Newsletter Issue: July 2019 Highlights of the month Inquiry Day Story Telling Industrial Visit Mental Math Quiz Parent Teacher Meeting Friend's Snack Box International Friendship Day IH Scrabble Tournament Bodhi Lead IH Hasya Kavi Sammelan Parents Back to Benches French Day IH Basket Ball IH English Proverbial Tales Enactment Student Corner Innovative Approaches
PRIMARY YEARS PROGRAMME LEARNING THROUGH PLAY Play is the fundamental part of learning in the Primary years of educa on at Bodhi. As children learn through purposeful, quality play experience, they build cri cal basic skills for cogni ve development and academic achievement. These include verbaliza on, language comprehension, vocabulary, imagina on, ques oning, problem-solving, observa on and the perspec ves of others. It is also a vital part of a child's op mal social, physical and emo onal development. According to researcher Dorothy Singer, “Through make-believe games children can be anyone they wish and go anywhere they want. When they engage in socio-drama c play, they learn how to cope with feelings, how to bring the large, confusing world into a small, manageable size; and how to become socially adept as they share, take turns and cooperate with each other. When children play, they are learning new words, how to problem solve, and how to be flexible”. Young children work hard at play. They invent scenes and stories, solve problems, and nego ate their way through social roadblocks. They know what they want to do and work diligently to do it. Because their mo va on comes from within, they learn the powerful lesson of pursuing their own ideas to a successful conclusion. Vital importance of play has been shown in study a er study; many people believe that play is a waste of me in school. School, they say, should be a place for learning. There's plenty of me for play at home. Skep cism about the value of play is compounded by the widespread assump on that the earlier children begin to master the basic elements of reading, such as phonics and le er recogni on, the more likely they are to succeed in school. And so kindergarten educa on has become heavily expected to teach literacy and other academic skills. The common misconcep ons about young children's play fall apart when we at Bodhi, look closely at what is really going on. We see the difference between superficial play and the complex make-believe play that can engage five-year-olds for an hour or more, fuelled by their own original ideas and rich use of language. 2
PRIMARY YEARS PROGRAMME One of our responsibili es as educators is to defend the value of play and to communicate how it helps children develop and learn play. We start to dis nguish between the sound of a chao c classroom and the hum of energy when children are deeply engaged in the flow of play. We also see the difference between the learning from didac c teaching of discrete skills in phonics, decoding, word recogni on, numbers, life sciences which may be short termed, and that of deeper experien al learning which is long las ng and enables students to make connec ons with their environment all through their lives. At Bodhi, students are engaged in a variety of play mainly Sand play, Role Play, Imagina ve Play, Construc on, Table Top Play, Free Play and Water Play. They are provided with opportuni es to explore and learn concepts through various kinds of play. What may look like free play to an on looker is serious work for the students. They are cri cal thinkers who are constantly working on finding crea ve solu ons. Students learn best when they are given appropriate responsibility, allowed to make errors, free to decide and choose, and respected as autonomous learners. All of these are achieved through one or the other kind of play. Learning through play also accommodates development of the Essen al Elements of PYP- Knowledge, Concepts, Approaches to learning and Ac on. It also aims at developing fine and gross motor muscles, balance and spa al awareness in the young learners. Children ac vely involved in play may be engaged in a variety of ac vi es, independently, with a partner, or in a group. As Plato rightly says, “The most effec ve kind of educa on is to play amongst lovely things”, play is closely ed to the cogni ve, socio-emo onal, and motor development of young children, and it is an important part of develop- mentally appropriate Primary Years Program. ‐ Shikha Srivastava PYP Co‐ordinator 3
