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Home Explore Jun_Jul2018 digital

Jun_Jul2018 digital

Published by Butler Street, 2018-06-27 09:51:56

Description: Jun_Jul2018 digital issue of The ASPC & AMHR JOURNAL. A bi-monthly publication that is included in annual membership dues of The American Shetland Pony Club, Inc. Find out more at

Keywords: Shetland pony,miniature horse,small equine


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The Journal • June/July 2018 1

In This Issue On The CoverThis issue highlights the Amateur program Steve and Diane Zmolek have created a Classic Shetland Ponywith ASPC Amateur Supreme and AMHR haven at Overlook Farm and have produced beautiful and talentedAmateur Supreme articles. Also, amateurs breed show champions. More recently, their athletic and powerfulwho acheived the highest level of the ponies are also excelling in Combined Driving Events. On the cover,Companion Program - which is now open to DZ Patriot Honor, aka Scout, owned by the Hance’s and driven bythe entire membership - are also featured. Merridy, of Silverdale, Washington, is exciting everyone at CDE’s inThis stallion issue has a special stallion the Small Pony Division/Preliminary Level. Scout’s sire, DZ Royalsection - flip the issue over and enjoy! N Rowdy and his dam,Wilk. Ravens Designer Series are both HOFCongress will once again be held in Lake halter champions. Visit their website at Louis, MO, and we include a few specialevents along with the Grand, Performance Steve and Diane ZmolekStakes and Futurity Champion forms (can Overlook Farm - Banks, ORbe found in the stallion section). Wishing allexhibitors success in the show ring! Photo Credits:Review the write ups from those candidates Photo above: Sibbea Browningfor Board of Director elections being held in Cover Photos: Heather Olson, Halo Photography2018. We thank all the candidates for theirdedication and time. Haley Spears, Hoof Beats PhotographyYou’ll find the latest info from US Equestrianand a special discount from USRider so besure to check out those articles.As always, thank you to all the contributersand advertisers that make The Journalpossible. If you have suggestions forarticles, can provide informative write ups,or would like to gather input for a futurestory, please let The Journal know!

Letter fromthe PresidentGreetings, were declared eligible by meeting the qualifications listed inSummer is a busy time for our members and I hope all is going the 2018 Rulebook. One Board Member for Areas 3, 4, 5, 7well for each of you. The show season is nearing its midpoint and 8 will be elected for a three year term. This is an unusualand this year’s foals can be seen thriving in fields across the election year, however, in that a “Special Election” is alsonation. The home office is preparing for our national shows occurring in Areas 2 and 4 due to the resignations of sittingand we will soon be completing our entries for Congress and Board members. The Area 2 Special Election is for a two yearMini Nationals. It’s also not too early to be planning for our term and Area 4 is for a one year term. The elections will beASPC/AMHR/ASPR Convention in Omaha, Nebraska held in August and voting is conducted on-line with all eligibleduring the first week in November. voters being sent an email link. Regular Annual Members,I want to thank our show managers, stewards and judges for Second Members of Households, and Lifetime Memberstheir hard work at our sanctioned shows. They put in long living in an election area, sixty (60) days prior to the issuancehours and have to make tough decisions, sometimes working of ballots, are eligible to vote for the candidate from their difficult weather conditions. They need our support and As we prepared for the 2018 election cycle, the Executivecooperation to make these shows fun and productive for all Committee and Director of Operations reviewed our rulesparticipants. The work of stewards at our local and Area to make sure we were on sound footing when we certifiedNational shows is particularly critical since the Board made members to run for the Board. Although there is languagethe recommendation to allow permanently carded horses, in our rulebook concerning elections which is inconsistentthat have been measured in the current year, show at AMHR or contradictory, the candidates running all met the basicMini Nationals without being measured again. The success requirements. The language which needs to be corrected hasof this effort depends on all of the participants at our local been noted and the Board will be making the needed changesshows cooperating with our stewards to insure the accuracy of in the Rulebook language at our fall meeting in Omaha.all measurements. I hope you are having a good year with your small equines. IMembers are encouraged to vote in our annual election for the am looking forward to seeing you at our shows and the annualASPC/AMHR/ ASPC Board of Directors. The candidates’ convention in Omaha.bios for the Area elections are included in this edition of the Sincerely,Journal. The persons running for the Board of Directors StephenHendersonCongress entries must be postmarked on or before 3 June 18th, 2018 Please contact Holly regarding Congress Program advertising - The Journal • June/July 2018

CONTENTS Amateur News................................................... 8 AMHR Amateur Supreme......................... 10 FEATURES ASPC Amateur Supreme............................ 12 Amateur End Awards................................ 14 Supreme Amateurs! Companion Program Awards ASPC Supreme Amateur, Jennifer Pam Bailey....................................................... 18 Bynum, and AMHR Supreme Hal & Deb Bryant....................................... 20 Amateur, Alyssa Fox, Sherry Clift..................................................... 22 share their journey toward reaching this level of show Queen Update............................................. 26 ring success. Promoting our Small Equine..................... 30 Board of Directors Elections.................. 33 Page 10 & 12 Carriage Committee.................................. 40 2018 ASPC Congress................................... 48 Companion Program US Equestrian News..................................... 52 USRider Discount............................................ 56 Three Compnaion Program I Kissed a Mare.................................................. 55 Awards were given to members Bast from the Past..........................................SS* achieving this participation l Congress Champion Forms.....................SS* evel with their horses. Program is now open to everyone! *SS is Stallion Section located at back of issue Page 18, 20, 22 DEPARTMENTS Stallion Section Letter from the President....................................... 3 ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Members Showcase their From the Home Office............................................ 5 Champion stallions in this special section. Blast from the Stewards - Important Information...................... 28 Past is included in this section of stunning stallions Committee Updates............................................... 42 Starts at Back Cover Area News................................................................ 44 Committee Journal Advertising.................................................. 64 and Area News Official Pages News and updated from various Board of Directors...................................... 68 committees as well as Area News. Join a committee or share your Committee Chairs....................................... 69 news in the next issue! Show Schedule.............................................. 704 The Journal • June/July 2018 Judges & Stewards Roster.......................... 72 BOD Meeting Minutes................................ 76 Recognized Clubs.................................................... 82 Breeder-Owner Directory.................................... 90 Membership Renewal Form.................................. 95 Trainer Directory.................................................... 96 Ad Index.................................................................... 96

The Journal From the Home Office THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF The American Shetland Pony Club and Show Season Is Here! Please remember if you American Miniature Horse Registry are showing a horse that needs to be brought permanent, it will need to be done before you 81B E. Queenwood show in order for points earned to count. Please Morton, IL 61550 make sure your membership and amateur cards (309)263-4044 Fax: (309)263-5113 have been updated for 2018. Mark your calendars for July 30-August 4, 2018 ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Officers: and join us in Lake St. Louis for the ASPC President - Stephen Henderson Congress! The 2nd Annual Ladies night is 1st Vice President - Rob Crater Thursday, August 4, 2018. We will have gift 2nd Vice President - Glenn Russell drawings and dessert bars again this year. We could not make this happen without our “SPONSORS”! Journal: Areas II, III, IV (Shetland), IV (Open), V, VII and VIII have Director terms up Publications Manager - Susan Galloway as well as a couple of vacant seats this year. Area II, III, IV (Shetland), V, VII, and VIII have only one (1) person who has included a letter of intent and is Layout/Design- Susan Galloway eligible to serve as a member of the Board of Directors, so an election in those Layout/Design - Ethan Bliese areas will not be held pursuant to Bylaws, Section 6.4, page 36. If you are a current resident of Area IV and you paid your membership on or before JuneThe Journal is published six times a year, every 1, 2018, you will be eligible to receive a ballot for the 2018 (Open Seat) election.other month. Subscription to The Journal is Remember the ballots are done electronically and you will receive your ballotpart of an annual membership fee of $65 for link via e-mail. If you wish to receive a paper ballot, please contact the NationalU.S. residents (or $80 for first class mailing). office.Membership rates for Canada, Mexico and all The 2018 ASPC Annual Convention will be held in Omaha, Nebraska. Markother foreign countries are $92 which includes your calendars for November 8-10 and join us for a great time in Area. VI.The Journal. Non member or gift subscriptions Please continue to send in photos of your Ponies and Minis, we would like to useto The Journal are available for $30 per year them in our marketing and social media efforts.for U.S. resident of $45 for all other countries.Please notify ASPC/AMHR at least six weeks in Jill Gleasonadvance of change of address.Editorial manuscripts accompanied by high- and the National Office Staffquality photos are most welcome but we donot guarantee publication of any manuscript. New Registration PricingUnsolicited manuscripts, photographs and othermaterial becomes the property of The Journal Effective October 1, 2018and will not be returned unless accompanied Weanlings - $25.00by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. No Yearlings - $35.00compensation will be made unless agreed upon 2 Year-Old - $50.00prior to submission. Opinions expressed by 3 Year-Old - $65.00authors do not necessarily reflect or representthose of ASPC/AMHR and The Journal. 4-Year & Older - $105.00Advertising and/or editorial matter is subject Geldings – Any Age - $25.00to publisher’s approval and will be edited toconform to ASPC/AMHR policy if necessary.Advertisers are responsible for the accuracy oftheir ads and for obtaining reproduction rightsto all images used in their ads. ASPC/AMHRand The Journal are not responsible for theaccuracy of statements made in any advertising.All payments must be made in U.S. funds only. The Journal (Publication No 023260) (ISSN 10788484) is published bimonthly for the American Shetland Pony Club and American Miniature Horse Registry. Periodicals postage paid at Morton, IL and additional mailing offices.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ASPC, 81B E. Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550, (309) 263-4044. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright 2018 by American Shetland Pony Club, Inc. The Journal • June/July 2018 5

AMERICAN SHETLAND PONY CLUB 1888 2018 DAYS OFGIVEAWAYS! The American Shetland Pony Club was established in 1888 and, while the organization is not the same as it was back then, it has grown and adapted through the years because of its active members like you.In appreciation for and to its members, American Shetland Pony Club, Inc. iscelebrating with 130 Days of Giveaways throughout 2018. Giveaways such as ASPC/AMHR swag, gift certificates to be used for registry work or officialmerchandise, and themed gift baskets are just the beginning. There may even be some gag gifts thrown in for fun. Don’t miss your chance! If you haven’trenewed your membership for 2018, the renewal membership form can be on our website or visit to renew online. Join our Facebook page “American Shetland Pony Club” and you’ll see each winner as they are announced or visit our website to see a list of winners. Winners will be drawn from current paid memberships and prizes will vary in value. Visit and click on “About Us” for more information.6 The Journal • June/July 2018 The Journal • April/May 2018 9

