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Home Explore BIS Monthly Newsletter

BIS Monthly Newsletter

Published by Akshay, 2020-08-10 01:42:01

Description: BIS Newsletter July.2020


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Newsletter JULY - 2020 Principal’s Message English HOD’s Message PYP Coordinator’s Message Poem Recitation 10th July 2020 Hindi Katha Manchan 30th July 2020 O.P. Jindal Online Session 20th July 2020 IH Math Mania 21st July 2020 Storyboards by Grade 6 22nd July 2020 French Day 28th July 2020 IH Solo Dance Competition 29th July 2020 GSD webinar Career Education Hub Student’s Corner

EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2017-18 2018-19 International Day Schools International Day Schools EW INDIA SCHOOL EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2017-2018 RANKINGS 2018-219 2019-20 International Day Schools EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2019-20 EW GRAND JURY AWARDS 2016-17 2017-18 3rd 8th Emerging High‑Potential EW GRAND JURY Schools AWARD 2017‑18 EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2016‑17 2018-19 2019-20 5 th 3rd EW GRAND JURY Career Counseling Leaders AWARD 2018‑19 EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2019‑20

From the Principal’s Desk Uncertainty has become the only certainty in our lives in these mes. There seem to be fewer and fewer things about which we are certain. However, the one big certainty we all are keeping at the forefront is the hope that these mes shall pass, and we will be able to move on with life as close to the previous normal as possible. It is this eternal hope that we humans have, which makes us capable of progressing ourselves and finding ways and means of surviving and coming out stronger from all types of calami es. Here at BIS, we strive to maintain a con nuum of educa on despite the restric ons placed on all of us, and keep the wheel moving. The journey is not smooth, the path is not ideal, but this is currently the best road to traverse. In this, as always, we seek coopera on from all within the BIS family to stand firm with us to push back the obstacles and chart the path ahead. We con nue to engage all stakeholders in conversa ons, listen to all, take on board the advice from all, and then implement the most feasible solu on. The teachers are constantly looking at ways and means to make the lessons more engaging, interac ve and driven by the a ributes of 'Teaching and Learning'. Along the way, we incorporate innova ons with technology in dynamic formats and keep the students on task with their educa onal journey. The parent body con nues to take a keen interest in the way children are reac ng to the lessons. They have been in communica on with us by giving feedback on a regular basis. The inputs from the students are also taken by the teachers during lesson me. The communica on stated above is synthesized and an ever­evolving method of 'Online Teaching' con nues to speed along. Looking ahead, even while we want the situa on to normalize at the earliest, we have to be ready to keep moving ahead and look a er our growth as individuals and the community. Only then, we will emerge stronger from this calamity. Stay well and stay safe. Bramham Bodhi Kishor Joshi Principal

From the English HOD’s Desk Learning and Language The most striking feature of language competence is the 'crea vity of language'…. “A language is not just words…. When we study language, we are approaching the 'human essence', dis nc ve quali es of the mind that are unique to humans.” ­ Noam Chomsky As a parent teacher for 8 years and other milestones along the way, I witness today a me of unsurpassed learning. In less than a year an en re na on, indeed the world seems to have become one seamless learning pla orm. I joined the team at Bodhi Interna onal School, impressed by the sincerity and caliber of several great minds in educa on. It is a bond of 'Excellence through Earnestness' that teachers here share with our students. As HOD English, I hope to carry forward this unique learning approach and also bring some personal insight to the pedagogy. My first steps in teaching began at a school rich in vision. In a span of three years, the ins tu on showed how the many fixtures integral to modern educa onal theory may be implemented. Ideas such as inclusive, alternate, experien al, interac ve, reflec ve, and more were brought into daily prac ce and the school transformed into a thinking, rather than 'studying' school. In succeeding years, though learning the commerce of schooling, it is authen city in student voices that I most cherish. Opinions of the young can rather be guided than regulated, for moulding must consider the will of individuals first. It is my earnest belief that children grow into images of themselves, based on what they encounter at school and outside. These images speak of posi ve experiences, subjects that strengthen self esteem, ac vi es that give confidence and many more. As the school nourishes their nascent self image, through exposure to dance, art, sport, environment and integrated projects, children find voca ons to absorb their energy and display skill. For a child is many things in the mind and no one image can define the individual. We, as teachers are here to enable minds, by showing how things can be done. There is no such thing as 'allowing' children to build their career. We are here to expect that children will imagine, experiment and make progressive a empts at construc ng the future. If as a school and in each department, we can provide a flexible structure for children to explore, to create and to express, as also to rejuvenate and reimagine, perhaps we will ini ate a pedagogy that others may yet take the lead from. As the great Indian poet said: “Where the mind is without fear…”. Vinitha Viswanathan HOD, Department of English


