, thumbs, or toes; acne andoily skin; fertility problems such as not releasing anegg (not ovulating) or repeated miscarriages; insulinresistance and too much insulin (hyperinsulinemia)which can cause things like upper body obesity and skintags; depression or mood swings; and breathingproblems while sleeping (obstructive sleep apnea) linkedto both obesity and insulin resistance.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will aid in the proper digestion and absorption of all nutrients supporting pH balance, a healthy GI tract, and a strong immune system.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and efficient detoxification as well as help manage inflammation and immune function.* • A natural formula of herbs shown to normalize hormones that are out of balance.* • A probiotic supplement to further support digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy balance of friendly flora in the GI tract.*For sensitive individuals2 DigestZyme with every meal or snack2 PureZyme 2 x day between meals1 FemVita** daily3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 104
For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 2 x day between meals1 FemVita** 2 x day1 TPP Probiotic 42.5 at bedtimeAdditional support1-2 MasterZyme*** dailyIrregular menses and infertility are common symptoms ofPCOS, and the comprehensive glandulars in this productare highly tested for purity and safety to naturally feedand fortify the ovaries, where estrogen is synthesized.*1 BalanceZyme Plus 3 x day between mealsInsulin resistance is a common symptom of PCOSmaking weight management and blood sugar regulationdifficult, while this formula is great for controlling thebreakdown of carbs and supporting insulin uptake withextra chromium.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodOmega 3’s can help with weight loss, hormone balance,improved androgen levels, and decreased insulinresistance.*1 Mineral Complex dailySeveral enzymes needed to protect a woman’sreproductive organs are dependent on trace mineralslike zinc, copper, and magnesium, while vitamin B6 andC are linked to lowering inflammation and increasingserum progesterone which can be low in individuals withPCOS.***FemVita should not be taken while on birth control.Stop taking if you suspect or verify that you are pregnant.***Testing or monitoring of hormone levels is advisedwith glandular / nutritional hormone therapies.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 105
Arthritis(Rheumatoid)RA is considered an autoimmune disease. The body’simmune system normally fights off foreign substances,such as viruses or toxins. But in an autoimmune disease,the immune system confuses healthy tissue for foreignsubstances and the body attacks itself. Rheumatoidarthritis is characterized by red, swollen, painful jointsthat may become deformed. Infections, genetics,environmental toxins, poor nutrition, and hormoneimbalances may all play a role in the onset of the disease.The goal of enzyme therapy is to improve digestion andsupport the body’s detoxifying organs in an effort tominimize the triggers for inflammation and maintain astrong immune system.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper digestion and bioavailability of all nutrients, supporting a strong and healthy immune system.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal circulation and removal of toxins.* Proteases also help manage inflammation and support the immune system.* • A formula of highly active proteolytic enzymes and antioxidants will help regulate inflammation that causes rheumatoid arthritis’ joint pain and stiffness.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 4 x day between meals2 TPP Protease IFC 4 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 108
For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 4 x day between meals2 TPP Protease IFC 4 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic 42.5 at bedtimeAdditional support1 TPP Joint Health daily on empty stomachOver time, inflammation can chew into joints, damaging the jointand bone of those suffering from RA. This whole food source ofglucosamine, chondroitin, dermatan, keratan sulfate, hyaluronicacid, glycosaminoglycans, and collagen helps balance the fluidsin and around the joint and reduces inflammation, thus reducingpain and improving flexibility.* It is unique to other products thatuse these same ingredients in that it contains protease for moreefficient delivery as well as additional inflammatory support.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodFish oil is one of the most well known weapons againstinflammation, swelling, and pain. These essential fatty acidsare from fish oil concentrate are a good source of DHA andEPA omega 3 essential fatty acids known for their many healthbenefits.*3 ReleaseZyme** at bedtimeIndividuals with RA often experience digestive issues thatcan result in constipation. Constipation can lead to severeabdominal pain associated with a change in the frequency orconsistency of bowel habit. This herbal enzyme blend will gentlybut effectively “jump start” the sluggish colon.*1 TPP Mineral Complex daily with foodPatients with RA are considered to be at nutritional risk dueto chronic inflammation, increases in metabolic rate, and as aside effect to some of the medications commonly prescribed tomanage their disease. This supplement provides a synergisticblend of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that supply nutritionalcore elements the body needs for a healthy skeletal system andoptimal metabolic processes.*2 Super CellZyme dailyConsuming a balanced diet rich in nutrients can be challengingfor individuals with RA. This is due to conditions associatedwith the disease such as gastritis which can reduce a person’sdesire to eat. This whole food vitamin and mineral supplementis formulated with enzymes to facilitate the absorption of thesenutrients.* **ReleaseZyme is intended for short-term use (1-3 months)during the healing process and periodical use afterwards asneeded for chronic constipation.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 109
Auto-ImmuneDisordersThe body’s immune system normally fights off foreignsubstances, such as viruses or toxins. But in an auto-immune disease, the immune system confuses healthytissue for foreign substances and the body attacks itself.Examples of auto-immune disorders are Lupus, MultipleSclerosis (MS), Scleroderma, Rheumatoid Arthritis andHashimoto’s disease. Some of the causes of auto-immune disorder include excess circulating immunecomplexes, chronic inflammation and various necrotictissues. The role of supplemental enzymes in alleviatingauto-immune disorders involves clearing persistentimmune complexes, controlling inflammation, enhancingblood flow and removing necrotic tissues.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper digestion and bio-availability of all nutrients supporting tissue repair and a strong immune system.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal circulation and removal of toxins.* Proteases also help manage inflammation and support the repair of damaged tissues or removal of dead tissue.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 4 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 110