The Journal • June/July 2018 7

Amateur Program News & UpdatesAmateur Committee Amateur of the Month - AprilGabby Gufler, Committee Member Karen ShawShow season is in full swing!!! A reminder that Karen Shaw hasEVERY local rated ASPC/AMHR show will be been around horsesawarding High Point Amateur Awards! The of- her whole life, shefice will provide a form to the winners 4-6 weeks started riding whenfrom the show manager turning in results. Check she was a youngout the awesome prizes you have to pick from if child and was on anyou win on the ASPC Official Website. all-women’s drill rid-Going to Congress? Don’t forget about our new ing team for severalSuper Amateur Award!! Being offered at the years. She was intro-2018 ASPC/ASPR Congress & AMHR Nation- duced to the minia-als to recognize our All-Around Ponies and Min- tures in 1995 wheniatures. One award will be offered at the ASPC her daughter was giv-Congress Show for the All-Around Pony in each en one as a gift. Fromdivision: Classic/Foundation, Modern/Modern then on Fiddlestix Miniatures was established. In 2000 she pur-Pleasure and ASPR. Two awards will be offered chased her first classic Shetland from Larry Parnell of PPS inat the AMHR Nationals Show: Under and Over Newport, Arkansas. Larry was instrumental in integrating theMiniature. ponies down in Texas and helped her learn the ropes of this newThis award is strictly for one amateur/one horse breed. Since moving toward a full Shetland breeding program,but one amateur can enter separately with as the farm name was updated to Fiddlestix Pony Farm, located inmany different horses as they want. Check out Burleson, TX.the ASPC website for more info! After just a few years in the Registry Karen was named theExcited to announce that the Amateur Commit- Amateur Committee chair and held that position for over 10tee will be hosting meet & greets with food again years. Always willing to lend a hand at the shows or helpingthis year! ASPC Congress will have a Pizza Par- new amateurs navigate the rule book is her passion. She hasty (EVERYONE is Invited!) which will be spon- spent countless hours being available to new members to makesored by Kildow Stables & Clients. Be sure to sure they have a positive experience with their new miniature orstop by and get a slice and pick up your amateur pony. Also serving on the Rule Book Committee, she has helpedgoody bag (every showing Ammie gets one!) & update changes that are approved and go over wording with ameet other fellow ammies. We will also have glu- fine tooth comb. Now she’s heading up the Carriage Commit-ten free pizza’s available and ones without cheese tee to help continue to bring life to a sport that many drivingfor those who request! ponies have excelled in. Karen has sponsored numerous awardsDo you know of a fellow Amateur that enjoys throughout the years for the amateurs and strives to keep thehelping others that deserves recognition? Mes- Registry relevant in today’s society, even doing a short interviewsage us on our official Facebook page ASPC/ with the news station at Miniature Nationals in Tulsa!AMHR/ASPR Amateurs! We are always look- Karen really enjoys showing her “little red sports car” Moderning for Amateur of the Month Nominations. Shetland, Dirty Dancer. One of her proudest moments wasLast but not least, reminder that the novice class- winning the Ladies driving class at the 2017 Congress. She hases are available at local shows! Ribbons provided also won several year-end Supreme Amateur awards with oth-by the amateur committee! er ponies she has bred. It’s a great feeling when you can takeUntil next time, your own bred pony to the highest honors a committee awards.Gabby Karen looks forward to many more years in the Registry pro- moting the small equine! Thank you to her daughter Kelli Shaw for providing the wonderful write up!8 The Journal • June/July 2018

Amateur of the Month - May on the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Amateur Committee for two years and now serves on the Carriage Driving Com-Beth Booker mittee as well. It has been exciting to see the Amateur Program grow over these last few years!Richard and Beth Booker own a small farm, Hurricane Beth has been honored to win the Miniature DivisionAcres, in Canton, Mississippi. Beth feels extremely hon- Amateur High Point Award at many local shows overored to be chosen to be the Amateur of the Month and the years and is thankful for this award being offered atis thankful for this honor! Richard and Beth both enjoy local shows. Both Beth and Richard have also receivedshowing in the Amateur Division and Beth says that she several Reserve National Championships in the Amateurcould not do it without Richard’s support for as he says, Division and Beth was very honored to win the Amateur“I am the chief pooper scooper” and every show team Ladies Showmanship Over and Golden Age Amateurmust have one. Showmanship Over AMHR National Championship inWe purchased our first miniature horses in 2003 and 2017 (the competition was really tough)! Beth and thebegan showing AMHR In 2005 with Beth’s niece & now fifteen year old mare Lil Hoofbeats Clever Endeav-Richard’s nephew. They attended their first AMHR or were honored to win the NEW Super Amateur AllNationals in 2006 where they were honored with several Around Award and the Reserve Performance award fortop ten placings and one Reserve Championship in the Over Division at the 2017 AMHR Nationals. WhileYouth Showmanship! The Bookers have attended Beth was so excited to win these classes, she says thatAMHR Nationals every year since then except 2007 and her most exciting achievement was for her six year oldhave been blessed with numerous top ten and top five granddaughter to win the National Championship inplacings. Their niece and nephew have grown up and the Youth Halter Obstacle age 12 and under in the Overleft the miniature horses behind as well as several other Division at the 2017 AMHR Nationals. It is so excitingyouth that have enjoyed their horses over the years. Now, to see the love of miniatures and horsemanship skills be-the Bookers are enjoying getting their grandchildren ing passed on to the next generation.involved with the miniatures. Nothing blesses their hearts In addition to shows, the Bookers also enjoy sharing theirmore than seeing the children enjoy the miniatures as miniatures through parades, at local nursing homes, daymuch as they do! care centers, schools, churches, Fall Festivals and havingBeth has been the secretary and/or treasurer of the visitors on the farm. The miniatures of Hurricane AcresSouth Miniature Horse Confederation since 2008 where were featured in 2015 on a Farm Bureau Program forshe has been involved in planning ASPC, AMHR, as Mississippi Farm Families on RFD TV and have beenwell as AMHA Shows, clinics, attending parades, and featured in the local newspaper. The Bookers have re-making good friends with other miniature horse owners cently added two ASPC/ AMHR fillies to the farm andin our area. Beth has served as the Area 3 representative look forward to additional opportunities with these girls. In 2014, the Bookers were able to place a horse with Ricky Wardlaw at Cygnet Farm Training in Friendsville, TN and it has been exciting to become a part of this wonderful group of amateurs that work together as a team to support and encourage as well as compete with each other. Through the experiences they have had with the miniatures, Richard and Beth want to be available to help others as they have been helped over the years. They love sharing our miniatures and seeing them bring smiles to the faces of everyone they meet. If you are ever in their area, Richard and Beth would love to meet you and introduce you to our Hurricane Acres Family. The Journal • June/July 2018 9

2017 ASPC Amateur Supreme Alyssa FoxAlyssa Fox got her first pony and there was no looking back. Nearly reachingthis achievement with Graham’s Chorus Girl aka Lena in 2011, she is excitedto celebrate this award with PPS Look Who’s Hookin aka Josie I grew up in a very horse-oriented house. My mother After the years of showing showed Arabians when we were young and I learned to pleasure horses it was great ride at the age of two on her Regional Champion gelding to be part of AMHR/ El Charon. She was adamant that she never wanted us ASPC and meet at lot of to get into showing horses but needless to say that didn’t wonderful people. One of last long. As a youth we did a lot of PtHA and APHA the most influential forces pleasure but it was always my dream to have a big moving coming from our great horse. After YEARS of begging for a Saddlebred my friends, Dale and Shirley parents decided to let me get a pony for driving instead. Lutke. Dale was always Apparently, they didn’t realize how addictive the ponies helping to nudge me into were. Cruise Control was my first show pony and I had the big ponies even when never really driven before. I remember going to a tack store my family thought we were and renting a “how to drive” VHS! Somehow, I managed crazy. In 2009 I was lucky to not kill or maim myself and after some trial and error enough to find a special between the three of us we managed to train him to drive. I horse - Graham’s Chorus showed him to over 30 PtHA World Championships before Girl aka Lena. In 2011, he tragically passed away. Pippy was my “gateway pony” we came very close to the and eventually I managed to wear down my sister and the Supreme Amateur ending rest of the family. We sold all of our big pleasure horses and up 2nd in the standings. Unfortunately, soon after that moved exclusively to minis and shetlands. season Lena started having chronic health issues and was10 The Journal • June/July 2018

no longer able to remain on my primary show string. At that pointI really thought my dream of having a chance of the all-aroundSupreme was done. In 2016, after many more years of attempting totalk my family into “hotter” ponies, my dream came true. We werelucky enough to have the chance to purchase my mare PPS LookWho’s Hookin aka Josie. I can’t thank Sherry Martin enough for theopportunity to have this mare in my barn. She is so special and it wastruly a once in a lifetime opportunity. Fortunately for me, she is bothan awesome driving pony as well as having enough brains to learnobstacle and jumping. She turned into my project for the 2017 showseason and I couldn’t have asked for a better show mare. My biggestgoal over the past 10 years has been to go for the Supreme Amateuraward and in 2017 with the support of my family we were able tocampaign heavily and reach that goal. Together Josie and I amassedmultiple weekend high points and had an awesome Congress witha Congress Championship and multiple top tens. I was extremelyhonored to reach my dream goal in 2017 of getting the SupremeAmateur title with the added blessing of receiving both the High PointASPC Classic Performance and the Exceptional Amateur awards.My biggest goal over the past 10 years has beento go for the Supreme Amateur award and in2017 with the support of my family we wereable to campaign heavily and reach that goal. A big thank you to everyone that helped me achieve this goal. My family who sacrificed every weekend and vacation day. Our friends Norma, Pam and Regina who helped when things got crazy. All of the show managers and show staff. The judges with their helpful advice and critiques, the stewards and of course the ASPC office and Amateur committee. Without all of you none of these awards would be possible. I am so thankful to have this achievement to end off the best show season of my life. Countless hours of work and stress went into the 2017 season and while there were tears, sweat and ABSOULTE- LY no personal life I had a lot of fun and wouldn’t change a thing. I look forward to showing again in the 2018 season and seeing everyone at Congress and Nationals. Josie and I have at least one more show season in us to go before she is retired to have my next generation of ASPC foals. Just don’t be surprised when I’m not at every show in 2018. After the years of showing pleasure horses it was great to be part ofAMHR/ASPC and meet at lot of wonderful people. One of the mostinfluential forces coming from our great friends, Dale and Shirley Lutke.The Journal • June/July 2018 11

2017 ASPC Amateur Supreme Jennifer Bynum 2017 AMHR Amateur Supreme Jennifer Bynum Photo credit: Casey McBride Photography Wow, is all I can say about 2017 show season. It was such So it was time to take him to his first show and off we went.a busy year. But one I will never forget. Fingland’s Oklahoma I was expecting him to act like a green baby and spook fromTalent is a horse that can never be replaced, he is a true once all the stuff around and nope not one time did he spook. Hein a life time horse. It all started when mom went to Breve went in that arena and was like he had done this forever andCavallo Farms to pick up a horse she had bought from Linda from that day forward I have never looked back. It was timeand she showed us this bay horse that was in the corner just for 2015 Nationals and this was where I was so nervous to showreally quiet. Mom decided to buy him from her and from that him. I was likeday forward will be one to never forget. I asked mom if I could there is no waytake Talent and see what I could do with him. I wanted to see I could go upif I could train my own horse and she agreed I could take him against the bigbecause she had no clue what she would do with him. I grew trainers. Thisup showing quarter horses and figured “what the heck”, take is a completelywhat I knew from the quarter horse world and just scale it amateur traineddown to the mini world. horse and thereHe was only a yearling so I was not sure what I really could is no way wedo with him. I started putting all kinds of things on him from can competetarps to giant Halloween spiders and taking him in parades with them. Wellto get use to all the people and noises and training him for here we wentshowmanship. Nothing seemed to phase this horse no matter to our very firstwhat you did. His two year old year came and went and I class together atwas beyond excited to see what we were going to do when he Nationals andstarted driving. Here it was 2015 and I got started breaking we took thirdhim. I thought many times what am I doing I have no clue out of 38 horseswhat I am doing with this horse as I had never trained my I was so happyown horse. I had so much support from everyone and they as for this is thekept telling me you can do this. very first time I12 The Journal • June/July 2018

