GCet reHady tAo NGEthe WORLD You are powerful. More powerful than you ever imagined. By eating plant-based foods, you are changing the course of history by helping to halt climate change and saving countless lives — all the while doing your body a favour.2 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
Did you know?Chickens can solve maths problems,share learning from generationto generation, recognise up to 100other birds by their facial features,and communicate using dozens ofdistinct calls. THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 3
WELCOME FROM ANIMAL ALLIES SINGAPOREWelcome If you’re reading this, you’ve already taken your first step toward changing the world. Think that sounds huge? It is. Being plant-based not only saves countless animals, it’s also the best way to protect the environment. Plus it’s a fantastic recipe for you to live a long, happy and healthy life! Just look around. From Hollywood A-listers like Natalie Portman, to Aussie music legends like Missy Higgins, to the hip guy next door — plant-based eating is everywhere. Even Einstein was onto it. These people recognise that this simple choice makes a big difference and they put their values into action. Times are changing, and we all have the power to rethink, redefine, and rebuild a better world. In your hands is the recipe to stand up for fairness, kindness and compassion every day. It’s time we feel good about who we are, how we live, and what we eat. And here’s the best part: it’s totally easy. With this guide at your fingertips, you’ll be well on your way to a lifestyle that’s kind to animals and you. So open your heart, and embrace the future. You have arrived. Warmly, Your friends atWhole Foods A delicious, balanced and healthy diet of fruit, vegetables,Plant -Based tubers, whole grains and legumes that your body, the animals and the environment will thank you for. With such an abundant variety of ingredients to choose from, who needs meat, animal products and processed food?REinvent REvitalise REwrite rediscoveryour routine. With the your body. A healthy, perfection. Being whole flavour. Prepare yourselfeasy tips in this guide, plant-based cuisine can foods plant-based isn’t for an awesomeyou’ll be well on your nourish your body, give about being perfect. It’s adventure filled withway to a glorious new you peace of mind, and about doing the best we enticing new flavours andway of eating. lift your spirits. can to make our world a delicious old favourites. better place.4 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
WELCOME YOU’RE IN GOOD COMPANYGOODYou’re in RESPECTCOMPANY “I educated myself on factory farming and cruelty toFITNESS animals, and I suddenly realised that what was on my“I’ve found that a person does not plate were living things,need protein from meat to be a with feelings.successful athlete. In fact, my best And I just couldn’tyear of track competition was the disconnectfirst year I ate a vegan diet.” myself from it any longer.”– CARL LEWIS –Track and Field Athlete, Won 10 Olympic Medals – ELLEN DEGENERES – Television Host, Comedian COMPASSION ETHICS “I know that when I’m eating I’m not hurting “Ignoring the animals in the planet, I’m not hurting the other people the massive factory farm on this planet, I’m not hurting animals... and system while I treat my I’m not hurting nature.” dogs and cats as my family members isn’t right.” – MAGGIE Q – Actress, Model – LEE HYORI – Singer, Actress, ActivistHEALTH FLAVOUR KINDNESS “We have found that people not onlyslim down, but also see their cholesterol levels plummet and their blood pressure fall. If they have diabetes, it typically improves and sometimes even disappears. Arthritis pains and migraines “I gave up eating meat several years ago, “I like animals, all animals. I wouldn’t hurt a often vanish, and energy and I no longer crave it. Being vegetarian cat or a dog — or a chicken or a cow. comes racing back. is far healthier. [...] I enjoy simple, home- And I wouldn’t ask someone else to hurt Sluggishness cooked meals: veggies, roti, dal, rice.” them for me. That’s why I’m a vegetarian.” vanishes, and – KAREENA KAPOOR – – PETER DINKLAGE – Actress Actor they look and feel radiant.” – DR NEAL D. ENVIRONMENT BERNARD – “Factory farms do more harm to the environment than Doctor, Author, all of transportation combined. Everyone is talking about fuel-efficient vehicles but they would actually Clinical Researcher, do more for the Earth by becoming vegan.” Founding President of the, Physicians Committee for – EMILY DESCHANEL – Actress, Producer Responsible Medicine THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 5
CHANGE THE WORLD HEALTH YOUR HEALTH IS PRICELESSGo toAnimalAllies.sg/Health for success Make no mistake, eating plant-based saves lives —stories and other and that could include yours! BE PLANT-STRONG.health tips!The Ministry of Health cites cancer as the principal cause of death in Singapore. EMILIE TANThe link between cancer and diet has long been known. A diet of fruit, vegetables, EEVNODLUVERDAGNECNEERAATTHIOLENTCEO-FOUlegumes, whole grains and real soy products is beneficial in preventing cancer.On the other hand, factory-farmed and processed meat such as bacon, sausages,salami and lap cheong increase the risk of many types of cancers. So what are wewaiting for? Join the health revolution to live long and live strong!Top 5 Health Benefits of a healthy plant-based lifestyle 4REDUCED RISK FOR DISEASES HEALTH AND BODY1 3With growing evidence that animal products are WEIGHT IMPROVES IMMUNITY Obesity is a risk factor of multiple High intake of fiber and phytochemicalsincreasing the risk of cancers, a plant-based diet that can positively alter the GI microbiota diseases; a plant-based dietprovides significant cardio and cancer protective and improve immune system, through coupled with a mindful andeffects through higher intake of fiber, folic acid, antioxidative and detoxification as well healthy food selection allowsantioxidants, and phytochemicals. as reducing inflammation, providing better weight control and keeps antibacterial and antiviral effects. one looking great!2 PLANT- BASED DIET SUPPORTS 5 VITALITY AND LONGEVITY ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE A lifestyle pattern with low meat intake results in reduced risk of chronic diseases, infections, pain and A diet high in antioxidant nutrients is a defence against exercise- inflammation, improved immunity, weight control and induced oxidative stresses, recovery and viral infections. It also energy to exercise is associated with greater longevity. encourages a high-carbohydrate intake to optimise muscles and liver glycogen stores, essential to support prolonged, enduranceexercise. billy Simmonds I didn’t go vegan for health, but I owe my strength and vitality to it. I didn’t go vegan for money, but it’s given me many opportunities in life. I didn’t go vegan to be special, but my influence on others has been humbling and I’ve made many new friends. I did it for the animals. And I’ll stay vegan for the animals. Find your purpose in life that’s greater than what BILLY you are so you will never waiver. The rest will just AUST be a bonus. NATU6 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
