Senior School Newsletter FEBRUARY - 2021 Principal’s Message CCA Activities Vasant Panchami Celebrations – 16th Feb. Distribution of Certificates and Awards - 17th Feb. Decorating the Classrooms- 23rd and 24th Feb. Students' Achievements Career Education Hub Students' Corner
EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2020-21 2019-20 International Day Schools International Day Schools EW INDIA SCHOOL EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2020-21 RANKINGS 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 International Day Schools International Day Schools EW INDIA SCHOOL EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2018-219 RANKINGS 2017-2018 EW GRAND JURY AWARDS 2019-20 2018-19 3rd 5 th Career Counseling Leaders EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2018‑19 EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2019‑20 2017-18 2016-17 8th 3rd EW GRAND JURY Emerging High‑Potential AWARD 2017‑18 Schools EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2016‑17
From the Principal’s Desk We have welcomed our students back into school! February 2021 needs to be engraved in our collec ve conscience as the month when we finally took the brave step to return to normalcy. I want to use this opportunity to register my hear elt apprecia on towards the parent community for having put faith in us as a school and sent their children for physical classes from 11th of February for grades 6 to 12. There was a sense of fulfillment in seeing the students walking into school as twinkle in their eyes expressed their joy to the fullest. One could easily imagine the smile behind the masks on their face. It was heartening to see the students maintain protocol and not go overboard with their enthusiasm of gree ng their friends. We fully understand and appreciate the kind of thought processes and discussions that would have been indulged in before finally making the decision to send children back to the school. We, at Bodhi Interna onal School, have put in place a Standard Opera ng Procedure that befits gravity of this situa on. We are constantly monitoring the situa on and making course correc on in various aspects as soon as we observe anything that can be made be er. The month of February had other noteworthy happenings as well, the foremost amongst these being the Virtual Visit by the PYP Authoriza on team. The team of Ms. Navita Kishan from Indus School, Bangalore and Ms. Sanjana Amarnani of Fountainhead School, Surat had varied interac ons with staff, students, parents and the management team of BIS. We thank them for their cordial interac ons and feedback shared by them. The feedback highlighted that the system is in place and acknowledged smooth func oning of welloiled machinery in the PYP at Bodhi Interna onal School. I take this opportunity to record my hear elt apprecia on towards the whole team of PYP, especially Ms. Shikha Srivastava who has shaped them into this unit of IB prac oners. I am certain that this is only the beginning and we are going to go from one height to another in a seamless manner. On the whole, this has been a month of professional sa sfac on and has brought a sense of joy to the proceedings at BIS. We hope to build on this in the mes ahead and keep moving towards greater achievements. Brahmam Bodhi Kishor Joshi Principal
CCA Activities Vasant Panchami Celebra ons – 16th February 2021 Covidarmed Bodhi welcomed spring with new hope. The middle wing celebrated Vasant Panchami with zest and zeal and a special assembly was organized for students and staff. Invoca on of Goddess Saraswa with ligh ng of the lamp and Saraswa Vandana was followed by invoca on dance performed by Phalak Dodani from Grade 8B. Mrs. Anjula Shekhar, HoD Hindi addressed the students on importance of the day and Principal, Mr. Kishor Joshi too highlighted the significance of discipline and code of conduct. The assembly ended with distribu on of prasad to everyone present. Please access the video from the given link : h ps://
CCA Activities Distribu on of Cer ficates and Awards 17th February 2021 Rewards and recogni on can be important drivers to boost morale, improve crea ve thinking skills and recognise students for quali es like effort, improvement and coopera on. It can also increase selfconfidence, offer a sense of accomplishment and generate respect in a peer group. With this aim, we recognized the achievements of young Bodhians in SOFs and other interschool compe ons during virtual schooling. Please find the below glimpses of the young bodhians standing in the hall of fame.
CCA Activities Decora ng the Classrooms 23rd and 24th February 2021 A classroom should be an invi ng place where students engage in ac ve learning. With this aim, one of the ac vi es planned was class décor. All the grades from 6th to 9th were engaged in classroom decora on along with their class teachers. The enterprising outcome is for everyone to see in a few glimpses here.
Career Education Hub Effervescence of Time A goodbye is a hello to a new beginning! Plethora of emo ons are brimming in the Bodhian hearts as, on one side, we are delighted to welcome our students back to school while on the other, the me has come to bid adieu to our passing out batch. Time has come when we would be ceremonially saying good bye to the outgoing batch of 2021 for which students of Grade 11 are gearing up to put up a splendid show with the help of their teachers. My dear 12th Grade students, despite the hard tasks, sadness and grief that you have encountered last year, at the end of it, you all have completed this part of journey with great achievements and beau ful memories. We have certainly been tough with you at mes, not because we detest you, but to prepare you for greater challenges that lie ahead. Hope you realise that we were nurturing you to build a strong founda on. We have been together through thick and thin. The trips, compe ons and assignments accomplished together will always stay close to Bodhi's heart. Your batch has taken up all the challenges posi vely and has remained goal driven. You have given Bodhi a bag full of memories which will always be cherished. We want to implore to you, outgoing students, to always portray yourselves as the true ambassadors of Bodhi and work towards the integrity you have nurtured over the years for this esteemed ins tu on. And always remember…. “No ma er how much you think you avoid school, you will always miss it when you leave.” Khushboo Vyas Bali Career Educa on Hub
Student Corner THAW OF GLACIERS – GLACIERS ARE MELTING FASTER THAN EVER Although there are about 200,000 glaciers globally, we might have only a few hundred le in a few decades. Climate change has become a significant and prevailing environmental issue and has been a growing challenge affec ng glaciers' existence widely. More than a third of the world's remaining glaciers will melt before the year 2100 this is a fact we read in the news all too o en. But the important ques on is Why is this happening? Scien sts who have been evalua ng the planet's environment see indisputable evidence that the earth has been ge ng warmer and not ge ng be er. It is Jahanvi Choudhary believed that human ac vi es, notably the burning of fossil fuels and emissions of greenhouse gases, warm Chanakya House the atmosphere and lead to rise in temperature. In the past decade, scien sts have documented record annual surface temperatures and have been observing signs of changes all over the planet: in the distribu on of ice, in the sea levels and temperatures of the oceans. The snows in Kilimanjaro have melted by more than 80% since 1912. In India, glaciers in the Garhwal Himalayas are receding so fast that researchers believe that most central and eastern Himalayan glaciers might virtually disappear by 2035. Arc c sea ice has also thinned significantly over the past halfcentury and their extent has declined by around 10% in the past 30 years. NASA's repeated laser al meter readings show the edges of Greenland's ice sheet shrinking. Thawing permafrost has caused the ground to subside more than 15 feet in parts of Alaska. From the Arc c to Peru and from Switzerland to the equatorial glaciers of Man Jaya in Indonesia, extensive ice fields, enormous glaciers and sea ice are disappearing fast. It cannot be described how much and how fast the glaciers are mel ng. Over the years, various scien sts' researches have shown that the rise in global temperature will first affect high al tudes. More and more reports of glaciers mel ng appear every coming day. Slowing down global warming is crucial to prevent the mel ng of glaciers. It is vital to act now because the more we delay our ac ons to address this issue, more is the future of earth and our next genera on in jeopardy.
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