had every placed at Nationals in a driving class. Talent went In 2016 he had limited showing and came back out in 2017on to give me my very first ever National Championship in and decided I wanted to go for Supreme amateur with him.Amateur Ladies Showmanship Over. I didn’t think I could Not only did he win Supreme Amateur he went on to winget any happier with this boy. It was like a dream with him. Amateur Performance horse over, Exceptional AmateurSo I was getting ready to go into Ladies Western Country Miniature Driving and Exceptional Amateur MiniaturePleasure Driving Over and mom said I’ll make you a bet, Performance horse (along with Breve Cavallo Streeters Highyou go in and win this class - Talent will be yours. So, off Octane and Gold Visions Limerick Dust), Driving Horse ofwe went in the class and he gave me a perfect drive and we the year and performance horse of the year. Never in mywon the class. As I headed out of the arena and back to the wildest dream would I have ever thought this strictly amateurstalls I figured mom was joking around with me about the bet trained horse could of ever done all of this. I could not of doneand then I heard her say, “well, I guess I lost that bet. He is this without the support of my mom and dad (Donna and Dalenow your horse.” In 2015, Talent took several things off of my Terry), my husband ( Jesse Bynum), Patty and Bill Fingland forbucket list and that was giving me my very first ever National breeding this amazing boy, Linda Reyburn for selling him totitle and winning my two favorite classes, showmanship and us, Tammi Nuttall Carshall for all the encouragement andWestern Country Pleasure driving. tips and to all the other friends and family out there that kept telling me I could do this. I cannot thank everyone enough for all the words of encouragement.Nothing seemed to phase this horse no matter what you did. His two year old year came and went and I was beyond excited to see what we were going to do when he started driving.In 2015, Talent took several things off my bucket me my very first ever National title and winning my two favorite classes, Showmanship and Western Country Pleasure Driving. The Journal • June/July 2018 13

Amateur Year-End Awards P.P.S. LOOK WHO’S HOOKIN FINGLAND’S OKLAHOMA TALENT Exceptional Amateur Award Exceptional Amateur Award Shetland Driving Miniature Driving & Miniature Performance Alyssa Fox PFP STAR LORD Jennifer Bynum GOLD VISIONS LIMERICK DUST P.P.S. LOOK WHO’S HOOKIN BREVE CAVALLO STREETERS HIGH OCTANE FINGLAND’S OKLAHOMA TALENT Amateur Year-End High Point Classic/Foundation Performance Amateur Year-End High Point Alyssa Fox Miniature Performance - Over PFP STAR LORD Jennifer Bynum P.P.S. LOOK WHO’S HOOKIN FINGLAND’S OKLAHOMA TALENTRHA UNIQUE ARABESQUE Amateur Year-End High Point Miniature Performance - Under Jennifer Bynum BREVE CAVALLO STREETERS HIGH OCTANE RHA UNIQUE REMARKABLE RISK Exceptional Amateur Award Exceptional Amateur Award Shetland Halter Miniature Halter Robert Walsh Robert Walsh RHA UNIQUE TOM CAT OK RHA UNIQUE REMARKABLE RISK RHA UNIQUE ARABESQUE RHA TROU DANGEROUS MOOD RHA HIDE YOUR CRAZY RHA UNIQUE TEMPO14 The Journal • June/July 2018

The Journal • June/July 2018 15

Amateur Year-End Awards Amateur Year End High Point Amateur Year End High PointModern/Modern Pleasure - Performance Classic/Foundation Halter Robert Walsh Amanda Marie Sanders RHA UNIQUE TOM CAT OK ROAD TRIP Amateur Year End High Point Amateur Year End High Point Modern/Modern Pleasure - Halter Miniature Halter - Under Robert Walsh Cindy Coffman RHA REMARKABLE RISK RFP WY WORR E. Amateur Year End High Point Amateur Year End High Point Miniature Halter - Over Show Pony Performance Robert Walsh Kimberly Fox RHA UNIQUE TEMPO BREWMASTER Congratulations to16 The Journal • June/July 2018 all 2017 Amateur Year End Award Winners!

The Journal • June/July 2018 17

Companion Program Award Winner -Pam BaileyIn the beginning, there were horses…not an uncommon There are a few horses that seem to be able to communicatefixation for a young girl. However, much to my mother’s beyond just doing their job…and Player is one of those horsesfrustration, I did not grow out of it, nor was it a phase I have the privilege of knowing.that would pass with age. Moreover its only seems to have He was born in 2008 and I happily became his 8th ownerintensified now that my children aregrown and gone and I’ve become a great of record in 2015. Player hadgrandmother. Although I did not grow been shown at halter at AMHRup in an equine friendly family, I seemed Nationals and was trained to driveto have always managed to have them in by one of the best out west, Michaelmy life as long as I was willing to work for Landis. I knew he would be athem. A local friend and one of the first wonderful addition to Morningstarpeople in Utah to bring miniatures to the Shetlands, however our first-yearstate was Mickie Bigham. She introduced driving was less than stellar whileme to the love of the small beauties and we learned each other’s language. ItI’ve been hooked ever since! was a learning curve and truthfully,And then came Player … THR’s Power- mostly on my part. Player is veryplay … AMHR/ASPC/Foundation … he smart and quite a sensitive fellow.entered my life quite by surprise. He be- But once it’s understood what thelonged to a friend and she had often used expectation is, he never falters.his photo as her avatar on Facebook. I had During our first few outings at localalways admired him and when I found he open shows, I found that even in hiswas for sale, I jumped at the chance to own full winter coat, looking more like ahim. Although at the time I wasn’t really miniature buffalo than a horse, helooking for another horse, he spoke to me! could definitely hold his own in the halter classes, even against the full-18 The Journal • June/July 2018

size counterparts, placing 2nd in a class of 19! And in last that moment on, he never hesitated to enter the water and Iyear’s test program for Western Stock Halter division, he was believe he actually enjoys it now as its quite a cool down afteralways a Champion! running the course! Whether the obstacle was passing throughsHicdIosancanonfiovommGi2r8r1seesp00ir5edo1ea-tmnaotn7oecw,aatdbrsnnnoevsw’dtnisicltanhlehoceiCat,cluoietthmhrhUusshaereetolta.dlhcfesdhaT,otanrsv.nthigoovtseihrWaivis”niseertt.igeeersseIvp’emataTnrottnhnvadeeetcrryPsorhePeimfgpolaasrasmtyuwurseneauEasrtnveianeiinscttfotaheCoetlwieenv“neEetbexhirtneoroheytrmefhorseeetenhsdofahertvijostmuheumennsattntotaahendlbposdoeeoernrhieinasenoemsfdtgersarguinotsetgtIhbseoeboderhl.fitinabNhrhgvaieoljtlettosuwoaarbhnkntbee…lhdyyrleeevsw,vaeelhlrreiesytbccgwoshhcruwe,aoaattoenwnhmmrdhfeteippehddenvLiieaeootee,unannnDaIgclsssdprhhewoiutivLgopelilrrucf!nii,oneanlgdwrergrnDLdira’etiaiitbdvv2uabiie0lssraloii1myooocnn7wnnhys,,a series event of 6, with a During our first yearsfavorite one being held in privilege of knowing. together, I learned a lotthe moonlight in July! It from this of marvelouswas during training and boy. Through hispracticing for these events willingness and bravery,when I felt the bonding he has won my heartprocess begin. In fact, I many times over and mydistinctly remember the name will be reflectedfirst time at the water as the last owner on hisobstacle and after several paperwork. And life againattempts at walking as has come full circle as theclose to the water’s edge as next generation will be inpossible without actually the driving arena soon.getting his feet wet, he Lauryn has a gotten thestopped, turned around horse bug, and now Playerand looked at me as if can also teach her. What ato say, “alright, I’ll go in lucky grandmother I am!because you asked”. From2018 ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Companion Excellence Award ProgramIf you love sharing what great animals these are with others, this is the program for you. Whether it’sshowing them off in a parade, educating people through clinics or exhibitions, or joining our breed part-ner ADS for a group trail ride or event, you’ll earn points toward your Companion Excellence Award.2018 ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Companion Excellence Award ProgramQualifying:All participants must be current, adult members at the time of their participation in the event or activity.The forms must be filled out and properly signed by the coordinator, show manager, club officer or su-pervisor.The form should not be signed by the individual program participant.Forms are to be totaled and submitted once you reach your goal of 500 points.Participating horses must be registered with ASPC/AMHR/ASPR.Multiple horses or just one horse can be used but all must be owned by the same member in good stand-ing with a current membership.Find out more at The Journal • June/July 2018 19

Companion Program Award Winner - Hal & Deb Bryant Most of you may know us from the Show Ring. Although we enjoy showing, the competition and the many friend- ships made there, we truly enjoy all the activities we find to do with our minis and ponies outside the Show Ring. Since early March, the phone has been ringing and dates are being booked to take teams and carriages to local Nursing Homes to give rides to the residents. Then there are calls from teachers who want horses and ponies to make visits to the schools where the younger students are reading stories about horses and want to see them and ask a million questions. Occasionally, we even provide a carriage for a Bride and Groom on their special day or a happy married couple celebrating their anniversary. In between these visits, we find festivals in almost every town who invite us to particiate in their Parades. Contacts from these events sometimes bring us invitations to other events. We have participated in the Kentucky Derby Pegasus Parade for more than 20 years, the Indy 500 Parade, The Great Circus Parade in both Milwaukee and Baraboo, Wisconsin and even been “Ambassadors” for the Depart- ment of Tourism at Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee. A little closer to home, we became members of driving club based out of St. Louis, Missouri, and join them for carriage drives at Shaw Aborateum and Bellefountaine Cemetery and wintertime dinner meetings with the Farm & Teams Manager of the Budweiser Clydes- dales and a private tour of the Budweiser Family carriage collection. Who knows what opportunities will come our way this year! As the saying goes, “You only get one chance to make a first impression” so as we bathe, clip, and groom our horses, clean the harness and polish the wagons and carriages we will be enjoying them all and making more new friends and memories.20 The Journal • June/July 2018

