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Home Explore Maximum Yield USA July 2015

Maximum Yield USA July 2015

Published by lynn085, 2015-07-27 22:52:14

Description: Maximum Yield USA July 2015

Keywords: indoor gardening,food,water,earth,clean system


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Along with durability, you’ll also need to make sure thesiding allows enough light to shine through. What reallycounts is the amount of daily light integral (DLI) enteringthe greenhouse. The accumulation of an adequate amountof this photosynthetically active light is vital for properplant growth. There are a number of meters available thatcan help you determine if your plants are getting what theyneed. Being able to easily clean your siding will help youmake sure your plants get as much sunshine as possible.Additional EquipmentYou will likely need some heating and ventilation or cool-ing equipment within your greenhouse. Don’t forget tofactor these into your budget! In Las Vegas, for example, thesummers are extremely hot, but the air is dry. In this type ofclimate, evaporative coolers in dry climates can do wondersfor both you and your plants, keeping the stress levels of allparties to a minimum. Shade cloth might also be useful ifyou grow plants that don’t require much direct sunshine.Planning a new greenhouse should be fun. The more youthink through and enjoy the planning, the greater thesatisfaction you’ll get from your greenhouse when it is com-pleted. In the search for maximum yields, the benefits of awell-designed greenhouse should not to be overlooked. Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 149

GROWERS KNOW Growing Blue Blue: and Purple by Raquel Neofit Potatoes One of the great things about growing your own food is the ability to grow cool heirloom varieties of your favorite fruits and vegetables that are often hard to come by anywhere, even at your local farmers’ market. Take potatoes, for example. The blue and purple ones are particularly striking and fun to grow. Read on to learn more about these delightfully colored goodies and how to grow them in your garden.152 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

Health Benefits feed them regularly. Most growers agree a granular nutrient works best.Blue and purple potatoes are excellent Weeds shouldn’t be a problem because as plants mature, they form a canopy of leaveschoices for growers because they boast more that should keep weeds at bay. Keep in mind that heavy soil can encourage potatohealth benefits than their white counterparts. scab. If you buy seed potatoes, ensure they are certified as disease-free to protect yourThe golden rule with any fruit or vegetable soil and your crop. Tubers should be planted about 1-ft. apartis the darker and deeper the color, the more and about 5-in. deep, and then covered with about 1 ft. of mulch. As they start to grow,nutritional benefits it packs. They contain add more soil over top to keep them covered, without covering the top 6 in. of leaves. Thiscarotenoids and the color comes from their is important—if the growing potatoes are exposed to light, they’ll start to turn green.PU“RPLEflavonoid content. If you find some out-of-this-world potatoes These potatoes are high in carbohydrates, you would like to cultivate, allow the potato low in fat, high in potassium, and contain to sprout slightly, then cut it into chunks so a small amount of iron and a moder- there are one or two “eyes” per chunk. Lay ate amount of dietary fiber, which the pieces out for one or two days to dry— can help regulate blood sugar and they should callous over slightly—then plant prevent high cholesterol. They also with the eyes facing up. have anti-inflammatory properties. When it’s time to harvest, make sure you Blue potatoes also contain remove all of the tubers from the ground; thisSPOOTAUTOTEHS AARME NEATRIVIECTAO anthocyanins—an immunity- year’s tubers are a sure way to invite disease building antioxidant that fights into next year’s crop. Also avoid plantingAND THEY BOAST A free radicals, reducing the potatoes in the same place year after year. risk of cardiovascular disease,PURPLE-PIGMENTED stroke and cancer. The Pests skin, rich in vitamin C andBL„UISHVARIETIES,SKIN AND FLESH THAT, FOR MOST polyphenols, also helps seal When conditions are dry, you will probably in the nutrients while cooking, find potato moths lurking. They lay eggs atCHANGES TO A so try to leave it intact. night on the foliage and tubers. To avoid an infestation on the tubers, make sure theyCOLOR ONCE COOKED. Culinary Uses are always covered. Purple potatoes are native to Harvesting South America and they boast a purple-pigmented skin and flesh You can begin harvesting your potatoes when they start to flower. Harvest by hand and as that, for most varieties, changes to often as you like. You can scout smaller ones from underneath without disturbing the rest. a bluish color once cooked. The Once harvested, dry them quickly in a dark place. If exposed to excessive light, they will strange and unusual appearance of start to turn green and green potatoes are poisonous. The best thing about potatoes is blue and purple potatoes makes them you can pretty much harvest all year in a good climate. Enjoy! a great addition to any meal and a Raquel Neofit is a freelance writer for the horticulture, brilliant talking point. Serve them up travel and lifestyle industries. She has a background in business and radio, and is an avid believer that in your favorite potato salad, as a side hydroponics is the way of the future. Follow Raquel’s writing at My Food Story on Facebook. dish with chicken, or mash, roast or fry them. Get creative! Growing Conditions Potatoes love a pH between 5 and 6. Late spring is the best time to plant potatoes.You’ll need about 3 gal. of soil per pot andpotatoes love a 50:50 mix of compost andpotting soil. They need 60-90 days of frost-free growing, making them great to startin bags in a greenhouse. Potatoes don’tneed that much attention once established.Make sure you weed young plants regularlyto avoid having them fight with other plantsfor nutrients, keep them well-watered and Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 153

by Andrew Schell Scientists are learning more and more about mycorrhizae, the symbiotic associations between fungi and plant roots, and the benefits these relationships can have on plants. Here’s everything you need to know about incorporating this age-old partnership into your gardening practices.154 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

MYCORRHIZAEUNDERSTANDING EC, TDS & PPM “We know more about the movement of celestial bodies than about the soil underfoot.” —Leonardo da Vinci Scientists and farmers have uprooted an ancient partnership between plants and fungi. This mutualistic association, called mycorrhizae, has been around for more than 400 million years—basically as soon as plants found their way onto land. More than 90% of plant families form these symbiotic relationships at the root level with fungi. This sustainable partnership is essential to the circle of life. Plants supply fungi with energy in the form of carbohydrates that are produced during photosynthesis. Fungi are unable to produce their own food from the sun as they lack pho- tosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll. In return, fungi increase the survival and growth rates of plants by expanding the surface area of roots so more water and nutrients can be absorbed. The fungal network can transport water and nutri- ents over large distances and deliver them to the vascular tissues of plants. Roots with this network display an increased uptake of typically insoluble compounds, particularly phosphorus. The fungi also modify amino acids and carbohydrates for storage, or transfer them to where they are needed, and help plants cope with many environmental issues such as high salinity, drought and pH fluctuations. Mycorrhizal fungi help plants combat harmful pathogens, including the fungus-like genus pythium that causes root rot, by manufacturing and releasing particular enzymes and antibiotics as plants require them. Individual plants are connected with other plants through this mycorrhizal network, and can even share nutrients, sugars and water. The fungal network is embedded in the vegetative fungal tissues known as mycelium. Multiple species of fungi and plants can be connected through the mycelial network. This enriches the local community and also extends to interactions with earthworms, bacteria, nematodes and other organisms. Plants supply fungi with energy in “ the form of carbohydrates that are ”produced during photosynthesis.156 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

For example, nitrogen-fixing rhizobium bacteria in nodules “ The fungal networkof legumes require mycorrhizal fungi to supply the phos- can transport water andphorus needed for the nitrogen-fixing process. In manyinstances, fungi harbor nitrogen-fixing bacteria if nitrogen nutrients over largelevels in the soil are low. distances and deliverT ypes of Mycorrhizal Fungi them to the vascularThere are two main types of mycorrhizal fungi:endomycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal. ”tissues of plants.Endomycorrhizal Fungi Ectomycorrhizal FungiEndomycorrhizal fungi are called vesicular- Ectomycorrhizal fungi­(EM) form associations with rootsarbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) in the scientific community. without penetrating the root cells. They do this via a hyphalThese fungi connect internally with plants by penetrating network that surrounds root cells and forms a fungal-rootthrough the epidermis of root cells. The fungi produce a network in the surrounding rhizosphere. The mycelium ofprotein called glomalin that improves soil fertility and also certain species of EM can form fruiting bodies that we knowacts as a sealant, sealing the walls of the fungal network so as mushrooms or puffballs, which harbor and disperse thetransport is the most efficient it can be. These associations reproductive spores of the fungi. EM only form mycorrhizal associations with 2% of plant species—woody perennials are found in the roots of nearly all flowering plants, and thus are extremely relevant in an indoor gardening discussion. Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 157

MYCORRHIZAEMycorrhizal Species like conifers and oak trees. Most species will only inoculate the roots of the one specificThese mycorrhizal fungi species are commonly found in indoor plant species it has evolved with. EM cangardening products. By no means is this a comprehensive list. actually inhibit the growth of endomycorrhizal fungi and compete for resources with otherEndomycorrhizal Fungi species. While their role in helping flowering plants is miniscule, ectomycorrhizal fungi areThere are more than 150 species of endomycorrhizal fungi that ecologically and economically significant onform relationships with more than 200,000 plant species. These a global scale, as they are required for thefungi help with increased phosphorus uptake—in fact, uptake rejuvenation of forest soils and reforestation.of insoluble phosphate in soils is not possible without them—and plants show a 5-20% increase in photosynthetic rates when Mycorrhizal Fungi in Indoor Gardensthe root zone is colonized by endomycorrhizal fungi. Theycolonize roots quickly after application, which is ideal for short- Mycorrhizal fungi spores are available in manycycle indoor gardening, and form a thick network of mycelium. products available in hydroponics shops. The most common forms are the water-solubleGenus: Gigaspora Glomus claroideum Gigaspora albida Glomus clarum MYCORRIZpowder form and the granular slow-release Gigaspora gigantea Glomus deserticola Gigaspora margarita Glomus etunicatum form. Unfortunately, many products con-Genus: Glomus Glomus intraradices tain species that are irrelevant to flowering Glomus aggregatum (fast-acting: spores are actually plants. These will still be effective overall, Glomus brasilianum, produced inside plant tissues) but for your indoor plants, try to stick to a Glomus monosporum mix of purely endomycorrhizal fungi and a.k.a Paraglomus brasilianum Glomus mosseae SHELLbeneficial bacteria. A product should also beEctomycorrhizal Fungi trichoderma-free. Trichoderma is an antago-Unlike arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, most species of nistic fungi that benefits plants by controllingectomycorrhizal fungi are specific to one species of plant. disease, but at the expense of inhibiting manyThese types of fungi are great for forest rehabilitation and species of beneficial fungi. Read companywoody perennials, mostly conifers and oaks. websites and labels, but keep in mind thatGenus: Laccaria Genus: Pisolithus 3.75sometimes a label will not list all the species it Laccaria bicolor Pisolithus tinctorius Laccaria laccata contains because of regulations and permits, or they are a trade secret. Ask a rep at a tradeGenus: Rhizopogon show and contact a company over the phoneSpecific to pines and firs, this genus, which forms fruits and ask for the ingredients. Or, best of all,known as false truffles, is as important to forest ecology as thetrees themselves. More than 150 species have been identified. “ Individual plants areThe mushrooms eaten by humans and animals are activated connected with other plantsmore in the gut, which helps spread the spores. through this mycorrhizalRhizopogon amylopogon Rhizopogon luteolusRhizopogon fulvigleba Rhizopogon roseolus network, and can evenGenus: Scleroderma share nutrients, sugarsScleroderma form relationships with trees and shrubs.The spores of some species are toxic to animals and the ”and water.mushrooms can be poisonous as well. This genus is perfectfor nursery seedlings and starting certain trees.Scleroderma aurantium Scleroderma verrucosumScleroderma cepa Scleroderma vulgareScleroderma citriniumGenus: SuillusThis genus is specific to pine trees. It is a source of naturaldyes and forms edible mushrooms.Suillus granulatusSuillus punctipes158 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

“ For your indoor plants, try to stick to a mix of purely endomycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria. ”fork out the big bucks for laboratory testing. One common myth in the indoor gardening industry is that mycorrhizal fungi do not have an application in hydroponics. The truth is that endomycorrhizal fungi do not require soil media to inoculate a plant’s roots. The fungal associations thrive in hydroponic systems as well as the roots of aquatic plants. It is important to supply high-grade carbohydrates to your nutri- ent regimen if you are using mycorrhizal fungi, as the fungi require carbohydrates for energy and they obtain them from the plant if there is not a sufficientZAEamount in your feed water. Feed the fungus, or it will take valuable energy from your crop. Endomycorrhizal fungi also help with the remedia- tion of depleted soils like the peat-based and recycled mixes now common in the indoor gardening industry. Harnessing the power of mycorrhizal fungi in the garden is a key step in moving forward from the out- dated paradigm of global agriculture. Force-feeding our crops with industrial nutrients, herbicides and pesticides is not only unhealthy and unsustainable, it is unnecessary. With proper gardening techniques and beneficial micro-organisms, we can use less chemicals to get the same results. Thanks to modern research and technology, we are gradually shedding some light on the underground microcosm we walk on. Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 159

Gr owing Tomato esIN C NTAINERS There’s nothing tastier than a juicy, ripe, homegrown tomato, picked fresh for your salad. And the good news is you don’t need a backyard and lots of soil to grow tomatoes, they grow well in containers, too! Read on for some tips.160 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

In a recent gardeners’ survey, the FIND A LARGE POT USE A SUITABLE SOIL MIXtomato took first place in the home-grown vegetable popularity contest. And, Even small tomato varieties have Be sure to purchase a potting mix thatno surprise, it wasn’t even a close con- substantial root masses. The minimum is specifically designed for tomatoes.test—cucumbers and peppers, in second container size for a patio tomato should Or you can make your own mix. Ohioand third place, were 40 points behind! be 14 in. in diameter, with a capacity of University recommends 25% eachThe fresh-picked tomato experience at least 5 gal. For best results, go with a potting soil, perlite, peat moss andis not just for those who own a sunny 17-20-in. pot that holds 15-20 gal. compost. Several healthy handfuls ofplot of rich soil. You can successfully And try to avoid black; it may cause worm castings also help.grow tomatoes in containers on a patio, the soil to overheat. The larger thedeck or even a fire escape, as long as it pots, the easier it will be to keep your CHOOSE AN APPROPRIATE VARIETYcaptures at least six hours of sunlight a plants from drying out, which willday. Another option is growing indoors help prevent blossom-end rot. A large There are many tomato varietiesunder artificial lighting. Here are some pot will also help prevent you from suitable for container growing, withtips on growing tomatoes in containers. becoming a slave to the watering needs new patio tomatoes being introduced of your potted tomatoes. each year. Look for varieties labeled“ determinate, or those described asYOU CAN SUCCESSFULLYGROW TOMATOES INCONTAINERS ON A PATIO,DECK OR EVEN AFIRE ESCAPE.” Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 161

