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Home Explore Protocol Pocket Guide

Protocol Pocket Guide

Published by nsatte, 2018-04-20 15:25:07

Description: Protocol Pocket Guide


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For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 3 or more x day bet/ meals2 TPP Protease IFC 3 or more x day bet/ meals2 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support1 TPP Intestinal Support 1-3 x day with foodResearch has shown that fibromyalgia is directly linked to thegut. There is a strong relationship between fibromyalgia andbacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. This effective anti-microbial formula helps treat imbalances in the GI tract andeliminate the growth and prevent the recurrence of invadingorganisms.*2-3 GastroZyme with or after mealsLeaky gut is another condition that is significantly associatedwith fibromyalgia. It is well known that healing the gut is thekey to long-term improvement for fibromyalgia sufferers. Thisformula focuses on the health and repair of the mucosal liningof the GI tract, effectively providing the body what it needs toheal the gut.*2 RepairZyme 4-5 x day bet/ mealsFibromyalgia affects the muscles and soft tissues, causingmuscle stiffness and pain. This formula provides necessarybuilding blocks for healthy growth of muscle, skeletal structure,and tissue.*1 CalmZyme 3 x day (or 3 caps at bedtime)The stress from fibromyalgia’s pain and fatigue can causeanxiety, poor sleep, and social isolation. This formula is anherbal enzyme blend that feeds and fortifies the nervoussystem, assisting with stress management and relaxation.* Itis the perfect non-habit forming, natural product for insomniaand anxiety.*2 ExcellZyme 2 x day bet/ mealsBesides pain, anxiety, and mental “fog,” fibromyalgia patientsmay also suffer from chronic fatigue symptoms. This formulaprovides a powerful dose of antioxidants to increase energy,both mental and physical, without giving the nervous feeling oftypical stimulants.*2 Super CellZyme dailyNutritional deficiencies make us more prone to increasedfatigue, spasms, and pain. For those lacking the ability toconsume a balanced, healthy diet, this whole food vitamin andmineral supplement formulated wth enzymes can provide thebody some of the key nutrients needed to achieve better healthand quality of life.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 153

HeadachesThere are different types of headaches – cluster,migraine, and tension – which can be distinguishedby varying symptoms. Regardless of the type, causescommon to all include dehydration, food intolerances,chemicals, toxicity, stress, hormone imbalance, andvascular disorders. The goal of enzyme therapy is tominimize the incidence of any type of headache. Properdigestion, blood flow, and elimination is fundamental,and additional protease enzymes have been reported tohelp with hormonal imbalances.* • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support bio-availability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. * • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation, and remove toxins.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack5 PureZyme 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus morning and bedtime 154

For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals2 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support1 L-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterFrequent headaches and migraines can be improved withproper lymph flow, since lymph congestion can lead to pain inthe head or neck. This product assist in eliminating waste fromthe lymphatic system and is effective in relieving congestion ofthe interstitium.*1 K-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterSome individuals with poor kidney function experience severeheadaches due to buildup waste, renal anemia, or high bloodpressure. This product has been created to help the kidneysperform their normal daily function, the filtration of waste fromthe blood.*1 H-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterPoor blood circulation can impact the brain, causing fatigue,dizziness, memory loss, and frequent and unexplainedheadaches. This product assists in improving the health of theblood and its circulation by helping to rid the body of excesstoxins and metabolic waste.*2 EFA 1200mg daily with mealsFish oil is known to help reduce inflammation, blood clotting,and blood pressure while steadying the heart rhythm. Thisreduction of inflammation or swelling can be helpful in reducingheadaches and other migraine symptoms.*2 ExcellZyme 3 x day between mealsThis product helps increase energy and support the kidneys,liver, and hypothalamus.* It is excellent for improving mental andphysical energy.*3 ReleaseZyme** at bedtimeFrequent headaches and migraines can be a result of toxicity.Since the bowel is one of our main ways to detoxify the body, itis important to ensure proper bowel motility.***ReleaseZyme is intended for short-term use (1-3 months)during the healing process and periodical use afterwards asneeded for chronic constipation.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 155

Heavy MetalToxicityHeavy metal toxicity occurs when the presence ofthe heavy metal (often a trace mineral) is greater thanwhat is needed by the body. The excess metals bindwith functional proteins such as hormones, enzymes,and immune cells and inhibit their normal function.When the body is unable to detoxify and eliminate theexcess metals, they accumulate in tissues and organsand begin interfering with normal metabolic processes.This interaction of heavy metals to proteins can lead todegenerative diseases, nerve damage, or even death.Proteolytic enzymes are essential for breaking downthe heavy metal-protein complexes. For additionalinformation please see our Science Brief: GentleAlternatives to Chelation Therapy. • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support bio-availability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.* • A support formula that binds with heavy metals to help the body eliminate toxicity, provides liver support, and offers replacement of minerals often depleted by heavy metal toxicity.* • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation, and remove toxins.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack1 TPP Heavy Metal Defense 2 x day with meals3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 156

For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack1 TPP Heavy Metal Defense 2 x day with meals2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals1-2 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support1 K-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterHeavy metals must travel through the kidneys when being excreted fromthe body. Ensuring that this pathway is clear and working properly isimportant when beginning a heavy metal detox protocol. This producthas been created to help the kidneys perform their normal daily function,the filtration of waste from the blood.*1 L-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterSince the lymphatic system is one of the main detox pathways, it isimportant to make sure it is clear and working properly before beginningany detox program. This product assists in eliminating waste from thelymphatic system.*1 TPP Liver Support daily with foodThe liver plays an important role in the detoxification process. Heavymetals will damage the liver, inhibiting the body’s ability to remove themproperly. This formula promotes optimum liver function by removingembedded toxic materials and supporting its normal regenerationsequence.*1 TPP Mineral Complex daily with mealsOne reason heavy metals are so toxic is they interrupt the absorption,metabolism, and use of essential minerals such as calcium, iron, andzinc. This supplement is a synergistic blend of vitamins and enzymes thatsupply the nutritional core elements the body needs.*2 Super CellZyme daily with foodHeavy metals can deplete the body of valuable nutrients. This whole foodvitamin and mineral supplement is formulated with enzymes to facilitatethe absorption of these nutrients that can be lost in heavy metal toxicity.*1 ReleaseZyme** after each meal and/or 3 at nightWhen detoxing heavy metals, it is important to make sure bowelmovements are regular to ensure metals are being removed onceexcreted from the tissue. Prolonged toxicity can lead to constipation.This herbal enzyme blend will gently but effectively jump start thesluggish colon, taking the burden of bowel toxicity off the immunesystem, kidneys, lungs, liver, and skin.***ReleaseZyme is intended for short-term use (1-3 months) duringthe healing process and periodical use after as needed for chronicconstipation.*NOTE: Dietary modifications include protein foods high in thesulfur-containing amino acids cysteine and methionine. Otherfoods high in sulfur such as onions, garlic and eggs are alsohelpful for eliminating toxins. Colorful fruits and vegetables arehigh in natural antioxidants. Additionally, soluble fiber such asoat bran, pectin and psyllium seed is beneficial.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 157