The Journal • June/July 2018 21

Companion Program Award Winner - Companion Program Award Winner -Sherry Clift Sherry Clift I’ve always had a love of horses. I got my first horse when I He agreed with that plan, so I made a small detour, and was ten years old and for the last forty years, I have never lost then I made a spontaneous purchase on my way home. I was the love for them. My first introduction to a miniature horse extremely lucky, because I had no idea what to look for. I was a neighbor who had some miniature horses they used to went to look at a weanling, but quickly realized I had no idea walk by our house. I thought they were cute, and they became how to train a miniature. The seller, Linda May of Dessert my “retirement” plan – you know when I got to old to ride a Rose Miniatures, said she had this one gelding that was broke real horse! In my head, I would go out and brush one and love to drive. It was DRM Double Destinys Jokers Wild – Aka on it so that I could still get my horse “fix”. I had no idea that –“Captain”. I honestly didn’t even try him out, we just loaded you could do anything else with them. I love being outdoors, him in the trailer and I took him home. It is the best crazy and loved running, but the last few years my knees were having thing I’ve ever done!,uystrtwahiehsajhoicmipn,uniosttshinmesoahbm.dasywdktieaorni,bnInslescatwtdowi,ehaoeQatsgac,vGhlwlehuIglaeltpujagyaeieslaodmbmltlewaounnterakmeirfyyddaghyyeeII--,,IoherrrooeerdcgsMwcstoeehtaoofsaehyi,rtoriabaneerwnnfkiygwnaldaiAiesvezITrwometsettVhodrraseiloenkadiptmiirn.eehalergOuinwsmnotnirdtinhfacI,utw,eiCthennboheMaunrgnadesrtiepniti.htnatihtIaahblgktatsiauaseo.wiadrtnslaetrwwCsstwuialafiaseotynafehrs-sknpl,iidtitnntahmhhBtodlgeoohiaeenlwripeltsgoteieoemhnpysf,tghgrtuacrohaecumeecfeaanhttkledMlpstlhIyhuwucoseettoinporbthrMunhuthdlairkdnitWysosotiegavusnMnsheaiSshaksoetcpHtlqiaewhotrusSaiunentiPMacgsgmaIOtsn!ahiilo.wnIl.dneytMn.ico.a.saut.inunlHdriaeuajIglkHhasmwaeeoenlovsnnentpasiwavu,yepeeottyepdes,hrertuaeowkspsnheadmlbnotntey.mseanuhaemddeetIvutdranowoyeewNlenwsuhyntrInrhihkibeosstioi!hpesneienmedaridfeatougnkHuothictdywtrdivowlleehinhepoleueIfniauy,ndcagouomnb’sceatdtihrwtstoihsrsnsreohsoeh,uaameiomdswangdotssigtmkohnsheeriihphnhtnthosesfthterhaieeaseoiadrenaebattlwlsnbP.phiihlkiteheenpIcteuoaiiHee.e’ninaneeovsummrrllttndprgagyeeeefIt.,,22 The Journal • June/July 2018

me to get into this new venue. They have all been so great to include me and get me involved in showing Captain. I had no idea how to even harness him to a cart. We have gone on Trail rides On Antelope Island thru herds of Buffalo, had fun clinics to practice showing, and just spent time at the shows together enjoying the company with others. Captain and I have made such great friends, (people and other miniature horses) and he loves to beg for cookies from everyone! We have tried just about every class we can, and have been able to place pretty well, mostly because Captain loves his job. Captain and I have a mutual trust. He will try any- thing I ask him to, whether its jumping or obstacles, and he will drive anywhere (including thru a herd of Buffalo). He has never refused to try. Captain and I have done cross-country obstacles, jumping classes, Western country pleasure and he’s even tried speed events at a fun show. He puts his whole heart into whatever he’s asked to do. My favorite thing that we do together is actually going trail running. Captain helps keep me stabilized and he has a little pack that he can carry the water bottles, the cell phone and cookies in. Often it is running thru subdivisions. I live where there are very few horses and only sidewalks to go on, so when we run, Captain is kind of an unusual sight. We have yet to go for a run where there isn’t a car stopping to take a picture. It was kind of awkward at first but we have gotten used to it, and it’s fun to share him with people. They never fail to laugh at his Nike running shoes, and he’s great for promoting the Miniature horse. Captain and I have started working with my grandkids to let them try their hand at showing, and the future looks so fun for both Captain and I. Working in the Amateur program has been a fun way to set a goal and helped both of us stretch our abilities. We are working on getting our first HOF, and we are both looking forward to this years “showcations” where we can enjoy being with other people who understand my little obsession! Show Photos by Casey McBrideAbove: Captain inhis running shoesafter a trail runwith Sherry The Journal • June/July 2018 23

24 The Journal • June/July 2018

The Journal • June/July 2018 25

ASPC/AMHR Queen UpdateHi everyone! It’s Audrey Halcomb, checking in as your While 2018 carries great promise and anticipation, it2018 Queen. I hope everyone’s show season has started has not been without loss and tribulation for me. Mysmoothly despite the prolonged winter weather and rain! grandmother and biggest supporter of my horse andWith the season underway, I’m excited to represent our pony success lost her 3 year battle with lung cancer inwonderful horses and registry at the various shows and March. I miss her dearly but take comfort in knowingequine events that I have planned. the important things she taught me about the sport, suchI began my show season at the Indiana Show Circuit/ as sportsmanship and putting in the time and work in theHenry County Saddle Show in New Castle, IN. in April. horses, will remain with me forever. I dedicate this showI wish to thank Merry Wicke for a wonderful run show. season to her and her courageous battle!The horses were HOT to TROT, but the humans were We also had quite a scare when one of my main showfreezing! At a “balmy” 34 degrees, we were thankful for horses, Graham’s Rebel Cowboy, had a near deaththe hot chocolate at the concession stand. I was glad to experience with colic. Thankfully the great team at Roodsee many smiling faces braving the cold with me. The and Riddle Equine Hospital took him into surgery, andshow had a great turn out, and everyone had a great he has made a full recovery! We are so thankful!time despite the cold temps! There was a nice varietyof ponies and miniatures present, and the show groundswere beautiful! I will be looking forward to coming back!Next I will be heading to the Area III show in Liberty,Kentucky, on Memorial Day weekend. I look forward toseeing and spending time with my Bluegrass MiniatureHorse Club friends and family and working with myclub to plan some events for our youth while at theshow! I also am excited to be attending the KentuckyState Fair, and the Kentucky State 4-H Horse Show inJuly and August, and various Rocky Mountain Horseand Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse Shows in orderto represent the great world of the AMHR, ASPC, andASPR!26 The Journal • June/July 2018

The Journal • June/July 2018 27

AMERICAN SHETLAND PONY CLUB, INC. American Shetland Pony Registry • American Miniature Horse Registry • American Show Pony Registry 81-B East Queenwood Road Morton Illinois 61550 Phone: 309-263-4044 Fax: 309-263-5113 To: ASPC.AMHR/ASPR Licensed Stewards As I am sure you are aware, the Board of Directors made two decisions which dramatically impact your work this year. First, the Board passed a motion to discontinue videotaping measurements at Nationals and Congress in 2018. This action was based on a Show Committee recommendation to suspend videotaping until a review of the tapes to determine their overall value for evaluating the measuring process has occurred, and guidelines for how the videotapes will be handled and what they are going to be used for are established. Second, the Board passed a motion that AMHR registered miniature horses with a current year Permanent Measurement Card, meaning the white hard copy, not a pink card, (measured at an ASPC/AMHR sanctioned show during the show season) do not have to be measured at the AMHR National Show. This follows the same rule already in place for Shetland and Show Ponies at Congress. Also horses 2 years of age and older (senior horses without a permanent card), if measured at an Area National Show will not have to measure at the AMHR Nationals. Their cards will be stamped by the steward officiating, with the official stamp provided by the office. Although all measurements can still be protested according to the ASPC/AMHR Rulebook, it is our hope that this action will not result in more protests but improve the checking in process for all involved. These two changes were based on the premises that (1) All stewards at local and Area National Shows are measuring all Miniature Horses accurately; and (2) Stewards at our local and Area National shows are following all rules governing the measurement of Miniature Horses as stated in the ASPC Rulebook. It has come to the Steward’s Committee and ASPC Presidents attention that these two premises may not have been achieved in at least one show already this season. The board has addressed this situation and voted unanimously for two changes! Please see these below and make the changes in the rulebook. Item # 1. Page 142. 1.2 Measurement Cards - Permanent cards will be issued for Ponies six (6) years old and older, and Miniature Horses three (3) years old and older. (Please note three (3) year-olds will not be issued permanent cards until receipt of an official measurement subsequent to their “actual third (3rd) birthday”). A copy of the measurement card will be issued temporarily by the Steward. said copy to be valid only through the end of the current competition year. AMHR Papers must be brought permanent with the home office before you can receive a card.28 The Journal • June/July 2018

Item # 2. Page 144. B. Annual cards will be issued to Ponies five (5) years old and younger andMiniatures two (2) years old and younger. Annual cards are valid for a sixty (60) dayperiod. The measurement form has space provided to record dates of measurement every 60days.Our reasoning for changing this is because the Stewards Board of Governors due to some issueswhich have occurred this year, recommended. We as stewards and the office need a better wayto track 60-day measurements and having the ability to use the same card, doesn’t allow theoffice to know of a proper verification. Also, with the 3-year-old animals not having apermanent card, due to not reaching their actual third birthday, their papers not having beenbrought permanent etc., we felt that those animals should have to measure every 60 days as well.So please note these two changes in all the shows that you will be stewarding in the comingseason. Big changes, but they are to protect US and the ASSOCIATION.Making accurate measurements all local and area shows is very important and greatlyappreciated by both the exhibitors and the ASPC Board of Directors. The Board’s hope, inpassing these motions, was to reduce the amount of time required for measuring horses at Mini-Nationals as well as to make our rules more consistent for all the breed registries. The resultsof this effort will be carefully examined at the Board’s annual meeting in November.Thank you for all of your help in making our miniature horse and pony shows run smoothly andpleasant for exhibitors, show managers and attendees.Sincerely,Rob CraterStewards Committee ChairpersonThe Journal • June/July 2018 29

Promoting Our Small Equine Erin Perilli recently re- quested materials regard- ing ASPC for a booth at Rocky Mountain Horse Expo.This is one example of a member marketing out small equine - thank you to all who positively promote our registry! The ASPC/AMHR was represented at the 2018 Rocky Mountain Horse Expo March 10-13 in Denver Colorado. Sponsored by South- wick Training Stables and Prestige Petites Miniatures, the Mini Horse and Pony Fair was visited by more than 3500 horse enthusiasts and clinic attendees wanting to learn more about the wonderful world of small equine. With daily discussions on general care and maintenance, grooming, feeding, hoof and veterinary needs along with scheduled demonstrations of hands on driving, obstacle patterns and showman- ship, visitors were given the opportunity to interact and learn from any of 6 AMHR registered minis on the exhibit floor throughout the weekend. Attendees were educated on all the wonderful things you can do with miniatures and ponies while promoting and encouraging the importance and value registration has within our breed.30 The Journal • June/July 2018

Horsemen Choose Horse Health™You know what it means to be a horseman. It’s an identity. A lifestyle. A passion. That’s why you choose Horse Health. EFFECTIVE HORSE CARE SOLUTIONS, EXCEPTIONAL VALUE!Visit to get your money-saving coupons!©2017 Farnam Companies, Inc. Horse Health, the horseshoe design, horse health purple, the purple jug, Ambush, Electro Dex, Icetight, Joint Combo, Red Cell and Shur Hoof are trademarks of Farnam Companies, Inc.Cosequin is a registered trademark of Nutramax Laboratories, Inc. Joint Combo Hoof & Coat not available in ID, KY, LA, NM, TX. 17-11192 The Journal • June/July 2018 31