GROWING TOMATOES IN CONTAINERS“ bush, dwarf or short-season tomatoes. and nurseries) mixed in with the Some container varieties, sometimes top several inches of the soil. ItIN GENERAL, referred to as tumbler-type tomatoes, should have a balanced ratio ofVARIETIES WITH are cascading rather than bush N-P-K (5-5-5, for example). WhenSMALL- TO growers, which eliminates the need your plants begin flowering, this for staking. These are suitable for is your cue to begin supplemental MEDIUM-SIZED window boxes. feeding every few weeks. Look for FRUITS ARE It is possible to grow tall, vining a balanced, soluble fertilizer that BETTER indeterminate garden favorites in will provide both the macro- and CONTAINER containers, but keep in mind that micronutrients your tomatoes CHOICES large vines require roomy quarters— need; a combination of fish at least a 15-20-gal. pot—to sustain emulsion and liquid seaweed is a THAN LARGE the roots and to accommodate stakes good, non-chemical, inexpensive BEEFSTEAKS.” or cages. In general, varieties with standby. Be sure to properly mix small- to medium-sized fruits are better and apply the fertilizer according container choices than large beefsteaks, to the label’s directions. and choosing a hybrid variety with good resistance to diseases is helpful. WATER FREQUENTLY STAKE EARLY Try not to let your tomato plants wilt. Water your seedlings well, and keep the Don’t wait to stake potted tomatoes. soil moist, but not sopping wet. Early in Include 2-3-ft. stakes or cages when the season, this might mean watering you plant your container, as even bush once or twice a week, but once your varieties will need support for their plants size up and the weather heats branches and heavy fruit sets. up, you’ll probably be watering every day. If you plan to go away, it might FERTILIZE REGULARLY make sense to purchase an inexpensive container drip system and a timer. Start your tomatoes off with a slow- release fertilizer (certified organic Home Garden Seed Association as well as conventional fertilizers are available at garden centers WHAT ABOUT THOSE UPSIDE-DOWN CONTAINERS? REALITY CHECK: You will have to work a lot harder to be successful. Some commercial upside-down containers have a capacity well under 5 gal.—too small to be practical. Like all hanging planters, they dry out rapidly in sunny weather, so your plants will require even more constant watering than they would in standard pots. Also, the soil in a hanging container heats up quickly, causing stress. Gardeners using light-colored, 5-gal. plastic buckets report having some luck. For the best chance of success with this method, choose only small- fruited varieties and start out with big, tall, vigorous seedlings so they can be planted deeply (that is, with roots very close to the top). It’s critical to hang the containers on a strong support— they will get heavy!162 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

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TIPS & TRICKS Simplified.CO2 Supplementation, By Garrett Cropsey One of the easiest ways to provide indoor plants with extra CO2 is by using mycelial CO2—a byproduct of growing fungi in your garden. Maximize your efforts using this method of supplementation with these tips. Plants grown indoors often consume more carbon dioxide than what enters the grow space naturally. These same plants become more productive when CO2 levels are maintained at higher levels than atmospheric concentrations. For these reasons, indoor gardeners provide supplemental CO2 to their growrooms using a variety of methods. Compressed tanks, burners and the gardener’s own breath are all effective at providing extra carbon dioxide, but mycelial CO2 production is the easiest and most cost-effective means of maintaining beneficial levels in gardens up to a certain size.164 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

Mycelia are the fibrous, root-like In large growrooms “For those looking for more than justnetworks formed by fungi throughout containing many lights,a substrate. Fungi are more closely compressed gas or the additional CO2 in their growrooms,related to animals than to plants; burners remain the most mushrooms like oysters, shiitake, winelike animals, they exhale CO2 as they cost-effective means ofgrow, which is then available for use providing the extra CO2by plants. Mycelia come in small, plants need. However,pre-inoculated bags, buckets, pads there are ways to maintainor bottles already producing CO2,without giving off any excess heat or or even improve the cost- caps and lion’s mane not only produce CO2requiring complicated set-ups. effectiveness of mycelial while they grow, but can also be eaten.” While mycelial CO2 is low CO2 supplementation.maintenance, it is important to place Try adding them to a newit in the correct area in a grow spaceto get optimal results. Because CO2 is substrate or experimentingheavier than air, the product should beplaced high enough in the room so the with different species of CO2 while they grow, but can also beCO2 cascades over the plants instead of fungi, for example. eaten. All of these edible mushroomspooling at the bottom of the grow spacewhere plants cannot reach it. Some enjoy warm indoor environmentsforms of mycelial CO2 can be placedon or near the grow lights, which also The Extra Mile and provide delicious rewards for thehelps optimize mycelia productivity, as oxygen they get from the plants. Thesethis location increases heat and oxygen Mycelia eventually stop generating CO2 fungi can produce several flushes offlow to the bags. once they have consumed all of the mushrooms before they finish decom- For any supplemental CO2 to be effec- usable material within their package, posing their substrate, if they are giventive, it’s important to ensure the growth at which point they become inactive, more water after each flush.of your plants is not significantly limited but not “dead.” By providing myceliaby other variables. Considering mycelialCO2 doesn’t provide as much of the with a new food source, they become To recap, mycelial CO2 can be of greatgood stuff as compressed gas or burn- active again and are happy to continue benefit to indoor gardeners if useders, it is important to set your ventila- growing and producing CO2 while they correctly. Mycelia placed high in thetion fan to run only when the grow decompose the new material. Hay, grow space with minimal ventilationspace thermometer reaches the highest manure, coffee grounds, rye pellets will generate a helpful boost in CO2temperature tolerable by the plants. and many other materials are suitable levels for extended periods of time forThis ensures the CO2 produced by the for consumption by mycelia and can be smaller grow spaces without the needmycelia remains in the grow space long prepared/sterilized at home or bought for complicated, expensive equipment.enough to be taken up by the plants. pre-packaged. Older mycelia can be Mycelia can also be reused by addingIf the grow space contains multiple, broken down and mixed into the new them to new grow media and, withhigh-power lights, they should be water- media manually, or via a syringe if some extra effort, can even grow ediblecooled rather than fan-cooled to ensure adding liquid media to pre-sterilized mushrooms. Fungi and plants have anthe CO2 produced by the mycelia can bags. Gardeners using soil substrates ancient partnership and the gases theybe used up, while keeping the lights can also mix mycelia directly into the exchange throughout the grow spaceand the grow space from overheating. dirt before adding plants. They will pro- greatly benefit the plants within. Eventually, the size of a grow space duce more and more CO2 as they growlimits the effectiveness of mycelial CO2. throughout the lifetime of plants, and will remain active even when new crops Garrett Cropsey is a biologist currently living in are added into the mix. Boulder, Colorado. His love of nature began in For those looking for more than just Longmeadow, Massachusetts, where his first job the additional CO2 in their growrooms, was with the local parks department. He has a mushrooms like oysters, shiitake, wine degree in ecology and evolutionary biology from caps and lion’s mane not only produce the University of Colorado Boulder. Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 165

COOLHow to Part IIYour Greenhouse: Evaporate Your Problems Away by Jeremiah Robinson Summer is here, and as the temperatures soar, things can get out of control in the greenhouse. Last month, we learned howto manage solar radiation in the greenhouse. This month, as thethermometer rises, we learn some techniques to try when that’s no longer enough. It’s all about ventilation and evaporation.166 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

CSTOOONLEINWGOYOOLUDROG'SRE&EDNOHNO'UTSSE One way to encourage evaporation is to raise the covers on grow beds and resevoirs and blow air over the water.In last month’s article on greenhouse cooling, welearned about the four methods of heat transfer Increasing the ventilationand how to manage radiation in a greenhouse. rate allows you toWith your solar radiation trained like an alpine bring your greenhouseSt. Bernard, you’ve limited the heat entering your temperature, on a sunnygreenhouse to the bare minimum needed for day, down to within 5°F ofplant growth, and kept out, kept off and bounced the outdoor temperature.”back the rest. Despite all this, when outdoortemperatures hit 100°F, your greenhouse will stillget hot. But don’t despair! We resourceful growersalways have a few more tricks up our sleeves. Thismonth we learn about the two fighting sisters ofgreenhouse cooling: ventilation and evaporation.VentilationThis is the one greenhouse cooling strategy that every-body knows about:Question: How do you keep your greenhouse cool?Answer: Roll up the sides and turn on the fan.Question: But what if that doesn’t work?Answer: You get a bigger fan. This works to a point. Increasing the ventilationrate allows you to bring your greenhousetemperature, on a sunny day, down to within 5°Fof the outdoor temperature. Going much beyond168 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

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COOLING YOUR GREENHOUSE Changing the phase of a substance (e.g. gas to this is a losing proposition energy-wise. You liquid) removes a great could put a 52-in. exhaust fan in your 8- by 12-ft. deal more heat from it than greenhouse. While it would literally shear the changing its temperature.” leaves off your plants and plastic from the walls, it still wouldn’t get the temperature one degree To encourage evaporation in other ways, we below 100°F if it’s 100°F outside, although it will can increase the surface area of water exposed make your utility meter spin like a dervish! to air by removing the covers on our grow beds Using passive ventilation—putting vents in the and reservoirs. However, we still want to prevent ridge of the roof of your greenhouse—works radiation from getting into the water and media well if you only need minimal ventilation such as in a non-sunny climate. But when it’s sunny, in our systems. To overcome this dilemma, you won’t get anywhere near the outdoor raise the grow bed and reservoir covers a temperature. With active ventilation (fans), small amount above the water/media surface putting the fans on the roof helps a bit, but and blow air over the water with small fans. not as much as you’d think. The problem with ventilation concerns this ongoing feud. You see, This warm, moving air will evaporate water ventilation is always trying to thwart the efforts and cool your greenhouse. of her more powerful sister—evaporation. A more standard method for reducing Evaporation greenhouse temperature is using a cool- ing pad, which is essentially a large sponge Changing the phase of a substance (e.g. gas to you insert into a hole at one end of your liquid) removes a great deal more heat from greenhouse, then drip water onto. The it than changing its temperature. In a green- fans at the other end suck air through the house, the substance best-suited to changing phases is water. When water evaporates, it sponge, evaporating it into the greenhouse absorbs 970 btu/lb. This is a great deal of air. One farmer near me claims he keeps energy. Half of it comes from the air, half of his greenhouse at 75°F when it’s 100°F it from the body of water it evaporated out of. outside using this method. For example, if you evaporate 1 lb. of water in a 20- by 40-ft. greenhouse from a 1,000-gal. The Feud hydroponic system, you will lower the air tem- perature by 4°F and the water temperature by You can’t put ventilation and 0.05°F. The real kicker here is that it doesn’t evaporation in the same room. matter what the outside temperature is. It They fight. The problem is could be 100°F outside and 50°F inside. the air you cooled using Evaporate 1 lb. of water and you’ll get evaporation will, with the same temperature drop. the help of ventilation, During cold weather, we want leave the greenhouse to avoid evaporation, but when and be replaced with it’s hot, we want to encourage warm outside air. On it. To do this, expose as much the other hand, with- water to the air as possible. Our out some ventilation, plants help us with this through your greenhouse will the transpiration process, which become so humid, you is water evaporating through won’t be able to evapo- their leaves. We encourage rate any more water. transpiration by including large This requires some leafy plants in our gardens balance. To cool below when it’s hot out. Spritzing the outdoor tem- water on plant leaves encour- perature, with solar ages transpiration all the more, radiation controlled although spritzer valves are as best you can, move notoriously difficult to keep clean if you have hard water.170 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

COOLING YOUR GREENHOUSE The air you cooled using evaporationair slowly through the greenhouse, and quickly over the will, with the help ofsurface of the water and the plants (or cooling pad). ventilation, leave theThis will maximize transpiration and evaporation, greenhouse and bethus cooling your greenhouse down. replaced with warm outside air.”A Neat Trick SummaryThere’s one more trick that canmake a big difference in your In conclusion, you can use the followinggreenhouse temperatures— ventilation and evaporation strategiesgetting ventilation and evaporation to keep your greenhouse cool:to work together. Ventilation andevaporation work together using • Ventilate to keep your green-something called a “climate house only a few degrees warmerbattery.” The climate battery than outdoor draw the warm moist air Ridge venting can be more effi-from the greenhouse into cient than end-wall venting.pipes buried in the groundunder the greenhouse. Once • Evaporate water insidethere, the cool sides of the your greenhouse to lowertubing cause moisture to the temperature below thecondense. This dries outthe air in the same way a outdoor air temperature.dehumidifier does. You can do this using Once dry, the air is moving air though plantprimed to absorb more transpiration, evaporationmoisture from the water,further reducing greenhouse from your grow beds andair and water temperatures. reservoirs, and by passingThe magic of the climate air through a cooling pad.battery is that the earthhas a near-infinite ability • Transfer heat from yourto absorb heat. This is the greenhouse air to theprinciple that ground- earth using a climatesource (geothermal)heating and cooling battery, which allows youis based on. to store it until winter— At night, if the air when you’ll need it!temperature dropsbelow the ground Using these strategiestemperature, then will allow you to raisesome of that con- all manner of crops indensed water re- the heat of summer inevaporates and your greenhouse.the climate bat-tery is recharged.You can absorbso much heat inthe summer fromcooling that it willbe stored for monthsand can help you heat thegreenhouse in the winter.172 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

by Eric Hopper +?= A Beginner’s Guide to Calculating Lighting Needs The lighting system is the heart of any indoor garden, providing plants with the energy needed to photosynthesize and develop, but just how much light is needed? And what type of reflector should you use? Eric Hopper answers these common questions and more in this back-to-basics guide to helping you figure out your lighting set-up.174 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

CALCULATING LIGHTING NEEDS There are several crucial things to con- consideration the crop’s particular light sider when you set up your first indoor intensity needs, you can determine garden. Ventilation, nutrition and the how many watts per square foot will be growing medium are all crucial, but the required. From there, you can purchase a most important factor affecting an indoor lighting system that will fit your individual garden’s overall performance is the light- needs. When growing lettuce or other ing system. The bulk of the energy that crops that have lower light requirements, fuels plant growth comes from the light- use a calculation of 20-30 W per square ing system. There are many different types foot of garden space. For example, a of lighting technologies available to grow- 1,000-W lighting system would provide ers, including high-intensity discharge and coverage for a 35-50-sq.-ft. area. If you LED lighting systems. Before you go out want to grow vegetables like tomatoes, you and buy your lighting system, there are a should calculate 40 W per square foot of few important things to consider first. The garden space. In this instance, a 1,000-W amount of light energy needed for the lighting system would cover 25 sq. ft. garden space, which type of reflector you of garden space. Keep in mind the cal- want to use, and how to set up multiple culated area is the actual garden space reflector cross-patterns are all things you (green space), not necessarily the physi- should know before going shopping. cal size of the room itself. If you want to maximize yields for certain crops, you can Calculating Light Energy push the wattage per square foot ratio up Needs for HID Systems to 60-70 W per square foot. However, for most fast-growing annuals, the point of There are a few different ways to diminishing returns falls between 40-50 W calculate the amount of light energy per square foot, so pushing the light levels needed to properly illuminate a far beyond that is inefficient. particular space. There are fancy devices that can help determine micro-moles Reflectors and also estimate the amount of PAR (photosynthetically active radiation), but Believe it or not, there was a time for most new gardeners, this information when most indoor growers didn’t use is not necessary. If you have free access light reflectors. Luckily, now there to expensive light measurement devices, are tons of lighting reflector options. by all means use them, but don’t feel Choosing a lighting reflector is an like you need to purchase a micro- important decision. Reflectors come mole light meter to determine your in small, medium and large sizes, garden’s best lighting set-up. and can be equipped with ventilation Most gardeners can determine their ports for air-cooling. Some reflectors lighting needs by calculating the desired are even water-cooled. You can gener- wattage per square foot. Taking into ally choose a reflector size based on The most important factor affecting an indoor garden’s overall performance is the lighting system.”176 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

