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BIS PYP School Newsletter

Published by Akshay, 2021-01-09 04:54:56

Description: BIS PYP School Newsletter December 2020


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IB PYP Candidate School PYP Newsletter DECEMBER - 2020 IB Mission and School Mission Principal’s Message PYP Coordinator’s Message Glimpses of the month that went by Learning in PYP Through Inquiry . Unit Write-up of Grade 3 Teachers’ Corner Events in PYP . Hindi Katha Lekhan . Hindi Katha Manchan . Joy of Giving . Christmas Celebration . Camlin Art competition results . End of Unit Celebration Students’ Corner Birthdays (Students and Teachers) Upcoming Month

EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2020-21 2019-20 International Day Schools International Day Schools EW INDIA SCHOOL EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2020-21 RANKINGS 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 International Day Schools International Day Schools EW INDIA SCHOOL EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2018-219 RANKINGS 2017-2018 EW GRAND JURY AWARDS 2019-20 2018-19 3rd 5 th Career Counseling Leaders EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2018‑19 EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2019‑20 2017-18 2016-17 8th 3rd EW GRAND JURY Emerging High‑Potential AWARD 2017‑18 Schools EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2016‑17

IB Mission and School MIssion IB MISSION STATEMENT The Interna onal Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a be er and more peaceful world through inter cultural understanding and respect. To this end the organiza on works with schools, governments and interna onal organiza ons to develop challenging programmes of interna onal educa on and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become ac ve, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. SCHOOL MISSION We develop interna onally minded ci zens of dynamic and crea ve psyche with inter cultural understanding and compassion for others who dare to act on their values, through holis c development of each child’s spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emo onal and physical a ributes.

From the Principal’s Desk There have been various ways in which 2020 has been described. The memories associated with it are mostly of trials and tribula ons, but these also include stories of compassion, generosity and perseverance. However, the end of the year has brought a glimmer of hope and expecta on in the form of Covid vaccine. December is normally the month of taking stock of the year gone by and of making plans for the new year. The most cliched way for this is the much maligned and li le followed path of “The New year Resolu ons”. However, 2020 has been one year which has made the whole of humanity introspect like no other year in our collec ve memory. I firmly believe that at an individual level, we should look within and make certain commitments to ourselves so as to ensure be er future and avoidance of a similar scenario during our life mes. There have been a lot of tales of heroism demonstrated by different types of individuals and professionals during these tes ng mes. The list of these heroic individuals is populated with frontline medical workers, staff involved in keeping distribu on chains func oning smoothly and the care­givers looking a er the aged and disabled. In all of these and more, the one group of professionals who o en get overlooked are the teachers. This group of professionals swung into ac on and con nue to be in the thick of things through all this. They have seen that there is no pause in educa on. This has been done with minimal infrastructure updates. The teachers have once again shown their adaptability in making use of the resources available to them. They have for most part smoothly transi oned from a mode of teaching perfected over years to an untested mode of teaching with zero prepara on me. I, for one, believe that the year 2020 would be remembered for the adaptability of the teachers as much as for other things. The success of teachers would not have been possible without the stellar contribu ons of two groups. First, the students who took to the new method of learning with li le fuss, and over a period of me adapted to it with elan. Along the way, they kept alive and even honed their skills of classroom disrup ons in the new media. They managed to keep the teachers on their toes despite the change in teaching methods. That aside, they have kept their own educa onal progress on track. The second group is the parents who had to make major adjustments to their working schedule to help their children navigate through the technology driven classes and also arrange for devices and upgrada on of peripherals to get their child to keep abreast with the educa on. Let us end 2020 with the hope of a be er 2021, but not without introspec ng, analysing and making firm resolu ons. Let us end the year with a befi ng salute to the heroes within our community and move forward with the assurance that 2021 will bring us more compassion, empathy and dedica on. Happy 2021!! Brahmam Bodhi Kishor Joshi Principal