For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 4 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic 42.5 at bedtimeAdditional supportThe classic sign of an auto-immune disorder is inflammation,which can cause redness, heat, pain, and swelling. How anauto-immune disorder affects you depends on what part of thebody is targeted. Autoimmune disorders can affect almost anypart of the body, including the heart, brain, nerves, muscles,skin, eyes, joints, lungs, kidneys, glands, the digestive tract,and blood vessels. Therefore, the support product(s) will varydepending on the specific auto-immune condition. In general,you may want to consider the following additional support forpatients with Auto-Immune Disorders.1-2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between mealsThis product was designed to regulate inflammation anywhere on or inthe body, making it a great support product for auto-immune conditions.*This formula is ideal for those suffering from muscle aches, pains, injuries,and stiff joints; promotes cardiac health; and is applicable for any otherinflammatory condition.*1 L-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterThe lymphatic and immune systems work together to defend againstdisease and infection. This product assists in eliminating waste that canoften build up in a challenged lymph system as a result of auto-immunedisorder, to help improve nutrient absorption and enhance immunefunction.*1 K-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterSome auto-immune disorders can lead to glomerular disease and affectthe kidneys. This product has been created to help the kidneys performtheir normal function.*2 TPP EFA 1200 mg daily with foodEssential fatty acids are known for their effect on the immune system andthe inflammatory response. This is potentially important for auto-immunedisorder patients. This product is composed of fish oil concentrate withvitamin E, DHA, and EPA for their known health benefits.*2 RepairZyme dailyMany auto-immune conditions attack specific tissues within the body.This formula provides necessary building blocks for healthy growth ofmuscle, skeletal structure, and tissue.1 TPP Liver Support daily with foodCertain auto-immune conditions can attack liver cells. Since the liverplays a vital role in digestion, hormone regulation, and detoxification, itis important to support optimal liver function. This formula supports theliver in removing embedded toxic materials and supporting the normalregeneration sequence.*Transformation’s detox products may be useful for someauto-immune disorders. Please see Detoxification protocol forrecommendations on their use.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 111
CancerOur bodies are made up of billions of cells that grow,divide and then die in a predictable manner. Canceroccurs when the DNA of the cell is damaged and disruptsthis cycle, causing uncontrolled cell division and growth.As the abnormal cell continues to divide uncontrollably,it eventually forms a new growth known as a “tumor” orneoplasm. In a healthy individual the immune system canrecognize the neoplastic cells and destroy them beforethey get a chance to divide. However, some mutant cellsmay escape immune detection and become tumors orcancers. A majority of cancers form due to environmentalfactors or carcinogens that cause damage to the DNA.The goal of enzyme therapy is to support nutrientacquisition for the development and repair of healthycells, to promote a strong immune system and to assistin the elimination of toxicity and free radical damage.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper digestion and bio-availability of all nutrients, supporting cellular integrity and a strong immune system.* • A protease formula between meals promotes optimal blood and lymphatic flow, supporting delivery of nutrients and removal of toxins.* Proteases also help manage inflammation and support the immune system.* • A whole food vitamin and mineral supplement formulated with enzymes to ensure efficient delivery of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that provide nutrition to damaged and weakened cells* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals5 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 4-5 x day between meals2 Super CellZyme daily3 Plantadophilus 2 x day, morning / bedtime*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 112
For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack3 TPP Protease 4 x day between meals2 Super CellZyme daily1 TPP Probiotic 42.5 2 x day, morning / bedtimeAdditional support1-2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between mealsChronic, persistent inflammation can increase the risk of cancer. Thisunique formulation of highly active proteolytic enzymes and antioxidantsis designed to help regulate inflammation anywhere on or in the body.*2 RepairZyme 2 x dayCancer cells can group together to form tumors, and a growing tumorcan destroy the normal cells around it and damage the body’s healthytissues. This formula provides necessary building blocks for healthygrowth of muscle, skeletal structure, and tissue using an enzymedelivery system of nutrient-rich ingredients known for their healing andantioxidant benefits.*1 K-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterThe kidneys are responsible for processing the blood and filtering outwaste, which can become a challenge when undergoing treatmentfor cancer. This product helps the kidneys perform their normal dailyfunction, the filtration of waste from the blood.* It is excellent for thosewith fluid retention, other disorders of the kidneys, or overall kidneysupport.*1 L-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterThe lymphatic system is responsible for helping the body rid itself oftoxins, waste, and other unwanted materials. Many cancer treatmentscan put more stress on the lymphatic system, indicating a need foradditional lymphatic support. This product assists in eliminating wastefrom the lymphatic system.* It is a unique blend of herbs that arebeneficial for relieving congestion of the interstitium, improving nutrientabsorption, and enhancing immune function.*1 TPP Liver Support 1-2 x day with foodThe liver is key to many metabolic processes in the body. Since it canbecome taxed due to cancer, it is important to make sure it is supportedproperly. This formula promotes optimum liver function by removingembedded toxic materials and supporting its normal regenerationsequence.*1 TPP Heavy Metal Defense 1-2 x dayHeavy metals are commonly present in the environment. Prolongedexposure to these elements, including arsenic, nickel, lead, andcadmium, has been associated with various diseases such as cancer,cardiovascular, and neurological diseases. This formula is specificallyformulated to bind with heavy metals and help the body eliminatetoxicity.* Additionally it provides liver support and replacement of mineralsdepleted by heavy metal toxicity.*1 CalmZyme 3 x day (or 3 caps at bedtime)Anxiety associated with cancer may increase feelings of pain, interferewith the ability to sleep, cause nausea and vomiting, and interfere withthe patient’s (and his or her family’s) quality of life. This formula is anherbal and enzyme blend that feeds and fortifies the nervous system.*As the name implies, it helps calm the system and serves as a naturalsolution for anxiety, insomnia, and stress disorders.* 113
Cold / FluInfluenza, also known as the flu, and the common coldare two highly contagious viral infection of the respiratorytract. Common to both are nasal congestion and runnynose, dry cough, sore throat, headache and generalmuscle and joint aches. Specific to a cold, the patientmay also experience mild fever with chills, fatigue andcold sores on the mouth. Influenza may present slightlydifferent signs/symptoms and is generally characterizedby sudden onset of chills and high fever, loss of appetiteand chest pain. Our foundation protocol (Digest,Protease, Probiotic) is recommended to maintain astrong immune system and help prevent infections.*Additional support is helpful to hasten recovery from aviral or respiratory infection. • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper digestion and bio-availability of all nutrients supporting a strong and healthy immune system.* • Additional support for the immune system from our formulations of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, herbs, and enzymes known for their ability to promote maximum anti-viral/bacterial protection.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood and lymphatic flow supporting delivery of nutrients and removal of toxins.* Proteases also help manage inflammation and support the immune system.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack1 TPP Protease IM 2 x day with food1 TPP Immune AV 2 x day with food3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 114
For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease IM 2-3 x day with food1 TPP Immune AV 2-3 x day with food2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic 42.5 at bedtimeAdditional support1 L-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterThe lymphatic system plays a role in eliminating wasteand supporting immunity in the gut. This formulationof herbal extracts assists in eliminating the dying badbacteria from the system and enhances immunefunction.*1-2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between mealsAdditional protease may be necessary for those withsevere muscle or joint pain as a result of the flu. Theproteolytic enzymes and antioxidants in this formula helpregulate inflammation anywhere in the body, includingissues involving joints, muscles, and tissue.*2-3 GastroZyme after each mealDue to inflammation caused by the common cold, thisproduct is helpful in calming the damaged digestive,respiratory, and urinary system which will improve thebody’s response to treatment.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 115