InsomniaThe nervous system is the master controlling andcommunicating system of the body and is responsible forregulating all body activities through nerve impulses withthe assistance of chemical messengers – hormones andneurotransmitters. The health of this system is crucial inmaintaining all muscle movement, activation of glands,mental functioning, emotional responses, and sleep.Transformation’s enzyme nutrition formulas are designedto promote optimal functioning and overall health of theNervous System.* • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support the bioavailability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s that are necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.* • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation, and remove toxins.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.* • An herbal and enzyme blend that feeds and fortifies the nervous system, assisting with stress management and providing a natural solution for anxiety, insomnia, and stress disorders.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 2 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime3 CalmZyme at bedtime 158

For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 2 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic at bedtime3 CalmZyme at bedtime*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 159

MultipleSclerosis(MS)Multiple sclerosis is an auto-immune disease that affectsthe brain and spinal cord. Specifically, inflammationdamages the protective covering of the nerve called themyelin sheath. Because nerves in any part of the brainor spinal cord may be damaged, patients with multiplesclerosis can have symptoms in many parts of the bodyincluding muscle function, bowel / bladder control, andenergy production as well as disturbances in vision,speech, swallowing, and concentration. The goal ofenzyme therapy is to minimize inflammation and toxicityand support nutrient availability for optimal repair andhealing.* • A digestive enzyme formula high in lipase taken with meals helps support bio-availability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.* • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation, and remove toxins.* • A unique formulation of highly active proteolytic enzymes and antioxidants designed to help regulate inflammation and support the removal of harmful free radicals in the body.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack2 LypoZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 160

For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between meals2 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 ReZEN mid-morning between mealsIndividuals with MS have chronically increased production of cortisol.This formula has a calming effect, supports healthy cortisol level, andpromotes blance within the autonomic nervous system.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodEssential fatty acids are a major part of a recovery protocol for MS. Omega3 EFA’s help modulate immune system and regulate inflammation. Theseessential fatty acids from fish oil concentrate are a good source of DHAand EPA omega 3’s known for their many health benefits.*1-2 TPP Lypo after or between mealsUnhealthy cholesterol levels and an inability to properly process lipidscan have a negative impact on the disease progression. This formula isthe product to use for any imbalance of healthy cholesterol, designed tocontrol excess lipoproteins such as LDL in the blood and improve ratiosof good and bad cholesterol.*1 L-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterMS, as with other conditions that limit mobility, most commonly manifestsas swollen feet and ankles. This occurs because the lymphatic systemdoes not receive help from the muscle movements that normally enablethe lymph to flow properly. This is a unique blend of herbs beneficialfor relieving congestion of the interstitium, improving absorption, andenhancing immune function by eliminating waste from the lymphaticsystem.*1 ReleaseZyme** after each meal and 3 caps at bedtimeConstipation is one of the bowel problems that can occur in individualswith MS due to poor nutrient acquisition and/or certain medicationsthey are prescribed to manage their disease. For those with chronicconstipation, this herbal enzyme blend helps to “jump start” the sluggishcolon.*1 TPP Joint Health daily on empty stomachInflammation can cause joint swelling, pain, and stiffness. Individualsstruggling with arthritis and other conditions that affect the joints willbenefit greatly from this unique combination of whole food nutrients likeglucosamine and collagen to balance fluid around the joint and furtherreduce inflammation.*2 Super CellZyme dailyThis whole food vitamin and mineral supplement should be consideredfor those individuals who suffer from multiple nutrient deficiencies or donot consume a healthy diet. It is formulated with enzymes to facilitatethe absorption of these essential nutrients needed to maintain health.****ReleaseZyme is intended for short-term use (1-3 months)during the healing process and periodical use afterwards asneeded for chronic constipation. 161

NervousSystem HealthThe nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord(central nervous system) and the nerves and sensoryorgans (peripheral nervous system). The nervous systemis the master controlling and communicating system of thebody and is responsible for regulating all body activitiesthrough nerve impulses with the assistance of chemicalmessengers – hormones and neurotransmitters. Thehealth of this system is crucial in maintaining all musclemovement, activation of glands, mental functioning, andemotional responses. Transformation’s enzyme nutritionformulas are designed to promote optimal functioningand overall health of the Nervous System. • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support the bio-availability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s that are necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.* • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation, and remove toxins.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals2 DigestZyme with every meal or snack2 PureZyme 2 x day between meals2 CalmZyme as needed2 ExcellZyme as needed3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 162

For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack1 TPP Protease 2 x day between meals2 CalmZyme as needed2 ExcellZyme as needed1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 TPP EFA 1200mg dailyThese essential fatty acids are from fish oil concentrateand are a good source of DHA and EPA omega 3’sknown for their many health benefits.*1 TPP Heavy Metal Defense 1-2 x day with foodThis formula is specifically formulated to bind with heavymetals and help the body eliminate toxicity.* Additionally,it provides liver support and replacement of mineralsoften depleted by heavy metal toxicity.*2 ReZEN 1-2 x day between mealsSupporting the nervous system with gentle and naturalingredients can assist the body with its overt anddangerous reactions to stress.* This premise is whatinspired the creation of this innovative enzyme-deliveredformula to aid the body in its ongoing battle against thetype of 21st century stress that affects everyone.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 163

Parkinson’sDiseaseParkinson’s is a very slowly progressing disorder of thenervous system caused by the degeneration of neuronswithin the basal ganglia, a region of the brain responsiblefor coordinating muscular activity and releasingdopamine, a neurotransmitter essential for fast, smooth,controlled muscle movement. As dopamine decreases,the progressive shaking, stiffness and uncoordinatedmovements become more apparent. The goal ofenzyme therapy is to ensure proper nutrient acquisitionto help the body regenerate and maintain healthy cells.Protein digestion and the use of protease helps supportboth the production of dopamine by the body as well asthe dopamine production facilitated by drug therapy. It isalso important to minimize inflammation and free radicaldamage and promote the timely elimination of toxins.* • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support bio-availability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.* • An essential fatty acid with meals to reduce inflammation and support neurological health. • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation, and remove toxins.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with meals3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 164