CALCULATING LIGHTING NEEDSthe wattage of your lighting system, so a 400-W light works By strategically placing thewell with a smaller reflector, a 600-W light works well with reflectors, you can createa medium reflector, and a 1,000-W light works well witha large reflector. Yes, there are always exceptions, but for cross-patterns that willnovice growers, this is a good guideline to follow. Choosing increase productivity andbetween an air-cooled reflector and a non-air-cooledreflector will come down to your ability to control heat. If maximize efficiency.”you have a small space that accumulates heat rapidly, youshould consider an air-cooled reflector. Also, gardens withmultiple lighting systems will generally benefit from air-cooling reflectors since the excess heat from all the lightscan build up in the growroom if not removed.Reflector Lighting Cross-Patterns LED light system advertised as a 1,000-W unit with an actual power draw of 400 W. This is confusing because a growerA reflector lighting cross-pattern is when two or more looking to set up a light system may believe the unit canreflectors’ light footprints overlap each other. To get the cover the same square footage as a 1,000-W HPS or MH.most efficient set-up possible, lighting cross-patterns must However, to get comparable results to that of HID lighting,be taken into consideration. When the light from multiple growers using LEDs should use around 40 W of actual lightreflectors is overlapped, the light energy is combined. When output wattage per square foot. For example, an LED unitthe light on the outskirts of a reflector’s footprint, which with a full-capacity rating of 1,000 W but an actual powernormally would not be powerful enough to promote large draw of 400 W would be sufficient for a 10-sq.-ft. area (40 Wyields, is combined with light from the outskirts of another per square foot = 10 sq. ft.). Even though LEDs producereflector, the overlapping portion becomes powerful enough higher ratios of PAR, to get comparable growth resultsto promote big fruits and flowers. to that of HIDs, most plants still require about the same By strategically placing the reflectors, you can create amount of wattage per square foot. The biggest savings withcross-patterns that will increase productivity and maximize LEDs are lower heat loads and extended longevity.efficiency. That being said, every growroom is different andso are, to some degree, each grower’s intentions. Some The lighting system is the heart of any indoor garden andgrowers will place reflectors close to one another to create provides plants with the energy needed for photosynthesis.higher watts per square foot in a given area. This allows them Novice indoor gardeners who grasp the concept of setting upto further concentrate the light which, in turn, equates to a lighting system and make the calculations will already belarger fruits or flowers. Some growers will place reflectors on the right path to creating an efficient, productive garden.much farther apart, trying to maintain a consistent watt- Seeing a return on investment is important to any grower. Anper-square-foot ratio throughout the garden. This type of indoor garden with the right reflector, an adequate amountset-up creates an energy-efficient garden that will produce an of light energy per square foot, and, when applicable, aabundance of medium-sized fruits or flowers. comprehensive cross-pattern set-up, will provide a larger and faster return on investment.Calculating Light Energy Needs for LEDsWhen calculating light energy needs for LED lights, growersmust first understand the way LED lights are manufacturedand marketed. To extend the longevity of LED lightingfixtures, most manufacturers produce LED lights that donot operate at full-wattage capacity—an LED fixture maycontain 5-W LED bulbs, but when the unit is operating, thebulbs only operate on 3 W each. An example of this is an178 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

YOU TELL USBiology in aBottle Address: 12500 Network Blvd. Suite 201, San Antonio, Tx 78249 Phone: 1-210-558-4757 Web: Top: President Bill Botto in the Micro-TES lab. Bottom: Lab manager Karen Shutes shows off some samples; Vice-president Richard Geisler with SOS products in different sizes. Micro-TES is a boutique biotech company that produces biological products for remediation, water quality, oil and gas, agriculture, hydroponics and aquaponics. President Bill Botto tells Maximum Yield about how the company got its start and why SOS, its premier product for the hydroponics industry, is known as biology in a bottle. 180 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

The early years were very exciting. We were on the cutting edgeof the industrial side of the emerging science of biotechnology.” Using SOS Directions for Use in Directions for Use in Soil: Hydroponic Systems: SOS (Super Organic • Mix 1 oz. in 1 gal. of water and Stimulator) is the finest, • Add SOS to your reservoir apply evenly around root area. most biotechnologically at the rate of 2 tsp. per gal. superior bacterial inoculant of water. • Thoroughly water after on the market today. SOS is application to soak into root area.literally Biology in a Bottle. • SOS can be used in all stages of growth. • Apply when planting or transplanting, with each fertilizer • SOS can be used with application, or 3-4 times per any fertilizer. growing season.Tell us a little about how your company started. copious amounts of growth promoters, beneficial organic molecules and surfactants. An additional unique effect of usingMicro-TES, incorporated in 1991, was started to serve the needs SOS in your hydroponic system is that the surfactants producedof businesses that had contaminated soil and water. Rather by the bacteria dissolve the nutrient scale that builds up andthan send the soil and water to hazardous waste landfills, our clogs hoses, pumps and nozzles. Hydroponic systems using SOSclients can now bio-remediate hydrocarbon-contaminated run cleanly and efficiently. Hydroponic systems are literally smallsoil and water on site. The contaminants are destroyed by the biospheres. At Micro-TES our goal is to fine tune nature in thesemicrobes contained in Micro-TES’s biological product—LFS-1. small biospheres. By allowing our clients to “own” the biology inThe destruction of the hydrocarbons eliminates future liability their hydroponic systems, they can optimize growth, minimizefor our clients, as well as the need to place hazardous waste in maintenance and, to a large extent, keep root pathogens fromlandfills for future generations to deal with. compromising their plants.What were the early years like? Where do you distribute?The early years were very exciting. We were on the cutting edge Micro-TES distributes in the US through Hydrofarm, and inof the industrial side of the emerging science of biotechnology. Mexico, Columbia and Canada.Micro-TES was involved in finding new and unique microbesfrom niche environments in the US and abroad. How are your products environmentally friendly?What is your company’s philosophy? All Micro-TES products are natural, non-toxic and pose no danger to the environment.“Natural Solutions for a Clean Environment” is our basic philosophy.We look to nature to find new ways to solve old problems. Where do you see your company in 10 years?Tell us about the products you make for the indoor gardening Micro-TES is aggressively working on bio-pesticides, and isindustry and what makes them unique. currently testing several new biological treatments in Mexico. In the next 10 years, our goal is to move more into sustainableMicro-TES currently manufactures an excellent product for agriculture in hydroponics, aquaponics, commodity crops andthe indoor gardening industry—SOS. SOS is a liquid blend of specialty plants.naturally occurring, vigorous strains of beneficial bacteria thatmaximize the growth and nutrient uptake of hydroponically What else should we know about Micro-TES?grown plants. The bacteria in SOS promote root growth inseedlings, transplants, clones and adult plants. Plants grown Micro-TES also sells a sister product to SOS called SSB, whichwith SOS display increased biomass, health and vigor. SOS is is a microbial soil treatment. SSB is used on field crops, fruitunique in that Micro-TES isolated all the species contained in trees and specialty crops. We are pursuing organic certificationthe product from hostile field environments, where many other for both SOS and SSB, and we will also be launching a newspecies could not survive. These particular species produce product for aquaponic systems in the next few months. Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 181

TALKING SHOPFROMSELLINGTOCREATINGTOSELLINGThe folks behind The From left to right:Terri,Good Earth Organics in Roach, Roy and Rhea.Cave Junction, Oregon,pull double-duty as the LOCATION:manufacturers of premiumpotting soils and the operators 30088 Redwood Hwy.of a full-service gardening center. Cave Junction, OR 97523Read on to learn more about theseorganic gardening shop owners. PHONE: 1-541-592-4855 YEARS IN BUSINESS: Seven WEB: MOTTO: Bringing Peace of Mind to Your Soil MediaBefore opening The Good Earth Organics more than seven Roy and Barbara opened their store in “The Barn” in Aprilyears ago, Barbara was a midwife, and Roy owned a variety of 2008 and built it from the ground up. “What we offer in ouronline businesses as well as an excavation business. The pair store and in our soil mixes was, and is, directly a result ofalways had a passion for gardening, with Barbara going as far our customers’ needs and influence,” says Barbara. In theas describing her garden as her “church.” early days, Roy and Barbara’s biggest struggle was copingRoy and Barbara developed with the weather expo-The Good Earth Organics to sure that comes fromsupply a demand in the rural operating out of a of Cave Junction Things were very rustic,in Oregon after they moved they recall, but they werethere from Jacksonville, always happy doing whatjust over the hill. Once they they were doing.arrived in Cave Junction, When Roy and Barbarathey were inspired to open a started The Good Earthgarden center after hearing Organics, they sold com-from numerous gardening post and a selection offriends who had to travel 45 organic dry amendments.minutes to Grants Pass for the That was it! It wasn’tsupplies they needed. Rhea poses with some customers wearing The Good Earth Organics gear. until their third season182 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

in business that Roy started mixing and sells additional brands like Agehis own blends of premium potting Old Organics, Botanicare, Generalsoil­—the kinds of mixes his custom- Hydroponics, Miller and Gro Proers desired. His inspiration came from fabric pots.doing excavation work for customers These days, The Good Earth Organicsat their garden sites, which involved is proud to offer a clean, organizedmixing custom soils for his customers storefront and a bulk soil servicebased on their recipes. “Our soil mixes that helps folks live sustainably in anhave been a huge success,” he says. extremely rural area. “We are owned“We started off selling large quantities and operated by experienced garden-of bulk soil in our direct vicinity and ers and we are very committed toexpanded to offering bulk sales in the the success of our customers,” saysgreater Southern Oregon region. Now Barbara. The people behind The Goodwe have nationwide distribution.” Earth Organics continue to evolve andAs the business grew, Roy and Barbara work with the feedback they receive, asrealized they couldn’t run The Good Roy recalls: “We have sold liquid fish emulsion and liquid kelp for“We are owned and operated by the majority experienced gardeners and we are verycommitted to the success of our customers.” of our years in business. In the past, we would and our customers are amazingly bottle it by understanding,” he says. The growth of the gardening industry the gallon out in the Illinois Valley has benefited the people and the community of Cave of a big tank Junction as a whole, Roy explains. “We have taken countless first-time growersEarth Organics alone. They now employ for the customer on the spot. It was a by the hand and helped them succeed. That is huge. It is very rewarding to beup to 11 top-notch workers during the very stinky job. Unfortunately, there able to supply and assist these growers with the knowledge and tools they needpeak season, who all bond over their are a handful of customers who have to succeed,” he says. Barbara adds, “We didn’t start out as soil manufacturers,passion for gardening and the commu- horror stories of gallon jugs with snap but rather grew into that role, and it has been our biggest success and hasnity. The store remains on its original lids of liquid fish emulsion falling over grown our business far beyond our expectations. It’s a lot of work sourcingproperty, but has greatly expanded. The or exploding in their hot car. We now high-quality materials, trucking, mixing and so on, but the proof is in the pud-barn stores the bulk dry amendments pre-bottle these products in several ding, as they say. Our customers have experienced outstanding results withand the communal break room. The sizes in advance, with secure lids. Not our soil mixes!”yard has quadrupled in size and now as much mess, and our customers stillcontains numerous concrete-block bays love us, thank goodness!”for holding bulk soil, pumice and com- Roy can recall another example ofpost; a coco-washing station; soil mixing when he was able to smooth thingsplatforms; and shipping containers for out for a customer. “There was onestorage. The storefront and office space memorable day when I backed intois now in a highway-facing building. a customer’s truck with the loader,Along with its line of premium incurring a big bill that we gladly paidpotting soils that are made on site, for! Thankfully, the customer wasn’tThe Good Earth Organics offers a too upset and is still a regular. Wewide array of organic dry amendments always make right with our mistakes Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 183

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Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 187

