7 reasons for plant-based food!Don’t get left behind...ANDDELTIRCEINODUYS! 1 You are losing customers! When eating out in groups, people try to find a restaurant where all their friends will have options. With veganism becoming more popular, vegans veto which restaurant the group goes to. If you don’t have awesome vegan options, the whole group will be skipping your restaurant! 2 Veganism is trendy and growing! Singapore was recently named the 2nd most vegan-friendly city in Asia and is 12th in the world in Google Trends for veganism. It’s especially popular with millennials and has wide celebrity support from Arnold Schwarzeneggar to Ellen Dege- neres to Miley Cyrus. Keep up with the new trend by having options that attract the next generation of customers. 3 It is an emerging market. The global market for milk alter- natives reached USD $5.8 billion in 2014 and should reach nearly $10.9 billion by 2019, reflecting a five-year com- pound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.3%. According to a survey of the American Dietetic Association in September 2012, 87% of dietitians recommend a plant-based diet to some or most of their patients and 70% of those dietitians say that a plant- based diet is nutrient rich. Recent market research by Mintel showed that vegan and vegetarian claims were on the rise in SE Asia, with vegan claims increasing by 440 per cent between 2012 and 2016. And it’s only going to grow with awareness!4 Be more allergy-friendly and expand your customer base to 5 Customers feel healthier! those with religious or health-based eating restrictions. As mentioned before, many Did you know that 90% of East Asian adults are intolerant to lactose in dairy? dieticians are now recommending(US NIH) Many are unaware of this and thus if were to eat your food containing dairy and plant-based diets. But more importantly,feel discomfort thereafter, they will form negative associations with your food and you will when someone has a plant-based meal,lose repeat customers. Egg and dairy allergies are also common. The Indian population in they feel lighter and healthier after. PeopleSingapore does not consider eggs vegetarian. In 2016, Nielsen did a survey of Singaporean tend to return to restaurants if they feelfood choices and found that 3% are vegan, 7% are flexitarian (cutting back on meat), 9% good afterwards and feel satisfied by theare dairy-free, 11% are vegetarian, and 28% are choosing low-fat diets. As vegan dishes meal. These positive associations lead toare cholesterol-free and contain lower fat, they will be extra appealing to those with high recommendations too!cholesterol or heart problems (one of the top 5 killers in SG).The Future is Plant-based -2-
Plant-based: no ingredients of animal origin (aka vegan) Stay a step ahead! INGCRHEEDAIPEENRTS 6 Reductionism is becoming more popular! Many people who are not vegan are trying to reduce their meat, dairy and egg consumption due to the increasing evidence that it is harmful to health (in fact, almost every lifestyle disease can be connected to animal ingredients). 57% of all restaurant-goers “sometimes,” “often,” or “always” order a vegetarian item when dining out (Zogby International). Having more options, will widen your appeal! 7 Boost your profit margins! Contrary to popular belief, vegan cuisine need not be an expensive affair. Many ingredients that can substitute for meat, eggs and dairy products are in fact cheaper or priced similar (and simplify food safety!). Meat prices are expected to continue rising. Reducing meat purchases by increasing meat-free fare can help save your dining operation money. Affordable favorites like three-bean chili and baja black bean burritos make hearty, protein-rich replacements for meat-based dishes. Be- low we have an example from a hospital in the US that compared its meals before and after switching them to being plant-based. Eggs are usually used simply as binders in baking and can be eliminated or replaced with other binding ingredients. Dairy can be replaced with almond, soy, rice, or other plant-based milks. Some of these are cheaper than the equivalent dairy or can simply be made fresh in a blender. Later in this guide we will have more details on this.c omparison of meat dishes and their plant-based equivalents. While vegan dishes will sell to From Adventist Health Hospital, Washington, DC: everyone, vegetarian productsMeal Cost Customer Price Profit containing dairy, egg, or otherVegetable Stir Fry with Snow Peas $0.89 $3.50 $2.61 animal products will not sell toBeef and Vegetable Stir Fry. $1.51 $3.50 $1.99 vegans, the lactose intolerant, kosher customers, some Bud-Pasta with Black Beans & Artichokes $0.84 $3.00 $2.16 dhists and adherents of otherPenne with Grilled Sausage $1.03 $3.00 $1.97 Eastern religions, and many in the health-conscious crowd.Falafel Sandwich in Whole Wheat Pita. $1.03 $3.00 $1.97Philly Cheese Steak $1.23. $3.00. $1.77The Future is Plant-based -3-