Visit AnimalAllies.sg/Athletes to find CHANGE THE WORLD HEALTH trainers, documentaries and books! I find a vegan diet Veganism has decreases inflammation and increases recovery. given me new found In a race or in training, I just think of the billions of health and enhanced animals suffering. I owe it to them to keep pushing athletic performance. and show the world that a cruelty-free lifestyle Veganism has presented is optimal for athletic performance. opportunities and opened doors in my professional life. Veganism has also allowed me to build lasting relationshipsUNDER LUKE TAN around the globe which PLANT-BASED STRENGTH COACH I treasure. Most of all, EVOLVED GENERATION FOUNDER veganism has given me purpose each waking moment. To make this world a happier, healthier and more compassionate place. Going vegan not Many still ask me only helped improve my health and helped why vegan? me stay lean easily, it also helped strengthen I answer why not? me spiritually as I learn to treasure all lives. This is a message to all those out there who think thatTHARA BEGUM you need animal products toTRAINER & FITNESS ICON be fit and strong. Almost twoMS PHYSIQUE, WOMEN’S BB WINNER years after becoming vegan I am stronger than ever before PATRIK BABOUMIAN and I am still improving day by HOLDS WORLD’S day. Don’t listen to those self- LOG LIFT RECORD, proclaimed nutrition gurus and “GERMANY’S the supplement industry trying STRONGEST MAN” to tell you that you need meat, eggs and dairy to get enough protein. There are plenty of plant-based protein sources and your body is going to thank you for stopping feeding it with dead-food.LUTYRRSAAILLMIMAMNROBUNONDDISVYERBSUEILWDEINRNER Go vegan and feel the power! THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 7
WELCOME FROM ANIMAL ALLIES the BASICS The next few pages will take you through the nuts and bolts of your nourishing new way of eating. Protein, calcium, iron? No worries, we’ve got you covered.8 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
Did You Know?The Singapore Heart Foundationadvocates the “3-5-7” HeartHealthy diet, emphasising on the3 “Highs” - fibres, freshness andplant-based protein. THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 9
THE BASICS NOURISH YOUR BODY Don’t be a junk food vegan – whole foods are the key to the health of the diet!NOURIySourHBODY 2+ SERVES per daySEEDS & NUTS 1-2 SERVESWhat they do: Nuts and seeds provide protein Good sources: Pumpkin seeds, per dayand iron, as well as zinc, which supports a peanut butter, tahini, flax seeds,healthy immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts, almonds. 4+found in walnuts, flax seeds, and chia seeds,aid in healthy brain function. Tip: Try some tahini in your salad SERVES dressing to add creaminess or a per dayWhat’s a serving? ¼ cup nuts, 2 handful of almonds as an easy snack.tablespoons seeds or 1 tablespoon nutor seed butter.VEGETABLESWhat they do: Vegetables are chock full What’s a serving? ½ cup cooked vegetables,of nutrients, like beta carotene, which 1 cup raw vegetables or ½ cup vegetable juice.your body turns into vitamin A (importantfor good vision and immune function); Good sources: Kale, broccoli, spinach, lettuce,and vitamin C, which creates collagen capsicum, cabbage.(a protein that makes skin, joints, andbones strong). Vegetables also contain Tip: Eat the rainbow! The varying, vibranta host of cancer-fighting phytochemicals. colours in vegetables exist because of the thousands of healthful phytonutrients. KEY Calcium FRUITWhat about...NUTRIENTS Soy milk (fortified), sesame seeds, What they do: Fruits are great for white/brown bread, fortified fruit hydration and a fantastic source of fibre,Protein juice, dried figs, broccoli, green leafy which aids in digestion and helps prevent vegetables (except spinach), molasses, heart disease. Many fruits are also rich inJust about every food contains some tofu, beans and pulses. potassium, which is important for properprotein. Best sources are soy products organ function, and are also an amazing(eg. tofu), plant-based ‘meats’, legumes Vitamin B12 source of antioxidants.(eg. beans, lentils), nuts, seeds, wholegrains (eg. quinoa, wheat). While it finds its way into animal foods, What’s a serving? 1 medium-sized fresh this bacteria-borne vitamin doesn’t get fruit or 1 cup cut-up fruit.Iron into plants. So, it is important that we supplement. The good news is that lots Good sources: Apples, oranges,Breakfast cereals (fortified), wholemeal of foods, including non-dairy milks, many blueberries, blackberries, bananas.bread, dried fruit, green leafy vegetables, cereals, and nutritional yeast, are fortifiedbeans and pulses, nuts and seeds (almonds, with B12. Even so, buy a B12 supplement Tip: Starting your day with a fruitpumpkin seeds, sesame seeds), tofu. Plant- from your local chemist or supermarket smoothie is a great way to get your dailybased iron supplements are easy to find too. and take it regularly. servings of fruit.Healthy fatsNuts, seeds, nut butters and avocados.For good sources of omega-3 fattyacids get your hands on linseed (flaxseeds), soybean oil, canola oil, tofu, orwalnuts. You can get plant-based DHAsupplements too – no need for fish oil!10 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
