courseconslu\"r:toynjrj_l,pron \"il H;o, Mg nomeis Thisis mUbook. OXTORD IJNIVERSITY PRESS
4 | Completethe onswers. elephont Block Wh o t' sg o u r n q m e ? .P\"oterY\"\"es No fine l'm Peter. Howore gou? l'm , thonkgou. W h o t ' s U o u rf o v o u r i t ec o l o u r ? 4Wh o t ' sg o u rf o v o u r i t eo n i m o l ? An Do gou likedogs? I don't. Dogou likepizzo? I do. 5 | Answerthe questionsin octivitg4 obout gou. My Starturn ** * * * * * *:t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** *1 * ** *2 * * * * *3 * ********* * ** * ************** *** Storterunit Lessont 3
8 | Motchondwritesentences. 9 | Listenond chont.Thenlistenond repeotthe words. @ s My little bedis red. T'vegol o red hot. My little pet is red. T'vegot o red cot. Storterunit Lesson3 5
3 | Lookot the chort.Write Yes,I con or No, I con't. J w s wNome / Jet / / / / / / x xNick / / / x x x xKot / // xS p i k e / x/ / 3 Congou p l o gt e n n i s ,K o t ? 4 Congou p l o u h o c k e gS, p i k e ? 5 CongouskoteN, ick? d 6 Congou p l o uf o o t b o l l ,J e t ? a I Askthreechildrenin gourcloss. Congou swim? Nome swim plog plou skote plou dive ski footboll bosketboll tennis Unit 1 Lesson2 l:lil::tl:t:..
7 | Reodond completethe chort. An n,Sueond K o t eo r e f r i e n d s . Shecon \"' Shecon't \" ' A n nc o n ' t Mb u ts h ec o n @ @b u ts h ec o n s u ec o n ' , @ Mbutshecon K o t ec o n ' t @ 8 | AnswerYes,she cqn or No, shecon't obout octivitg7. Jffi -- S I tistenond chont.Thenlistenond repeotthe words. @ tz \\ Conbots in hots Unit 1 Lesson4 Doncein the dork? The blockbot con But the fot bot con't. I think Unit 1wos* OK ** Good *** Greot
rrl ry Whcttsin the house? 1 | Lobelthe rooms. bothroorn kitchen bedroom livingroom I n! 2 | Reodond drqw in octivitg1. Th er e'so lit tl eg h o s ti n t h e b e d r o o m . Thereore two little ghostsin the kitchen. Th er eore f ou r b i g g h o s t si n t h e b o th r o o m . Th er e'sone l i t t l eg h o s to n t h e T V in th e livin gr o o m . 3 | Lookot gour drowing.Answerthe questions. Yes,there is. No,there isn't. Yes,there ore. No,thereoren't. I st her eo big ghostdownstoirs? lst her eo l i t t l eg h o s tu p s t o i r s? Are theref o u r b i g g h o s t si n t he bedroom? 4 Are theretwo little ghostsin the kitchen? 10 Unit2 Lesso1n
ond colo bugs @ the que oc Where's the bug? red gellow blue cupboord drower block brown .green plant :choir oronge pink the W ^./. Unit 2 Lesson2 11
7 | Reodond circle. T h i si s m g h o u se/ fl o t. T h e re ore two / three bedrooms. T h e r e ' so b i g / l i ttl e to b l e i n the dining room.Inthe holl/ l i v i n g r o om th e re 'so p l o n t. I n t h e l i vi n g ro o m th e re 'so sofo/ choirond o TV. I l i k e mg h o u se/ fl o t! 8 | Drowondwrite obout gourflot or house. **************************** My Stcrturn * * '* .: * *Thisi.smu * * * Thereare bedrooms * * * * * * * *@ inthe * * * * * * **************************** 1 2 Unit 2 Lesson3
