When the sun shines through the trees of St Mary’s graveyard, it is hard to imagine that it was the scene of a crime that would echo through the generations in Rye. In almost three hundred years little has changed. The Ypres Tower, which played such a significant part in the tale, stands proudly looking south towards the sea. The houses that line Church Square have the same medieval look as they had then and the church still casts its shadow over the Citadel and this story of murder and intrigue. It is a far too obvious murder and with so little subterfuge that despite Breads’ repeated threats, it was still an opportunistic stabbing rather than a pre-planned murder. Today, that perhaps would have been taken into account. Nobody in their right minds would shout ‘Butchers kill Lambs’ or drop a bloodied knife at the scene but maybe that is fiction too, conjured up from legends and woven into a story one hundred years later. You can make up your own mind if there was a conspiracy or it rea
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