THE BASICS NOURISH YOUR BODY5+ GRAINS & STARCHY VEGETABLESSERVES What they do: Grains are a great source Good sources: Brown rice, whole wheat per day of fibre and iron, and they also contain pasta, porridge, quinoa, sweet potatoes. some protein. They are rich in B vitamins, 3+ which are important for metabolism and Tip: Mix some quinoa into your salad to nerve function. add some bulk and additional flair. SERVES per day What’s a serving? ½ cup cooked rice, pasta, or quinoa, 1 sweet potato, ¼ cup muesli or 1 slice wholegrain bread. LEGUMES & SOY PRODUCTS What they do: Legumes and soy products Good sources: Kidney beans, tofu, provide a hefty amount of protein. Many of tempeh, lentils, peas. these foods are also rich in calcium and iron. Tip: Experiment with marinades and What’s a serving? ½ cup cooked beans, spices to make tofu dishes sing. ½ cup tofu, ½ cup tempeh or 1 cup fortified soy milk.everyoneSomething for BY JULIEANNA HEVER, MS, RD, CPTYoung or old, Olympic athlete or couch potato,a well-planned plant-based diet will give yourbody the fuel it needs to thrive.Pregnancy - A plant-based diet is appropriate to varied, whole foods, plant-based eatingfor all populations across the lifespan, habits from the start. Encourage kids toincluding pregnant women. While expecting, eat a diverse selection of whole fruits,you need to be mindful of healthy weight veggies, legumes, grains, nuts, and seedsgain (a total average of 11.5–16 kg), as well (and a vitamin B12 supplement) through roleas of your nutrient intake, since nutrient modeling, consistently providing healthyneeds increase at this time. Ensure adequate options, and maintaining many tasty choicesconsumption of a wide variety of whole plant in the home. Handle social situationsfoods: protein via beans, lentils, peas, nuts, nut like a pro by always preparing in advancebutters, seeds, and leafy greens; omega-3 fats for school, parties, sporting events, etc.for brain development from flax/chia seeds,walnuts, soy products, and leafy greens; and Athletes - Because of the high oxygeniron from iron-rich foods (beans, leafy greens, and recovery demands of training andsea vegetables, lentils, and tahini) together performance, athletes place themselves atwith vitamin C-rich foods (fruits, capsicum, an advantage by emphasising a diet richbroccoli, and kale). in antioxidants and phytochemicals. With sufficient calories to maintain energy needsChildren - One of the greatest gifts parents and lots of colourful fruits and vegetables,can give their children is introducing them being plant-based is ideal for athletes. THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 11
CHANGE THE WORLD EATING WITH CARE CONTRIBUTED BY FARM SANCTUARY ARE YOU AGAINST THIS “They lie covered in their own urine and excrement, with broken legs from trying to escape or just to turn, covered with festering sores, tumors, ulcers, lesions.” - MATTHEW SCULLY, SPEECHWRITER FOR PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH NIKKI When devastating floods hit Iowa, Nikki escaped from her cage and swam for safety. She paddled for miles before finding a dry levy to climb on. Nikki built a nest there, gave birth to seven piglets, and spent the next week protecting them from the flood. Today, Nikki and her piglets live together at Farm Sanctuary in New York. Scientists say that pigs like Nikki are some of the smartest animals on the planet. They have dreams when they sleep at night. They understand their names and respond when called. They’ve even been taught to play simple video games.To learn more, visit farmsanctuary.org 12 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
CHANGE THE WORLD EATING WITH CARECRUELTY? “Ask yourself why any creature of God, however humble, should be made to endure the dark, lonely, tortured existence of the factory farm.” - THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVEPigs like Nikki are kept indoors for their entire lives on concrete floors with no bedding. Female pigsare locked in cages so small they can’t even turn around for months at a time. Because pigs are verysmart (smarter than cats and dogs), this causes severe mental problems. Some will repeatedly bitetheir cage bars; others become depressed and lie on the ground without moving.When they are six monthsold, pigs like Nikki areelectrocuted or shot in thehead with a “captive boltgun.” (A gun that shootsa metal rod into the pig’sbrain.) Pigs that don’t dieright away are drownedalive in boiling water. THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 13
WCHEALCNOGMEETHFREOWMOARNLDIMAEALTAINLLGIEWS ITH CARE “About 95% of American egg-laying hens are still raised in small battery cages… Hens are crammed together, each getting less space than a letter-size sheet of paper. The tips of their beaks are often sheared off so they won’t peck each other to death.” - THE NEW YORK TIMES, “CLEANING THE HENHOUSE” (SEPTEMBER 1, 2010) SYMPHONY Symphony was one of a million hens packed into a single egg farm in Ohio. After a tornado destroyed the warehouse where she was confined, Symphony was pulled from the wreckage. She now lives at Farm Sanctuary, where she has become best friends with a brown hen named Amy. Chickens are smart, and their personalities are as unique as cats and dogs. Scientists have found that chickens like Symphony think about the future and can measure time. Mother hens pass knowledge down to their children, and chicks who are just a few days old can count to ten.To learn more, visitfarmsanctuary.org 14 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
CHWANELGCEOTMHEE YWOOUR’RLED INEAGTOINOGDWCIOTHMPCAANRYE “Every factory- farmed animal is, as a practice, treated in ways that would be illegal if it were a dog or a cat.” - THE NEW YORK TIMES, “AGAINST MEAT” (OCTOBER 7, 2009)Chickens live their entire lives inside dark, crowded sheds.They have been bred to grow so fat so quickly that theirlegs can’t even support their weight. By the time they areone month old, a third of them are in constant pain and havetrouble walking. They spend nearly all of their time lying inthe feces that coat the shed floor.Hens like Symphony who get sick or injured do not receiveveterinary care. They are left to suffer and die on their ownor are clubbed in the head. Hens often have their hips, legs,and wings broken by rough handling. At the slaughterhouse,birds like Symphony are electrocuted and have their throatscut. Many are drowned alive in tanks of scalding hot waterbecause they were not killed correctly. BECAUSE THEY CAN’T LAY EGGS, MALE CHICKS ARE TOSSED ALIVEINTO A GIANT GRINDING MACHINE. THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 15