Promoting Our Small EquineIn addition to supporting and promoting ASPC/AMHR, the booth also wel-comed and represented the Equine Dental Practitioners Association (EDPA)with educational materials on the impact of dental care in equine compan-ions of all sizes but specifically how small equine care and growth should bemanaged to maintain the highest standard of care. After daily booth hours,the mini ambassadors attended the evening Mane Event Gala to meet andgreet patrons of the show prior to curtain and allow everyone to experiencethe joy and fun having miniatures and ponies can bring to horse lovers of allages and ability. All in all the 2018 RMHE was a great success with many positive interactions and forward momentum for our grow- ing registry, we look forward to repre- senting and promoting ASPC/AMHR again in 2019 as well as attending ad- ditional smaller venues throughout the summer and fall. We would also like to thank our friends at Lovebug Stables Rio Rancho, New Mexico for being our awesome booth support staff allowing us to increase our reach with new ideas and activities year after year!Promoting Our Small Equine  A M E R I C A N  www.sVhtiosenittfleianoandurdryamowsiunhe!iobawstuitree: .com Small Equine I & SMhientilaatnudrsesBTFeA-MuScrnheoeimaArmtabcDnteeidrvesaistNhiiegiYpanstoiiaCosunnFotdarhnleEtSeevMh*setonewtmss ber!GreSCRAamoowtamynaaaTpdrlltdalyhsnsoPiPi&onramnogScugPcskrchrahaoComglgmaoreraomsmsrhe!iep! sin Big Competition AMHR Nationals Photo credit: Trots into Tulsa Casey McBride this SeptemberThe American Shetland Pony Club, Inc., hosts nationals shows From in-hand classes such as leadline and Hunter/Jumper to a | 30*9W-i2th6A3du-lt4M0em4b4er Sponsor Us Photos by Casey McBridethat bring the highest level of competition and the largest is held diverse selection of driving classes, AMHR Nationals will thrillright here in Oklahoma - American Miniature Horse Registry and entertain. We can’t forget the costume and chariot classes - | Join on Facebook!(AMHR) Nationals held in Tulsa on September 6 through 16th! they are a crowd favorite. “This is the biggest little horse show“Make plans now to attend this event and see what American in the world,” shares ASPC member and long-time exhibitor, The ASPC/AMHR/ASPRShetland and Miniature Horse enthusiasts already know - that Delores Williams. “Having been in the horse business since 1964 is continuing to increasethese small equine offer something for everyone,” states Steve and owner of miniatures and a ASPC/AMHR member since 1992, awareness through a vari-Henderson, President of ASPC, Inc. “I personally invite everyone I have seen the quality of horses improve tremendously over the ety of ad placements, varousto the arena or to view online and experience this exciting years. Credit has to be given to the members, their breeding social media posts and part-competition. Walk the barns, visit with vendors, owners, breeders programs and dedication in keeping quality bloodlines.” Williams nerships. Ads and editorialand exhibitors. It’s a great time for the whole family.” has seen the growth of AMHR and ASPC as well. “Our registries have been included in US have grown internationally, we welcome exhibitors from across Equestrian, Driver’s Digest,The American Minature Horse Registry Nationals (AMHR the globe including Netherlands, Belgium and Australia. If I Oklahoma Horse, Blaze andNationals) is held in Tulsa, OK, each September. This 11 day remember correctly, the first national show I attended was in Horse Illustrated. Here areshow brings more than 1500 of the finest miniature horses to a few examples of ads incompete nationally. Exhibitors 1994 in Gifford, IL, with 252 horses. Now we have grown recent publications.of all ages and abilities, to over 1500 horses and hundreds of exhibitors, ownersincluding more than 125 Youth and trainers.” Williams also knows what an exciting time itand 370 Amateurs, compete in is to be involved in the world of American miniature horsesa selection of over 430 classes. and American Shetland ponies. “My granddaughter startedAMHR Nationals includes two driving her horse when she was two years old and I knowdivisions: not more than 34” at people that begin owning and showing horses in their 60’s.the base of the last hair on the It’s a wonderful horse for the entire family.”mane for Division A and not You wouldn’t expect people who have reached this level ofmore than 38” for Division B. competition to be so welcoming, but they are! “I continually hear from new members and first-time attendees how warm and inviting the other exhibitors, show staff and fans are. They happily lend a hand if there is a last minute repair that’s needed or answer questions for those new to the show,” states Jill Gleason, ASPC, Inc., Director of Operations. “Our organization’s Youth and Amateur programs strive to develop new opportunities for growth, friendship, good sportsmanship and healthy competition during the show as well. Our committee chairman and volunteers are devoted to creating a great experience and it must be working based on the increase in participation,” shares Gleason.Visit for Celebrating 130 Years! You won’t want to miss AMHR Nationals - September 6th • Halterclass list scheduled each day - through 16th in Tulsa, OK. Admission is free! Competition • Pleasure Drivingor stream the event live is all day, every day throughout scheduled show dates. Visit • Carriage Driving for a 2018 show schedule, the • Roadster ASPC Congress and AMHR Nationals Class schedule, online • Obstacle streaming of the event and more! • Hunter/Jumper • ShowmanshipAre youOK Horse spread.indd 2 exhibiting and in need of ASPC/AMHR 4/9/18 8:52 AM • Costumeborchures? Contact the national home office for • Chariotmore detailed information. • Futurity & Stakes • Over 400 Classes!32 The Journal • June/July 2018

2018 Elections - Board of Directors When seated on the Board of Directors, one must represent the area that elected them as well as thewell-being of the entire organization. Here are the individuals running in the upcoming election. Please take a moment to get to know them and what they will bring to the organization. John Rimmer Club and have been serving as a local have one son and a daughter-in-law. Area 2 Director and now currently the They are expecting our first grandchild Area II - Candidate President of Area 2 Club. in June. A little girl they plan to name As a directory, I look forward to serving Briley Jade Phillips. I am running for re-My Greeting to all ASPC/AMHR not only Area 2 members but all election to the open seat of the ASPC/members. Allow me to introduce myself, members of our organization. Directors AMHR Board of Directors. I haveI am John Rimmer, I am running for need to be able to look at the whole been involved with horses for the biggestArea 2 National Director. I am a long- picture along with serving the local part of my life. When I was 2 years oldtime Shetland breeder/exhibitor and needs. I have many goals in mind to I owned 5 shetland ponies. And yestrainer and, more recently, a miniature help ove our club forward and grow. We those were the ornery little Shetlandwoner and exhibitor. must look to the future in our youth as ponies that most of us know about, notI habve been involved with horses they are the life blood of our continuim. the animals that we own now! As I got& ponies practically my whole life. I We need to aggressively promote and older I graduated to Quarter Horses.received my start at an early age in the market our Shetland and Miniature Then as sometimes happens I fell in1970’s with my family. I grew up with product. There are many people out in love, got married(to a city boy), andthoroughbred jumper horses and my the equine world that do not realize or moved to Kentucky. For the next 14favorite little Welsh pony. The little understand our breeds. Lastly, we need years I was without a horse although IWelsh mare most likely was the start of to work as one united organization. lived right smack dab in the middle ofmy love and passion for the small ones. I will appreciate your support in the The Horse Capitol of World!!! I finallyI eventually outgrew her and my family upcoming election. With my experience convinced my city boy husband that webought me a set of harness and a cart with the ponies, miniatures and business needed to get some land so that I couldand I broke her to drive. This was the background, I feel I can serve the have my horses back. By then we alsostart of my love of driving. In 1979, my ASPC/AMHR well. had a son to try to keep busy and outfamily translocated to the state of Ohio of trouble. So what better way than tofollowing my father’s job. It was then I Donna Phillips introduce him to the wonderful familyreally caught the pony fever and wound of horse people. We started out with aup buying two Shetland ponies at a sale Area III - Incumbent couple of young Quarter Horses, butand it has exploded ever since. quickly figured out that wasn’t what weSince that point, I have been a continuous Allow me to introduce myself. I’m needed. So we sold them and I boughtmember of the ASPC/AMHR, Area Donna Phillips, from Harrodsburg, KY. our son a been there, done that Quarter2, The Darke County Horse and Poy I have been married for 29 years. We Horse mare. Well that was all it took, the show bug had bit and bit hard. Soon we had another Quarter Horse that we were also showing. Unfortunately, a few years down the road we lost the mare to unknown reasons. So along came another QH gelding. We showed them for several years doing very well. Billy and his girlfriend (now wife) were very competitive in 4-H with them. Then one night we were showing at a County Fair and they had miniature classes. Well as they say “the rest is history”. We quickly switched to minis. Our first one was a 29.75” gelding. The first time Billy ever showed him he won his class The Journal • June/July 2018 33

at the Kentucky State 4-H show out of Amateurs keep this organization going. I have been involved with the ASPC/17 horses!! But that was the start of our Whether it is the amateur that trains and AMHR/ASPR for more than 19 yearslove of these little horses. We have now shows their own horses or the Ammy and around equine for many yearsmoved toward the double registered, B that sends a horse to a trainer. I am before that. As a trainer, youth parent,sized since then, but we still love them committed to furthering both the youth former amateur, supporter of the manyall. We love our driving horses. and amateurs in any way that I can. breeders’ programs offered, judged,It’s hard to believe that 3 years ago I was As a Director I try to look at the issues that steward & committee member, I feel Idoing this same thing. I had decided are presented to the board determining have a well-rounded understanding ofto step up and try to be a part of the what is not only best for Area III but the entire organization and it’s needssolution instead of just complaining. also the organization as a whole. It’s and would make a good advocate for theThat isn’t always easy to do, but I thought not always what I personally would like Area IV, the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR, it’sit was time to put my money where my to see happen, but I try to look at the people & events.mouth was-so to speak. I would like to overall picture. It’s not always easy to I believe strongly in supporting youththank everyone that supported me and accomplish this, but I will always try to programs, as our youth membershelped to get me elected. Now I’m keep what’s best for the organization at represent a good base on which toasking for your support again in seeking the forefront. build a successful future. I also believere-election to the ASPC/AMHR Board I’m always open to discussion from the future of our organization andof Directors. I feel like I’ve come a long members of my area and also from breeds benefit from the strong breederway since that day that I walked in to other areas. I can be reached by email programs. Our farm has participatedmy first convention meeting as an Area at: or in both the ASPC & AMHR FuturitiesIII director in Seattle. Boy was that phone/text at 859-265-1196 or several and have been involved with thean experience. I learned a lot in those people message me on Facebook to Modern, Classic & AMHR Sweepstakesfew days!! I’ve learned a lot about how discuss issues. programs.things work. But I still have a lot to If elected I look forward to serving Area I understand that as a director, I wouldlearn. We can never stop trying to learn III for the 3 years. Thank you for your have a unique obligation to the Areaor we aren’t moving forward. time and support. IV and it’s members but would alwaysI’m committed to helping this board to Thank You take into consideration the wholework together and achieve great things. membership of the ASPC/AMHR/There have been major improvements Jason Prince ASPR when voted as a board of director.over the last 3 years. We are more I have attended and shown at manycohesive now than we have been at any Area IV - Incumbent shows throughout Missouri, Wisconsintime in my term. and Illinois over the ears and haveI have taken on several responsibilities as My name is Jason Prince, and I am supported events held by the SMLEC,a Director. I am the chairperson of the running for the 2018 Shetland Area CSPA, NEWMHC, IMHOA and otherNational Area Show committee. I also IV Director Seat. Thank you for the local groups. As a director for the Areaserve as Board liaison on the Amateur opportunity to tell you about myself and IV. I would welcome comments andcommittee. Other committees I’m things I believe are important for both input from all ASPC/AMHR/ASPRon are the Classic Committee, Classic the Area IV and the ASPC/AMHR/ members.Stallion Sweepstakes committee, COOL ASPR. As your director, I will do my best tocommittee, and I am also one of the balance the needs of the area I willShetland representatives of USEF, represent with the best interests of ourI believe we need to encourage and entire organizations and its breeds. Isupport our youth in every way possible. would welcome the chance to bring newThey are the future of our organization. ideas to the board, but I also believeWe need to set a good foundation for we should grow and change while stillthem. But most importantly we need maintaining the integrity and traditionalto be the role models and mentors to values of the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR.them that they need for guidance anddirection.I am also a huge believer in the Amateurprogram. The youth are our future,but the amateurs are our present. The34 The Journal • June/July 2018