From the PYP Coordinator’s Desk “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gra tude is happiness doubled by wonder.” – G.K. Chesterton Dear Bodhian Parent, It's amazing to see that the end of this unusual year has arrived so quickly. As a school, we have had successes and some challenges, yet despite all, we con nued the work that had to be done to ensure the safety and educa onal needs of our students. There could be a no be er me to celebrate the end of this year, to celebrate our accomplishments, to celebrate our solidarity and to pray for those who have lost their near and dear ones to the pandemic. To begin with, hear est congratula ons to all the stakeholders as Bodhi Interna onal School has bagged the coveted Educa on World Award 2020 for being the 'Best Interna onal School' in Rajasthan for the fourth consecu ve year. The award appropriately reflects the endless hours Bodhi teachers and staff have spent on impar ng holis c educa on to its students. I thank you all for the support and pa ence you have shown towards Bodhi in these past 8 months. Your coopera on has undoubtedly encouraged us to con nue working hard in making our students' learning uninterrupted, meaningful and enjoyable. Your feedback is important to us as we strive to work towards making BIS a be er place for our teaching and learning community. My hear elt gra tude to our hard working and caring faculty and staff who have made a huge difference to our students. Their commitment is outstanding and our kids are the beneficiaries. I thank each one of them for providing rich, engaging and well­rounded experiences to our students while knowing that educa on is about fostering curiosity on the virtual pla orm along with development of social skills. For these, and a million other things, we are truly grateful. For your informa on, the IB Authoriza on Visit is scheduled to take place on the 4th and 5th of February 2021. It will be the result of all our hard work in ge ng systems and prac ces in place as per the IB's specifica ons. The visit will be similar to the consultant's visit last December; however, the pla orm will be virtual this me. Team PYP is all geared up and seeks your support and wishes as always. I hope that you are able to spend some quality me with your child. Please do ensure that you have family talk me where you PLAY and READ together. Wishing all a very happy and healthy 2021! Brahmam Bodhi Mrs Shikha Srivastava PYP Coordinator

From the PYP Coordinator’s Desk Glossary of PYP Key Concepts – The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) is driven by seven key concepts which give the inquiries, direction and meaning. All units of inquiry are driven by 2­3 key concepts each. \"The concepts that drive the PYP are timeless (factual examples change, but not the core understanding), universal (so students can apply understandings across cultures, situations and disciplines) and abstract (so students engage in higher order thinking to grapple with central ideas).” ­Shannon O'Dwyer The seven key concepts for the PYP program are: Key Concept Question Definition Form What is it like? The understanding that everything has a form with recognizable features that can be observed, identified, described and categorized. Function How does it work? The understanding that everything has a purpose, a role or way of behaving that can be investigated. Causation Why is it like this? The understanding that things do not just happen, that there are causal relationships at work, and that actions have consequences. Change How is it changing? The understanding that change is the process of movement from one state to another. It is universal and inevitable. Connection How is it connected The understanding that we live in a world of interacting to other things? systems in which the actions of any individual element affect others. Perspective What are the points The understanding that knowledge is moderated by of view? perspectives; different perspectives lead to different interpretations, understandings and findings; perspectives may be individual, group, cultural or disciplinary. Responsibility What is our The understanding that people make choices based on their responsibility? understandings, and the actions they take as a result do make a difference.

Glimpses of the Month

Learning Through Inquiry

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Unit of Inquiry Grade 3

Facilitated by ­ Mrs Upasna Parihar Mrs Mallika Chakraborty Mrs Pooja Purohit Mrs Shakuntala Yadav

Teachers’ Corner Communica on between Parents and Teachers: Road to Success There's plenty of evidence that shows posi ve communica on between parents and teachers helps improve academic performance. Effec ve communica on builds understanding and trust. When teachers and parents understand and trust each other, it goes a long way in children's wellbeing and development. As child's greatest role models, parents should get involved in their schooling, rather than si ng back and le ng teacher handle it all. The child needs to see the importance we put in their educa on. As teachers, we know each child and his/her learning style but s ll some children struggle with it. It's important to understand that there may be other issues affec ng their learning at school. So, ongoing communica on of parents and teacher is essen al to ensure the issue is handled while the child is in class. Parent­teacher mee ngs are a great opportunity to communicate where both the stakeholders can track the child academically and socially. Rather than these formal mee ngs, there are a lot of other ways to stay in touch and to create a posi ve two­way rela onship like volunteering in classroom or by adding comments in homework. Smooth communica on between parents and teachers allow regular check on child's progress and monitor the areas of excellence as well as the areas where they need a li le extra support. The important part is it's a three­way rela onship ­ parents, teacher and the child and only by communica ng and working together posi vely, we can help the children achieve their full poten al. Suman Bhar