CWHEALCNOGME ETHFREOWMOARNLDIMEAALTAINLLGIEWSITH CARE“We know ifsomeone offersto show us a filmon how meat isproduced, it willbe a horror film.”- JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER, NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHORCows raised for beef have theirtesticles and horns cut off withoutpain relief. Many also suffer third-degree burns during branding.Dairy cows spend most of their lives lockedto small stalls inside concrete warehouses.Many are chained by the neck to their stall.To keep them producing milk, cows arerepeatedly impregnated. Their babies aretaken away immediately after birth.Cows often suffer infections and swollenudders from the milking machines. Many losethe ability to walk correctly by the time theyare four years old.To learn more, visit oscarfarmsanctuary.org Like other fish, Oscar is a smart and social individual. He has long-term memory, and he eavesdrops to learn new things. Fish enjoy rubbing against one another to reduce stress in the same way a cat rubs against your leg. Like any other animal, fish feel pain — they just don’t have the vocal cords to scream.16 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
CHWANEGLCEOTMHEE YWOOUR’RLDE INEAGTOINOGDWCITOHMCPAANRYE Fish live a terrible life crammed together on fish farmsNearly half of all fish and other sea animals whoare eaten are raised on factory farms. Fish likeOscar are packed into small pools that are sofilthy and crowded that as many as a third diefrom disease. Sea lice may chew off the fish’sskin, sometimes down to the skull. Because ofthe stress of overcrowding, fish often bite offthe fins, tails, and eyes of other fish.Both wild fish who are used for food and farmedfish have miserable deaths. Fish who are pulledout of the water painfully suffocate as their gillscollapse. It can take as long as ten minutes forthem to die. Fish who are cut openremain conscious for many minutes Learn more about the moral aspects of being on aas they slowly bleed to death. whole foods plant-based diet! Documentary: Book: Earthlings Why We Love Dogs, Visit AnimalAllies. Eat Pigs, and sg/documentaries Wear Cows for a free copy or screening. Available at Also available in Singapore the library, digital Public download or rental. Libraries. THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 17
CWHEALCNOGME ETHFREOWMOARLNDIMEANLVAILRLOIENSMENT SAVE OUR EARTH Farming animals is making a hot mess of the planet. Here are things you’ll wish weren’t true (but luckily have the power to change).LAND USE DEFORESTATION80NEARLY % OF THE LAND Forests cover 31% of the land area on our planet. CLEARED IN They produce vital oxygen and provide homes for people and wildlife. In the Amazon, around 17% of THE AMAZON IS the forest has been lost in the last 50 years, mostly due to forest conversion for cattle ranching. With USED FOR CATTLE deforestation clearing the Earth’s forests on such a GRAZING. massive scale, land quality is inevitably damaged, especially in tropical rainforests because these areCommercial livestock occupies 26 percent of the homes to much of the world’s biodiversity.earth’s surface, while feed crop production coversabout 1/3 of all arable land. Grazing from theseanimals causes large-scale land degradation and20 percent of the world’s pasture is considereddegraded through overgrazing, compactionand erosion. Contributed by world’s developingeconomies through rising demand for meat anddairy and population growth, global food demandis expected to double by 2050. Deforestation in Amazonia - the roads in the forest follow a typical “fishbone” pattern. SPECIES EXTINCTION The world is currently facing its ‘sixth great extinction’ of animal species, mainly due to human activity, with the large number of extinctions spanning numerous plants and animals. Large-scale agriculture prevents animals from roaming freely between spaces. This isolates wildlife populations, which harms biodiversity and causes species and ecosystems to disappear at unprecedented rapidity. Learn more about the environmental impacts of eating animal products: Documentary: Cowspiracy Visit AnimalAllies.sg/documentaries for a free copy or screening!18 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
WCEHLCAONMGE TYHOEUW’REORINLDGOEONDVICRONMMPAENYTOVERFISHING Bycatch is the accidental capture of all forms of marine life when fish is caught for food trade. It is estimated at 40SCIENTISTS PREDICT THAT percent of all global marine catches.AT CURRENTFISHING RATES Almost 80 percent of the world’s fisheries are either fully exploited, THE OCEANS’ FISH overexploited or in states of depletion. POPULATIONS COULD In the wild, illegal fishing also accounts2050COLLAPSE BY for approximately 20 to 50 percent of the world’s catch. With destructive fishing methods such as poison fishing and blast bombing, coral reefs are disappearing four times faster than rainforests. it is predicted the entire coral population may vanish in 50 years’ time. CLIMATE CHANGE WATER USE Lifecycle and supply chain of animals Why is this crucial? The water crisis is the #1 global risk based on impact raised for food and fossil fuels are major to society (as a measure of devastation), as announced by the World sources of human-caused emission of Economic Forum, January 2015. Approximately 27% of the water footprint carbon dioxide and other greenhouse of humanity is related to the production of animal products, while only 4% gases (GHGs). of the water footprint of humanity relates to water use at home. Comparing Livestock and their by- an omnivorous diet of 30% animal based product with a plant-based diet, products (i.e. dairy products the plant-based diet reduces the food-related water footprint by 36%. and eggs) account for Domestic Water Consumption (cleaning, cooking, drinking, showering) is 15% 150L per day, while we eat 3496L of water every day through what we eat! of annual worldwide 2300L It takes over 2300L of water to GREENHOUSE make a beef burger, but onlyGAS EMISSIONS 160L to make a veggie burger! Check out this online interactive site! http://www.angelamorelli com/water/ANIMAL AGRICULTURE WASTE AND EXCRETIONFor centuries, animal waste from factory farming was convenientlydisposed as deemed fit. Today, this waste overwhelms the absorptivecapacity of the planet. Rivers carrying livestock waste resulted inexcess nitrogen in bays and gulfs, causing large stretches of dyingmarine areas.Algal blooms due to the nutrients in animal waste contribute to a“dead zone”, where aquatic life die as the algal depletes oxygen inthe water. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,livestock waste has polluted more than 27,000 miles of rivers andcontaminated groundwater in dozens of states. THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 19