7 Success stories!“With more people becom- CLUB MEXICANA, LONDONing plant curious, restau- clubmexicana.comrants and supermarkets arerealising they need high Mexican food is quite easy to veganise,quality plant-based food packs a lot of flavor, and is popular withoptions to satisfy consumer younger generations. One very successfuldemand,” restaurant is Club Mexicana, started by someone formerly in the advertising field. - Jennifer Pardoe, Zest “Our food is all about flavour which packs a punch, but with a sprinkling of 80s kitschThere are many examples of to sweeten the blow,” says founder Meriel businesses embracing the Armitage ( plant-based revolution Starting out as a stall, Club Mexicana’sBROWNICE, SINGAPORE an advantage to being first. You can get popularity spread as the media picked marketing mileage out of it as magazines the restaurant for being unique in offering and newspapers give you coverage that all-vegan food. This free marketing allowedBrownice is a vegan ice cream shop in you might not otherwise be able to afford. them to secure the fanbase to expand andSingapore that creates its ice cream from We find the customers that want and create a permanent restaurant.brown rice milk instead of dairy. The need the products. Those who are lactoseresults are not only delicious but also intolerant, gluten intolerant had a place SAINT PIERRE, SINGAPOREhealthier as they have 1/4 the calories, they could go. A lot of Asians are lactose cholesterol and can be eaten by those intolerant and wanted to try Western foodwith lactose intolerance. The founder but couldn’t. There are a lot of people On Sentosa island, this non-vegetarianof Brownice, Denise Lim, told us, “It’s a who trust Brownice, which is rare in F&B. restaurant has expanded its menu! Aftervery new trend, so you can be the first. They feel truly safe eating the food and ice the group Chicks Eat Vegan helped inspireBrownice is listed in Singapore records as cream.” Brownice now has two locations in them to create a vegan menu for an event,the first vegan ice cream. As such there is Singapore. Saint Pierre decided to keep it on! “We are thrilled that the response has been picking up steadily. We now have non-vege- tarian diners trying and loving the vegetar- ian dishes.” (Straits Times) Saint Pierre has continued to expand its vegetarian offerings due to the positive feedback. This also gives Saint Pierre a competitive advantage as the plant-based options on Sentosa are limited.The Future is Plant-based -4-
VEGANBURG, SIN- ents,” explains Alex. (Yahoo SG) MCDONALD’S SIN- with green peas, green beans,GAPORE & SAN Veganburg recently expanded GAPORE carrots, potatoes and red bellFRANCISCO from its original Eunos location peppers and the burger to Haight Street in San Fran- with crisp cucumber slices cisco. They also do pop ups at McDonald’s Singapore and shredded lettuce.” (StraitsStarting an international vegan events like Green is the New surprised everyone with the Times)fast food chain was never in Black and EarthFest in Singa- launch of the Veggie Crunch inAlex Tan’s plans. “I remember pore to help break misconcep- Singapore in 2016. The patty, The launch of the burgerwhen my colleagues used to eat tions about vegan food. which is vegan-friendly, marks caught the attention of thevegetarian food on the first and a major step in convenience media in Singapore, which hasfifteenth day of Chinese New for vegans. More than that, it been increasingly coveringYear and I would always tell shows that McDonald’s market plant-based foods due to thethem to count me out. I would research shows the interest growing interest of the public.rather skip the meal than to eat and demand has reached the It even gained internationalvegetarian food.” (Yahoo SG) point where these options are attention as not all McDonald’s going to boost business. globally have these options.Alex’s health problems leda friend to introduce him to McDonald’s also have veganplant-based diets. When he apple pie and french fries. Thisswitched, his health was re- gives them an advantage overstored and he felt a newfound other fast food chains as thedrive to help bring healthier vegan community now has afood to the masses. “People convenient place to eat.are still going to continue toconsume fast food but what “The patty of this vegeta-needs to change is the ingredi- ble-based burger is madeTHE FIELDS BE- for the problems it causes. RAMEN HOOD, LA and then uses black salt, betaNEATH, LONDON Not only is it a major green- carotene, nutritional yeast, house