For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with meals2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between meals2 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 Super CellZyme dailyA whole food vitamin and mineral supplement formulated with enzymesto facilitate the absorption of important nutrients to help with overallhealth and detoxification.*1 CalmZyme 3 x day (or 3 caps at bedtime)Anxiety is a common symptom of Parkinson’s Disease. It is not simplya reaction to the diagnosis of Parkinson’s, but is instead a part of thedisease itself, caused by changes in the chemistry of the brain. Thisformula is an herbal and enzyme blend that helps calm the systemand slow mental chatter.* This is the perfect natural solution to anxiety,insomnia, and stress disorders.*2 RepairZyme 2 x dayAs Parkinson’s Disease progresses, it is common to experience changesin the spine, hands, and feet. Nearly every person who lives withParkinson’s Disease will experience some degree of muscle rigidity. Thisformula provides necessary building blocks for healthy growth of muscle,skeletal structure, and tissue.* It facilitates repair of stressed or injuredmuscles, bones, tendons, and tissue.*1 TPP Heavy Metal Defense 1-2 x dayMany regions and specific foods and water supplies are beingcontaminated with heavy metals. When these build up in the bloodand tissues, they can interfere with nerve transmission. This formulais specifically formulated to bind with heavy metals and help the bodyeliminate toxicity.* It also provides liver support and replacement ofminerals often depleted by heavy metal toxicity.*1 ReleaseZyme** after each meal (or 3 caps at bedtime)Parkinson’s Disease may cause some degeneration of the nerves of theGI tract. These nerves control peristalsis; and when affected, peristalsisslows down, creating dry, hard stool which can result in constipation.Medications used to treat Parkinson’s Disease can also causeconstipation by affecting peristalsis. For those with chronic or occasionalconstipation, this herbal enzyme blend will gently and effectively jumpstart the sluggish colon, taking the burden of bowel toxicity off othersystems in the body.*1 TPP Mineral Complex daily with foodOur bones, muscles, and tendons all rely on vitamins and minerals tostay strong and healthy. Supporting cellular uptake of these nutrientscan be beneficial in individuals suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. Thissupplement is a synergistic blend of minerals, vitamins, and enzymesthat supply the nutritional core elements the body needs for a healthyskeletal system and optimal metabolic processes.****ReleaseZyme is intended for short-term use (1-3 months)during the healing process and periodical use afterwards asneeded for chronic constipation. 165

StressManagementOccasional acute stress is to be expected and can beeffectively handled by the healthy body. However chronicstress that is not dealt with or managed properly canlead to a variety of physical dysfunctions. Many peopleassociate stress as a normal constituent of day-to-daylife and are oblivious to the repercussions of triggeringa chronic sympathetic nervous response. Compromiseddigestion and a depressed immune system are twomajor health risks associated with chronic stress thathave a serious impact on overall health and wellness.Chronic stress is often the underlying cause of many ofyour patient’s health challenges.* • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support bio-availability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and EFA’s necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.* • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and supports nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation and remove toxins.* • A calming formula of nutrients and herbs to support the nervous system and manage uncontrolled cortisol levels brought on by stress.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For sensitive individuals2 DigestZyme with every meal or snack2 PureZyme 2 x day between meals2 ReZEN mid-morning between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 166

For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 2 x day between meals2 ReZEN mid-morning between meals1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 Super CellZyme dailyChronic stress can create multiple vitamin and mineraldeficiencies. This whole food vitamin and mineralsupplement is formulated with enzymes to facilitate theabsorption of critical nutrients that are often depletedfrom chronic stress.*1 TPP Adrenal Complex** 2 x day with foodChronic stress causes the adrenals to be on alert andoverdrive for long periods of time. This unique formulanourishes and supports with specific ingredientsto provide the adrenals what they need to respondeffectively to today’s stressful lifestyles and help fight thenegative effects of stress.*1 CalmZyme 3 x day (or 3 at bedtime)This herbal formula with enzymes can provide additionalsupport for those with severe anxiety and stress.* Ithelps to calm the system and slow mental “chatter” andis the perfect natural solution for anxiety, insomnia, andstress disorders.*1 TPP Mineral Complex daily with foodChronic stress can deplete the body of minerals thathelp regulate critical functions like energy metabolism,blood sugar regulation, endocrine support, and nervoussystem health. This multi-mineral supplement is asynergistic blend of minerals that supply the nutritionalcore elements the body needs for optimal metabolicprocesses.*1 MasterZyme** 3 x day with foodWhen one area of the endocrine system is challenged,the other glands are also affected. This enzyme formulawith herbs and glandulars provides nutritional supportfor the adrenal, pituitary, and thyroid glands which canbecome compromised by chronic stress.***Testing or monitoring of hormone levels is advised withglandular / nutritional hormone therapies. 167


Breast HealthThere are many factors to consider when it comes tokeeping breasts healthy throughout life. Environmentaltoxins, diet, hormone balance, lifestyle, geneticinheritance, and other factors all influence breast healthover the long-term. Research shows that breasts agefaster than other organs and tissues in the body. Inaddition, breast tissue tends to trap environmentaltoxins and heavy metals that can build up over time.Healthy digestion  delivers nourishment to every organand system in the body, and is central in the removalof toxins and wastes. To address the growing need forcomprehensive breast care, the following protocol willhelp provide targeted support for breast health.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals for proper assimilation and bioavailability of all nutrients for cellular health, function, immunity, and repair.* • A protease formula between meals to help promote optimal blood flow and efficient detoxification as well as to help manage inflammation, supporting the overall health of all systems of the body.* • An herbal blend focused on balancing estrogen levels and preventing aromatization of hormones for proper regulation and detoxification of the reproductive system.* • A probiotic to support digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For sensitive individuals2 DigestZyme with every meal or snack2 PureZyme 2 x day between meals2 Privita** daily3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 170

For teens and adults with every meal or snack 2 x day between meals1 TPP Digest daily2 TPP Protease at bedtime1 Privita** 1 TPP Probiotic Additional support1 TPP Heavy Metal Defense daily with foodA formula specifically designed to bind with heavy metalsand help the body eliminate toxicity while providing liversupport and replenishment of minerals often lost byheavy metal toxicity*1 TPP Mineral Complex daily with foodWith an enzyme delivery system, these vitamins andminerals help to lower aromatase and protect the bodyfrom cancer-promoting estrogens*1 L-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterSupports healthy detoxification of fats which can storeharmful hormones and supports other detoxificationprotocols*1 MasterZyme*** 3 x day with foodProvides extra support to the entire reproductive system;great to use in combination with Privita*2 Super CellZyme dailyA whole food vitamin and mineral supplement formulatedwith enzymes to facilitate the absorption of these keynutrients needed for overall health and wellness*2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodTransformation’s Essential Fatty Acids support hormonalimbalances and inflammation.***For post-menopausal women and for sexual health.Privita may reduce frequency and amount of cyclicbleeding. Stop taking if you suspect or verify that youare pregnant.***Testing or monitoring of hormone levels is advisedwith glandular / nutritional hormone therapies.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 171

