BISHOP JEROME SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE and DESIGN TRAINING INSTRUCTIONS JULY 2017 Batch 2014 - 2019 Instructions to the VII Sem B. Arch for students undergoing Practical Training in compliance to the syllabus requirements in subject Practical Training. 1. Each student of sixth semester Arch shall undergo a practical training during the seventh semester which shall be of six months duration. 2. Attendance shall be 100% during the training period, i.e., he/she shall complete total 130 working days of training in the semester excluding Sundays and holidays, etc. in the architect’s firm. 3. The trainee students are required to join for the training as per the following: From 1stJuly 2017 to 1stJan 2018. 4. The students shall report to the department for Internal Viva on practical training on 2ndJan 2018. 5. The joining report of individual trainee student must reach the department within 7 days of the commencement of the training. Students, whose joining report is not received within 15 days of joining, shall repeat their training during the next term as and when the next term is offered. 6. The students shall obtain their training strictly in the Architectural firms only and under no circumstances they shall be allowed to join the Builders / Contractors or any other organizations. 7. Before joining the Training the students shall obtain the necessary approval from the Department 8. The students shall complete his / her training in a single Architectural firm having minimum 5 years of professional experience. They shall not change their office once joined for the training. 9. The students during the training must work in accordance with the discipline of the organization. Any complaint regarding the indiscipline and irregularity shall be viewed seriously resulting in full repetition of training program. 10. The type of work a student should expose himself during training shall be To assist the senior Architect in preparation of drawings, drafting, Design process including conceptualization, evolution, presentation etc. Assist in preparation of working drawings including study of the materials, constructional details, services in buildings such as electrical, water supply, plumbing, mechanical, air conditioning and understanding application of the same on site. Preparation of permission drawings for Govt. authorities including thorough knowledge of local building by-laws etc, and area analysis considering by-laws. Preparation of Architectural models, computer applications in design and drafting, perspectives- rendering using high end software available in architect’s office, model making, etc Filing system in respect of documents, drawing, ammonia/CAD prints, and preparation of tender documents, Estimates ,meeting with clients Site visits etc, with due importance to the practical handling of materials, stacking etc and problems evolved on site and their solutions. Study of taking measurements and recording etc. In depth study of any new advanced typed of building material highlighting its applications, merits and demerits, cost factor etc. Critical appraisal of any one completed public building designed preferably in the office Preparation of Estimates, quantity survey 11. The students must collect the blueprints/CAD prints (Min A2 Size) of the works carried out by them only during the training and submit the same in the department, after the completion of the training, with the permission of the Chief consulting Architect of the firm. Each such blueprint shall carry the name of the trainee mentioning the amount of work carried out by him/her and duly attested by immediate boss and chief of training.
BISHOP JEROME SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE and DESIGN TRAINING INSTRUCTIONS JULY 2017 Batch 2014 - 2019 12. The trainee is required to make a logbook with daily notes about the work in the training place, and this should form the basis of the Monthly report. After the practical training the Log book will be evaluated. 13. The trainees shall regularly send the monthly report to the training coordinator before 10th of each month, duly signed by the Chief of their respective firms, in the format as given below and scan and send the same through email 14. Each scanned report shall be saved as pdf/jpg file titled as {Name of Office (Space) Training Monthly Report Roll no (space) Name of student (Space) Month} .The duly signed document shall be posted to the department before 15th of each month. 15. The trainee shall make sure that the training place/agreement on practical training abroad is approved by the Bishop Jerome School of Architecture 16. He /she must abide by the rules and regulations of the training place, its normal working hours, code of conduct and rules of confidentiality 17. The student should communicate with the School of Architecture about any issues with regard to overall conduct of the practical training 18. He/she shall write a final report and do his practical training according to the guidelines defined by the Bishop Jerome School of Architecture 19. The students shall collect the completion certificate of the training before leaving the organization. 20. The students during their training shall carryout the detailed study of an advanced type of building material or fixtures and submit the A4 report and samples along with their training report. This material studies and samples shall not be returned. 