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Wealth Ladder Magazine Aug 2016

Published by bethmalatji, 2016-07-31 17:36:40

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02 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

02 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

Ou r Con t r ibu t or s Arman Sadeghi American entrepreneur and the creator of the Titanium Success Method. He is known for being a professional speaker and the founder of different companies in various fields.Steve SieboldAuthor of ?How Rich People Think?and aself-made multi-millionaire who hasinterviewed more than 1,200 of the world?swealthiest people over the past 30 years. Ben Kubassek Canadian best-selling author of two books, Succeed Without Burnout and Five ?F? Words that Will Energize Your Life. He Inspires, motivates and help young people know, go, and grow into successful entrepreneurs.Tony DovaleExpert Author (SWIFT Success), BusinessSpeaker, Facilitator and Results Coach. YourHigh-Voltage Coach and High PerformanceTeam Development Alchemist. Magdel Steyn Media & Communication Strategist. Currently resides in: Western Cape, South Africa. Born in Johannesburg South Africa04 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

Edi tor's Note T h e w or l d n eed s w o m en en t r ep r en eu r s, an d w om en en tr ep r en eu r s n eed al l o f u s!!! Gr eetin gs W eal th Ladder M agazin e?s l oyal r eader s. Th an k you for su bscr ibin g. W om en ?s m on th is fin al l y h er e an d we wil l be cel ebr atin g it by sh ar in g with you stor ies of 10 am azin g wom en en tr epr en eu r s wh o com e fr om differ en t back gr ou n ds an d wh at I can say to you is, we n eed m or e wom en en tr epr en eu r s. W om en n eed to star t bel ievin g in th e fact th at as m or e of u s m ak e ou r wayto th e top, m or e of u s m ak e th e top. On e wom anat a tim e.I am cu r r en tl y r eadin g L ean I n : W om en , W or k ,an d t h e W i l l t o L ead by Sh er y l San d ber g.You ?r e pr etty m u ch gu ar an teed to get gr eatbu sin ess advice wh en it?s com in g fr om th e COOof Facebook , r igh t? W h il e Lean In isn ?t abou tgr owin g a bu sin ess, it?s stil l a gr eat r ead for an ywom an on an en tr epr en eu r ial jou r n ey. H eradvice (an d al l th e data sh e pr ovides!) wil l r eal l yget you th in k in g abou t th e im por tan ce of fem al el eader s in th e bu sin ess wor l d an d wh y we n eed m or e of them . Ev en t s I am at t en d i n g: Lun ch with Bu sin ess Exper ts aim ed at tar getin g you n g bu sin ess own er s, en tr epr en eu r s an d in dividu al s wh o ar e passion ate abou t im pr ovin g th eir bu sin ess qu al ities an d bu il din g pr ofitabl e l on g-ter m pr ofession al n etwor k s.Th e even t wil l dr aw affl u en t au dien ce by sh ar pen in g in dividu al 'sk n owl edge in th e bu sin ess wor l d.06 Wealth Ladder Magazine AUGUST 2016

06 Wealth Ladder Magazine AUGUST 2016

CONTENTS A ugust 2016 6 Editor 's Note 2214 Fabulous Entr epr eneur 18 of the Month 3412 25 Podcasts for ever y young Entr epr eneur22 Cover Featur e: Andr ew Bar sa28 How she did in: Celebr ating women31 Lunch with Business Exper ts38 Lifestyle Picks44 #MyWealthJour ney 31 50 Subscr ibe to Get a copy of Wealth Ladder08 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

08 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

5 Th in gs You Can St ar t Doin g Today ToDoesn ?t it seem l ik e som e peopl e At t racteasil y attr act weal th wh il e oth er s Wealt har e stu ck spin n in g th eir wh eel sgoin g in cir cl es?W e al l wan t m or e m on ey,bu t th e BY STEVE SIEBOLDfact is som e peopl e ar e better atacqu ir in g it th an oth er s.Th e good n ews is, l ik e m ost th in gs in l ife, becom in g goodat attr actin g m on ey is n o differ en t th an becom in g goodat an yth in g el se, be it bein g a su b-par gol fer ,l osin gweigh t, or m aster in g a secon d l an gu age.An d even better n ews: Th er e ar e f i v e si m p l e w ay s t oget st ar t ed i f you w an t t o at t r act m or e m on ey.1. L ear n t o be u n com f or t abl e.M ost peopl e ju st wan t to be com for tabl e, be it ph ysical , psych ol ogical , orem otion al com for t. Com for t, m or e th an an yth in g el se, is on e of th e pr im ar ygoal s of th e m iddl e-cl ass m in dset. Th e fact is, becom in g a m il l ion air e isn ?teasy an d th e n eed for com for t can be devastatin g.If you wan t to attr act th e big m on ey,you h ave to l ear n to be com for tabl e wh il eoper atin g in a state of on goin g u n cer tain ty. Th e gr eat on es k n ow th er e?s apr ice to pay for gettin g r ich , bu t if th ey h ave th e m en tal tou gh n ess to en du r etem por ar y pain , th ey can r eap th e h ar vest of abu n dan t weal th for th e r est ofth eir l ives. Star t today by m ak in g a l ist of five th in gs you m u st do th at ar eu n com for tabl e bu t wil l h el p you bu il d you r fin an cial for tu n e.10 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