MAXIMUM YIELD DISTRIBUTORS Retail Stores listed alphabetically by city in each state.ALABAMA Home Grown Hydroponics High Desert Hydroponics Sky High Garden Supply The Hydro Source Constantly Growing 2401 East Baseline Rd., Suite 109 13631 Pawnee Rd., #7 3081 Alhambra Dr., Suite 105 671 E. Edna Pl. 4301 Hazel Ave.Alabama Organics GILBERT, AZ 85234 APPLE VALLEY, CA 92308 CAMERON PARK, CA 95682 COVINA, CA 91723 FAIR OAKS, CA 956283348 Bethel Rd. 480-633-2100 760-247-2090 530-676-4009 877 HYDRO 82; 626-915-3128 916-962-0043HAMMONDVILLE, AL 35989 ---------------------------------------------- Orchard City Garden Supply Pacific Coast Hydroponics Everything Green256-635-0802 Green Life Hydroponics 132 Kennedy Ave. 4147 Sepulveda Blvd. Hydroponics Hydro-Ponics Inc. 10798 N. 75th Ave. Suite A4 A Fertile World CAMPBELL, CA 95008 CULVER CITY, CA 90230 4229 Lozano Ln.(of Birmingham) PEORIA, AZ 85345 5565 W End Rd. 408-866-8176 310-313-1354 FAIRFIELD, CA 945342969 Pelham Pkwy. Suite. 3 623-487-0148 Global Garden Supply, Constantly Growing - Davis 707-432-0774PELHAM, AL 35124 ARCATA, CA 95521 Santa Cruz 123 D St. Fallbrook Hydro205-358-3009 The Grow Shop LLC 707-825-0255 1655 38th St. DAVIS, CA 95616 208 E Mission Rd., Suite B 1733 E. McDowell Rd. CAPITOLA, CA 95010 530-756-4774 FALLBROOK, CA 92028ALASKA PHOENIX, AZ 85006 ---------------------------------------------- 831-854-7890 Central Valley Gardening 760-728-4769 602-340-7591 American Hydroponics Myron L Company 9884 Stephens St. Jah Hydro---------------------------------------------- 286 South G St. 2450 Impala Dr. DELHI, CA 95315 625 East Mission Rd. Sea of Green West ARCATA, CA 95521 CARLSBAD, CA 9210-7226 209-668-2178 FALLBROOK, CA 92028 Alaska Jack’s Hydroponics 2340 W. Bell Rd., Suite 116 800-458-6543 760-438-2021; 661-299-1603 Valley Gardening Supplies 619-930-3471 and Garden Supply PHOENIX, AZ ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 9888 Stephens St. Tulare County Growers Supply 602-504-8842 DELHI, CA 95315 435 W. Noble Ave., Unit A 341 Boniface Pkwy, Unit D Northcoast San Diego Hydroponics 209-668-2178 FARMERSVILLE, CA 93223 ANCHORAGE, AK 99504 High Hopes Hydro Horticulture Supply North County Coastal Appleseed Hydroponics 559-732-8247 1400 E. Deuce of Clubs #2 6352 Corte Del Abeto #J 6650 Merchandise Way, Suite B Santa Cruz Hydroponics 907-332-1141 SHOW LOW, AZ 85901 639 6th St. CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DIAMOND SPRINGS, CA 95619 & Organics - North---------------------------------------------- 928-537-4606 ARCATA, CA 95521 530-622-5190 5980 Hwy. 9Alaska Mill, Feed and 760-420-8934 Constantly Growing FELTON, CA 95018Garden Center Home Grown Hydroponics 707-826-9998 ---------------------------------------------- 6200 Enterprise Dr., Suite A 831-335-9990114 N. Orca 1845 East Broadway, Suite 124 ---------------------------------------------- DIAMOND SPRINGS, CA 95619 ----------------------------------------------ANCHORAGE, AK 99501 TEMPE, AZ 85282 530-642-9710907-279-4519 480-377-9096 Sweet Harvest The Greenhouse Garden Supply Watch It Grow Hydro Eel River HydroponicsFar North Garden Supply Hydroponics & Organics 7619 Fair Oak Blvd. 9453 Firestone Blvd. & Soil Supply2834 Boniface Pkwy. Sea of Green Hydroponics DOWNEY, CA 164 Dinsmore Dr.ANCHORAGE, AK 99504 1301 E. University Dr. 1041 E. Grand Ave. CARMICHAEL, CA 95608 562-861-1928907-333-3141 TEMPE, AZ 85281 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 916-515-9130 Dublin Seed Bank and FORTUNA, CA 95540Southside Garden Supply AK 800-266-4136 Aquaponics 707-726-0395171 Muldoon Rd. 805-473-0004 7079 Village Pkwy.ANCHORAGE, AK 99504 Gonzo Grow ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- DUBLIN, CA 94568 ----------------------------------------------907-334-9997 10297 W Van Buren St., Suite 8 Auburn Organic Garden 925-828-4769 Dirt Cheap HydroponicsSouthside Garden Supply AK TOLLESON, AZ 85353 Supply The Hydro Shop of Cerritos ---------------------------------------------- 17975 H Hwy. 112870 Old Seward Hwy., Unit 114 623-780-GROW (4769) 4041 Grass Valley Hwy. 15961 S. Piuma Ave. FORT BRAGG, CA 95437ANCHORAGE, AK 99515 ---------------------------------------------- AUBURN, CA 95602 The Lucky Garden 707-964-4211907-339-9997 530-823-8900 CERRITOS, CA 90703 7071 Village Pkwy. Headlands Garden SupplySouthside Garden Supply AK Hydro Playground Quail Mountain Ranch 562-653-0700 DUBLIN, CA 94568 630 North Franklin St.3005 Spenard Rd. 4235 W. Ina Rd., Suite 121 230 Palm Ave. 925-828-GROW FORT BRAGG, CA 95437ANCHORAGE, AK 99503 AUBURN, CA 95603 ---------------------------------------------- 707-964-4447907-562-9997 TUCSON, AZ 85741 530-889-2390 ---------------------------------------------- Hydrogarden MendocinoHolmtown Nursery Inc. 520-395-2052 Tell 2 Friends Indoor Chico Garden Center EZ Garden Depot County1301 - 30th Ave. Gardening 3028 Esplanade Ave. Unit E 1529 North Cuyamaca St. 1240 North Main St.FAIRBANKS, AK 99701 ---------------------------------------------- 62 Sutherland Dr. EL CAJON, CA 92020 FORT BRAGG, CA 95437907-451-8733 AUBURN, CA 95603 CHICO, CA 95973 619-270-8649 707-962-9252Ground Control Hydroponic Sea of Green Hydroponics 530-889-8171 ---------------------------------------------- Encinitas Hydroponics ----------------------------------------------& Garden Supplies 402 North 4th Ave. Hands On Hydroponics Garden Connection, The 463 Encinitas Blvd.1392 Ocean Dr. TUCSON, AZ 85705 1340 Roberts Lane 629 Entler Ave. #32 ENCINITAS, CA 9202 A Fertile World (Fortuna)HOMER, AK 99603 520-622-6344 BAKERSFIELD CA, 93308 CHICO, CA 95928 Go Green Hydroponics 610 7th St.907-235-1521 661-399-7770 530-342-7762 15721 Ventura Blvd.Panama Reds Indoor Sea of Green Tuscon East Kern Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- ENCINO, CA 91436 FORTUNA, CA 95540Gardening Supply 7955 E. Broadway Blvd., #151 2729 Brundage Lane 818-990-1198 707-725-070038792 Kalifornsky Beach Rd. TUCSON, AZ 85710 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 San Diego Hydroponics ----------------------------------------------KENAI, AK 99611 520-751-7745 661-323-7333 North ----------------------------------------------907-283-6010 ---------------------------------------------- Super Starts---------------------------------------------- PO Box 732 645 Marsat Court #101 BELLMONT, CA 94002 CHULA VISTA, CA 91911 Alaska Jack’s Hydroponics Tucson Hydroponics & 650-346-8009 A Fertile World (Eureka) Northcoast Horticulture and Garden Supply Organics Berkeley Indoor Garden 619-737-9272 6th St. Supply 844 University Ave. ---------------------------------------------- 1150 S. Colony Way, Suite 9 4235 W. Ina Rd., Suite 131 BERKELEY, CA 94710 Green Thumb Hydroponics EUREKA, CA 95501 357 Main St. PALMER, AK 99645 TUCSON, AZ 85741 510-549-2918 6412 Tupelo Dr. 707-444-0200 FORTUNA, CA 95540 907-746-4774 520-395-2052 Berkeley’s Secret Garden CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95621 921 University Ave. 916-721-6969 ---------------------------------------------- 707-725-5550---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- BERKELEY, CA 94710 Sierra Horticulture Bayside Garden Supply ---------------------------------------------- 510-486-0117 158 Whitcomb Ave. Unit 7 4061 Highway 101 Suite 6 Alaska Jack’s Hydroponics ARKANSAS The Hydroponic Connection COLFAX CA 95713 EUREKA, CA 95503 Full Scale Soil & Hydro and Garden Supply Berkeley 530-346-6000 707-826-7435 2501 Business Park, Suite A 244 S Sylvan Way, Unit 25 Growfresh Organics & More 2816 San Pablo Ave. Hydroponics Plus Happy Green Lawn Care FRESNO, CA 93727 WASILLA, AK 99654 2900 Zero St., Suite 105 BERKELEY, CA 94702 2250 Commerce Ave., Suite C 3890 Walnut Dr. 559-292-ROOT 907-373-4757 FORT SMITH, AR 72901 510-704-9376 CONCORD, CA 94520 EUREKA, CA 95534 ---------------------------------------------- 479-648-8885 ---------------------------------------------- 925-691-7615 707-497-6186---------------------------------------------- Green Forest Hydroponics, Inc. ---------------------------------------------- GaHrdyGedrnrooSMpuoopnrpieclys &Far North Garden Supply Fermentables Brentwood Hydroponics 2410 Wardlow Rd. #108300 Centaur St. 3915 Crutcher St. & Organics CORONA, CA 92880 Humboldt Hydroponics Gro More Garden SupplyWASILLA, AK 99654 LITTLE ROCK N., AR 72118 951-270-5300 1302 Union St. & Hydroponics907-376-7586 501-758-6261 560 Valdry Ct Suite B-1 ---------------------------------------------- BRENTWOOD, CA 94513 EUREKA, CA 95501 2686 Clovis Ave., Suite 109ARIZONA Anuway Hydroponics The Hydro Spot 707-443-4304 FRESNO, CA 93727 2711 W. Walnut St. 925-634-6704 21785 Temescal Cyn Rd. 559-348-1055Arizona Hydroponics ROGERS, AR 72756 ---------------------------------------------- CORONA, CA 92883 ----------------------------------------------3900 E Western Dr. #D 479-631-0099 Hydro Galaxy ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------COTTONWOOD, AZ 86326 3314 W. Burbank A+ Hydroponics & Organics Hand’s On Hydroponics928-649-1138 CALIFORNIA BURBANK, CA 91505 1604 Babcock St. 3320 North Cedar Ave.Sea of Green Flagstaff 800-818-6128 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 FRESNO, CA 93726204 East Route 66 Vertical Hydro Garden #2 Good To Grow & Global 949-642-7776 559-222-7770FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86001 1676 W. Lincoln Ave. Garden Supply ----------------------------------------------928-774-7643 ANAHEIM, CA 92801 1350 Rollins Rd. 714-254-0005 BURLINGAME, CA 94010 Northcoast Horticulture Roots Grow Supply 650-733-4420 Supply 1330 North Hulbert, #101 Gardens Plus Hydro 401 Sunset Dr., Suite F 60 West 4th St. FRESNO, CA 93728 ANTIOCH, CA 94509 EUREKA, CA 95501 559-840-0122 925-778-7587 707-444-9999 ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------188 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

