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Home Explore AUB K2P-Brochure-Digital-2015-02-02

AUB K2P-Brochure-Digital-2015-02-02

Published by rachelashkar, 2016-07-27 03:12:21

Description: AUB K2P-Brochure-Digital-2015-02-02


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ABOUT USKnowledge to PolicyCenter draws on anunparalleled breadth ofsynthesized evidence andcontext-specific knowledgeto impact policy agendasand action. K2P does notrestrict itself to researchevidence but draws on andintegrates multiple typesand levels of knowledgeto inform policy includinggrey literature, opinions andexpertise of stakeholders. 1

OBJECTIVE → Support and build capacity of research networks,Strengthen policy makers, civil society,& influence researchers, and the mediapolicy and in knowledge translationpromote and the use of evidenceevidence- in policyinformeddecision → Undertake priority-settingmaking. for supporting evidence- informed policy making in health systems → Develop and evaluate K2P Policy Briefs, Briefing Notes, Rapid Responses, Evidence Summaries, Dialogue Summaries and Media Bites (in English and Arabic) → Convene and evaluate policy dialogue meetings → Promote and support evidence-informed advocacy in public health → Conduct policy-relevant research, including policy tracing and monitoring and evaluation of uptake of evidence into policy


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SAMPLE PRODUCTSK2P Policy Brief → Provides analysis of context, → Securing Access to Quality problem, policy options and Mental Health Services in Primary implementation barriers Health Care in LebanonK2P Briefing Note → Quickly and effectively informs → Protecting Consumers in and advises a decision maker Lebanon: The need for effective about an issue and makes Food Safety System a recommendation → Promoting Access to Basic Healthcare Services for Syrian Refugees in LebanonK2P Rapid → Responds to urgent requests from → Informing the SaltResponse policymakers and stakeholders Fluoridation law by delivering optimally packaged, in Lebanon relevant and high-quality evidence for decision-making in short periods of timeK2P Evidence → Provides a short summary → How can countries accelerateSummary of the most recent research progress towards Universal about a topic Health Coverage?K2P DialogueSummary → Provides a structured → Securing Access to Quality summary of stakeholder Mental Health Services in Primary deliberations of the problem, Health Care in Lebanon its underlying factors, proposed policy options and → Promoting Access to Essential implementation barriers Health Care Services for Syrian Refugees in LebanonK2P Media Bite → Communicates evidence → 30,000 families denied with media (a tool to coverage due to mounting support evidence-based debt of voluntary health health reporting) insurance scheme Natamycin in Milk and Milk Products: Is it Safe? 5


RAPID RESPONSEK2P K2P provides Rapid Response ServiceRapid to urgent requests from policymakersResponse and stakeholders by delivering optimally packaged, relevant and high-quality evidence for decision-making in short periods of time ranging from 3, 10 to 30 days. 3-Day 10-Day 30-Day Rapid Response Rapid Response Rapid Response Includes → Includes what can → Includes what can→ Key findings from be done in a 3-day be done in 3-10 response. days response. relevant systematic reviews. → Identifies relevant → Conducts a review→ Quality appraisals of primary research of what is being the systematic reviews. studies when limited done nationally→ Countries of included evidence is available and internationally. studies in the from systematicreviews. systematic reviews. → Consults with experts → Prepares of a brief with knowledge of summary of the key the topic to identify findings from systematic additional relevant reviews (and primary research evidence. research studies where relevant). → Engages experts to conduct a merit review of the brief summary to ensure scientific rigor and system relevance.

RESEARCHK2P conducts high quality policytracing research to examine howpolicies are developed and theextent to which evidence is utilized. 9


OPPORTUNITIES K2P regularly involves students from AUB andOpportunities other universities infor students Lebanon and the regionat K2P in its activities. K2P aims to engage and acquaint students with pressing health system priorities, exercise their skills, build professional development and networking through: → Internships → Practicum site for AUB or non-AUB students → Graduate Assistants → Capacity Building in Knowledge Translation → Post-doc opportunities

AFFILIATIONK2P has → McMaster Health Forum,affiliations and McMaster University,partnerships with Canada → Center for Systematic Reviews on Health Policy and Systems Research (SPARK), American University of Beirut, Lebanon → WHO Evidence Informed Policy Network (EVIPNet), Switzerland 13

Knowledge to Policy (K2P) Center Faculty of Health Sciences American University of Beirut Riad El Solh, Beirut 1107 2020 Beirut, Lebanon +961 1 350 000 ext. 4869 [email protected] Follow us Knowledge-to-Policy-K2P-Center @K2PCenter

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