Circlethe differencesin B.Thenwrite sentences. z behindthe sofa. Listenond chont.Thenlistenond repeotthe words. @ re There'so bugunderthe cupboord. There'sa bugunderthe clock. There'so bugonthe umbrello Ando bugunderthe box. I think Unit2 wos* OK ** Good *** Greot Unit 2 Lesson4 13
Be hecfthyt PT 've got o stomochoche. N,\\t'PF\\ 9o eodo Whot's the ? 14 Unit3 Lesso1n
3 | Reodond motch. o Don'teot icecreom. b Don'tplogloudmusic. 1 l'vegot o heodoche. c Goto sleep. 2 l'mtired. d Do n ' tp lo Uo u tside. 3 l'vegot o cold. 4 l'vegot o stomochoche. 4 I Write instructions. Go to bed. @3 4 Unit 3 Lesson2
I Motchondwritethe sentences. 1 Hqvegou ... -\"- of woter. 2 l'vegot ... the motter? got o cold? 3 Don't... eot lotsof chocolote. o heodoche. 4 Eotlots... of fruit ondvegetobles. 5 Whot's... 5 Drinklots... 1 2 3 4 5 o t Listenond chont.Thenlistenond repeotthe words. @ ao Sevenlittle spiders All of theminbed. Six of them oreyellow. Oneof them is red. I think Unit3 wos* OK ** Good *** Greot Unit 3 Lesson4 17
-*5M/.i+1R- e\"old* dn*m* hothrcsno- sofo piono k i t c h e n s k i pic t ur e s o r et h r o o t d i ve tr u m p e t h e o d o ch e stomochoche cupboord run guitor plogfootboll violin sportWs I nt h en o u s e W tilnessfres Musicol gZ sw[m bathroom instruments(q cold . , I tr Reodc,hoosoendmotch. @ Eotlotsof fruit ond vegetobles. .c.-AQ,-€-obD^ruA}{: T c@ I've got o cold. @ Don't eot lotsof fruit ond vegetobles. l-* so- t h e r e o t o b l e i n T our kitchen? 18 Units1-3ReviewA
3 Write the sentences. 'E@Etr@ heodoche. motter? A Writethe words. B Answerthe questions. @ 1 Co nUo up lo uth e p io n o ? 6 2 Congourideo bike? 9 3 lsthereo cupboordin Uourbedroom? 11 n sa- 12 -rlQ{\\/-- 4 Aretherethreebedroomsin gourhouse? ^. 5 Where'sthe bug? 4(N '1J 1 @ clo Units1-3 ReviewA 19
Reodond comple sentences. ,fupennat\"ket tI@I llCtocnesl, ffi \\et '!t '\\\\ Cafe Toy ,f ttop eru.<a, Wh e re 'sthe ...? urn left. Go stroight post Vt.t Go stroightpostthe togshop. the cof6.Turn right ot the Turn right ot the computershop. i('J' b o o ksh o p .T h e Turn left ot the supermorket. v Turn left ot the clothesshop.The oppositethe bookshop. isnext to the hotel. ite directions. mop octivitg4. Unit 4 Lesson2 21
5 | Reodond completethe sentences. shops squore river computer from bookshop opposite little 7 | Drowondwrite oboutgourtown, citgor villoge. ** ** **************** My Starturn * ************ * ********* * * * * ** * ********** * * * * * * * * * * * **** * Unit4 Lesson3
-: 'n u se u mi s nex t to the c of6. musEUn --: : re m o is oppos i tethe s c hoo l. --: : othesshop is next to the : : : <sh o po n d the c i nemo. -- = :cfe is o ppos i tethe c l othess h o p . cn d ch o nt.Thenlistenond repeotth e wo rd s . 6 $ s z A ghostis ot mywindow. ft's yellowb, lueondbrown. Thereare ghostsoll roundmy house. Thereare ghostsoll roundthe town. I Unit4 Lesson4 23 j t. t,.-_'l- :hinkUnit4 wos* OK ** Good *** Greot