EndometriosisA benign disorder characterized by the presence ofendometrial tissue (the tissue that lines the uterus)outside the uterine cavity where it becomes attached toreproductive organs, abdominal organs and/or variouslocations in the pelvic cavity. The main symptom is painin the lower abdomen and pelvic region that worsensduring menses. Abnormal or heavy bleeding as well asvaginal pain during sexual intercourse are characteristicsymptoms of this condition. Endometriosis is also oneof the most common causes of infertility. Proper dietand nutrient acquisition provide the building blocksneeded to repair damaged tissue and create hormonesin their proper balance. The goal of nutrition and enzymetherapy is to reduce inflammation and promote healthytissue and hormonal balance.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper assimilation of all nutrients to support adequate production of hormones and healthy tissue repair.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and efficient delivery of hormones for the overall health of our reproductive system and to help manage inflammation.* • An herbal blend focused on balancing estrogen levels and preventing aromatization of hormones for proper regulation and detoxification of the reproductive system.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals2 RepairZyme 3 x day between meals1 Privita** 1 x day3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 172

For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 4 x day between meals2 TPP Protease IFC 4 x day between meals1 Privita** 1 x day2 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 MasterZyme*** 2 x day with foodA glandular formula to provide extra support to the entirereproductive system*1 TPP Liver Support 1 x day with foodIncludes a synergistic formulation of enzymes, herbs,and nutrients that support healthy liver function*1 K-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterA concentrated, rapidly assimilated herbal product thatassists the kidneys*2 GastroZyme with every mealUniquely formulated with enzymes and herbs thatsupport a healthy gastrointestinal tract*2 Super CellZyme dailyIncludes high quantities of riboflavin, calcium, zinc,magnesium, and vitamins A, B1, B3, and B12 whichare important to maintaining energy levels and healthymuscles, organs, hair, and skin*2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodFor balancing hormones and reducing inflammationwhich can further effect hormone levels***Privita may reduce frequency and amount of cyclicbleeding. Stop taking if you suspect or verify that youare pregnant.***Testing or monitoring of hormone levels is advisedwith glandular / nutritional hormone therapies.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 173

FibrocysticBreast DiseaseFibrocystic breast disease is characterized by thepresence of noncancerous lumps in the breast that varyin size, number, and composition. While usually painless,they may be more tender prior to or during menstruation.Estrogen and other ovarian hormones may influence thedevelopment of cysts. Maintaining an appropriate weightfor your height is therefore encouraged, as excess fatcells can influence estrogen levels. A diet balanced withhealthy fats such as olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado, andfish oils is also beneficial. The goal of enzyme therapy isto support overall health and balance of the digestive,immune, and endocrine systems with particular attentionplaced on fat digestion and proper elimination of toxins.* • A digestive enzyme formula high in lipase taken with meals will help ensure proper assimilation of all nutrients to support adequate production of hormones.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and efficient delivery of hormones supporting the overall health of our reproductive system and detoxification.* • An herbal blend focused on balancing estrogen levels and preventing aromatization of hormones for proper regulation of the reproductive system.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack2 LypoZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 4 x day between meals3 Privita** daily3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 174

For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 4 x day between meals3 Privita** daily2 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 MasterZyme*** 2 x day with foodIn order to promote breast health, the reproductive system mustbe nourished properly. This glandular formula blended withherbs and enzymes is a good option to effectively support theentire reproductive system.*1 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between mealsAdditional protease and antioxidant support to promote optimalblood flow and efficient delivery of hormones supporting theoverall health of our reproductive system and hormone balance.*1 TPP Liver Support 1 x day with foodOne of the best ways to minimize the symptoms of fibrocysticbreast disease is proper liver support and detoxification. Thisformula includes a synergistic blend of enzymes, herbs, andnutrient to support healthy liver function.*1 L-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterOne of the functions of the lymphatic system is the absorptionof fats and fat soluble vitamins from the digestive system,and the subsequent transport of these substances from thevenous circulation. This product supports the lymphatic systemthrough a unique blend of herbs that are beneficial for relievingcongestion and improving nutrient absorption.*2 Super CellZyme dailyMaking sure the body has sufficient amounts of availablevitamins and minerals can help to lessen breast pain symptomsand severity in some women with fibrocystic breast disease.*This whole food vitamin and mineral supplement is formulatedwith enzymes to facilitate the absorption of these nutrients.2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodFor balancing hormones and reducing inflammation which canfurther affect hormone levels.***Privita may reduce frequency and amount of cyclic bleeding.Stop taking if you suspect or verify that you are pregnant.***Testing or monitoring of hormone levels is advised withglandular / nutritional hormone therapies.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 175

InfertilityInfertility is defined as the inability to conceive aftera year or more of regular unprotected sexual activityduring the time of ovulation and/or the failure to carrya pregnancy to term. Successful reproduction involvesintricate processes with regard to ovulation, fertilizationand transport of the fertilized ovum to the uterus.Failure of these processes to work properly togethercan result in this condition. The cause of infertilitymay be as simple as poor nutrition and diet, drugs(prescription and/or recreational), and stressful lifestyle.Otherwise, anatomical abnormalities and obstruction ofphysiological processes are the cause. Once it has beendetermined there is no physiological or metabolic reasonfor the infertility and that the couple should be able toconceive, enzyme therapy and nutritional support canbe a valuable option.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper assimilation of all nutrients to support adequate production of hormones and/or development of the fetus.* • A blend of herbs and enzymes to help balance the hormones by nourishing and balancing the reproductive system.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and efficient delivery of nutrients and hormones supporting the overall health of our reproductive system.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 FemVita** daily3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 176

For teens and adults2 TPP Digest with every meal or snack3 FemVita** daily2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals2 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeApproximately 1/3 of all infertility cases result from malefactors, 1/3 from female factors, and 1/3 from combinedfactors. Therefore, both partners should follow the aboveenzyme protocol.Additional support1 CalmZyme between meals and/or before bedStress, anxiety, and sleep deprivation can decrease thelikelihood of pregnancy. This formula is an herbal and enzymeblend that feeds and fortifies the nervous system, assisting withstress management.* As the name implies, it helps to calm andis the perfect, non-habit forming, natural solution for anxiety,insomnia, and stress.*2 Super CellZyme dailyVitamins and minerals play a key role in regulating the enzymesneeded to protect reproductive organs as well as regulatinghormones like progesterone that are necessary for ovulation. Adeficiency could be related to infertility issues. This whole foodvitamin and mineral supplement is formulated with enzymesto facilitate the proper absorption of key nutrients needed forproper reproductive support.*2 MasterZyme*** 2 x day with foodThe health of the endocrine system must be considered whendealing with infertility. More often than not, when one area ofthe endocrine system is challenged, the other glands arealso affected. This formula provides nutritional support for theadrenal, pituitary, and thyroid glands as well as the reproductivesystem.*2 ReZEN mid-morning between mealsChronic low to high levels of stress can increase cortisolproduction which ultimately depletes the bank of reproductivehormones in order to make stress hormones. This depletionwill affect fertility, sex drive, energy, and mood. This formulasupports healthy cortisol level and balance within the autonomicnervous system.***FemVita should not be taken while on birth control. Stoptaking if you suspect or verify that you are pregnant.***Testing or monitoring of hormone levels is advised withglandular / nutritional hormone therapies. 177

