ReviewNEWSLETTER OF APPLETON GROUPNews Bites What’s Inside?EMERSON Electric, 120 in Fortune Magazine’s News BitesTop 500 Companies Appleton Blog................... 1 Socials Committee........... 2 Beware the Mid-Career Slump............ 3 Positive Attiitude............... 4 English Attack................... 5 Outlook Hints..................... 7 Vacation, Break, Etc.......................... 8 Resources......................... 9Earthquake Awareness |Be Prepared Metro ManilaRecently, the Philippine Instituteof Volcanology and Seismology(PHILVOLCS) conducted a studyand identified villages affected bythe West Valley Fault and East ValleyFault in Metro Manila.Being the most populated urban area Appleton Blog | Voice of the Customerin the country, our government hasreinforced its progam on earthquake Little details can make a big difference. Our customers notice the details,awareness thru “Be Prepared Metro and we depend on them to let us know how to make products work betterManila.” It is a website that lets you for their needs. Click the image ABOVE for more information.know what to do before, during andafter an earthquake. For more details,please
Socials Committee We Promote Work-Fun EnvironmentHalloween Rewards & Summer Christmas Feel Good Townhall Birthday Graphics Recognition Outing Party Friday An Invitation | Come and Join us! Members:Have you ever thought of having fun at work? Your job can be stressful and it’s Albert, Aissa, Bobby, Ed,important to allow yourself to be a part of a happy organization. oCIffGJOwoaMuoyirar,kjnioJsaeu,tnhrfdnefGe,ffyuuJ.nlloOcariaisuuznrmaasn.,eCeaso,IamwwrLioestarh,bkweepSlaJraOaecpesnaCrois-tcne,,It’s time to integrate work and fun! our pLlaeyogrnouanrdd., Steven, Mica.The Socials Committee (SOCCOM) aims to promote a happy workplace. hfIcrfoaIoeymfveroeyimtufaooniyuwftesoyteaeeuwnnsleuadtfhirgnmtaegaotveenaetjstgootoaeeiinomsnsbyneaeaonbsisuldouporvgbraaetgrynqeteoaucseormtel-iifsmoctokniSaoriO/innqligfsCutoyeftCe:oshetuOeiloMn, EgsmanEiglasmrrpa@[email protected] have different sub-committees ready to set your work attitude to the next level. If work and fun is a seesaw, theEvery motion starts at rest; SOCCOM would be its fulcrum!everyplantcomesfromaseed.We are planting seeds ofvirtues and development.Our Vision is committed tocontinuous development,innovation and leadership. Currently, we have the following sub-committees:Feel Good Friday, Summer Outing, Chiristmas Party,RRP, Halloween, Town Hall,Graphics and Birthday Committee JULY 2015 | Issue No. 20
Beware : Mid-Career Slump | SIGNSBouncing Back From a Career Plateau [ ]Do I want to continue or start something new? mastery of current work competition for promotion and lesser [ ]Unhappy support from peers Discontented family commitments, pressured to healthy work/life balance, deeper meaning of work, driving purpose minimal support of management; feeling abandoned and doubtful RETIREMENT[ Unfulfilled]START HERE [ ]Less productive and efficient [ ]Look for excuses to take a day off [ ]Stressed, burned out, depressedFind a mentor or Define your happiness. coach. Find meaning in your current role.How to Beat Develop good Volunteer for a project that will the Slump relationships. require new skills. Ask a coach/mentor who can Set meaningful help with your career moving goals. forward. Make a list of things you enjoyChange role within Add challenge. doing at work and a list of youryour organization. strengths/abilities. Use these in other tasks and projects. JULY 2015 | Issue No. 20
Be a { Choose YourWhatever It Atitude in Advance.}Takes It is a proactive choicePerson you make in advance. }Visualize { Embrace Change: Expect it, Accept it Success {Demonstrate Humor }Be Grateful For Energy Enthusiasm What You Have { Resist Negative Influence Telephone Doctor | Positive AttitudeReview JUNE 2015 | Issue No. 20
gEn lish Attack! IT’S EASY IF YOU TRYCollocation | Combination ofwords commonly used togetherIn corpus linguistics, a collocation is a sequence of words or terms that co-occur more often than would be expected by chance.It is a combination of words commonly used together.What’s in it for me? 01Enhanced style of writing 02 Better pronunciation and improved thought processing Native speakers read, talk and listen to quick-paced Producing speech from individual words often results in conversation because they have a vast repertoire of chunks of bad stress and intonation because the speaker cannot utter language in storage, ready to be produced and recognized. correct chunks of language. On the other hand, fixed expressions provide the students Do an analysis perform an analysis or with the stress pattern of the phrase as a whole, allowing Good analysis carry out an analysis for a better pronunciation. detailed analysis or This is a good book thorough analysis or Come + } to terms with and contains a lot in-depth analysis } to a stand still of interesting details. This is a fascinating book to an argument and contains a wealth of to a decision historical details. to an end on time close in last Type of Collocation Go + out of business abroad verbs + nouns astray adverbs + adjectives crazy verbs + expressions with preposition bad verbs + adverbsReview JULY 2015 | Issue No. 20