gas emitter, but it also tamins, and sodium alginate toneath/ contributes to water pollution. “It is all about making people create a runny yolk. But more importantly, people who aren’t vegan eat it, like it,This cafe in the UK became a are putting morals back into and not miss the meat com- Despite all dishes being vegan,viral sensation after posting their buying. As the sign above ponent of the dish,” explains most visitors to the restaurantthis sign on its entrance. After shows, there’s a lot of cruelty restauranter Rahul Khopkar. are not vegan, and they keepvisiting a slaughterhouse and in dairy milk, so going cruel- ( coming back, showing therealising that cow’s milk was ty-free makes business sense. appeal the options have toalso connected to the meat Starbucks now has plant-based Although Rahul is not vegan reductionists and meat eaters.industry, the owners decided milks in all their locations! himself, he enjoys the challengeto have their business reflect of thinking more nutritionallytheir values. “At The Fields and creatively to wow custom-Beneath, we’ve been open ters with plant-based options.a little over four years and He uses roasted sunflowerstarted transitioning to a vegan seeds, cooked-down onion,menu in December, cutting out white miso and nutritionalmeat first. ‘What’s wrong with yeast to create the irresistibledairy?’ comes up a lot but the flavors that keep everyoneaim is to cut out dairy com- coming back.pletely by the end of April,” saysfounder Gavin Fernback. With The highlight though is theyounger generations embrac- vegan egg, which he creates in-ing responsible consumption, house. By using soy milk anddairy is being openly exposed agar-agar he creates egg whitesThe Future is Plant-based -5-
Developing plant-based dishes! 6 Criteria for SUCCESSFUL DISHES! 1 Is it inventive, cre- 4 Is it nutritionally ative, and enticing to balanced? meat eaters? Make sure you have Don’t create simple, boring, a balance of carbs, fats, and options like only salads. Create protein. To leave customers something that everyone will feeling satisfied and not hungry find delicious - remember an hour later, ensure you incor- to tap into that reductionist porate whole grains, legumes, market! Always focus on flavor nuts or seeds. Portion sizes and texture! generally need to be larger to 2 meet calorific goals. Can you vegan- 5 Is it priced well? ise dishes you Plant-based dishes already have? Look through your existing should be the same menu and use the Chef Tips on price or less expensive than the next page to veganise! other dishes as the ingredients 3 are generally cheaper. Does it use 6 Can it be system- ingredients you atised? already stock? If you’re creating something Make sure your kitch-Gado-Gado, by Little Green Kitchen consultant Shalu Asnani new, try to use the ingredients en can handle the prep and you normally stock at first. keep the final cook time short.Consider Consultants!Many chefs simply have no experience or training in plant-based foods. You might want to try these...Little Green Kitchen / 9763 1483 Pauliina Salmenhaara / 9327 [email protected] [email protected]: Southeast Asian, Indian, Specialties: modern plant-based cui-Western, Desserts, Gluten-free sine, raw food, gluten-free, smoothiesCredentials / Experience: Diploma in Credentials / Experience: RestaurantVegetarian Cuisine form Cordon Vert experience. Elaina Love’s Pure JoyCookery School. Experienced working in Academy Raw Food Chef and Edu-and consulting for restaurants. cator Certification, Matthew Kenney Culinary Academy: Core Seal Certi-Chef Diego / 98653498 fication (Levels 1 to 4) + [email protected] Desserts + Sports Nutrition.Specialties: WesternCredentials / Experience: Head chef of Emilie Tan / 9616 6118 Shalu AsnaniItalian restaurant [email protected] Specialties: Raw food Amis Veggie Heart / 91446105Farhana Matter / 9662 1046 Credentials / Experience: Certificate [email protected] in Raw Cuisine (Level 1), Matthew Specialties: Indian, Mexican, Thai, Western,Specialties: New age, fusion, western, Kenney Culinary Institute, Certificate Mediterranean, localmiddle eastern, asian flavors in Professional Plant Based Cooking, Credentials / Experience: Self-trained, consult-Credentials / Experience: Pop-ups, cater- Rouxbe Culinary Institute. Consulta- ed for cafe and restaurantsing, restaurant. tion experience.The Future is Plant-based -6-
