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BIS PYP Newsletter

Published by Akshay, 2020-11-10 18:32:36

Description: BIS PYP Newsletter October 2020


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IB PYP Candidate School PYP Newsletter OCTOBER - 2020 IB Mission and School Mission Principal’s Message PYP Coordinator’s Message Glimpses of the month that went by Learning in PYP Through Inquiry . Unit Write-up of Grade 2 . Grade 4 Teachers’ Corner Events in PYP Activity Coordinator’s Message . Camlin Art Competition work . World Students Day . World Food Day . Navratri and Dusherra . Halloween Students’ Corner Birthdays (Students and Teachers) Upcoming Month

EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2017-18 2018-19 International Day Schools International Day Schools EW INDIA SCHOOL EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2017-2018 RANKINGS 2018-219 2019-20 International Day Schools EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2019-20 EW GRAND JURY AWARDS 2016-17 2017-18 3rd 8th Emerging High‑Potential EW GRAND JURY Schools AWARD 2017‑18 EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2016‑17 2018-19 2019-20 5 th 3rd EW GRAND JURY Career Counseling Leaders AWARD 2018‑19 EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2019‑20

IB Mission and School MIssion IB MISSION STATEMENT The Interna onal Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a be er and more peaceful world through inter cultural understanding and respect. To this end the organiza on works with schools, governments and interna onal organiza ons to develop challenging programmes of interna onal educa on and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become ac ve, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. SCHOOL MISSION We develop interna onally minded ci zens of dynamic and crea ve psyche with inter cultural understanding and compassion for others who dare to act on their values, through holis c development of each child’s spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emo onal and physical a ributes.

From the Principal’s Desk Charles Darwin famously said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” Never was this truer than in the present era. However, if one thinks of it, this statement has been true through the ages and has been the guiding principle through which we all have 'evolved'. I use the word evolved in its general sense as dealing with change rather than with evolu on. Educa on has gone through its own changes and over the years we have moved from literacy to educa on. We have moved from facts to applica on. We have moved from students being imparted knowledge by the teacher to the student being an ac ve par cipant in the process. We have moved from knowledge­based outcome of educa on to skill­based outcome. This shi has happened gradually but starkly. It has partly been a response to modern needs and innova ons; and partly due to technological advances. The one quality that has changed in today's students as opposed to those from the last century is their level of confidence. There is far greater confidence in conver ng knowledge into ideas which is a major no ceable shi . The students, these days, directly deal with the ideas that they extract from knowledge. They have understood the very essence of life that knowledge is universal and is accessible to everyone without any bias. To stand out, one needs to mould out an innova ve idea from the knowledge gained. This is what will make the difference. This paradigm shi has enhanced the confidence of the learner and made them comfortable in working with their own ideas as well as those of others. Cambridge Board lists this as one of its five a ributes, which their curriculum develops. Along with the development of confidence in working with ideas comes the willingness to take intellectual risks as well as skills of explora on, cri cal thinking, analysis and that of evalua on of all aspects in a balanced manner. We, at Bodhi Interna onal School ac vely propagate the same and enhance it star ng with the Student Agency at PYP and leading up to the young adult who leaves the school to enter university life post the A level examina on. Brahmam Bodhi! Kishor Joshi Principal

From the PYP Coordinator’s Desk Dear Parents, It is hard to believe that we are already into the eighth month of the online learning pla orm. The teachers and students con nue to work together diligently towards the common goal of uninterrupted teaching and learning. We have had some pre y amazing experiences along with some road blocks and, we learnt something from each one of them. Keeping the posi ve momentum, we truly hope that things would get be er soon and the school corridors get back to their noisy selves filled with students' laughter and cha er. The first edi on of the PYP newsle er was widely appreciated and I would like to express my gra tude for all feedback received. This month's newsle er includes ar cles from teachers of Grade 4 and Seedlings, a peep into what students have been learning through inquiry and with the help of more knowledgeable others and guest speakers, the celebra on of fes vals of Navaratri and Dussehra , 'Interna onal Food Day' which was observed to create awareness of global issues of hunger and food wastage and many more items which will give you an insight of the incredible work your children are doing. In our con nuous effort to celebrate an IB Leaner profile a ribute each month, we will be providing opportuni es and planning ac vi es for the students in an age appropriate manner. The profile for the month of NOVEMBER is PRINCIPLED. We seek your support as partners in the learning journey of your child's journey and would like to suggest a few ways in which you may support the development of the same at home. You are also requested to inform your child's teacher should you observe your child making informed choices as an outcome of these ac vi es.

