OCTOBER 2021 NO.54 GEORGIA (470) 596-0339 [email protected] @maahnameh ﻣﻦ ﻧﻤﻰ داﻧﻢ ﮐﻪ ﭼﺮا ﻣﻰ ﮔﻮﯾﻨﺪ :اﺳﺐ ﺣﯿﻮان ﻧﺠﯿﺒﻰ اﺳﺖ ﮐﺒﻮﺗﺮزﯾﺒﺎﺳﺖ و ﭼﺮا در ﻗﻔﺲ ﻫﯿﭽﮑﺴﻰ ﮐﺮﮐﺲ ﻧﯿﺴﺖ ﮔﻞ ﺷﺒﺪر ﭼﻪ ﮐﻢ از ﻻﻟﻪ ﻗﺮﻣﺰ دارد ﭼﺸﻢ ﻫﺎ را ﺑﺎﯾﺪ ﺷﺴﺖ ،ﺟﻮر دﯾﮕﺮ ﺑﺎﯾﺪ دﯾﺪ واژه ﻫﺎ را ﺑﺎﯾﺪ ﺷﺴﺖ... ۴٠IRANNO.54 OCTOBER 2021
Persian Basket Market Kitchen Bar PersianBasket complex coming to Alpharetta with the goal of enriching your exotic cuisine experience. 770- 674- 2779 2100 Ray Moss connector Johns Creek GA 30022 please visit our website persianbasketatl.com Reservation is highly recommended.
What’s the Real History of Halloween and Why Do We Celebrate It on October 31? · The history of Halloween goes all the way back to a pagan You already know that Halloween takes place on the last day fes val called Samhain. of October, but here’s something you might not know: The · The word “Halloween” comes from All Hallows’ Eve and word itself literally means “hallowed evening” and was pre- means “hallowed evening.” viously known to early European celebrators as All Hallows’ · Hundreds of years ago, people dressed up as saints and Eve. All Hallows’ Eve (October 31) and All Saints’ Day (Novem- went door-to-door, which is the origin of Halloween cos- ber 1) both paid homage to saints (“hallows” = saints). The tumes and trick-or-trea ng. name was eventually shortened to “Halloween,” which we At long last, Halloween has finally arrived! From brainstorm- know and love to this day. ing spooky costumes to trying out pumpkin carving ideas The pagan and Chris an occasions hadn’t always been back- with our kids, ea ng unfathomable amounts of Halloween to-back, though. Up un l the 7th century CE, All Hallow’s Eve treats, candy, and chocolate, and indulging in everything fell actually on May 13. Perhaps in an a empt to offset the pumpkin-spice-flavored, there’s so much to an cipate during occasion with a religious celebra on, Pope Boniface IV ul - this enjoyable October holiday. mately made the call to change the observance to its current No ma er how old you are or how many mes you’ve been November 1 date. around the block, the holiday simply never gets old. The li lest ones get a chance to dress up and go trick-or-trea ng, and par- Why Do We Celebrate Halloween on October 31? ents have an excuse to sip on a boo-zy Halloween cocktail. Halloween falls on October 31 because the ancient Gaelic But in the midst of the Halloween party games and sugar fes val of Samhain considered the earliest known root of rushes, have you ever wondered about the origin and history Halloween, occurred on this day. It marked a pivotal me of of Halloween? year when seasons changed, but more importantly, observ- Here, we’re sharing Halloween’s origin and meaning in the ers also believed the boundary between this world and the hopes that it’ll make your celebra ons even more enjoyable. next became especially thin at this me, enabling them to A er all, this old-fashioned holiday actually dates back many, connect with the dead. This belief is shared by some other many years. It’s a lot older than you might think! And as for cultures; a similar idea is men oned around the Jewish holi- the witches and wizards that you’ve come to associate with day of Yom Kippur, which also typically occurs in October and it? They’re part of the story, too. Here’s the true tale of how involves saying prayers for the dead. This is also where Hal- Halloween officially came to be. loween gains its “haunted” connota ons. ٣٧ Georgia NO.54 2021 OCTOBER
History of Halloween Costumes and Trick-or-Trea ng pe vely bobbed for apples at par es, believing the winner Many people were said to dress up as saints and recite songs would marry first. And in a ritual that just sounds downright or verses door to door. Children would also go door to door creepy, some thought standing in a dark room with a candle asking for “soul cakes,” a treat similar to biscuits. Technical in front of a mirror would make their future husband’s face note: Soul cakes originated as part of the All Souls’ Day holi- appear in the glass. day on November 2 (yep, a third holiday!), but eventually be- came a part of Halloween night as the concept evolved into How Halloween Is Celebrated Today trick-or-trea ng. The candy-grabbing concept also became Halloween obviously remains a popular holiday in Amer- mainstream in the U.S. in the early to mid-1900s, during ica today, but it actually almost didn’t make it across the which families would provide treats to children in hopes that Atlan c. The Puritans were disapproving of the holiday’s they would be immune to any holiday pranks. pagan roots, so they didn’t take part in the celebra ons. As for the costumes, they evolved, too. While they began as But once Irish and Sco sh immigrants began to arrive earnest tributes to saints, that tradi on likely fell out of favor in America in greater numbers, the holiday made its way at some point…un l young Sco sh and Irish pranksters got back into the zeitgeist. The very first American colonial the idea to dress up in scary-looking garb again as a way to Halloween celebra ons featured large public par es to spook unsuspec ng neighbors. And just like that, thanks to commemorate the upcoming harvest, tell ghost stories, these local hooligans, Halloween costumes became scary, sing, and dance. spooky, funny, and crea ve all at the same me. It’s es mated that by the early 20th century, Halloween was celebrated across North America by the majority of (can- Finding Love dy-loving, costume-wearing) people. And this year, once In the 1700s and 1800s, women performed rituals on Hallow- again, we’ll all be enjoying our favorite candy and admiring een in hopes of finding a husband. Single ladies would throw our neighbors’ decora ons on October 31—and the only apple peels over their shoulder, hoping to see their future spooky spirits we’ll be talking about are the witch and ghost husband’s ini als take shape when they fell. They also com- costumes our friends are wearing. ٣۶IRANNO.54 OCTOBER 2021
History/Events Did you know? Columbus Day in 2021 (Oct 11) It is now generally accepted that Columbus was not the earliest European explorer to reach the Americas and that History of Columbus Day Viking sailors had ventured as far as Newfoundland around 1000 AD. Columbus’ voyages across the Atlan c Ocean ini ated the While there had been celebra ons in 1792 to mark the 300th European explora on and coloniza on of the Americas. anniversary, Columbus Day was first officially proclaimed by While the first voyage in 1492 was immensely significant, President Benjamin Harrison in 1892, to mark the 400th an- Columbus did not actually reach the American mainland niversary of Columbus’ landing in the Bahamas. un l his third voyage in 1498. Instead, while trying to find With a large Italian immigrant popula on at the me, a sea route to India, he made landfall on an island in the Colorado was the first US state to make Columbus Day Bahamas that he named San Salvador. an official holiday. Franklin Roosevelt established the first federal observance of Columbus Day in 1937. Since 1971, the holiday has been celebrated on the second Monday in October. How is Columbus Day celebrated? The largest celebra on of Columbus Day is in New York City, which hosts a huge parade. Communi es with large Italian American popula ons may hold special Columbus Day fes vi es. Three facts about Columbus Day Columbus almost never made it to America. He had a difficult me drumming up financial support for his first voyage and spent nearly a decade pitching his plan to monarchs in Portugal, England, and France before he got the financing in 1492 from Ferdinand and Isabela of Spain. Columbus’ four voyages between 1492 and 1502 across the Atlan c Ocean from Spain brought him to the Caribbean Islands, South America, and Central America. He never set foot in North America. Nobody is sure where Columbus is buried as he was re- buried many mes in different places around the world. ٣۵ Georgia NO.54 2021 آ︫︍︤ی OCTOBER