Hindi Katha Lekhan 22nd December 2020

Hindi Katha Lekhan Result Grade Student Name Position Grade 3 A Rudrakhsh Rajpurohit 1st Prajwal Baheti 2nd 3rd Jaivardhan Jhakar 1st Grade 3 B Kashvi Jain 2nd Aayush Arora 3rd Yashi Chowdhary 1st Grade 3 C Myra Jain 2nd Vihaan Daga 3rd Taksh Bhandari 1st Grade 4 A Darshil Daga 2nd Aaditya Jain 3rd Aakhaya Rathod & Aryan Bhansali 1st Grade 4 B Advita Saraswat 2nd Arisha Bhandari & Raghuvansh Gurjar 3rd Krishang Daga & Mishti Chetwani

Hindi Katha Lekhan Result Grade Student Name Position Grade 5 A Aniket Singh 1st Pragya Jain 2nd Dev Singhvi 3rd Grade 5 B Rudransh S Bhati 1st Lakshika Joshi 2nd 3rd Vihaan Kumbhat & Sia Manhas

Hindi Katha Manchan 22nd December 2020 fganh dFkk eapu çfr;ksfxrk cksf/k vUrjkZ\"Vªh; fo|ky; esa çkFkfed Lrj ds Nk=ksa esa fganh fo\"k; ds çfr #fp tkx`r djus gsrq fofHkUu igyqvksa dh igpku djokus ds fy,] fofo/k ikBksa ds lanHkZ esa vklikl ds ifjos'k ls mUgsa tksM+dj fo\"k; dks #fp xr cuk;k tk jgk gSA o Lrjkuqlkj jkspd vkSj fofo/krk iw.kZ cky lkfgR; dks Hkh blesa 'kkfey fd;k tk jgk gS] tSls& fofHkUu dfork,¡] dgkfu;k¡] o dFkk,aA fganh dFkk eapu çfr;ksfxrk ds varxZr lHkh Nk=ksa us #fp iwoZd blesa Hkkx fy;k o eueksgd çn'kZu fd;k A dgkfu;ksa ds ek/;e ls lHkh Nk=ksa us buls feyus okyh f'k{kkvksa dks le>k o fofHkUu ik=ksa dh Hkwfedk dk vfo'oluh; vfHku; çnf'kZr fd;k tks fd cgqr ljkguh; jgkA bl çdkj lHkh ckyd bl fo\"k; esa v/;;u dj jgs gSaA o blls muesa viuh çfrfØ;k,a O;ä djus] ç'u iwNus o i<+us dh {kerk dk Hkh mfpr fodkl gks jgk gSA Glimpses of the Event

Hindi Katha Manchan Result Grade Student Name Position Blossoms A Arsh 1st Viraj & Hiyansh 2nd 3rd Prabal 1st Blossoms B Devmani 2nd Amaria, Jhanvi & Manasvi 3rd Kalp 1st 2nd Grade 1 A Anwita Arora 3rd Ayan Agarwal & Anay Bhandari Abhigya Bishnoi & Mitaksh Singhvi 1st 2nd Grade 1 B Chahak Gupta 3rd Adviti Anand Ananya Lodha & Parth Pamnani 1st 2nd Grade 1 C Kanak Vardhan Singh Bhati 3rd Parth Bhansali Samarth Kachawaha

Hindi Katha Manchan Result Grade Student Name Position Grade 2 A Shaurya 1st Atharva Ramchandani 2nd 3rd Shreya 1st Grade 2 B Shoneil 2nd Yuvraj Chetwani 3rd Hardik Khubchandani 1st Grade 2 C Kashvi Jain 2nd Samrat 3rd Aarush Parakh & Harshil Chaudhary