From the PYP Coordinator’s Desk Demonstra ng Ownership of Learning With COVID­19 sweeping across the globe, schools around the world have been closed for over four months. Bodhi Interna onal School (BIS), the pioneer IB PYP Candidate School in Jodhpur made a transi on to online classes, to ease student learning. During this me, students have con nued their studies from their homes or from the places to which they have travelled. They have become adept at using technology across various pla orms. Students have shown independence, organiza on and resilience in progressing with their educa on. Their intrinsic mo va on and passion for their studies has been a huge posi ve factor for their self­directed learning. It is encouraging to see that, many a mes, teachers celebrate the star ng of lessons sharp on me with full a endance. Students demonstrate IB learner profile a ributes Through online learning, students have exemplified the IB learner profile a ributes daily. Students have been risk­takers when uploading assessments, projects and tasks with less feedback than they usually receive in the tradi onal classroom environment. The co­curricular periods involve physical or crea ve tasks. Students have been excellent in crea ng their own masterpieces. PE periods were introduced to enable the students to have a fitness regime. It is vital that students balance their me carefully to ensure they are staying physically ac ve, spending me with their family while also ge ng the schoolwork done. Students are interac ng with each other through online pla orms. They give each other feedback on assignments and share ideas. This gives them greater ownership of their learning and allows them to become 'mini­teachers' and prac se being caring, principled and good communicators in giving advice and feedback to others. Learning about Coronavirus Our students have used this situa on innova vely as men oned below: Grade 5 strengthened the bond with their fathers. They expressed their feelings by wri ng poems, blogs and paragraphs. They danced and composed songs, drew and painted to communicate their thoughts. Grade 4 were engaged in researching and learning about the Corona virus. They organised their research findings through a Narra ve during their English lessons. Grade 3 researched and brainstormed the effects of COVID­19 on the 'Pull and Push' factors involved in the migra on of labourers across the country under the Transdisciplinary Theme – Where We Are in Place and Time.

From the PYP Coordinator’s Desk Grade 2 explored and discussed about 'The New Normal'. The altered prac ces involved maintaining health and hygiene and staying safe in the current se ng. They also conducted a survey on 'how to spend me meaningfully at home during the lockdown'. Grade 1 and EYP discussed about the virus and protocols related to maintaining hygiene. Grade 1 teachers plan to engage the students in a more meaningful way through their next unit of inquiry 'Who We Are' involving poster making, talks, mime; and teacher­ini ated student reflec ons and ac on on 'what the students did to help themselves and others to combat the pandemic'. These assignments showed the students to be inquirers as they research about COVID­19, knowledgeable in use of language and their experience of living in Jodhpur to create their speech, thinkers in designing ques ons they would ask related to the pandemic, and communicators by confidently narra ng their research findings. Being open­minded to accept the protocols of the 'new normal', caring for others by crea ng awareness of the do's and don'ts related to the pandemic and keeping a healthy schedule of work and play. They have become principled and reflec ve in making informed choices. As an interna onal school in Jodhpur during the COVID­19 pandemic, BIS has faced numerous challenges and had to get crea ve to con nue delivering IB educa on. Both students and the staff have turned these challenges into learning opportuni es while demonstra ng that learning never stops. Wishing them success in their future endeavours! Bramham Bodhi Shikha Srivastava PYP Coordinator

Poem Recitation 'Beauty is the realm of poetry.' It was yet another day for the young Bodhians to showcase their talent and confidence as they geared up for the English Poem Recita on. The students of Grades 3 to 5 assembled on the virtual pla orm to recite meaningful poetry with great enthusiasm and prove that 'Where there's a will there's a way'. It was a wonderful amalgama on of rhyme and rhythm, emo on and expression and poise and grace. The young learners enthralled the parents and teachers by their ar cula on, voice modula on and presenta on, each one being be er than the best. This joyride of expressions ranging from nature, space and birds to animals, towns and ci es was applauded and appreciated by all. Students in action during poem recitation