12 Chef’s TIPS -7- 1 The best taste testers are meat-eaters. Refine the dish until it appeals to their palate.. 2 Veggie meats (i.e., soy chicken) are an easy place to start - you can simply substitute them for meat in your existing dishes and label them as options in your menu beside the meat versions. 3 Common meat substitutes are tempeh, tofu, textured vegetable protein (TVP), seitan, beans and lentils. 4 Freezing firm tofu first, thawing, then squeezing the water out changes the texture of the tofu to be meatier. 5 Consider marinating tofu, tempeh, TVP and seitan for that extra flavor. 6 Use vegetable oil instead of animal fat for frying and sautéing. Avoid palm oil unless sustainably-sourced. 7 Many soups, pilafs and other grain dishes can be made vegetarian simply by changing from a meat-based stock to a vegetable stock. 8 Lasagna and other pastas can be prepared with a meatless tomato sauce and loaded with vegetables instead like zucchini. Silken tofu or cashew sauces can be added for creamy textures. 9 Offer vegetarian baked beans in place of pork and beans, chili beans instead of chili con carne, and refried beans made with vegetable oil, or no fat at all.10 Prepare or purchase breads without eggs or dairy products.11 Have non-dairy milks available for use on cereals, in hot beverages, etc.12 Aquafaba is a new miracle ingredient - it replaces eggs, but can make meringues, whipped cream and more! Many dishes are accidentally plant-based. For example, felafel, authentic italian pizza crusts, bagels, etc are all traditionally plant-based. The Future is Plant-based
Marketing Tips It’s all in the name!Naming Plant-based Dishes1. Vegan Lover is about Avocado & Avocado & Creamy Avocadothe worst name you Black Bean Chipotle Black & Chipotle Blackcould choose, yet some Bean Burritorestaurants do this! Don’t Burrito Bean Burritoput vegan or vegetarian 3. Add in the flavors toin the name. It just tells 2. Ensure the name focus- the name. If you don’t 4. Add in textures or othermeat-eaters not to buy it. es on the ingredients that have one, redevelop your deliciously descriptiveLet’s improve this burrito’s all people like. In this case dish to ensure you have a names. Now doesn’t itname... black beans and avocado flavor. sound delicious? are generally quite liked universally. If you’re using mock meats, call them “chick’n” for example, in- stead of “mock chicken”...Presenting in the Menu List it right so people order!ListtAo&lalmatdahiddnkrjgodeerceuseltguidihvrcieoeieosnuuttss otKpieoteniopsntahsle-opnnlogasnvietd-geb“tashseeecdtmieooanpt-” BurritwoahdOadptatiisospynlmaablnoltyl,-tbyooasusehcdoawn MAINS Chipotle Black Bean & Creamy Avocado Cholesterol free! Marinated black beans + roasted vegetables + picco de gallo + creamy avocado + chipot- ley mayo + red onion + cilantro surrounded by crispy lettuce & tomatoes wrapped in a whole wheat“bHtheuaazztl“HwtaehopaireprdretsaOHllpeittakoielotanchlh”Y,lo”“lLaeouswdtieeFrnaotc”l- Eavpephreaytovisene,ert,wh2eanmmatosirncesh,woaoincredds1o. dfTermsyosetuortthh. yaTovhuee’lamltolgreeeatys!otu1Marketing to the plant-based communi- Get those new customers!Join as a corporate mem- Invite Singapore Vege- Get listed on their Eating If you have enough plant-ber and get access to their tarian Meetup Group Out guide + they’ll adver- based options get listedEDM, loyalty card program, (4000+ members) to have tise to their thousands of on the Happy Cow app!and social media! a meetup! social media followers. animalallies.sgThe Future is Plant-based Join the Green & Healthy Monday movement! -8-
Tips on Starting a BusinessThinking of breaking into this emerging market? These tips will help boost your chances! FIRST STEPS TO STARTING... So, you are deciding to go for it! Where do you start? Our tips: 1. Take your time and don’t rush it. 2. Read business books, talk to owners with similar businesses and find a mentor. 3. Do you want to be a supplier or a front- end store? 4. Start developing a business plan with the Available on Amazon following steps. Start with identifying your target market. SHOULD YOU START A BUSINESS? 5. Develop names + test dishes or prod- 11. Plan to retain your staff. ucts and test their appeal with your target a. Set expectations in the interview. If you answer yes to all these, go for it! audience at popups. Aim for mainstream b. Create incentives. appeal. c. Have a clear phone policy. 1. Are you and your team willing to work d. Get to know your staff personally. long hours every day of the week at the 6. If a restaurant, decide if you want to e. Consider profit-sharing models. start? outsource production of some of your food f. Be helpful when it’s busy. to cut down on staff and kitchen logistics. 