Joy of Giving 24th December 2020 If we have no peace, it is because we have forgo en that we belong to each other. ­ Mother Teresa ­ The most natural condi on of being human is as a Community. If we are not connected to our community, we truly cease to exist in our most peaceful form. The most natural connec on we have with our human beings is through the act of giving, for by giving we become more complete, and when we become complete, the 'community' becomes complete. In a way, giving is an act towards self­fulfilment. As they say, the more we give of ourselves, the more we find ourselves. Or as Mahatma Gandhi said, “To find yourself, lose yourself in the service of others.” Have you ever wondered why truly giving from the heart fills your life with joy and nourishes your soul? When one receives a gi , it fulfills the most basic human need, that of being appreciated and cared for. When we give something, we, in fact, share that very feeling of being loved, cared for and respected. Therefore, giving provides an intrinsic reward that's far more valuable than the gi itself, that of community and shared experiences. In these winters, the one shared experience we all want is that of warmth and a full stomach. In that spirit, the teachers of Bodhi Interna onal have got together to provide daily ra on as well as blankets to the staff that helps maintain the school in its prime form, even in the nooks and crannies and at the most ground level. This act of reciproca ng their stellar service with a small token of apprecia on brings the en re Bodhi Interna onal Community closer together in these trying mes. Years of human history confirm that all the challenges and trying mes for humanity become the mes for the greatest acts of giving and communal happiness. All of us at Bodhi Interna onal, can, in our own small and big ways contribute to making these challenging mes, our most fulfilled and memorable mes, as a Community.

Joy of Giving 24th December 2020 Every human being contributes to making the world around us a livable and harmonious place. It could not be truer than in the case of the Bodhi Interna onal community. It is our responsibility to do the most that we can as human beings to make every person in the community feel cared for, without an expecta on of reciproca on. Not in the spirit of discrimina on, but in the spirit of true empathy, let's all join hands this holiday season and the coming year to make each human being in our community feel the joy of being appreciated. On that note, we wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope for more examples of giving and kindness that bring our world closer. Thank you. Komal Dass Credits to Ms. Swagata Naik for her valuable inputs.

Christmas Celebration 24th December 2020 BEST TIME OF THE YEAR At the end of a truly difficult year, Christmas lights, trees and decora ons are springing up. There's no denying that one of the most magical mes to make beau ful art and cra items is around Christmas me. From paper plate wreaths, fun snowmen, deligh ul gingerbread men and houses to sparkly snowflakes, gorgeous Christmas tree art, and homemade ornaments, there's just so much to choose from! Keeping in mind the joyous moments to cherish, an art and cra compe on was organised on 24th DEC 2020 by the school for primary phase from classes seedlings to grade 5. SEEDLINGS and BUDS ­ The youngest Bodhians of this phase of the school made some amazing paper cra s which their teacher taught them. BLOSSOMS ­ A Christmas card is a tangible way to show your friends and family that you care. A card takes me and effort; it shows you took a few moments to think of the recipient and share a few kind words. The lively children of this grade tried their hands at some card making for their friends. GRADE 1 ­ The main a rac on is always the Christmas tree and its decora on. A Christmas Tree's crowning decora on, namely the star, symbolizes the star of Bethlehem. The children of Grade 1 learnt how to decorate the tree and showcased the same. GRADE 2 ­ To wrap a gi isn't just about covering the gi in paper. It's about going one step further. And for the recipient, it's about the an cipa on, the excitement of discovering what's inside. Grade 2 tried their hand at gi wrapping which was successful. GRADE 3 ­ The wreath is meant to represent the crown of thorns worn on the cross, with the red berries meant to be Christ's blood. The use of evergreen branches in a wreath is to signify eternal life. By hanging one of these on their door, Chris ans were invi ng the spirit of Christ into their home and bless them. With this thought, young Bodhians of this grade made some excep onally pre y wreaths.

Christmas Celebration 24th December 2020 GRADE 4 ­ A house ornament symbolizes family shelter and protec on. A bird ornament reflects happiness and joy. A heart ornament means there's true love in the home. An angel ornament asks for God's guidance in the home. Keeping in mind the importance of all the ornaments, children made some beau ful ornaments. GRADE 5 ­ The primary symbol of the snowflake is uniqueness. Thus, the snowflake can be a symbol of one's individuality. Snowflakes are delicate and short­lived and can, therefore, represent fragility and the flee ng nature of life. When we see snow falling from the sky, we are instantly reminded of the winter holidays. The children of Grade 5 made these snowflakes welcoming the winter holiday and the fes ve season.