From the PYP Coordinator’s Desk Profile of the month ­ Activities for parents: PRINCIPLED · Involve your child in deciding on the rules for a game or activity and then ensure that they stick to the ones that have been decided upon. · Encourage your child to play games that involve teams. Discuss with your child the qualities of a team player. What sort of person would they want on their team? · When your child wins a game, insist that he or she is a well­mannered winner. They might want to thank their opponent or shake hands with them if that is appropriate. · When playing a game, don't change the rules or let your child win. Being a gracious loser is just as important as being a good winner. Please do see the PYP glossary for a be er understanding of the Primary Years Programme. If you have any ques ons or would like to see something in the newsle er, please contact me at: [email protected]. Happy reading! Brahmam Bodhi Shikha Srivastava PYP Coordinator

From the PYP Coordinator’s Desk Glossary of PYP Key Concepts – The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) is driven by seven key concepts which give the inquiries, direction and meaning. All units of inquiry are driven by 2­3 key concepts each. \"The concepts that drive the PYP are timeless (factual examples change, but not the core understanding), universal (so students can apply understandings across cultures, situations and disciplines) and abstract (so students engage in higher order thinking to grapple with central ideas).” ­Shannon O'Dwyer The seven key concepts for the PYP program are: Key Concept Question Definition Form What is it like? The understanding that everything has a form with recognizable features that can be observed, identified, described and categorized. Function How does it work? The understanding that everything has a purpose, a role or way of behaving that can be investigated. Causation Why is it like this? The understanding that things do not just happen, that there are causal relationships at work, and that actions have consequences. Change How is it changing? The understanding that change is the process of movement from one state to another. It is universal and inevitable. Connection How is it connected The understanding that we live in a world of interacting to other things? systems in which the actions of any individual element affect others. Perspective What are the points The understanding that knowledge is moderated by of view? perspectives; different perspectives lead to different interpretations, understandings and findings; perspectives may be individual, group, cultural or disciplinary. Responsibility What is our The understanding that people make choices based on their responsibility? understandings, and the actions they take as a result do make a difference.

Glimpses of the Month

Learning Through Inquiry

Unit of Inquiry Grade 2 A smooth trajectory for our curious Second Graders inquiring into the Transdisciplinary Theme, 'How we organize ourselves', started with a Tuning In session where Children realized that following timetable, arranging their books in racks and maintaining a planner is essential to do things in a specific order. This became our motto ­ “Everything has a place. Let us put it where it belongs.” Finding out Children became inquirers and began the groundwork which helped them to understand the meaning and relevance of an Organization and its purpose better, leading to the first line of inquiry­ “Purpose of an Organization.” Virtual classes, because of Covid 19, became the true­life example of an organization working for a common purpose. Sorting out Children celebrated Janmashtami, wherein Pot breaking activity was a wonderful example of teamwork. Hence, ”Interconnectedness of people in an organization”, our second line of inquiry was focused. The students also learnt how to sort things out in their rooms and learnt how to organize their work and living space. Before After

Unit of Inquiry Grade 2 Going further While inquiring about organizations, children had a virtual tour of the BIS and interviewed Principal, PYPC, PRO and EA to PYP. It helped the little learners know about the structure and interconnectedness of teams in an organization. Making Conclusions Students realized how teamwork, collaboration and interconnectedness are important for smooth functioning of the organization. Hence third line of inquiry­ “What makes an organization successful” was reinforced. Action Children showed they are openminded inquirers, denoting great communication and thinking skills by spreading creativity.