Health Vegetarian Diets The vegetarian diet involves abstaining from ea ng meat, fish and poultry. People o en adopt a vegetarian diet for religious or personal reasons, as well as ethical issues, such as animal rights. Others decide to become vegetarian for environmental reasons, as livestock produc on increases greenhouse gas emissions, contributes to climate change and requires large amounts of water, energy and natural resources. There are several forms of vegetarianism, each of which differs in their restric ons. The most common types include: Lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet: Eliminates meat, fish and poultry but allows eggs and dairy products. Lacto-vegetarian diet: Eliminates meat, fish, poultry and eggs but allows dairy products. Ovo-vegetarian diet: Eliminates meat, fish, poultry and dairy products but allows eggs. Pescetarian diet: Eliminates meat and poultry but allows fish and some mes eggs and dairy products. Vegan diet: Eliminates meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products, as well as other animal-derived products, such as honey. Flexitarian diet: A mostly vegetarian diet that incorporates occasional meat, fish or poultry. The benefits of a vegetarian diet: Reduce the risk of major killers such as heart disease, stroke and cancer while cu ng exposure to foodborne pathogens. Provide a viable answer to feeding the world’s hungry through more efficient use of grains and other crops. Save animals from suffering in factory-farm condi ons and from the pain and terror of slaughter. Conserve vital but limited freshwater, fer le topsoil and other precious resources. Preserve irreplaceable ecosystems such as rainforests and other wildlife habitats. Decrease greenhouse gases that are accelera ng global warming. Mi gate the ever-expanding environmental pollu on of animal agriculture. ٣۴IRANNO.54 OCTOBER 2021
Internet 6 Ways to Protect Your Personal Informa on Online It’s hard to go a few days of scanning the news without hearing about a significant data breach, poten ally exposing millions of customers’ personal data to criminals. Here are a few ps to ensure your personal informa on doesn’t end up in the wrong hands. ٣٣ Georgia NO.54 2021 OCTOBER
1.Create strong passwords 4.Watch out for links and a achments When crea ng a password, think beyond words or Cybercriminals are sneaky, and will o en compose their numbers that a cybercriminal could easily figure out, like your birthday. Choose combina ons of lower and phishing scams to look like legi mate communica ons upper-case le ers, numbers, and symbols and change them priodically. It’s also be er to create a unique pass- fromabank,u litycompany,orothercorporateen ty.Cer- word instead of using the same password across mul ple sites—a password manager tool can help you keep track. tain things like spelling errors or a different email address than the typical sender can be a clue that the email is spam. 2.Don’t overshare on social media 5.Check to see if the site is secure We all have that one friend who posts too many in mate Before entering personal informa on into a website, details of their life online. Not only can this be annoy- take a look at the top of your browser. If there is a lock ing, but it can also put your personal informa on at risk. symbol and the URL begins with “h ps,” that means Check your privacy se ngs so you are aware of who’s the site is secure. There are a few other ways to deter- seeing your posts, and be cau ous when pos ng your mine if the site is trustworthy, such as a website privacy loca on, hometown, birthday, or other personal details. policy, contact informa on, or a “verified secure” seal. 3.Use free Wi-Fi with cau on 6.Consider addi onal protec on A li le online shopping never hurt anyone…or did it? Install an -virus so ware, an -spyware so ware, and a Most free public Wi-Fi networks have very few security measures in place, which means others using the same firewall. For addi onal protec on, you may want to con- network could easily access your ac vity. It would help if you waited un l you’re at home or on a secure, pass- sider cyber insurance, which can keep you and your fam- word-protected network before whipping out that credit card. ily safe if you fall vic m to a cybera ack. ٣٢IRANNO.54 OCTOBER 2021
Fun facts There are more ways to arrange a deck of cards than there are atoms on Earth! Have you ever played cards? Even if you haven’t, you must by 67 zeros. To know that there are 52 cards in a deck of cards. put that in per- Think of your last card game, whatever it was. Would you spec ve, even if some- believe every me you gave the whole deck a proper shuf- one could rearrange a deck fle, you were holding a sequence of cards that had never of cards every second of the before existed in all of history? Consider how many card universe’s total existence, the universe games must have taken place across the world since the would end before they would get even one billionth beginning of humankind. No one has or likely ever will of the way to finding a repeat. hold the exact same arrangement of 52 cards as you did So here is the fact: Every me you shuffle a deck of cards, during that game. chances are that you have put them in an order that has It seems unbelievable, but the total number of combi- never been seen in the history of the universe. na ons is a factorial of 52, or 52!, which translates to 8.06e+67 ways to sort a deck of cards. That’s an 8 followed Say that there exists 10 Billion people on every planet, 1 Billion planets in every solar system, 200 Billion solar systems in every galaxy, and 500 Billion galaxies in the universe. If every single person on every planet has been shuffling decks of cards com- pletely at random at 1 Million shuffles per second since the BEGINNING OF TIME, every possible deck combina on would s ll yet to have been “shuffled”. So the next me it’s your turn to shuffle, take a moment to remember that you’re holding something that may have never before existed and may never exist again. ٣١ Georgia NO.54 2021 OCTOBER