Sherri Jolliff I studied business at Missouri State For several years, my grandchildren University and purchased the business, have spent summers working for and Area IV - Open Seat Candidate West Plains Electric Supply, from the learning from some of the best in the former owner in 1996. After this industry. Through their hard workFirst, I would like to thank you, the My purchase, we opened a lighting and and persistence they are becomingname is Sherri Jolliff and I live in West fan showroom in 1997 turning our responsible pony owners and exhibitorsPlains, MO. My husband and I are endeavor into a successful family owned which is an experience that overflowsparents to 4 children who have blessed and operated business. We are your into their every day lives. They are alsous with 11 grandchildren and 4 great- classic family business in that we have learning sportsmanship, camaraderiegrandchildren. And, I am “Me-maw” put a crib in the office and raised 3 of and life-long love that comes from theirto several other children who I claim our grandchildren until they started show families. Who knew that suchas grandchildren. This is my greatest preschool. My husband says that we strong bonds could be built with peopleachievement. finally get them where they can work in you only see a few times a year?Other than the few years after my family the store and they go off to school! I feel there is only one way that ourmoved from Illinois to Missouri, I don’t When considering what I can bring to club needs to go and that is up. Alwaysremember a time without Shetland the ASPC/AMHR as a director, I feel aspiring to better ourselves for theponies. My family has been involved that my years of experience as a business benefit of our members and our future.with breeding and showing ponies since person have provided me with a strong We need to be available, transparent,before I was born and continue to this sense of business ethical values and and accountable to our membershipday with my uncle, Bruce Becker of protocol. I have served my community and hold ourselves to a higher standardBrush Creek Shetlands, and myself, by sitting for 3 years as a director on of business ethics. I thank you for thisCornerstone Shetlands. Our breeding the board of the Greater West Plains opportunity to introduce myself and Iprogram being enhanced by the Chamber of Commerce and 15 years look forward to serving you if elected.purchase of Ramble Ridge Rocket in on the board of the Rotary Club ofthe early 1970’s. West Plains. While in the Rotary Patrick SandersIn 1998, my daughter, Katelyn Riley Club, I served in all positions includingspent the summer with Bruce and Trudy President, Vice President and Secretary. Area IV - Open Seat CandidateBecker helping on the farm and learning Currently, I serve as the President ofto drive and show ponies. While the Central States Pony Association and Hello, my name is Patrick Sanders, andtraveling to watch her compete, the bug have held this position for several years. I am running for Area IV director. Asbit me, Hard! We somehow talked my Recently, I have agreed to serve the club a longtime member of the Americanhusband into allowing us one bred mare as a member of the ASPR committee Shetland Pony Club, I find it is importantand one gelding (what could go wrong and have served in the past on the to give back and serve an organizationwith that?). Of course, it snowballed and Modern and Modern Sweepstakes that promotes a breed that has done soI now have several brood mares bred to committees. many things for my family and friends. Imy stallion, Cornerstone’s Valiant Man, Also, I feel I bring strong organizational have been fortunate enough to own andseveral in the show ring and several show skills. Having for four years successfully exhibit Shetland, Welsh, and Hackneyprospects. I don’t like to discuss numbers overseen a staff of approximately 30-50 ponies for over 50 years. I also ambecause who can have too many? volunteers each month in raising funds a “R” senior judge for the Shetland and providing groceries to the low- organization and have been given income families of my community. I have a strong desire to encourage the youth of our club and provide them opportunities to succeed in the equine world. The Central States Pony Association, under my supervision, published a wonderful cookbook that started the youth scholarship program of our club that each year provides a deserving youth with a $500 scholarship. They, of course, are the future of the ASPC/AMHR. The Journal • June/July 2018 35

the opportunity to judge the AMHR Belinda Bagby showing, training and breeding bothNationals, the Shetland Congress, Shetland and Miniatures with manyshows throughout the world in such Area V - Incumbent National & Congress Champions. I amplaces as New Zealand and Belgium, as at shows every weekend, so I know first-well as many local shows. I have served Dear ASPC/AMHR Area V Members, hand the needs of what we as exhibitorspreviously as a board member and am First, I would like to say thank you for are needing. On the other side I am ana past president of the Shetland Club. allowing me the opportunity to serve as active breeder with over 20 foals everyAll of these experiences not only qualify your AREA V director for the last three year Mini’s and Shetlands. I first handme to serve as a director but also give years! know the needs of a unique insight into the rules of I have been an active member of ASPC/ My intent to re-run for director is tothe organization and into the different AMHR since 1987 and very active with continue, to bring to ASPC/AMHR anpoints of view of its membership. ASPC/AMHR long before that . I was open mind to the facets of our registry.As a director, I plan on using my responsible for bringing the AMHR As your director I will Continue toexperience and leadership skills to National Show held in Little Rock represent the memberships with Steve Henderson and the Ar in 1990 & 1991 to Area 5 we took Bring forth concerns for the future ofother board members to accomplish the entries from a 50 horse National the registry and to equally representcertain goals. I think it is crucial that show to well over 200 horses. And Shetland Pony and Miniature Horsewe promote the youth and amateurs. now I have had a major part in seeing owners. Being involved in both breedsThey are the future and the backbone the ASPC Shetland Congress come breeding and showing, I feel I am inof this organization so programs need to Area 5 for 2010. Having attended touch with the needs, concerns andto continue to be initiated to incentivize the ASPC/AMHR conventions every wishes of all members. My goal is toand encourage the growth in this area. year since 1999, I have been an active encourage continued growth of ASPC/We need to listen to the concerns and member owning, showing and breeding AMHR, encourage the promotion ofvoices of these people because the miniature horses and Shetland Ponies. the Shetlands, Miniatures, Moderns andmembership is the club. One area I I am currently serving as the Area ASPRs.have heard concerns about is the rising V Director on the open seat. I am We must continue to encourage ASPC/cost of shows. We need to continue to currently, a member of the National AMHR to recognize the importance offind ways to reduce costs while keeping Show & Congress show committee and recognition programs for amateurs andthe high level of quality so people Co-Chair of Trainers committees. Also, youth. Plus the many members whocan support shows at all levels. I also I am an ASPC/AMHR approved judge, do not show and breed, but promotethink it is important for this club to I have judged local ASPC/AMHR ASPC/AMHR in other ways such ashave a balanced budget. As president, shows across the United Stated and educating and showcasing our wonderfulI accomplished this goal, and I know several National Area Shows, I have little equine in parades, nursing homes,with the new leadership in place, this is had the pleasure of Judging the New schools and community events. As thesean attainable goal. The prosperity and Zealand Miniature Horse National members also generate public awarenesscontinued growth of the Shetland Pony Show and Also was one of the Judges of our ponies and minis.Club should be of prime importance to for the First European National AMHR I do make it a point to be available toeveryone in leadership roles. Sanctioned show along with the Classic any person that has questions, concerns,I have missed serving on the board Shetlands... I am actively involved in or ideas that they feel is of importancethe last couple of years, and I want to to them and the Association. I willgive back to the industry. I believe my continue to be a director that keepsexperience serves me well in this task, the members informed of currentand I would appreciate your support for issues, future planning & promotions ofArea IV director. Thank you! ASPC/AMHR. My goal as director is to be YOUR director representing YOU the members of Area V. Thank you for your time in this request.36 The Journal • June/July 2018

Eric Tani this passion I share for these incredible Alan Dial creatures, and for all the people who show Area VII - Incumbent and support them. From the devotee Area VIII - Candidate who has one Miniature, Shetland orDear ASPC/AMHR Area VII Show pony to the Aficionado that has a My name is Alan Dial and I am runningMembers. barn full, and also to the Trainers that for the Area VIII open seat on theThank you for the opportunity to serve work tirelessly with the Amateurs that ASPC/AMHR Board of, the members of Area VII and the are seeking knowledge. We will continue First and foremost I will do my best tomembers of the ASPC/AMHR/ ASPR to promote sportsmanship, comradery protect and preserve the future of smallOrganization. My letter of intent is to and helpfulness to those in need, and equine.assure you that I will continue to work those who are interested in growing with My wife, Tammi and I have been activelyon Area VII’s behalf and the whole their equine in this Organization. involved with showing miniature horsesClub. I fully support transparency and for over 20 years. We added ShetlandsArea VII consists of California, Nevada, accountability in the organization and twelve years ago. We have a small farmArizona and Hawaii. Every member myself and the other Directors that and only breed for two or three foalsin our area that shows and promotes represent Area VII and the ASPC/ per year. Most of these foals we showhis or her Shetlands, Show Ponies AMHR/ASPR. I believe that my work with our grandchildren and adoptedand Miniature Horses deserves the and business has been be conducted granddaughter, Olivia. Over the pastopportunity to have a voice with this with professionalism and integrity, the couple of years our son and daughter inorganization. I will continue to be your BOD is the voice that represents the law have become involved with showing,voice of this area and a champion for oldest equine Club in the Unites States making this a family affair. We arethe long-term success of the ASPC/ of America. As your Director, I fully blessed with 3 hard working sons, addedAMHR/ASPR. As your director, I will support our Area’s needs and concerns 3 amazing daughter-in-laws and 11represent the membership’s thoughts and will respect the board’s obligation perfect grandchildren. We will celebrateand opinions, bring forth the Area’s to consider all fiduciary responsibilities, our 40th wedding anniversary later thisconcerns for the future of the Area by laws, state statutes and appropriate year. Family is the most important thingand the solidity of the ASPC/AMHR/ business practices. I understand the need in my life and sharing these small horsesASPR Registries. I will commit and to compromise and work for the greater with them is an added bonus.equally support The Shetland Pony, good of Area VII and the Organization. Idaho has been my home other thanMiniature Horse, and the American We must continue to encourage new the years I spent in the U.S.Army. IShow Pony owners, breeders and members to our area and to the ASPC/ spent my younger years riding horsesexhibitors. AMHR/ASPR. We must recognize and helping my grandpa with his sheepJennifer and I are still active in showing the importance of Amateur and Youth bands. Before and after the Military Iand promoting our small equine locally programs and work to build and expand helped my uncle train chariot horses. Iand at the National level. We both share them. also rode in the Sheriff’s mounted possea passion for these small equines, their What I will continue to bring to the during this time. I have been involvedpersonalities their intelligence and also organization is 20 years of management, with horses one way or another all mytheir attitude. What I will continue to working knowledge of supporting and life. By trade I was an electrician but lifebring to the Area as your Director is representing officer elected equine clubs, took me into Law Enforcement where and the promise to do my absolute best representing our area and the ASPC/ AMHR/ASPR, professionally and with dignity. I would greatly appreciate your continued support. The Journal • June/July 2018 37

I served 27 years and for 24 of those association and its governing body. The committees are in place and haveyears I was the Chief of Police. I feel the ASPC/AMHR organization is their jobs to do. My focus will be toBeing in law enforcement has provided heading in the right direction. However, represent the members of Area VIIIme the skills and experience to deal with there are always items that can be and their concerns and interests.people from all walks of life, problem improved. Going into the future we Over the time we have been involvedsolve and help others in a professional will need to ensure that every member with this association we have met somerespectful manner. I have sat on many is treated equally and fairly regardless of the most outstanding people andchurch, city and community boards. of social status, financial gain, or fear made more friends than I can count. ItSome of my involvement on these of repercussions of concerns, and will be an honor to serve the people ofcommittees has been on counseling respecting their privacy. I would like Area VIII director if I am elected.members, disciplining members, setting to see the organization grow and be If anyone has any questions orgoals. I helped in planning, organizing, financially responsible. While spending suggestions please contact me at e-mailnegotiating contracts, and setting up time at AMHR Nationals for several or call 208-financial plans for various events. I years, I have discussed with others the 569-7856have served as President of our local needs of this organization. You knowMiniature and Shetland club for many the old saying “Don’t complain aboutyears. We put on a successful show every the problem unless you’re willing to beyear. I have judged equestrian Special part of the solution.” So here I am.Olympics and recently got my ASPC/ If elected I do not intent to go into thisAMHR judge’s card. I feel all of these with any big agenda. I would like toexperiences in my life will help me be a productive member of the boardto be an asset to the ASPC/AMHR working with the other board members.38 The Journal • June/July 2018