Valley Hydroponics Hydro Zen Big Daddy Garden Supply Superior Hydroponic Supply ---------------------------------------------- Occidental Hardware207 E. Sierra Ave. 3518 Tanya Ave. 42400 Hwy. 101 5651 Hollywood Blvd. 3799 Bohemian Hwy.FRESNO, CA 93710 HEMET, CA 92545 LAYTONVILLE, CA 95454 LOS ANGELES, CA 90028 Hydro Bros. OCCIDENTAL, CA 95465559-449-0426 951-392-5016 707-984-7181 323-465-GROW (4769) 521 Winmoore Way, Suite A 707-874-3441Grow Wurks Hydroponics Mark’s Hydroponics & Weather Top Nursery ---------------------------------------------- Hydrobrew765 S. State College Blvd., Suite J Organic Gardening 44901 Harmon Dr. ---------------------------------------------- MODESTO, CA 95358 1319 South Coast Hwy.FULLERTON, CA 92831 114 N. Harvard St. LAYTONVILLE, CA 95454 209-537-8220 OCEANSIDE, CA 92054714-253-Grow (4769) HEMET, CA 92543 707-984-6385 Green Giant Hydroponics 760-966-1885; 877-966-GROWHydroponic Discounts 951-652-5784 Livermore Hydroponics 7183 Hwy. 49 Unit B ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------10372 Trask Ave. Unit F Bear Valley Hydroponics 22 Rickenbacker Crl. S LOTUS, CA 95651 Hydro MaxGARDEN GROVE, CA 92843 & Homebrewing LIVERMORE, CA 94551 530-622-4465 664 Bitritto CT Green Coast Ontario800 88 YIELD & 714 643 9574 17455 Bear Valley Rd. 925-454-9376 MODESTO, CA 95356 Unit 102-103 1920 S. Rochester Ave.Golden Gecko Garden Center HESPERIA, CA 92345 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 209-491-28164665 Marshall Rd. 760-949-3400 Valley Gardening Supplies ONTARIO, CAGARDEN VALLEY, CA 95633 Foothill Hydroponics National Garden Wholesale/ Agro Lake Garden Supply 1903 Yosemite Blvd. 909-605-5777530-333-2394 10705 Burbank Blvd. Sunlight Supply 11455 Clayton Creek Rd. MODESTO, CA 95354 ----------------------------------------------SB Hydro HOLLYWOOD N., CA 91601 6485 Brisa St. LOWER LAKE, CA 95457 209-577-47691109 W. 190th St., Unit #F 818-760-0688 707-994-1788 Valley Gardening Supplies National Garden Wholesale/GARDENA, CA 90248 No Stress Hydroponics LIVERMORE, CA 94550 509 Winmoore Way Ste. T Sunlight Supply310-538-5788 7543 Santa Monica Blvd. 888-570-4678 (Southern CA) ---------------------------------------------- MODESTO, CA 95358Probiotic Solutions HOLLYWOOD W., CA 90046 ---------------------------------------------- 209-537-4769 1950 C South Grove Ave.20889 Geyserville Ave. 323-845-9874 Valley Rock Landscape California Green 247 Garden ONTARIO, CA 91761GEYSERVILLE, CA 95441 One Stop Hydroponics Supply Hydroponics 1101 Monterey Pass Rd., Unit B707-354-4342 12822 Victory Blvd. 2222 N H St. 16850 Rd. 26 MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754 888-888-3319---------------------------------------------- HOLLYWOOD N., CA 91606 LOMPOC, CA 93436 323-318-2600 ---------------------------------------------- 818-980-5855 805-736-0841; 805-735-5921 MADERA, CA 93638 Murphys Hydroponics & Palm Tree Hydroponics Hydroponics Outlet Surf City Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- 559-674-1400 Organics 2235 E 4th St., Suite G 320 Kishimura Dr., Unit #3 7391 Warner Ave., Suite B 785 Murphys Creek Rd., Suite C2 ONTARIO, CA 91764 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 Green Coast Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- MURPHYS, CA 95247 909-941-9017 GILROY, CA 95020 714-847-7900 2405 Mira Mar Ave. Foothill Greenhouse & 209-728-8058 ---------------------------------------------- 408-848-0884 Dutch Garden Supplies Garden Supply Redwood Garden Supply Park Circle, Suite 12 LONG BEACH, CA 90815 14748 Hwy 41, #C 55 Myers Ave. RH Distribution---------------------------------------------- IRVINE, CA 92614 562-627-5636 MADERA, CA 93636 MYERS FLAT, CA 95554 1751 S. Pointe Ave.530 Hydro & Soil 949-748-8777 559-822-4921 707-943-1515 ONTARIO, CA 9176110021 Wolf Rd. C-16 La Habra Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- Monterey Bay Horticulture ----------------------------------------------GRASS VALLEY, CA 95949 1301 S Beach Blvd., Suite O Grow Light Express Supply 888-545-8112530-268-0859 LA HABRA, CA 90631 5318 East Second St., Suite 164 218 Reindollar Ave., Suite 7A Endless Green Hydroponics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 562-947-8383 LONG BEACH, CA 90803 MARINA, CA 93933 25 Enterprise Court, Suite 3 Hydro Life Hydroponics 888-318-GROW 831-38-HYDRO NAPA, CA 94558 Green Coast Hydroponics AG Natural 18109 E Valley Blvd. ---------------------------------------------- Emerald City Garden 707-254-0200 496 Meats Ave. 403 Idaho Maryland Rd. LA PUENTE, CA 91744 4990 Pacheco Blvd. GRASS VALLEY, CA 95945 626-581-8800 The Hydro Shop of Long Beach MARTINEZ, CA 94553 ---------------------------------------------- ORANGE, CA 92865 ---------------------------------------------- 1772 Clark Ave. 925-957-6203 Wyatt Supply 714-974-4769 530-274 0990 Four Seasons Landscape 4407 Solano Ave.---------------------------------------------- Grass Roots Hydroponics LONG BEACH, CA 90815 Materials NAPA, CA 94558 ---------------------------------------------- 31875 Corydon Rd., Suite 130 562-498-9525 4413 Hwy 20 707-251-3747 Greenback Garden Supply Grass Valley Hydrogarden LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92530 MARYSVILLE, CA 95901 Conejo Hydroponics 4781 Greenback Ln. 12506 Loma Rica Dr. ---------------------------------------------- 530-742-0443 3481 Old Conejo Rd., #106 ORANGEVALE, CA 95662 951-245-2390 Atwater Hydroponics Two Chix Garden Supply NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 916-988-1109 GRASS VALLEY, CA 95945 ---------------------------------------------- 3039 Roswell St. 1230 Yuba St. 805-480-9596 ---------------------------------------------- 530-477-2996 LOS ANGELES, CA 90065 MARYSVILLE, CA 95901 ---------------------------------------------- Orange County 323-254-3400 530-923-2536 Advanced Soil & Garden---------------------------------------------- Hydroponics & Organics Downtown Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- Vital Landscaping Inc. SupplyAll Seasons Hydroponics 443 E 16th St. 204 Gold Flat Ct. #717614 Chatsworth St. 22511 Aspan St., Suite A LOS ANGELES, CA 90015 Northcoast Horticulture 350 Oro Dam Blvd.GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 213-742-8817 Supply NEVADA CITY, CA 95959 OROVILLE, CA 95965818-368-4388 ---------------------------------------------- 530-273-3187Dirt Cheap Hydroponic 949-837-8252 1580 Nursery Way, Suite D 530-533-2747151 N 7th St. #4 ---------------------------------------------- Green Coast Hydroponics MCKINLEYVILLE, CA 95519 ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------GROVER BEACH, CA 93433 16705 Roscoe Blvd. Amazon Greenlight805-473-3478 Advanced Garden Supply 707-839-9998 Agro Lake Garden Supply 521 Cal Oak Rd.---------------------------------------------- 2660 Lake Tahoe Blvd. LOS ANGELES, CA 91406 ---------------------------------------------- 2581 Stokes Ave. OROVILLE, CA 95966 Building C, Unit 9 818-672-8880 Mendocino Garden Shop NICE, CA 95464 530-534-4769Growing Wild Garden Supply 44720 Main St. (at Hwy. 1) 707-274-8386 ---------------------------------------------- 10 North Oak Ave LAKE TAHOE S., CA 96150 ---------------------------------------------- MENDOCINO, CA 95460 530-541-4769 707-937-3459 ---------------------------------------------- Oroville Garden Center HAYFORK, CA 96041 Green Coast Hydroponics Hydro Bros Lumatek Digital Ballasts 5967 Lincoln Blvd. 530-628-5336 ---------------------------------------------- 3865 Grand View Blvd. 1665 West Hwy. 140 33 Commercial Blvd., Suite B Farm Hydroponics, The MERCED, CA 95340 NOVATO, CA 94949 OROVILLE, CA 95966---------------------------------------------- 1950 Lake Tahoe Blvd. #3 LOS ANGELES, CA 90066 209-233-9606 415-233-4273 530-534-1288American Ave Hydroponics LAKE TAHOE S., CA 96150 310-398-0700 Indoor/Outdoor Garden Marin Hydroponics1208 W. Winton Ave. 530-541-3276 Supply 1219 Grant Ave. ----------------------------------------------HAYWARD, CA 94545 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 1501 W. Main St. NOVATO, CA 94945 In House Hydro510-785-4376 Hollywood Hydroponics & MERCED, CA 95340 415-897-2197 1730 Teal Club Rd.Growers Choice #2 San Diego Hydroponics Organics 209-580-4425 Oak Hills Hydroponics & OXNARD, CA 93035 24089 Watkins St. East County 5109 1/2 Hollywood Blvd. The Urban Farmer Store Aquaponics 805-312-3983HAYWARD, CA 94544 LOS ANGELES, CA 90027-6105 653 E. Blithedale Ave. 13312 Ranchero Rd., Ste. 23 US Orchid & Hydroponic510-278-6200 11649 Riverside Dr., Suite 141 323-662-1908 MILL VALLEY, CA 94941 OAK HILLS, CA 92344 SuppliesM.G.S. LAKESIDE, CA 92040 LAX Hydro 415-380-3840 760-998-2890 1621 South Rose Ave.22540 D Foothill Blvd. 619-562-3276 10912 S. La Cienaga Blvd. Coca’s Central Valley Absolute Hydroponics OXNARD, CA 93033HAYWARD, CA 94541 LOS ANGELES, CA 90304 Hydroponics 1230 East F St. 805-247-0086510-582-0900 ---------------------------------------------- 310-337-6995 116 West Orangeburg Ave. OAKDALE, CA 95361 Discount Hydroponics ofThrive Hydroponics The A.V. Hydro Center ---------------------------------------------- MODESTO, CA 95350 209-845-1000 Palm Springs30-A Mill St. 1153 West Avenue K 209-567-0590 Medicine Man Farms 1251 Montalvo Way. Ste H HEALDSBURG, CA 95448 LANCASTER, CA 93534 Sunland Hydroponics Growers Choice #4 1602 53rd Ave. PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 707-433-4068 661-948-GROW 4136 Eagle Rock Blvd. 1100 Carver Rd. #20 OAKLAND, CA 94601 760 424 8292 Room to Grow MODESTO, CA 95350 707-980-0456 43511 13th St. W LOS ANGELES, CA 90065 209-522-2727 Plant-N-Grow LANCASTER, CA 43511 323-254-2800 1602 53rd Ave. 661-940-5599 OAKLAND, CA 94601 ---------------------------------------------- 707-980-0456 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 189

MAXIMUM YIELD DISTRIBUTORS Retail Stores listed alphabetically by city in each state.---------------------------------------------- IGS Hydroponics & Organics Green Forest Hydroponics, Inc. ---------------------------------------------- Grow Your Own Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- 57 California Ave., Suite 1 570 E La Cadena Dr., Suite #1D & Organics - West DNA Hydroponics Inc PLEASONTON, CA 94566 RIVERSIDE, CA 92507 National Garden Wholesale / 3401 Taraval St. San Diego Hydroponics 19345 North Indian Canyon Dr., 925-426-GROW 951-784-5733, Fax 951-704-4633 Sunlight Supply SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94116 North County Inland Mission Hydroponics Green Garden Store 415-731-2115 Suite 2-F 1236 East Mission 4447 Granite Drive Suite #701 1900 Bendixsen St., Bldg. 1 The Hydroponic Connection 802 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd. #108 PALM SPRINGS N., CA 92258 POMONA, CA 91766 ROCKLIN, CA 95677 SAMOA, CA 95564 Warehouse SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 909-620-7099 916-968-1375 1995 Evans Ave. 760-510-1444 760-671-5872 Hydro Seasons 2 The Growbiz 800-683-1114 (Northern CA) SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124---------------------------------------------- 10131 Folsom Blvd. 4391 Granite Dr. ---------------------------------------------- 415-824-9376 ----------------------------------------------Palm Springs Hydroponics RANCHO CORDOVA, CA 95670 ROCKLIN, CA 95677 Kirk’s Hydro The Hydroponic Connection WC Garden Supplies 1301 Montalvo Way, Suite #8 916-706-0418 916-GROW-BIZ 770 B Industrial Way San Francisco 2846 El Portal Dr.PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 The Growbiz Hydro Depot SAN ANDREAS, CA 95249 1549 Custer Ave. SAN PABLO. CA 94806760-327-7668 3127 Fite Circle 5665 Redwood Dr., #B 209-754-4600 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124 510-283-5667---------------------------------------------- RANCHO CORDOVA, CA 95827 ROHNERT PARK, CA 94928 Greenmile Hydroponic 415-864-9376 Marin Hydroponics 916-315-3580 707-584-2384 Garden Supply Nor Cal Hydroponics 721 Francisco Blvd. EastAmerica’s Best Hydroponics Galactic Garden Center Constantly Growing 1480 South E. St., Suite D 4837 Geary Blvd. SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 & Gardening Center 22755 Antelope Blvd. 1918 16th St. SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94118 415-482-8802 RED BLUFF, CA 96080 SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 909-885-5919 415-933-8262 Murphy’s Hydroponics & 641 W. Palmdale Blvd., Unit D 530-527-9166 916-448-1882 ---------------------------------------------- Plant It Earth Warehouse Organics PALMDALE, CA 93551 Bare Roots Hydroponics Green Acres Hydroponics 1 Dorman Ave. 799 W. Stocktan St. 661-266-3906 1615 East Cypress, #5 1215 Striker Ave., Suite 180 NorCal Garden and SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124 SANORA, CA 95370 REDDING, CA 96002 SACRAMENTO, CA 95834 Hydroponics 415-970-2465 209-532-2022---------------------------------------------- 530-244-2215 916-419-4394 Urban Gardens 55 Hydroponics The Harvest Company Green Thumb Hydroponics 887 Industrial Rd., Suite H 1394 Lowrie St. 1727 Boyd St. Hydroponics Unlimited 2420 Athens Ave. 1537 Fulton Ave. SAN CARLOS, CA 94116 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 641 W. Palmdale Blvd., D REDDING, CA 96001 SACRAMENTO, CA 95825 650-588-5792 714-259-7755 PALMDALE, CA 93550 530-605-4511 916-934-2476 650-593-3717 Urban Gardens Champion Hydroponics 661-266-3906 ---------------------------------------------- Green Thumb Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- 704 Filbert St. 231 E. Dyer Rd. 35 Quinta Court, Suite B SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133 SANTA ANA, CA 92707---------------------------------------------- Dazey’s Supply SACRAMENTO, CA 95823 Green Gopher Garden Supply 415-421-4769 714-850-0188Alternative Hydro 3082 Redwood Dr. 916-689-6464 679 Redwood Ave., Suite A The Urban Farmer Store ----------------------------------------------3870 East, Colorado Blvd. REDWAY, CA 95560 Greenfire Sacramento SAND CITY, CA 93955 2833 Vicente St.PASADENA, CA 91107 3230 Auburn Blvd. 831-899-0203 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94116 Green Coast Hydroponics888-50-HYDRO 707-923-3002 SACRAMENTO, CA 95821 415-661-2204 135 Nogal Dr.Garden All Year Inc. ---------------------------------------------- 916-485-8023 ---------------------------------------------- US Garden3850 Ramada Dr., Unit D2 The Growbiz Best Coast Growers 417 Agostinio Rd. SANTA BARBARA, CA 93110PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 Humboldt Hydroponics 3127 Fite Circle 4417 Glacier Ave., Suite C SAN GABRIEL, CA 91776 805-898-9922805-434-2333 2010 Tunnel Rd. SACRAMENTO, CA 95827 SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 626-285-5009---------------------------------------------- 916-GROW-BIZ 800-827-1876 Glow Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- REDWAY, CA 95560 Hydro Seasons City Farmer’s Nursery 124-H Blossom Hill Rd. Nutes Int’lGrowing Wild Garden Supply 707-923-1402 5885 Stockton Blvd. 4832 Home Ave. SAN JOSE, CA 95123 204 N Quarantina St. 3260 Hwy 3 SACRAMENTO, CA 95824 SAN DIEGO, CA 92105 408-455-7720 SANTA BARBARA, CA 93103 ---------------------------------------------- 916-451-5751 619-284-6358 Hahn’s Lighting 805-687-6699 PEANUT, CA 96041 Redway Feed Garden Hydronation Innovative Growing 260 E. VA Suite 1 Planet Earth Hydroponics 530-628-5331 & Pet Supply 2491 Boatman Dr., Suite B Solutions (IGS) SAN JOSE, CA 95112 102 East Haley St. 290 Briceland Rd. SACRAMENTO W., CA 95691 5060 Santa Fe St., Suite D 408-295-1755 SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101---------------------------------------------- REDWAY, CA 95560 916-372-4444 SAN DIEGO, CA 92109 ---------------------------------------------- 805-899-0033 707-923-2765 Hydro City 858-578-4477 ---------------------------------------------- Four Seasons Landscape Sylvandale Gardens 8510 Morrison Creek Dr. Suite 200 ---------------------------------------------- Rasa Hydroponics Materials 1151 Evergreen Rd. SACRAMENTO, CA 95828 5725 Winfield Blvd., Suite 8 Urban Grow Systems REDWAY, CA 95560 916-388-8333 Mighty Garden Supply 204 N Quarantina St. 17115 Penn Valley Dr. 707-923-3606 J Street HydroGarden 4780 Mission SAN JOSE, CA 95123 PENN VALLEY, CA 95946 Orsa Organix 2321 J St. Gorge Pl. #A-1 408-227-7272 SANTA BARBARA, CA 93103 111 Willow St. SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 805-637-6699 530-432-9906 REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 916-444-4473 SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 650-369-1269 ---------------------------------------------- 619-287-3238 Sunny Tool ----------------------------------------------Humboldt Direct ---------------------------------------------- 580 Parrott St. Modern Gardens1622 Illinois Ave., Suite #10 KY Wholesale ---------------------------------------------- SAN JOSE, CA 95112 26620 Valley Center Dr., Unit #104PERRIS, CA 92571 Mendocino Greenhouse 8671 Elder Creek Rd. #600 Miramar Hydroponics & 408-278-1800 SANTA CLARITA, CA 91351951-928-1100 & Garden Supply SACRAMENTO, CA 95828 Organics South Bay Hydroponics and 661-513-4733Funny Farms Hydroponics 960 East School Way 8952 Empire St. Organics - San Jose SCV Hydro963 Transport Way, #12 916-383-3366 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 1185 South Bascom Ave. 25845 Railroad Ave. # 5 & 6PETALUMA, CA 94954 REDWOOD VALLEY, CA 95470 ---------------------------------------------- 858-549-8649 SAN JOSE, CA 95128 SANTA CLARITA, CA 91350707-775-3111 707-485-0668 Tradewinds Wholesale ---------------------------------------------- 408-292-4040 661-255-3700Hydrofarm, Inc. Garden Supplies Urban Gardens Hydro-Logic Purification2249 South McDowell Ext. ---------------------------------------------- 1235 Striker Ave. #180 Oracle Garden Supply 1999 Monterey Rd. SystemsPETALUMA, CA 94954 Hydro Hills Hydroponics SACRAMENTO, CA 95834 5755 Oberlin Dr., Suite 100 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 370 Encinal St., Suite 150800-634-9990 19320 Vanowen St. 888-557-8896 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 408-298-8081 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060Wyatt Supply RESEDA, CA 91335 World of Hydro Beach Cities Hydroponics 888-H2O-LOGIC1016 Lakeville St 818-343-8300 8210 Berry Ave. 858-558-6006 33155 Camino Capistrano Unit F. Santa Cruz HydroponicsPETALUMA, CA 94952 Hi-Tech Garden SACRAMENTO, CA 95828 ---------------------------------------------- SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 & Organics - West Side707-762-3747 5327 Jacuzzi St., #282 916-456-1888 949-493-4200 815 Almar Ave., Unit KJNJ Hydroponics RICHMOND, CA 94804 Perfect Gardens San Diego Hydroponics D&S Garden Supplies SANTA CRUZ, CA 950604774 Phelan Rd., Suite 2 510-524-4710 61 Tarp Circle Beach Cities 17-130 Doolittle Dr. 831-466-9000PHELAN, CA 92371 The Urban Farmer Store SALINAS, CA 93901 4122 Napier St. SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 Hydrofarm Southwest760-868-0002 2121 San Joaquin St. 831-998-8628 510-430-8589 12991 Leffingwell Rd.Turbo Grow RICHMOND, CA 94804 ---------------------------------------------- SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 Hydrogarden Delight SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 906701889 San Pablo Ave. 510-524-1604 619-276-0657 13762 Doolittle Dr. 800-634-9990PINOLE, CA 94564 All Ways Hydro Reforestation Technologies SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 California Hydroponics510-724-1291 2220 Eastridge Ave., Suite C International ---------------------------------------------- 510-903-1808 115 E. El Camino, Suite B RIVERSIDE, CA 92507 House of Hydroponics Healthy Harvest Hydroponics SANTA MARIA, CA 93454 888-HYDRO98 1341 Daton St., Unit G 732 W. Arrow Hwy. and Organics 805-614-9376 ---------------------------------------------- SALINAS, CA 93901 SAN DIMAS, CA 91773 198 South St. Big Daddy Garden Supply 877-592-5111; 909-592-5111 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 3236 Dutton Ave. 800-784-4769 805-596-0430 SANTA ROSA, CA 95407 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 707-535-0996 Deep Roots Hydroponics Discount Hydroponics Xtreme Gardening Gro Pro Garden Supply 3715 Santa Rosa Ave. Suite A2 4745 Hiers Ave. 1341 Dayton St., Annex B 841 Racheros Dr. SANTA ROSA, CA 95407 707-540-0773 RIVERSIDE, CA 92505 SALINAS, CA 93901 SAN MARCOS, CA 1906 Garden Spout, The 877-476-9487, 951-689-4575 800-784-4769 760-735-8604 1236 Briggs Ave. ---------------------------------------------- SANTA ROSA, CA 95401 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 707-528-3500190 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