Beauty Can Amla Oil Make Your Hair Grow Faster? Amla fruit, also called the Indian gooseberry and emblic with water. myrobalan, comes from the Amalaki tree na ve to India. When you purchase Amla oil, pay a en on to the concen- You can find Amla in the form of an oil or as the main in- tra on and follow the instruc ons on the package. gredient in hair products at health food and beauty stores. Those who follow Ayurvedic medicine, or Ayurveda, be- What to know before using Amla oil on lieve all parts of the tree have medicinal proper es. Amla your hair fruit contains a lot of vitamin C, minerals, and an oxidants. Followers of Ayurvedic medicine say the fruit is excellent The good thing about Amla oil is that there is li le risk for boos ng hair health and increasing hair growth. of using too much. In fact, scien sts haven’t found Amla oil to cause any significant side effects when it’s How can Amla oil benefits hair? applied on the scalp as a hair health and growth aid. Some research suggests there is scien fic backing to such For use on your hair, buy it in oil form from claims. Based on several small studies, Amla appears to a health food or beauty effec vely keep hair parasites away, improve hair appear- store. You might also ance, and increase hair growth. be able to find it In India, researchers tested four types of hair products, in- already mixed into cluding Amla oil. They found that Amla oil was the most hair products. Fol- toxic to hair parasites, and thus the most effec ve at keep- low the instruc ons ing hair parasite-free. provided for best In another Indian study, researchers looked at the ability results. of Amla and other herbal hair oils to improve hair health and boost growth in rabbits and rats. They placed Amla oil patches in various concentra ons on the animals’ fur and monitored fur growth for 15 days. They found Amla oil to cause “significant” and rela vely rapid fur growth, and made fur healthier. How do you use Amla oil on your hair? Amla oil comes in different concentra ons. Less concentrated oils come mixed with more wa- ter, and that means they’re less strong. That isn’t always a bad thing. Re- searchers have found the ideal concentra on of Amla oil to be a 7.5 percent solu on ٣٠IRANNO.54 OCTOBER 2021
Events Interna onal Coffee Day (Oct 01) Whether you favor espresso, americanos, la es or cap- er. This is something that has been noted in a study that puccinos; iced, decaf, instant or filter – Coffee Day is the was published by Havard. day to savor and appreciate your beverage, and maybe even pick one up for free at certain chains in the USA. History of Interna onal Coffee Day We all know that coffee tastes amazing. Plus, many of us are aware of the fact that it can give us a much-needed Coffee Day also marks the long history of the drink: the energy boost. A er all, this is why we tend to have a cup proper es of coffee beans are thought to have first been of coffee first thing in the morning, right? However, did discovered in Ethiopia. The beans are actually the pits you know that the benefits of coffee extend a lot further found in the coffee berry or cherry. The story goes that a than this? 9th-century goat herder no ced their s mula ng effects Coffee can help burn fat, as it can increase your met- on his goats and began experimen ng. abolic rate by as much as 11 percent. Coffee also con- Coffee drinking was originally popularized in the Arab tains a number of essen al nutrients, including niacin, world from around the 15th century spreading across magnesium (vitamin B3), potassium, manganese, pan- Asia then to Italy and across Europe and to the Americas tothenic acid (vitamin B5), and riboflavin (vitamin B2). – and finally to your coffee cup. Coffee has also been shown to enhance physical perfor- Today, coffee is one of the world’s biggest crops so buying mance dras cally! ethically grown coffee is all the more important – be sure If that was not enough, coffee is the greatest an oxidant to be selec ve in buying your cup of coffee and support- source in the Western Diet. Coffee can also help you live ing ethical trade. longer according to a number of different studies, as well So when you drink your cup of coffee today, inhale its as helping to fight depression and making you feel happi- aroma, taste it’s dark and full-bodied flavor, think about its story – but most of all enjoy. ٢٩ Georgia NO.54 2021 OCTOBER
Tourism 20 seriously weird places around the world (part 1) 1. Spo ed Lake, Bri sh Columbia, Canada Spo ed Lake has long been revered by the na ve Okanagan (Syilx) people, and it’s easy to see why they think of it as sacred. In the summer, the water of the lake evaporates, and small mineral pools are le be- hind, each one different in color from the next. The unique lake can be viewed on Highway 3, northwest of the small town of Osoyoos, although visitors are asked not to trespass on tribal land. 2. The Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland Sixty million years ago, a huge volcanic erup on spewed out a mass of molten basalt, which then so- lidified and contracted as it cooled, crea ng the cracks that can be seen today. There are an es mated 37,000 polygon columns at this World Heritage Site, so geo- metrically perfect that local legend has it they were created by a giant. It’s a firm contender for one of the weirdest places on earth. 3. Thor’s Well, Oregon, USA In rough condi ons at Thor’s Well in Oregon, also known as Spou ng Horn, the surf rushes into the gap- ing sinkhole and then shoots upwards with great force. It can be viewed by taking the Captain Cook Trail from the Cape Perpetua Scenic Area visitor center – but for your own safety, stay well back, especially at high de or during winter storms. 4. Pamukkale, Turkey A remarkable UNESCO World Heritage Site in south- west Turkey, a visit to Pamukkale (Co on Palace) also takes in the ancient ruins of Hierapolis, the once great city that was built around it. Water cascades from nat- ural springs and down the white traver ne terraces and forms stunning thermal pools perfect for a quick dip. We recommend joining a small group tour to have a guide with you. You may have never heard of Pamuk- kale in Turkey un l now, and you may have never known about these facts about Turkey either. ٢٨IRANNO.54 OCTOBER 2021
Plants How to Grow Pineapples as Houseplants Step 2: Slice Off Pineapple Crown Using a sharp knife, slice off the top of the pineapple fairly close to the crown. Carefully cut away the rind and remaining fruit — it’s im- portant to remove any fruit flesh that will rot later. Then, make very thin slices in the stalk, un l you see a ring of brownish dots. These are the “root primordia,” the un- formed roots that you’re about to grow. Step 3: Remove Leaves from Stalk Pull off some of the lower leaves on the pineapple stalk, exposing about an inch of bare stalk. Step 4: Allow Stalk to Dry Set the pineapple crown aside for a few days to allow the wound to dry. Pineapples are suscep ble to rot, so it’s im- portant to dry out the cut end before plan ng. If you’ve ever wondered how to grow a pineapple, Step 5: Plant Pineapple Stalk here’s a p: start with them as houseplants. It’ll take some me, but if you’re pa ent, you’ll eventually Fill a 6- to 8-inch flower pot (clay is best, have a taste of the tropics in your living room! but any pot will do) with a light, fast-draining mixture — such as cactus Step 1: Buy Fresh Pineapple po ng mix — or a mixture of peat, sand and perlite. The next me you buy a fresh pineapple to eat, choose one If you like, you can dip the end in root- that’s evenly ripe, with a nice healthy set of green leaves at ing hormone before plan ng. Plant the top. Avoid ones that are overripe or that have dead or the pineapple crown about an inch sick-looking leaves. deep, gently firming the soil around it. Water the pineapple stalk very lightly, just enough to moisten the soil. ٢٧ Georgia NO.54 2021 OCTOBER
R eal Estate Age nt
Sudoku ︩﹫︎ ︫﹝︀ره﹢﹋دو﹢︨ ﹏ ︗︡ول z]s§Z´¿ Negar Farahbakhsh ÕZÅļÌ]Á| Ö¿Z³Z]Á¼,µÀ»,¶Ì^»ÂeY \\ZÀ»d¼Ì«Z]YļÌ]¾ËfÆ] |ÌÅYÂz]Z»Y½Z»¾Ëf¼¯{ [email protected] Tell:470-219-5400 Fax: 470-419-8491 ٢۵ Georgia NO.54 2021 OCTOBER
orth Fu lton Pharma cy N North Fulton Pharmacy Ö¿YËYÄ¿ZyÁY{ Ze¨·Y \\¸« { Õ|//À°Y ®ËZ» Á ÔÌ· f¯{ Ĭ]Z µZ 30 Y Ì] Z] fƄīĹžī ĺĿfģĺĿ űfÁƃdĹ Ūƃžİģ fĝ fŷ ŶŰąĝ ŶąŬü fĝ ĵdĵĹdĺţ ŝĺŏ Z/ÅÁY{ |/À¿YÂeÖ» |/¿Y|¿ Ä/¼Ì] Ä/¯ Ö¿ZËf/» ,°//Z¯ ÕZÅÃZ´//Á§ Y //f¿YY Ö//fu Y Ä//ÌÆe Õ|//¬¿ cÂ// Ä//] [Ô¯¼// Á cZ//¼·YÁ |//ÀËZ¼¿ Tell: 770 751 7575 501 S, Main St (Alpharetta HWy) Alpharetta GA 30009