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MONTH Gauri Kohli received first prize in 'light-up space', an event organized by JIET-The design carnival Skylark open Lawn Tennis championship 20th to 25th JulyTournament result Under 10 category Under 12 category Under 14 category Under 16 category Vivan Mirdha Runner up Lakshya Kalla Runner up Shreyansh Lodha Runner up Shreyansh Lodha Runner up Kananvardhan Singh Bha from blossoms, our li le shining star, par cipated in The World record of 'LARGEST PEOPLE SKATING' 4
INQUIRY DAY 5th July 2019 When ordinary people rise above the expecta ons and seize the opportunity that is where milestones, truly, are reached. We are proud to announce that PYP has reached its first milestone, the culmina on of the first Unit of Inquiry. Students show-cased their learning through presenta ons and incredible art pieces. Grade five was the limelight of the event; they set up Mini Bazaar as part of their summa ve assessment. Students applied all their learning of UOI, made different proposals and finally put up stalls consis ng of mouth-watering food, refreshing drinks and amusive games. The school was enchanted by the response received from the parents and would like to express its gra tude to each one who contributed immensely for the show. 5
STORY TELLING 12th July 2019 The aim of all IB programmes is to develop interna onally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a be er and more peaceful world. The IB learner profile represents 10 a ributes valued by IB World Schools. The IB believes that these a ributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, na onal and global communi es. As an IB PYP Candidate School, Bodhi Interna onal School organized an English Story Telling ac vity which aimed at developing awareness of these a ributes in the learners of grades 3-5. Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world where children enjoy the beauty of expression, thoughts, feeling and emo ons of words. Taking all these facts into considera on, the children got an opportunity to exhibit their talent and confidence. The ac vity inspired each child to come forward with different stories inspired by IB Learner Profile and narrate them on stage. 6
INDUSTRIAL VISIT 12th July 2019 Experien al learning is the basis of sound educa on. With IB PYP, Bodhi encourages inquiry & research based learning. To facilitate the same, the students of grade 5 paid a visit to Bothra Interna onal, a renowned handicra s exports firm, to experience in detail the journey of raw wood into a finished piece and to learn how an export house func ons. The firm's Managing Director, Mr Naresh Bothra, explained to the learners what materials they use in the factory and took them through the processes. This prac cal learning helped them to understand the central idea in the unit 'How we organize ourselves'. 7
MENTAL MATH QUIZ 19 th July 2019 Quiz contests are a great way of analyzing how well one understands a subject and correlates the theore cal knowledge with its prac cal applica on in real life. It encourages students to stretch their knowledge horizons and look beyond besides what is taught in class. To promote and encourage a fun way of learning among students, the school organized a Math quiz for the students of grades 3 to 5.The quiz was conducted in a manner in which speed and accuracy were given equal weightage. The par cipants delivered with full excitement and vitality. 8