Green Logic Garden Supply ---------------------------------------------- Tracy Hydroponics Kaweah Grower Supply Garden Highway One Love Garden Supply860 Piner Rd, #38 543 W. Grant Line 1106 1/2 N. Ben Maddox Way Garden Supply 3620 Walnut St.SANTA ROSA, CA 95403 Orange County TRACY, CA 95376 VISALIA, CA 93293 598 Garden Highway #22 BOULDER, CO 80301707-843-3156 Hydroponics & Organics 209-207-9065 559-625-4937 YUBA CITY, CA 95991 303-586-1715 Anything Grows The Original Green Shop 530-755-2877 Way To Grow - BoulderHouse of Hydro 12797 Beach Blvd. 10607 W. River St., Bldg. 3 Suite C 26420 S. Mooney Blvd., Suite 1 ---------------------------------------------- 6395 Gunpark Dr.3260 Santa Rosa Ave. STANTON, CA 90680 TRUCKEE, CA 96161 VISALIA, CA 93277 BOULDER, CO 80301SANTA ROSA, CA 95407 530-582-0479 559-688-4200 Golden Valley Hydroponics 303-473-4769707-542-7297 714-893-9493 Aloha Hydroponics Greentrees Hydroponics Inc. 870 W. Onsott Rd. Suite F Deep Roots Garden Supply ---------------------------------------------- 225 Lander Ave. 2581 Pioneer Ave., Unit D YUBA CITY, CA 95993 PO Box 8671Hydro Depot Golden Harvest Hydroponics TURLOCK, CA 95380 VISTA, CA 92081 530-763-2151 BRECKENRIDGE, CO 8042413 West 3rd St. & Garden Supply 209-667-6653 760-598-7551 970-453-1440SANTA ROSA, CA 95401 1810 Field Avenue Suite #4 Garden Depot Hydroponics Home Life Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- Mile High Hydroponics707-542-3866 STOCKTON, CA 95203 1460 Freitas Park and Organics Yucca Valley Hydroponics 37 Strong St. 209-951-3550 TURLOCK, CA 95380 1745 East Vista Way 56825 Twentynine Palms Hwy. BRIGHTON, CO 80601Organic Bountea ---------------------------------------------- 209-250-0101 VISTA, CA 92084 YUCCA VALLEY, CA 92284 303-637-00691919 Dennis Lane Big Daddy Garden Supply 760-643-2150 760-369-0300 ----------------------------------------------SANTA ROSA, CA 95403 HomeGrown Indoor Garden 310 Mason St. ----------------------------------------------800-798-0765 Supply UKIAH, CA 95482 COLORADO ACME Hydroponics---------------------------------------------- 707-467-9234 Specialty Garden Supply 300 Nickel St., Suite 3 681 A Grider Way Emerald Garden 7 Hangar Way, Suite B Green Spot Garden Center BROOMFIELD, CO 80020 Santa Rosa Hydroponics STOCKTON, CA 95210 307 East Perkins St. & Antiques 4880 Sonoma Hwy. UKIAH, CA 95482 WATSONVILLE, CA 95075 711 State Ave. 720-524-7306 SANTA ROSA, CA 209-477-4447 707-463-2510 831-768-0420 ALAMOSA, CO 81101 ---------------------------------------------- 707-595-1340 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 719-589-6362 Hydrofarm Mountain Pacific Ave Indoor Garden ---------------------------------------------- South Park Hydroponics 400 Burbank St. Santa Rosa Hydroponics Supply Hydro Pacific Garden Supply Evergreen Farm Feed 42 E Buckskin Rd. BROOMFIELD, CO 80020 4130 S Moorland Ave. 4633 Pacific Ave. 351 C Hastings Ave. & Garden ALMA, CO 80420 800-634-9990 SANTA ROSA, CA STOCKTON, CA 95207 UKIAH, CA 95482 1131 Main St. 719-836-1533 BIG BloomZ 707-584-9370 209-955-0945 707-467-0400 WEAVERVILLE, CA 96093 The Grofax 1011 Caprice Dr. Hydroponics Depot 530-623-2884 25797 Conifer Rd. #A-8 CASTLE ROCK, CO 80109---------------------------------------------- 8712 Sunland Blvd. ---------------------------------------------- Art of Hydro ASPEN PARK, CO 80433 303-688-0599 SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 Northcoast Hydrogardens 5740 Corsa Ave. #102 303-838-5520 Grow GenerationSonoma Hydro LLC 818-771-0600 3450 North State St. WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 ---------------------------------------------- 520 Main St.3535 Industrial Dr., Suite B2-3 ---------------------------------------------- UKIAH, CA 95482 818-865-2227 CAÑON CITY, CO 81212 SANTA ROSA, CA 95403 707-462-7214 Flower Hut Nursery Aurora Hydroponic LLC 719-275-3784 707-544-3383 Sunland Hydroponics Wyatt Supply 603 4th St. 4250 S Chambers Rd. Indoor Garden Supply 8300 Foothill Blvd. 2200 N. State St. WHEATLAND, CA 95692 AURORA, CO 80014 584 Hwy 133Wyatt Supply UKIAH, CA 95482 530-633-4526 303-400-6941 CARBONDALE, CO 81623747 Yolanda Ave. SUNLAND, CA 91040 707-462-7473 GreenWay Hydroponics 970-963-2468 SANTA ROSA, CA 95404 818-352-5300 TNC Supply 11510 Whittier Blvd. ---------------------------------------------- Indoor Gardener, The707-578-3747 9490 Main St., P.O. Box 763 WHITTIER, CA 90601 3225 I-70 Business Loop, Unit A10 ---------------------------------------------- UPPER LAKE, CA 95485 Lazy Gardeners Hydroponics The Big Tomato CLIFTON, CO 81520EZ Garden Depot South Bay Hydroponics 707-275-9565 ‘N’ More Indoor Garden Supply 970-434-99991529 North Cucyamaca & Organics - Sunnyvale ---------------------------------------------- 14626 East Whittier Blvd. Greenhouse TechSANTEE, CA 92020 1205 W. El Camino Real WHITTIER, CA 90605 14440 E. 6th Ave. 917 East Fillmore619-270-8649 SUNNYVALE, CA 94087 North Bay Hydroponics 562-945-0909 AURORA, CO 80011 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80907 650-968-4070 1650 Lewis Brown Dr. Garden Spout, The 719-634-0637Gardening Unlimited Beyond Hydro Inc. VALLEJO, CA 94589 260 Margie Dr. 303-364-4769 Grotools60 Old El Pueblo Rd. 12639 San Fernando Rd. 707-647-0774 WILLITS, CA 95490 ---------------------------------------------- 2408 East Platte Ave.SCOTTS VALLEY, CA 95066 SYLMAR, CA 91342 707-456-0196 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80909831-457-1236 818-362-5373 ---------------------------------------------- Sparetime Supply National Garden Wholesale/ 719-475-7699 Tahoe Garden Supply \ 208 E. San Francisco Ave. Sunlight Supply Grow Your Own GreenzDeep Roots Hydroponics 645 Westlake Blvd., Suite 2 WILLITS, CA 95490-4006 3550 B Odessa Way 644 Peterson Rd.2661 Gravenstein Hwy. S #E TAHOE CITY, CA 96145 Green Coast Farmer Browns Garden AURORA, CO 80011 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80915SEBASTOPOL, CA 95472-8200 530-581-3200 16705 Roscoe Blvd. Supply 719-596-2600707-829-7668 --------------------------------------------- VAN NUYS, CA 91406 80 Country Club Rd. 866-877-4188 (Northeast) Purple Mountain WILLOW CREEK, CA 95573 ---------------------------------------------- Hydroponics LLCHydro Depot Grass Roots Hydroponics 818-672-8880 530-629-3100 Nick’s Garden Center 1109 S Tejon St.6731 Sebastopol Ave. 27250 Madison Ave. Suite C ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 2001 S. Chambers Rd. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80903SEBASTOPOL, CA 95472 TEMECULA, CA 92590 Hydroponics Market AURORA, CO 80014 719-635-5859707-829-1510 951-296-1090 15816 Arminta St. Jolly Rancher Hydroponics 303-696-6657 ---------------------------------------------- VAN NUYS, CA 91406 399 Business Park Ctr., Suite 205 ----------------------------------------------Bloom Brothers Garden ---------------------------------------------- 818-305-6261; 886-72-HYDRO Roots and Rocks HydroponicSupply, Inc. Hydroponics 4 Less Blazzin Hydroponics WINDSOR, CA 95492 Grow Life Hydroponics and Organic Garden Supply3293 Industry Dr. 41669 Winchester Ave. 6650 Cresent St. 707-838-0842 40800 Hwy. 6 Unit 5 & 9SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755 TEMECULA, CA 92590 VENTURA, CA 93003 AVON, CO 81620 1014 S. 21st St.562-494-0060 800-A1-HYDRO 805-644-9376 ---------------------------------------------- 970-949-1671 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80904 Inland Empire Hydrogarden Discount Hydroponics of Green Acres HydroponicsWe Grow Hydroponics 28822 Old Town Front St. #206 Victorville 20946 Victory Blvd. ---------------------------------------------- 719-634-10243350 East Los Angeles Ave. TEMECULA, CA 92590 15208 Bear Valley Rd. Suite B200 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91367 ----------------------------------------------SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 886-74-HYDRO VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 818-887-4769 \ Way To Grow - Colorado805-624-4566 805 Hydroponics & Organics 442-242-7994 ---------------------------------------------- Black Dog LED Springs 1785 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. Kinney Nursery 2805 Wilderness Pl. #100 4215 Sinton Rd.Green Universe Inc. THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 4115 Rowles Rd. Grow Life Hydroponics BOULDER, CO 80301 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 8090719618 8th St. E 805-494-1785 VINA, CA 96092 22516 Ventura Blvd. 719-602-3000SONOMA, CA 95476 Green Thumb Lighting 530-839-2196 720-506-4279 ----------------------------------------------707-320-0554 & Garden ---------------------------------------------- WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91364 ---------------------------------------------- 1647 W. Sepulveda Blvd., Unit 5 818-876-0222 High Tech Garden SupplyValley Hydro and Organics TORRANCE, CA 90501 BWGS-CA Grow Life Hydroponics 5275 Quebec St.19230 Sonoma Hwy. 888-326-GROW 7530 W. Sunnyview Ave. ---------------------------------------------- 4800 Baseline Rd. Unit E-106SONOMA, CA 95476 Los Angeles Hydroponics VISALIA, CA 93291 Urban Gardens COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022707-396-8734 & Organics 22516 Ventura Blvd. BOULDER, CO 80303 720-222-0772 3007-3009 W. Artesia Blvd. 888-316-1306 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91364 (303) 996-6100Motherlode Hydroponics TORRANCE, CA 90504 ---------------------------------------------- 818-876-0222 ---------------------------------------------and Organics 310-323-4937 Hands On Hydroponics Southern Humbolt Garden ---------------------------------------------- Grow Your Own799 W Stockton St. Growers Choice Hydroponics 1345 N Plaza Dr. Supplies 27051 Barkley Rd.SONORA, CA 95370 470 W. Larch Rd. #1 VISALIA, CA 93291 31653 Outer Hwy. 10 CONIFER, CO 80433209-532-2022 TRACY, CA 95304 559-802-3782 YACAIPA, CA 92373 303-816-GROW (4769) 209-833-1212 Hi Tek Hydro 909-794-6888 Happy Grow LuckySanta Cruz Hydroponics 210 S. Cain St. 26591 Main St.& Organics - East Side VISALIA, CA 03292 CONIFER, CO 804334000 Cordelia Lane 559-733-9300 303-838-8700SOQUEL, CA 95073831-475-9900 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 191