﹩﹝︾︢ای رژ ︀﹛ ﹇︤ل آ﹩﹨︀﹞ ︀﹠︺﹡ و﹢﹝﹫﹛ ︋︀ ﹛︀﹤ ی ﹤﹐ ١ س دار﹢︊︨ ️︧︑ ﹡︀ن (︣﹀﹡۴)﹤﹫﹛اد او﹢﹞ ﹤︊ ۶ (︨️ ﹋﹠︡ه﹢︎) ︣﹫︨ ︻︡د١ (﹉﹢﹋ ) ︑︣ش﹢﹝﹫﹛ ق چ١ (﹉︪︠ ق چ ﹡︺﹠︀ی٢/١ ︀﹡︺﹠︀ )﹡︺﹠︀ی ︠︣د ︫︡ه ︑︀زه ق چ١ ︤﹞︣﹇ ﹏﹀﹚﹁ ق غ٢ ن﹢︐ ز﹟︾رو ﹎︣م۴۵٠ ا︨﹀﹠︀ج ﹎︣م۵۵٠ ﹐ ﹇︤ل آ﹩﹨︀﹞ ﹤﹚﹫﹁ ق چ٢/١ ﹁﹚﹀﹏ ︨﹫︀ه ق چ۴/٣ ﹉﹝﹡ ƞµµšƢŢŖƅƂǘƋƂǗƂƅǞǘŢƅƞšƢƛí¡ƢƅƂLjƸǓ ﹤﹫︑ ︵︣ز COVERAGE FOR THE THINGS YOU CARE FOR در︗﹤ ﹁︀ر﹡︀️ ﹎︣م۴۵٠ ا︋︐︡ا ﹁︣ را ︑︀ د﹞︀ی﹐ ﹇︤ل آ﹩﹨︀﹞ ️︎ ️︗ ﹟﹋ ط﹢﹚﹞ ﹏︠ و آن را دا،︡﹫﹠﹊︋ ﹩﹛﹑︠ ﹏﹊︫ ﹤︋ را﹢﹝﹫﹛ ️︨﹢︎ ،︡﹫﹠﹋ ªËZ« d¸°ÌÂe» cZneÁZ¯Á\\¯ ¼Ä¼Ì] ½Z¼eZaMÁµÀ» Á{Ây .︡ را ︋﹤ ︀ر ﹇︴︺﹤ ︑﹆︧﹫﹜ ﹋﹠﹫︡ و ﹋﹠︀ر ︋﹍︢ار﹢﹝﹫﹛ ،︡﹫﹨﹇︣ار د Automobile insurance ری ﹡﹝﹉ و ﹉ ︀رم﹢︠ ﹉ ︀رم ﹇︀︫﹅ ︀ی﹐روی ﹁﹫﹚﹤ ی ﹇︤ل آ Business insurance Home insurance .︡﹫︫︀︍︋ ری ﹁﹚﹀﹏ ︨﹫︀ه﹢︠ ﹇︀︫﹅ ︀ی ︣﹫︨ ﹩﹇︀︋ .︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹤﹁︀︲ ا﹟﹋ ط﹢﹚﹞ ﹤︋ ﹉ ︊﹤ ︨﹫︣ را در︫️ ︠︣د ﹋﹠﹫︡ و SHAHLA MCIVER .︡﹨︀ را ر︤ ︠︣د ﹋﹠﹫︡ و ﹋﹠︀ر ︋﹍︢ار ÁÕ M®»ÔÆ ﹉ ،︀﹠︺﹡ ︋﹤ ﹨﹝︣اه آن،︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹤﹁︀︲ ا﹟﹋ ط﹢﹚﹞ ﹤︋ ﹡︀ن را ︑﹊︐﹤ ︑﹊﹤ ﹋﹠﹫︡ و ﹏﹀﹚﹁ ری﹢︠ ری ﹡﹝﹉ و ﹉ ︀ر ﹇︀︫﹅ ︀ی﹢︠ ︀رم ﹇︀︫﹅ ︀ی Your Local Agent [email protected] .︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹤﹁︀︲︨﹫︀ه را ﹡﹫︤ ا https://agents.farmers.com/smciver ﹉ ﹇︀︫﹅ ︀ی.︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹏﹆︐﹠﹞ ﹤︨︀﹋ ﹉ط ﹋﹠﹫︡ و ︨︍︦ ︋﹤ ﹢﹚﹞ اد را﹢﹞ دو ﹇︀︫﹅ ︀ی. ︋﹤ ︑︣﹋﹫︉ ا︲︀﹁﹤ ﹋﹠﹫︡ و ﹋﹠︀ر ︋﹍︢ار︡ش﹟︾ری رو﹢︠ Call 770.545.8740 today! ص ﹁︣ روی﹢︭﹞ ︑︀︋﹤ ﹡︙︧︉ و﹩﹨︀﹞ ﹉ن را در ﹢︐ ز﹟︾ری رو﹢︠ For Home, Auto, Life and Business .︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹎︣م﹐︀︋ ﹤︋ ︨︳ رو﹢︐﹞ ︣ارت .︡﹫﹡︀︋ا﹢︋ ﹤︋︀︑ ﹩﹨︀﹞ ︋︀︫︡ در﹐︀︋ ﹤︋ ︨︐︩ رو﹢︎ ﹤﹋ ﹩︑ر﹢︮ ﹤︋ را﹐﹇︤ل آ Restrictions apply.Discounts may vary.Not available in all states.See yor agent for details.Insurance is underwritten by Farmers Insurance ﹟﹋ ط﹢﹚﹞ ︀︋ ﹤﹋ ﹩︊﹫﹋︣︑ ،︡﹫﹡ را ︋︣﹎︣دا﹩﹨︀﹞ ︣﹫﹍﹀﹋ ︀︋ ،︡ د﹇﹫﹆﹤ ︋︍︤٣ ([FKDQJHDQGRWKHUDʠOLDWHGLQVXUDQFHFRPSDQLHV9LVLWIDUPHUVFRPIRUDFRPSOHWHOLVWLQJRIFRPSDQLHV1RWDOOLQVXUDQFHDUHDXWKR- .︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹏﹆︐﹠﹞ ︣﹁ ﹤︋ ︑︀︋﹤ را﹩﹨︀﹞ ︋﹝︀﹛﹫︡ و﹩﹨︀﹞ در︨️ ﹋︣د︡ را روی rized to provide nsurance in all states.Coverage is not available in all states.Life Insurance issued by Farmers New World Life Insurance Company, 3120 139th Ave.SE, Ste.300, Bellevue,WA 98005. .︡﹫﹠﹋ د﹇﹫﹆﹤ ﹋︊︀ب۵ ︋﹤ ﹞︡ت ﹟︾ری د﹍︣ رو﹢︠ ﹉ ﹇︀︫﹅ ︀ی،️︨ ا﹟︐︎ در ︀ل﹐ ﹇︤ل آ﹩︐﹇و .︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹎︣م﹐︀︋ ﹤︋ ︨︳ رو﹢︐﹞ ︑︀︋﹤ ︋︤رگ روی ︣ارت﹩﹨︀﹞ ﹉را در ︣﹫︨ ﹤﹋ ﹩﹡︀﹞ ﹉ د﹇﹫﹆﹤ ︋︍︤︡ ︑︀ ز،︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹤﹁︀︲﹇︴︺︀ت ︨﹫︣ و ﹁﹚﹀﹏ ﹇︣﹞︤ را ا .︡﹡﹢︫ ه ای﹢﹇ ︀﹨ ﹉ ︀رم،︡﹫﹨﹡︡ ︑﹀️ د﹢︫ ︹﹝︗ ﹤﹋ ﹩﹡︀﹞ا︨﹀﹠︀ج ﹨︀ را ا︲︀﹁﹤ ﹋﹠﹫︡ و ︑︀ ز .︡﹫﹡︤︋﹜︋ ﹞︀﹡︡هرارویا︨﹀﹠︀ج﹨︀︋︣︤︡و﹩﹇︀︋﹉﹝﹡ری﹢︠﹇︀︫﹅︀ی .︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹜﹫︧﹆︑ ︀ر ︋︪﹆︀ب﹟﹫︋ ا︨﹀﹠︀ج را را روی ا︨﹀﹠︀ج﹩﹨︀﹞ ،︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹜﹫︧﹆︑ را ﹡﹫︤ ︋﹤ ︀ر ﹇︧﹝️ ﹞︧︀وی﹩﹨︀﹞ .︡﹫﹠﹋ ︨︣و﹢﹝﹫﹛ ﹨︀ ﹇︣ار د﹨﹫︡ و ︋︀ ﹇︴︺︀ت ش ︗︀ن﹢﹡ ٢٣ Georgia NO.54 2021 OCTOBER
و︐︀﹞﹫ B2 ﹟︀ ﹨﹝︀ن ر︊﹑﹁﹢و ﹟﹊ ﹩از ﹨︪️ و︐︀﹞﹫ B ﹟ای ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ︋︣ای ︨﹑﹞️ ا﹡︧︀ن ﹨︀ ︲︣وری ا︨️. ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ان ا ﹟و︐︀﹞﹫ ﹟را در ︾﹑ت︀﹨︀﹫﹎ ،ن و ﹞︭﹐﹢ت ﹛︊﹠︡﹫︎ ﹩ا ﹋︣د .و︐︀﹞﹫︣︋ B2 ﹟ای ︑︖︤﹤ ا︗︤ای ︑︪﹊﹫﹏ د﹨﹠︡ه ﹞﹢اد ︾︢ا︢︗ ،﹩ب ︨︀︣ ﹞﹢اد ﹞︽︢ی و ﹡﹍︡اری ︋︀﹁️ ﹨︀ ︲︣وری ا︨️﹢︴﹡︀﹝﹨ .ر ﹋﹤ ﹞ ﹩دا﹡﹫︡ و︐︀﹞﹫ B2 ﹟﹉ و︐︀﹞﹫﹢﹚﹞ ﹟ل در آب ا︨️ و ︋﹤ ﹨﹝﹫ ︣︵︀︠ ﹟در آب ﹏ ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د ﹤﹝﹨ .و︐︀﹞﹫﹢﹚﹞ ︀﹨ ﹟ل در آب ︀ ﹞﹚﹢ل در ︣︋.︡﹠︐︧﹨ ﹩ا﹛︊︐﹤ ا ﹟و︐︀﹞﹫ ﹟﹊﹝﹞ ﹟ا︨️ ︋﹤ ﹞﹢اد ا︲︀﹁﹤ ﹎︣دد ︀ از ︵︣﹅ ﹞﹊﹝﹏ وارد ︋︡ن ︫﹢د︣︐︪﹫︋ . ️﹝︧﹇ ﹟و︐︀﹞﹫ B2 ﹟در روده ﹋︢︗ ﹉﹢ب ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د. ︣ا و︐︀﹞﹫ ﹜﹞ B2 ﹟ا︨️؟ ا ﹟و︐︀﹞﹫︤︖︑ ﹤︋ ﹟﹤ ︎︣و︑﹫ ︀﹨ ﹩︋︣ ،︀﹨ ﹟و ﹋︣︋︡﹫﹨﹢رات ﹨︀ ﹋﹝﹉ ﹞ .︡﹠﹋ ﹩و︐︀﹞﹫ ﹩﹝﹞ ︩﹆﹡ B2 ﹟در ﹡﹍﹤ دا︫︐ ︹︊﹠﹞ ﹟ا﹡︣ژی ︋︡ن دارد. ر︊﹑﹁﹢و﹢︑ ﹩﹞ ﹟ا﹡︡ در ︑︊︡﹏ ﹋︣︋︡﹫﹨﹢رات ︋﹤ ︡︋ .︡﹠﹋ ﹉﹝﹋ ATPن ا﹡︧︀ن ATPرا از ﹞﹢اد ︾︢ا ︡﹠﹋ ﹩﹞ ︡﹫﹛﹢︑ ﹩و ︤﹫﹡ ATPا﹡︣ژی ﹞﹢رد ﹡﹫︀ز را ︋︣ای ︋︡ن ︑︀﹞﹫︀﹝﹡ ﹩﹞ ﹟︡︣︋ ATP ︉﹫﹋︣︑ .ای ذ︠﹫︣ه ︨︀زی ا﹡︣ژی در ︻︱﹑ت ︋︧﹫︀ر ﹫︀︑ ﹩ا︨️. ︋︣︠ ﹩از ﹞﹆﹆︀ن ︋︣ ا︀︋ ﹟ور﹡︡ ﹋﹤ و︐︀﹞﹫﹢︑ ﹩﹞ B2 ﹟ا﹡︡ ︋﹤ ︎﹫︪﹍﹫︣ی از آب ﹞︣وار︡ و ︨︣درد﹨︀ی ﹞﹫﹍︣﹡ ︡﹠﹋ ﹉﹝﹋ ﹩ا﹞︀ ︋︣ای ︑︀﹫︡ ﹠﹫﹟ ﹞︀︺﹛︀︴﹞ ﹤︋ ﹩︻﹢︲﹢ت ︋﹫︪︐︣ی ﹡﹫︀ز ا︨️︀︨ .︣ ﹞︴︀﹛︺︀ت ﹡︪︀ن داده ا﹡︡ ﹋﹤ در ﹋﹢د﹋︀ن ﹞︊︐﹑ ︋﹤ او︑﹫︧﹜ ﹞︭︣ف ﹞﹊﹝﹏ ﹨︀ی ︀وی و︐︀﹞﹫B2، ﹟ B6و ﹞﹠﹫︤﹜ ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ا﹡︡ ︨︴ ︾﹫︣ ︵︊﹫︺ ﹩ا︨﹫︡﹨︀ی ار﹎︀﹡﹫﹉ در ادرار را ﹋︀﹨︩ د﹨︡. و︐︀﹞﹫﹢﹚﹞ B۲ ﹟ل در آب ا︨️ ︋﹠︀︋︣ا﹟ ︎︐︢︾ ﹟ا﹨︀ ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ا﹡︡ آن را ﹡︀︋﹢د ︨︀زد. و︐︀﹞﹫ B۲ ﹟﹊ ﹩از ﹨︪️ و︐︀﹞﹫ B ﹟ای ا︨️ ﹤ ︋︣ای ︨﹚︀﹞️ ا﹡︧︀ن ﹨︀ ︲︣وری ا︨️. ﹞﹠︀︋︹ و︐︀﹞﹫:B2 ﹟ و︐︀﹞﹫ B2 ﹟در ﹞﹢اد ︾︢ا﹢︗﹢﹞ ﹩د ا︨️ .ا︀︊︻ ︹︋︀﹠﹞ ﹟ر︑﹠︡ از: ﹞︀﹨﹢﹝﹚﹇﹢︋ ،︤﹞︣﹇ ️︫﹢﹎ ،﹩ن ︣﹞ ،غ︀﹎ ️︫﹢﹎ ،و ︣﹍︗ ،و ﹇﹚﹢ه︤︊︨،︖︀︑﹩ ﹨﹝︙﹢ن ﹋﹚﹜ ︋︣و﹋﹚︣︋ ﹜﹚﹋ ،﹩و﹋︧﹏ ،ا︨﹀﹠︀ج ،آب ︑︣ه︀﹡ ،ن ︑﹫﹤ ︫︡ه ︋︀ ︾﹑ت ︨︊﹢س دار︀﹡ ،ن ︾﹠︫︡ ﹩ه و ︨︊﹢س ﹎﹠︡م﹑︾،ت ︮︊︀﹡﹤ ︾﹠﹩ ︫︡ه︀︭︻،ره ﹞﹝︣︣﹞،﹜ ﹎﹚︣﹞ ﹜︑،﹩غ،آ︗﹫﹏ ﹨︀︡﹋ ،و︑﹠︊﹏︀﹞،ر،﹤︋﹢ آوو﹋︀دو︣﹀︺︗،ی﹢﹞،︤︀﹇،رچ، ٢٢IRANNO.54 OCTOBER 2021
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The UCI Kitchen & Bath Design Team Will Transform Your Bathroom and Kitchen Into a Beautiful and Functional Environment To Fit Your Personality. Temporary hours due to COVID-19 Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Sunday: Closed 6555 Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross, GA - 30071 www.Unitedcorpintl.com [email protected] [email protected] Tel: (404) 550 -1874 Tony Sadri
︠︀︮﹫️از ﹚︀برا︋︪﹠︀︨﹫︡!9 ︀ .٧وی آ﹡︐ ﹩ا﹋︧﹫︡ان ا︨️ ︣︔﹢﹞ -١در ︑﹆﹢️ ﹞︽︤ و ︎﹫︪﹍﹫︣ی از ا︋︐﹑ ︋﹤ آ﹛︤ا﹝︣ ﹎﹚︊︣﹎︀ی ﹎﹏ و رو︾︨︣ ﹏﹎ ﹟خ ︀وی ︑︺︡ادی آ﹡︐ ﹩ا﹋︧﹫︡ان ﹇﹢ی ﹨︧︐﹠︡ ︎︣و︑﹫ ﹟آ﹞﹫﹚﹢﹫︡ ﹞︀ده ای ا︨️ ﹋﹤ روی ︻﹝﹚﹊︣د ﹞︽︤ ︑︀︔﹫︣ ﹞﹠﹀ ﹩دارد و ﹞ ︉︗﹢از ︋﹫ ﹟ر﹁︐﹢﹚︨ ﹟ل﹨︀ی ﹞︽︤ی و ﹋︀﹨︩ ︀﹁︷﹤ ︫︡ه و ︋﹫﹝︀ری ﹋﹤ ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ا﹡﹠︡ ︋﹤ ﹞︀﹁︷️ از ︨﹚﹢ل در ︋︣ا︋︣ آ︨﹫︉ ﹋﹝﹉ ﹋﹠﹠︡. آ﹛︤ا﹝︣ را ﹞﹢︫ ﹩﹞ ︉︗﹢د﹑﹎ .ب ︋︀ ﹞︀ر ﹋︣دن ﹁︺︀﹛﹫️ ا︣︎ ﹟و︑﹫︉︗﹢﹞ ﹟ ︣︋ .٨︡﹎︀︗ ، ︀﹨ ﹩ی ز︠﹜ ﹨︀ و ︨ ︀﹨ ﹩﹍︐︠﹢را ︋︊﹢د ﹞︪︡︋ ﹩ ︑﹆﹢️ ﹞︽︤ ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د. ﹎﹑ب ︲︡ ︻﹀︡﹠﹠﹋ ﹩﹡﹢ه ا︨️ و ︠﹢اص ︲︡ ︋︀﹋︐︣ی دارد ﹋﹤ ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ا﹡︡ ︋﹤ ︋︊﹢د ︨︣︺︐︣ ز︠﹜ ﹋﹝﹉ ﹋﹠︡ .ا﹢︠ ﹟اص ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ا﹡︡ ︋﹤ ︎︀ک ︨︀زی و .٢در﹞︀ن ︨︣درد ﹎﹑ب ︋﹤ د﹛﹫﹏ ︑﹆﹢️ ︨﹫︧︐﹜ ︻︭︊ ﹤﹋ ﹩دارد ︋︣ای در﹞︀ن ︨︣درد و ﹞﹫﹍︣ن ︗﹚︣﹫﹎﹢ی از ︻﹀︣︋ ️﹡﹢︡﹎ ︀﹨ ﹩و ︨.︡﹠﹋ ﹉﹝﹋ ︀﹨ ﹩﹍︐︠﹢ ﹞ ︣︔﹢ا︨️ .ا﹎︣ ︎︀ر﹤ای را ︋﹤ ﹎﹑ب آ︾︪︐﹤ ﹋︣ده و ︋︣ روی ︎﹫︪︀﹡﹢︠ ﹩د ﹇︣ار ︀︊﹞ . ٩رزه ︋︀ ا﹁︧︣د﹎﹩ د﹨﹫︡ در ﹋﹝︐︣ ﹟ز﹞︀ن ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ا﹡﹫︡ ︨︣درد﹨︀ی ︠﹢د را در﹞︀ن ﹋﹠﹫︡. ﹎﹑ب ︠﹢اص ︲︡ ا﹁︧︣د﹎ ﹩و ︲︡ ا︨︐︣س ﹇﹢ی دارد ︋﹢ی ﹎﹑ب ︋︣ای ﹇﹚︉ و ﹞︽︤ ﹞﹀﹫︡ آرام ︋︩ و ︑︧﹊﹫﹟د﹨﹠︡ه ا︨️ ﹢︋ .﹫︡ن ﹎﹑ب ﹞﹢︊︋ ︉︗﹢د ﹢︊︋ .٣د ︋﹫﹝︀ری ﹨︀ی ︪﹝﹩ ︠﹚﹅و︠﹢︫﹩﹞﹜﹨﹢دو﹡︀را︐︀﹨﹩ی︻︭︊﹩و︋﹢︠﹩ا︋﹩را﹋︀﹨︩﹞﹩د﹨︡. ﹎﹑ب دارای ︠﹢اص ︲︡ ︻﹀︡﹠﹠﹋ ﹩﹡﹢ه ﹇︡ر︑﹝﹠︡ی ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ا﹡︡ از ︋︣وز ︻﹀︣﹫﹎﹢﹚︗ ️﹡﹢ی ﹋﹠︡ ︋﹤ ﹨﹝﹫ ﹟د﹛﹫﹏ ﹎﹑ب ﹞︣﹫﹍︪﹫︎ ︉︗﹢ی از ا︋︐﹑ ︋﹤ ︋﹫﹝︀ری ﹨︀ی ︪﹝ ﹜︪ ﹩﹊︪︠ ︡﹠﹡︀﹞ ︿﹚︐﹞ ﹩و آب ﹞︣وار︡ و در ﹇︴︣ه ﹨︀ی ︪﹝︣︋ ﹩ای در﹞︀ن ﹞﹢ارد ورم ﹞﹚︐﹝﹤ ا︨︐﹀︀ده ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د﹟﹫﹠︙﹝﹨ . ︠︀︮﹫️ ︲︡ ا﹛︐︀︋ ﹩و ︠﹠﹉ ﹋﹠﹠︡﹎ ﹤﹋ ﹩ا︀﹞ ﹟︹ ︫﹍﹀️ ا﹡﹍﹫︤ دارد ︋︣ای در﹞︀ن ︎︿ ز︣ ︪﹜ ﹡﹫︤ ﹞ ︣︔﹢ا︨️ . ︣︋ .۴ای در﹞︀ن ︋﹫﹝︀ری ﹨︀ی ︎﹩︐︨﹢ ﹎﹑بدارایو︐︀﹞﹫︀﹨﹟ی A,C,E,Bا︨️و︑︣﹋﹫︊︀تآ﹡︐﹩ا﹋︧﹫︡ا﹡﹩ا︨️ و ﹞﹢﹇ ︉︊︨ ︉︗﹢ی و ﹡︣م ︫︡ن ︨﹚﹢ل ﹨︀ی ︎ ️︨﹢و در︪︪︠﹩﹞ ﹜﹛︀︨ ﹩ ︫﹢د﹑﹎ .ب ️︨﹢︎ PHرا ﹞︐︺︀دل ﹞ ︡﹠﹋ ﹩و ﹫ ﹟و ︣وک را ﹋︀﹨︩ ﹞﹩ د﹨︡ ︭︣﹞ .ف ﹎﹑ب ︋﹤ ︮﹢رت ﹞︣︋ ﹩︺︲﹢ای در﹞︀ن ا﹎︤﹞︀ ،ا﹛︐︀ب ︎ ﹩︐︨﹢و آ﹋﹠﹤ ︣︋ ،︡﹎ ، ︀﹨ ﹩ز︠﹜ ﹨︀ و آ﹁︐︀ب ︨ ︡﹫﹀﹞ ︤﹫﹡ ﹩﹍︐︠﹢ا︨️. از ︠﹢اص ︋﹑﹎ ︣﹫︷﹡ ﹩ب ﹆︡ر ﹞ ﹩دا﹡﹫︡ ؟﹢﹁ .۵ا︡ ﹎﹑ب ︋︣ای ︑﹆﹢️ ﹞﹢ ﹎﹑ب︋︀ ︋︊﹢د ﹎︣دش︠﹢ن،ر︫︡و︨﹑﹞️ ﹞﹢را ︑﹆﹢️و ︋﹤﹡︣م ﹋︣دن﹞،﹢ ﹋﹠︐︣ل ︫﹢ره و ا﹛︐︀ب ﹋﹝﹉ ﹞.︡﹠﹋ ﹩ .۶در﹞︀ن ﹞︪﹊﹑ت د︨︐﹍︀ه ﹎﹢ارش ﹞︭︣ف ﹎﹑ب ︗︣︀ن ︮﹀︣اوی را ا﹁︤ا︩ و ﹞﹢︊︋ ︉︗﹢د ︋﹫﹝︀ری ﹨︀ی د︨︐﹍︀ه ﹎﹢ارش ﹡︷﹫︣ ﹋︀﹨︩ ﹡﹀ ،درد﹨︀ی ︫﹊﹝︡︺﹞ ، ﹩ه درد ،ز︠﹜ ﹞︺︡ه و ︊﹢︫﹩﹞ ️︨﹢د . ١٩ Georgia NO.54 2021 OCTOBER