gEn lish Attack! IT’S EASY IF YOU TRY“Students cannot really learn “Increasing the learners’ collocational competence is the way toa new word unless they learnhow to use collocation.” improve their language as a whole. The reason so many students are not making any perceived progressCollocations should be given the same is simply because they have not been trained to notice which wordsemphasis in class as individual words. go with which.That is why teachers should teach new They may know quite a lot of individual words which they strugglewords along with their most common to use, along with their grammatical knowledge, but they lack thecollocates. ability to use those words in a range of collocations which pack more meaning into what they say or write. “ -Morgan LewisDifference Between |Alternately Vs. Alternatively ALTERNATELY ALTERNATIVELY adverb adverb in turn; one after the other on the other hand; one or the otherswitching between two alternatives doing something different Ex. We alternately spun the Ex. You can choose a large bookcase or, alternatively, you can wheel in the game. buy two small ones.MINI QUIZ : Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.1. A______, if you would like to purchase a hard copy of the manual, please use the link below.2. A______, expanded metal or hexagonal mesh can be attached with staples to give a non-slip surface.3. A______, ridiculed and exalted, the ambivalent response to the great castrato singers fixed the pattern for all high male singers to come.4. For example, the Appalachian coal deposits formed about 300 milliion years ago in a low-lying basin that was a _______ flooded and drained. yletanretla,yletanretla,ylevitanretla ,ylevitanretla :rewsna JULY 2015 | Issue No. 20
Outlook Hints that could Hints improve your productivity using Microsoft Outlook.WRITE A GREAT Public Holiday on yourE-MAIL Outlook CalendarBest Outlook Practices If you dont want to miss public To enable simply go to,Part 1. (The Do’s) holidays, Microsoft Outlook can auto-1. Read your message before you send matically add them to your calendar. Toolsit. Option2. Make your subject descriptive and It has nearly 100 different locations Calendar Optionaction oriented. to choose from (i.e. Canada, U.S. and Add Holidays and choose the3. If action is required, state what you Philippines). country/countries that you arewant on the Subject Line. You will never forget that Aug 8 is working with.4. Change the subject of the message if (Phil) National Heroes Day and Novthe topic of coversation changes. 26 is this year’s United States Thanks-5. Keep all messages short and to the giving day.point.6. Organize the content of yourmessage from the most important tothe least.7. Consider bolding importantinformation.8. Use high importance ( ! ) sparingly.*Marking a message with HighImportance will cause a message to besent immediately .
July 17 | Eidul Fitr Eidul Fitr is a day of feasting July 4 | United States and is celebrated by Muslims to Independence Day congratulate themselves for fasting the month of Ramadan. It is celebrated on the first of Shawwal (10th month of the lunar Islamic calendar). This Eid is a reward to the Muslims who spent the month of Ramadan fasting and in worship. Like Eidul Adha, thisEid begins early in the morning with a prayer held in a large, open area. Did you Know? Before the Eid prayer, Muslims are Independence Day commemoratesobligated to pay Zakat-al-Fitr, a charity the signing of the Declaration ofthat goes to poorer families who cannot Independence on July 4,. 1776. otherwise engage in the festivities.Vacations, Americans take this day to celebrate all that is American, remembering the great sacrifices of their forefathers as they fought and won their independence from GreatBreaks, Etc. Britain. The holiday is also referred to as 4th of July, named after the date it is celebrated each year.July 1 | Canada Day Canada Day commemorates the Did you know? formation of the British North Three of the first five presidents died on the Fourth of July.American Union on July 1, 1867. Two of them, John Adams and Four provinces, Nova Scotia, Thomas Jefferson, died on the same Ontario, Quebec, and day in 1826, which possibly damp- ened the celebrations somewhat. New Brunswick became a self- James Monroe, the fifth president, governing body under Great died five years later in 1831. Britain’s dominion. Did you Know? Canada day was originally named Dominion Day, the name was changed in 1983. JULY 2015 | Issue No. 20
JULY 2015 RFor suggestions, comments andcontributions, click here.Resources
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