MenopauseMenopause is the developmental stage in a woman’s lifewhen the cyclic functions of the ovaries and menstrualperiods cease. Natural menopause is the result of thenatural aging process and decreased production ofestrogen. Artificial menopause can be the result ofchemotherapy, radiation, or a total hysterectomy, whicheliminates hormone secretion by the ovaries and endsmenstrual periods. Signs of its arrival include hot flashes,night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular menses, frequenturination, poor memory/concentration, tearfulness,anxiety, poor sleep, and low libido. It is important tomake sure you are getting the proper nutrients (vitamins,minerals, and amino acids) to keep the body at itshealthiest state. The goal of enzyme therapy is to supportproper digestion, especially of proteins and fats, in orderto produce hormones and maintain muscle mass.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper assimilation of all nutrients to support adequate production of hormones.* • An herbal and enzyme blend formula to support the endocrine and reproductive systems and assist with the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and efficient delivery of nutrients and hormones supporting the overall health of our endocrine system.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack2 LypoZyme with every meal or snack3 FemVita** daily3 PureZyme between meals 2 x day3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 178

For teens and adults with every meal or snack daily2 TPP Digest between meals 2 x day3 FemVita** at bedtime2 TPP Protease 2 TPP Probiotic Additional support1 TPP Joint Health dailyAs women age and go through menopause, the risk for jointinflammation and deterioration increases. This formula supportshealthy aging and the prevention of osteoarthritis with wholefood nutrients known for their ability to balance fluid aroundthe joints and reduce inflammation, thus reducing pain andimproving flexibility.*2 Super CellZyme dailyFor those who have trouble getting all the necessary vitamins,minerals, and antioxidants through a well balanced diet, thisproduct makes an excellent alternative for a non-syntheticmultivitamin. This whole food vitamin and mineral supplementis formulated with enzymes to facilitate the absorption of vitalelements the body needs to function optimally.*1 TPP Mineral Complex dailyMinerals like calcium are vital for bone health and especiallyimportant during menopause when decreased estrogen canmake women more prone to osteoporosis. This supplement isa synergistic blend of minerals and enzymes that supply thenutritional core elements the body needs for a healthy skeletalsystem.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodOmega 3 fatty acids contain anti-inflammatory properties shownto have a positive effect on many of the symptoms associatedwith menopause.* These essential fatty acids are from fish oilconcentrate and are a good source of DHA and EPA omega 3’s.1 CalmZyme 3 x day (or 3 at bedtime)Insomnia and sleep disturbances caused by some of thesymptoms of menopause can leave many menopausal womendeprived of the amount of rest they need to stay healthy. Asthe name implies, this formula helps to calm the system and isthe perfect, non habit forming natural solution to insomnia andother stress disorders.***FemVita should not be taken while on birth control. Stoptaking if you suspect or verify that you are pregnant.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 179

MenstrualIrregularities /PMSIrregular menstrual cycles, pre-menstrual syndrome,menopausal symptoms, and infertility are most oftenthe result of hormone imbalances of the reproductivesystem, mainly the ovaries. Since steroid hormones areproduced from fats, proper intake and digestion of fatsis important. Additionally, nutritional supplementationcan help feed and fortify the ovaries and their correlatedglands to promote optimal function and balance withinthe endocrine and reproductive system.* The goal ofenzyme therapy is to reinforce nutrient acquisition andcomplement a healthy diet consisting of proper ratios ofproteins, carbohydrates, and fats.* • A digestive enzyme formula high in lipase taken with meals will help ensure proper assimilation of fats to support adequate production of steroid hormones.* • An enzyme-delivered support formula with herbs known for their impact on symptoms such as irritability and cramping commonly associated with PMS.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and efficient delivery of hormones, supporting the overall health of our endocrine and reproductive systems as well as helping to reduce inflammation and assist detoxification.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack1 FemVita** 2 x day3 PureZyme 2 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 180

For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack1 FemVita** 2 x day2 TPP Protease 2 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support1 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between mealsThere is a strong relationship between symptoms of PMSand inflammation. While some inflammation is normal duringa woman’s monthly cycle, too much inflammation can createfluctuations beyond normal levels and can affect menstrualand PMS symptom severity. This formula is blended with herbsand highly active proteolytic enzymes and antioxidants to helpnaturally combat inflammation anywhere in the body.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodEssential fatty acids are known for their many health benefitsand positive influence on controlling inflammatory markers.They are also helpful in managing inflammation of the skin and/or breakouts that are common during a woman’s menstrualcycle.*1 CalmZyme 3 x day (or 3 at bedtime)Many women report insomnia symptoms associated with theirmonthly cycle. This is a result of hormone changes, includingserotonin, progesterone, and estrogen. This formula helps tocalm the nervous system and is the perfect non-habit formingnatural solution for insomnia.*2 Super CellZyme dailyA diet lacking in proper nutrients can lead to worsened symptomsof PMS like fluid retention, bloating, and sugar cravings. Forthose who have trouble getting all the necessary vitamins,minerals, and antioxidants through a well balanced diet, thisproduct makes an excellent alternative for a non-syntheticmultivitamin. This whole food vitamin and mineral supplementis formulated with enzymes to facilitate the absorption of vitalelements the body needs to function optimally.*2 MasterZyme*** 2 x day with foodFor those looking for glandular support of the entire endocrinesystem, this formula containing enzymes, herbs, and glandularsfurther supports the reproductive system and proper regulationof hormones***Increase dosage to 3 caps daily if symptoms persist. FemVitashould not be taken while on birth control. Stop taking if yoususpect or verify that you are pregnant.***Testing or monitoring of hormone levels is advised withglandular / nutritional hormone therapies.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 181

ProstateDisordersThe prostate is the male sex gland positioned beneaththe urinary bladder. Disorders of the prostate gland caninclude enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplagia) or theacute or chronic inflammation (prostatitis) of the gland.Inflammation of the prostate is usually caused by abacterial infection or a hormone imbalance. The purposeof enzyme therapy is to support digestion by focusingon lipase and fats so as to ensure nutrient bio-availabilityfor hormone production and balance.* Proteases, EFA’s,and antioxidants provide additional anti-inflammatorybenefits to support the health of the prostate gland andoverall endocrine function.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper assimilation of all nutrients to support adequate production of hormones.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and efficient delivery of hormones supporting the overall health of our reproductive system and hormone balance.* • An herbal formula with enzymes to support a healthy prostate by preventing the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen which can promote cancer of the prostate and urinary system.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 2 x day between meals2 Privita** daily3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 182