WELCOME FROM ANIMAL ALLIESSLEHTO’SPgPoING! It’s time to give your fridge a lean, green, plant-based makeover. No need to go hunting (pun intended). From foods chock-full of vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients, to delicious, plant-based meat and dairy alternatives, you’ll find it a breeze. And everything you need is at your regular supermarket.20 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
LET’S GO SHOPPING SUPER NATURAL FOODS SUPER NATURAL FOODS By no freak of nature, everything our body needs to survive and flourish is provided for us straight from the earth. Get ready to discover a world of super nutrient rich (and totally natural) foods.Flax Seeds / linseeds: Loaded with omega-3.Add to smoothies for a healthy punch. Kale: More calcium than milk and more vitamin C than an orange! Talk about a SUPER food. Almonds: Chock-full of vitamins and fibre for a filling, on-the-go snack.Lentils: High in protein & high in iron. Beetroot: Full of nitrates – which lower blood pressure.Bananas: Packed with potassium Quinoa: Wheat-free and protein-full,and good for your heart and brain! quinoa is a hearty and healthy alternative to rice. Avocados: Full of the good fats. Not to mention creamy and delicious! Broccoli: Has powerful detoxifying properties and is high in fibre.22 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
LET’S GO SHOPPING SUPER NATURAL FOODS Mushrooms: Shown to offer immune-boosting effects.Sweet potatoes: A good source of Sesame seeds: High in calcium andvitamin C. minerals. Delicious tossed through salads or as tahini in a wrap.Garlic: Has been found to lower your Walnuts: Rich in omega-3!risk of certain cancers. Cocoa: Loaded with fibre, iron and magnesium. Blueberries: One of the richest sources of antioxidants, which can help fight off diseases.WTF? (What’s That Food?) — RGEETCTIHPISE — Nutritional Yeast: OK, we know the name is atrocious, but this RaSinablowad nutty flavoured condiment is delicious and a great source of B vitamins. Use it to make dairy-free cheese sauces and in place of parmesan. Tofu: A versatile food made from soy beans that comes in a variety of textures. High in protein, low in fat and a great addition to stir-fries, curries and wraps. Tempeh (tem-pay): It’s similar to tofu with a ‘meatier’ texture. Perfect on a burger or to bulk up a salad. AnimalAllies.sg/Recipes THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 23
WLEETL’SCOGMOESFHROOPMPINANGIM6AELAASLYLIWESAYS 6Easy Ways1 TO MAKE THE TRANSITION Whole foods plant-based diets can save you money! “Being a vegan is too expensive”. No, it does not have to be! Plant-based diets are affordable and it can even be quite thea. saver! Here is an introduction to Plant-Based Diet 101: Shop at regular supermarkets such as Giant, NTUC Fairprice,bc.. mom and pop stores and wet markets. Whip up your own meals! Choose plant-based whole foods and pick them up from the fresh produce section! If you like, there are carbohydrates such as grains, pasta, noodles and bread to make up your shopping cart. What if I get cravings? Eat out at the many hawker centres and food courts that offer Have cravings? Totally normal! It’s not easy tod. plant-based options. change habits that you’ve developed over years2 3Get awesome recipes! Top chefs and enthusiasts around the world are creating and years - so don’t beat yourself up! incredibly tasty new recipes faster than ever! Just Google “vegan” + your favorite dish and you’ll find plant-based Firstly, stock up on plant-based alternatives and versions of all your comfort dishes. Feeling creative? have them ready to go in your fridge or freezer! There are tons of websites with new recipes to try! (One If you’re out and about, use Happy Cow to find of our favorites is theppk.com) the nearest veg restaurant and order some plant- There are tons of recipe books based meat dishes. you can buy at bookstores Also, give yourself permission to cheat if you need like Kinokinoya or borrow to and then get back to reaching your goal. No from the library - check out one’s perfect, so don’t demand perfection - be AnimalAllies.sg/Books for some proud of what you CAN do. You’ll find that over recommendations that will tickle time your taste buds change and those cravings the tastebuds and keep you will go away completely! feeling healthier than ever! Enjoy exploring the future of food with all the new flavours, tastes and textures!24 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
WELLCEOTM’SEGYOOSUH’ROEPIPNINGGOO6DEACSOYMWPAANYSY4Join the Community!One of the rookie mistakes is trying to go plant-based alone! Don’t make that mistake - partner up with a friend or reach out to the amazing plant-based community! We do meetups at restaurants, have potlucks, chat on WhatsApp Groups, post in Facebook pages, and more. Visit AnimalAllies.sg/Groups and join one - you’ll find new friends to help support you on your amazing journey! It really is one of the most caring communities you could imagine :)5Hawker guideHawker centers and food courts will have plant-based options in their vegetarian, Indian, yong taufoo, and economic rice stalls, so you always haveoptions! From laksa made with coconut milk to padthais (hold the fish sauce) to spicy Indian curriesto spring rolls to tempeh to red bean desserts andmore! Each stall is different, so get to know theowners and ask about the ingredients. Once theyknow you, you can be one of their regulars andknow what is plant-based! 6Visit top plant-based restaurants! Top 5 100% Vegan Food Places by HungryAngMo 1st: VeganBurg 2nd: Brownice Italian Bistro 3rd: Genesis Vegan Restaurant 4th: Veggie Cottage 5th: Loving Hut Tip: Download the Happy Cow app to find all the veg restaurants in Singapore! THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 25