2. If a restaurant, do you have commercial 12. Negotiate the rental and finalise busi- F&B experience? (If no, work in the industry 7. Research locations. Consider: ness plan. Now is the time to go back and first to get a feel for it). a. Rental cost vs capital ask yourself - do you really want to do this? b. Amount of foot traffic Will it be successful? Be willing to walk 3. Do you have enough capital to start and c. Demographics of foot traffic away. keep it going for 6 months without profit? d. Are there similar businesses there? e. Check for struggling businesses - 13. Build it! If building a kitchen, when it’s 4. Do you have a unique selling point to fill deals in taking over their contracts ready you can do test runs on the equip- a void in the market? f. Check location meets all NEA and ment while the NEA is approving permits. drainage requirements (floor traps, 5. Is a business the best way you can serve exhaust system, stainless steel walls, 14. Advertise a low wage to eliminate work- the cause? Or do you have other expertise 2 way exits, fire safety, etc) ers who have low motivation. Those that that could be used to better help? are okay with the low wage are likely buying 8. Survey other businesses to help deter- into your more ethical concept, and you “When there’s a social mine prices you can charge. Calculate if can increase their pay after a trial period toreason to your business it’s you can be profitable at this price with your retain them. Advertising in the veg commu-easier to do tribal market- estimated traffic. nity will get you the best employees for thising, to build real loyalty to type of business.what you’re doing. People 9. Get professional logo and website de-are aligned to what you’re signed + social media set up. Get profes- 15. Do soft launch after training staff. doing. Other places have sional flyer design, social media graphic, Expect things to go wrong - continue photography, etc. If having a storefront, get evaluating and get feedback. You’ll likely go casual customers, where a designer to design the layout. Ensure the through several iterations of your menu atthey would not care if you layout is also functional - the flow should the start. closed. Try to have a sto- prevent staff from cutting into each other’s ry behind your business.” paths, storage areas easily accessible, etc. 16. Advertise your first launch! Be very - Luke and Denise Otter, active on social media, and don’t take nega- 10. Find your suppliers (they often can be tive feedback personally. Good luck! founders of Brownice negotiated down in price). The last page of this guide can help for some too!The Future is Plant-based -9-
RECIPESHere are some inspirational ideas for recipes! We’ll jackfruit can have the texture of pulled pork. BuzzFeedstart with our cover, the BBQ Jackfruit burger. Some did an experiment and meat eaters couldn’t tell it wasn’texperimental chefs recently discovered that unripe pork! See how to make this: Jackfruit THE LATEST CRAZE!
Western FlavorsCheesy Lasagna Smokey Black Bean Burgers Belgian Waffles Seasoned Tempeh of AsiaSweet & Sour Tofu Laksa Soup Tofu Matar Masala Hainanese & Nonya Falafel Avocado Black Bean Burrito Traditional Hummus Korean Style Get inspired!Food 52 Vegan Dining at the Ravens Homemade Vegan Pantry Artisan Vegan CheeseSG Library, Amazon SG Library, Amazon SG Library, Amazon AmazonThe Future is Plant-based - 11 -
Starter List of plant-based product suppliers for SingaporeAlways confirm all ingredients are plant-based. Some mock meats, for example, contain egg. Some plant-based milks could have Vitamin D or Omega 3’s added that are animal-derived. Choosing these unnecessarily limits who eats your dish as there are versions without.Note: Mustafa Center is your best Plant-based Cheese Plant-based Meatsbet for more obscure ingredients. Mustafa Center Note: Quality can vary widely, so seek 8524 3160 samples from various and see which bestTempeh Supplier suits your dish.Leong Guan Food Trading Pte Ltd Plant-based Kaiser Foods Ching Hai Group6754 7911 6741 7001 6841 4747Mr. Tan (Malay Speaking) Friendly Vegetarian9736 9871 Organic Soy Powder w w w.friendly Ebeneezer Coffee Manufacturer 64566607 / 64566749Tofu & Bean Curd Supplier(s) Guan Food Trading Pte Ltd 9227 6664 / 6243 9797 Vegetarian World Foods www.vegetarianworldfoods.com6754 7911 Nuts 9735 3311 Phoon HuatFortune Food Xiang Xiang 6654 4333 www.xiangxiangvegetarian.com6577 3100 6387 1228 Baking ChocolatePlant Milks Phoon Huat Zhong Yong Traders Pte. LtdFood Xervices 6654 4333 6281 31331800 933 3333 Green (Unripe) Jackfruit Leong Guan Food Trading Pte LtdMustafa Center U Say Marketing www.leong-guan.com8524 3160 6754 7911 6570 5033Fortune Food Other Publications6577 3100 Learn more about why your customers are choosing plant- based diets, learn more about plant-based nutrition, get extra recipes, and much more in our free Singapore starter kit for consumers at guide was produced by the charityWe inspire people to make more compassionate, healthy and sustainable choices in Singapore. [email protected]
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