5 Th in gs You Can St ar t Doin g Today To At t ract Wealt h BY STEVE SIEBOLD10 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

25 Free Podcast Sites For YoungEntrepreneursB eing born and raised in a By Ben Kubassekreligious commune that didn?t Without a college degree,promote or even allow formal without a savings account, andeducation beyond the 8th grade, I without any contacts in theknew at a very young age that I outside world I was able to starthad to come up with a way to a number of very successfuleducate myself if I was going to businesses in a very shortbecome a successful young period of time.entrepreneur. Today as I help young people inIn those days the internet and free developing countries becomepodcast sites didn?t yet exist. We entrepreneurs I tell them ?Ifweren?t even permitted to have a you?re not reading, youradio or a television, not even a shouldn?t even think aboutdaily newspaper was allowed. leading.?With so may free podcasts to listen while youI thank God that one day I drive, play or work? there is nodiscovered the library in town and excuse not be learningwas able to sneak home books to something new every and that would allow me toself-educate without the knowledge For those of you who say ?I?mof the elders. It was those books not a reader?I?ve got someand the ideas in them that great news? you can listen toprepared me to escape the free podcasts that will educatecommune and begin my own you better than most universitybusiness at the age of 21. programs. After all, the only way I was able to finally enter university was when I agreed to teach about entrepreneurship.12 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

12 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

Fabpr eneur of t he Mont hTh i s m on t h w e ar e Cr u sh i n g ov er Kar olina RafalskiSky Becau se she is not just a pr etty, Sky Rafalski also holds aBA degr ee in Cor por ate Com m unications w ith Honour s inPsychology and a specialised postgr aduate degr ee in BPsychPsychom etr ics.She is now a thr ivingbusiness w om an, anentr epr eneur , m edia andtelevision per sonality,life coach, w ife and am other. M odel, life coachand businessw om anKar olina Sky Rafalskishar es her secr ets onsuccess and juggling aver y busy life.Kar olina Sky Rafalski is aKeynote andM otivational speaker ,Life Coach, Pr ofessionalM odel, Entr epr eneur ,Business Wom an andBr and Am bassador ,am ongst m any of heroccupations. In 2002, she m ade it to the top 5 of the M iss SABeauty Pageant and w on the fir st title of M iss Veet Legs SA. Shethen w ent on to build a ver y successful car eer as a m odel,becom ing the face of Revlon?s Divine Per fum e in an inter nationaladver tising cam paign and SA?s official Lar a Cr oft M odel, am ongstm any other s. She has also star r ed as the ?beauty?in BIC SoleilRazor ?s ?Beauty and the Beast?com m er cials alongside SA r ugbyplayer ?the beast?Tendai M taw ar ir a and in Leon Schuster ?sRainbow Skellum s.14 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

14 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

The Posh Mater ial \"Dipped in Gold\" Col l ect i on Available online now Or der on http://poshmater email info@poshmater call us on 063491233816 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

The Posh Mater ial \"Dipped in Gold\" Col l ect i on Available online now Or der on http://poshmater email info@poshmater call us on 063491233816 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