LET’S GO SHOPPING SAME BUT BETTER SAME BUT BETTER You can have a burger or you can have a burger that saves lives. We’ve put together a short list of some of our fave plant-based foods, but don’t stop here — there’s a huge range to explore. And go ahead and experiment with different flavours and varieties to find your own favourites! BURGERS Meatless burger varieties offer something for everyone. Veggie lovers can rejoice in patties made from beans, grains, and vegetables. They taste amazing! FACT: High in protein with less fat than beef burgers.YOGHURT CHICKEN & TURKEYDairy-free yoghurts are delicious Try the wide variety of chicken andand full of healthy probiotics. turkey-free tender pieces, roastsSoy and coconut yoghurts are and schnitzels.commonly available and there are FACT: No birds were harmed andheaps of great flavours to try. they taste just as good!FACT: Contains healthy cultures PIES & SAUSAGE ROLLSjust like dairy-based yoghurt Quick and easy and an Aussie favourite, meat- free pies and sausage rolls can be found inwithout common allergens like the supermarket frozen section.lactose or casein and HOT DOGS & SAUSAGESwithout any cruelty to From BBQ snags to bratwurst, there’s a range of great plant-based sausages to enjoy.mother cows and NOtheir calves. LACTOSE26 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
LET’S GO SHOPPING SAME BUT BETTERCHEESE CREAM CHEESE & SOUR CREAMSmile and say “dairy-free cheese!” Top off yourpizzas, burgers and pastas with the growing Try non-dairy cream cheese on yourvariety of animal-friendly cheeses. breakfast bagel, or a dollop of plant- based sour cream in your burrito and MILK find out how amazing these cruelty-free versions taste. Tofutti and King Land Moo-ve over cow’s milk. Dairy-free cream cheese are also incredible in milks, made from soy, rice, almond or dairy-free cheesecake. Yum! coconut pack a mighty flavour and nutritional punch. Try a few to find the CRUELTY one that suits you. Some even come in FREE chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. FACT: Some dairy-free milks contain CHOCOLATE more calcium than cow’s milk. Nut milks also contain a wide variety of vitamins Got a sweet tooth? From soft, creamy and minerals not found in dairy. white chocolate to rich and decadent dark chocolate, all your late nightICE CREAM cravings and baking needs are covered with delicious dairy-free options.Dairy-free ice cream, made with soy orcoconut milk, is rich and creamy andcomes in many different flavours.FACT: No cruelty to cows.MAYO MARGARINEJust as tasty and healthier You won’t believe it’s not margarine.than the animal-based version, No seriously, you won’t. Use non-egg-free mayo is great on dairy spreads for cooking, baking andsandwiches or perfect for spreading.creating creamy dressings.FACT: 99% fat free, 100%egg-free and cruelty-free.Different supermarkets stock different products. So go explore Cold Storage, FairPrice, Jason’s, Supernature, Brown Rice Paradise and organic stores. And if you don’t find what you’re after, ask them to stock it.Visit http://AnimalAllies.sg/Where-Can-I-Find for tips on where to find cheese, yogurt, ice cream and more! THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 27
WELCOME FROM ANIMAL ALLIESQuick. Easy. Cheap.BAM!BUILD A MEAL It’s all good — you don’t have to be a master chef to create mouthwatering plant-based dishes in the kitchen. With just a few simple steps and easy-to-find ingredients, you can serve up meals that will have all your friends begging for seconds.28 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
Try a Fry’s ‘chicken’ burger patty ormarinated tofu strips on your burger. Vegan cheese is delicious and 100% cruelty-free!Serve your burger with wedges or fries and yourfavourite sauces. THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 29
BUILD A MEAL THE MEALS Try vegan cheese with all your fave veg pizza toppings. Fry up balls made with firm tofu, onion, basil and breadcrumbs or buy pre-made ones from IKEA.Social Q’s OF BEING VEG SHARE POSITIVES: People don’t really want to see your Facebook covered with dead animals or guilt tripping.GET IN THE COMMUNITY: You are not alone - Singapore Instead, show nice photos of the foods you are eating, sharehas a vibrant plant-based community made up of thousands recipes you are trying, post inspirational videos and stories.of people from all parts of the world and all ages. There are Still, don’t overdo it: have a variety of non-veg posts too!Facebook Groups, WhatsApp Groups, Meetups, potlucks,and other events all the time. It’s amazing how friendly and PLAN AHEAD: Suggest restaurants to your non-veg friendssupportive everyone is! that you know have options for both of you. Some to get you started: Cedele, Soup Spoon, Thai Express, Living Cafe, DinLIVE BY EXAMPLE: Although you may be inspired and Tai Fung, McDonalds, etc. Sometimes you might call aheadpassionate about your newfound lifestyle, don’t make the mistake to a new restaurant to check on their options. If you know aof trying to push it on others. The reality is your friends and family family event will have nothing for you, then bring your ownwill get defensive. Instead simply live a vibrant and healthy plant- food with you (plus more to share!).based lifestyle and wait for them to ask you about it! If anythingnegative comes your way, just ignore it and shake it off!30 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
Marinate tofu in BUILD A MEAL THE MEALSsoy, black bean orsweet-chilli sauce Throw in some black beansfor added flavour. or red kidney beans for your protein fix. Add vegan cheese for a yummy, melty burrito.CAN’T SEE YOUR FAVOURITE MEAL? Plug it into Google, add the word ‘vegan’ and away you go! THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 31
LCEOTO’SKgetIN’ Feel like upping your game in the kitchen? Try these delicious recipes that’ll astound your friends and family.32 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
