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Home Explore Continental-Bottle-Brochure


Published by eko11, 2017-05-24 08:57:34

Description: Continental-Bottle-Brochure


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I ntroduction Established nearly 25 years ago, the Continental Bottle Company Ltd has become one of the foremost one stop suppliers to the perfume, fragrance and cosmetic industry. The company has an extensive range of more than 100 different styles of stock glass bottles specifically designed for the perfume, fragrance and cosmetics markets. We complement the bottles by supplying premium quality surlyn and polypropylene closures. Our bottles and closures are available in an incredible variety of designs and colours. If we do not have a design that fits your requirements, a custom mould facility is available. Continental Bottle Company Ltd specialises in offering a complete high quality service at extremely competitive prices. Continental Bottle Company Ltd serves both large and small companies nationally and internationally. Continental Bottle Company Ltd attributes its success to the fact that it offers a wide range of exceedingly flexible services. Continental Bottle Company Ltd also offers colour spraying, metallisation and acid etching which all combine to create a unique brand image. Products have been designed for many customers and ranges including Boots, Marks and Spencer, Next, Ted Baker, French Connection (FCUK), Space NK, Jo Malone, White Company and many more. Over the years the company has grown steadily due to the constant development and addition of new products to the already extensive range. Future investment in new innovative projects and designs mean that Continental Bottle Company Ltd remains at the forefront of the industry. Continental Bottle Company Ltd offers its customers the complete packaging solution. 01

C ontents Fragrance Bottle range 04 Morrisot ................................................................ 31 No.5 ...................................................................... 31 Aero ...................................................................... 05 No.6 ....................................................................... 32 Alpha Round ....................................................... 05 No.7 ....................................................................... 32 Amarante ............................................................ 06 No.14 ..................................................................... 33 Angie .................................................................... 06 No.33 .................................................................... 33 Antibiotics ............................................................ 07 No.44 .................................................................... 34 Ariane ................................................................... 07 No.51 ..................................................................... 34 Arp ........................................................................ 08 No.97 ..................................................................... 35 Bahia .................................................................... 08 Oslo ....................................................................... 35 Bali ........................................................................ 09 Ovala .................................................................... 36 Blake ..................................................................... 09 Ovale Alto ............................................................ 36 Bosch .................................................................... 10 Ovale Basso ......................................................... 37 Boston Rounds ..................................................... 10 Paradox ................................................................ 37 Challenger .......................................................... 11 Pebble .................................................................. 38 Challenger 2 ....................................................... 11 Pecos .................................................................... 38 Charm .................................................................. 12 Picasso & Cube ................................................... 39 Chelsea ................................................................ 12 Pollock .................................................................. 39 Clayton ................................................................ 13 Primo ..................................................................... 40 Cube ..................................................................... 13 Pure ....................................................................... 40 Cubique & Clayton ............................................ 14 Quadri .................................................................. 41 Cyan ..................................................................... 14 Rembrandt .......................................................... 41 Dali ........................................................................ 15 Rio ......................................................................... 42 Dalia ..................................................................... 15 Samourai .............................................................. 42 David Diamonds & David ................................. 16 Secundo ............................................................... 43 Delacroix & Klee ................................................. 16 Seurat ................................................................... 43 Disco ..................................................................... 17 Short Cuban ........................................................ 44 Discovery ............................................................. 17 Signal .................................................................... 44 Duchamps ........................................................... 18 Snowdon .............................................................. 45 Durer ..................................................................... 18 Stone ..................................................................... 45 Eclat ...................................................................... 19 Style ...................................................................... 46 Elegance ............................................................. 19 Svenja ................................................................... 46 Everest .................................................................. 20 Tall Cuban & Millet ............................................. 47 Flex ........................................................................ 20 Tao ........................................................................ 47 Flore ...................................................................... 21 Tertio ..................................................................... 48 Flute ...................................................................... 21 Trek ........................................................................ 48 Goya ..................................................................... 22 Van Dyck .............................................................. 49 Grenat .................................................................. 22 Vertige .................................................................. 49 Gros ....................................................................... 23 Vlaminck .............................................................. 50 Henri ..................................................................... 23 Whistler ................................................................. 50 High Society ........................................................ 24 Yoga ..................................................................... 51 Hisae ..................................................................... 24 Zoe ........................................................................ 51 Jens ....................................................................... 25 Juicy ..................................................................... 25 decanters & diFFuser glass 52 K2 .......................................................................... 26 Kimono ................................................................. 26 Alfa Palla .............................................................. 53 Klee ....................................................................... 27 Ange ..................................................................... 53 Kubos .................................................................... 27 Antiqua Quadra ................................................. 54 Lakes ..................................................................... 28 Antiqua Tonda .................................................... 54 Little Sumo ........................................................... 28 Ariane ................................................................... 55 Lotus ...................................................................... 29 Bobine .................................................................. 55 Lucy ...................................................................... 29 Bonnie .................................................................. 56 Makao .................................................................. 30 Calamaio Quadro ............................................. 56 Millet ..................................................................... 30 Calamaio Tondo ................................................. 5702