Unit of Inquiry Grade 2

Facilitated by ­ Ms Upasna Joshi Ms Shikha Kapoor Ms Mohini Bishnoi Ms Vandana Ms Maitry Singh Mr Ravi Charan Bhudhwani

Grade - 4 I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do. By:­ Jana Stanfield Keeping care and compassion in mind, we kick started the month with our new unit SHARING THE PLANET. To express their utmost excitement and enthusiasm for Mother Earth, our students indulged in numerous activities to share their thoughts. SEE THINK WONDER KWL (Know + Want to Know + Learnt) Chart

Grade - 4 Mind Maps & Flow Charts Activities helped our students to understand the importance of nature and its resources in our life, and realise the desperate need to curb and cure this infectious environment by taking small steps and big decisions in our day to day life. With the help of these activities, they were able to broaden their horizons and address the problem at hand and find solutions for the same. Continuing on the same line of thought, we celebrated World Food Day on 16th October, 2020. On this special occasion, students participated in a cooking competition and shared their food with people around them to honor them for their selfless service towards mankind in these tough times. Such acts of kindness help restore our faith in humanity and make world a better place to be around.

Grade - 4

Teachers’ Corner MAGIC OF MATHEMATICS IN OUR LIFE “Without Mathema cs there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathema cs. Everything around you is numbers.” ­ Ms Shakuntala Devi Mathema cs is the cradle of all crea ons, without which the world cannot move an inch. Be it a cook or a farmer, a carpenter or a mechanic, everyone needs mathema cs in her/his day­to­day life. There are countless examples of mathema cal pa erns in nature's fabric, snails make their shells, spiders design their webs, and bees build hexagonal combs. We, at Bodhi help students intertwine their mathema cal capability through tricks and ac vi es which makes mathema cs easier and enjoyable for them. To develop cri cal thinking skills, we indulge students in Math puzzles, riddles, hands on learning ac vi es which encourage them to become alert and open­minded. From a very tender age, we emphasise on conceptual learning which helps students lay a strong founda on for their building blocks. Effec ve means of learning Mathema cs We, at Bodhi give pla orm to our young minds which enables them, even in this current virtual arena to discuss and share their mathema cal problems and queries. Bodhi Interna onal School has successfully played a very cri cal role in developing student's interest for the subject by successfully organizing online mental math quiz. Peer Teaching Collaborative learning Reasons to Love Math 1. It doesn't change its answer for a par cular problem. 2. There's one right answer for any problem, but different ways to get there. 3. Numbers help us understand the world, and Math helps us understand numbers. Ms Shweta Solanki Grade 4 Facilitator

Teachers’ Corner How to keep your child engaged during the COVID me. Our lives have been on a roller coaster ride since the onset of the COVID pandemic. We have adjusted to this new normal way of life as we con nue to work. These changes and rela ve adjustments have le our li le ones dazed, confused and scared. To prevent them from ge ng infected, their interac ons and movements have been confined to the four walls of their house. Students of the younger age are full of energy, expression and enthusiasm and their inquisi ve minds are never at rest. Keeping pace with their curious and overtly ac ve minds is a bigger challenge for the parents than adjus ng to the new normal. O en, I encounter queries from parents asking me for sugges ons on how to engage children at home with minimalis c screen me. To help such parents, I am sharing some ideas which may help them to plan the rou ne of their child. 1. Plan a rou ne together – Instead of planning the day for your child, take their inputs on how they would want to spend their day. Plan the day in collabora on with them which would enable them to take responsibility of their own me and ac ons. 2. Developing the art of cooking – Cooking together is always fun. Children can be engaged in flameless cooking like Oreo cakes, chocolates from the cookies, coconut balls, sandwiches, lemonade etc. This would not only keep them engaged but will also help them in developing their fine motor skills. 3. Developing daily hygiene and cleanliness – Encourage your child to clean up a er play or any other ac vity. They may not do it with perfec on but they should be encouraged to organize their room, their toys, they should learn to make their bed. 4. Let them explore some nature – Feeling the morning breeze, watching the sunrise, sunset, stars at night, playing in the sand, watering plants, exploring mini bugs, finding symmetry in nature together can be fun.