Oh my! GLUTEN FREEPAD THAI ServesYou will need: The sauce (mix it all together and 2-3 tweak quantities to taste): 100G THAI RICE NOODLES Prepare your rice noodles according 200G PACK OF FIRM TOFU, WITH THE WATER 1 TABLESPOON TOMATO PUREE / SAUCE to the instructions on the back of the box. 1/3 CUP WARM WATER It may say to soak them in boiling water PRESSED OUT & CHOPPED INTO SMALL CUBES 2 TABLESPOONS TAMARI SOY SAUCE or it may say to boil them in a pot. 1 CLOVE OF GARLIC, MINCED ½ TEASPOON FRESH GINGER, GRATED 3-4 SPRING ONIONS, SLICED 2 TABLESPOONS COCONUT SUGAR Meanwhile heat the oil in a large frying 3CARROTS, JULIENNED OR FINELY SLICED 1/4 TEASPOON CHILLI FLAKES pan and fry the tofu until lightly browned. 1 CUP MUNG BEAN SPROUTS 2 TABLESPOONS LIME JUICE Add the garlic and stir for 30 seconds. 1 TABLESPOON OIL CHOPPED PEANUTS AND FRESH Add the prepared rice noodles, carrots and sauce and mix gently. Turn off the CORIANDER TO GARNISH heat and fold in the mung bean sprouts and spring onions, then pour into bowls and top with fresh coriander and chopped peanuts. Recipe from SuperfoodSiobhan.com THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 33
LET’S GET COOKIN’ RECIPES GLUTEN GLUTEN FREE FREEEasy bean NACHOS Tumeric SWEET POTATO CURRY 1 BROWN ONION, DICED Serves 75G WHITE OR RED ONIONS, PEELED AND CHOPPED Serves 400G CAN 4 BEAN MIX, DRAINED AND RINSED 2-3 3–4 MEDIUM SWEET POTATOES, PEELED AND CUT INTO CUBES 2 1 SACHET OF GLUTEN FREE TACO OR FAJITA SEASONING (KEEP SKIN IF ORGANIC) 2 CLOVES GARLIC, PEELED AND FINELY CHOPPED 400G CAN DICED TOMATOES 1/4 TABLESPOON FRESHLY GROUND TURMERICT 2 CLOVES GARLIC, FINELY CHOPPED 1 TABLESPOON OIL FOR FRYING 1/2 TABLESPOON CINNAMON POWDER 2 TBSP CURRY POWDER 235 ML UNSWEETENED SOY MILK OR COCONUT MILK 1 RIPE AVOCADO 340G FROZEN PEAS SEA SALT, TO TASTE 1 LARGE RIPE TOMATO, CUBED GROUND WHITE PEPPER, TO TASTE JUICE OF ½ LIME PINCH OF SALT 230G BAG CORN CHIPS 100G GRATED DAIRY-FREE CHEESE, TRY V (OPTIONAL) 1 SMALL CAN SWEET CORN KERNELS, DRAINED AND RINSEDScoop contents of avocado into a bowl. Add lime and salt and mash Heat a large pot over medium-high heat. Add chopped onions and awell. Mix in the tomato chunks. Set aside. little bit of water to keep them from sticking and burning. Sauté for 3–4 minutes until onions are softened and translucent.Heat a large saucepan over a high heat with oil. Fry onion for 1-2minutes until soft. Add beans and stir until heated through. Add Add more water and sweet potatoes. Sauté for another 7–8 minutes.contents of seasoning sachet and stir to coat. Heat until fragrant. Addcan of diced tomatoes and cook for 4-5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add garlic, turmeric, cinnamon and curry powder. Stir to coat sweet potatoes. Let cook for 1–2 minutes.To serve, arrange corn chips on plate, top with bean mix, dairy-freecheese, corn kernels and finish with a dollop of guacamole. Add soy milk or coconut milk and peas. Stir well and lower heat to medium-low. Cover and cook for about 15 minutes or until sweetNote: Swap out corn chips for a whole baked potato or sweet potato for an easy potatoes are fork-tender.chilli non-carne. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Dish out and serve with a salad, brown rice or wholemeal bread. Recipe from At Home: From Pot To Pot by Pauline Menezes.Egg-free BAKING Magic MeringuesCookies, muffins, cakes? No egg? No problem. When This will sound crazy ... but the waterbaking, in place of one egg, try these healthy options. from a can of chick peas has seemingly supernatural powers. Whip it up like egg Commercial egg replacer ½ mashed banana whites and make amazing meringues, (like “No Egg”) ¼ cup apple sauce pavlovas, macarons and more! Google ¼ cup silken tofu ¼ cup soy yoghurt “aquafaba” to blow your mind.+ 1 tablespoon vinegar + 1 teaspoon baking soda+ 1 tablespoon ground flax seed + 3 tablespoons water34 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
Join some plant-based cooking classes LET’S GET COOKIN’ RECIPESat AnimalAllies.sg/Recipes! TRY THIS MEAL PLAN BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNERMushroom STROGANOFF SUN SAT FRI THU WED TUE MON Porridge w/ fruit Tumeric Sweet Spaghetti & tofu balls Potato Curry 225G PASTA (EG. FUSILLI) Serves ¾ CUP CASHEWS, SOAKED FOR AT LEAST 2 HOURS 4 1½ CUPS VEGETABLE OR MUSHROOM BROTH 225G MUSHROOMS (SWISS BROWN OR BUTTON), THINLY SLICED 400G EXTRA–FIRM TOFU, IN BITE-SIZED PIECES (OR EXTRA MUSHROOMS) Cereal w/ fruit Chickpea & avocado Veggie pizza salad 2 TABLESPOON OLIVE OIL 1 MEDIUM YELLOW ONION, QUARTERED AND THINLY SLICED ½ TEASPOON SALT FRESHLY GROUND PEPPER, TO TASTE 4 CLOVES GARLIC, MINCED 1 TEASPOON DRIED THYME ½ CUP DRY WHITE WINE Toast w/ peanut Chunky vegetable soup Nachos butter or jam 2 TABLESPOONS TOMATO PASTE CHOPPED FRESH FLAT-LEAF PARSLEY, FOR GARNISH (OPTIONAL)Cook the pasta according to the package directions. Drain and Fruit salad Avocado & cucumber Tofu & veg stir-fryset aside. Blend cashews with vegetable broth until very smooth. sushiPreheat a large, heavy-bottomed pan over medium heat and add 1 Berry & banana Salad & hummus wrap Bean burritotablespoon of oil. Sauté the tofu along with the salt for 5 minutes or smoothieso, until slightly browned. Set the tofu aside. In the same pan, still on amedium heat, add remaining oil and sauté the onion with a pinch of saltfor about 5 minutes, until translucent. Add garlic and sauté for another30 seconds.Add the mushrooms and thyme and cook until the mushrooms arelightly browned. Add the wine, tomato paste, remaining ½ tsp salt, andpepper, stir, and turn the heat up to high. Let the wine reduce by abouthalf (about 5 minutes). Turn the heat back down to medium.Pour in the cashew mixture. Stir until well combined and let it thickenfor about 5 minutes. Add the tofu and carefully toss to coat. Serve overthe pasta, and garnish with fresh parsley, if you like.Recipe from Isa Does It by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Photo by Vanessa Rees. Tofu scramble Veggie burger Pad Thai GET THIS Pancakes— GREETCTHIPISE — B— rRoECwIPnEie—s AnimalAllies.sg/Recipes AnimalAllies.sg/Recipes Pancakes Falafel pita Mushroom stroganoff THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 35
TAmKeOE UT“What about eating out?” you ask. Global cuisine can proveto be a treasure trove of plant-based delights. And many fastfood chains also offer veg options. Here are our top tips forordering delicious meat-free meals wherever you go.Whether you’re wanting to try somewhere new in yourneighbourhood or discover good food whilst traveling, youcan find veg-friendly restaurants just about anywhere usingthe Happy Cow app and website (www.happycow.net).