MAXIMUM YIELD DISTRIBUTORS Retail Stores listed alphabetically by city in each state.Whetstone Garden Supply ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------300 Belleview Ave.CRESTED BUTTE, CO 81224 All Seasons Gardening MileHydro ---------------------------------------------- Florida Garden Supplies Florida Garden Supplies970-349-9666 434 Turner Dr., Suite 2B 355 S. Harlan St. 2692 W 79 St. 9545 Sunset Dr.Joy of Growing DURANGO, CO 81303 LAKEWOOD, CO 80226 \223 Main St. 970-385-4769 HIALEAH, FL 33016 MIAMI, FL 33173DELTA, CO 81416 303-935-4769 CT Home Grown 800-931-5215 800-931-5215970-874-2550 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 45 South Canterbury Rd.---------------------------------------------- DHL Garden Supply Way to Grow - Lakewood CANTERBURY, CT 06331 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 178 Bodo Dr. Unit B 11989 W. Colfax Ave. Atlas Hydroponics BWGS-CO DURANGO, CO 81303 LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 860-546-6161 13080 SW 248 St. Unit 11 Florida Garden Supplies 11685 E. 55th Ave. 970-247-1090 303-546-3600 ---------------------------------------------- HOMESTEAD, FL 33032 14025 SW 142 Ct. #27 DENVER, CO 80239 ---------------------------------------------- Grow It Big - Organics & 305-258-9700 MIAMI, FL 33175 Hydroponics Grow Crazy Simply Hydroponics 305-598-4311 888-316-1306 The Grow Store South 133 W. County Line Rd. 11 Berlin Rd., Unit 2 & Organics (North)---------------------------------------------- 5050 S. Federal Blvd., #37, LITTLETON, CO 80129 CROMWELL, CT 06416 3642 South Suncoast Blvd. ---------------------------------------------- ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-284-3447 HOMOSASSA, FL 34448 Chlorophyll The Flower Bin 860-788-2519 352-628-2655 Florida Garden Supplies 3801 Mariposa St. 303-738-0202 1805 Nelson Rd. ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 12811 SW 42 St. DENVER, CO 80211 ---------------------------------------------- LONGMONT, CO 80501 Naturally Organic MIAMI, FL 33175 Colorado Growers Supply 303-772-3454 Hydroponic & Gardening Fresh Health Hydroponics 800-931-5215 303-433-1155 453 Industrial Dr., Suite D Victory Hydro Gardening Supplies 1738 Kings Ave.---------------------------------------------- FORT COLLINS CO, 80524 1387 E. South Boulder Rd. 695 S. Main St. (Route 17) ---------------------------------------------- 970-680-3250 LOUISVILLE, CO, 80027 MIDDLETOWN, CT 06457 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207 Future Farms Inc., The Cost Plus Hydro The Grow Shop LLC 303-664-9376 860-343-9800 904-398-8012 14291 SW 120th St., Suite 105 2530 West Barberry Pl. 1711 S. College Ave. WarHammer Supply CT Roots MIAMI, FL 33186 DENVER, CO 80204 FORT COLLINS, CO 80525 1112 Munroe Ave. 82 Myrtle Ave. ---------------------------------------------- 305-382-2757 970-484-1042 LOVELAND, CO 80537 STAMFORD, CT 06902 Gold Coast Hydroponics 303-790-2211 Way To Grow - Fort Collins 970-635-2602 203-595-5007 Grower’s Choice & 4241 SW 71st Ave.---------------------------------------------- 3201 E. Mulberry St. Suite K Colorado Hydroponics LiquidSun® CT Hydroponics MIAMI, FL 33155Cultivate Hydroponics & FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 & Organics 10C South Main St. 1-800-780-6805Organics 970-484-4769 2740 Commercial Way, Unit 1 WINDSOR E., CT 06088 11855 North Main St. Healthy Harvest666 S. Buchtel Blvd. ---------------------------------------------- MONTROSE, CO 81401 860-254-5757 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32218 12905 SW 132nd St. #2DENVER, CO 80210 970-252-7450 MIAMI, FL 33186 303-625-6498 Hydro Shack, The Greener Mountain Indoor DELAWARE 904-683-4517 305-964-7403Greenlight Garden Supply 753 10 Mile Dr. Gardening ---------------------------------------------- VitaOrganix7741 E. Colfax Ave. 20 Lakeview Dr., Unit 210 1st State Seed And Garden 7921 NW 67th St.DENVER, CO 80220 FRISCO, CO 80443 NEDERLAND, CO 80466 Supply Growers Choice South MIAMI, FL 33166720-389-8320 970-668-0359 303-258-7573 People’s Plaza Suite 950 8535 Baymeadows Rd., Suite 13 786-845-8633The Grofax Grow In Peace NEWARK, DE 19702 Electric Blooms Hydroponics7540 E. Colfax Ave. ---------------------------------------------- 176 Hwy. 119 S. 302-834-0440 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256 1021 NE 25th St.DENVER, CO 80220 Forbidden Fruit Garden NEDERLAND, CO 80466 904-647-7156 OAKLAND PARK, FL 33334720-328-2127 Supply 303-258-3520 FLORIDA 954-541-2210The Grofax 507 Taos St., #C Grow Depot ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------755 South Federal Blvd. GEORGETOWN, CO 80444 970 W 104th Ave. Urban Sunshine Hydroponics International Inc.DENVER, CO 80219 720-498-0260 NORTHGLENN, CO 80234 1420 E. Altamonte Dr. 7029-10 Commonwealth Ave. Florida Garden Supplies720-328-5164 Indoor Garden Supply 303-459-7878 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL JACKSONVILLE, FL 32220 8442 Tradeport Dr., Unit 200---------------------------------------------- 115 6th Ave. GrowGeneration - Pueblo 32701407-830-4769 904-693-6554 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 Downtown Best Hydro Urban Gardens of Jax ORLANDO, FL 32827 Grow Your Own 970-945-2469 113 W 4th St. 4920 Lena Rd. 1185 Talbot Ave. ---------------------------------------------- 2118 S Bellaire St. Green Head Hydroponics PUEBLO, CO 81003 BRADENTON, FL 34211 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32205 Urban Sunshine DENVER, CO 80222 809 E. Jasper Ct. 719-542-6798 941-756-1928 904-466-4746 6100 Hanging Moss Rd., Suite 50 GRANBY, CO 80446 GrowGeneration - Pueblo Palm Coast Hydroponics Simply Hydroponics & Organics ORLANDO, FL 32807 303-990-1929 970-557-3031 South 4490 N Hwy US1, Suite 108 7949 Ulmerton Rd. 407-647-4769---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 2704 S Prarie Ave., Suite C BUNNELL, FL 32110 LARGO, FL 33771 Urban SunshineHyGrow Indoor Gardening PUEBLO, CO 81005 386-246-4119 727-531-5355 6142 S. Orange Ave.Supplies Desert Bloom Hydroponics 719-564-2660 East Coast Hydroponics GrowSmart Indoor Garden ORLANDO, FL 328096271 Beach St., Unit F 445 Pitkin Ave. GrowGeneration - Pueblo & Organics Centers 407-859-7728DENVER, CO 80221T West 461 Forrest Ave., Suite 105 14587 Southern Blvd. Vertical Food Growers303-396-1420 GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81501 609 E Enterprise Dr. COCA, FL 32922 LOXAHATCHEE, FL 33470 10964 Dearden CircleIndoor Paradise Denver 970-245-6427 PUEBLO W., CO 81007 321-243-6800 561-429-3527 ORLANDO, FL 328176401 N Broadway, Unit A 719-647-0907 Urban Sunshine Organic & Palm Beach Discount 407-671-4241DENVER, CO 80221 ---------------------------------------------- Four Corners Organics Hydroponic Gardening Hydroponics – West Green Winters Inc.303-428-5020 Green Thumb Garden & Hydroponics LLC 2841 S. Nove Rd., Suite 5 14703 Southern Blvd. 147 Tomoka Ave.NoDo Urban Garden Supply Supply Co. 68 Bastille Unit #3, PO Box 627 DAYTONA S., FL 32119 LOXAHATCHEE, FL 33470 ORMOND BEACH, FL 321741330 27th St. 2380 W 27th St. PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO 81147 386-236-9989; 386-492-6978 561-296-8555 386-235-8730; 800-931-5215DENVER, CO 80205 GREELEY, CO 80634 970-731-1685 Greener Touch Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------303-296-3424 970-506-1711 HyGrow 5011 S. State Rd. 7, Suite 104---------------------------------------------- Grow in Peace 618 East 4th St. DAVIE, FL 33314 High Tech Garden Supply Florida Garden Supplies 1241 Mine Rd. PUEBLO, CO 81001 954-316-8815 2975 West New Haven Ave. 8020 Belvedere Rd.,Unit 4 Ultimate Hydroponics & IDAHO SPRINGS, CO 80452 719-542-6189 Absolute Hydroponic Garden MELBOURNE, FL 32901 PALM BEACH, FL 33411 Organics 303-567-GROW Salida Hydroponic Supply Center Inc 321-821-0853 800-931-5215 ---------------------------------------------- 1242 C St., 336 North Boundary Ave. 2380 S. Broadway SALIDA, CO 81201 DELAND, FL 32720 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- DENVER, CO 80210 The Grow Store 719-539-4000 386-734-0696 Advanced Hydro Gardens Palm Beach Discount 8644 W. Colfax Ave. Way To Grow- Silverthorne Organic Grow Hut 2 4960 NW 165 St., Suite B-4 Hydroponics – East 303-282-0034 LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 265 Brian Ave. 780 Deltona Blvd. #107 MIAMI, FL 33014 968 North Congress Ave.---------------------------------------------- SILVERTHORNE, CO 80497 DELTONA, FL 32725 305-474-4376 PALM BEACH W., FL 33409Way To Grow- Central 888-510-0350 970-368-7220 1-888-574-GROW; 386-259-5777 All Star Hydroponics Inc 561-296-6161Denver ---------------------------------------------- Little Shop of Growers ---------------------------------------------- 8901 SW 129th St. Healthy Harvest1051 S. Platte River Dr. GroWize 2560 Copper Ridge Dr. MIAMI, FL 33176 911 NW 209th Ave., #129DENVER, CO 80223 3225 S. Wadsworth Blvd. STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO 80487 Biofloral 800-842-8582 PEMBROKE PINES, FL 33029720-310-1984 LAKEWOOD, CO 80227 970-879-8577 6250 NW 27th Way Blossoms Experience, The 954-538-1511Way To Grow - Denver 303-986-2706 GrowGeneration-Trinidad FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 7207 NW 54th St. ----------------------------------------------301 East 57th Ave. 2395 Nevada Ave. MIAMI, FL 33166DENVER, CO 80216 TRINIDAD, CO 81082 877-735-6725 866-452-4769 Atlantis Hydroponics303-296-7900 719-846-8592 ---------------------------------------------- 8042 N. Palafox St., Suite C Cultivate Hydroponics & Gold Coast Hydroponics PENSACOLA, FL 32524 Organics 1539 SW 21st Ave. 7615 W.38th Ave., Suite B111 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33312 850-912-8796 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 1-800-780-7371 ---------------------------------------------- 303-872-4288 Green Thumb Hydroponics Hydro Planet Supplies 5022 Kippling St. 13482 North Cleveland Ave. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FORT MEYERS, FL 33903 303-279-6090 239-997-4769 Gator Hydroponics 4460 SW 35th Terrace, Suite 310 GAINESVILLE, FL 32608 352-301-5383192 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