Luxuryan dT r an qu i l i tyBy M agdel Steyn The concept of the spa is something that Adriaan played withT he Western Cape has for a while now. Being an introvert that likes spending \"me-time\" in such a diverse range of offerings. nature with relaxing music, Each town is unique with little gems combined with his people skills who to explore. Paarl has recently got a like seeing people around his new gem: Vivi Day Spa that opened happy, was the perfect inspiration at Rhebokskloof and one could not for the spa. ask for a more tranquil setting. Surrounded by mountains, He was involved with Rhebokskloof overlooking the vineyards, wine for the past 10 years and despite tasting facilities and a restaurant with the many activities on the farm, mouth watering dishes to indulge in. nothing really focused on the tranquility of the farm and what Rhebokskloof is situated in scenic better way to enjoy the calmness and historic Paarl valley, only a 60 and the surrounds, than a spa. minute drive from the Mother City Soon this was not just an idea or center, nestled between the granite dream anymore. Plans were drawn hills of the Paarl Rock Mountains. up and when it came to the name, Here, one will experience true Adriaan, together with his business Winelands hospitality. The estate is partner Rezette Lombard wanted renowned for its top quality wines, something that would fit well with crafted by visionary winemaker what is currently there. Adriaan Rolanie Lotz. Whilst sipping on says: \"The farm is surrounded by signature varietals, one can enjoy olive trees and we really wanted to the culinary masterpieces by Chef incorporate this. All names directly Daniel George. Rhebokskloof offers linked to \"olive\" was already taken, something for the whole family: so I decided to look up the word spectacular mountain bike trails, olive in Hebrews and one of the horseback rides, picnics, and now translations was Vivi, meaning \"we also some of the best spa treatments who are full of life\". That fitted right at Vivi Day Spa. in to our business plan.\"18 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

18 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

SI X SECRETS TO GETTI NGNEW L EADS ON A DAI LYBASI S B y A r m an Sad egh iI n an y bu si n ess, m ar ket i n g Secr et # 1: H av e a si m p l e b u t Secr et # 2: H av e a b l o g.i s cr i ti cal f or gen er at i n g v er y p r o f essi o n al w eb si t e.l ead s on a con si sten t basi s. H av i n g a bl og i s a cr i ti calL ead gen er at i on h el p s y ou A w ebsi t e i s a cr i t i cal p ar t of com p on en t to p r of essi on alto gai n bu si n ess n ot on ly y ou r bu si n ess an d i t ?s m ar keti n g. I t n ot on ly h el p s y ou rth r ou gh y ou r sal es ef f or t s, i m p or t an t t h at y ou r w ebsi t e i s w ebsi te i n sear ch en gi n e r an k i n gs,bu t al so w h i l e y ou ar e ex t r em ely p r of essi on al , bu t bu t i t al so al l ow s th ose w h o k n owsi tt i n g back , sl eep i n g or on al so ver y si m p l e. A n abou t y ou r w or k to f ol l ow y ou on av acati on . T h e key t o el abor at e w ebsi t e w i t h f an cy con si sten t basi s an d r em ai nm ar keti n g i s t o u n d er st an d f eat u r es, gr ap h i cs an d con n ected to y ou . M ost bu si n essth at th e best k i n d of m ov i n g p ar t s d oes n ot h i n g ow n er s ar e af r ai d of a bl og becau sem ar keti n g d oes n ot bu t t ake aw ay f r om t h e th ey th i n k th ey ar e goi n g to h aveprovide you with p r of essi on al i sm of y ou r to w r i te sever al ti m es a w eek . I ni m m ed i ate r etu r n s. You bu si n ess. A si m p l e w ebsi t e r eal i ty y ou can h ave a bl og w h er en eed to m ake con si st en t d esi gn ed t o cap t u r e at t en t i on , y ou p er son al ly w r i te som eth i n gi n vestm en t i n m ed i u m t o d el i ver a m essage an d col l ect on ce a m on th th at i s l ess th an al on g- ter m m ar keti n g t h at l ead s i s ex act ly w h at y ou p age l on g. You can h i r e a con ten tgen er ates l ead s f or y ou i n n eed . Fi n d a p r of essi on al w r i ti n g ser v i ce to cr eate a w eek ly3 t o 24 m on th s. w eb d evel op m en t agen cy t o bl og f or y ou , based on top i cs an d cr eat e a si m p l e d esi gn f or y ou bu l l et p oi n ts th at y ou p r ov i d e. so y ou ap p ear as p r of essi on al T h i s r esu l ts i n f r esh w eek ly, an d on l i n e as y ou ar e i n p er son . m on th ly, con ten t d i r ectly f r om you.20 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

SI X SECRETS TO GETTI NG NEW L EADS ON A DAI LY BASI S20 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

Cover Feat ure \" I bel i ev elife is a gift! I b el i ev e ev erybody is unique and has a gift and th ey must ex pl ore it. \"22 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