Capri ..................................................................... 57 caps & closures 82Cashmere ............................................................ 58Chiara .................................................................. 58 Fragrance Overcaps ................................... 83 - 90Divina ................................................................... 59 Crimp Pumps & Shrouds .................................... 91Ebe ........................................................................ 59 Lotion Pumps ....................................................... 91Eos ......................................................................... 60 Aluminium Crimp Seal Caps ............................. 92Essenze ................................................................. 60 Aluminium Screw Caps ...................................... 92Flaminia ................................................................ 61 Polypropylene Caps .......................................... 93Genny ................................................................... 61 Nail Polish Caps & Brushes ................................ 93Lia .......................................................................... 62Linea ..................................................................... 62 nail polish range 94Meili ...................................................................... 63Milano .................................................................. 63 Miscellaneous Nail Varnish Bottles .................... 95Milk ........................................................................ 64 Round Nail Varnish Bottles .................................. 95Neos ...................................................................... 64 Square Nail Varnish Bottles ................................. 96Oslo ....................................................................... 65Paradis .................................................................. 65 glass Vials 97Passion .................................................................. 66Pink ........................................................................ 66 Custom Vial Manufacturing ............................. 98Plus ........................................................................ 67 Perfume Vials ...................................................... 98Polo ....................................................................... 67 Roller Ball Bottles ................................................. 99Quadra Bassa ..................................................... 68Sabina Liscia ....................................................... 68 aromatherapy & Fragrance oils 100Sabina Quadra ................................................... 69Scent ..................................................................... 69 Amber Dropper Bottle Range ........................ 101Talia ....................................................................... 70 Dropper Assemblies ....................................... 101Tija ......................................................................... 70Cube Diffuser Bottle ........................................... 71 Jars 102Karen Diffuser Bottle ........................................... 71 decoration 103candle glass 72Bubble Ball ........................................................... 73 Frosting ................................................................ 104Chicago ............................................................... 73 Hot Foil Stamping ............................................... 104Classic Jar with Lid ............................................. 74 Metallisation ....................................................... 105Conique ............................................................... 74 Printing ................................................................. 105Cube Candle Glass ............................................ 75 Spraying .............................................................. 106Flat Dish & Travel Candle .................................. 75Fluted Votive ........................................................ 76 custom moulding 107Gabrielle .............................................................. 76Hobnail ................................................................. 77Islande .................................................................. 77Karen .................................................................... 78Meredith ............................................................... 78Prism ...................................................................... 79Roly Poly Votive ................................................... 79Status with Lid ...................................................... 80Stockholm ............................................................ 80Tealight ................................................................. 81Whiskey ................................................................. 81 03

F ragrance Bottle range Continental Bottle Company Ltd offers one of the largest range of standard and stock standard bottles in the UK. Most designs are available in a range of sizes, from the smallest – just a few ml, to the largest – up to several litres. Most designs however include 50ml and 100ml sizes and are available in both crimp and screw neck. Some bottle designs incorporate cosmetic sizes and cosmetic jars within the range. In addition, we have a large range of small bottles that are perfect for gift sets. All bottles are standard designs and most are available from stock. We offer a private design service utilising both fully automatic and semi automatic production methods. Please contact us for further details. We offer products to suit all markets and budgets from super mass to super premium. Our bottles can be supplied plain or decorated. Decoration techniques include; multi colour spray, printing and acid etching. Caps, closures and atomiser pumps can be supplied that perfectly complement your choice of bottle.04

aeroNominal Capacity 50ml 100mldiameter 34mm 42mmheight 119mm 145mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA alpha roundNominal Capacity 100mldiameter 47mmheight 141mmneck Finish 15 FEA30ml and 50ml in development 05

amarante Nominal Capacity 30ml 50ml 100ml Width 50mm 62mm 79mm depth 28mm 31mm 36mm height 64mm 73mm 92mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA angie Nominal Capacity 100ml diameter 71mm height 80mm neck Finish 15 FEA06

antibioticsNominal Capacity 15ml 30ml 50ml 100mldiameter 26mm 36mm 42mm 52mmheight 58mm 63mm 73mm 94mmneck Finish 20 FEA 20 FEA 20 FEA 20 FEA arianeNominal Capacity 50ml 100mldiameter 35mm 41mmheight 130mm 173mmneck Finish 13 and 15 FEA 15 FEA 07

arp Nominal Capacity 12ml 30ml 30ml 50ml 50ml 100ml 100ml diameter 42mm 50mm 62mm height 33mm 42mm 92mm 50mm 102mm 62mm 124mm neck Finish 15 FEA 20 FEA 20 FEA 63mm 92mm 102mm 124mm 13/415 18/415 18/415 18/415 screw screw screw screw Bahia Nominal Capacity 100ml diameter 46mm height 187mm neck Finish 15 FEA08