Continued on page 41 The Journal • June/July 2018 39

Carriage Committee Carriage Driver of the Month - MaySubmitted by Karen Shaw, Committee ChairWelcome Carriage Drivers. Well old Mother Naturehasn’t been so kind to our northern, central and easterndrivers so far this year with all the nasty snowy weather.I even heard someone say recently we needed to shootthat darn Groundhog!Lots of show managers and secretaries have notified Rebecca Jones - Area Vme that they have added those basic AMHR & ASPCCarriage classes with their stakes to their show pre- I am loving the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Carriage Driving group and I enjoy making new,mium list. Thank you all very much for adding these long-distance friends who share a love of ponies and driving! I must say, however,and remember carriage drivers, get out to those shows that my Classic Foundation Shetland, Snowmane’s Secret Obsession (Hopwood’sand support them they need YOU. We are seeing lots AG Hopscotch x Plattes Uncomplicated) bred by Nora Lukas at her Black Birchof new interest in this division and want to be sure we Ranch in MN is just now beginning his journey at being my driving pony and is mykeep our momentum going by participating and pro- first Shetland. Although new to the Shetland world, I have been a driver for close tomoting these shows. twenty years. I drove a single horse primarily in ADS Pleasure shows and our localSpeaking of momentum…at the 2018 Daffodil Dandy club’s, the Middle TN Carriage Club, various play days, one-day events, and othershow, the ASPC/AMHR Club of N. Texas held a Car- activities. I drove my American Quarter Horse mare for the large part of fifteenriage Sale aisle at their show barn. There were clothes, years and she is now retired and on maternity leave. I also had a Morgan geldinghats, and carriages for sale. It was a huge success in fact that I drove for a few years before he went to a Junior driver who garnered the topone lady who bought a carriage is a brand new carriage honors of being the number one Junior Driver in the American Driving Society thedriver and she is looking forward to driving in the next second year she owned So a challenge to all shows and drivers….put to-gether a Carriage sale aisle offer some of your extra Driving was always a love, but I just couldn’t quite find the right fit for my next ven-items for sale and help get new people involved. These ture into the world of pleasure driving. I have a couple of unregistered mini maresclasses are easy to start off with and most of AMHR all who I acquired from a local driver and I enjoy driving them locally and sharing themthey have to do is pull the black boot off of their cart, with others, but I still was looking for THE equine, my next pleasure driving partner.put on a hat, a pair of gloves and even put a blanket I had already decided that I wanted to downsize, and I was looking for a breed andover their knees and they can enter a carriage class. We type that I thought would be a good fit for me.want everyone to have a good time while trying some-thing new. Bronagh Floyd, the carriage representative In June of 2017 I volunteered at the Carriage Association of America’s Carriageof Area V was called upon to go demonstrate and talk Festival at the KY Horse Park. What a spectacular weekend, as I not only hadt aabout carriage driving at a local show held in San An- birds-eye view of everything from coaches to VSE’s in the competition, I felt like Itonio Texas. Here is another great opportunity for you was window shopping for THE breed and type of pony I was looking for. Honestly,carriage drivers to show off your beautiful carriages, when I was in the show office picking up my credentials, I picked up the literatureharness, clothing and expertise. Get together at a show that was available and one in particular caught my attention, it was a brochureafter the classes and do a meet and greet. Our exhib- published by the ASPC about Shetlands and driving. There was also one Shetlanditors are always looking for something new to do with at the show that was just stunning, a palomino driven to a natural wood trap, thattheir miniatures and Shetlands. Oh did I mention what sealed the deal for me! I knew a Shetland was in my future!a wonderful opportunity for breed promotion.For those that are just now tuning in, don’t forget to By the fall I had found a pony that I was interested in and each time I wrote togo over and join our ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Carriage inquire about him or ask a question, his owner was so helpful and patient with me.Driving Facebook page, along with the Small Po- I know Nora Lukas and I talked probably four or five times at length, just talkingny-VSE of the ASPC/AMHR Facebook page and the ponies. I would do some online research on the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR website andAll Things Carriage sale Facebook page. We are grow- rulebook and then I would call and ask her specifics about types and styles ofing in numbers in all the areas and do feature drivers Shetlands, breeding, and more. By November Obi was on his way from Northerneach month too. Lots of wonderful discussions, help- Minnesota to Middle Tennessee and I knew when he stepped off the trailer that heful hints and many experience drivers who are always was everything Nora said he was and more, even under his loads of hair!This Springready to help answer questions. Please come out to a I am starting to ground drive Obi a bit and he will officially start school when myshow near you and join in the fun of carriage driving. school (I am a high school Biology teacher) is out for the summer. By the fall I hopeTill next time…..Happy Driving to be driving him a bit if he is ready, and then next year we hope to compete in some local activities. I LOVE the tradition and elegance that comes with pleasure driving and I hope to be back at the KY Horse Park and more, but this time as an exhibitor, and am ambassador of the breed. I am excited to be a part of this group and I am looking forward to meeting some members in person!40 The Journal • June/July 2018

39) The Journal • June/July 2018 41

Committee UpdatesASPR Committee COOL CommitteeMary Wahl, Committee Co-Chair Greg Palas, Committee ChairThe 2018 ASPR Committee members are: Glen Russell It appears that show season is going strong and I hopeand Mary Wahl (Co-Chairs), Bill Eperthener, Abbie many of you are attending shows that offer COOL class-Smith, Ken Byce, Sherri Jolliff, Dottie Leinweber, Tracey es. If you go to a show that does not offer COOL classesSlagle, and Kathy Howard. See the ASPC Website under ask them if they can be added. In many cases showsCommittees for contact information. We are pleased to may not be aware of the COOL classes or not sure whathave so many new ASPR owners and exhibitors on this classes would be best to add. If you need assistance con-committee! tact a COOL committee member.Presently we have 1,175 ponies registered in the Ameri- This year we hope to offer t-shirts again for exhibitorscan Show Pony Registry. The Committee is looking for that are participating in COOL classes at a local show.ways to increase the number of ASPR ponies registered Please contact committee chair Greg Palas for additionaland exhibited at local and area events. If you have sug- information or entry forms or check the registry website.gestions, please contact one of these committee mem- COOL horse and pony of the year will be awardedbers. again this year. This will be based upon All-Star pointsCheck out the new Rule Book for the approved ASPR awarded in COOL classes throughout the year.classes which may be offered at any show...particularly ASPC Congress and AMHR Nationals always providenotice the Youth classes. We’d like to see more youth an opportunity for our COOL exhibitors to participate.enjoying and exhibiting ASPR ponies and finding out The COOL committee wants to remind everyone thathow much fun they are!! the COOL classes are for exhibitors that have a physicalASPR FUTURITY..... The 2018 ASPR Futurity is off or intellectual disability that they struggle with every a good start with 34 mares and 16 stallions nominat- This disability does not allow them to participate at theed. We’ll be looking for some of those foals to show at same level as other exhibitors in regular amateur or openCongress this year. Please note that foals can show in classes. We welcome everyone that meets this criteriathe Open ASPR Yearlings and Under classes this year so and appreciate others that cheer them have more opportunities to show your foals. There Feel free to contact the COOL committee if you haveare sustained ASPR ponies in the Yearling, 2 year old, any questions regarding the COOL program. Untiland 3 year old divisions. Remember in order to show you next issue, Stay COOL.must have sustained your Futurity ponies or pay a $100late fee plus the sustaining fee. This is the FIRST yearfor the Futurity 3 year old division! Three year olds maybe shown in one of two ways, but NOT both: Halter(Stallion/Gelding and Mare classes) OR Performance (4divisions) which should be designated at Congress entrytime.We had a wonderful showing of ASPR ponies at lastyear’s Congress, with some very competitive classes!Hope to see even more this year. Share the secret....ASPR ponies are beautiful creatures and lots of fun!42 The Journal • June/July 2018

Committee UpdatesStewards Committee 2. A ny 3-year-old that does not hold a permanent card, or two-year-old animals, that have mea-Rob Crater, Committee Member sured at an ASPC/AMHR Area National Show will not have to remeasure at the AMHR Na-Show season is well under way, and of course there is a tional Show.lot of changes that were made regarding measuring thisyear! With that I will make some clarifications on what 3. Those horses measured at an Area Nationalthe board of directors decided, and how this process will Show, will have their cards stamped (all 3 parts)change. by the officiating show steward. The stampsThere also seems to be some confusion about regular are owned by the office and are sent to the Areashow measurements, and what constitutes a permanent National Stewards in their packets. If you domeasurement vs a temporary. We will start with this; at not have a stamped card when arriving at thethe local shows when you bring a horse up to be measured Nationals, you will have to remeasure at theyou must bring your paperwork (UP TO DATE), AMHR National Show.along with the horse and no blankets, wraps etc. Theofficial will inspect comparing that to the pictures, and 4. T HESE MEASURING POLICIES ONLY AP-make sure everything on the paperwork is correct and in PLY TO THE AMHR NATIONAL SHOW.order. At that time, they will measure your horse, and The only policy in place at Congress is that per-fill out the three-part measurement form. On that form manent carded Shetlands do not have to mea-at the top it says Permanent or Annual. If a horse has sure.NOT reached his actual third birthday, or sixth birth-day for Shetlands, (though has turned “3/6” on January 5. A LL MEASUREMENTS ARE PROTEST-1 of the current year), they are to be marked annual. ABLE as per the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Rule-AMHR/ASPC animals cannot receive a permanent book.card until they have hit their 3rd or 6th birthdays.To move on and discuss the nationals measuring. It was The final thing that I want to discuss is, if you take aa long discussion at the Spring BOD meeting, and it was horse to a show and have it measured, however youvoted on and decided to try this for this year. NEVER show that horse at that show? Your measuring slip is not valid.Here are the details of the AMHR Nationals I want to wish everyone a wonderful show season! Bestmeasuring for 2018. of luck! We must have Honesty, Integrity, and Com- radery! This is meant to be fun! Thank you everyone! 1. Any animal that has a permanent card that has been validated or issued by the office in 2018 and has shown at an ASPC/AMHR sanc- tioned show will NOT have to remeasure at the AMHR National Show. Interested in joining the Youth Committee?Youth committee is currently looking for members who would liketo join them in helping develop and grow the opportunities for our youth members. Contact Youth Committee Chair, James Walsh, for more information. The Journal • June/July 2018 43