ry 0nhotfdol 1 I Reod ond circleA or B. Q. Bug1: He 'ss w i mmi ng. A $: Bug5: He'sreoding. A] B u g2 : Sh e'spl ogi ng footbol l . A B u g6 : She'swriting. Bug3: He 'seoti ng. A B Bug7: He'sdoncing. Atr B u g4 : Sh e'sdi v i ng. A B B u g8 : She'sdrinking. B Ar AJ 2 | AnswerYes,he/sheis or No, he/sheisn't. 1 lsshedoncing? 2 lshe drinking? 3 lsshediving? 4 lshe writing? 24 Unit 5 Lesson1
f,,eodond completethe sentences. ploging reoding l'm doing tennis in this picture? with mg friend. oboutth @ @ fn thls plcturef'm fn Unit 5 Lesson2
5 | Write is or'm in the boxesT. hencompletethe sentences. Mum[] sollyE onthebeochshef----l y-y,! witho friend. Dod | | sleeping nextto the i I I hovingo fontosticholidoy. Lovefrom Alex 6 | You ore on holidog.Write to o friend. My Starturn ********** ** * * ** ************ * * * Dear * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **************************** 26 Unit5 Lesso3n
T'e.odond completethe chort. A n n ,S u eo n d K o teo r e o n h o lid o g . Onegirl ison the beoch. One is undero tree.Oneis nextto the hotel. O n eg i r l i s p l o g in gte n n is.On eg ir l is r e o d in g ond one isrunning. T h eg i r l n e x tt o th e h o te lis p lo g in gte n n is. A n n i s n ' tr e o d in g . K o t ei s n ' to n t h e b e o cho r p lo g in gte n n is. isc Nome Whereis she? Whqt is shedoing? Ann on the beach reading - -r:e''ornd chont.Thenlistenond repeotthe words. @ tt fs sheskippingonthe beach? fs sheswimmingin the sea? No, she'sreadingo comic Andshe'ssittingnextto me. wr Unit5Lesson4 ':|Tr'\"
@ A ounnydol 1 | Reodond motch. tr1 lt'shot ond sunng. T 2 lt'sroining. I 3 lt'scold. T 4 lt'swindg. T 5 lt'ssnowing. 2 | Reodond motch. - -- h{H.-r-iV'I1 a;J :tcr/ t-!l /)ct. Ir, It's roining. T T tlrv:9s, rT It'ssnowing. T 28 Unit 6 Lesson1 T
--ex onddrow. @ ar // DIiIBURCH l-s,.,er Yes,it is or No, it isn't obout octivitg3. 4 l s i t s n o w i n gi n London? 5 ls it r o in in gin Co r d iff? s it windgin Dublin? 6 ls it sn o win gin Ed in b u r g h ? i s it roiningtn Edinburgh? :sit s unngi n C o r d i f f ? -:.r< outsidethe window.Completethe weotherchort. .-....a.aaaaaaOOaalaaaaaaaaaaaalaaat,aaaaaaaaaltaalaaa,aaaaaaaOaaaaaOaaaaaaOOaalaalaaafllaaa .1, { The weqther chqrt .n I o1l a a 1 ls it sunnynow? T o d a yt h e w e a t h e ri s a a a a a 2 ls it hot or coldtoday? I a a a a 3 ls it windytoday? a a a a I 4 ls it snowingtoday? a a a a a 5 ls it rainingtoday? I a a a a & :' ft/ a t .-. a a a a a a a a a a t a a a a a a a a'l a a aa a.t a,a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a't I la a-la a a a a a a a a a a'a a a a ar:C.aia a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I rja,ra I Unit 6 Lesson2 29
6 | Moke picturepoems. 1 S nowisf o l l i n gf o l l i n go n t h e tr e e so n d o n th e g r o u n d 2 T hewind i s b l o w i n gt h e k i t e u p u p u p tS --eZ :,--Z ,/1 I '-) i _-/./ : 7 | Moke ond write Uourown weotherpicturepoem. My Starturn ***************************** ***************************** 30 Unit 5 Lesson3