︋﹤ ا ﹤︖﹫︐﹡ ﹟ر︨﹫︡ها﹡︡ ﹋﹤ ا﹡︖﹫︣ ︋﹤ د﹛﹫﹏ دارا ︋﹢دن ︑︣﹋﹫︊︀ت ︋﹫﹢ا﹋︐﹫﹢ ︠﹢اصا﹡︖﹫︣︋︣ای︨﹚︀﹞︐﹩ ﹞﹢︑﹩ا﹡︡︋︀︋﹫﹝︀ری﹨︀ی﹞︐﹚︿﹞︊︀رزه﹋﹠︡. ا﹡︖﹫︣ و︐︀﹞﹫ ︀﹨﹟و ﹞﹢اد ﹞︺︡﹡ ﹩ز︀دی دارد و ︨﹑﹞︐︡︋ ﹩ن ︠﹢اص ︲︡︋︀﹋︐︣︀ ﹩و ︲︡﹇︀ر ﹩دارد را ︋﹤ روش﹨︀ی ﹞︐﹚︿ ︋︊﹢د ﹞﹢︑﹩﹞ .︪︡︋﹩ا﹡﹫︡ ا﹡︖﹫︣ را ا﹡︖﹫︣ ﹞﹢︑﹩ا﹡︡ ︋﹤︻﹠﹢ان ﹉ ︑︣﹋﹫︉ ︲︡︋︀﹋︐︣ی و ︲︡﹇︀رچ ︻﹝﹏ ﹋﹠︡. ︋﹤︻﹠﹢ان ﹉ ﹞﹫︀ن و︻︡هی ︨︀﹛﹜ و ﹞﹆﹢ی ﹡﹢ش ︗︀ن ﹋︣ده ︀ ︋︀ ︋︣ر︨ ﹩ا﹡︖︀م ︫︡ه در دا﹡︪﹍︀ه ﹞︀﹛︤ی ﹡︪︀ن داد ﹋﹤ ︻︭︀رهی ا﹡︖﹫︣ ﹞﹢︑﹩ا﹡︡ آن ︠﹢رد﹡︀﹨﹩ی ﹞︐﹚﹀ ﹩در︨️ ﹋﹠﹫︡ ︑︀ از ﹁﹢ا︡ آن ︋︣ه﹞﹠︡ ︋︀︋︀﹋︐︣ی﹨︀︀﹇،رچ﹨︀و﹞﹫﹊︣وب﹨︀ی﹞︐﹚︿﹞︊︀رزه﹋﹠︡︀︺﹛︀︴﹞.ت﹞︐﹚︿ ︫﹢︡ .در ادا﹞﹤ ︑︺︡ادی از ﹞﹜︑︣﹢︠ ﹟اص ا﹡︖﹫︣ ︋︣ای ︨﹑﹞︐﹩ ︋﹤ ا ﹤︖﹫︐﹡ ﹟ر︨﹫︡ها﹡︡ ﹋﹤ ا﹡︖﹫︣ ﹞﹢︑﹩ا﹡︡ ︎︀︨ ︨﹫︧︐﹜ ا﹝﹠︡︋ ﹩ن را ︑︣﹉ ﹋﹠︡ ️﹚︻ ﹟﹫﹝﹨ ﹤︋ .ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ا﹢﹫﹞ ﹟ه ﹉ ﹞︀دهی ︾︢ا﹩﹛︀︻ ﹩ ︋︡ن را ︋︣ر︨︣﹋ ﹩دها﹜. ︋︣ای ︑﹆﹢️ ︨﹫︧︐﹜ ا﹝﹠︡︋ ﹩ن ︋﹤ ︫﹝︀ر ﹞﹩رود .ا﹡︖﹫︣ ︋︣ای ﹞︊︀رزه ︋︀ ︨︫︣︀ر از آ﹡︐﹩ا﹋︧﹫︡ان﹨︀ی ﹇︡ر︑﹝﹠︡ ا︨️ ︋﹫﹝︀ری﹨︀ی را︕ ﹎︤﹠﹤ی ︠ ﹩︋﹢ا︨️. ا﹡︖﹫︣︋﹤د﹛﹫﹏آ﹡︐﹩ا﹋︧﹫︡ان﹨︀﹤﹋﹩دارد︡︋﹩︐﹞﹑︨،نرا︋︊﹢د﹞.︪︡︋﹩ ا﹋︧﹫︡ا︨﹫﹢ن ︑﹆︣︊︀ ︑﹝︀م ︋︡ن را ︑️ ︑︃︔﹫︣ ﹇︣ار ﹞﹩د﹨︡ و ︋︀ ︋﹫﹝︀ری﹨︀ی ﹞﹠︊︹ ︻︀﹛ ︣︊﹫﹁،﹜﹫︨︀︐︎﹩و﹞﹢اد﹞︽︢ی د﹍︣﹞︧﹢ب ﹞﹢︫﹩د ﹞︐﹚︿ ﹞︓﹏ ︎﹫︣ی زودرس و ︨︣︵︀ن ار︑︊︀ط دارد﹢﹞ .اد ︾︢ا︀︫︨︣ ﹩ر از ︎︐︀︨﹫﹜ و ﹁﹫︊︣ دو ︑︣﹋﹫︉ ﹫︀︑ ﹩در رژ﹜ ︾︢ا︀﹫︧︋ ﹤﹋ ︡﹠︐︧﹨ ﹩ری از ا﹁︣اد آ﹡︐﹩ا﹋︧﹫︡ان ﹞︓﹏ ا﹡︖﹫︣ ︋﹤ ﹞︊︀رزه ︋︀ ︻︀ر︲﹤﹨︀ی ذ﹋︣ ︫︡ه ﹋﹝﹉ ﹞.︡﹠﹠﹋﹩ آن﹨︀ را ︋﹤ ا﹡︡ازهی ﹋︀﹁ ﹩در︀﹁️ ﹡﹝ .︡﹠﹠﹋﹩ا﹡︖﹫︣ ﹤ ︪︠﹉ ︋︀︫︡ ﹤ ︠︀م﹐︀︋ ︣︊﹫﹁ ، ﹩دارد؛ ︋﹤ ︵﹢ر﹊﹤ ︡ود ١٩ ︀︑ ٧در︮︡ از ﹡﹫︀ز روزا﹡﹤ی ︠﹢اص ︲︨︡︣︵︀﹡ ﹩دارد ︋﹤︵﹢ر ︨﹠︐ ﹩از ا﹡︖﹫︣ ︋︣ای در﹞︀ن ︋﹫﹝︀ری﹨︀ی ﹞︐﹚︿ از ︗﹝﹚﹤ ︨︣︵︀ن ︋︡ن ︋﹤ ا︀﹞ ﹟دهی ﹞︺︡﹡ ﹩را ︋︣︵︣ف ﹞.︡﹠﹋﹩ ا︨︐﹀︀ده﹞﹢︫﹩د.﹉﹞︴︀﹛︺﹤دردا﹡︪﹍︀ه﹫︀︪﹡﹟نداد︋︺︱﹩از︑︣﹋﹫︊︀ت ︎︐︀︨﹫﹜در︑﹝︀م︨﹚﹢ل﹨︀ی︋︡ن︀﹁️﹞﹢︫﹩دو︋﹤︋︡ن﹋﹝﹉﹞︡﹠﹋﹩در︨️ ﹞﹢︗﹢د در ا﹡︖﹫︣ ︋﹤ از ︋﹫︣︋ ﹟دن ︎﹢﹚︨ ︩︫﹢ل﹨︀ی ︨︣︵︀﹡﹉﹝﹋ ︿﹚︐﹞ ﹩ ︻﹝﹏﹋﹠︡.ا﹡︖﹫︪︣︠﹉﹞﹠︊︹︻︀﹛︤﹫﹠﹞،︤﹠﹍﹠﹞﹩﹜و﹋﹚︧﹫﹜﹞︧﹢ب﹞﹢︫﹩د ﹞ .︡﹠﹠﹋﹩ا﹎︣﹤ ︋﹤ ﹞︴︀﹛︺︀ت ︋﹫︪︐︣ی در ا ﹟ز﹞﹫﹠﹤ ﹡﹫︀ز ا︨️ ،ا﹞︀ ﹞﹆﹆︀ن ﹋﹤︋︧﹫︀ریاز﹞︀آن﹨︀را︋﹤ا﹡︡ازهی﹋︀﹁﹩در︀﹁️﹡﹝﹢︑﹩﹞.﹜﹫﹠﹋﹩ا﹡﹫︡ا﹡︖﹫︣ را︋﹤︻﹠﹢ان﹉﹞﹫︀نو︻︡هی﹋﹜﹋︀﹛︣ی﹡﹢ش︗︀ن﹋﹠﹫︡. ︨﹑﹞️ ﹇﹚︊ ﹩و ︻︣و﹇ ﹩را ︋︊﹢د ﹞︪︡︋﹩ ا﹡︖﹫︣ ﹞﹝﹊ ﹟ا︨️ ﹁︪︀ر ︠﹢ن و ︨︴ ︣︋﹢︠ ﹩ن را ︋︊﹢د ︋︊︪︡ ﹋﹤ ا﹢︲﹢﹞ ﹟ع ﹞﹢︑﹩ا﹡︡ ︋﹤ ︋︊﹢د ︨﹑﹞️ ﹇﹚︊ ﹩و ︻︣و﹇ ﹩و ﹋︀﹨︩ ︠︴︣ ا︋︐﹑ ︋﹤ ︋﹫﹝︀ری﹨︀ی ﹇﹚︊︀︺﹛︀︴﹞ .︡﹠﹋ ﹉﹝﹋ ﹩ت ا﹡︖︀م ︫︡ه روی ﹫﹢ا﹡︀ت ﹡︪︀ن دادها﹡︡ ﹋﹤ ﹞︭︣ف ا﹡︖﹫︣ ﹞﹠︖︣ ︋﹤ ︋︊﹢د ︨︴ ﹋﹚︧︐︣ول ﹋﹚،﹩ ﹋﹚︧︐︣ول︠﹢ب)(HDLو︑︣ی﹎﹚﹫︧﹫︣︡﹞﹢︫﹩د. ا︔︣ات ︲︡︎﹫︣ی دارد ﹞︴︀﹛︺︀ت ﹞︐﹚︿ ﹡︪︀ن دادها﹡︡ ﹋﹤ ︻︭︀رهی ︋︣گ ا﹡︖﹫︣ ︀وی ︠﹢اص ︲︡︎﹫︣ی ا︨️ .﹉ ﹞︴︀﹛︺﹤ ︋﹤ ا﹟ ﹡︐﹫︖﹤ ر︨﹫︡ ا﹁︣ادی ﹋﹤ ︋︣گ ا﹡︖﹫︣ و ︻︭︀رهی︋︣گا﹡︖﹫︣را﹞︭︣ف﹞،︡﹠﹠﹋﹩ ﹋︀﹨︩ ﹫﹟و︣وک ︮﹢رت را ︑︖︣︋﹤ ﹞ ️﹚︻ .︡﹠﹠﹋﹩ا﹢︲﹢﹞ ﹟ع ︠﹢اص آ﹡︐﹩ا﹋︧﹫︡ا﹡﹩ا﹢﹫﹞﹟هی︑︀︋︧︐︀﹡﹩ ا︨️. ١٨IRANNO.54 OCTOBER 2021
Unity Health Care, LLC CEO : Elham Eghani CFO : Kamran Ighani Better Care Starts With You To care for those who once cared Home Health Aid & Skilled Nursing Care for us is one of the highest honors Personal Care Light Housekeep / Laundry Meal Preparation Transfer / Ambulation Bathing and Dressing Supporting Nutritional Needs Running Errands (404)451-4863 (704) 361-1114 (678)840-3530 [email protected]
آ︫﹠︀︀︨ ﹩ده ︋︀ ︾︡ه ︑﹫︣و﹫︡ در ﹝︐︣از ۵دgthlaynr﹤﹆od﹫i﹇d ﹞︐︡اول ︑︣﹑︻ ﹟﹜ ا︠︐﹑﹐ت ︫︀︹ ︑﹫︣و﹫︡ ﹤ ﹫︤﹨︀﹩ ︾︡ه ︑﹫︣و﹫︡ ﹫︧️؟ ﹨︧︐﹠︡؟ ︾︡ه ︑﹫︣و﹫︡︡︾ ،ه ای درون ر︤ در ﹎︣دن ا︨️ .ا︡︾ ﹟ه دو ﹨﹢ر﹞﹢ن ︋﹠︀م ︑﹫︣و﹋︧﹫ Thyroxine) ﹟︀ (T4و ︑︣ی ﹢دو︑﹫︣و﹡﹫Triiodothy-) ﹟ ﹋﹜ ﹋︀ری ︑﹫︣و﹫︡: ronine︀ ︀︧﹫﹞ (T3زد ﹋﹤ ︋﹤ درون ︠﹢ن ︑︫︣ ﹞ .︡﹡﹢︫ ﹩ا﹢﹨ ﹟ر﹞﹢ن ︧︠︐﹍ ،﹩ا︧︀س ︨︣﹞︀ ،ا﹁︤ا︩ وزن ،︤﹋︣﹝︑ ︩﹨︀﹋ ،ا﹁︧︣د﹎.﹩ ﹨︀ ︋︣ای ︻﹝﹚﹊︣د ︵︊﹫︺︀﹝︑ ﹩م ︨﹚﹢ل ﹨︀ی ︋︡ن ﹐زم ﹨︧︐﹠︡. ︎︣﹋︀ری ︑﹫︣و﹫︡: ا︠︐﹑﹐ت ︑﹫︣و﹫︡ ︋︧﹫︀ر ︫︀︹ ا︨️ و ︻﹝ ︀ً ﹞﹢در ︠︀﹡﹜ ﹨︀ ﹞︪︀﹨︡ه ﹞﹩ ﹋︀﹨︩ وزن︡︻ ،م ︑﹝﹏ ﹎︣﹞︀ ،ا︲︴︣اب و ﹎︀﹨ ﹩او﹇︀ت در دو ︨﹢زش ︫﹢د ،ا﹎︣﹤ ﹞﹝﹊ ﹟ا︨️ در ﹨︣ ﹋︧ ﹩ا︻﹜ از ﹞︣دان﹢︗﹢﹡ ،ا﹡︀ن﹢﹋ ،د﹋︀ن و ﹡﹢زادان ﹡﹫︤ د︡ه ︫﹢د︣﹆︑.︊︀ از ﹨︣ ︣﹀﹡ ٢٠﹉ ﹡﹀︣ ︋﹤ ﹡ ﹩︻﹢از ا︠︐﹑ل ︪﹜. ︑﹫︣و﹫︡ ﹞︊︐﹑ ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ﹞﹝﹊ ﹟ا︨️ ﹞ ﹩︐﹇﹢︀ دا﹝.︫︡︀︋ ﹩ ︾︡ه ︑﹫︣و﹫︡ در ﹇︧﹝️ ︗﹚﹢ی ﹎︣دن ،در︨️ ز︣ ︨﹫︉ آدم )︋︣︗︧︐﹍﹩ ﹠︖︣ه( ﹇︣ار دارد .ا︡︾ ﹟ه ﹞︐︪﹊﹏ از دو ﹛﹢ب ﹢﹛ -ب را︨️ و ﹛﹢ب ︌- ا︨️︡﹋ ︣﹨ ﹤﹋ ،ام ︑﹆︣︊ ً︀ ︋﹤ ا﹡︡ازه آ﹛﹢ ﹩ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ︋﹤ دو ﹡﹫﹜ ︑﹆︧﹫﹜ ︫︡ه ا︨️ و ا ﹟دو ﹛﹢ب ︑ ﹩﹊﹢﹋ ﹏︎ ︳︨﹢از ︋︀﹁️ ︑﹫︣و﹫︡ ︋﹤ ﹡︀م ا︧﹝﹢س ︋﹤ ﹊︡﹍︣ ﹞︐︭﹏ ﹞ .︡﹡﹢︫ ﹩ا ﹟دو ﹛﹢ب در ﹨︣ ︵︣ف ﹡︀ی ﹇︣ار دار﹡︡. ︻﹝﹚﹊︣د ︾︡ه ︑﹫︣و﹫︡ ﹫︧️؟ ︑﹫︣و﹫︡ دو ﹨﹢ر﹞﹢ن ︑︣︗ ﹤︋ ﹤﹋ ︡﹠﹋ ﹩﹞ ︡﹫﹛﹢︀ن ︠﹢ن ︑︫︣ ﹞.︡﹡﹢︫ ﹩ ﹊ ﹩از ا﹢﹨ ﹟ر﹞﹢ن ﹨︀ ︑﹫︣و﹋︧﹫︀﹡ ﹟م دارد؛ ا﹢﹨ ﹟ر﹞﹢ن ︀وی ︀ر ا︑﹜ ︡ ا︨️ و ا︾﹚︉ ﹢︠ T4ا﹡︡ه ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د. ﹨﹢ر﹞﹢ن د﹍︣ ︑︣ی ﹢دو︑﹫︣و﹡﹫︡﹫﹞︀﹡ ﹟ه ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د ﹋﹤ ﹞︐︪﹊﹏ از ︨﹤ ا︑﹜ ︡ ا︨️ و ا︾﹚︉ ︋﹤ آن ﹢︫ ﹩﹞ ﹤︐﹀﹎ T3د. T4در ︨﹚﹢ل ﹨︀ و ︋︀﹁️ ﹨︀ی ︋︡ن ︋﹤ ︡︊︑ T3﹏ ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د ﹏︮︀ T3 .از ،T4︀ ﹤︫︣︐﹞ T3از ︾︡ه ︑﹫︣و﹫︡ از ﹡︷︣ ︋﹫﹢﹛﹢ژ﹊︀︺﹁ ﹩ل ا︨️ و ﹁︺︀﹛﹫️ ﹨﹝﹤ ︨﹚﹢ل ﹨︀ و ︋︀﹁️ ﹨︀ی ︋︡ن را ︑️ ︑︃︔﹫︣ ﹇︣ار ﹞ ﹩د﹨︡. ﹨﹢ر﹞﹢ن ﹨︀ی ︑﹫︣و﹫︡ در ︋︡ن ﹤ ﹋︀ری ا﹡︖︀م ﹞ ﹩د﹨﹠︡؟ T4︀︋﹤︋﹤︻︊︀رتد﹍︣﹩︫︀﹡ T3،ازآن،و︀ً ﹝﹫﹆︐︧﹞﹤﹋ T3از︾︡ه︑﹫︣و﹫︡ ︑︫︣ ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د﹢﹚︨ ﹜︧﹫﹛﹢︋︀︐﹞ ،ل ﹨︀ی ︋︡ن را ︑️ ︑︃︔﹫︣ ﹇︣ار ﹞ ﹩د﹨︡؛ ︋﹤ ︻︊︀رت د﹍︣︣﹊﹚﹝︻ ️︻︨︣ ،د ︨﹚﹢ل ﹨︀ی ︋︡ن را ︑﹠︷﹫﹜ ﹞.︡﹠﹋ ﹩ ١۵ Georgia NO.54 2021 ︨﹚︀﹞︐﹩ OCTOBER
︋﹤ ا ﹟د﹛︀﹏ از ︠﹢ردن ︋︀دام ︾︀﹁﹏ ﹡︪﹢︡ ! ︣︐﹠﹋ .۶ل ﹇﹠︡ ︠﹢ن ﹜﹊︫ ﹩︋︣ ︩﹨︀﹋ .١ ﹞︭︣ف ︋︀دام ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ا﹡︡ ﹇﹠︡ ︠﹢ن را ︋︺︡ از و︻︡ه ︾︢ا︀︺︐﹞ ️﹛︀ ﹤︋ ﹩دل در ︣︋ ﹤︋ ︳﹆﹁ ﹜﹊︫ ﹩د﹛﹫﹏ ︸︀﹨︣ ︋︡ش ﹞︪﹊﹏ ︨︀ز ﹡﹫︧️ ﹢︑ ﹩﹞ ﹤﹊﹚︋ ،ا﹡︡ ︋﹫︀ورد و ﹉ ︾︢ای ︨︀﹛﹜ ︋︣ای ︔︀︋️ ﹡﹍﹤ دا︫︐︀︺︑ ﹟دل ﹇﹠︡ ︠﹢ن ﹞.︫︡︀︋ ﹩ ﹞︪﹊﹑ت ز︀د د﹍︣ی را ﹨﹜ ︋﹤ و︗﹢د ︋﹫︀ورد و ار﹎︀ن ﹨︀ی د﹍︣ را در﹎﹫︣ ﹋︣ده و ﹞﹠︖︣ ︋﹤ ︋﹫﹝︀ری ﹨︀ی ﹞︐﹚︿ ︫﹢د﹢︗ ۵٢ .ان را ﹞﹢رد ﹞︴︀﹛︺﹤ ﹇︣ار ︀︊﹞ .٧رزه ︋︀ ︨︣︵︀ن داد﹡︡ و ︨︴ ﹋﹚︧︐︣ول ︋︡ آن ﹨︀ را ا﹡︡ازه ﹎︣﹁︐﹠︡ و ︨︍︦ روزا﹡﹤ ︋﹤ ﹞︡ت ︋︀دام ﹨︀ ︀وی ﹡ ﹩︻﹢و︐︀﹞﹫︀︵︨︣ ︀︋ ﹤﹋ ︡﹠︐︧﹨ ﹟ن ﹞︊︀رزه ﹞.︡﹠﹠﹋ ﹩ ︭︣﹞ ،﹤︐﹀﹨ ۶ف ︋︀دام را ︎﹫︪﹠︀د ﹋︣د﹡︡ و ﹞︪︀﹨︡ه ﹋︣د﹡︡ ﹋﹤ ︋︺︡ از ا﹟ ﹞︭︣ف ︋︀دام ︋︀ د﹍︣ آ︗﹫﹏ ﹨︀ ار︑︊︀ط ﹡︤د﹊ ﹩دار﹡︡ و ︠︴︣ ا︋︐﹑ ︋﹤ ︨︣︵︀ن ﹨︀︣︎ ﹏︓﹞ ﹩و︨︐︀ت و ︨﹫﹠﹤ را ﹋︀﹨︩ ︠﹢ا﹨﹠︡ داد︭︣﹞ .ف ︋︀دام دوران ﹜﹊︫ ﹩︋︣ ،آن ﹨︀ و دور ﹋﹝︫︣︀ن ﹋︀﹨︩ ︀﹁︐﹤ ا︨️. ︋︀ ﹋︀﹨︩ ︠︴︣ ا︋︐﹑ ︋﹤ ︨︣︵︀ن روده ︋︤رگ در ︑﹝︀س ا︨️. .٢ر﹁︹ ︋﹫﹝︀ری ﹨︀ی ﹇﹚︊﹩ ﹞︭︣ف ︋︀دام ︋﹤ ︋︊﹢د ︨︴﹢ح ︣︋﹢︠ ﹩ن ﹋﹝﹉ ﹞ ︡﹠﹋ ﹩و ︋︣ای ﹇﹚︉ ︀︋ .٨دام ︋︣ای ﹎﹫︀ه ︠﹢اران ﹞﹀﹫︡ ا︨️ و ﹞ ︉︗﹢ر﹁︹ ︋﹫﹝︀ری ﹨︀ی ﹇﹚︊﹢︫ ﹩﹞ ﹩د︀︋ ﹟﹫﹠︙﹝﹨ .دام ︋︀دام ︋︣ای ا﹁︣اد ﹎﹫︀ه ︠﹢ار ﹋﹤ از ﹞︭﹐﹢ت ﹫﹢ا﹡ ️︫﹢﹎ ︡﹠﹡︀﹞ ﹩و ︾﹫︣ه ︨︊︉ ا﹁︤ا︩ ︨︴ آ﹡︐ ﹩ا﹋︧﹫︡ان ﹨︀ در ︗︣︀ن ︠﹢ن ︀︪﹁ ︩﹨︀﹋ ،ر ا︨︐﹀︀ده ﹡﹝ ︡﹫﹀﹞ ،︡﹠﹠﹋ ﹩ا︨️ ز︣ا ︨︫︣︀ر از ﹋﹚︧﹫﹜︤﹫﹠﹞ ،﹜ و ﹁﹫︊︣ و ︠﹢ن و ︋︊﹢د ︗︣︀ن ︠﹢ن ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د. ﹊ ﹩از ﹞﹠︀︋︹ ︎︣و︑﹫﹢︧﹞ ﹟ب ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د. ︣︐︧﹚﹋ ︩﹨︀﹋ .٣ول ا﹁︣ادی ﹋﹤ ︋︀دام ﹞︭︣ف ﹞ ۴۴ ، ︡﹠﹠﹋ ﹩در︮︡ ﹡︧︊️ ︋﹤ ︋﹆﹫﹤ ﹋﹚︧︐︣ول ﹋﹝︐︣ی دار﹡︡ .ا﹢︲﹢﹞ ﹟ع در ︑﹆﹫﹆︀ت ︗︡︡ ︋﹤ ا︔︊︀ت ر︨﹫︡ه ا︨️︀﹫﹞ .ن و︻︡ه ︀وی ︋︀دام ︋﹤ ︨﹫︣ ﹡﹍﹤ دا︫︐﹉﹝﹋ ︀﹝︫ ﹟ ﹞ ︡﹠﹋ ﹩و ﹇﹠︡ ︠﹢ن را ︑﹠︷﹫﹜ ︠﹢ا﹨︡ ﹋︣د و در ﹡︐﹫︖﹤ از ا︫︐︀ی ︋﹫︩ از ︡ ︫﹝︀ ﹞.︡﹨︀﹋ ﹩ ︩﹨︀﹋ .۴ا﹛︐︀ب ︵︊﹅ ﹞︴︀﹛︺︀ت ︗︡︡ ،ا﹎︣ ا﹁︣اد ﹞︊︐﹑ ︋﹤ د︀︋️ ﹡﹢ع دو ︋﹤ ﹞︡ت ︨﹤ ﹞︀ه روزا﹡﹤ ︋︀دام ﹞︭︣ف ﹋﹠﹠︡ ﹩﹞ ، ︑﹢ا﹡﹠︡ ︨︴ ﹁︪︀ر ا﹋︧﹫︡ا︑﹫ ﹢و ا﹛︐︀ب ︋︡ن ︠﹢د را ﹋︀﹨︩ د﹨﹠︡. .۵وزن ︨︀﹛﹜ در ︋︀رداری ︑﹆︣︊ ً︀ ﹡︭︿ ︠︀﹡﹜ ﹨︀ در ز﹞︀ن ︋︀رداری د︀ر ا︲︀﹁﹤ وزن ︫︡︡ی ﹞ .︡﹡﹢︫ ﹩ا︲︀﹁﹤ وزن ﹡﹫︤ ︻︀﹞﹚︣︋ ﹩ای د︀︋️ ، ︋︀رداری و ﹁︪︀ر ︠﹢ن ︋︀ ︫︡︀︋ ﹩﹞ ﹐ا﹞︀ ︋︀دام در ا ﹟ز﹞﹫﹠﹤ ﹋﹝﹉ ﹞︀︺﹛︀︴﹞ .︡﹠﹋ ﹩ت ︗︡︡ ﹡︪︀ن ﹞ ﹩د﹨︡ ﹋﹤ وزن ︋︀ ﹐و ︀﹇﹩﹞ ﹩ ︑﹢ا﹡︡ ︋︀ ﹞︭︣ف ︋︀دام ﹋︀﹨︩ ︎﹫︡ا ﹋﹠︡ ز︣ا ا︫︐︀ را ﹡﹫︤ ﹞︡﹨︀﹋ ﹩ و وزن ︨︀﹛﹜ را در دوران ︋︀رداری ︋﹤ و︗﹢د ︠﹢ا﹨︡ آورد. ١۴IRANNO.54 OCTOBER 2021