Area NewsArea I - L ower Eastern Ontario, Quebec, Area III - A labama, Florida, Mississippi, Minnesota, Nebraska, NorthConnecticut, Delaware, Maine, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Dakota, South Dakota, WyomingMaryland, Massachusetts, New South Carolina, TennesseeHampshire, New Jersey, New York, Area VII - A rizona, California,Pennsylvania, Rhode Area IV - Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin Hawaii, NevadaIsland, Vermont, Virginia, Area V - Arkansas, Louisiana, Area VIII -British Columbia, Alberta,Washington D.C., West Virginia New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas Saskatchewan, Oregon,Area II - Central Ontario, Indiana, Area VI - Manitoba, Northern & Western Washington, Utah, Idaho, Michigan, Ohio Ontario, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, AlaskaAREA I and there were many positive comments Egbert on their recent marriage from its participants. She shared useful and to wish the newlyweds manyBy Skye Weber tricks for clipping and tips for showing years of happiness!! John has – and much more. Congratulations shown his miniature horses manyGreetings! My name is Skye on conducting such a successful clinic, times at AMHR Nationals and isWeber, and I call beautiful Danielle! remembered fondly by all exhibitorseastern Virginia my home. I’ve This is a special note received from for also serving as Ambassador.been actively involved with Carla Hazelberg, Netherlands: Massachusetts – Clinton Jury, of Clearhorses nearly all my life, and Our first clinic in 2018, organized by View Training Stable in Brookfieldhave enjoyed being a member EUSAM (European Studbook American Massachusetts, hosted a driving clinicof the American Shetland Miniature Horse), was a great success, over the weekend of April 7th and 8th.Pony Club since 2005. all compliments to Danielle Hill. She did Despite the cold and windy weather, theI will do my very best to keep my eyes a great job with about 25 enthusiastic clinic was well-attended and fun was hadand ears open for the current news to visitors. Danielle told all kinds of things by all! During the morning seminars,include in each issue, but what goes about feeding, fitting a show halter, Clinton presented various drivinginto print will mostly depend upon you, clipping, grooming and showing from the horses at different stages of training tothe members of Area 1! So please, if Miniature Horse. All participants brought help explain driving horses from startyou see or hear something you feel is their own horse and with a lot of patience, to finish. The afternoon portion was“newsworthy”, feel free to email me at: dedicated to group lessons for Danielle told everyone the do’s to learn to navigate in “traffic” safely. and don’ts from showing your The late afternoon and early eveningIN THE SPOTLIGHT: horse. Everyone went home sessions were sectioned off for one-on-Delaware – One of our top trainers, after the two day clinic with a one private lessons. The clinic was aDanielle Hill (Danielle Hill Training satisfied feeling and a bag full great success and Clinton is planning toCenter, Clayton DE) was invited by the of useful tips and tricks. A lot hold more clinics in the future.EUSAM (European Studbook American of thanks to Danielle and herMiniature Horse) to present a halter husband for the unforgettableclinic in the Netherlands on March 17- clinic in the Netherlands.18, 2018. The clinic was well attended Delaware – On another note, we would also like to CONGRATULATE John Eckbold and Leah44 The Journal • June/July 2018

Area NewsNEWS AROUND THE AREA: Miniature Celebration at the Calsonic without her and request prayers/positiveNew York – Sadly, the prestigious Walnut Arena in Shelbyville, Tennessee, and energy and healing thoughts during thisHill Farm Driving Competition held in the Peach State Spring Break show time of loss. Till we meet again...DrivePittsford, NY for the last 46 years has held at the Georgia International on Maddie, DRIVE ON!come to an end. The announcement Horse Park, had more horses attending Email morningviewfarms@gmail.comthat 2017 was the concluding year was this year than last year. The Walking if you have any information you wouldmade on February 5, 2018. Horse Celebration is my favorite show like to see published in the Area IIIAs many more of our shows are now grounds. Showing there feels like home. News.beginning to offer Carriage Driving My horses weren’t the least but thrilledclasses, I think we can expect to see a rise to be there though. Saturday night AREA IVin overall popularity and participation. after Liberty, the temperature droppedThere has even been some talk of adding to 27 degrees and it was spitting snow. By Jean Estessome open VSE classes for unregistered I clipped four horses the week before Heart Of America Miniature Equineminis in the future! so they spent Saturday giving me dirty has another exciting year planned.Pennsylvania – Kudos and thanks to looks all day! The early date is usually H.A.M.E. July Jubilation promises to bemembers of the Mason Dixon Miniature a bit chilly, but it hadn’t been that cold another exciting event.Horse Association for participating in in a few years. Most of the folks I July 21st & 22nd. Boone Co. Fairthe Parade of Breeds at the 2018 PA know are dependent upon the weather Grounds. Belvidere, IL. All the formsHorse World Expo in March! This was to work horses. Rainfall this Spring has and info. At www.heartofamericamin-their fourth year in a row representing been way above normal. I do not have iatureequine.comour breed in this demonstration! a covered arena to work the ponies. This year our High Point Halter Award Its hard to get everybody conditioned will be presented in the name of ourCHECK YOUR CALENDARS!! when Mother Nature doesn’t cooperate. Dear friend Jane Zefran. The East Coast Miniature has a great Jane’s family will be with us to honor her.Early Heads Up! turnout for their first show and are Jane has been a very important part of looking forward to their second show. H.A.M.E. She is forever in our hearts.August 18-19, 2018 (Schaticoke, Please keep the members of the Orange As you all know, show season can getNY) – The AMHR/ASPC/ASPR Blossom Miniature Horse Club and very hectic. Sanctioned Shows take a lotWeekend Qualifier show (pending specifically Ed and Angie Moore of planning and it’s all done by volun-approval), hosted by ESMHA (Empire in your hearts and prayers this show teers. We welcome your input and try toState Miniature Horse Association) and season as they adjust to a world without accommodate your wishes.normally held at the state fair grounds Madison in it. Please be patient and kind to your showhas changed dates and venue. Due to a Memorial for Madison written by the committee.scheduling conflict, the venue is being the clubs 2017 youth director.moved to the Schaticoke Fairgrounds. It was 2014 when Madison “Maddie” AREA VThere will be six judges for two shows Moore showed up at her first AMHRin one weekend, which qualifies you for horse show in Ocala, Florida with the By Kaycie TimmNationals. Contact show manager, Lea Orange Blossom Miniature Horse Club. Summer has reached full blast in AreaDill, at 585-739-9554 or norlea@aol. It wasn’t long before it was evident that V, with soaring temperatures and brightcom for more information. this fiery, outspoken, wild child left her sunshine. But the heat hasn’t kept mark on everyone’s heart. Her love for miniature and Shetland enthusiastsAREA III her horses was always at the forefront of from loading up their horses for local her training. shows and other events across Texas,By Janice Bryant On December 12, 2017 heaven earned Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas andShow season is in full swing, as this issue another angel, when Maddie passed Louisiana.goes to press, most of Area III exhibitors away to the shock of the Miniature The ASPC/AMHR Club of Northare planning on attending the Area III Horse world. As one can imagine, her Texas had a successful start to theirshow in Liberty, Kentucky hosted by parents Ed and Angie Moore are doing show season in April with the Daffodilthe Bluegrass Miniature horse club. I their best to just get through each dayhave attended two shows so far this year.I’m proud to report both the Tennessee The Journal • June/July 2018 45

Dandy. The show, which attracted 170 or 817-426-0262. the SWMHC, contact club Presidenthorses, included plenty of fun along In Oklahoma, shows are going strong Stacy McBride, or visit www.swmini.with friendly competition. Over 40 year- for both the Miniature Horse and Pony com. *PHOTO*end awards for the 2017 season were Breeders of Oklahoma and the Okla- The Land of Enchantment Miniaturedistributed during the Daffy, including homa Miniature Horse Club, Inc. The Horse Club saw a great turnout foroverall high point prizes for Heaven MHPBO will wrap up its show series their Rio Grande Classic MiniatureLeigh Davidson, Daniel Crider and with two more events, running June 16 Horse show in May, which took placeMichelle McKenzie. through 17 and July 4 through 5, both at the New Mexico State FairgroundsOn June 8 through 10, the Club of at the Pontotoc County Agri-Plex in in Albuquerque. In addition to NewNorth Texas will host the 2018 ASPC/ Ada, Oklahoma. OMHCI continues Mexico residents, the show attractedAMHR Area V National Show at the planning for its special performance-on- exhibitors from Colorado, Arizona, andSomervell County Expo in Glen Rose, ly event on September 29, which will California. The club is very appreciativeTexas. Featuring a patriotic theme of feature awards including horse supplies of Jennifer Hoyt’s great work as showred, white, and blue, this show is an- and tack. Storm season has reached manager keeping everything runningticipated to be a smaller version of the Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas, so both smoothly. For more information aboutASPC/ASPR Congress and AMHR clubs would like to remind exhibitors to other activities offered by the LEMHC,Miniature Nationals. The show will of- be extremely cautious when traveling. contact club President Jeff Lisowski atfer classes for every horse and exhibitor, For more information, visit the clubs’ Stock, Draft, non-rated Nov- respective websites at The Arkansas Miniature Horse Soci-ice, chariot, Hackney, carriage driving, and ety hosted their Diamond Jubilee showas well as all the standard performance in May at the Texarkana Fairgrounds.and halter. The club encourages exhib- The Southwestern Miniature Horse This show featured classes for youthitors to participate in a stall decorating Club recently announced winners for its and adults as well as an evening of funcontest by showing their small equine 2018-2019 youth buckle series. At the and a complimentary dinner for all at-pride with some patriotic decorations. competition of each SWMHC show, the tendees on Saturday night. As they work2018 AMHR National Judge Janice club awards a high point buckle for the on planning other events, the club wel-Silvio and 2018 ASPC Congress Judge youth/horse combination who earns the comes anyone to join AMHS for the an-Kim Seipp will serve as judges for the most points. The program also functions nual price of $25 per family. For moreshow, and honored guest Jill Gleason, as a fundraiser for the youth fund, by information, visit the group’s websitethe AMHR/ASPC operation manager, requiring a $20 fee for exhibitors to be at www.arkansasminiaturehorsesociety.will also attend. Don’t miss this weekend included in the competition. At the May com, or contact Shelley Huff at 870-of fun, food, laughter and comradery, show, Gracie McBride received a buck- 917-5796.and of course some of the best small le for both the under and over divisions The San Antonio Area Miniature Horseequine competition in Area V. For more for 13-17. In the 12 and under category, Club’s annual spring show took place oninformation about upcoming events or Faith Bowen was awarded buckles with May 18 through 20 at the Rose Palace into join the Club of North Texas as a her under and over horses as well. This San Antonio. In addition to Americanmember, please contact Karen Shaw at year, Diane Taylor graciously sponsored Miniatures, the show welcomed Gyspy all four buckles. For more information horses as well as other draft and feath- about this or other programs offered by ered breeds. They also hosted a variety of vendors for exhibitors and spectators to browse. For more information about future SAAMHC events, contact Pame- la Henry at That’s all for this edition! If you love small equine and live in Texas, Okla- homa, New Mexico, Arkansas or Lou- isiana, please submit your suggestions, news, updates, events and activities re- lated to Area V clubs and members to, 832-574-5811, or my personal Facebook account. Until next time, good luck in your equine en- deavors and Happy Trails!46 The Journal • June/July 2018

ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Official Swag Proudly show your love of everything small equine (and our new logo) with an dry-wicking shirt, adjustable ball cap, insulated tumbler, car magnet, bag, cute stuffed animal and more! New items will be added in the coming weeks so please visit often. Have A Suggestion?Would you like a particular productavailable at our online store? We’dlove to hear about it - contact Ethanat 12” x 12” Vehicle Magnet30 oz. RTICInsulatedTumblerLook for these items plus new t-shirt designs, shorts and more available for purchase 47 at the show office during the Congress Show in Lake St. Louis! The Journal • June/July 2018

Wishing all exhibitors success in the show ring and welcoming fans of all ages to Lake St. Louis, Missouri July 30th through August 4th! Total payout calculated Greenbacks based on the number of classes and ponies in the for Geldings gelding division. Total Amount - $4500.00 See Congress Premium for more details Congress entries must be postmarked on or before June 18th, 201848 The Journal • June/July 2018