I f Ccnplete the crossword. DOWN O A C R O S+S 2 lt's 1 Thewin d i s 3 lt's 4 lt's tt.? *' 4 lt's #* 5lt's\\ - i en o n d ch o n t.Thenlistenond repeotthe wo rd s . @ o s ft's roiningin the villoge And it's ve?ywindy,too. Theweother'sverybodtgdoy1 trlmverywet. Areyou? :- nk Unit6 o-{''-r-'-'- a-- !--'-;+-.1\\-q \\\\' I \\,1-- .1',; 31 Unit 6 Lesson4
@ ScvfcrB I write thewords. cof6 sunng swimming squqre snowing windg tennis morket cold supermorket roining beoch cinemo hotel reoding Town Holidog souare sunnu - tr Reodondchoose. *r_, @ ng on the beoch. @ h;)(AG*\",i=rI*)\\itlf[-r-$-tJrfi @1G'r\"pp*it\" tn\" () €)att't \"\"\"1 t\" thecinemo. 2.---*'' 3 2 Unitszl-6ReviewB
1 | Reodond motch. tr tr 1 It's holf post twelve. Ttr 2 We'vegot English. 3 Whot time isit? T 4 We've got Moths. T 5 Whot'sthe motter? 6 It'seleveno'clock. 2 | Write the onswers. Whqt time is it? 2 9 I l0:00 t ft'sten o'ctock. ft's 34 Unit 7 Lesson1
r , !u s i c tr tr -l,storg S\"crence T ),E. T Uoths tTr tr l:,-a ete Uourtimetoble.Thenwrite sentences. W e dn e s d og Thursdog Unit 7 Lesson2 35
:13 ondwritethe nomes. q) 9Dl A- Y-: LESSON Liz \\ MondaY \"!&l i-\"!\"-t - ) DAY LESSON $ondaY MondaY TuesdaY F @ @ThursdaY ThursdaY @ :iday FridaY On Fridogwe'vegot Art. On Wednesdogwe'vegot Science. Cn W edne s d owg e ' v eg o t M o t hs. On T h u r sd o gwe ' veg o t P.E. C n M ondo gw e ' v eg o t E n g l i s h. On Tuesdogwe'vegot Music. Cn Tuesdogwe'vegot Historg. On F r id o gwe ' veg o t Swim m ing. Fiome: Nome: - .::- ond chont.Thenlistenond repeotthe words. GoodmorningW. here'sYourruler? 6bodmorningW. here'syourbook? 6oodmorningN. owit's timefor school. Pleosseit upondlook! ttrink Unit7 wos* OK ** Good *** Greot Unit 7 Lesson4
ond ploU 3.25 t.05 6.40 12.30 6.4s s.40 7.t0 3.3s 7.20 t.s0 12.3s I @ The Top Ten Winter sports T T vl'J\\lY.---\" oh'Fo. v T The AnimAl Hour Fronk! ond completethe sentences.@ St e hockeu is on Chonnel 'Oh no, Fronkl' is on Cho ot 'Animol Hour' is on Chonnel on Chonne o Unit 8 Lesson2 39
7 I Motchthe questionsond onswers. ao a- 1 2 trc 3 4 I@ 8 | Circlethe correctword. 1 M,J fa.,'?r-ltt' Tv Prc1ra.nnv-ia I S I Write obout gour fovouriteTV progromme. My star turn ************* ************* ** i t * t * * * t * i * t * f * ; * ? * ? ** ************************** t Unit 8 Lesson3
' ,V hott im e ist h e q u i z o n ? 5 Wh o t ch o n n e listh e scie n cefictionfi l m on? It'son at - ,'/hotc honn e li st h e c o m e d go n ? 6 Wh o t tim e is it o n ? : i /hot t im e ist h e p o p m u s i cp r o g r o m m eo n ? : .'r 'hoct honn e li s i t o n ? - ond chont.Then listenond repeotthe words. -=^ l. Thursdooyf four thirty, -'?re's o progrommoenTV. l- s o greatcortoonwitho purplebird l' c pinkondpurpletreel :rrinkUnit5 wos* OK ** Good *** Greot Unit 8 Lesson4 41
lfl$'-:ethe lettersond words in the boxes. lgo. I plog. ;7 h runnlng a Jootbatt d -.:'( trt the room.AnswerYes,I do or No, I don't. j=S / Do gou Plog 4 Dogouplogbosketboll? E-: for toble-tennisin 5 Do gou reodcomics? 6 Do g o u p lo uco m p u te rg o m e s? : ),ogougo fishing? Unit 9 Lesson2 ! l o gou lis t e nt o m u s i c ?