For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease IFC 2 x day between meals2 Privita** daily1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with foodOmega 3 essential fatty acids have demonstrated anability to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells in labstudies performed on animals and humans. These EFAsare from fish oil concentrate and are a good source ofDHA and EPA omega 3’s known for their many healthbenefits.*1 TPP Protease 2 x day between mealsIndividuals suffering from chronic disease often requireadditional anti-inflammation, detoxification, andcirculatory support. In addition to our TPP Protease IFCformula that is more driven at acute inflammatory control,this blend of highly active proteolytic enzymes is ourmost powerful systemic enzyme formula for promotingcirculation, management of chronic inflammation. andtimely detoxification.*2 Super CellZyme dailyVitamins and minerals play a key role in minimzing therisk of prostate cancer due to their protective benefits.This whole food vitamin and mineral supplement isformulated with enzymes to facilitate the absorption ofthese key nutrients the prostate requires to stay healthy.*1 TPP Lypo after, between, or with mealsControlled cholesterol levels can help protect the prostatefrom damage. For those struggling with cholesterolmanagement, this therapeutic formula will help balancecholesterol levels, control excess lipoproteins such asLDL in the blood, and improve the ratios of LDL/HDL.***Privita may reduce frequency and amount of cyclicbleeding. Stop taking if you suspect or verify that youare pregnant.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 183

ReproductiveSystem HealthThe primary function of the reproductive system is toreproduce the organism. This system includes the sexorgans. Testes in males and ovaries in females producethe sperm and the egg, respectively. These organs alsoproduce sex hormones which play a vital role in thedevelopment and function of many other organs andtissues of the body. Other structures or glands, suchas the prostate and uterus, provide the support systemfor the reproductive process. The activity of this systemchanges throughout life and its health and maintenanceis very important to development in the formative years,fertility during the reproductive years, and healthy agingduring our later years. • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper assimilation of all nutrients to support adequate production of hormones and/or development of the fetus.* • An enzyme and herbal support formula to help balance hormones levels, promote sexual function and libido, and assist with unpleasant symptoms of a challenged reproductive system.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and efficient delivery of hormones supporting the overall health of our reproductive system and hormone balance.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals2 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 FemVita** daily with meals2 PureZyme 2 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 184

For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack3 FemVita** daily with meals1 TPP Protease 2 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support1-3 CalmZyme between meals and/or before bedThis formula is an herbal and enzyme blend that feeds andfortifies the nervous system, assisting with stress management.*As the name implies, it helps calm the system and slow mental“chatter.”* This is the perfect, non-habit forming, natural solutionfor anxiety, insomnia, and stress disorders.*1 Privita** 1-2 x dayHormone imbalance can affect mood and energy and may leadto more serious conditions like the development of tumors andcancers. This formula supports balanced estrogen levels for ahealthy reproductive system in both men and women.*2 Super CellZyme dailyThis whole food vitamin and mineral supplement is formulatedwith enzymes to facilitate the absorption of these nutrients.This is the best enzyme-based whole food vitamin and mineralsupplement available.1 TPP Mineral Complex dailyThis supplement is a synergistic blend of minerals, vitamins,and enzymes that supply the nutritional core elements thebody needs for a healthy skeletal system and optimal metabolicprocesses.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg dailyThese essential fatty acids are from fish oil concentrate and area good source of DHA and EPA omega 3’s known for their manyhealth benefits.*1 TPP Liver Support 1-2 x day with foodThe liver plays a vital role in digestion, hormone regulation, anddetoxification. This formula promotes optimum liver functionby removing imbedded toxic materials & supporting its normalregeneration sequence.****FemVita should not be taken while on birth control. Privitamay reduce frequency and amount of cyclic bleeding. Stoptaking if you suspect or verify that you are pregnant.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 185

Uterine FibroidsUterine fibroids are benign growths of the muscular wallof the uterus that may vary in size, shape, and number.A woman with uterine fibroids may experience heaviermenstrual bleeding, abdominal discomfort, fullness,lower back pain, frequent urination, and constipation.While the cause of uterine fibroids is unknown, ourclinical experience shows that this condition oftenoccurs with those who have difficulty digesting fats and/or sluggish detoxification. The focus of enzyme therapyis therefore to support digestion of fats, circulation, andtimely removal of toxins.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals high in lipase for extra assistance with breaking down fats will help ensure proper assimilation of all nutrients to support adequate production of hormones.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and efficient delivery of nutrients and hormones supporting the overall health of our reproductive system and detoxification.* • An herbal blend focused on balancing estrogen levels and preventing aromatization of hormones for proper regulation of the reproductive system.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack2 LypoZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals2 Privita** daily3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 186

For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals2 Privita** daily2 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAddtional support2 TPP Lypo 3 x day between mealsProper management of fat and cholesterol can help hinderthe development of uterine fibroids. This therapeutic formulais useful for any imbalance of helathy cholesterol, designedto control excess lipoproteins such as LDL in the blood andimprove the ratios of good to bad cholesterol.*2 MasterZyme*** 2 x day with foodImbalances in estrogen and progesterone can promotethe growth of fibroids. When Privita is not enough, it can bebenefical to include this enzyme, herb, and glandular formulato support the entire endocrine system for optimal reproductivehealth.*1 TPP Liver Support 1 x day with foodPoor liver function can play a part in hormonal imbalancesresulting in conditions such as fibroids and endometriosis.This formula promotes optimum liver function by removingembedded toxic materials and supporting its normalregeneration sequence.*1 ReleaseZyme**** 1 x day with foodConstipation can be a common symptoms of those sufferingfrom uterine fiborids. This herbal enzyme blend will gently buteffectively “jump start” the sluggish colon, taking the burden ofbowel toxicity off of the immune system, kidneys, lungs, liver,and skin.*1 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between mealsControlling inflammation will help to control the pain associatedwith uterine fibroids. This unique formulation of highly activeproteolytic enzymes and antioxidants is designed to helpregulate inflammation anywhere on or in the body.***Privita may reduce frequency and amount of cyclic bleeding.Stop taking if you suspect or verify that you are pregnant.***Testing or monitoring of hormone levels is advised withglandular / nutritional hormone therapies.****ReleaseZyme is intended for short-term use (1-3 months)during the healing process and periodical use afterwards asneeded for chronic constipation.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 187