PARENT TEACHER MEETING 27 th July 2019 A Parent Teacher Meet was held on which parents can support their wards 27th July 2019 to discuss the at home; their sugges ons were also performance of students with their taken. It was heartening to know that parents. Parents were given feedback all the parents were highly sa sfied on their wards' performances in with the teachers' feedback and the Forma ve and Summa ve Assess- IBPYP way of teaching and learning. ments and during class discussions and ac vi es. Teachers shared the ways in 9
INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP DAY 30 th July 2019 A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite imagina on and ins ll love for learning Field trips expand children's learning through ac ve hands-on experience with the rich resources of the local community. Field trips increase student knowledge and understanding of a subject and add realism to the topic of study. The PYP sec on of the school went to Geeta Dham - Tiwari , to celebrate Interna onal Friendship day in the form of a Snack box picnic. The students from grades 1 to 5 along with their teachers and the Coordinator had an exci ng day that was full of fun and learning. The students were exposed to the Teaching of Lord Krishna through the Holy book Geeta. They also had a bus drive through the dairy farm and the Gobar gas plant. A er the tour of the sprawling Dham, the students sat in the lap of nature, under the the trees, along with their teachers and shared their snack boxes. The variety and taste of food was a true reflec on of diversity. It was a treat to see the bond between the friends. Some groups indulged in team games too. The drive up to Tiwari and back was also very exci ng. 10
FRIEND'S SNACK BOX 30 th July 2019 The EYP phase of the school had a Friends Snack Box event where in children came dressed up in their colorful casuals and brought along finger licking, scrump ous food items. All together as friends, they shared and enjoyed their meal and had great fun. Close to the day end, the li le ones tapped their feet and danced their heart out. 11
PLAYNOMICS 3rd July 2019 Who would have thought that a subject Amarnath kept the students engaged in of intellectuals like Economics can be this experien al learning session. With learnt in a fun way! “Playnomics”, a the interac on on 'father of Economics' unique endeavor of ISBF, Delhi, involved and 'absolute advantage', the students of Economics from grades 10 – par cipants were completely immersed 12 to give them a taste of interna onal in the session. trade. Prof. Navni Kothari and Mr. 13
IH SCRABBLE TOURNAMENT 5th July 2019 Le ers spill a magic with their combina ons- some strange, some unique and some known. Grades 6-12 competed in an Inter House Scrabble Compe on in two categories: Middle wing and senior wing. The par cipants put their vocabulary to exhibi on and amazed the audience with their quickness, promptness and acumen. The compe on s rred an interest in all those who have never played scrabble. They were amused and enthusias c to prac ce it. 14
BODHI LEAD 12-14th July 2019 Bodhi Lead” stands tall with the vision of shaping the leader in today's youth and paving the path towards success. A 3-day extravaganza was conceptualized and organized by the senior students of the school; more than 200 students par cipated from different schools of Jodhpur. With the grand opening by guests of honour Shri Mahender Jhabak and Dr. Naresh Nebhinani from AIIMS, the event started with fun filled ac vi es like ABCD (Any Body Can Dance), Tark-Vitark, Treasure Hunt, Bread Studio, Robo cs, Colour Proclivity and Spoken Words. This great mix of events also apprised the par cipants with life skills like CPR Training by Dr Rajender Tater and “Fire Mock Drill” by the fire officer, Mr Jai Singh. The presence of the Chairman, Directors and the Principal during the events mo vated students to give their best and explore their hidden crea vity. 15
BODHI LEAD 12-14th July 2019 16