Grave’s DiseaseThe body’s immune system normally fights off foreignsubstances, such as viruses or toxins. But in an auto-immune disorder such as Grave’s disease, the immunesystem confuses healthy tissue for foreign substancesand the body attacks itself. Other examples of auto-immune disorders include Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis(MS), Scleroderma, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Someof the causes of auto-immune disorder include excesscirculating immune complexes, chronic inflammationand various necrotic tissues. The role of supplementalenzymes in alleviating Grave’s disease involves clearingpersistent immune complexes, controlling inflammation,enhancing blood flow, and removing necrotic tissues.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper digestion and bio-availability of all nutrients supporting tissue repair and a strong immune system.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal circulation, removal of toxins, managed inflammation, and the repair of damaged tissues or removal of dead tissue.* • An herbal and mineral formula with enzymes will help support the muscles and provide nutrient support for healthy skin, tissue repair, and overall muscular, skeletal, and tissue health.* • A probiotic supplement will further support digestion and the immune system while helping to maintain a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 4 x day between meals2 RepairZyme 2 x day3 Plantadophilus at bedtime*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 116
For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 4 x day between meals2 RepairZyme 2 x day1 TPP Probiotic 42.5 at bedtimeAdditional Support2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodEssential fatty acids are important to thyroid health in thata deficiency will usually result in inflammation, and theinflammation can continue triggering the autoimmuneresponse, which in turn will cause the release of thyroidantibodies. Many people today do not consume enoughomega 3 EFA’s in their diet. Fish oil supplementationprovides a good source of DHA and EPA omega 3’sknown for their many health benefits.*1 TPP Mineral Complex daily with mealsMany people with thyroid and autoimmune thyroidconditions have vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Thethyroid gland relies on minerals like selenium, zinc,calcium, coper, and magnesium to make hormones. Thissupplement is a synergistic blend of minerals, vitamins,and enzymes that supply the nutritional core elementsthe body needs for a healthy skeletal system and optimalmetabolic processes.*1 CalmZyme 3 x day (or 3 caps at bedtime)Anxiety is a common side effect of Grave’s Disease.This formula is an herbal and enzyme blend that feedsand fortifies the nervous system, assisting with stressmanagement.* It helps calm the system, slow mental“chatter,” and is a perfect natural solution to anxitety,insomnia, and stress disorders.*1 TPP Carbo-G with every meal or snackThere is a strong correlation between gluten intoleranceand Grave’s Disease. This unique formula includes aprotease blend with DPP-IV activity necessary for glutendigestion as well as probiotics and herbs to soothe theGI tract.*Super CellZyme is not recommended for Grave’s diseasebecause of wheat germ.Transformation’s detox products may be useful for someauto-immune disorders. Please see Detoxification protocol forrecommendations on their use. 117
Herpes Simplex1&2Herpes simplex viruses can live dormant inside a person’simmune system for a lifetime, periodically causingblisters that burst and turn into open cold sores orulcers before healing. When left alone, herpes cold soresusually last about 10–14 days, causing redness, pain,burning, and often embarrassment. While technically thevirus that causes herpes is not curable, many do notexperience any symptoms, especially long term, oncethey learn to manage triggers of outbreaks. Boosting theimmune system through a healthy diet, making lifestylechanges, and taking precautions during periods of activebreakouts can help keep the herpes virus dormant,significantly reduce the chances of reoccurring herpessymptoms, and lower the risk of passing the virus toothers. • A digestive formula with meals will help ensure proper digestion and bio-availability of nutrients supporting tissue repair and a strong immune system.* • An enzyme-delivered support formula of antioxidants and herbs selected for their anti-viral properties will help provide maximum anti-viral protection and optimum immune system support.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal circulation, removal of toxins, clearing of persistent immune complexes, managed inflammation, and repair of damaged tissue.* • A probiotic supplement will further support digestion and the immune system while helping maintain a healthy gut environment and elimination of waste.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack1-2 TPP Immune AV** 1-2 x day with meals3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 118
For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack1 TPP Immune AV** 1-2 x day with meals2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals2 TPP Probiotic at bedtime**Take TPP Immune AV twice daily with food if virus isactive and once daily with food for maintenance.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 119
LupusSystemic Lupus Erythematosus, also known as Lupus,is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting manysystems of the body. It is an auto-immune disorderwhere antibodies formed by the immune system attacksome of the body’s own cells. Signs and symptoms ofthe disease vary widely depending on the organ systeminvolved. Inflammation often occurs in the joints and inthe skin, causing a rash. The primary cause has notbeen determined but contributing factors may includegenetics, hormonal imbalances, stress or infections.The role of supplemental enzymes in managing auto-immune disorders involves clearing persistent immunecomplexes, controlling inflammation, enhancing bloodflow and removing the offending agents.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper digestion and bio-availability of all nutrients supporting tissue repair and a strong immune system.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal circulation and removal of toxins.* Proteases also help manage inflammation, strengthen the immune system and support the repair of damaged tissues.* • A unique formulation of highly active proteolytic enzymes and antioxidants designed to help regulate inflammation anywhere on or in the body.* This product is ideal for those suffering with inflammation of many different body systems as a result of lupus.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 120
For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between meals2 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 TPP Protease IM 2-3 x day with foodPatients suffering with lupus can have weakened immunesystems as a result of the disease and medications used to treatthe disease. This formula uses an enzyme delivery system ofherbs, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to combat recurrentor chronic infections for those in whom the immune system hasbeen weakened or compromised.*1 TPP Immune AV 2-3 x day with foodLupus can weaken the immune system, making an individualmore prone to colds and viruses. This formula is designed toprovide maximum anti-viral protection and optimum immunesystem support with an enzyme delivery system of herbs knownfor their anti-vital properties.* It is ideal for reoccurring infections,colds, fevers, and weakened immunity.*2 RepairZyme 2 x dayLupus is a condition that can attack healthy tissue within thebody, creating pain and inflammation. This formula providesnecessary building blocks for healthy growth of muscle, skeletalstructure, and tissue.* It facilitates repair of damged and stressedmuscles, bones, tendons, and tissue through the combinationof enzymes and nutrients known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg dailyAside from being a disease of the immune system, lupus isalso a vascular disease. Fish oil is not only known for its abilityto support inflammation but also its positive impact on hearthealth.*1 CalmZyme 3 x day (or 3 caps at bedtime)Many lupus patients suffer psychologically and deal withsymptoms of anxiety, depression, memory loss, and insomnia.This formula is an herbal and enzyme blend that feeds andfortifies the nervous system, assisting with stress management.*It helps to calm the system and slow mental chatter and makesthe perfect natural solution for anxiety, insomnia, and stressdisorders.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 121