BaliNominal Capacity 50ml 100mlWidth 71mm 86mmdepth 46mm 58mmheight 51mm 55mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA BlakeNominal Capacity 25ml 50ml 100mldiameter 32mm 42mm 52mmheight 58mm 73mm 94mmneck Finish 20 FEA 20 FEA 20 FEA 09

Bosch Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Width 62mm 77mm depth 37mm 46mm height 75mm 89mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA Boston rounds Nominal Capacity 10ml 50ml 100ml diameter 21mm height 74mm 83mm 41mm neck Finish 15 FEA 40mm 173mm 24/410 screw 20 FEA10

challengerNominal Capacity 50ml 100mlWidth 63mm 77mmdepth 34mm 42mmheight 79mm 94mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA challenger 2Nominal Capacity 100mlWidth 77mmdepth 42mmheight 173mmneck Finish 15 FEA 11

charm Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Width 64mm 85mm depth 35mm 38mm height 84mm 104mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA chelsea Nominal Capacity 100ml Width 80mm depth 37mm height 90mm neck Finish 15 FEA12

claytonNominal Capacity 100ml 200mlWidth 45mm 51mmdepth 45mm 51mmheight 99mm 145mmneck Finish 20 FEA 24/410 screw cubeNominal Capacity 30ml 50ml 100mlWidth 40mm 46mm 56mmdepth 40mm 46mm 56mmheight 48mm 55mm 69mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 20 FEA 13

cubique & clayton Nominal Capacity 15ml 30ml 50ml 100ml Width 28mm 33mm 63mm 45mm depth 28mm 33mm 63mm 45mm height 53mm 74mm 83mm 100mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA cyan Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Width 41mm 50mm depth 41mm 50mm height 83mm 99mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA14

daliNominal Capacity 5ml 10ml 30ml 30ml 50ml 50ml 100ml 100mldiameter 39mm 45mm 55mmheight 24mm 31mm 39mm 66mm 45mm 79mm 55mm 94mmneck Finish 20 FEA 20 FEA 20 FEA 41mm 48mm 69mm 82mm 97mm 10/425 13/415 18/415 18/415 18/415 screw screw screw screw screw daliaNominal Capacity 50mlWidth 74mmdepth 26mmheight 83mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15

david diamonds & david Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml 100ml: Diamonds Width 58mm depth 29mm 70mm 70mm height 72mm neck Finish 15 FEA 36mm 36mm 94mm 86mm 18/415 screw 15 FEA delacroix & Klee Nominal Capacity 15ml: Klee 50ml 50ml 100ml 100ml Width 28mm 37mm 37mm 45mm 45mm depth 28mm 37mm 37mm 45mm 45mm height 53mm 89mm 80mm 107mm 99mm neck Finish 15 FEA 18/415 screw 15 FEA 18/415 screw 15 FEA16

discoNominal Capacity 50ml 100mlWidth 68mm 82mmdepth 29mm 35mmheight 73mm 88mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA discoveryNominal Capacity 50ml 100mlWidth 48mm 56mmdepth 23mm 27mmheight 111mm 148mmneck Finish 13 FEA 15 FEA 17

duchamps Nominal Capacity 30ml 50ml 100ml Width 36mm 45mm 60mm depth 26mm 28mm 28mm height 81mm 98mm 122mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA durer Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Diameter 45mm 40mm Height 73mm 127mm Neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA18

eclatNominal Capacity 50ml 100mlWidth 61mm 76mmdepth 28mm 36mmheight 87mm 106mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA eleganceNominal Capacity 50ml 250mlWidth 48mm 79mmdepth 26mm 43mmheight 100mm 176mmneck Finish 15 FEA 24/415 screw 19

everest Nominal Capacity 30ml 50ml 100ml Width 45mm 51mm 59mm depth 24mm 30mm 30mm height 69mm 80mm 113mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA Flex Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Width 47mm 59mm depth 34mm 43mm height 69mm 84mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA20