IH HASYA KAVI SAMMELAN 15th July 2019 fnukad 15-07-2019] lkseokj dks fgUnh gkL; dfo lEesyu dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA ;g dk;ZØe okf\"kZd lg&ikB~;Øe esa 'kkfey varlZnuh; izfr;ksfxrk FkhA d{kk NBh ls ckjgoha rd ds Nk= &Nk=kvksa us f'k{kko] copiu] jktuhfr] Hkz\"Vkpkj] eg¡xkbz] QS'ku] vk/kqfudyk] rduhd vkfn p;fur fo\"k;ksa ij O;aX;&izgkj dj n'kZdksa dks gkL; ls ljkcksj dj fn;kA fu.kkZ;d x.kksa esa Jherh fueZy gkM+k tks jktekrk d`\".kkdqekjh ifCyd Ldwy dh f'kf{kdk vkSj fgUnh dh fonq\"kh gSa rFkk MkW- vkdk'k fe/kk] tks tks/kiqj ds ukeh&fxjkeh dfo;ksa vkSj ys[kdksa esa 'kqekj gSa] mifLFkr FksA fu.kkZ;d x.kksa us cPpksa ds dfork&pquko vkSj mudh dkO; ikB dh dyk dks dkQh ljkgk] tks O;aX; ds lkFk&lkFk ekfeZd vkSj laosnuk ls vksr&izksr FkhA fgUnh lkfgR; dh bl fo/kk dks izksRlkgu vkSj vkus okyh ihf<+;ksa esa lapkfjr djus dh vko';drk gSA 17
GURU PURNIMA 16th July 2019 Bodhians paid their reverence to Shri Kamal Vijay Ji on the occasion of Guru Purnima with a special morning assembly. The day began with the melodious bhajan and prayer followed by students sharing their views on the significance of guru in one's life. 18
PARENTS BACK TO BENCHES 20th July 2019 “At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the posi ve involvement of parents.” The parents of Grades 6 to 8 were invited to experience the real classroom situa on. We created yet another opportunity for posi ve parental involvement with the ac vity named 'Parents Back to Benches', a real me classroom experience that made the parents feel nostalgic. This was an opportunity for them to understand how classrooms, teaching and learning have changed over a period of me. Also, an opportunity for them to understand how their children are taught, this has empowered them to assist their children be er when they seek parental help in academic ma ers. 19
BASTILLE DAY 27th July 2019 Being mul lingual is an apt step towards global ci zenship. The school understands this need and offers French as an addi onal language to the pupils. Bas lle- an exhibi on of French learning was organized as a promo ve celebra on of this beau ful language in the school. Par cipants presented conversa on and competed in a quiz. The spectators were amazed to see the confidence of par cipants and their fluency in the language. 20
IH BASKET BALL 27th July 2019 An IH Basketball compe ons for Grades 6-12 was held on the 27th July 2019 in the school courts. It was based on the knock out system; hard-line matches were conducted. The Chairman, Mr Naresh Bothra, graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour for the finals.Drona House won the match in Grades 6 to 8 category and Aryabha a House maintained the Ist posi on in grades 9 to 12 group. 21
IH ENGLISH PROVERBIAL TALES ENACTMENT 31th July 2019 Proverbs design the intelligent morality in mankind. An Inter House Proverbial Tale compe on was organized for the Middle Wing of the school. The houses presented a skit on the proverbs selected by them; the beauty of the event rested in the originally prepared scripts. The compe on was the celebra on of crea vity, morality, values and ethics when proverbs: fortune favors the bold; do not judge a book by its cover; if you play with fire, you will be burned; curiosity killed the cat: were drama zed.The audience was overwhelmed with the unique plot and drama cs. 22
MEDITATION SESSION 31th July 2019 foi';uk lk/kuk Hkkjr dh vR;Ur izkphu lk/kuk fof/k gSA bls xkSre cq) us vkt ls 2600 o\"kZ igys [kkst dj bls loZ lqyHk cuk;k FkkA foi';uk ,d izdkj dh lk/kuk gS tks xkSre cq) ds le; esa cgqr izpfyr jghA dgrs gSa fd lezkV v'kksd ds le; esa Hkh vf/kdka'k yksx foi';uk djrs gq, cgq lEiUu ,oa [kq'k FksA blh fof/k ls Hkkjr ds _f\"k&eqfu;ksa] larks&vjgarksa] cq)ksa o fl)ksa us eqfDr dh vksj c<+dj viuk thou lkFkZd fd;kA blh vk/;kfRed laink ls fons'kh Hkkjr esa ckj&ckj vkus ds bPNqd jgrs gSaA cksf/k bUVjus'kuy Ldwy esa foi';uk ds ckjs esa iw.kZ tkudkjh nsus gsrq ,d dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu Ldwy iz'kklu }kjk j[kk x;kA ftlesa lHkh f'k{kd o f'kf{kdkvksa dks foi';uk dh tkudkjh nsus ds fy, ,d fofM;ks fn[kk;k x;k lkFk gh muds lHkh iz'uksa dk mRrj Hkh fn;k x;kA bl tkudkjh ds ek/;e ls lHkh f'k{kd o f'kf{kdkvksa us ;s iz.k fy;k fd os fu;fer :i ls bl f'kfoj dk ykHk izkIr djrs jgsaxsA cksf/k bUVjus'kuy Ldwy ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks eu dh ,dkxzrk c<+kus ds fy, fiNys 5 o\"kksZa ls foi';uk lk/kuk ds izkfjEHkd pj.k ¼vkuk&ikuk lk/kuk½ djokbZ tk jgh gSA 23