Hindi Katha Manchan dgkfu;k¡ gekjs thou dks vFkZiw.kZ cukus esa enn djrh gSaA gekjs fo|ky; dh d{kk 3] 4 o 5 ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa esa cgqr gh euksjatd mRlkgo/kZd o çsj.kknk;d dgkfu;k¡ lqukbZ] tks fd gesa jkstejkZ ds thou ls dYiuk dh nqfu;k esa ys tkrh gSa] o u, fopkj lh[kus dh çsj.kk ns tkrh gSaA dgkfu;ksa ds ek/;e ls uUgs&eqUusa fo|kfFkZ;ksa esa Hkk\"kk&dkS'ky o u;k gh vkRefo'okl ns[kus dks feyk] tks fd cgqr gh ç'kaluh; jgkA Glimpses of the Event


O.P. Jindal Online Session BIS, in collabora on with O.P. Jindal Global University conducted an Online Session on “What Career Competencies will be needed for 2025?” The key speaker was Prof. Ram B. Ramchandran, Professor of Prac ce & Vice Dean of O.P. Jindal Global University. The session was conducted on 20th of July, 2020 for Grades 11 and 12. The students keenly par cipated in the session and clarified their doubts on the subject by asking ques ons.

IH Math Mania IH Math Mania for Grades 6­10 was conducted in the month of July. Screening for final rounds was done for all to ensure 100 percent par cipa on. Top two scorers from each House were selected for the Final Round that was hosted on kahoot! by the Teachers In­charge. Mr. Bhavesh Sharma and Mrs. Nisha Mathur were the teachers In­charge for this compe on, which took place in two groups viz; Group A (6 to 8) and Group B (9 to 10). Winners : ­ For Grades 6 ­ 8 Position House Final Score 1st Drona 94286 2nd Agastya 88735 3rd Aryabhatta 66547 4th Chanakya 48909 For Grades 9 ­ 10 House Final Score Position Agastya 43208 Chanakya 41633 1st 38026 2nd Drona 31132 3rd Aryabhatta 4th

STORYBOARDS BY GRADE 6 Facilita on is all about stretching and challenging the students. There is no match for the imaginary skills of children when it comes to crea ng stories. This me the twist was all about crea ng Digital Story Boards. Guided online, the grade 6 students they came up with their jaw dropping designs, se ngs and plots.

FRENCH DAY The French department celebrated its second French Day (Bas lle 2020) on 28th of July, 2020 virtually with great success. The significance of July 14th as the celebra on of the storming of Bas lle and the birth of French Republic was highlighted through an informa ve video. French Monologue and French Quiz compe ons were held on the occasion, in which, students of all houses par cipated with zeal and zest. It was a wonderful opportunity to promote the French language and the French culture in school. Results of monologue and quiz compe ons: French Art French Dish

IH SOLO DANCE COMPETITION Dance in school is not just about the trophies – it is a highly rewarding and sa sfying ac vity for the students of all ages. Apart from it being a popular career op on, dance brings physical fitness, mental clarity and emo onal stability for life. Bodhi Interna onal School aims to enhance children's skills by providing opportuni es to them for holis c development and the present COVID­19 circumstances haven't deterred us in achieving this goal. An Inter­House Solo Dance Compe on was organized virtually on 29th of July, 2020 for the Middle school. The response was amazing and each of the four houses shortlisted 6 entries for 3 categories ­ Classical, Western and Folk. The objec ve of having 3 categories was to make children aware of the nuances of each category and perform befi ngly. We were honoured to have field experts, Ms. Vishaka Saraf, Mr. Jayant Kachawaha and Ms. Kajal Vyas as judges for the Classical, Western and Folk categories respec vely. The Principal, Mr. Kishore Joshi graced the occasion with his presence and applauded the students for their mesmerizing performance. The winners of each category are as follows ­ Category Positions IH SOLO DANCE House 1st Name Drona Classical 2nd Aryabhatta 3rd Chitrangana Singh Rathore Chanakya Tanushree Jain Phalak Dodani 1st Rishika Chetwani Aryabhatta Western 2nd Reyansh Bohra Aryabhatta 3rd Yeshaya & Rasha Ved Drona 1st Vedanti Dave Chanakya Folk 2nd Parihan Dave Drona 3rd Siddhi Chetwani Aryabhatta