21. The students shall give a seminar (10 minutes duration only) on this topic after completion of the training in the college in power point presentation. The report shall contain the advantages on conventional materials, availability, sizes, texture/ pattern application, cost, storage system etc. 22. The Students should present and submit works done in the training office as PowerPoint presentation. The same has to be submitted in the form A3 bound volume. 23. The sheets in the A3 bound volume has to be duly signed by the chief of the office. 24. The student shall submit a critical appraisal of any completed public building of any project of the training Firm. Such report shall include the drawings of the project, details if any, concept, building and environmental setting, photographs, sketches, critical appraisal etc, which shall be submitted along with the training report during the internal Viva. 25. The students shall submit the detail report of the Architects’ complete Bio-data including office profile, i.e, all the projects done and executed by him, awards, competitions won, etc., preferably showing photographs, plans, sections, elevations, his concept with remarks etc 26. All the students who have worked in their shall submit a CD containing all the works done by them including the contents of item no 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 & 15 mentioned above, neatly labeled under various heads along with the original and hard copy documents of the mentioned items. 27. The student shall confirm that the confidential report is sent by the concerned Architect so as to reach to Head of the Department of Architecture on or before 10 days before the last date of training. 28. The University training manual attached should also be referred for further clarifications and had to be strictly followed. 29. The correspondences with the department regarding training should be through the email address – [email protected]
BISHOP JEROME SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE and DESIGN TRAINING INSTRUCTIONS JULY 2017 Batch 2014 - 2019 II PRACTICAL TRAINING Manual of Kerala University (VII Semester) (Immediately after the registration to the Seventh semester B. Arch degree course) A. Introduction 1. As per the B. Arch curriculum students shall undergo practical training of one semester immediately after the completion of the sixth semester B.Arch. examinations. 2. The training shall be under a registered architect with minimum of five years’ experience approved by the Dept. of Architecture, of the teaching institution. 3. The duration of practical training is one semester. Only those who have completed the practical training successfully as directed in this manual shall be permitted to register for the 8th semester B. Arch degree course. B. Selection of Firm for Practical Training. 4. Candidate shall select a registered architect with good experience and reputation in the field of Architectural practice for practical training and the same should be approved by the Dept. of Architecture of the teaching institution in advance before the commencement of the VI semester university examination. 5. The trainer should have valid registration with the council of Architecture and have a minimum of five years’ experience in the practicing field. He should not be a faculty of the Dept. of Architecture of the teaching Institution or their immediate relatives or an architect employed in the Public sector. 6. Students can also select internationally recognized Architects practicing outside India, with the approval of the Dept. of Architecture of the teaching Institution. C. Type of works to be carried out during training period 7. The students are expected to get exposure in the following aspects: I. Site visit and Site Supervision. II. Preparation of drawing for getting building permissions, working drawings, service drawings etc. III. Preparation of estimates, specifications, contract documents, and tender documents. IV. Discussion with clients and other consultants. D. Monthly work report 8. The students are required to send copies of the monthly report of the work done to the Dept. of Architecture, of the teaching institution, immediately after the completion of each month. 9. The report shall be duly signed by the Trainer Architect or an authorized officer supervising the work in the prescribed format. E. Documents to be submitted after the completion of training 10. The students are required to submit to the Department of Architecture of the teaching institution a report including the details of their work illustrated with sketches, prints and other documents connected with the projects on which he/she has worked both in office and at site, a work diary, original of monthly report, a certificate regarding their conduct and performance of work done during the training period and regarding the successful completion of one semester under the approved Architect /Firm in the absence of which the students will not be permitted to appear for the Jury. F. Evaluation of practical training 11. A two member jury from the faculty of Dept. of Architecture appointed by the Head of the Department of the teaching institution shall evaluate the qualitative achievement of the trainee during practical training period. Head of the Department of the institution shall publish the Jury marks on the next working day after the completion of the jury. Candidates who could not get at least 50% marks have to reappear for the Jury with in a time stipulated by the Department. However he can continue the higher semesters
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