Lyme DiseaseLyme Disease is a recurrent inflammatory infectioncaused by a tick-borne spirochete. It is characterized bya rash, followed by flu-like symptoms. If untreated, it canresult in chronic arthritis, nerve and heart dysfunction. Anearly sign of infection is the appearance of a red area atthe site of the bite. Swelling and local inflammation of theknees and/or other large joints is common. Chills, fever,headaches, malaise and skin eruptions often precedethe joint problems. • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper digestion and bio-availability of all nutrients, supporting a strong and healthy immune system.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal immune function, improved circulation, reduced inflammation and removal of toxic wastes.* • A unique formulation of highly active proteolytic enzymes and antioxidants designed to help regulate inflammation anywhere on or in the body.* This product is ideal for those suffering with inflammation of many different body systems as a result of Lyme Disease.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 4 x day between meals1 TPP Protease IFC 4 x day3 Plantadophilus morning and bedtime 122
For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 4 x day between meals2 TPP Protease IFC 4 x day1 TPP Probiotic 42.5 morning and bedtimeAdditional support2 TPP Protease IM 2-3 x day with foodPatients suffering with Lyme Disease can have weakenedimmune systems as a result of the disease and medicationsused to treat the disease. This formula uses an enzyme deliverysystem of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to combatrecurrent or chronic infections for those in whom the immunesystem has been weakened or compromised.*2 RepairZyme 2 x dayIn Lyme Disease, exposure to the spirochaetes creates a chronicinflammatory response which may begin to damage ordinarybodily tissues due to molecular mimicry employed by thebacteria to avoid detection. This formula provides the necessarybuilding blocks for healthy growth of muscle, skeletal structure,and tissue.* It facilitates repair of damaged and stressedmuscles, bones, tendons, and tissue through the combinationof enzymes and nutrients known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg dailyThe major usefulness fish oils in the treatment of Lyme Diseaseis their potent anti-inflammatory effects.* They also improvekidney function and are a major fatty acid source for the brain.*1 TPP Intestinal Support daily with foodHeadaches, fatigue, joint pain, digestive disturbance, visionproblems, allergies, and brain fog are common in patients withLyme Disease. But these same symptoms may also be causedby Candida, or yeast overgrowth in the gut. The treatment ofLyme Disease with antibiotics often contributes to CandidaRelated Complex where the growth of yeast can flourish. Thissupport formula designed to eliminate the growth and preventrecurrence of invading organisms is excellent for the correctionof candidiasis and imbalances in intestinal microflora.*2 ExcellZyme 3 x day between mealsit is not uncommon for individuals with lyme disease toexperience fatigue and brain fog. This formula includes enzyme-delivered antioxidants to increase energy and support hekidneys, liver, and hypothalamus.* It is excellent for improvingmental and physical energy without giving the nervous feelingof typical stimulants.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 123
Lymphatic /Immune SystemHealthThe lymphatic system is comprised of highly specializedglands called lymph nodes that filter foreign materialand produce immune cells for protection. The lymphaticvessels mirror our blood vessels, transporting nutrients,fluids, and metabolic waste into the interstitial spacewhere they can be transferred to the blood for re-circulation or elimination. The primary function of theimmune system is to protect the body from infection,damage, and ultimately disease. Recurrent or chronicinfections occur only when the immune system isweakened by a lack of proper nutrition or by excessesof stress, pollution, radiation, toxins, and exposure toa vast array of infectious microorganisms. In a healthysystem, the initial exposure to these offending agentscreates an allergic reaction, an inflammatory response,and then healing. Long term exposure, without propersupport to the immune system, may lead to chronicallergies, systemic inflammation, and oxidative stress,which can manifest as auto-immune disorders andvarious degenerative diseases. • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper digestion and bio-availability of all nutrients supporting cellular integrity and a strong immune system.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood and lymphatic flow supporting delivery of nutrients and removal of toxins.* Proteases also help manage inflammation and support the immune system.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals2 DigestZyme with every meal or snack2 PureZyme 2 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 124
For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack1 TPP Protease IM 2 x day with food1 L-Drain (dropper) 2 x day in water1 TPP Protease 2 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support1 TPP Immune AV 1-2 x day with foodThis formula is designed to provide maximum anti-viralprotection and optimum immune system support.*It is ideal for reoccurring infections, colds, fevers, andweakened immunity.*1 TPP Heavy Metal Defense 1-2 x day with foodThis formula is specifically formulated to bind with heavymetals and help the body eliminate toxicity.* Additionally,it provides liver support and replacement of mineralsoften depleted by heavy metal toxicity.*1 TPP Liver Support 1-2 x day with foodThe liver plays a vital role in digestion, hormone regulation,and detoxification. This formula promotes optimumliver function by removing imbedded toxic materials &supporting its normal regeneration sequence.*1 TPP Lypo with, after, or between mealsProper removal and regulation of cholesterol is of majorbiological importance when balancing the lyphaticsystem. This therapeutic formula is designed to helpcontrol excess lipids in the blood and improve ratiosof good and bad cholesterol while also minimizing theabsorption of dietary cholesterol.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 125
LymphedemaLymphedema is an accumulation of lymphatic fluid inthe interstitial tissue that causes swelling, most oftenin the arms and/or legs, and occasionally in other partsof the body. It develops when lymphatic vessels aremissing, impaired or damaged and when lymph nodesare removed. When the impairment becomes so greatthat the lymphatic fluid exceeds the lymphatic transportcapacity, an abnormal amount of protein-rich fluidcollects in the tissues of the affected area. The goal ofenzyme therapy is to reduce swelling and inflammation.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper digestion and bio-availability of all nutrients supporting a strong and healthy immune system.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood and lymphatic flow supporting delivery of nutrients and removal of toxins.* Proteases also help manage inflammation and break down the undesired excess protein in the intracellular space.* • A lymphatic support product to assist in eliminating waste from a challenged lymph system will help improve nutrient absorption and enhance immune function.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals1 L-Drain (dropper) 4 x day with water3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 126