I OnSoturdoysI reod 1 lis+ento rnqsicaf+er school On Fridays 1 go o bookondI go fishing. swirnrning and 1 play OnSundayTs ploy the violin the drums. ( listenond repeo words. @ et 4 ' OnSoturdoymorningf, runondrun. I goto the porkondI hovefun. OnSundomy orning,Tdon'trun. I reoda comicondf ploythe drums. :-lnk Unit5 wos* OK ** Good *** Greot Unit 9 Lesson4
ry BevleuG I write thewords. go s hop p i n g E n g l i s h c om e d ie s *M sth s m u sicp r o g r o m m e s fi l ms Historg g{rizzes -gefishinE Art cortoons plogtoble tennis P.E. plo gc o m p u t e rg o m e s wo tchT V M u sicch o n n e l r e o do book School TV@ Hobbies Maths qutzzes qo fishinq tr Reodondchoose. @ I likequizzes. T h e g ' r eg r e o t ! 4ffie- qd @ It's seven 2 When hove we got f ifteen. . !a\\. o I go skotingond I plog c o m p u t e rg o m e s . Whot do gou do in gour freetime? @ At holf post It's seven eleven. fiftg. n o I like comedies. @ We've got Historgot eleveno'clock. 46 Units7-9 ReviewC
frrrtethe sentences. q@ E@ trtr\"tu\"] t @ r @progrommes? E@@ 4 E t rsFropping? *ir'te the words. B Answerthe questions. 2 1 Hovegou got Art todog? 2 Whot isgourfovouritelesson? 3 Whot TV progrommedso gou like? .+/ * 4 Whotdo goudo on Soturdogs? 5 Do gougo shoppingin gourfreetime? 15 u unitr T-9 Reviewc
ry lmsilngonimals 1 | Completethe sentences. frog penguin whole crocodile a,4,/;, !//7l //t 1 Thisiso 2 T hisiso 3 T h isiso ) /ffif*R r - )avritnzT-r. -_ 4 T hisiso 5 T hisiso 6 T h isiso 2 | Motchond write sentences. fishond meot. ffitu ># fish. 1 A penguine o t s. . . leoves. 2 A gorilloe o t s. . . insects. 3 A f rog eots... meot. 4 A lioneots... 5 A crocodile ots... 1 2 3 4 5 it8 Unit 10 Lesson1
leod ond write the nomes. sn owgowl p e n g u i n c r o c o d i l e lio n p o lo rb e o r fr u it b o t h ip p o e lephont A- It doesn't I tf,/ It doesn'teot It eots meot. It doesn't It doesn'tfl Sl - lt livesin o d o e s n ' tf l g . hot ploce. t\\ It doesn'tlive 4 It livesin o n o hot pl-oce. hot ploce. It doesn'tlive in o hot ploce. PenguLn AnswerYes,it does or No, it doesn't. I Doesit swim? K s Doeitstiveinohotptocet ? Doesit swim? mN E 6 Doesiteotfishondmeot? @ 3 Doesit livein o hot ploce? Doesitfts? @7 @ 1 Doesit flg? 8 Doesiteotmeot? W ffi Unit10LessoZn 49