﹞﹫︤ ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ︫︡ه ﹁︀︠︣ ا ﹟ر︫︐﹤ ︋︧﹫︀ر ﹞︡ود ︫︡﹡︡﹢︷﹠﹞ ﹤︋ .ر ﹀︶ ا︣﹠﹨ ﹟ ﹊ ﹩د﹍︣ از ﹎﹠︖﹫﹠﹤ ﹨︀ی ﹁︀︠︣ ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ا︮﹫﹏ ︑︡ر︦ ︻﹚﹝ ﹩ا ﹟ر︫︐﹤ ﹉ ﹞﹫︤ ︋﹤ ︵﹢ل ︣︐﹞ ﹩︐﹡︀︨ ١۵٠ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ︑﹢ا﹡︧︐﹤ ﹨﹠︣ی در دارا﹛﹀﹠﹢ن آ︾︀ز ︫︡ و ا︨︀︑﹫︡ ﹞︡ال ﹞﹝︐︀ز ﹡﹝︀︪﹍︀ه ︮﹠︀︹ د︨︐ ﹩را ﹡﹫︤ ﹋︧︉ ﹋﹠︡. ﹎︣ا﹡﹆︡ری ﹨﹝︙﹢ن ا︨︐︀د ا﹝︡ ︮﹠﹫︺،﹩ ︎︀﹤ ﹨︀ی ﹞﹫︤ ︋﹤ ز︊︀︀﹝︑ ﹤ ︣﹨ ﹩م ︑︣ ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ︫︡ه و ا︨︐︀د ︻﹚︀︐﹞ ﹩ری ﹎﹚︍︀﹍︀﹡︣︋ ﹩ای ︑︡ر︦ و ︵︣ح روی آن ︵︣ح ︫︀ه ︻︊︀︨ ﹩ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ︋﹤ ︨︊﹉ ﹞︺︣ق ﹋︀ر ︫︡ه ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ︋﹤ ︑︣ان آ﹞︡﹡︡ .در ادا﹞﹤ ا︨︐︀د ︻﹚﹩ ا﹞︀﹞﹢︗︣﹠﹨ ﹜﹫﹚︺︑ ﹤︋ ﹩︀ن در ا ﹟ز﹞﹫﹠﹤ ︎︣دا︠︐﹠︡. ا︨️︀﹋ ️︊﹠﹞ ︤﹫﹞ .ری ︫︡ه ا ﹤﹋ ﹩اوج ﹨﹠︣ ا︣ا﹡ ﹩ا︨️. ﹉ ﹞﹫︤ ﹡﹀﹫︦ ︋﹤ ا︋︺︀د ︣︐﹞ ۵در ﹉ ︤﹫﹡ ١٫٢٠در ﹎﹠︖﹫﹠﹤ ﹨﹠︣﹨︀ی ﹎﹠︖﹫﹠﹤ ﹨︀ی ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری در ا︣ان د︨︐ ﹩ا︣ان د︡ه ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د ﹋﹤ ︑﹚﹀﹫﹆ ﹩از ﹞︺︣ق ﹋︀ری و ︋︣︗︧︐﹤ ︨︀زی ﹎︣وه ︑️ ﹡︷︣ ا︨︐︀د ︻﹚ ﹩ا﹞︀﹞ ،﹩از ز︋︡ه ︑︣︡﹠﹞︣﹠﹨ ﹟ان ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ر ︋﹤ ︨︊﹉ ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ا︨️. ︑︪﹊﹫﹏ ︫︡ه ︋﹢د﹡︡ ﹋﹤ در ﹋︀ر﹎︀ه ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ︠﹢د ﹨﹠︣﹨︀ی ا︮﹫﹏ و ︋﹩ ︨︴ ﹞﹫︤ ︋︀ ﹢ب ﹨︀ی ︵︊﹫︺ ﹩و ر﹡﹍︫︡ ﹤︐︠︀︨ ﹩ه و در ﹡﹆︀ط ﹞︐﹚︿ ﹡︷﹫︣ را ︻︣︲﹤ ﹞︣﹋ ﹩د﹡︡︣︋ .ای ﹡﹝﹢︑ ﹩﹞ ﹤﹡﹢ان از ︋︤︋ ﹤﹁﹢ر﹎︀﹡ ﹩م ︋︣د ﹋﹤ ︑﹚﹀﹫﹆ ﹩از ﹞﹠︊️︣︺﹞ ،ق و ﹞︪︊﹉ ﹋︀ری در آن ︋﹤ ︪﹜ ﹞﹢︠ ﹩رد ا﹟ از ︮︡ف و ا︨︐﹢ان ا︨︐﹀︀ده ︫︡ه ا︨️. ︋ ﹤﹁﹢دارای ﹢︪﹋ ١٧ی ︋︧﹫︀ر ز︊︀︨️ و در ︨︀ل ︫︡ ﹤︐︠︀︨ ١٣١٩و ︋︣︗︧︐﹤ ︨︀زی ﹨︀ی ا︵︣اف ﹞﹫︤ ︋︣ ز︊︀ ﹩آن ا﹁︤وده ا︨️ و ︎︀﹤ ﹨︀ی آن اوج ﹨﹠︣ ا︣ا﹡ ﹩را ︋﹤ ﹡﹝︀︩ ﹞︢﹎ ﹩ارد .ا ︤﹫﹞ ﹟ز︊︀ در ﹡﹝︀︪﹍︀ه ︑﹢ا﹡︧️ ﹞︡ال ﹡﹝︀︪﹍︀ه را ﹡﹫︤ ︋﹤ د︨️ ︋﹫︀ورد. ︗︀﹡︣︋ ﹩و﹋︧﹏ ︑﹢ا﹡︧️ ﹞︡ال “ ﹎︣ا﹡︡ ︎︣ی“ ︎︣ ا﹁︐︀ر︑︣︡﹞ ﹟ال و ︗︀︤ه ﹡﹝︀︪﹍︀﹨ ﹩د﹡﹫︀ را ﹋︧︉ ﹋﹠︡. Hoda Shirazi REALTOR R Cell : (480) 703-0874 5780 windwardparkway, Suite 10 Office : (770)663-7291 Alpharetta GA30005 Email: [email protected] each office is Independently and operated ١٣ Georgia NO.54 2021 OCTOBER
﹞﹠︊️ ︀ری ﹫︧️؟ و︗﹢د دا︫︐﹤ ا︨️ ﹅︊︵ .آ︔︀ر و ﹞︡ارک ﹞﹢︗﹢د ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ان ︋﹤ ا﹤︖﹫︐﹡ ﹟ در ︎︀︨ ︋﹤ ︨﹢ال ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ﹫︧️ ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ان ﹎﹀️ ر︨﹫︡ ﹋﹤ ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری از ︡ود ︀︨ ١۵٠٠ل ︎﹫︩ در ا︣ان ﹞﹢رد ا︨︐﹀︀ده ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ﹊ ﹩از ﹨﹠︣﹨︀ی د︨︐ ﹩ا︣ا﹡ ﹩ا︨️ ﹋﹤ در ﹇︣ار ﹞ ﹤︐﹁︣﹎ ﹩ا︨️ ﹩︠︣︋ .از ﹞﹢ر︠﹫ ﹟و ︋︀︨︐︀ن ︫﹠︀︨︀ن ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ︋︩ ︮﹠︀︹ ︗︀ی ﹞︣﹫﹎ ﹩د︀﹋ ️︊﹠﹞ .ری ﹡︡﹠﹋ ﹩︻﹢ه ﹋︀ری را ︋﹤ ﹇︊﹏ از ︎︀د︫︀﹨︀﹫﹡︀︨︀︨ ﹩ن ﹡︧︊️ ﹞ ﹩د﹨﹠︡ ﹋﹤ ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ا﹡︡ ﹡︪︀ن و ﹊︀﹋ ﹩روی ﹢ب ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ︋﹤ ﹞﹠︷﹢ر ز︊︀︨︀زی ︋︣ روی ﹢ب ا﹡︖︀م ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د︀﹋ ️︊﹠﹞ .ر ﹋︧ ﹩ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ︋︀ ا︨︐﹀︀ده از د﹨﹠︡ه ﹇︡﹞️ ا ︣﹠﹨ ﹟در ا︣ان ز﹞﹫.︫︡︀︋ ﹟ ︠﹑﹇﹫️ و د︨︐︀ن ﹨﹠︣﹞﹠︡ ︠﹢د ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ا﹡︡ ﹡﹆﹤︐︧︗︣︋ ﹩︫﹢ را ︋︣ روی ﹢ب ︋﹤ و︗﹢د آورد ﹩﹍︐︧︗︣︋ .﹉ ︻﹠︭︣ ﹞﹜ از د︨️ ︨︀ز﹨︀ی ﹨﹠︣﹞﹠︡ان ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ر ا︣ا﹡﹩ در ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ︋﹤ ︠︡﹨︀︪﹞ ﹏︋︀﹇ ﹩︋﹢ه ا︨️. ︋︣︗︧︐﹍︀﹨ ﹩ی ا︫﹫︀ در ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ︋︣ روی ﹢ب ﹡﹫︤ از د︨️ ︨︀ز﹨︀ی ﹨﹠︣﹞﹠︡ان ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ر ا︣ا﹡﹢︑ ﹩﹞ ﹩ان ﹉ ا︔︣ ﹁︀︠︣ را ︋︣︗︧︐﹤ و ︋︣آ﹞︡ه از ﹢ب ︋﹤ ﹡︷︣ ︠﹢ا﹨︡ ر︨﹫︡ .ا︣﹠﹨ ﹟ در ﹞︧︖︡ ︗︀﹞︹ ︻︐﹫﹅ ︫﹫︣از د︡ ﹋﹤ ﹞︣︋﹢ط ︋﹤ ﹉ ﹛﹠﹍﹤ درب ﹩︋﹢ ا︮﹫﹏ ا︣ا﹡ ﹩از ﹎︫︢︐﹤ ︑︀ ︋﹤ ا﹞︣وز ﹨﹝﹢اره ﹞﹢رد ︑﹢︋ ﹤︗﹢ده ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ﹎︢ر ز﹞︀ن ﹡︐﹢ا﹡︧︐﹤ از ز︊︀ ﹩آن ﹋﹜ ﹋﹠︡︀︐︨︀︋ .ن ︫﹠︀︨︀ن و در آ︔︀ر ︖﹝ ﹩و ︑︤﹫﹠︣﹁ ﹩اوا﹡︀﹋ ﹤︋ ﹩ر ﹎︣﹁︐﹤ ︫︡ه ا︨️. ﹇︡﹞️ ا ﹟درب ﹩︋﹢را اوا﹏ ﹇︣ن ︨﹢م ﹨︖︣ی ︑﹝﹫ ﹟زده ا﹡︡ .ا﹟ درب ز︊︀ روی ﹢ب ︑︊︣︤ی ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ︫︡ه و از ﹢ب ﹎︣دو ︣︋ ،ای ﹢ب ﹞︀ده ا︮﹚︀﹋ ️︊﹠﹞ ﹩ری ︋︡ ﹩ا︨️ ﹞︀ده ا︮﹚ ﹩و او﹛﹫﹤ ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ﹢ ،ب ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ا﹡︡ ︋︣︗︧︐﹤ ︨︀زی و ا︖︀د ﹡﹆﹢ش ا︨︐﹀︀ده ︫︡ه ا︨️. ︵﹫︿ و︨﹫︺ ﹩از ﹢ب ﹨︀ی ︗﹠﹍﹚ ﹩را ︫︀﹞﹏ ︫﹢د. ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری در ︵︀︑ ﹩ر ︋﹤ ︵﹢ر ︻﹝︡ه از ﹢ب در︠︐︀ن ︣﹎ :دو︀︪﹝︫ ،د و ﹎﹑︋ ﹩در ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ا︨︐﹀︀ده ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د ﹋﹤ ︋︀ ︑︣︵ ﹤︋ ﹤︗﹢ح ︋︀︡ ﹢ب ﹞﹠︀︨︉ را ا﹡︐︀ب ﹋︣د. ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ران در ︵﹢ل ︑︀ر ︋︀ ︑ ﹤︋ ﹤︗﹢او︲︀ع ︑﹢ا﹡︧︐﹤ ا﹡︡ از ا︋︤ار د﹇️ در ا﹡︐︀ب ﹢ب ︋︣ای ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری :از آ﹡︖︀﹢ ﹤﹋ ﹩ب ﹞﹢رد ﹞︐﹚﹀ ﹩در ﹋︀ر ﹞﹠︊️ ا︨︐﹀︀ده ﹋﹠﹠︡ه ﹑︓﹞ .در اوج دوران ا︨﹑﹞،﹩ ا︨︐﹀︀ده ︋︀︡ ︋︐﹢ا﹡︡ ا︨︐﹊︀م و ز︊︀﹢︠ ﹩د را ﹀︶ ﹋﹠︡ ﹐زم ا︨️ ︑︀ ﹨﹝︙﹢ن د﹍︣ ﹨﹠︣﹞﹠︡ان در ا﹞︣ ︨︀︠️ ﹞︧︀︗︡ ﹋︀﹝﹡︣﹠﹨ .︡﹡︡﹫︫﹢﹩ در ا﹡︐︀ب ﹢ب ︨︐﹍﹫︣ا﹡﹤ ︻﹝﹏ ﹋︣د﹢ .ب ا︨︐﹀︀ده ︫︡ه ︋︀︡ ﹁︪︣ده ﹞︺﹝︀ران︀﹋ ﹩︫︀﹋ ،ران ﹞︺︣ق︀﹨︣︊︙﹎ ،ی ﹨﹠︣﹞﹠︡︣︐﹍﹠︨ ،ا︫︀ن و ︋︧﹫︀ر و ﹞﹊﹜ ︋︀︫︡ ا︨︐﹀︀ده از ﹢ب ﹨︀ی ﹡︣م ︋︀ ︋︀﹁️ ﹡﹤ ﹠︡ان ︨️ ︗︀﹩ از ﹨﹠︣﹞﹠︡ان ︠﹑ق را در ا︋﹠﹫﹤ ︑︀ر ﹩ا︣ان ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ان د︡︡﹠ ︣﹨ . در ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ﹡︡ارد﹑︻ .وه ︋︣ ﹁︪︣د﹎ ﹩و ا︨︐﹊︀م ﹢ب ︋︀︡ ︋﹤ ︋︣︠ ﹩از ا ﹟د︨️ ︨︀ز﹨︀ی ﹨﹠︣ی در ︵﹢ل ز﹞︀ن ﹡︀︋﹢د ︫︡ه و﹛﹤︋ ﹩ ︠﹢︑ ﹩﹞ ﹩︋﹢ان ذوق و ﹨﹠︣ ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ران را در ︑︤﹫ ﹟ر﹏ ﹇︣آن︣︖﹠︎ ،ه ︨﹑﹞️ و ﹊︍︀ر﹍ ﹩آن ﹡﹫︤ ︑﹢︫ ﹤︗﹢د. ﹨︀ی ﹞︧︀︗︡ ﹇︡﹝ ︣︊﹠﹞ ،﹩و ﹞﹢ارد ︋︧﹫︀ر د﹍︣ د︡ .در ا︮﹀︀ن و ﹎﹚︍︀﹍︀ن آ︔︀ر ارز︫﹝﹠︡ی از ﹨﹠︣﹞﹠︡ان ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ر ا︣ا﹡︣︋ ﹩ای ︋︀زد︡ ︑︀ر︙﹤ ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری ﹨﹝﹤ ﹨﹠︣﹨︀ی د︨︐ ﹩ا︣ا﹡ ﹤︐︨︀︠︣︋ ﹩از درون ﹞︣دم ا︨️ .در وا﹇︹ ﹞﹢︗﹢د ا︨️. ︫︬ ︀ ا︫︀︮ ﹩در ا︋︡اع ا﹢﹡ ﹜︪ ︣﹠﹨ ﹟از ﹡﹆︪︡﹡ ﹩ا︫︐﹤ ا﹡︡ ︋﹚﹊﹤ ﹞﹠︊️ ﹋︀ری در ︵ ﹩ز﹞︀ن ︋︀ر﹨︀ ﹞﹢رد ︋︣﹞ ﹩ی ﹇︣ار ﹎︣﹁️ و ﹨﹠︣﹞﹠︡ان ﹞︣دم ︻︀دی ︫︣وع ︋﹤ ﹊︀﹋ ﹩و ﹋﹠︡ن روی ﹢ب ﹋︣د﹡︡︡︋ .ون ︫﹉ ﹢ب از ﹁︣اوان ︑︣﹢﹞ ﹟اد در ︑︀ر ︋︪︣ ︋﹢ده ﹋﹤ ﹨﹝﹫︪﹤ در ︵︊﹫︺️ ︮﹠︀︹ د︨︐﹩ ١٢IRANNO.54 OCTOBER 2021
﹁︀ل ﹞︀﹨︀﹡﹤ ﹞︐︡﹛﹢ ﹟دی ﹁︀ل و ︵︀﹛︹ ︋﹫﹠︡﹛﹢︐﹞ ﹤﹡︀﹨︀﹞ ﹩︣﹞ ﹟ ︎︀︡اری ︫﹝︀ در ﹞︧﹫︣ ︮﹫ ز﹡︡﹎ ﹟﹫︧︑ ﹏︋︀﹇ ﹩ا︨️ ا﹞︀ ︑ ﹤︗﹢دا︫︐﹤ ︋︀︫﹫︡ ﹇︡ر ﹫︤ی را ﹋﹤ ﹨﹜ ا﹋﹠﹢ن دار︡ ︋︡ا﹡﹫︡ ؛ ا﹎︣ در ︑﹑ش ︋︣ای ︋︊﹢د ︫︣ا︳ ز﹡︡﹎﹩ ﹋﹤ ﹨︣ ا﹡︧︀﹡ ﹟﹊﹝﹞ ﹩ا︨️ ︠︴︀ ﹋﹠︡ ︀ ا︮﹑ ﹞﹝﹊ ﹟ا︨️ در ︑︪﹫︬ ︮﹫ ︠﹢د ﹨︧︐﹫︡ ﹑︑ ،ش را در ︑︡اوم ﹨﹝︀ن ﹞︧﹫︣ و آ﹡︙﹤ ﹋﹤ دار︡ ﹇︣ار د﹨﹫︡ و از ا﹟ از ︾﹫︣ ︮﹫ ا︫︐︊︀ه ﹋﹠︡ ︋﹠︀︋︣ا ﹜﹚︻ ︣︐︪﹫︋ ﹏﹫︭︑ ﹤︋ ﹟و ا︨︐﹀︀ده از ︑︖︣︋﹤ ︫︀︠﹤ ︋﹤ آن ︫︀︠﹤ ﹡︍︣︡ ︀﹀︗ .و ︨︐﹜ ا︨️ ا﹎︣ ︋﹤ ﹫︤ی ︗︤ آ﹡︙﹤ دار︡ و ﹨︧︐﹫︡ د﹍︣ان ﹡﹫︀ز﹞﹠︡ ﹞ ︫︡︀︋ ﹩؛ در ا︀﹞ ﹟ه ا﹎︣ در ﹞︧﹫︣ ︻﹑﹇﹤ و ︻︪﹅ ︠﹢د︑︀ن ﹡﹫︤ ︋﹤ ︋﹫﹠︪︡﹫︡ ،ا﹛︊︐﹤ آرزو﹨︀ی ︋︐︣ ︋﹤ ︫﹝︀ ﹇︡رت ︋﹫︪︐︣ی ﹞﹫︡﹨︡ ︑︀ ︋︣ ︗️ ﹎﹫︣ی ﹡︡︖︑ ﹩︻﹢︡﹡︷︣ ﹋﹠﹫︡ ︋﹤ ﹡︐︀︕ ︋︐︣ی ︠﹢ا﹨﹫︡ ر︨﹫︡︀︋ ﹤﹋ ﹩﹝﹞ ﹤︐﹊﹡ ︀﹠︑ .︡ ︠﹢د ︎︀﹁︪︀ری دا︫︐﹤ ︋︀︫﹫︡ و ︫︣ا︳ را ︋︐︣ ﹋﹠﹫︡ ا﹞︀ ︀د︑︀ن ︋︀︫︡ ﹋﹤ »︗︤ ﹋﹢ی ︋﹤ آن ︑ ︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹤︗﹢ا﹠﹊﹤ از ﹞︧﹫︣ ﹅ و ﹆﹫﹆️ دور ﹡﹫﹀︐﹫︡ و ︋︣ای ︑︪﹫︬ ا﹟ دو︨️« ﹡︣و︡! ︋︀︡ آ﹡︙﹤ را ﹋﹤ و︗﹢د دارد ﹞︐︣م ︋︡ار︡ و ︪﹜ د﹛︐︀ن د﹡︊︀ل ﹞︧﹫︣︣﹞ ،ا︗︺﹤ ﹞︧︐﹆﹫﹜ ︋﹤ ا﹁︣اد آ﹎︀ه و ا︖︀د ار︑︊︀ط ︋﹫︪︐︣ ︋︀ ا︪︀ن را از ︠﹢د ︋︣︠﹢﹚︗ ﹩ه ﹨︀ی زود﹎︢ر ﹡︊︀︫︡︀︋ ﹩﹝﹞ ﹜﹫﹝︭︑ .︡ ︋﹍﹫︣︡︀﹠︪﹫︎ .د ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د در︼ ﹡﹊﹠﹫︡ .ا ﹟روز﹨︀ ︋﹤ د﹛﹫﹏ ﹞︪︽﹚﹫︀ت ︋︧﹫︀ر ،ز﹡︡﹎﹫︐︀ن آ︫﹀︐﹤ ︫︡ه و ﹡﹝﹩ ︐﹝︀ ︋︀ ﹠︡ ﹡﹀︣ در ا ﹟ز﹞﹫﹠﹤ ﹞︪﹢رت ﹋﹠﹫︡. دا﹡﹫︡ ︴﹢ر ︋﹤ ﹋︀ر﹨︀︐︀ن ︨︣ و ︨︀﹞︀ن ︋︊︪﹫︡. ︋︐︣ ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣︑︡︋ ︣﹞ ۴ : ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣﹞ ٢٨ : ︋︐︣ ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣︑︡︋ ︣﹞ ١۵ : ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣﹞ ٢١ : ﹁︀ل و ︵︀﹛︹ ︋﹫﹠︡﹛﹢︐﹞ ﹤﹡︀﹨︀﹞ ﹩ ﹟آ︋︀ن ﹁︀ل و ︵︀﹛︹ ︋﹫﹠︡﹛﹢︐﹞ ﹤﹡︀﹨︀﹞ ﹩﹟﹝︋ ﹟ ﹞︣ ﹞︀ه ﹞︀﹨ ️﹫︺﹇﹢ی ︎﹫︙﹫︡ه و ︗︀﹛︊ ︩﹫︎ ﹩رو دار︡؛ از ︵︣﹁ ﹩در ﹆︐︀ن ︗﹀︀ در ﹞︀ه ﹎︫︢︐﹤ ︋︣ ︫﹝︀ ﹛︷︀ت ﹞ ️﹫﹆﹁﹢آ﹞﹫︤ و ﹁︣︮️ ﹨︀ی ﹁︣اوا﹡ ️︫︢﹎ ﹩و﹛﹩ ︫︡ه و ﹅ ︋︀ ︫﹝︀︨️ و ﹇︡ر︑︀ن را ﹡﹝﹫︡ا﹡﹠︡ و از ︵︣ف د﹍︣ ︸︀﹨︣ا ︻︤︤ی را در ︋﹠︀ ︋﹤ د﹐﹚︡﹇ ،﹩ر آن ﹛︷︀ت را ﹡︡ا﹡︧︐﹫︡ .در ﹎︫︢︐﹤ ز﹡︡﹎︣﹋ ﹩دن ︋﹤ ︮﹑ح ︨﹀︣ دار︡ ︀ از ︻︤︤ی دور ا﹁︐︀ده ا︡ و ︪﹜ ︋﹤ راه او ﹨︧︐﹫︡ و در ا︀﹍﹠﹨ ﹟م ︫﹝︀ ﹡﹫︧️ ؛ ︑ ︀﹝︫ ﹤︋ ︀﹞ ﹤﹫︮﹢ا ﹟ا︨️ ﹋﹤ در ا︀﹞ ﹟ه از ︵︣﹅ ار︑︊︀ط ︮﹝﹫﹝︀﹡﹤ ﹨﹜ ︋﹤ ﹁﹊︣ش ﹨︧︐﹫︡ ﹋﹤ ا﹡︪︀ءﹰا ︋﹤ ︨﹑﹞️ ︋︀ز ﹞﹫﹍︣دد .