For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals1 L-Drain (dropper) 4 x day with water2 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support1-2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between mealsThis product was designed to regulate inflammationanywhere on or in the body, making it a great supportproduct for lymphedema.* This formula is ideal for thosesuffering from muscle aches, pains, injuries, and stiffjoints; promotes cardiac health; and is applicable for anyother inflammatory condition.*2 RepairZyme dailyThis formula provides the necessary building blocks forhealthy growth of muscle, skeletal structure, and tissuethat can be damaged due to chronic inflammation.*1 K-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterChronic inflammation can lead to glomerular disease andaffect the kidneys. This product has been created to helpthe kidneys perform their normal function.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodFish oil is one of the most well known weapons againstinflammation, swelling, and pain. These essential fattyacids rom fish oil concentrate are a good source of DHAand EPA omega 3 essential fatty acids known for theirmany health benefits.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 127
MononucleosisMononucleosis is a viral infection, most often Epstein-Barr, that affects the respiratory system, lymphatictissues, and glands in the neck, groin, armpits, bronchialtubes, spleen, and liver. It is marked by the presenceof a large number of mononuclear white blood cells,characteristic of its diagnosis. Symptoms includeextreme fatigue, fever, generalized aching, headache,jaundice, loss of appetite, sore throat, and swollenglands. The goal of enzyme therapy is to support theimmune system to speed recovery and help ease thestress on the affected organs.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper digestion and bio-availability of all nutrients supporting a strong and healthy immune system.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood and lymphatic flow supporting delivery of nutrients and removal of toxins.* Proteases also help manage inflammation and support the immune system.* • An enzyme delivered formula of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants will help combat recurrent or chronic infections for those in whom the immune system has been weakened or compromised.* • An enzyme-delivered support formula of antioxidants and herbs selected for their anti-viral properties will help provide maximum anti-viral protection and optimum immune system support.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals1 TPP Protease IM 2 x day with food1 TPP Immune AV 2 x day with food3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 128
For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals2 TPP Protease IM 2-3 x day with food1 TPP Immune AV 2-3 x day with food1 TPP Probiotic 42.5 at bedtimeAdditional support1-2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between mealsThis product was designed to regulate inflammationanywhere on or in the body.* This formula is ideal forthose suffering from muscle aches, pains, injuries, andstiff joints; promotes cardiac health; and is applicable forany other inflammatory condition.*1 L-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterThe lymphatic and immune systems work together todefend against disease and infection. This productassists in eliminating waste that can often build up in achallenged lymph system as a result of mononucleosis,to help improve nutrient absorption and enhanceimmune function.*1-3 CalmZyme dailyResearch has shown a link between mononucleosis anddepression / anxiety. For those who suffer from anxietyin addition to mononucleosis, this formula provides anherbal and enzyme blend that feeds and fortifies thenervous system. This is the perfect, non-habit forming,natural solution for anxiety, insomnia, and stressdisorders.*2-3 ExcellZyme daily between mealsIndividuals with mononucleosis can experience anincreased need for antioxidants to support a weakenedconstitution. This product is one of the best antioxidantproducts available. It supports various systems of thebody and is excellent for improving mental and physicalenergy.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 129
Inflammation ofthe MusclesInflammation is the body’s response when our cells aredamaged. In the muscular system this can be caused byacute injury or strenuous weight training and exercise.The immediate inflammatory response for repair isnecessary and beneficial for the muscles to grow andbecome stronger. It is when the inflammation is chronicand uncontrolled that it becomes a problem. Enzymetherapy will help manage chronic inflammation and helpsimprove muscle strength and performance.* (see ourBaylor Study and UH Trial) • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper assimilation and bio-availability of all nutrients and amino acids supporting muscular health, function and repair.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles as well as help manage inflammation, providing proactive support to the body’s natural recovery and healing process.* • A support formula of highly active proteolytic enzymes and antioxidants designed to help regulate inflammation anywhere in the body.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 132
For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 Super CellZyme dailyVitamins and minerals are needed to control levels of CRPand other inflammatory markers in the body. Deficiencies canincrease the severity of chronic inflammation. This whole foodvitamin and mineral supplement is formulatied with enzymes tofacilitate the absorption of these nutrients.*1 TPP Mineral Complex daily with foodInflammation raises the demand for various minerals due to theirrole in regulating pro-inflammatory chemicals within the body.This supplement is a synergistic blend of minerals, vitamins,and enzymes that supply nutritional core elements the bodyneeds for a healthy skeletal system.*2 RepairZyme 2-3 x dayInflammation can cause considerable damage to host tissues,which can be a part of the creation of a disease process. Thisformula provides building blocks and facilitates repair for healthygrowth of muscle, skeletal structure, and tissue.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodOmega 3 fatty acids are beneficial due to their role in thereduction of inflammation in various parts of the body.* Theseessential fatty acids are a good source of DHA and EPA omega3’s known for their many health benefits.1 L-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterThis product assists in eliminating waste from the lymphaticsystem. It is a unique blend of herbs that are beneficial forrelieving congestion of the interstitium, improving nutrientabsorption, and enhancing immune function.*1 TPP Joint Health daily on empty stomachInflammation can cause joint swelling, pain, and stiffness.Individuals struggling with arthritis and other conditions thataffect the joints will benefit greatly from this unique combinationof whole food nutrients like glucosamine and collagen tobalance fluid around the joint and further reduce inflammation.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 133
MuscularSystem HealthThe muscular system is an intricate network ofelongated fibrous cells that form three types of musclegroups – skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Our musclesare responsible for producing movement, maintainingposture, and generating heat, which is a result ofconstant contraction and relaxation of musclesstimulated by nerve impulses. Skeletal muscles allow usto walk and talk, smooth muscles maintain movementof our internal organs and glands, and cardiac musclekeeps the heart beating. The health of this system’sstructure and function is vital to the health of the body asa whole. Transformation’s enzyme and nutrition formulasare designed to promote optimal growth, repair, andperformance of the muscular system.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper assimilation and bio-availability of all nutrients and amino acids supporting muscular health, function, and repair.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles as well as help manage inflammation, providing proactive support to your body’s natural recovery and healing process.* • A support formula designed to provide the necessary building blocks for healthy growth and facilitate repair of stressed or injured muscles, bones, tendons, and tissues.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals2 DigestZyme with every meal or snack2 PureZyme 2 x day between meals1 RepairZyme 2 x day3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 134