STUDENT CORNER Recently I went to Columbia University for High School Program; I par cipated in the course- Changing the World via Venture Crea on. It was 3 week program which involved around 1200 students from all around the world. Columbia University being an IVY LEAGUE University houses the best professors from around the globe and an enormous campus in New York. It was a life-changing experience which exposed me to the student culture in the US. Being an interna onal student, it was not difficult for me to mingle up with other students and understand the lectures and presenta ons in the class. However, it taught me the importance of family and the surroundings. It taught me the importance of my country. The best part about the students there was that they were being nourished in every way possible. It was not just academics but also other elements of life like social service, sports, networking and other areas. The revela on that struck me was that our school offers numerous opportuni es to us everyday, but the problem is that we, the students, do not value them. On the contrary, the students over there look for opportuni es and value them. I am sure the day we start valuing the opportuni es given to us and look at life in a prac cal aspect, we will achieve things which we have never even thought about. Lakshya Bothra, Grade XII The young leaders program was an astonishing experience for me. I met other like minded students from all around the world. Staying and studying with people from 21 different na onali es, indeed sounded challenging ini ally but a er going there I realized that we were all sailing in the same boat; a li le confusion and a lot of excitement. I would say that I went along pre y well with other students. I have made life long cross border friendships. We are all connected through social media pla orms. Making new friends was one aspect of the program, another major aspect was academics. The stream op ons provided by the college were; social jus ce, commerce, design, arts, personality development, science and engineering, biomedicine and psychology. These streams align with the university of Melbourne's undergraduate degrees to give students valuable insight into what their future studies and career path might look like. My chosen stream was design. This stream was tailored for students who want to design a sustainable future and are interested in the need to ensure that their ci es become places that are sustainable, resilient, and liveable. They also taught us how buildings can be designed so they are energy and water efficient and s ll pleasant to work in. All of this was taught to us through a mixture of interac ve and innova ve workshops and seminars, fieldtrips to parks and gardens, energy efficient buildings and other colleges inside the university of Melbourne. Purvi Ta ya, Grade XI 24
STUDENT CORNER An Experience of a Life me Situated in Norton, Massachuse s which has a popula on of about only 10,000 people is Wheaton College offering various courses in different fields and summer programs for those looking for different life experiences. One such course was The Global Leaders Program, which consisted of 15 students of grades 11-12, aged 15 to 17, who were from 8 different countries from all over the world. The program offered development of different life skills mainly communica on and community building, and connec ng various fields of studies to business so as to bring a change in the world as a social entrepreneur. The two weeks course was planned as- First week: community building and having experiences in different fields of study such as Anthropology, Poli cal Science, Mathema