Allergies(Airborne)An “allergy” is an inflammatory reaction elicited by ourimmune system toward a foreign molecule which isusually an unrecognizable protein or a small moleculebound to a protein. Examples of common allergensinclude pet dander, pollen, and cleaning chemicals.Symptoms commonly associated with airborne allergiescan include itchy/watery eyes, respiratory congestion,skin irritation, coughing/sneezing, and headaches.Ongoing allergies can also weaken the immune system,making it less effective in fighting off colds, flu, viruses,and other germs that are circulating. The goal of enzymetherapy is to minimize the allergic triggers and managethe inflammatory response.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will aid in the proper digestion and absorption of all nutrients including complete breakdown of proteins.* • A blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbs to assist in the prevention of recurrent or chronic infections in which the immune system has been weakened or compromised.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and efficient detoxification as well as help manage inflammation and immune function.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy balance of friendly flora in the GI tract.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack1 PureZyme with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease IM 2-3 x day with food2 PureZyme 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus morning and bedtime 190

For teens and adults2 TPP Carbo-G with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease IM 2-3 x day with food2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic 42.5 morning and bedtimeAdditional support1 L-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterAllergies compromise the immune system by limitingthe ability of lymph to collect and transport tissue fluidsand digested fats. This liquid herbal product assists ineliminating waste from the lymphatic system to improvenutrient absorption and put up an effective defenseagainst infections and harmful micro-organisms in thebody.*2 RepairZyme 2 x daySome allergies will trigger an immune system responsein the form of an allergic skin condition like hives oreczema. This formula of enzymes with herbs andminerals provides necessary building blocks for healthygrowth of tissue and is wonderful for the healing of skindisorders.*2-3 GastroZyme after each mealRespiratory conditions like runny nose, asthma, andcoughing are often side effects of allergies. This soothingformula of herbs and enzymes focuses on the health andrepair of the mucosal lining of the GI tract, respiratorysystem, and urinary tract system.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg dailySupplementing with Omega 3 fatty acids can createnatural anti-inflammatory responses and reduce allergysymptoms.* These essential fatty acids are from fish oilconcentrate and are a good source of DHA and EPAwhich are known for their many health benefits.*1-2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between mealsThe symptoms of allergies like red, itchy, runny eyesand the swelling and irritation of airways are signs ofinflammation which is caused by chemicals releasedfrom our own cells in a misguided attempt to protectourselves. This unique formulation of highly activeproteolytic enzymes and antioxidants is designed to helpregulate inflammation anywhere on or in the body.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 191

AsthmaAsthma is a condition marked by recurrent attacks ofdifficulty breathing, with wheezing due to spasmodicconstriction of the bronchi. As asthma worsens, theairways become inflamed and fill with mucus, narrowingthe pathways and making breathing difficult. Asthma canbe triggered by an allergy to such things as pollen, petdander, and smoke or by an infection, emotional stress,or even vigorous exercise. In particular, the majority ofpeople with asthma also have some sort of food allergy orintolerance that contributes to poor gut health, and LeakyGut Syndrome has frequently been found in associationwith asthma. Furthermore, in addition to protecting usfrom infections, the immune system is also responsiblefor protecting us against bacteria and viruses that canworsen symptoms of asthma. Therefore, an effectivetreatment protocol will not only help control respiratoryinflammation with proteolytic enzymes, but also supportthe immune system and promote a healthy gut.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper digestion of all nutrients minimizing food sensitivities and improving tissue repair.* • An herbal formula with enzymes will help focus on the health and repair of the mucosal lining of both the GI tract and the respiratory system, which can be damaged in individuals with asthma.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and efficient detoxification as well as help manage inflammation, supporting the health of the respiratory system.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 GastroZyme 3 x day between meals3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 192

For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack3 GastroZyme 3 x day between meals2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals2 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support1-2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between mealsThis unique formulation of highly active proteolyticenzymes and antioxidants is designed to help regulateinflammation anywhere on or in the body and supportthe immune system.*2 TPP Protease IM 2-3 x day with foodThis formula can be recommended for conditions suchas recurrent or chronic infections in which the immunesystem has been weakened or compromised.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg dailyOmega 3 essential fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory benefits.* Omega 3’s help to reduceeosinophil activities which supports lung function andprevents common symptoms of asthma and allergies.*2 TPP Immune AV 2-3 x day with foodThis formula is designed to provide maximum anti-viralprotection and optimum immune system support.*It is ideal for recurring infections, colds, fevers, andweakened immune systems.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 193

RespiratorySystem HealthThe respiratory system’s major organs include the nose,pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and the lungs. Theprimary function of the respiratory system is to supplyoxygen to the body and dispose of carbon dioxide. Asair moves into and out of the lungs, gases are exchangedvia the blood vessels. Proper function of the lungs is vitalfor maintaining oxygenation of the cells and eliminationof metabolic waste. Additionally, because the respiratorysystem is continually exposed to airborne pathogens, itis very important to maintain the integrity of its mucosallining as well as the body’s immune function. • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper assimilation and bio-availability of all nutrients supporting cellular health, function, and repair.* • A digestive support formula after meals that focuses on the health and repair of the mucosal lining of the respiratory system and management of excess mucous production.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and efficient detoxification as well as help manage inflammation, supporting the health of the respiratory system.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals2 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 GastroZyme 3 x day after meals2 PureZyme 2 x day between meals3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 194

For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack3 GastroZyme 3 x day after meals1 TPP Protease 2 x day between meals1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 TPP EFA 1200mg dailyThese essential fatty acids are from fish oil concentrateand are a good source of DHA and EPA omega 3’sknown for their many health benefits.*2 ExcellZyme 3 x day between mealsOne of the best antioxidant products available,ExcellZyme increases energy and supports the kidneys,liver, and hypothalamus.* It is excellent for improvingmental and physical energy without giving the nervousfeeling of typical stimulants.*1-2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between mealsThis unique formulation of highly active proteolyticenzymes and antioxidants is designed to help regulateinflammation anywhere on or in the body.* This productis ideal for muscle aches, pains, injuries, and stiff jointsas well as to promote cardiac health and is applicable forany other inflammatory conditions.**THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 195


OsteoarthritisOsteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is alsoknown as degenerative joint disease and is characterizedby inflammation of the joints throughout the body.Transformation’s clinical experience shows us thatthere is a connection with poor digestion and increasedtoxicity that leads to a burdened immune system andpoorly managed inflammation. The goal of enzymetherapy is threefold. First, work to improve digestion andnutrient acquisition which supports the immune systemand minimizes toxicity. Second, improve blood flow andsupport the body’s ability to detoxify. Third, assist theimmune system to better manage inflammation andhealing.* • A digestive enzyme formula with meals will help ensure proper assimilation and bio-availability of all nutrients supporting the health, function and repair of joints and bones.* • A protease formula between meals will help promote optimal blood flow and efficient detoxification as well as help manage inflammation, supporting the health of joints and skeletal system.* • A unique combination of whole food sources of glucosamine, chondroitin, dermatan, keratan, hyaluronic acid, glycosaminoglycans, and collagen will help blance the fluids in and around the joint and reduce inflammation, thus reducing pain and improving flexibility.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment and timely elimination.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals1 TPP Joint Health daily on empty stomach3 Plantadophilus at bedtime*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 198