For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack1 TPP Protease IFC 2 x day between meals1 RepairZyme 2 x day1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 ExcellZyme 3 x day between mealsOne of the best antioxidant products available,ExcellZyme increases energy and supports the kidneys,liver, and hypothalamus.* It is excellent for improvingmental and physical energy without giving the nervousfeeling of typical stimulants.*1 TPP Joint Health dailyThis unique combination of NEM® and enzymes supplieswhole food nutrients for healthy joints, helps balance thefluids in and around the joint, and reduces inflammation,thus reducing pain and improving flexibility.*2 Super CellZyme dailyThis whole food vitamin and mineral supplement isformulated with enzymes to facilitate the absorption ofthese nutrients. This is the best enzyme-based wholefood vitamin and mineral supplement available.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 135
ADD(Attention DeficitDisorder)ADD is associated with functional deviations of thecentral nervous system without signs of major neurologicor psychiatric disturbance. Compounds with opioid-likeactivities that result from incomplete digestion of proteinshave been implied in the etiology of this condition. Properdigestion of all foods and elimination of toxicity maylessen the impact of these biochemical irregularities.Diet is extremely important and intake should beexamined closely for food intolerances and elimination ofchemicals. Foods with a high glycemic index that causeblood glucose to rise rapidly should be avoided. Caffeineshould definitely be eliminated.• A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support bio-availability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.*• A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation, and remove toxins.*• An herbal and enzyme blend that feeds and fortifies the nervous system by calming and slowing mental chatter that can create stress.*• A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*3 DigestZyme 3 x day with each meal3 PureZyme 3 x day with each meal3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals2 CalmZyme 2 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 138
For teens and adults1 TPP Carbo-G 3 x day with each meal2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals2 CalmZyme 2 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support1 TPP Mineral Complex daily with foodLow levels of minerals str correlated with inattention,anxiety, lowered immunity, and poor metal detoxification.This supplement provides a synergistic blend ofnutrients to support the nervous system and symptomsassociated with ADD.*2 Super CellZyme dailyVitamins play an important role in the productionof neurotransmitters in the brain. These chemicalmessengers, which include serotonin, dopamine, andnorepinephrine, are the same chemicals found to beaffected in people with ADD. This uniquely formulatedwhole food supplement provides a healthy balance ofvitamins as found in nature in bio-available form allowingthose nutrients to be absorbed.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodThe average American does not consume even halfof the recommended amount of omega 3 fatty acids.Essential fatty acids are important for the functioning ofyour brain, cardiovascular system, and immunity.*1 TPP Heavy Metal Defense daily with foodCorrelations have been found between ADD with highheavy metal levels. This formula is specifically formulatedto bind with heavy metals and help the body eliminatetoxicity.* Additionally, it provides liver support andreplacement of minerals often depleted by heavy metaltoxicity.*1 TPP Liver Support daily with foodSome medications frequently prescribed for ADD andADHD may be associated with drug-induced liverinjury. The liver plays a vital role in digestion, hormoneregulation, and detoxification. This formula promotesoptimum liver function by removing embedded toxicmaterials and supporting the liver’s normal regenerationsequence**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 139
Alzheimer’sDiseaseAlzheimer’s disease results from the gradual degenerationof crucial neurons in the part of the brain that handlescognitive functioning. Postmortem studies have revealed(1) below normal levels of choline acetyltransferase; (2)altered levels of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine,somatostatin, substance P and norepinephrine; and(3) higher than normal deposits of aluminum in cerebraltissue. The goal of enzyme therapy is to promoteadequate nutrient availability for optimal brain chemistryand functioning throughout life, also to support healthyblood flow and minimize free radical damage andtoxicity.* • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support bio-availability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.* • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation, and remove toxins.* • An herbal and enzyme blend that provides the body with critical antioxidants to handle the effects of mental fog and loss of memory.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals2 ExcellZyme 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 140
For adults with every meal or snack 3 x day between meals2 TPP Digest 3 x day between meals2 TPP Protease at bedtime2 ExcellZyme 2 TPP Probiotic Additional support1 CalmZyme 3 x day (or 3 caps at bedtime)Irritability, anxiety, and depression can be symptoms ofAlzheimer’s. This formula feeds and fortifies the nervous system,creating a calming effect, and is the perfect non-habit formingsolution for anxiety, insomnia, and stress disorders.*1 TPP Heavy Metal Defense 1-2 x daySome heavy metals are linked to the development ofneurodegenerative diseases. This formula is specificallydesigned to bind with heavy metals and help the body eliminatetoxicity.*1 TPP Mineral Complex daily with foodAs we age, we are at greater risk of developing deficiencies ofminerals that are important for proper neurotransmitter functionand brain health. This supplement is a synergistic blend ofminerals and vitamins with an enzyme delivery system to supplycore elements the body needs for healthy metabolic processes.*2 Super CellZyme dailyIndividuals with Alzheimer’s often experience changes inappetite and a decrease in consumption of essential vitamins.This whole food vitamin and mineral supplement is formulatedwith enzymes to facilitate the absorption of over 23 differentnutrients.*1 TPP Liver Support 1-2 x day with foodThe liver’s ability to support digestion, hormone regulation, anddetoxificiation can diminish over time and as we age. This formulapromotes optimum liver function by removing embedded toxicmaterals and supporting its normal regeneration sequence.*1 K-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterOur kidneys need more support as we age. This product hasbeen created to help the kidneys perform their normal dailyfunction, the filtration of waste from the blood.*1 L-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterOur lymph system needs more support as we age. This productassists in eliminating waste from the lymphatic system. It is aunique blend of herbs that are beneficial for relieving congestionof the interstitium, improving nutrient absorption, and enhancingimmune function.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 141
AnxietyThe natural “fight or flight” reaction when confrontedwith a “stressor” is intended to help prepare the bodyto deal with emergency situations. However, when weperceive many situations as emergencies, the body is ina constant state of low-grade fight or flight. This keepsthe sympathetic nervous system heightened, causing arise in blood pressure and heart rate and suppressing ourdigestive and immune functions. Prolonged unmanagedstress may result in anxiety or panic attacks due tochronic nutritional deficiencies. • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support bio-availability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.* • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation, and remove toxins.* • An herbal and enzyme blend that feeds and fortifies the nervous system by calming and slowing mental chatter that can create anxiety, insomnia, and stress.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals2 CalmZyme 2 x day between meals3 CalmZyme at bedtime3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 142