FloreNominal Capacity 50ml 100mldiameter 38mm 45mmheight 140mm 182mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA FluteNominal Capacity 100mlWidth 74mmdepth 27mmheight 115mmneck Finish 20 FEA 21

goya Nominal Capacity 5ml 14ml 30ml 30ml 50ml 50ml 100ml 100ml Width 27mm 35mm 42mm 42mm 50mm 50mm 61mm 61mm depth 24mm 24mm 30mm 30mm 34mm 34mm 41mm 41mm height 41mm 56mm 77mm 73mm 90mm 87mm 104mm 104mm neck Finish 10/425 13/415 18/415 20 FEA 18/415 20 FEA 18/415 20 FEA screw screw screw screw screw grenat Nominal Capacity 100ml Width 60mm depth 60mm height 79mm neck Finish 15 FEA22

grosNominal Capacity 100mldiameter 71mmheight 74mmneck Finish 15 FEA henriNominal Capacity 50ml 50ml 100ml 100mlWidth 50mm 50mm 57mm 64mmdepth 30mm 30mm 32mm 32mmheight 86mm 89mm 111mm 114mmneck Finish 20 FEA E5 Sprinkler 20 FEA E5 Sprinkler 23

high society Nominal Capacity 100ml Width 78mm depth 78mm height 83mm neck Finish 15 FEA hisae Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Width 47mm 58mm depth 47mm 58mm height 57mm 69mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA24

JensNominal Capacity 50ml 100mlWidth 72mm 88mmdepth 27mm 33mmheight 80mm 97mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA JuicyNominal Capacity 50ml 100mlWidth 49mm 60mmdepth 33mm 40mmheight 78mm 95mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 25

K2 Nominal Capacity 100ml Width 43mm depth 29mm height 156mm neck Finish 15 FEA 30ml and 50ml in development Kimono Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Width 42mm 51mm depth 31mm 37mm height 122mm 148mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA26

KleeNominal Capacity 15ml 30ml 50ml 100mlWidth 28mm 28mm 28mm 36mmheight 53mm 90mm 131mm 157mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA KubosNominal Capacity 30ml 50ml 100mlWidth 42mm 48mm 48mmdepth 42mm 48mm 48mmheight 56mm 64mm 106mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA 27

lakes Nominal Capacity 13ml 17ml 100ml diameter height 31mm 35mm 60mm neck Finish 49mm 50mm 80mm 15/415 screw 15/415 screw 15 FEA little sumo Nominal Capacity 15ml 30ml 50ml 100ml Width 38mm 46mm 54mm 66mm depth 38mm 46mm 54mm 66mm height 45mm 57mm 66mm 79mm neck Finish 13 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA28

lotusNominal Capacity 50ml 100mldiameter 39mm 53mmheight 84mm 93mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA lucyNominal Capacity 100mldiameter 50mmheight 89mmneck Finish 20 FEA 29

makao Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Width 47mm 64mm depth 47mm 64mm height 52mm 56mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA millet Nominal Capacity 30ml diameter 31mm height 86mm neck Finish 15 FEA30

morrisotNominal Capacity 50ml 100mlWidth 45mm 60mmdepth 29mm 29mmheight 97mm 118mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA no.5Nominal Capacity 30ml 30ml 50ml 50ml 100ml 100mlWidth 37mm 37mm 42mm 42mmdepth 37mm 37mm 42mm 42mm 48mm 48mmheight 66mm 67mm 85mm 85mmneck Finish 18 FEA E5 screw 18 FEA E5 screw 48mm 48mm 104mm 104mm 18 or 20 FEA E5 screw 31

no.6 Nominal Capacity 30ml 60ml 100ml diameter 51mm 62mm 66mm height 41mm 55mm 69mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA no.7 Nominal Capacity 15ml 15ml 30ml 30ml 50ml 50ml 100ml 100ml Width 38mm depth 20mm 38mm 46mm 46mm 51mm 51mm 63mm 63mm height 56mm neck Finish 13 FEA 20mm 25mm 25mm 29mm 29mm 36mm 36mm 56mm 69mm 74mm 81mm 87mm 95mm 103mm E3 screw 15 FEA E4 screw 18 FEA E5 screw 18/20 FEA E5 screw32

no.14Nominal Capacity 50ml 100mldiameter 69mm 84mmheight 60mm 74mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA no.33Nominal Capacity 30ml 50ml 100mldiameter 40mm 46mm 58mmheight 65mm 74mm 91mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA 33

no.44 Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Width 36mm 44mm depth 28mm 34mm height 123mm 148mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA no.51 Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml diameter 33mm 41mm height 113mm 140mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA34