End of Unit Celebration End of Unit Celebra ons are an interac ve and informa ve way for students to share their knowledge and accomplishments with parents and peers. This special event demonstrates students' learning and provides an opportunity to parents to get a first­hand look at their child's growth and progress. Students and teachers of Bodhi PYP had an exci ng celebra on virtually on the 21st of December 2020. Grades Seedlings to 5 showcased their learning under the following themes on that day:  Seedlings ­ Who We Are (All about me)  Buds – Who We Are (Family)  Blossoms – Who we are (Rela onships)  Grade 1 ­ Sharing the Planet (Living Things)  Grade 2 – How We Express Ourselves (Signs and Symbols)  Grade 3 – Where We Are in Time and Place (Migra on)  Grade 4 – How We Express Ourselves (Media)  Grade 5 – How We Express Ourselves (Arts) The in­depth understanding displayed by students was impressive and the confidence with which they presented their learning is praiseworthy. Heartening feedback has been received from parents which has encouraged the students to work harder the next me. It was, indeed, a splendid evidence of the outcome of partnership between the learner and the learning community towards learning and progressing together.

Camlin Art Competition Results Grade Student Name Position Grade ­ 1 Anvita Arora 1st Kanak Vardan Singh Bhati 2nd 3rd Parth Bhansali 1st Grade ­ 2 Stuti Podar 2nd Kashvi Jain 3rd Gaurav Vyas 1st Garde ­ 3 Pulkita Ayani 2nd Rudraksh Rajpurohit 3rd Hrivaahan Bhandari 1st Grade - 4 Arisha Bhandari 2nd Aakhya Rathod 3rd Devanshu Kachhawaha 1st Grade ­ 5 Aryan Singh 2nd Advik Swamy 3rd Sanchi Daga

Students’ Corner In integration with their UOI How We Express Ourselves, students of Seedlings showcased different wedding traditions around the world. From the tradition of bride and her father's dance in Christian weddings to the tradition of Bidaai in Hindu Weddings. Kids explored different traditions through role play activity. Grade ­ 1 Adjectives ­ Describing 'Myself'(activity) Children drew their own caricature and then pasted notes of the different 'Adjectives' about themselves. (Describing words) This helped children to introspect and also enriched their vocabulary. Children enjoyed doing this activity and presented it before the class.

HAPPY Buds Birthday Shivanya Singh Sandhu, 10th Junuary Aryav Rai, 15th Junuary Seedlings Dhyara Singhvi, 01st January Blossoms Grade 1 Vivaan Gupta, 01st January Meet Verma, 10th January Vishnu Pratap Singh Solanki, 29th January Hridhaan Kachhwaha, 16th January Parth Pamnani, 22nd January Grade 2 Grade 3 Yashika Lalwani, 10th January Mayank Choudhary, 03rd January Pulkita Ayani, 05th January Grade 4 Devarsh Singh Lodha, 06th January Aaradhya Rajendra Singh, 09th January Hrivaan Bhandari, 10th January Aditya Jain, 11th January Dvij Bhandari, 28th January Darshil Daga, 11th January Grade 5 Devanshu Kachhwaha, 21th January Manan Taparia, 04th January Parikshit Singh Rao, 07th January Rhitik H. R. Godara, 08th January Rudransh Singh Bhati, 09th January Dev Singhvi, 11th January Aryan Singh, 16th January Kanav Laddha, 27th January

HAPPY Birthday Teachers Mrs Niahrika Ranawat 01st January Mrs Komal Dass 04th January Ms Shivani Bhati 09th January Mr Ravi Charan 12th January 12th January Mr Sanviteswar Purohit 12th January Ms Simran Dayani 13th January Mr Sudesh Mathur 22nd January Dr. Alka Parihar 22nd January Mr Jayant Kachhwaha

Upcoming Month  Current Trans Disciplinary Theme  Month: DECEMBER  Seedlings: Sharing the planet  Buds: How we organize ourselves  Blossoms: Where we are in place and time  Grade 1: How the world works  Grade 2: Where we are in place and time  Grade 3: How we express our selves  Grade 4: Who we are  Grade 5: How the world works Newsletter Committee: Shikha Srivastava, Khushboo Mehta, Khushboo Soni, Suman Bharti, Kirtika Mehta, Renu Bhati, Nisha Chettri Vandana Budhwani, Pooja Purohit, Radhika Sisodia, Shakuntala Yadav.

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