For teens and adults with every meal or snack 3 x day between meals1 TPP Digest daily on empty stomach2 TPP Protease at bedtime1 TPP Joint Health 1-2 TPP Probiotic Additional support2 RepairZyme 2-3 x dayOsteoarthritis is most often caused by tissue damage. Thisformula provides necessary building blocks for healthy growthof muscle, skeletal structure, and tissue, making it an idealsupport product for this condition.*1 TPP Mineral Complex daily with foodMinerals play a vital role in the health of our bones and joints.This supplement is a synergistic blend of minerals, vitamins,and enzymes that supply the nutritional core elements the bodyneeds for a healthy skeletal system.*2 TPP EFA 1200mg daily with mealsResearch has shown that omega-3 fatty acids help to reducethe inflammation that can exacerbate painful symptoms ofosteoarthritis. These essential fatty acids are from fish oilconcentrate and are a good source of DHA and EPA omega 3’sknown for their anti-inflammatory benefits.*2 TPP Protease IFC 3 x day between mealsAntioxidant support is important in neutralizing free radicalswhich can damage cartilage and cause inflammation and painin the joints. This unique formula of highly active proteolyticenzymes and antioxidants is designed to help regulateinflammation anywhere on or In the body.*3 ReleaseZyme** at bedtimeImproving healthy elimination through the colon is a critical steptoward overall health and reduction of osteoarthritis symptoms.This herbal enzyme blend will gently and effectively “jump start”the sluggish colon, taking the burden of bowel toxicity off theother systems of the body.*1 K-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterIndividuals with osteoarthritis are often prescribed drugs that canput more stress and work on the kidneys. This herbal producthas been created to help support the kidneys to perform theirnormal daily function, the filtration of waste from the blood.*1 TPP Liver Support 2 x day with foodPain management in patients with osteoarthritis can involve theuse of drugs that damage the liver with prolonged use. Thisformula promotes optimal liver function by removing embeddedtoxic materials and supporting the liver’s normal regenerationsequence.***ReleaseZyme is intended for short-term use (1-3 months)during the healing process and periodical use afterwards asneeded for chronic constipation. 199

OsteoporosisOsteoporosis is characterized by a loss of bone masswhere the affected bones become porous, brittle, andsusceptible to fractures. There are many factors that canlead to osteoporosis such as hormonal changes duringmenopause, hyperthyroidism, excessive corticosteroidproduction by the adrenals, and of course diet andlifestyle choices. A diet adequate in many mineralsand nutrients (not just calcium) is essential for healthybone formation. Likewise, maintaining a healthy pH andensuring absorption and uptake into the bone is equallyimportant. The goal of enzyme therapy is to reinforcenutrient availability and absorption in an effort to supportthe overall health of the skeletal system.* • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals supports proper digestion of all nutrients and facilitates pH balance which promotes optimal mineral absorption for healthy bones.* • A protease formula between meals promotes optimal blood flow and efficient detoxification as well as help manage inflammation, supporting the overall health of the skeletal system.* • A blend of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes will help supply the nutritional core elements the body needs for a healthy skeletal system.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack3 PureZyme 3 x day between meals1 TPP Mineral Complex 2 x day3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 200

For teens and adults1 TPP Digest with every meal or snack2 TPP Protease 3 x day between meals1 TPP Mineral Complex 2 x day1 TPP Probiotic at bedtimeAdditional support2 Super CellZyme dailyNutrition and bone health are closely related. Making sure thebody is getting a regular dose of vitamins daily is important inthe management of osteoporosis. This whole food vitamin andmineral supplement is formulated with enzymes to facilitate theabsorption of critical nutrients needed for a healthy skeletalstructure.*1 MasterZyme** 3 x day with 8 oz waterEndocrine disorders constitute the most frequent cause ofsecondary osteoporosis in men and women. When one area ofthe endocrine system is challenged, the other glands are alsoaffected. This enzyme, herb, and glandular formula providesnutritional support for the entire endocrine system (adrenal,pituitary, and thyroid glands) as well as the reproductive system.*1 K-Drain (dropper) 3-4 x day with waterKidneys that are not functioning properly can create animbalance of vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus. An inabilityto properly manage calcium levels in the blood can lead tothe removal of calcium from the bone. This product has beencreated to help the kidneys perform their normal daily functions.*1 TPP Joint Health daily on empty stomachThis unique combination of glucosamine, chondrointin,dermatan, keratan sulfate, hyaluronic acid, glycosaminoglycans,and collagen (some of the most popular and effective nutrientsrecommended for people with bone and joint pain) willhelp balance the fluids in and around the joint and reduceinflammation, thus reducing pain and improving flexibility.*1 FemVita*** 2 x dayThis endocrine support product helps prevent bone loss byregulating hormones and assists those suffering from theunpleasant symptoms of menopause.***Testing or monitoring of hormone levels is advised withglandular / nutritional hormone therapies.***FemVita should not be taken while on birth control. Stoptaking if you suspect or verify that you are pregnant.*THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. 201

PeriodontalDiseasePeriodontal disease refers to disorders of the gum andbone that hold the teeth. Gingivitis is a general termfor inflammation of the gum and is the early warningsign of potential problems. If untreated, it often leadsto periodontitis, a more chronic condition that involvesan infection of the gingiva, ligament and bone structureholding the teeth. If it continues unchecked, the infectionwill spread to the bone, the bone deteriorates and theteeth are slowly detached from their supporting tissues.Ischemia is another possible condition that occurs whenthere is an inadequate supply of oxygenated blood to thejaw bone that results in death of the bone. • A digestive enzyme formula taken orally and topically will help break down food debris and enhance their removal and flushing by the saliva.* Proper digestion and nutrition also support healthy tissue and a strong immune system. • A protease formula orally and topically between meals will help prevent and dissociate some of the plaque and tartar buildup as well as help heal sores and cuts in the mouth.* Proteases also promote optimal blood flow and help manage inflammation.* • A whole food vitamin and mineral supplement formulated with enzymes to facilitate the absorption of key nutrients needed to promote healthy teeth.* • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and the immune system while maintaining a healthy gut environment and timely elimination.*For infants, toddlers, and sensitive individuals3 DigestZyme with every meal or snack4 PureZyme 3 x day between meals3 Super CellZyme daily3 Plantadophilus at bedtime 202

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