For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals2 CalmZyme 2 x day between meals3 CalmZyme at bedtime2 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 TPP EFA 1200mg dailyInflammation in the brain can be detrimental when dealing withanxiety. Daily intake of Omega 3’s are known for their protectivebenefits on inflammation in the body and the brain.*1 TPP Mineral Complex daily with foodThis supplement is a synergistic blend of minerals, vitamins,and enzymes that supply the nutritional core elements the bodyneeds for a healthy nervous system and optimal metabolicprocess.*2 Super CellZyme dailyDeficiencies in important vitamins such as B vitamins havebeen linked to anxiety. This whole food vitamin and mineralsupplement is formulated with enzymes to facilitate theabsorption of important nutrients to support a healthy cellularand nervous system.*1 TPP Adrenal Complex** 2 x day with foodAdrenal hormones are intimately involved in cognitive function,and the health of the adrenals is important when it comes tomanaging anxiety. This formula nourishes and supports theadrenal glands with glandular tissue, nutrients, herbs, andenzymes.* These specific ingredients provide the adrenalglands with what they need to respond effectively to today’sstressful lifestyles and help fight the negative effects of stress.*1 MasterZyme** 3 x day with foodAnxiety can have secondary effects on the endocrine system.More often than not, when one area of the endocrine systemis challenged, the other glands are also affected. This formulaprovides nutritional support for the adrenal, pituitary, and thyroidglands as well as the reproductive system.*2 ReZEN mid-morning between mealsSupporting the nervous system with gentle and naturalingredients can assist the body with its overt and dangerousreactions to stress and anxiety. This formula helps aid the bodyin its ongoing battle against the type of 21st Century stress thataffects everyone.***Testing or monitoring of hormone levels is advised withglandular / nutritional hormone therapies.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 143
AutismAutism is a disorder of mental development characterizedby impaired social interaction and communication.Autism affects information processing in the brain byaltering how nerve cells and their synapses connectand organize. Recent studies have linked autismto the persistent stimulation of the nervous systemby biological peptides derived from the incompletedigestion of proteins such as casein and/or gluten. Thispartial digestion generates smaller peptides that act as“imposter messengers” and lead to certain physical,behavioral, and/or neural disorders. As such, it is veryimportant that autistic children be able to fully digest allof their food products, including the various proteins.* • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support bio-availability of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.* • A supplement that provides a synergistic blend of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that supply the nutritional core elements the body needs for optimal metabolic processes that can be challenged in this specific population.* • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation, and remove toxins.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme 3 x day with each meal3 PureZyme 3 x day with each meal1 Super CellZyme 3 x day with meals3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtimeFor teens and adults1 TPP Carbo-G 3 x day with each meal1 Super CellZyme 3 x day with meals2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals2 TPP Probiotic at bedtime 144
Additional supportNote: Some formulas may not be recommended for youngchildren. Please use professional judgment.2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodFish oil supplements are a great source of essential omega-3 fatty acids,which have shown to be promising for improving autism symptoms.*These essential fatty acids from fish oil concentrate are a good sourceof DHA and EPA omega 3 essential fatty acids known for their manyhealth benefits.*1-3 CalmZyme dailyMany behaviors commonly seen in children with autism overlap withsymptoms seen in various anxiety, stress, and sleep disorders. Thisformula is an herbal and enzyme blend that feeds and fortififes thenervous system, assisting with stress.* As the name implies, it helps calmthe system and slow “mental chatter.”1 K-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterProper cleansing and detoxification is essential for autism recovery andmanagement. Since the kidneys are one of the primary ways the bodydetoxifies itself, it is important to support them properly. This product hasbeen created to help the kidneys preform their normal daily function, thefiltration of waste from the blood.*1 L-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterThe lymphatic system has a distinct connection with the brain and theimmune system, which establishes its role in neurological conditions.This product assists in eliminating waste from the lymphatic system,improving nutrient absorption, and enhancing immune function.*1 TPP Liver Support 1-2 x day with foodThe liver is a key detoxifying organ, often already congested in autisticchildren. This formula promotes optimum liver function by removingembedded toxic materials and supporting its normal regenerationsequence.*1 ReleaseZyme** after each meal and 3 caps at bedtimeFor those who continue to have less than one bowel movement a day,this formula will help ensure the toxins are being removed from thebody. This herbal enzyme blend is gentle and will effectively “jump start”the sluggish colon, taking the burden of bowel toxicity off the immunesystem, kidneys, lungs, liver, and skin.*1 TPP Heavy Metal Defense 1-2 x dayHeavy metals such as lead, mercury, and zinc are known neurotoxinsand microbiome disruptors that can exacerbate the symptoms of autism.This formula is specifically designed to bind with heavy metals and helpthe body eliminate toxicity.*2 Kidz Digest Chewables with meals (ages 4 and up)OR1 Kidz Digest Powder (scoop) in liquid before meals or with first bite***For children or adults who are unable to swallow capsules, thesechewables / powder are a great alternative to provide complete digestivesupport with every meal or snack.***ReleaseZyme is intended for short-term use (1-3 months) duringthe healing process and periodical use after as needed for chronicconstipation.***May mix Kidz Digest Powder with applesauce or veggie/fruit mash ifunable to consume in liquid form.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 145
DegenerativeDisc DiseaseOver time, spinal discs dehydrate and becomestiffer, causing the disc to be less able to adjust tocompression. While this is a natural aging process,as the disc degenerates in some individuals, it canbecome painful. The most likely reason for this is that thedegeneration can produce micromotion instability, andthe inflammatory proteins leak out of the disc space andinflame the various nerve and nerve fibers in and aroundthe disc. One of the most effective ways to supportinflammation and the immune system is to make sure weare taking care of the digestive system. A low glycemicdiet is recommended because sugar will exacerbate theinflammation. Enzyme therapy will allow nutrients to bebroken down and delivered to the body so that the bodycan heal itself naturally on its own.* Additional therapiesthat may be used in conjunction include physical therapyfor structural degeneration. • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will ensure proper assimilation to supply the cells with the nutrients needed for repair of damaged cartilage and tissue.* • A protease formula between meals will promote optimal blood flow, support efficient detoxification, help manage inflammation, and support the repair of damaged tissues and removal of dead tissue.* • An additional protease enzyme formula with antioxidants to encourage improved circulation, minimize free radical damage that may trigger further inflammation, and help repair the crumbled, damaged tissue around the disc.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion, healthy elimination, and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.* 146