﹉ از راز﹨︀ی ﹞️﹫﹆﹁﹢ ︋︀ د﹍︣ان دو︋︀ره ︫︣ا︳ و ﹁︣︮️ ﹨︀ی ︠ ﹩︋﹢را ︋︣ای ︠﹢د ﹁︣ا﹨﹜ ﹋﹠﹫︡ و آ﹡︙﹤ را ا ﹟ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ︋︣ ︠﹢د آ︨︀ن ︋﹍﹫︣︡ ︑︀ د﹡﹫︀ ︋﹤ ︫﹝︀ ︨️ ﹡﹍﹫︣د .در ﹞﹢رد ﹞︧︀﹏ در ︎ ﹩آن ﹨︧︐﹫︡ ﹞︖︡دا ︋﹤ د︨️ آور︡؛ ︮﹫﹆﹏ دادن دل و ︑︤﹋﹫﹤ ︋︀︵︡﹫﹚﹋ ،﹟ ︻︀︵﹀︀︑ ﹩ن ︫︀︡ ︋︐︣ ︋︀︫︡ ﹋﹝ ﹩ا︧︀︨︀︑︐︀ن را ︎﹠︀ن ﹋﹠﹫︡ و ︋﹫︩ از ا﹡︡ازه ﹞ ︨︣ ︣︋ .️︨︀﹝︫ ️﹫﹆﹁﹢دو را﹨︡﹡︀﹞ ﹩ن و ر﹁︐︀︐﹝﹫﹝︭︑ .︡﹫︐︧﹨ ﹟ن را ︋﹍﹫︣︡ ﹨﹫︖︀ن زده ﹡︊︀︫﹫︡ ﹤︋ .زودی ︋︣ای ر﹁︐ ﹤︋ ﹟﹉ ︨﹀︣ ︋︣﹡︀﹞﹤ ر︤ی ︠﹢ا﹨﹫︡ ﹋︣د. ︑︀ از ا︣︋ ﹟زخ ︠︀رج ︫﹢︡﹢︠ ﹩﹁︣ .ا﹨﹫︡ زد ﹋﹤ ︻︤︤ی را ︋﹤ ︫︡ت ︠﹢ا﹨︡ ا﹎︣ ︨﹠﹌ ︮︊﹢ر ﹋︧ ،︡﹫︐︧﹨ ﹩را﹨︡﹫︎ ﹩ا ﹋﹠﹫︡ ︑︀ آرا﹞︪︐︀ن را ﹨﹜ ﹀︶ ﹋﹠﹫︡. ر﹡︖︀﹡︡ ﹤︋ .﹉ ︨﹀︣ ﹞ ﹩رو︡. ︋︐︣ ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣︑︡︋ ︣﹞ ١٠ : ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣﹞ ٢٣ : ︋︐︣ ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣︑︡︋ ︣﹞ ٧ : ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣﹞ ٢٨ : ﹁︀ل و ︵︀﹛︹ ︋﹫﹠︡﹛﹢︐﹞ ﹤﹡︀﹨︀﹞ ﹩ ﹟آذر ﹁︀ل و ︵︀﹛︹ ︋﹫﹠︡﹛﹢︐﹞ ﹤﹡︀﹨︀﹞ ﹩ ﹟ا︨﹀﹠︡ در ا︀﹞ ﹟ه ﹞﹝﹊ ﹟ا︨️ ︫﹝︀ د﹡︊︀ل ︠﹢ا︨︐﹤ ای ︋︀︫﹫︡ ﹋﹤ ا︵︣ا﹁﹫︀ن ︫﹝︀ و ︻︣ف ا︀﹞ ﹟ه را ︋︀︡ ︗︪︣﹫﹍︋ ﹟︡ ز︣ا ز﹞︀ن ﹞︀﹫︧︋ ︀﹝︫ ️﹫﹆﹁﹢ر ﹡︤د﹉ ︫︡ه ا︨️ و ︗︀﹞︺﹤ آن را ﹡﹝﹢︗ ﹩﹇﹢︪︺﹞ ︡﹠﹡︀﹞ !︡﹡︡﹠︧︎ ﹩ان ︑︣ ︀ ﹞︧ ︣︑ ﹟از ︠﹢د︑︀ن، ︫︀︡ ﹨﹜ ︋︐﹢ان ﹎﹀️ ﹋﹤ ﹨﹜ ا﹋﹠﹢ن ︾︣ق در ﹞﹆︡﹞︀ت آن ﹞ .︡﹫︐︧﹨ ️﹫﹆﹁﹢در ﹞︀ه ﹛︊︀︨ ﹩︀ ﹞﹆︀﹞ ﹤﹋ ﹩در ︠﹢ر ︫﹝︀ ﹡﹫︧️ و ︠﹑︮﹤ ﹨︣ ﹫︤ی ﹋﹤ ︻︣ف ︗︀﹞︺﹤ آن ﹎︫︢︐﹤ ﹋﹝ ﹩ا﹡︡و﹨﹍﹫﹢︋ ﹟ده ا︡ و د﹛︐︀ن ﹎︣﹁︐﹤ ︋﹢د︀﹨ ︡﹞︀︪﹫︎ ،︣︋ ﹩ا︐︀ن ا︖︀د را از ︫﹝︀ ﹡﹝﹫︍︢︣د .ا﹎︣ ا︧﹞ ﹟﹚﹤ را آ﹎︀﹨︀﹡﹤ ا﹡︐︀ب ﹋︣ده ا︡ ،ا︫﹊︀﹛︡﹡ ﹩ارد و ︫︡ه ︋﹢د ﹋﹤ ا︧︀س ︾﹝ ﹟﹫﹍﹠︨ ﹩دا︫︐﹫︡ ا﹞︀ ︋﹤ ︫﹝︀ ﹞︥ده داده ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د ﹋﹤ در ︋︡ون ︑ ﹤︋ ﹤︗﹢د﹍︣ان د﹡︊︀﹛︩ ︋︣و︡︣ ،ف و ︡︒ د﹍︣ان را ︋﹤ ︗︀ن ︋︍︢︣︡ ﹞︀ه ︗︡︡ ز﹞︀ن ︾﹜ ︫﹝︀ ﹎︫︢︐﹤ ا︨️ ︣︐︋ .ا︨️ ز︀د ا﹨﹏ ︑︷︀﹨︣ ﹡︊︀︫﹫︡ ؛ ︋﹍︢ار︡ و ا﹡︐︷︀ر ︑︀﹫︡ ︻﹝﹢م را ﹡︡ا︫︐﹤ ︋︀︫﹫︡ در ︾﹫︣ ا﹠︭﹢رت آرا﹞︩ ز﹡︡﹎︀︑ ﹩ن ︋﹤ ا︵︣ا﹁﹫︀ن︫﹝︀﹆︀﹅را︋︊﹫﹠﹠︡︋︀ا﹟او︮︀ف︫﹝︀را︋﹫︪︐︣دو︨️︠﹢ا﹨﹠︡دا︫️و ﹨﹜ ︠﹢ا﹨︡ ︠﹢رد ؛ ا﹠﹉ ﹛︷﹤ ا﹡︐︀ب ا︨️﹢︊︖﹞ .ر ﹞﹢︫ ﹩︡ ︠︣︗.︡﹫﹠﹊︋ ﹩ ﹞ ︣︑ ﹅﹁﹢از ﹎︫︢︐﹤ ︠﹢ا﹨﹫︡ ︋﹢د .در ا︀﹞ ﹟ه د︨️ از و﹛︣︗︀﹨ ﹩ی ︋﹫﹢ده ︋︣دار︡. ﹡﹍︣ان ﹡︊︀︫﹫︡ .ا︑﹀︀﹇︀︑︀﹝︑ ︀﹝︫ ︹﹀﹡ ﹤︋ ﹩م ︠﹢ا﹨︡ ︫︡﹢︠ ﹤︋ ️︧﹫﹁︀﹋ .د︑︀ن ا﹝︀ن ︋︐︣ ا︨️ ︑︀ ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ا﹡﹫︡ ︎︦ ا﹡︡از ﹋﹠﹫︡︤︋ .ودی ︋﹤ ︎︦ ا﹡︡از︑︀ن ﹡﹫︀ز ︎﹫︡ا ︠﹢ا﹨﹫︡ دا︫︐﹤ ︋︀︫﹫︡ ︑︀ ︋﹤ ا﹞﹢ر ︑︧﹚︳ ︎﹫︡ا ﹋﹠﹫︡. ﹋︣د︀︋ .ری را از دوش ﹋︧ ﹩﹞ ﹩دار︡ و ﹞︪﹊﹚︩ را ﹏ ﹞.︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹩ ︋︐︣ ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣︑︡︋ ︣﹞ ۶ : ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣﹞ ١٣ : ︋︐︣ ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣︑︡︋ ︣﹞ ٨ : ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣﹞ ٣٠ : ١١ Georgia NO.54 2021 OCTOBER
﹁︀ل ﹞︀﹨︀﹡﹤ ︵︀﹛︹︋﹫﹠︀﹞︣﹞ ﹩ه )︎﹫︩︋﹫﹠﹩ا︑﹀︀﹇︀تا︀﹞﹟ه( در ا︣﹁ ︣﹨ ﹤﹡︀﹨︀﹞ ﹩﹠﹫︋ ︹﹛︀︵ ﹤﹀︮ ﹟د را︀﹞ ﹤︋ ﹤︗﹢︑ ︀︋ ،ه ︑ ،︡﹛﹢آورده ا﹜ .ا﹎︣ ︫﹝︀ ﹨﹜ دو︨️ دار︡ ﹋﹤ از ﹁︀ل ﹞︀ه ︠﹢د آ﹎︀ه ︫﹢︡ ،در ادا﹞﹤ ﹞︴﹚︉ ︋︀ ﹞︀ ﹨﹝︣اه ︋︀︫﹫︡. ﹁︀ل و ︵︀﹛︹ ︋﹫﹠︡﹛﹢︐﹞ ﹤﹡︀﹨︀﹞ ﹩︣﹫︑ ﹟ ﹁︀ل و ︵︀﹛︹ ︋﹫﹠︡﹛﹢︐﹞ ﹤﹡︀﹨︀﹞ ﹩︣﹁ ﹟ورد﹟ در ﹞︣ ﹞︀ه ﹞﹝﹊ ﹟ا︨️ ﹋﹝︣︮ ﹩ا️ ﹛︖﹤ ︋﹫︩ از ︡ ﹞︐︺︀رف دا︫︐﹤ ︋︀︫﹫︡ و ا﹎︣ ا﹠︴﹢ر ︋﹢د ،ا﹎︣﹤ دروغ ﹡﹝﹢﹎ ﹩﹫︡ و ︨﹠︀﹡︐︀ن در︨️ ا︨️ ا﹞︀ ﹐زم ا︨️ در ا︀﹞ ﹟ه ︋︺︱ ︣︋ ︀﹨︤﹫ ﹩و﹁﹅ ﹞︣اد︑︀ن ﹡﹢ا﹨︡ ︋﹢د و از ﹨﹝﹫ ﹟رو ︨️ ︋︣آ︫﹀︐﹤ ︠﹢ا﹨﹫︫︡︡و﹁﹢را﹨﹝﹤را﹞﹊﹢م﹞︣﹤﹋︡﹫﹠﹋﹩اآ﹡︙﹤﹞﹢︠﹩ا︨︐﹤ا︡︻﹫﹠ ً︀ا﹡︖︀م ﹎︀﹨ ﹩︱︺︋ ﹩از ﹆︀﹅ را ︋﹤ ز︋︀ن ﹡﹫︀ور︡. ﹡︪︡ه ا︨️ ا﹞︀ ︋︀︡ ︋︡ا﹡﹫︡ ﹋﹤ ا﹠﹍ ﹤︋ ﹤﹡﹢آرا﹞︩ ﹡﹝ ﹩ر︨﹫︡︀︋ .︡ ﹋﹝ ﹤︋ ﹜﹨ ﹩د﹍︣ان )︗︤ را︨️ ﹡︊︀︡ ﹎﹀️ ︣﹨ ،را︨️ ﹡︪︀︡ ﹎﹀️( ︀﹠﹝︲ .در ﹞﹫︀ن ا︻︱︀ء ︠︀﹡﹢اده ﹅︋︡﹨﹫︡و︋︀ور﹋﹠﹫︡﹋﹤﹎︣دشروز﹎︀ر︧︀بو﹋︐︀︋﹩دارد،ا﹎︣︠︡ارا︋︀وردار︡﹎﹚﹤ ︫﹝︀ و ︀ ﹡︤د﹊︀ن و ﹨﹝﹊︀را﹡︐︀ن ﹋︧︀﹡ ﹤﹋ ︡﹠︐︧﹨ ﹩در ﹎︫︢︐﹤ ︫︣ا︳ ﹞︀دی و ︫﹊︀️ ﹞︺﹠︀ ﹡︡ارد ؛ د︨️ ︋﹤ ﹋︀ری ﹨﹫︖︀ن ا﹡﹍﹫︤ ︠﹢ا﹨﹫︡ زد ﹋﹤ رو﹫﹤ و ︀﹛︐︀ن را و ︫︽﹚ ﹩و ا︗︐﹝︀︻︣︐︋ ﹩ی دا︫︐﹤ ا﹡︡ ؛ ︫︀︧︐﹤ ا︨️ ︋︀ آ﹡︀ن ﹨﹜ ︫︠︣﹢و ﹩و ︋︧﹫︀ر︠﹢ش﹞︣︋.︡﹠﹋﹩ای﹎﹀︐﹟﹉︣ف︋︐︣ا︨️︻︖﹚﹤﹡﹊﹠﹫︡﹢︑﹩﹞︀︑.ا﹡﹫︡در ︠︀︐﹁︫︣﹢ری ︑︀ن را ﹀︶ ﹋﹠﹫︡ ؛ راز داری ︮﹀︐ ﹉﹫﹡ ﹩ا︨️ ︀﹝︫ ،را ︋﹤ آن ︑﹤﹫︮﹢ ا﹢﹞ ﹟رد ︋︣ای ︠﹢د︑︀ن و﹇️ ︋︣︡︣﹫﹫︽︑ .ات ﹞﹝ ﹩در ز﹡︡﹎ ︀﹝︫ ﹩رخ ︠﹢ا﹨︡ داد، ﹞﹫﹊﹠﹫﹜ ︣﹫﹫︽︑ ︀︋ .د﹋﹢را︨﹫﹢ن ﹞﹠︤ل ︑﹠﹢ع در ﹞﹫︳ ︠︀﹡﹤ ︋﹢︗﹢د ︠﹢ا﹨﹫︡ آورد. ︋﹤︎︪︐﹢ا﹡﹤ا︣﹫﹫︽︑﹟ات︎﹚﹤﹨︀یر︫︡و︎﹫︪︣﹁️را﹊︦︎﹩ازد﹍︣ی︎︪️︨︣﹞﹩ ︋︐︣ ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣︑︡︋ ︣﹞ ١۴ : ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣﹞ ٢۶ : ﹎︢ار︡︡﹨.﹤ایدر︀﹁️﹞︀︫︉︗﹢﹞﹤﹋︡﹫﹠﹋﹩د︐︀ن﹞﹢︫﹩د. ﹁︀ل و ︵︀﹛︹ ︋﹫﹠︡﹛﹢︐﹞ ﹤﹡︀﹨︀﹞ ﹩︣﹞ ﹟داد ︋︐︣ ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣︑︡︋ ︣﹞ ١٨ : ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣﹞ ١٢ : در ا︀﹞ ﹟ه ا﹨︡اف ارز︫﹝﹠︡ی را د﹡︊︀ل ︠﹢ا﹨﹫︡ ﹋︣د و ︋︣﹡︀﹞﹤ ﹨︀ی ︋︧﹫︀ر ︠﹩︋﹢ ︋︣ای آ﹠︡ه دار︡ ،ا﹞︀ ا︠﹫︣ا ﹋﹝ ﹩︐︧︨ ﹩︀ ︑︣د︡ در ا﹡︪︡﹤ ︑︀ن راه ︀﹁︐﹤ ا︨️. ﹁︀ل و ︵︀﹛︹ ︋﹫﹠︡﹛﹢︐﹞ ﹤﹡︀﹨︀﹞ ﹩ ﹟ارد︊︪️ ﹋﹝ ﹩دل ﹞︣ده و ︾﹜ زده ا︡ و ا︐﹝︀ل ﹞﹢︠ ️﹫﹆﹁﹢د را ﹋﹝︐︣ از آ﹡︙﹤ ﹨︧️، ﹞﹫︡ا﹡﹫︡ ا﹞︀ ︀د︑︀ن ﹡︣ود ︎︀︡اری و ا︨︐﹢اری ︫﹝︀ ﹞︀︑ ﹩﹝︐ ️﹫﹆﹁﹢﹞ ︉︗﹢ن ︫﹝︀ دارای ﹇﹚︊︀︋︣﹞ ﹩ن︀︎ ،ک و ا﹡︧︀ن دو︨️ ﹨︧︐﹫︡ و﹛ ﹩︱︺︋ ﹩از دو︨︐︀ن و ︠﹢ا﹨︡ ︫︡﹢︙﹝﹨ ،ن ︻︀︫﹆ ︩﹇﹢︪︺﹞ ﹤﹋ ﹩دور ا﹁︐︀ده ا﹞︀ ﹞﹫︡ا﹡︡ ﹋﹤ در ﹡︀️ آ︫﹠︀︀ن ﹇︡ر︑︀ن را ﹡﹝ ﹩دا﹡﹠︡ و ﹞︀︊︗﹢ت ﹡︀را︐︀︑ ﹩ن را ﹁︣ا﹨﹜ ﹞︀﹝︫ .︡﹠﹠﹋ ﹩ ︋﹤ آ﹡︙﹤ ﹞﹫﹢ا﹨︡ ،د︨️ ︠﹢ا﹨︡ ︀﹁️︀﹠︑ .︀︑ ﹩ن را ︋︀ ﹨︣ ﹋︦ و ﹨︣ ﹋︀ری ︎︣ ا﹨︡اف ︋︤ر﹎ ﹩در ︨︣ دار︡ ﹋﹤ ﹨︣ ﹋︡ام در ︗︀ی ︠﹢د دارای ارزش ﹨︧︐﹠︡ ا﹞︀ ︋︀︡ ︑ ﹤︗﹢دا︫︐﹤ ︋︀︫﹫︡ ﹋﹤ راه ﹞ ︀﹝︫ ️﹫﹆﹁﹢ا︋︐︡ا ﹀︶ ار︑︊︀ط ︮﹝﹫﹝︀﹡﹤ ︋︀ ﹞︣دم و ﹡﹊﹠﹫︡ .﹤ ︗︀ ﹩د︻﹢ت ﹞﹢︫ ﹩︡ .ا ﹟د︻﹢ت را رد ﹋﹠﹫︡. ︋︀ور دا︫︐︀﹋ ﹤︖﹫︐﹡ ﹤︋ ﹟ر﹨︀ و ﹞︧﹢ل ︋﹢دن در ︋︣ا︋︣ ︎︣ورد﹎︀ر ا︨️ .راه ︀ره ای ︋︐︣ ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣︑︡︋ ︣﹞ ١١ : ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣﹞ ٢٠ : ︎﹫︡ا ﹋﹠﹫︡ و ز︣ ︋︀ر ﹡︣و︡ ﹩︭︫ .از در وارد ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د و ︋︀ ︠﹢دش ︠︊︣ی ﹞﹩ ﹁︀ل و ︵︀﹛︹ ︋﹫﹠︡﹛﹢︐﹞ ﹤﹡︀﹨︀﹞ ﹩︫︣ ﹟﹢ر آورد .ز﹡︡﹎﹫︐︀ن را ︋︀ ︑﹊︣ار ︑︖︣︋﹫︀ت ﹎︫︢︐﹤ ﹨︡ر ﹡︡﹨﹫︡. در ا︀﹞ ﹟ه دوران ︨︐ ﹤︐︫︢﹎ ︀﹨ ﹩و ز﹞︀ن ︫︀دی ﹁︣ا ︠﹢ا﹨︡ ر︨﹫︡ و ︋︣﹠﹨ ﹉︫ ﹩ ︋︐︣ ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣︑︡︋ ︣﹞ ٢۵ : ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣﹞ ١٧ : ا︨︐﹀︀ده از ﹁︣︮️ ﹨︀︣﹠﹨ ،ی ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ﹨﹝﹤ ﹋︦ ﹡︡ارد و ︋︀︡ ︋﹤ ا︧﹞ ﹟﹚﹤ ︠﹢ب ︋﹫﹠︪︡﹫︡ ︑︀ ︠﹢ب ︋︣ه ︋︣داری ﹋﹠﹫︡ و از آن ︋︣ای ر︨﹫︡ن ︋﹤ ﹞ ️﹫﹆﹁﹢ا︨︐﹀︀ده ﹁︀ل و ︵︀﹛︹ ︋﹫﹠︡﹛﹢︐﹞ ﹤﹡︀﹨︀﹞ ﹩︣︠ ﹟داد ﹋﹠﹫︡ .ا︀﹞ ﹟ه ︎﹢ل ﹇︀︋﹏ ︑ ﹤︋ ﹩︗﹢د︨︐︀ن ﹞ ﹩ر︨︡ ﹋﹤ او︲︀ع ز﹡︡﹎ ﹩را ︑︀ ︡ی در ا︀﹞ ﹟ه ︫︣ا︳ ز﹡︡﹎ ﹩و ا︑﹀︀﹇︀ت ︎﹫︩ رو ︋︣ و﹁﹅ ﹞︣اد ︫﹝︀ ︠﹢ا﹨︡ ︋﹢د ︑︽﹫﹫︣ ﹞﹫︡﹨︡ ︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹩︺︨ ،ا ﹩︋﹢︠ ︣﹫︔︀︑ ︣﹫﹫︽︑ ﹟روی ︠︀﹡﹢اده ︋﹍︢ارد و ﹨﹝﹍ ﹩در و ︋﹤ ﹛︴︿ ز﹝︀︑︐︀ن︫︣ ﹉︫ ﹩︋ ،ا︴ ︣︐︋ ﹩از ﹎︫︢︐﹤ ﹡﹫︤ ︎﹫︩ ︠﹢ا﹨︡ ﹛︢ت ︋︣دن از آن ︨﹫﹜ ︋︪﹢︡ ؛ ا﹎︣ د︀ر ﹞︪﹊﹏ ︫︡︡ ︋︀ ︧︠︣﹡﹢دی ﹞﹏ ﹤︋ ﹅﹁﹢ آ﹞︡ ﹤︋ .آ﹡︙﹤ ﹋﹤ ا﹞︣وز ︎﹫︩ آ﹞︡ه ا︨️ ﹞︽︣ور ﹡︪﹢︡ و ︐﹝︀ ︋﹤ ﹡﹆︀ط آن ﹞﹫︪﹢︡ .ا﹎︣ ﹋︧ ﹩را دو︨️ دار︡ ﹤︋ ︀﹠︑ ﹤﹡ ،او ﹁﹊︣ ﹋﹠﹫︡ ︀︋ ﹤﹊﹚︋ ،ر﹁︐︀ر︑︀ن ︲︺︿ ︠﹢د ﹨﹜ ︋﹫﹠︪︡﹫︡ و د﹡︊︀ل ﹁︣︮️ ﹨︀︣︋ ﹩ای ر﹁︹ ﹡﹢ا﹇︬ ︠﹢د ︣﹁︐︀ن را ︔︀︋️ ﹋﹠﹫︡ ︀﹝︫ ﹩﹆︴﹠﹞ ﹜﹫﹝︭︑ .را ︋﹤ ︗︀﹍︀ه ︠﹢ب و ﹞︴﹝﹠﹩﹞ ﹩ ︋︀︫﹫︡ و د﹍︣ ا﹠﹊﹤ ﹡︧︊️ ︋﹤ ﹞︀﹨ ️﹫﹆﹁﹢ی د﹍︣ان ︧︀دت ﹡﹢رز︡ ︋﹚﹊﹤ از ︫︀دی و ︑︀﹆﹫﹁﹢ت د﹍︣ان ﹛︢ت ︋︊︣︡ ︑︀ ﹞︊﹢ب دل ﹨︀ی ا︵︣ا﹁﹫︀ن ر︨︀﹡︡ ﹤︋ ️﹋︣︋︣︎ ﹩﹞︡﹇ ︀︋ ﹩︭︫ .ز﹡︡﹎﹫︐︀ن وارد ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د. ︋︀︫﹫︡ ️﹫﹆﹁﹢﹞ .از آن ︫﹝︀︨️ ︣︐︋ ،ا︨️ در ﹞﹫︳ ﹋︀ر ﹞︪﹊﹑︑︐︀ن را ︋︐︣ ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣︑︡︋ ︣﹞ ١٣ : ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣﹞ ٢٠ : ﹞﹠︴﹆ ﹩و ︻︀﹇﹑﹡﹤ ﹏ ﹋﹠﹫︡. ︋︐︣ ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣︑︡︋ ︣﹞ ٢٣ : ﹟روز ﹞︀ه ︋︣ای ︫﹝︀︣﹞ ٩ : ١٠IRANNO.54 OCTOBER 2021
