Task Dear ch ldren, what s the most famous d sh n your c ty?In th s study, we want you to ntroduce a most famous d sh n your c ty.
Third Team Studies The L no t collaborat ve The students ntroduced On the l no t board, you Dashboard Tool was the r local food to the r can f nd many local used. teammates n the d shes belong ng to each dashboard car. c ty.
Ünzile PATAN KILIÇ Mustafa Kemal Primary School Giresun, Turkey
Sule UZEL Kümbet Secondary School Aksaray, Turkey
Metin SAGLAM Istiklal Primary School Aksaray, Turkey
Rasha Al BAYER AlZarqaa AlHadaiqya Mixed Primary School Zarqa, Jordan
Ebru ÖZDEMİR TOKI Kayasehir Mevlana Primary School Istanbul/Turkey
Wejdan NAWAFLEH Sumayya Secondary School for Girls Ma'An, Jordan
Third Team Work Turk sh lavol Ispanaklı kömbe Aksaray tava Mansaf Topak kızartma Yogurt Karalahana Bulgur çorbası Maqluba Mand Lamb R ce Almonds Bread
Our Local Food Collaborative Work http://l no t.com/users/s n fc nesl /canvases/Our%20Most%20Famous%20D shes
Thank You Nesl han ÖZTÜRK SUNAR
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