For teens and adults with every meal 4 x day between meals1 TPP Digest 3 x day between meals3 TPP Protease at bedtime2 TPP Protease IFC 1 TPP Probiotic Additional support2 Super CellZyme dailyThis whole food vitamin and mineral supplement isformulated with enzymes to facilitate the absorption ofthese nutrients.* This is the best enzyme-based wholefood vitamin and mineral supplement available.1 TPP Mineral Complex dailyThis supplement is a synergistic blend of minerals,vitamins, and enzymes that supply the nutritional coreelements the body needs for a healthy skeletal systemand optimal metabolic processes.*1 TPP Joint Health dailyThis unique combination of NEM® brand eggshellmembrane and enzymes supplies whole food nutrientsfor healthy joints, helps balance the fluids in and aroundthe joint, and reduces inflammation, thus reducing painand improving flexibility.*3 RepairZyme dailyThis formula provides necessary building blocks forhealthy growth of muscle, skeletal structure, and tissueto facilitate repair of stressed or injured muscles, bones,tendons, and tissues.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg dailyThese essential fatty acids are from fish oil concentratewith vitamin E and are a good source of DHA and EPAomega 3’s known for their many health benefits.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 147
DepressionThe health of the digestive system is key in managingdepression. There is a direct line of communicationbetween the brain and the gastrointestinal tract. Thecentral nervous system (CNS), which is found in thebrain and in the spinal cord, evolved from what is calledthe enteric nervous system (ENS), or the nerve tissueand neurotransmitters belonging to the gastrointestinaltract. Many important neurotransmitters that regulatephysiological factors like mood, appetite, and sleep aresynthesized in the gut. Equally important as the neuronsin the gut is the kind of bacteria that make up themicrobiome. These healthy bacteria have an importantrole in our mental health. • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support the bio-availability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s that are necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.* • A support formula that promotes balance of the nervous system with gentle and natural ingredients to assist the body in its ability to cope with mood dysfunction.* • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation, and remove toxins.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals2 DigestZyme with every meal or snack2 ReZEN mid-morning between meals2 PureZyme 2 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 148
For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 ReZEN mid-morning bet/ meals1 TPP Protease 2 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 Super CellZyme dailyPoor digestion and nutrient uptake can lead to deficiencies inmany important vitamins that are needed to prevent depressiondue to the roles they play in serotonin and dopamine productionas well as methylation. This whole food vitamin and mineralsupplement is formulated with enzymes to facilitate theabsorption of the important nutrients.*2-3 CalmZyme during the day (for stress / anxiety) AND/OR3 CalmZyme at bedtime (for restful sleep)Stress, whether chronic or acute, can lead to major depressionin susceptible people due to overactivity of the body’s stressresponse mechanism. This formula is an herbal and enzymeblend that feeds and fortifies the nervous system, assistingwith stress management.* It helps to calm the nervous systemand provide a natural solution for anxiety, insomnia, and stressdisorders.*2 ExcellZyme first thing in the morning and mid-afternoonCentral nervous system fatigue is a form of fatigue associatedwith changes in the synaptic concentration of neurotransmitterswithin the central nervous system which affects performanceand energy. This formula increases energy and supports thekidneys, liver, and hypothalamus while improving mental andphysical energy withouth giving the nervous feeling of typicalstimulants.*1 Privita** 2 x dayLow estrogen and testosterone can lead to symptoms ofdepression. This formula was designed to help balancehormone levels in both men and women and provide a positiveaffect on mood and energy.*1 FemVita** 2 x dayThis formula includes enzymes and herbs to support the entirefemale reproductive system to help balance hormone levels thatwhen altered can lead to symptoms of depression.***FemVita should not be taken while on birth control. Privita mayreduce frequency and amount of cyclic bleeding. Stop taking ifyou suspect or verify that you are pregnant.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 149
Eye HealthOur eyes are an extension of our nervous systemas they are sensory organs responsible for receivingoutside stimuli for the brain. Some of the mostcommon vision disorders are glaucoma, cataracts, andmacular degeneration. The factors contributing to thedevelopment of these disorders include atherosclerosis,hypertension, and environmental toxins as well as,ultimately, aging. Research continues to show us thebenefits of antioxidants for prevention of age-relatedvision problems. Also, because the vessels of the eyeare among the smallest in the body, the use of proteolyticenzymes to support cardiovascular health and circulationis extremely beneficial.* • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support bio-availability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.* • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation, and remove toxins.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 150
For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support1 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between mealsThis unique formulation of highly active proteolytic enzymes andantioxidants is designed to help regulate inflammation anywhereon or in the body.*2 RepairZyme 4-5 x day between mealsThis formula provides necessary building blocks for healthygrowth of muscle, skeletal structure, and tissue.*2 Super CellZyme dailyThis whole food vitamin and mineral supplement is formulatedwith enzymes to facilitate the absorption of these nutrients.This is the best enzyme-based whole food vitamin and mineralsupplement available.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodThese essential fatty acids are from fish oil concentrate and area good source of DHA and EPA omega 3’s known for their manyhealth benefits.*1 TPP Liver Support 1-2 x day with foodThe liver plays a vital role in digestion, hormone regulation, anddetoxification. This formula promotes optimum liver function byremoving embedded toxic materials and supporting its normalregeneration sequence.*1 L-Drain (1 dropper) 3-4 x day with waterThis product assists in eliminating waste from the lymphaticsystem. It is a unique blend of herbs beneficial for relievingcongestion of the interstitium, improving nutrient absorption,and enhancing immune function.*1 K-Drain (1 dropper) 3-4 x day with waterThis product has been created to help the kidneys perform theirnormal daily function, the filtration of waste from the blood. Itis good for fluid retention and other disorders of the kidneys.*1 H-Drain (1 dropper) 3-4 x day with waterThis product assists in improving the health of the blood and itscirculation, thus ridding the body of excessive proteins in theblood. It offers support for the circulatory system to eliminatemetabolic waste. Also aids the body in the elimination ofpotentially congestive circulatory agents, thereby allowing thetissues to receive optimal nutrition.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 151
Fibromyalgia(FMS)Research has shown that individuals with fibromyalgiahave defects in the neuro-regulatory system andabnormal production of the neurotransmitters serotonin,melatonin, and dopamine along with other chemicalsthat help control pain, mood, sleep, and the immunesystem. The lack of sleep compounds the problem,further inhibiting the healing process. Research has alsoshown that fibromyalgia patients have three times thenormal amount of substance “P” in their spinal fluid.That substance tells the body how much pain it feels,which is why these patients feel heightened pain fromthe slightest touch. The goal of enzyme therapy is tosupport nutrient acquisition, reduce inflammation, andhelp balance and regulate the Nervous System and itsneurotransmitters.* • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support bio-availability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.* • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation and remove toxins.* • An additional formulation of highly active proteolytic enzymes and antioxidants will help regulate inflammation anywhere on or in the body.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment..*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 3 or more x day between meals2 TPP Protease IFC 3 or more x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 152
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