Teachers’ Corner 5. Fun moments – Read some interes ng books to them with moral values. Dance and sing together, capture the moments and create some new memories. 6. Reflec on of the day – Talk to them at the end of the day. Discuss how their day was. Ask them to paint the most exci ng and boring moment of the day and why they find it so and what would they like to do differently the next day. Hope that my sugges ons would enable you to strengthen your bond with your child making him more independent in thoughts and ac ons in return. Ms Khushboo Soni Seedlings Facilitator


Activity Coordinator’s Message “The greatest threast to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it”. By:‐ Robert Swan The month of October was indeed a magical month, a month full of hope, dreams, imagina on, commitment, and everything that pushes us towards a be er tomorrow. All of this was achieved with the help of Camlin Drawing Compe on, conducted on 5th October, 2020. With trembling hands, and fingers soiled in paint, our li le painters painted their canvases with the colors of their true imagina on. In hope of a be er world for their cohabitants on this planet, they splashed colors for safeguarding their very own wildlife, and the environment that hugs them, like a mother enfolds her child into her arms to raise and protect him from every danger. These li le ar sts portrayed care, empathy, worry for the wildlife and environment. Their ny hands helped us peek into reality and introspect, which in turn made us aware of our distasteful wrongdoings that were not only hur ng the ecosystem but also unmasking us to see our real selves. We need to stop, give a pause and think what kind of a world are we living in and what are we offering to the coming genera ons. These young minds have sparked a fire in us which has made us think…, think…. and think a lot about the sustainability of our ecosystem. With head held high and folded hands, I urge our Caring, Reflec ve, Open‐ minded, and Knowledgeable young Bodhians to awaken the community around them through their true generosity and sensi vity towards sustaining our resources for a be er tomorrow. “The Earth is fine place and worth figh ng for.” By:‐ Ernest Hemingway Bramham Bodhi Radhika Sisodia PYP Ac vi es Coordinator

Camlin Art Work 05th October 2020 The Camlin art compe on was held on 5th October 2020. The PYP phase of Bodhi Interna onal School took part and splashed hues of colours to promote the cause. The theme of the event was 'Save the animals'. It was a part of the 'World Wildlife Week' celebra on. Through this compe on, the students were exposed to varied forms of wild flora and fauna. They also discussed the various challenges faced by the wildlife and the role of human beings to protect it. The students used Camlin oil pastels and plas c crayons to make beau ful posters to promote the theme. They suggested beau ful and innova ve ideas to safeguard the wildlife. The enthusiasm of the students was praiseworthy as they sketched their favourite animals. They also took a pledge to work for the promo on of the cause. It was again a virtual compe on and the Bodhians proved their me le yet again and excelled. Glimpses of the Event

·World Students’ day 15th October 2020 “One of the very important characteris cs of a student is to ques on. Let the students ask ques ons.” ­ Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam One of the most loving President of India, Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam was a scien st who made India proud with his Missile Defence Programme. He always remained a teacher at heart and that is how he wanted to be remembered as. Dr Kalam has a special place in Indian history as a scien st, teacher and a fine human being. Celebra ng his birth anniversary, as 'World Students' Day' is a befi ng ode to the great man. To mark this day, we, at Bodhi, dedicated the day to 'Ac vity – Based Learning', to educate, brighten and enlighten the young minds. The theme of the event was 'Learning from people about the planet, prosperity, and peace.' It was a non­academic day, aimed at specific learning outcomes that would result in developing our students to be more Open Minded, Knowledgeable, Principled and Reflec ve in nature. The students were able to make connec ons with the life events of Dr Kalam and gained moral values from those events. They were able to reflect on the IB Learner Profiles, Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam had according to them, and were able to reason it out. The event concluded with a student's pledge to make this world a be er place to live.

·World Students’ day 15th October 2020 Pledge I pledge to be an open minded and principled thinker, to do my best to have a healthy, caring and posi ve a tude. I will be commi ed to learning through inquiry and showing enthusiasm each day. I believe that quality and crea ve work equals success. I can use my knowledge and curiosity to be successful in the world. I will be reflec ve in my thoughts and a communicator of learning from people about the planet, prosperity and peace.