﹋﹢دد﹨ ﹩در ز﹞︀ن دوران ﹇﹢ی ︫︡ن آن ﹞﹢︫﹩د و ﹎﹏﹨︀ی دوره ی ﹞﹆︡ار آن ︋﹤ ا﹡︡ازهای ︋︀︫︡ ﹋﹤ آب ا︲︀﹁ ﹩از ز︣ آن ︋﹫︣ون ︋﹫︀︡. ︋︺︡ی ﹇﹢ی و ز︊︀ ︠﹢ا﹨﹠︡ ︋﹢د. ز﹨﹊︪︡﹚﹎ ﹩ان ﹨﹜ ﹡﹊︐﹤ ی ︋︧﹫︀ر ﹞﹝ ﹩ا︨️؛ ︺﹠︡﹚﹎ ︿﹋ ﹩ان ︋︀︡ ︋︺︡ از ﹎﹏ د﹨ ﹤︠︀︫ ﹩ی ﹎﹏ ︪︠﹉ ︫︡ه را از ﹎﹫︀ه ︗︡ا ﹋﹠﹫︡. ﹠︡ ︨﹢راخ دا︫︐﹤ ︋︀︫︡ ﹋﹤ آب ا︲︀﹁ ﹤︋ ﹩را︐ ﹩از آن ︠︀رج ︫﹢د. ا﹎︣ ا ﹟د︨︐﹢را﹛︺﹝﹏ ﹨︀ را د﹡︊︀ل ﹋﹠﹫︡ ،ار﹋﹫︡ه ︋︺︡ از ︀﹞ ٩ ︀︑ ۶ه دو︋︀ره ﹉ ︎﹫︪﹠︀د ︋︣ ا︨︀س ︑︖︣︋﹤ ︫︭ ︀﹞ ﹩در ﹎﹏ ︨︐︀ن ︋︣ای ﹎﹏ د﹨﹩ ﹎﹏ ﹞﹩د﹨︡ .ا﹎︣ ار﹋﹫︡ه ﹎﹏ ﹡﹝﹩د﹨︡ ﹟﹊﹝﹞ ،ا︨️ ︻﹚️ آن ﹉ ︀ ﹠︡ ﹞︖︡د ﹎﹏ ار﹋﹫︡ه ﹎﹚︡ا﹡﹢︑ ﹩﹞ ︀﹝︫ :﹩ا﹡﹫︡ ︋︣ای ︑︡ا︻﹢﹨ ﹩ای ︎︣ ر︵️︋﹢ ﹞﹢رد از ﹞﹢ارد ز︣ ︋︀︫︡﹢﹡ :ر ﹋﹜ ︀ ︠﹫﹚ ﹩ز︀د︣︑ ﹜﹞ : ﹟د﹛﹫﹚﹤﹋ ﹩ ﹞﹠︀︵﹆ ﹤﹋ ﹩ار﹋﹫︡ه در آ﹡︖︀ ︋﹤ ︮﹢رت ︠﹢درو ر︫︡ ﹞،︡﹠﹋ ﹩ ار﹋﹫︡ه ﹎﹏ ﹡﹝﹩د﹨︡ ا ﹟ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ﹡﹢ر ﹋︀﹁ ﹤︋ ﹩آن ﹡﹝﹩ر︨︡. ا﹞︀ ا﹎︣ در ﹞﹠︀︵﹅ ︪︠﹉ ︑︣ی ز﹡︡﹎︣︋ ،︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹩﹞ ﹩ای ︑︀﹞﹫ ﹟ر︵︩︐︋﹢ د﹞︀ی ﹡︀﹞﹠︀︨︉﹢﹋ :د ︠﹫﹚ ﹜﹋ ﹩︀ ز︀د ،آ︋﹫︀ری ︋﹫︩ از ︡ ︀ ︠﹫﹚،﹜﹋ ﹩ ﹞﹢︑ ﹩ا﹡﹫︡ روزا﹡﹤ ︋︀ ا︨︍︣ی آب ︋﹤ آن ︾︊︀ر︎︀︫﹩﹞ ﹟﹫﹠ ﹜﹨ ،︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹩ ︑﹢ا﹡﹫︡ از د︨︐﹍︀ه ︋﹢ر ︨︣د ا︨︐﹀︀ده ﹋﹠﹫︡ و ︀ ﹎﹚︡ان را در ︋︧︐︣ی از ﹎﹫︀ه ︫﹝︀ ﹡﹫︀ز ︋﹤ ︑︺﹢︰ ﹎﹚︡ان دارد. ︨﹠﹍︣︤ه و آب ︋﹍︢ار︡. ﹎﹫︀ه ار﹋﹫︡ه ︑︀ ﹤ ﹞︡ت ز﹡︡ه ﹞︡﹡︀﹞ ﹩؟ ︑︡﹚﹎ ︿﹋ ﹤﹋ ︡﹫﹠﹋ ﹤︗﹢ان و ر︪﹤ ﹨︀ی ﹎﹫︀ه ︋︀︡ ︋︀ ︨﹠﹍︣︤ه﹨︀ و ر︵️︋﹢ ﹁︀︮﹚﹤ دا︫︐﹤ ︋︀︫︡ و﹎︣﹡﹤ ر︵ ️︋﹢از ︨﹢راخ ﹋︿ ﹎﹚︡ان ︋︀︻︒ ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د ﹋﹤ ا﹎︣ ﹞︣ا﹇︊️ ﹋︀﹁ ﹩از ﹎﹫︀ه ار﹋﹫︡ه ︮﹢رت ︋﹍﹫︣د﹢︑﹩﹞ ،ا﹡︡ ︨︀ل﹨︀ ز﹡︡ه ︋﹝︀﹡︡﹤︠︣ .ی ر︫︡ ﹉ ﹎﹫︀ه ار﹋﹫︡ه ︫︀﹞﹏ ﹎﹏ د﹨ ﹐﹢﹝︺﹞ ﹤﹋ ﹩در ر︪﹤﹨︀ ︋︍.︡﹠︨﹢ ﹁︭﹏ ︎︀﹫︤ ا︨️ ،دوره ی ا︨︐︣ا️ و ︋︺︡ ﹎﹏ د﹨ ﹩دو︋︀ره ا︨️. ﹞︣ا﹇︊️ از ار﹋﹫︡ه ︋︺︡ از ﹎﹚︡﹨﹩ ا﹎︣ از آن ﹞︣ا﹇︊️ ﹋︀﹁︀﹫︋ ﹏﹝︻ ﹤︋ ﹩︡ ،ا ﹤︠︣ ﹟ی ر︫︡ ﹨︣ ﹠︡ ﹞︀ه ︎﹫︪﹠︀د ﹞ ︡︺︋ ﹜﹫﹠﹋ ﹩از ﹨︣ ﹞︣︑︊﹤ ﹎﹚︡﹨︀︠ ،﹩ک ﹎﹚︡ان را ︻﹢ض ﹋﹠﹫︡. ﹉ ︋︀ر ︑﹊︣ار ﹞﹢︫﹩د. ٩ Georgia NO.54 2021 OCTOBER
﹤ ﹡ ﹩﹍﹡﹢داری ﹏ ار ﹫︡ه در ︠︀﹡﹤ آ︋﹫︀ری ار﹋﹫︡ه ﹎﹏ ار﹋﹫︡ه ﹎﹚︡ا﹡ ﹩﹉ ﹎﹫︀ه ز︊︀ و ︎︣︵︣﹁︡ار ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ︫﹊︀﹨﹤﹁﹢ی ︋︤رگ، ︋︀ دوام و ا﹛︊︐﹤ ︋︀ ر﹡﹌﹨︀ی ﹞︐﹠ ﹩︻﹢دارد .ا︀﹝﹡ ﹏﹎ ﹟د ز﹡︡﹎ ﹩دو︋︀ره، ︨﹢ال ﹞︐︡او﹛ ﹤﹋ ﹩ا﹋︓︣ ا﹁︣اد ﹞ ︡﹠︨︣︎﹩ا ﹟ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ﹠︡ و﹇️ ﹉ ︋︀ر ︫﹊﹢ه و ︻︪﹅ و ﹊ ﹩از ︋︐︣︡﹨ ﹟﹤﹨︀ ︋﹤ ﹞﹠︀︨︊️ ︑﹢﹡ ︡﹛﹢زاد ا︨️︀︋ . ︋︀︡ ︋﹤ ﹎﹚︡ان ار﹋﹫︡ه ︫︀ن آب ︋︡﹨﹠︡؟ ا﹢︨ ﹟ال ا︨︀︨︀ ا︫︐︊︀ه ا︨️ ﹢ن د﹁︺︀ت آ︋﹫︀ری د﹇﹫﹆︀ ︋︧︐﹍ ﹤︋ ﹩ا ﹟دارد ﹋﹤ ﹎﹫︀﹨︐︀ن ﹆︡ر آب ︠︣︡ ﹎﹚︡ان ار﹋﹫︡ه ﹞﹢︑﹩ا﹡﹫︡ ﹛︊﹠︡ را ︋﹤ ﹨︣ ﹁︣دی ﹨︡﹤ د﹨﹫︡. ﹡﹫︀ز دارد︡﹆﹞ ،ار ر︵﹢﹨ ️︋﹢ا ︀﹞︣﹎ ،و ︗︣︀ن ﹨﹢ای ﹞﹫︳ ز﹡︡﹎ ﹩آن ︗︀﹛︉ ا︨️ ︋︡ا﹡﹫︡ ︋﹫︩ از ︤﹨ ٢٠ار ﹡﹢ع ار﹋﹫︡ه در ︨︣ا︨︣ ︗︀ن و︗﹢د دارد و ︋﹤ ︗︣ات ﹞﹢︑﹩ان ﹎﹀️ از ﹡︷︣ ︑﹠﹢ع در ︮︡ر ︗︡ول ﹎﹫︀﹨︀ن ا︨️. ﹆︡ر ا︨️ و﹡﹢ع ︠︀ک آن ﹫︧️. و﹁﹅ ︎︢︣ی ا︀﹫﹎ ﹟ه ︋︀ ﹞﹫︳﹨︀ی ﹞︐﹚︿ و ﹨﹝︙﹠﹫﹩﹨︡﹚﹎ ﹏︭﹁ ﹟ ︋﹍︢ار︡ راز ﹞﹝ ﹩را ︋﹤ ︫﹝︀ ︋﹍﹢﹫﹜ :ا﹎︣ ︋﹢ا﹨﹫︡ ︵︊﹅ ︑﹆﹢﹜ و ︵ ﹩﹡﹐﹢آن ︋︀︻︒ ︫︡ه ا︀﹫﹎ ﹟ه ︋﹤ ﹊ ﹩از ﹞︊﹢ب︑︣︀﹨︀﹫﹎ ﹟ن آ︎︀ر︑﹝︀﹡﹩ د︨︐﹢ر ︠︀︮︀﹨︀﹫﹎ ﹩ن ︑︀ن را آ︋﹫︀ری ﹋﹠﹫︡︀﹫﹎ ︀︺︴﹇ ،ه ︫﹝︀ از ︋﹫﹟ و اداری ︑︊︡﹏ ︫﹢د ﹋﹤ ︗﹚﹢هی ︠︀︮ ︳﹫﹞ ﹤︋ ﹩ا︵︣اف ﹞.︪︡︋﹩ ﹞﹩رود. ار﹋﹫︡ه را ﹡︊︀︡ در ︠︀ک ︻︀دی ﹋︀︫️ و ︠︀ک ︠︀ص ︠﹢دش را ︎︦ ︗﹢اب ا﹢︨ ﹟ال ا ﹟ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ﹎﹫︀ه را ﹉ روز ﹇︊﹏ از ا︩﹋︀︠ ﹤﹋ ﹟ ﹋︀﹞﹑ ︪︠﹉ ︫﹢د ،آ︋﹫︀ری ﹋﹠﹫︡ ﹤﹋ ﹩﹋︀︠ .ار﹋﹫︡ه در آن ر︫︡ ﹞،︡﹠﹋ ﹩ ﹞﹢︠﹩ا﹨︡︀﹫﹡ ،ز ︋﹤ ر︵ ️︋﹢و ا﹛︊︐﹤ ﹡﹢ر ︾﹫︣ ﹞︧︐﹆﹫﹜ ︠ ﹩︋﹢دار﹡︡. ﹊ ﹩از ︻﹢ا﹞﹏ ﹞﹜ و ︑︺﹫﹫︡﹠﹠﹋ ﹟ه ی ﹞﹆︡ار آ︋﹫︀ری ا︨️. ︠︀ک ﹞﹠︀︨︉ ﹎﹫︀ه ار﹋﹫︡ه ︋﹤ ︻﹠﹢ان ﹇︀﹡﹢ن ﹋﹚﹢︑ ﹩﹞ ﹩ا﹡﹫﹜ ︋﹍﹢﹫﹜ ا﹎︣ ︠︀ک ﹎﹚︡ان ﹤︐︨﹢︎ ،در︠️ ا︨️﹐ ،زم ا︨️ ﹨︣ ١٠ ︀︑ ٧روز ﹉ ︋︀ر ︋﹤ آن آب ︋︡﹨﹫︡ ﹢ن ︎﹤︐︨﹢ ﹞﹜ ︑︣ ﹟و︥﹎︀︠ ﹩ک ار﹋﹫︡ه ا ﹟ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ز﹨﹊︪ ﹩︊︨︀﹠﹞ ﹩دا︫︐﹤ در︠️ آب را ﹋﹜ ︑︣ در ︠﹢دش ﹡﹍﹤ ﹞ ﹩دارد و ا﹎︣ آن را در ︠︤ه در︫️ ︋︀︫︡ و آب ︋﹤ ︨︣︻️ از آن ︻︊﹢ر ﹋﹠︡ .دو ﹡﹢ع ︠︀ک ︋︣ای ﹎﹏ ار﹋﹫︡ه ﹞︀﹋ ﹩ر︡ ﹨︣ ٢١ ︀︑ ١۴روز ﹉ ︋︀ر آن را آ︋﹫︀ری ﹋﹠﹫︡ ﹢ن ︠︤ه ﹞︓﹏ ا︨﹀﹠︕ ︻﹝﹏ ﹞ ︡﹠﹋ ﹩و آب را ﹞︡ت ︋﹫︩ ︑︣ی در ︠﹢دش ﹡﹍﹤ ﹞ ﹩دارد. ا︨︐﹀︀ده ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د ﹤︐︨﹢︎ :در︠️ )﹫︍︦( و ︠︤ه در︫️ )﹞︀س( ︋︣ای ا﹠﹊﹤ ﹞﹆︡ار ر︵︀︠ ️︋﹢ک ﹎﹚︡ان را ︋﹀﹝﹫︡ ︀︋ ،ا﹡﹍︪︐︐︀ن ﹞﹆︡اری ا﹎︣ ︠︀ک ار﹋﹫︡ه ︎ ﹤︐︨﹢در︠️ ︋︀︫︡﹐ ،زم ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ︨︀﹛ ﹩﹉ ︋︀ر ︀ دو︨︀ل ﹉ ︋︀ر ︑︺﹢︰ ︫﹢د﹢ ،ن ︋︀﹁️ ﹩︋﹢آن ︋﹤ ﹞︣ور ز﹞︀ن ︠︣د از ︠︀ک ﹎﹚︡ان را ︋﹫︣ون آور︡. آن را ︋﹫ ﹟دو ا﹡﹍︪︐︐︀ن ︋﹝︀﹛﹫︡ وا﹢︫ ﹩﹞ ﹤︗﹢︐﹞ ﹤﹡﹢﹎ ﹟︡ ﹋﹤ ﹤ ﹞﹆︡ار ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د و ︠︀︮﹫️ ز﹨﹊︪ ﹩و ︠︀رج ︫︡ن آب را از د︨️ ﹞ ﹩د﹨︡. ر︵ ️︋﹢دارد .ا﹛︊︐﹤ ︋︀ ﹎︫︢️ ز﹞︀ن و ︋︀ ︑︫︣ ﹤︋ ﹤︗﹢ا︳ ﹞﹫︴︤﹠﹞ ﹩ل ︋︣ای ︻﹢ض ﹋︣دن ︠︀ک ﹋︀﹁ ﹩ا︨️ ار﹋﹫︡ه را ︋︀ د﹇️ و ︋﹤ آرا﹞ ﹩از ﹎﹚︡ان ︑︀ن ﹞︐﹢︫ ﹩﹞ ﹤︗﹢︡ ﹋﹤ ﹎﹫︀ه ار﹋﹫︡ه ︑︀ن ﹤ ﹞ ﹤︋ ︹﹇﹢آ︋﹫︀ری ﹡﹫︀ز دارد. ︋﹫︣ون آور︡︀︠ ،ک ﹇︊﹚ ﹩آن را دور ︋︣︤︡ و ر︪﹤ ﹨︀ی ︎︡﹫︨﹢ه و ︨﹫︀ه ﹊ ﹩از را︕ ︑︣ ﹟ا︫︐︊︀﹨︀ت ا﹁︣اد در ﹞﹢رد ار﹋﹫︡ه ا ﹟ا︨️ ﹋﹤ آب ز︀دی ︫︡ه را ︋︀ ﹇﹫︙︣︊︋ ﹩︡︀﹫﹎ ﹐︀ .ه را دو︋︀ره در ﹎﹚︡ان ︋﹍︢ار︡ و ︠︀ک ︋﹤ آن ﹞ ﹩د﹨﹠︡ و ر︪﹤ی ار﹋﹫︡ه ﹞ ︨︡﹢︎﹩و ﹎﹫︀ه از ︋﹫ ﹩﹞ ﹟رود︣︐︋ .﹟ روش آ︋﹫︀ری ار﹋﹫︡ه ا ﹟ا︨️ ﹋﹤ آب ︑﹝︀﹞︡﹚﹎ ︴︨ ﹩ان را آب ︋︍ ︡﹡︀︫﹢و ︗︡︡ را روی آن ︋︣︤︡. ︋﹤ ︻﹆﹫︡ه ی ︎︣ورش د﹨﹠︡﹎︀ن ار﹋﹫︡ه︣︐︋ ،︀︠ ﹟ک ︋︣ای ا︀﹫﹎ ﹟ه، ︎ ﹤︐︨﹢در︠️ ︀ ﹨﹝︀ن ﹫︍︦ ا︨️. NO.54 2021 IRAN ٨ OCTOBER
﹡︣م ︿﹫︴﹛ ،ا︫︺︀ر ︠﹢د را ﹞︨︣ ﹩ود و در ︨︊﹉ ︫︺︣ ︠﹢د از ︨︊﹉ ﹡﹫﹝︀﹩ ا︨︐︺﹀︀ داد︨︣ .اب در ︨︀ل ﹢︠ ︣︺︫ ﹤︻﹢﹝︖﹞ ﹟﹫︐︧﹡ ١٣٣٠د ︋﹤ ﹡︀م ︎﹫︣وی ﹞︣﹋ ﹩د. ﹞︣گ ر﹡﹌ را ﹞﹠︐︪︣ ﹡﹝﹢د و دو ︨︀ل ︋︺︡ از دا﹡︪﹊︡ه ﹨﹠︣﹨︀ی ز︊︀ ﹁︀رغ ا﹛︐︭﹫﹏ ︫︡ و ︎︦ از ︫︣﹋️ در ﹠︡ ﹡﹝︀︪﹍︀ه ﹡﹆︀︫ ﹩در ︑︣ان دو﹞﹫﹟ ︨︣اب ︋﹫︪︐︣ ︫︺︣﹨︀ی ︠﹢د را در ﹇︣﹤ ﹠︀ر و ﹋﹢︣﹨︀ی ﹋︀︫︀ن ﹞﹩ ︨︣ود︨︣ .اب در ︻﹫︣﹫︎ ﹟وی از ︨︊﹉ ﹡﹫﹝︀﹢︠ ،د ︮︀︉ ︨︊﹉ و ︠﹑ق ﹞︖﹝﹢︠ ︣︺︫ ﹤︻﹢د را ︋︀ ︻﹠﹢ان ز﹡︡﹎﹢︠ ﹩اب ﹨︀ ﹞﹠︐︪︣ ﹋︣د. و ︫︀︻︣ی ︑︭﹢︣﹎︣ا ︋﹢د︨︣ ︣︺︫ .اب ﹢ن ﹡﹆︀︫ ﹩او ر﹡﹍︀ر﹡﹌ ا︨️ .وی ︨︣اب در ﹨﹠︨︣︐︀ن ﹨︀ی ﹨﹠︣﹨︀ی ز︊︀ ︑︡ر︦ ﹞︣﹋ ﹩د و ﹨﹜ در ﹇︧﹝️ در ︫︺︣ش ﹡﹍︣ان ا﹡︧︀ن و ︨︣﹡ ️︫﹢او︨️ و د︡﹎︀ه ︻︀ر﹁︀﹡﹤ دارد و ︠︡ا را ﹞﹢زه ﹨︀ ﹋︀ر ﹞︣﹋ ﹩د︨︣ .اب ︋﹤ ︫︺︣ ﹋︀︨ ﹟︣ ز︋︀ن ﹨︀ ﹡﹫︤ ︻﹑﹇﹤ دا︫️ و ︨﹀︣﹨︀ی ز︀دی ︋﹤ ﹨﹠︡و︨︐︀ن︀︐︧﹋︀︎ ،ن ،ا﹁︽︀﹡︧︐︀ن ،ژا︎ ﹟و ﹫﹟ در ︵︊﹫︺️ ︗︧︐︖.︡﹠﹋ ﹩﹞ ﹢ دا︫️ و ︫︺︣﹨︀ی ﹋ ﹩﹠﹫ ﹟و ژا︎﹠ ﹩را ︑︣︗﹝﹤ ﹋︣د .او ︋﹤ ﹋︪﹢ر﹨︀ی ﹋︣﹜ ا﹞︀﹞ ﹩در ز﹞︀ن ﹫︀ت ︨︣اب ︋︣︠ ﹩از ︫︺︣﹨︀ی ︨︣اب را ︋﹤ ز︋︀ن ارو︎︀︀︎ ︡﹠﹡︀﹞ ﹩ر︦ و ﹛﹠︡ن ﹡﹫︤ ︨﹀︣ ﹋︣د و در ﹞︡ر︨﹤ ﹨﹠︣﹨︀ی ز︊︀ی ا﹡﹍﹚﹫︧︣﹋ ﹤﹝︗︣︑ ﹩ده ا︨️︀﹝︗︣︐﹞ ︤﹫﹡ ︀﹨︡︺︋ .ن د﹍︣ی ︫︺︣﹨︀ی او را ︎︀ر︦ در ر︫︐﹤ ﹛﹫︐︣﹎﹢ا﹁︀﹡ ﹩م ﹡﹢︧﹢﹝﹡ ﹩د .در ︨︀ل ︡︎ ١٣۴١ر ︨︣اب ﹁﹢ت ﹋︣د و در ا︨﹀﹠︡ ︨︀ل ︨︣ ١٣۴١اب از ﹋﹚﹫﹤ ﹞︪︀︾﹏ دو﹛︐︀﹠﹋ ﹩ره ︋﹤ ز︋︀ن ﹨︀ی ا﹡﹍﹚﹫︧︣﹁ ،﹩ا﹡︧﹢ی ،ا︨︍︀﹡﹫︀ ﹩و ا︐︀﹛﹫︀︣﹋ ﹤﹝︗︣︑ ﹩د﹡︡. ﹎﹫︣ی ﹋︣د و در ز﹞﹫﹠﹤ ︫︺︣ و ﹡﹆︀︫ ﹩آ︔︀ر ︋﹫︪︐︣ی آ﹁︣︡. در﹎︫︢️ ︨︣اب ︨︍︣ی در ︠︣داد ︨︀ل ︀﹞ ١٣٧٣در ︨︣اب︀﹞ ،ه ︗︊﹫ ﹤﹋ ،﹟ا﹨﹏ ︫︺︣ و ادب ﹨﹜ ︋﹢د ،در﹎︫︢️︣︍︨ ︣﹢﹠﹞ ﹟﹫﹠︙﹝﹨ .ی︣︋ ︀﹠︑ ،ادر او در ︨︀ل ︨︣اب ︨︍︣ی در ︨︀ل ︀﹝﹫︋ ﹤︋ ١٣۵٨ری ︨︣︵︀ن ︠﹢ن ﹞︊︐﹑ ︫︡ و ١٣۶٩در﹎︫︢️ .او ︨﹤ ︠﹢ا﹨︣ ︋﹤ ﹡︀م ﹨︀ی ﹨﹝︀﹢ن د︠️︣︎ ،ی د︠️ ︋︣ای در﹞︀ن ︋﹤ ا﹡﹍﹚︧︐︀ن ر﹁️ ،ا﹞︀ ︋﹫﹝︀ری او در﹞︀ن ﹡︪︡ و او در ︾︣وب و ︎︣وا﹡﹤ دارد︣︍︨ .ی در ︵﹢ل ︻﹝︣ ︠﹢د ︋﹫︩ از ︀﹝﹡ ٣٠︪﹍︀ه ﹡﹆︀︫﹩ ١ارد︊︪️ ︨︀ل ١٣۵٩در ︑︣ان در﹎︫︢️︨︣ ︣﹊﹫︎ .اب ︨︍︣ی در ︋︣﹎︤ار ﹋︣د و ︋︣︠ ﹩از آ︔︀ر او در ﹞﹢ز﹨︀ی ﹞︪﹢ر ︗︀ن ﹡﹍︡اری ﹞﹢︫ ﹩د. ︮ ﹟ا﹞︀﹞︤اده ︨﹚︴︀ن ︻﹚ ︣﹇︀︋ ︡﹝﹞ ﹟︋ ﹩رو︨︐︀ی ﹞︪︡ ارد﹨︀ل وا﹇︹ ︨︍︣ی ر﹋﹢رددار ﹇﹫﹝️ ﹡﹆︀︫︡﹞ ﹩رن ا︣ا﹡ .️︨ ﹩در ︨︀ل ،١٣٩٣﹊﹩ در ا︵︣اف ﹋︀︫︀ن د﹁ ︫︡ ﹟و ︋︣ روی آن ︨﹠﹌ ︨﹀﹫︡ ر﹡﹍︢﹎ ﹩ا︫︐﹤ ︫︡ ﹋﹤ از ︑︀︋﹚︀﹨﹢ی در︠️ او در ︣اج ︑︣ان ︋﹤ ﹇﹫﹝️ ﹉ ﹞﹫﹚﹫︀رد و ﹨︪️ ︫︺︣ ︨︣اب ︋︣ روی آن ﹡︫︡ ﹤︐︫﹢ه ︋﹢د: ︮︡﹨︤ار ︑︀﹞﹢ن ︋﹤ ﹁︣وش ر︨﹫︡. ︋﹤ ︨︣اغ ﹞ ﹟ا﹎︣ ﹞ ﹩آ﹫︡ ︣﹡ /م و آ﹨︧︐﹤ ︋﹫︀﹫︡ ﹞︊︀دا ﹋﹤ ︑︣ک ︋︣دارد ︀﹡ ﹩﹠﹫ /زک ︑﹠︀﹟﹞ ﹩ ︨︊﹉ ︫︺︣ ︨︣اب ︨︍︣ی ا﹞︀ در ︨︀ل ﹤︋ ١٣٨۴د﹛﹫﹏ ︋ ﹩د﹇︐︀﹋ ﹩ر﹎︣ان و ︋﹤ ︻﹚️ ︨﹆﹢ط ﹞︭︀﹛ ︨︀︠︐﹝︀﹡︨︣ ︣︊﹇ ﹌﹠︨ ﹩اب ︫﹊︧️ و ︨﹠﹌ ︋︤ر﹎︐︣ ︨﹫︀﹨︣﹡﹍ ︣︋ ﹩روی ︫︺︣ ︨︣اب ︮﹝﹫﹝︀︫︨︣ ،﹩ر از ︑︭﹢︣﹨︀ی ︋﹊︣ و ︑︀زه ا︨️ .او ︋︀ ز︋︀﹡﹩ ︨﹠﹌ ︨﹀﹫︡ ﹡︭︉ ﹎︣د︡. ٧ Georgia NO.54 2021 OCTOBER
ا ﭙبی ا︫︺︀ر ز︊︀ی ︨︣اب ︨︍︣ی ︨︣اب ︨︍︣ی ﹊ ﹩از ︫︀︻︣ان ﹞︺︀︮︣ ا︣ان و ا﹨﹏ ﹋︀︫︀ن ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ا︫︺︀ر ز︊︀ ﹩را ︨︣وده ا︨️︨︣ .اب ︨︍︣ی ︻﹑وه ︋︣ ︨︣ودن ︫︺︣، ﹨﹠︣ ﹡﹆︀︫ ﹩را ﹨﹜ د﹡︊︀ل ﹞︣﹋ ﹩د و ﹨﹠︣﹞﹠︡ی ︋︣︗︧︐﹤ ︋﹢د. ︨︣اب ︫︀︻︣ی ︑︭﹢︣﹎︣ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ︋︀ ︠﹢ا﹡︡ن ا︫︺︀ر او در ﹞ ﹩︀︋﹫﹜ ﹋﹤ ﹨﹝﹤ ا︫﹫︀ ︋︣ای ︨︣اب دارای ﹫︀ت و روح و ا︧︀س ﹨︧︐﹠︡ .ا ﹟و︥﹎︣︺︫ ﹩ ︨︣اب و د︡﹎︀ه ︻︀ر﹁︀﹡﹤ او و ︗︧︐︖﹢ی ︠︡ا در ︵︊﹫︺️ ︨︊︉ ︫︡ه ا︨️ ﹋﹤ ا︫︺︀ر او ︵︣﹁︡اران ︋︧﹫︀ری دا︫︐﹤ ︋︀︫︡ .در ا ︩︋ ﹟از ﹁︣﹨﹠﹌ و ﹨﹠︣ ﹡﹝﹠︀ک ﹎︤︡ه ای از ا︫︺︀ر ز︊︀ی او را ﹞﹫﹢ا﹡﹫︡. ﹡﹍︀﹨︀︑﹢﹋ ﹩ه ︋﹤ ︋﹫︣﹎﹢ا﹁︨︣ ﹩اب ︨︍︣ی ︨︣اب ︨︍︣ی ︫︀︻︣﹢﹡ ،︧﹠︡ه و ﹡﹆︀ش ا﹨﹏ ﹋︀︫︀ن ︋﹢د ﹋﹤ در ︣﹞ ١۵ ﹤︋ ١٣٠٧د﹡﹫︀ آ﹞︡︡︎ .رش »اﺳﺪاﷲ« و ﹞︀درش »﹞︀ه ︗︊﹫︀﹡ «﹟م دا︫︐﹠︡ و ︎︡ر︋︤ر﹎︩ ﹞﹫︣زا ﻧﺼﺮاﷲ ︠︀ن ︨︍︣ی ﹡︧︐﹫ ﹟ر﹫︦ ︑﹚﹍︣اف ︠︀﹡﹤ ﹋︀︫︀ن ︋﹢د﹢﹡︀︠ ،اده ︨︣اب ﹨﹝﹍ ﹩ا﹨﹏ ادب و︫︺︣ ︋﹢د﹡︡. ︨︣اب دوره ا︋︐︡ا ﹩را در د︋︧︐︀ن ︠﹫︀م ﹋︀︫︀ن و ﹞︐ ﹤︴ّ︨ ﹢را در د︋﹫︨︣︐︀ن ︎﹚﹢ی ﹋︀︫︀ن ﹎︢را﹡︡ و د︍﹚﹜ ︠﹢د را در︀﹁️ ﹡﹝﹢د︦︍︨ ، ︋﹤ ︑︣ان آ﹞︡ و در دا﹡︪﹊︡ه ﹨﹠︣﹨︀ی ز︊︀ی دا﹡︪﹍︀ه ︑︣ان ︋﹤ ︑︭﹫﹏ ︎︣دا︠️ و ︋﹤ ا︨︐︡ام ︫︣﹋️ ﹡﹀️ در ︑︣ان درآ﹞︡ ا﹞︀ ︎︦ از ︀﹞ ٨ه NO.54 2021 IRAN ۶ OCTOBER
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IRAN NO.54 OCTOBER 2021 Georgia
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