FOODS from AROUND THE WORLD Japanese Italian Indian vegetable sushi roll, veggie pizza hold the dahl, vegetable curries avocado roll, tofu roll, cheese (or with dairy-free (without dairy), veg edamame, tempura veg, cheese), pasta primavera, samosas, mushroom bhaji, aloo gobi, miso-based udon pasta napolitana, vegetable dosa, roti. noodles. risotto. Chinese Thai tofu and veg stir-fries, Mexican Pad Thai (hold the egg), vegetable dumplings, veggie spring rolls, rice paper rolls, veg stir fry — spring rolls. try sweet chilli and basil, MEaisdtderlne lemongrass or cashew nut. falafel wrap, hummus, vegetarian dolmades, bean burrito, taco or veggie pide without nachos without dairy. cheese. (Jazz it up with extra guac).Subway: Ask for Cedele Have a Sumo Salad offers a Soup Spoon: Try the Domino’s: Order anythe veggie delight. selection of plant-based range of veg-friendly pumpkin soup in a of their veggie pizzasAdd fresh avocado for burgers on ciabatta or salads that are clearly bread bowl or their without cheese.extra punch. wholemeal sunflower labelled. asian tofu salad. Add your favourite bread (hold the mayo) toppings for your with grilled red pepper own unique flavour. & tomato soup.For more tips on ordering at other chains, THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 37visit AnimalAllies.sg/Eating-Out!
WTAEKLECOMME EOFURTOLMIVEANCIRMUAELLTAYLLFIERSEE LIVE CRUELTY FREE Thanks to many people worldwide boycotting animal-tested products, animal testing for cosmetics and hygiene products is finally being outlawed in some countries. The companies that do test often do so on beagles and rabbits. There’s no retirement for these animals after their suffering: most are killed after the testing. So with cruelty-free options everywhere, why support companies that test on animals?Here are some easy-to-find brands in Singapore for all your daily needs!cosmetics: skincare: fragrances:Stockists: Sephora Stores & Online, Stockists: Stella mccartney retail shop Urban Decay at Bugis Junction at Hilton Singapore Stockists: Body Shop Storeshaircare: shower/bath: toiletries: oral care:Stockists: Watsons, Unity, Axcilent Stockists: Lush Stores Stockists: Physical: Dragon Stockists: Physical: Dragon D’orOrganic Shop, Guardian, Eat Organic, D’or Cosmetics | Online: iHerb, Cosmetics | Online: iHerbNaturaWorks Naturaworks.com You’ll also find that these other brands carry cruelty free options:38 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
Visit AnimalAllies.sg/Cruelty-free-living for more! WELCTOAMKE YMOEUO’RUETINLIVGEOCORDUECLOTMY PFARNEYEThere’s an app for that! top apps::Scan or type in a product and it willtell you if it is cruelty-free. Bunny Free by PETA Cruelty free by Coalition for Consumer Information on CosmeticsLook out for these logos to see if what you’re buying is cruelty-free! Here are some locations in Singapore where you can find some of the brands on this page:Available at: (Physical)Available at: (Online) In Singapore there is no formal cruelty- free system in place, but here are some small local businesses that make their own cruelty-free products: THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 39
WELCOME FROM ANIMAL ALLIES START YOUR Remember, it’s all about progress, not pe pick up where you left off and know tha you take, no matter how big or sma Make a pledge at http://AnimalAllies.sg/Start and get access to more resources and support!40 • THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT
JOURNEY... WELCOME YOU’RE IN GOOD COMPANYerfection. If you ‘slip up’, stay cool. Just Starting out as aat you are doing your best. Every step reductionist?all, is a step towards a kinder world. In Singapore we have the #GreenAndHealthyMonday movement. Join MeatlessMonday.com and get extra online resources!Starting out as a welfarist?DairyFolks milk and Freedom Range are good places to start herein SG. This guide can help you find products from countries withhigher welfare standards: AnimalAllies.sg/Sources THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 41
Thank you You’ve taken the first step to a new, healthy, and compassionate you. It’s going to be an exciting and fun-filled ride! Simply by living a happy, healthy lifestyle, you can become a walking billboard for cruelty-free living. You are now a force for kindness, peace, and compassion. Now go out there and change the world!
more?HUNGRY FORDownalonadddowcyuaomtucrehfnrftreaeereieeos-cnaolitno: ekbook AnimalAllies.sg THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 43
A kinder world starts with us.Now that you’ve seen all the resources inside, www.AnimalAllies.sg Special thanks to support from Animals Australia, Mercy for Animals and Farm Sanctuary for the production of this guidehere’s a checklist to help you get going!You can get all of this at AnimalAllies.sg:☐ Start with a realistic goal and give yourself permission to be flexible when needed.☐ Download the Happy Cow app or bookmark the website www.happycow.com☐ Join our WhatsApp and Facebook Groups (AnimalAllies.sg/Groups)☐ Follow the Bloggers, Instagrammers and YouTubers (AnimalAllies.sg/Instagrammers)☐ Find plant-based recipes for your favorite foods! (AnimalAllies.sg/Recipes)☐ Focus on whole foods - don’t set yourself up for failure by switching to junk food!☐ Buy some plant-based comfort foods (i.e. ice cream) and have them ready if you get cravings!☐ Keep this magazine handy for all your questions!☐ Plan your sources for micro nutrients like B12 and DHA.☐ Find cruelty-free clothing and hygiene products!☐ Enjoy the journey!If you found this guide helpful, please pass it on or send digital copiesto friends at AnimalAllies.sg/Action
more?HUNGRY FORDownalonadddowcyuaomtucrehfnrftreaeereieeos-cnaolitno: ekbook AnimalAllies.sg THE PLANT-BASED STARTER KIT • 45
A kinder world starts with us.Now that you’ve seen all the resources inside, Other Publications Special thanks to support from Animals Australia, Mercy for Animals and Farm Sanctuary for the production of this guidehere’s a checklist to help you get going!You can get all of this at AnimalAllies.sg:☐ Start with a realistic goal and give yourself permission to be flexible when needed.☐ Download the Happy Cow app or bookmark the website www.happycow.com☐ Join our WhatsApp and Facebook Groups (AnimalAllies.sg/Groups)☐ Follow the Bloggers, Instagrammers and YouTubers (AnimalAllies.sg/Instagrammers)☐ Find plant-based recipes for your favorite foods! (AnimalAllies.sg/Recipes)☐ Focus on whole foods - don’t set yourself up for failure by switching to junk food!☐ Buy some plant-based comfort foods (i.e. ice cream) and have them ready if you get cravings!☐ Keep this magazine handy for all your questions!☐ Plan your sources for micro nutrients like B12 and DHA.☐ Find cruelty-free clothing and hygiene products!☐ Enjoy the journey!If you found this guide helpful, please pass it on or send digital copiesto friends at AnimalAllies.sg/Action
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