22 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

In this w ay, Bar sa says he lear ned ?Becau se the differ ence betw een a I di dn ?t h ave consum er ?s m entality and an m on ey w h i l e gr ow i n g investor ?s or business m entality. As u p? , w h en I st ar t ed t o he w as, a per son w ith a consum er ?s r ecei ve m on ey I got r eal l y m entality uses m oney to m ake up ex ci t ed, sayi n g you k n ow for som e par t of their lives they didw h at , I can of f i ci al l y n ow go notan d get al l t h e t h i n gs t h at I exper ience. want and have al ways People w ithwant ed. I t r i ed to f ul f i l l t he a business m i ssi n g voi d t h at I di dn ?t m entality, get t o ex per i en ce on the w hen I was other hand, m ay have you n ger .? nice car s and niceclothes, but m ost of their m oney goes into thingsthat actually gr ow in value. As he explained,?Consum er s alw ays put m oney into things thatfall in value and that?s w hy they never becom e w ealthy.?Today, apar t fr om being a Success Coach, Wealth Psychology Exper t and a Best-Selling Author , Bar sa is also a Key-Note Speaker and constantly holds sem inar s on the w ealth psychology and financial gr ow th. He is often associated w ith the likes of Sir Richar d Br anson, business m ogul Jam es Caan, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and Facebook?s Randi Zucker ber g. He has coached and m entor ed com panies acr oss the w or ld in m aking m or e than $70 m illion in r evenue over a per iod of thr ee year s and incr easing their business gr ow th m or e than a hundr ed tim es over w ithin m onths.24 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

24 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

- Net w or k i ng ?Be you and be differ ent. Don?t do w hat ever yone does. Be kind, loving and giving.? - W h at t en ds t o st an d i n peopl e?s w ays of su ccess ?Fear , bad r elationships w ith them selves, negative r elationship w ith m oney, being closed-m inded, stuck in one?s ow n w ays and str uggling to netw or k,? am ongst other s. Accor ding to Bar sa, m ost people lack life skills. - Deal i n g w i t h n egat i ve en er gy ?Focus on the end gam e.? - Ach i ev i n g w eal t h Accor ding to the Success Coach, ?Wealth is about balance,? w hich includes having good r elationships and suppor t at hom e. ?The hom e is the foundation of life ? life is not easy,? he said, again str essing the im por tance of being in a suppor tive envir onm ent. W hen it com es to his w or k, Bar sa says he loves inspir ing, helping and w or king w ith people. He often has people fr om all r aces, r eligions ? diver se backgr ounds ? in his sem inar s w or king together , w hich he says inspir es him to keep going. ?Outside is just a shell, but inside w e all have the sam e or gans? sam e spir it and w e should w or k together ,? he str essed.26 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

26 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

Au th en tic M E's M ar el i Scott gives u s an in sigh t of h er com pan y,th e au th en ticity of its n am e an d h ow it der ived. W e l ear n abou t wh at m ak es Au th en tic M E u n i qu e. In Celebr at ion of women's mont h How she did it : Mar eli Scot t W hat d oes you r com pan y d o? Au th en tic M E?s m ission is to in spir e, cr eate an d em power a m ovem en t of peopl e fr om al l wal k s of l ife to fin d an d becom e th e best, au th en tic ?m e? th ey can be in th eir per son al an d/ or pr ofession al l ives. W h at i n sp i r ed you to star t your com pan y? Goin g fr om in secu r e h igh sch ool l on er to gl obal n etwor k er an d tr an sfor m ation al speak er ,I k n ow the fr eedom in finding your au th en tic sel f an d expan din g on e?s com for t zon e for gr owth . I wan t ever yon e to exper ien ce th is fr eedom . Th er e ar e so m an y peopl e wh o ar e u n h appy with th eir l ives, don ?t k n ow th eir pu r pose an d settl in g for l ess. Au th en ticity in fl u en ces ever y aspect of you r l ife an d bein g. W ith ou t fin din g it, you wil l n ot fin d you r pu r pose an d fu l fil m en t in l ife.28 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

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32 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

I t is never t o lat e t o gr ow and develop t eenage ent r epr eneur s. This m ont h we f eat ur e a young ent husiast ic and dynam ic t eenage ent r epr eneur Thobani, who owns Funf anat iks, a holiday ser vice business, t hat pr ovides holiday car e and over night cam ps f or kids aged 6 t o 12. 1. How old are you and where are you from? I'm a fourteen-year-old male born in Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban and being raised in Johannesburg 2. Who introduced you to entrepreneurship and how old were you when you had your light bulb moment? I was ten years old when my fourth-grade Jewish teacher discussed business with my class. I was fascinated. 3. Describe the company you own and the products and services it sells. is a holiday service business, that provides holiday care and overnight camps for kids aged 6 to 12. 4. How did you come up with the idea for your company? After witnessing parents having no place for their kids to go, I decided to build a second home or a kids entertainment home from home.34 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