no.97Nominal Capacity 50ml 100mlWidth 54mm 67mmdepth 20mm 37mmheight 105mm 137mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA osloNominal Capacity 50ml 100mldiameter 44mm 54mmheight 83mm 101mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 35

ovala Nominal Capacity 100ml Width 82mm depth 48mm height 64mm neck Finish 15 FEA ovale alto Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Width 52mm 62mm depth 30mm 38mm height 99mm 120mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA36

ovale BassoNominal Capacity 50ml 100mlWidth 73mm 79mmdepth 35mm 42mmheight 65mm 88mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA paradoxNominal Capacity 100mlWidth 82mmdepth 31mmheight 105mmneck Finish 15 FEA 37

pebble Nominal Capacity 100ml Width 86mm depth 68mm height 57mm neck Finish 15 FEA pecos Nominal Capacity 30ml 30ml 50ml 50ml 100ml 100ml Width depth 44mm 47mm 51mm 51mm 58mm 62mm height neck Finish 22mm 22mm 25mm 25mm 30mm 30mm 77mm 74mm 91mm 88mm 107mm 104mm 15/415 screw 15 FEA 15/415 screw 15 FEA 15/415 screw 15 FEA38

picasso & cubeNominal Capacity 30ml: Cube 50ml: Cube 50ml: Picasso 100ml: PicassoWidthdepth 40mm 46mm 56mm 56mmheightneck Finish 40mm 46mm 56mm 56mm 48mm 55mm 40mm 68mm 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA pollockNominal Capacity 100mlWidth 82mmdepth 36mmheight 99mmneck Finish 15 FEA 39

primo Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Width 42mm 51mm depth 42mm 51mm height 71mm 87mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA pure Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml diameter 26mm 32mm height 89mm 107mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA40

QuadriNominal Capacity 50ml 100mlWidth 65mm 80mmdepth 38mm 47mmheight 58mm 70mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA rembrandtNominal Capacity 100mlWidth 80mmdepth 34mmheight 92mmneck Finish 15 FEA 41

rio Nominal Capacity 100ml Width 39mm depth 39mm height 187mm neck Finish 15 FEA samourai Nominal Capacity 30ml 30ml 50ml 50ml 100ml Width 38mm depth 38mm 38mm 44mm 44mm 66mm height 74mm neck Finish 15 FEA 38mm 44mm 44mm 66mm 76mm 97mm 98mm 80mm 18/400 screw 15 FEA 18/400 screw 15 FEA42

secundoNominal Capacity 100mlWidth 67mmdepth 28mmheight 121mmneck Finish 15 FEA seuratNominal Capacity 50ml 100ml 100mlWidth 64mm 84mm 84mmdepth 32mm 34mm 34mmheight 61mm 77mm 84mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 18/415 screw 43

short cuban Nominal Capacity 100ml diameter 40mm height 144mm neck Finish 20 FEA signal Nominal Capacity 50ml 50ml 100ml 100ml Width 52mm 52mm 64mm 64mm depth 29mm 29mm 36mm 36mm height 88mm 91mm 103mm 109mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15/415 15 FEA 15/41544

snowdonNominal Capacity 100mlWidth 36mmdepth 36mmheight 172mmneck Finish 15 FEA stoneNominal Capacity 100mlWidth 91mmdepth 71mmheight 56mlneck Finish 15 FEA 45

style Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Width 52mm 68mm depth 27mm 30mm height 88mm 112mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA svenja Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Width 56mm 70mm depth 29mm 28mm height 79mm 123mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA46

tall cuban & milletNominal Capacity 30ml: Millet 30ml 50ml 100mldiameter 31mm 37mmheight 31mm 26mm 143mm 167mmneck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 86mm 103mm 15 FEA 15 FEA taoNominal Capacity 12ml 50ml 100mlWidth 73mmdepth 39mm 71mm 38mmheight 90mmneck Finish 24mm 37mm 15 FEA 43mm 59mm 13/415 screw 15 FEA 47

tertio Nominal Capacity 30ml 50ml 100ml Width 45mm 53mm 63mm depth 45mm 53mm 63mm height 58mm 66mm 80mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA 15 FEA trek Nominal Capacity 50ml 100ml Width 65mm 78mm depth 24mm 31mm height 90mm 114mm neck Finish 15 FEA 15 FEA48

Van dyckNominal Capacity 50ml 50ml 100ml 100mldiameter 42mm 42mm 42mm 42mmheight 86mm 82mm 142mm 138mmneck Finish 18/415 20 FEA 18/415 20 FEA VertigeNominal Capacity 100mlWidth 53mmdepth 37mmheight 148mmneck Finish 20 FEA 49

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