GSD webinar To facilitate Enhanced Collabora on between Higher Educa onal Ins tu ons and Bodhi on core values of respect, trust and inclusion, Career Hub registered students for Gurukul School of Design Webinar. Mr. Raghavendra Rathore, a leading Indian Fashion Designer and key note speaker helped the students in understanding the nuances of career in Art and Design. He spoke to students about the concept 'Design 360' and answered specific queries with respect to B. Des and its employability.

Career Education Hub Every Journey Begins with A Single Step The dawning of the partnership process dates back to early 2019 when Bodhi Career Hub took its first step towards excellence. The overarching aim of the work was to ensure greater consistency in the school placement experience for every student. It was also intended to facilitate enhanced collabora on between Higher Educa on Ins tu ons and Bodhi on core values of respect, trust and inclusion. The best educa onal interests of students, awareness and team approach are paramount to the success of the very first placements, Bodhi Career Hub could achieve. The class of 2020, our first batch of graduates have proved their me le globally by being accepted in pres gious universi es both in India and abroad. A glimpse of some successful placements of this year: Some students are awai ng the confirma ons from some renowned Universi es and others are gearing up, even in these trying mes, for entrance exams like NEET, CLAT, NMIMS, Symbiosis, Christ, NIRMA. Because, someone has rightly said “It might be stormy now, but rain doesn't last forever” Khushboo Vyas Bali CCA Coordinator & Career Coach

Student Corner HOW I SEE TECHNOLOGY IN THE COMING YEARS BY RASHA VED All of us know deep inside that technology advancing at this speed can someday rule the world. Nevertheless, I can't even imagine my life without it, let alone trying to stop using it! Nowadays, technology is everywhere, whether it is a mobile or a laptop or a more complicated machine like a robot. But robots are nothing compared to the ambi ons of great scien sts when it comes to the field of technology. I think technology is nothing less than magic; wires, programming, metals, gears and ding! You've got a walking talking human duplicate, called a robot. A cat speaking in English or a child with changed DNA, who knows if that becomes possible tomorrow with technology, deep imagina on and passion allow humans to create things, that doesn't seem likely at first. If we children con nue to use technology as we do, then probably that day wouldn't be far when parents would call their children like this­ \"Dear Joe, your mom and I am missing you, and we would like to eat dinner. So, could you please come to the dining table from your bedroom? Love Dad.\" Now that's extreme, but it could be true! I am going to list out some of the things that I think can be a reality in the future.5G isn't a fantasy anymore, although it hasn't officially started in most of the countries. In a couple of years, it will and our data will zoom around in lightning­fast speed. 3D prin ng, invented by Charles Hull, is another discovery and now, I think we will soon have 3D printers producing metals, and as if that wasn't enough, scien sts are discovering ways to make food with these printers. But one thing that fascinates me the most is human augmenta on. It is a way to transform humans, to make them do things that an ordinary human being can't. So, I think that soldiers will soon get an exoskeleton to protect themselves. They can also get brain s mulators to reduce the need to sleep as well as ge ng prosthe cs. Moreover, there are also some thoughts on replacing a soldier's stomach with another so that they can digest cellulose, meaning that they can eat grass. That, I agree, can be cruel. And maybe, if not ar ficial intelligence, then human augmenta on could be a popular subject in future. Going in space is everyone's dream and, in my opinion, in a few decades, there would be something called 'space tourism'. Furthermore, I think that maybe humans could colonise Mars, which is a popular topic, but it does not seem likely any me soon. Now let's talk about cars. I am not a big car follower, but the inven on of automated cars has le me amazed. I have also found out about tests and trials going on with flying cars which are totally out of this world. It seems that now there would be a traffic jam in the air as well. Technology is an essential part of this world, but technology has changed the attitude of humans. It provides luxury but has also spoiled us and our habit of hard work. As it is rightly said‐ “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.\" So, in the coming years, the world is going to experience a wave of valuable inventions back to back. But the question is, will we wisely use it or misuse it to harm ourselves as well as our surroundings? Let us hope f best.

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