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36 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

Lif est yle Pick sMovie M u sicPirat es of Silicon Valley New Yor k - Alicia Keys \" Em pir e St at e of Mind\"Entrepreneurs are still lookingfor inspiration from these twoiconic ?pirates.?It definitelyprovides pointers to learn from.Tech Tr avelEver not e, is a suite of software I st anbul, Tur keyand services that allow users tocapture, organize, and findinformation across multipleplatforms.38 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

Lif est yle Pick s38 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

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40 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

H ot el R evi ew (H yatt Regency Rosebank) Discover our cosmopolitan city from Hyatt Regency Johannesburg hotel. Situated in the modern suburb of Rosebank, only 25 kms from the O.R. Tambo International Airport, our luxury Johannesburg hotel is adjacent to The Firs Shopping Centre. Guests will also enjoy easy access to the banking district of Sandton CBD, Constitution Hill, and African craft markets.42 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

Discover our cosmopolitan city from Hyatt Regency Johannesburg hotel. Situated in the modern suburb of Rosebank, only 25 kms from the O.R. Tambo International Airport, our luxury Johannesburg hotel is adjacent to The Firs Shopping Centre. Guests will also enjoy easy access to the banking district of Sandton CBD, Constitution Hill, and African craft markets.42 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

Th e Jo u r n Founder and CEO of SShaw H oldings Spencer Gordon Shaw talks about his bu si n ess ventur ing and success.44 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

Th e Jo u r n44 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

e asked Shaw a f ew quest ions t oget a cl ear underst anding ofwhat his business is about andhere is what he had t o say:- W h at ex act l y d oes SSh aw H ol d i n gs d o? As a wh ol e, we special ise in th e cor e of al l bu sin ess sector s. Ou r str on g poin t is system s an d con tr ol s with in sm al l an d l ar ge cor por ation s. Th is in cr eases tu r n over an d u l tim atel y n et pr ofits. Ou r gr owth an d devel opm en t division goes h an d in h an d with th e above to en su r e an al l -r ou n ded pack age. Th r ou gh ou r par tn er s at Liqu or ish In c., weh ave m ain tain ed a str on gh ol d in th eM ar k etin g an d M edia sector s, wh ich r eal l yh el ps in r each in g ou t to ou r cl ien ts, wh ichagain th en l eads to in cr eased sal es an dtu r n over. In a n u tsh el l , we cal l ou r sel vesBu sin ess Sol u tion s Special ists.- W hat m ak es you r ser vi ces d i ffer en t?Ou r face to face in ter action with cl ien tsgives u s an edge over ou r com petitor s. Ou rcl ien ts becom e fr ien ds an d col l eagu es an dn ot ju st cl ien ts. Ou r u n der stan din g of ou rcl ien ts?n eeds, as opposed to ou r n eeds al sogives u s an edge. W e don ?t tack l e ever ybu sin ess with th e sam e appr oach . W espen d a gr eat deal of ou r tim e an d pl an n in gcon sider in g com pan ies?goal s an dobjectives. Th is is al l ach ieved th r ou gh ou rstr on g n etwor k of par tn er s, associates an dem pl oyees wh o assist u s ever y step of th eway to m ak e su r e th at al l ou r cl ien ts?n eedsar e m et.- H ow d i d you get fu n d i n g/capi tal to I am considered a \"Cow boy\"instar t you r bu si n ess: business, but I am not a \"Cow boy\" w ithout a plan. When starting yourI am for tu n ate to com e fr om a ver y businessyou need t o t akeall of yoursu ccessfu l fam il y. Th er efor e, th e fu n din g ideasand unpack t hem ont o paper.for th e m ajor ity of m y pr ojects cam efr om Th e Sh aw Fam il y Tr u st.- W h y SSh aw H ol d i n gs ? i s t h er e an ysi gn i fi can ce to the n am e of yourcom pan y?No r eal stor y beh in d it. It?s sim pl y m y in itial s an d wh at we aim to ach ieve, wh ichis a h ol din g com pan y.- Ar e ther e an y other com pan i es or or gan i sati on s you ar e a par t of an dw hat i s your con tr i buti on ?Yes. Spen cer Sh aw Execu tive Con su l tan t (SSEC) ? Par tn er. Liqu or ish In c. ?Execu tive Con su l tan t.46 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

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48 Wealth Ladder Magazine Au gu st 2016

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