·World Food Day 16th October 2020 \"The 'hunger' virus kills about 8,000 children a day and the vaccine of it exists, it's called food\". On 16th October, we celebrated Interna onal Food Day which is dedicated to tackle global hunger. Students discussed and shared their food habits and ways to avoid wastage of food by doing the log ac vity. Some other ac vi es like lemonade making, no flame cooking, making food picture graphs etc. were done by different grades. Sharing the food with the needy ones to let them know how their contribu on can help the poor people to get the food they deserve was another ac vity. This helped the students to understand how to reduce the global hunger which the whole world is facing. Glimpses of the Event

Navratri and Dusherra 23rd October 2020 Keeping the fes ve spirit alive, students of Seedlings to Grade 2 had a virtual Navratri and Dussehra celebra on. The celebra on started with a prayer to seek the blessings of Goddess Durga. Students learned about the importance of nine days of Navratri, stories of Goddess Durga and Dussehra were shown and narrated, concluding on how the fes val symbolizes victory of good over evil. Dressed up in tradi onal a re, students enjoyed fun­filled cra ac vi es like decora ng dandiya s cks, making paper dolls, making models of Ravan, designing dresses for Garba and making eco friendly rangoli. At the end, they also danced to the fes ve music with their siblings and family members. Glimpses of the Event

Halloween 31st October 2020 Halloween is observed in many countries on 31st October. It is dedicated to remembering the dead, including the saints, martyrs and all the faithful departed. The PYP phase of Bodhi Interna onal School celebrated Halloween with much enthusiasm. The students turned up as spooky characters and enjoyed the event. They discussed the facts and history behind Halloween; sang and danced; and played tricks to scare each other. The parents came up with scary and impressive Halloween make­up ideas for their children who wore them with panache. The children made posters and cards showing Halloween se ngs and decorated their study area with creepy pumpkins, balloons and wreaths. They also played ‘Trick or treat’ with their parents and other family members. Glimpses of the Event

Students’ Corner Blossoms While understanding the concept of capacity in Math, the young learners of Blossoms chose the objects of their own and decorated them with pulses, beads, oats etc. showcasing empty, full, and half ­ full jars. Blossoms The young Bodhians explored their creative thinking skills through art and craft in integration with their current UOI “Stories” under the transdisciplinary theme “ How we Express Ourselves”. They had a better understanding of stories and showed their learning in a fun­filled way.

Students’ Corner A Date with Grandparents: Children interacted with their grandparents and inquired about their early days' lifestyle and eating habits. They had a peek into their childhood and learnt few good lessons. 3­D Shapes Models were made by Grade ­ 1 children to have a better understanding of shapes.

Students’ Corner House Models: House models were made by Grade ­1 children as part of their unit 'Where we are in place and time'. Rocket writing is an effective strategy to check the prior knowledge of the child. Grade 2 did rocket writing in the classroom as a tuning in activity during the inquiry time. Students were supposed to write fast on their hand made Rocket drawing after watching a video shown to them. Children expressed their opinion and imagination.

BiHrAthP PdYay Buds Seedlings Harshita Bhati, 10th October Khyati Bothra, 22nd October Avik Tyagi, 23rd October Arham Kawar, 24th October Blossoms Grade 1 Grade 2 Rudrakshee Shekhawat, 10th October Shrey Jain, 10th October Himanshi Bhagwani, 10th October Manas Bishnoi, 12th October Netratva Khatri, 10th October Gaurav Vyas, 23rd October Adit Soni, 16th October Divyangana Singh Nirwania, 23rd October Agneet Raj Bhandari, 21st October Grade 4 Grade 3 Raghuvansh Gurjar, 09th October Vidhiraj Singh Rathore, 04th October Abeer Nagra, 22nd October Taksh Bhandari, 17th October Saarthak Sharma, 18th October Grade 5 Raghav Gehlot, 09th October Hardik Bohra, 10th October Anannya Chakraborty, 27th October

BiHrAthP PdYay Teachers Ms Shweta Kachhwaha 25th October Mr Kishor Joshi 27th October

Upcoming Month  Current Trans Disciplinary Theme  Month: November  Seedlings: How we express ourselves  Buds: How we organize ourselves (Communities)  Blossoms: How we express ourselves (Stories)  Grade 1: How the world works  Grade 2: Sharing the planet  Grade 3: Who we are  Grade 4: Sharing the Planet  Grade 5: How we express ourselves Newsletter Committee: Shikha Srivastava, Khushboo Mehta, Khushboo Soni, Suman Bharti, Kirtika Mehta, Renu Bhati, Nisha Chettri Vandana Budhwani, Pooja Purohit, Radhika Sisodia, Shakuntala Yadav.

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