cs, Physics, Chemistry, Data Visualiza on, Art and Design, etc; Second week: preparing 2 business plans, the first as grouped project which was to bring in a change in the society associated to a pre provided United Na ons Sustainable Development Goal, the second one was an individual one which was and can be created using own skills and available resources except of money. We also enjoyed rope course, community building exercises, visit to Museum of science, University visits. The 4th of July was a completely a different experience. We had some sports ac vi es in the morning followed by a water balloon fight. This was followed by dinner and a wiffle ball game with the College President. At night we went to Bridgewater to witness a firework show and relish some local food. The different universi es we visited were MIT, Boston University and Harvard. Over the two week period we made some new friends and were supported in each of our step by the 8 mentors who sacrificed their holidays to help us and make our visit a be er one, though I'm sure they enjoyed our company and had a great me with us. Personally, I miss the group and the mentors; I would love to go on another such program whenever I get such an opportunity. Such opportuni es are rare and give an experience of a life me; these adds so many stories and connec ons to your life. Himanshu Sethia, Grade XI 25
INNOVATIVE APPROACHES gS jk\"VªHkk\"kk Hkh vHkh rd ns'k esa dksbZ ugha] ge fut fopkj trk ldsa ftlls ijLij lc dghaA bl ;ksX; fgUnh gS rnfi vc rd u fut in ik ldh] Hkk\"kk fcuk HkkoSdrk vc rd u ge esa vk ldhA Hkkjro\"kZ tSls cgqHkk\"kh ns'k esa fgUnh Hkk\"kk dks eq[; /kkjk ls tksM+s j[kus] Hkk\"kk f'k{k.k dh xq.koÙkk c<+kus rFkk fo|kfFkZ;ksa esa ijLij euksHkkoksa dh ,drk dk fodkl djus ds fy, ,d vVwV iz;kl dh vko';drk gSA vkt ;s okLrfodrk gS fd tgk¡ fo|ky; esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ekr`Hkk\"kk vkSj fo|ky; dh Hkk\"kk leku ugha gS ,slh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa cgqHkk\"kkokn ds izfr tkx:drk vkSj ldkjkRed le> ds lkFk&lkFk viuh ekr`Hkk\"kk dk fodkl vkSj mlds tM+ ls Lo;a dks tksM+s j[kuk vfr vko';d gks x;k gSA fo|ky; ds ikB~;Øe ds vUrxZr fofo/k fo/kkvksa vkSj lgikB~;Øe lEcU/kh fØ;kdykiksa dk lekos'k fd;k x;k gSA blesa okpu dkS'ky] Jo.k dkS'ky] ys[ku dkS'ky ds lkFk&lkFk eapu ,oa izLrqfr dk lekos'k Hkh fd;k x;k gSA dkS'ky ls gekjk vFkZ lPps vFkksZa esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh dyk vFkok gquj dks fu[kkjuk vkSj mudks viuh Hkkoukvksa dh vfHkO;fDr ds fy, pkSrjQk volj iznku djuk gh ugha vfirq mu voljksa ij [kjk mrjus ds fy, [kqn dks l{ke cukuk Hkh gSA blds rgr ikB~;Øe esa Hkk\"kk] lkfgR;] ys[ku ,oa vusdksa d{kk lEcU/kh xfrfof/k;ksa dks lekosf'kr fd;k x;k gSA fupyh d{kkvksa esa ukSfugkyksa ds eklwe o rstLoh efLr\"d dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, Hkk\"kk f'k{kk ,oa xfrfof/k;ksa dks T;knkrj mPpkj.k] iBu] okpu] izn'kZu] eapu] n`';& Jo.k vk/kkfjr j[kk x;k gSA tks cPpksa esa xzkg~; {kerk dks fo'ks\"k vkSj mPp cukrk gSA lgikB~;Øe ,oa ikB~;Øe lEcU/kh xfrfof/k;ksa ds vUrxZr vR;Ur Rofjr fØ;kdykiksa dk vk;kstu ,oa d{kk esa Rofjr jpukRed ij[k dh O;oLFkk ds cgqvk;keh ,oa ldkjkRed ifj.kke lkeus vk, gSaA gkL; dfo lEesyu] uqDdM+ ukVd] ,dy vfHkO;fDr] dFkk eapu] ukVd ¼,dkadh vk/kkfjr½ ,oa vusd jlksa ij vk/kkfjr dfork ikB tSlh vusdksa xfrfof/k;ksa }kjk fo|kfFkZ;ksa esa cksyus] laokn lEizs\"k.k] ;knnk'r c<+kus rFkk vfHkO;fDr dh {kerk dk fodkl fd;k tkrk jgk gSA gky gh esa i= ys[ku ds ek/;e ls vius ekrk&firk dks /kU;okn Kkfir djus dh xfrfof/k }kjk ckyeu dks vius ifjokj vkSj laLdkjksa ls tksM+s j[kus dk iz;kl fd;k x;kA ;g vuojr iz;kl lnSo vkSj fujUrj tkjh jgsxk rHkh gekjh Hkk\"kk viuh lkSa/kh [kq'kcw ds lkFk Hkkjro\"kZ dks leLr olq/kk ls tksM+us esa l{ke gks ik,xhA Hkk\"kk ;fn o`{k gS rks ekr`Hkk\"kk mldh tM+ gSa tks mls l{kerk] fLFkjrk vkSj izk.k nsrh gSA mls lhaprh gSA vr% bl ewy dks vej cukuk gekjk ije drZO; vkSj gekjh ijEijk gSA vatqyk 'ks[kj fgUnh foHkkx izeq[k 26
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