---------------------------------------------- Happy Planet Hydroponics HAWAII Brew and Grow- Crystal Lake ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 1179 E. Alfred St. 176 W. Terra Cotta Ave. Eden Garden Supply TAVARES, FL 32778 Ohana Greenhouse and CRYSTAL LAKE, IL 60014 Kreation’s Indoor BWGS-IN 3111 N. Davis Hwy. 352-253-1001 Garden Supply 800-444-2837 Gardening Center 1400 Hancel Pkwy., 365 Hydroponics 797 Kanoelehua Suite A ---------------------------------------------- 3427 Old Chatman Rd. MOORESVILLE, IN 46158 PENSACOLA, FL 32503 13054 W Colonial Dr. HILO, HI 96720 SPRINGFIELD, IL 62704 850-439-1299 WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 808-961-3111 Goldman’s Grow Shop 800-316-1306 407-656-GROW(4769) Green Hands of Aloha 910 Greenwood Rd. 217-341-0821 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monkey Hydroponics 1713 Mary St. Kreation’s IndoorHealthy Gardens and 940 West Oakland Ave., Unit A1 HONOLULU, HI 96819 GLENVIEW, IL 60025 Gardening Center KANSASSupply of Florida, Inc. WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 808-847-4263 847-657-7250 2110 North Grand Ave. East196 East Nine Mile Rd., Suite F 407-574-8495 Hawaiian Hydroponics and SPRINGFIELD, IL 62702 Atria Aqua GardensPENSACOLA, FL 32534 Garden ---------------------------------------------- 1906 S Broadway Blvd.850-912-4545 GEORGIA 4224 Wailae, Suite 1A Harvest Moon Hydroponics 217-416-2657 SALINA, KS 67401 iHydro HONOLULU, HI 96816 5411 Godfrey Rd. ---------------------------------------------- 785-404-65562900 West Sample Rd., B. 6137 Applied Agriponic 808-735-8665 GODFREY, IL 62002 Water Works Indoor Johnson’s Garden POMPANO BEACH, FL 33073 Solutions Ohana Greenhouse and 618-433-9088 Gardening Center Inc. 954-366-2704 160 Winston Dr. Suite 6 Garden Supply Grow Masters 1900 South Dirksen Parkway 2707 W. 13th---------------------------------------------- ATHENS, GA 30607 2014 Republican St. 4641 Old Grand Ave. SPRINGFIELD, IL 62703 WICHITA, KS 67203 404-480-3703 HONOLULU, HI 96819 GURNEE, IL 60031 217-553-6929 316-942-1443National Garden Wholesale/ Flora Hydroponics, Inc. 808-841-GROW 224-399-9877 Joe Dirt’s Organics & Johnson’s Garden Sunlight Supply 195 Paradise Blvd. Ohana Greenhouse and Big Grow Hydroponics Hydroponics Center Inc. 455 S. Andrews Ave. ATHENS, GA 30607 Garden Supply 9225 Trinity Dr. 760 Heartland Dr. 6225 E. Shadybrook 800-470-6881 73-5581 Lawehana St. #4 LAKE IN THE HILLS, IL 60156 SUGAR GROVE, IL 60554 WICHITA, KS 67208 POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 ---------------------------------------------- KAILUA, HI 96740 847-854-4450 630-466-8346 316-687-5451 877-649-3567 (Southeast) 808-331-8710 City Farmer Supplies Johnson’s Garden Atlantis Hydroponics Ohana Greenhouse and Hydroponics and Organics INDIANA Center Inc. ---------------------------------------------- 1422 Woodmont Lane, #4 Garden Supply 18114 Torrence Ave. 802 N. Ridge Rd. Hydroponic Depot II 320 Hoohana St. #13-16 LANSING, IL 60438 Five Point Gardens WICHITA, KS 67212 2395 S Tamiami Trail #19 ATLANTA, GA 30318 KAHULUI, HI 96732 708-251-8905 56555 Oak Rd. 316-943-0494PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33952 404-367-0052 808-871-6361 Grow Big Hydroponics BEND S., IN 46619 Kan-Grow Hydro Farm LLC941-255-3999 Aiyah’s Garden 5024 Willow Creek Rd. 574-287-9232 5555 S. Meridian Ave.EZ Grow Green ---------------------------------------------- 4558 Kukui St. MACHESNEY PARK, IL 61115 Sunleaves Garden Products WICHITA, KS 67217604 S.W. Bayshore Blvd. Flora Hydroponics, Inc. KAPA’A, HI 96746 815-637-4769 7854 North State Rd. 37 316-214-3022PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34983 1239 Fowler St. Aiyah’s Garden Prairie House Garden Center BLOOMINGTON, IN 47404772-807-7755 ATLANTA NW., GA 30318 3-3122 Kuhio Hwy. Unit B-2 15151 South Harlem Ave. 888-464-9676 KENTUCKYAvid Brew Company 404-532-0001 LIHUE, HI 96766 ORLAND PARK, IL 60462 ----------------------------------------------1745 1st Ave. S. Taproot Hydroponics 808-245-2627 708-687-3131 ----------------------------------------------ST. PETERSBERG, FL 33712 2111 Faulkner Rd. Pahoa Feed & Fertilizer Autumn Bloom Alternative Worm’s Way Indiana727-388-6756 ATLANTA, GA 30324 15-2754 Old Government Rd. Indoor Gardening 7850 North State Rd. 37 BG Gardening & HydroponicsMr. Nice Guy Hydroponics 404-464-8313 PAHOA, HI 96778 1020 Derby St. BLOOMINGTON, IN 47404 740 Old Morgantown Rd.1800 NW. Federal Hwy. Garden City Hydroponics and 808-965-9955 PEKIN, IL 61554STUART, FL 34994 Organics 309-642-6943 800-598-8158 BOWLING GREEN, KY 42101772-934-6785 476 Flowing Wells Rd., Ste. B1 IDAHO ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 270-799-5847Esposito Garden Center AUGUSTA, GA 309072743 Capital Circle NE 706-814-5656 Greenthumb Greenhouses GroUp Gardening Worm’s Way Mail Order ----------------------------------------------TALLAHASSEE, FL 32308 ---------------------------------------------- 1109 Sahara 229 Court St. 7850 North State Rd. 37 Modern Farm Concepts850-386-2114 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83403 163 Castleheights Rd.Evershine Hydroponics Atlantis Hydroponics 208-520-8855 PEKIN, IL 61554 BLOOMINGTON, IN 47404 BOWLING GREEN, KY 421031406 Capital Circle NE Unit #E 2561 West Point Ave. 309-349-4407 800-274-9676 270-202-5525TALLAHASSEE, FL 32308 ILLINOIS Garden Grove Organics850-728-3382 COLLEGE PARK, GA 30337 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 701 Scott Blvd.Grace’s Hydro-Organic 678-510-0032 Aerogro Aerogro Hops & Harvest COVINGTON, KY 41011Garden Center 502 N Prospect, Suite 18 127 N. Main St. 4616 E. DuPont Rd., Suite Q 859-360-18438877 North 56th St. ---------------------------------------------- BLOOMINGTON, IL, 61704 PEORIA E., IL 61611 FORT WAYNE, IN 46825 ----------------------------------------------TAMPA, FL 33617 Alpha Hydroponics and Brew and Grow 309-663-5628 260-918-3035813-514-9376 Garden Supply Inc. 181 Crossroads Parkway ---------------------------------------------- Harvest Moon Hydroponics Worm’s Way KentuckyGrace’s Hydro-Organic 3904 N Druid Hills Rd., Suite 247 BOLINGBROOK, IL 60440 1336 East Washington St. 1360 Donaldson Hwy. Suite AGarden Center DECATUR, GA 30033 630-771-1410 Heartland Hydrogardens INDIANAPOLIS, IN 462028707 Temple Terrace Hwy. 404-590-4769 Versaponics 7403 Broadway St. 317-780-8070 ERLANGER, KY 41018TAMPA, FL 33637 Savannah Hydroponics Box 166 West Main St. QUINCY, IL 62305 Magic Bulb Garden Center 800-669-2088813-514-9376 & Organics CARBONDALE, IL 62901 6221 Allisonville Rd.Hydroponics of Tampa 4107 Eighth St., Suite C 573-450-5401 217-214-GROW (4769) INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46220 ----------------------------------------------120 W. Bougain Villea GARDEN CITY, GA 31408 Brew and Grow ---------------------------------------------- 317-202-2852 Grow Shop of Lexington, TheTAMPA, FL 33612 912-349-4030 3625 N. Kedzi Ave. Brew and Grow ---------------------------------------------- 2320 Palumbo Dr., Suite 130813-333-6828 ---------------------------------------------- CHICAGO, IL 60618 3224 South Alpine Rd. LEXINGTON, KY 40509Schiro’s Barn-N-Garden 773-463-7430 ROCKFORD, IL 61109 Maximum Grow Gardening 859-268-0779Supplies Inc. Atlantis Hydroponics Brew and Grow 815-874-5700 6117 E Washington St. Success Hydroponics7812 Causeway Blvd. 501 Roberts Court, Suite 13 19 South Morgan St. Grow Big Hydroponics 139 East New Circle, Suite 130TAMPA, FL 33619 CHICAGO, IL 60607 5055 28th Ave. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46219 LEXINGTON, KY 40505813-626-0902 KENNESAW, GA 30144 312-243-0005 ROCKFORD, IL 61108 317-359-GROW (4769) 859-294-4769Stoney Hydro @ Schiro’s 770-635-7810 Chicago Roots Hydroponics 815-708-7369 Louisville HydroponicsBarn-N-Garden Supplies and Organics Rock Valley Garden Center ---------------------------------------------- 3471 Taylor Blvd.7812 Causeway Blvd. ---------------------------------------------- 3014 South Wentworth Ave. 785 N. Bell School Rd. LOUISVILLE, KY 40215TAMPA, FL 33619 CHICAGO, IL 60641 ROCKFORD, IL 61107 Maximum Grow Gardening 502-366-4000813-626-0902 Atlantis Hydroponics 213-949-5910 815-398-9419 140 Frontage Rd. Suite D ----------------------------------------------Urban Roots Garden Supply 5182-B Brook Hollow Parkway Chicago Roots Hydroponics Brew and Grow LAFAYETTE, IN 4790511730 North Dale Mabry Hwy. & Organics 359 W. Irving Park Rd. 765-464-6689 New Earth Garden CenterTAMPA, FL 33618 NORCROSS, GA 30071 4020 W. Irving Park Rd. ROSELLE, IL 60172 9806 Taylorsville Rd.813-962-7668 770-558-1346 CHICAGO, IL 60641 630-894-4885 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 773-545-4020 Organic Garden Center The Wine-N-Vine Inc. LOUISVILLE, KY 40299 ---------------------------------------------- Urban Grower 9223 Skokie Blvd. 1524 East McGalliard Rd. 800-462-5953 Worm’s Way Florida Hab Hydro 1400 W North Ave. SKOKIE, IL 60077 MUNCIE, IN 47303 4412 North 56th St. 3388 W. Currahee St. CHICAGO, IL 60642 847-675-2722 765-282-3300 ---------------------------------------------- TAMPA, FL 33610 TOCCOA, GA 30577 773-701-5770 Deep Rootz Paducah Hydroponics 706-282-4845 --------------------------------------------- 2641 S. 6th St. 3845 Benton Rd. 800-283-9676; 813-621-1792 SPRINGFIELD, IL 62703 PADUCAH, KY 42003---------------------------------------------- Midwest Hydroganics 217-670-0007 270-558-5186 20647 Renwick Rd. Bluegrass Organic Grow Shop 109 Quinn Dr. CREST HILL, IL 60403 NICHOLASVILLE, KY 40356 815-838-0100 859-887-0677 ---------------------------------------------- Alternative Garden Supply 176 West Terra Cotta Ave. CRYSTAL LAKE, IL 60014 800-444-2837 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 193

MAXIMUM YIELD DISTRIBUTORS Retail Stores listed alphabetically by city in each state.LOUISIANA Inside/Out In-Door Garden Delmarva Hydroponics NewFarm ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Supply, LLC 720 E. College Ave., Suite #5 791 Route 28Laughing Buddha Nursery 1766 Federal Rd. SALISBURY, MD 21804 HARWICHPORT, MA 02646 Tru Bloomz Hydroponics Cultivation Station4516 Clearview Parkway LIVERMORE, ME 04253 410-749-4769 774-237-9363 1201 Fall River Ave. 2734 Jackson Ave.METAIRIE, LA 70006 207-897-2221 ---------------------------------------------- LiquidSun MA504-887-4336 ---------------------------------------------- 8 Lynwood Ave. SEEKONK, MA 02771 ANN ARBOR, MI 48103Ourcrazydeals Hydroponics Montgomery Hydroponics HOLYOKE, MA 01040 508-336-4443 734-213-7740201 Angus Dr. Full Bloom Hydroponics 8950 Brookville Rd. 413-539-6875YUNGSVILLE, LA 70592 97 Lakewood Dr. AG Natural ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------337-303-6146 SILVER SPRING, MD 20910 29 North St. - Gro Blue Discount Hydro and MADISON, ME 04950 301-588-1935 HYANNIS MA 02601 Indoor Garden SuppliesMAINE 207-858-8558 508-827-7267 High Tech Garden Supply 4072 Packard Rd. ---------------------------------------------- Cape Cod Hydroponics 560 Boston Turnpike (Route 9) ANN ARBOR, MI 48108---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Purple Mountain Organics 195 Ridgewood Ave. SHREWSBURY, MA 01545 734-913-2750 100-7010 Westmoreland Ave. HYANNIS, MA 02601 U Can Grow Hydro Grow Depot Grow Life Hydroponics TAKOMA PARK, MD 20912 508-737-2555 508-845-4477 2247 W. Liberty 245 Center St. 301 Forest Ave. 877-538-9901 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ANN ARBOR, MI 4810 AUBURN, ME 04210 734-369-3387 207-312-5535 PORTLAND, ME 04101 MASSACHUSETTS Hydro 101 New England Hydroponics All Things Good and Green---------------------------------------------- 207-761-2800 160 Winthrop Ave. 15 D College Hwy. (Route 10) 501 E. Michigan Ave. ---------------------------------------------- LAWRENCE, MA 01843 SOUTHAMPTON, MA 01073 AUGUSTA, MI 49012 Grow Depot ---------------------------------------------- 888-529-9025 269-978-8550 171 Capitol St. ---------------------------------------------- Mass Hydro 978-794-9376 Battle Creek Indoor AUGUSTA, ME 04330 679 Washington St. ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Gardening 207-213-6852 High Tech Garden Supply ATTLEBORO S., MA 02703 Nor'easter Organic Life 1125 E.Michigan Ave.---------------------------------------------- Maine 178 Rand Rd. Rootdown Hydroponics 515 College Hwy. Unit J BATTLE CREEK, MI 49014 508-915-6115 Indoor Garden Center SOUTHWICK, MA 01077 269-282-0554 New England Garden PORTLAND, ME 04102 ---------------------------------------------- 413-998-3951 ---------------------------------------------- Connection Inc. 207-899-4387 236 Mystic Ave. ---------------------------------------------- 141 Riverside Dr. Grow It Green LLC MEDFORD, MA 01255 BIG Green Tomato AUGUSTA, ME 04330 ---------------------------------------------- 1222 Pulaski Blvd. Worm’s Way Massachusetts 478 Main St. 207-621-1700 Indoor Plant Kingdom 781-874-1693 121 Worc-Providence Turnpike 200 Anderson St., Unit #9 BELLINGHAM, MA 02019 ---------------------------------------------- SUTTON, MA 01590 BATTLE CREEK, MI 49014---------------------------------------------- PORTLAND, ME 04101 508-883-GROW (4769) Growing Point Garden 800-284-9676 269-282-1593Greenlife Garden Supply 207-699-4940 Supply380 Elm Street, #4 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 466 Lowell St. ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------BIDDEFORD, ME 04005 Greenlife Garden Supply METHUEN, MA 01844 Taunton Hydro Homelight Gardens207-571-9094 The Urban Garden Center 481 Boston Rd., Unit 4 978-655-3173 451 Winthrop St. 3471 S. Huron Rd.---------------------------------------------- 659 Warren Ave. BILLERICA, MA 01821 Green Matters TAUNTON, MA 02780 BAY CITY, MI 48706 978-262-9966 592 Wareham St. 508-824-1599 989-922-0088 \ PORTLAND, ME 04103 Mass Hydro MIDDLEBORO, MA 02346 ---------------------------------------------- Premier Hydro The Urban Garden Center 207-347-2350 1753 Main St. 508-923-2800 11820 Belleville BROCKTON, MA 02301 Green Matters New Bedford Aquarius Hydroponics BELLEVILLE, MI 48111 600 Wilson St. ---------------------------------------------- GYOstuff – Grow Your Own 898 Mount Pleasant St. 138 Memorial Ave. 734-325-6210 BREWER, ME 04412 Here We Grow 2400 Massachusetts Ave. NEW BEDFORD, MA 02745 SB One Stop Hydro Shop Inc. 686 Main St. CAMBRIDGE, MA 02140 774-202-6383 WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA 01089 397 Main St., Suite A. 207-989-2020 PRESQUE ISLE, ME 04769 617-945-1654 Midnight Sun Hydroponics 413-732-3300 BELLEVILLE, MI 48111---------------------------------------------- 207-SOY-BEAN (769-2326) Hydroponics Etc. 201 Popes Island 734-325-7242 --------------------------------------------- 2 Monttelo Street #5 NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 ---------------------------------------------- Grow Supply Center A2Z Grow Supplies CARVER, MA 02330 508-990-1803 3131 Benzie Hwy. 172 Pleasant St. HighWire Hydroponics 508-866-1055 Green Path Garden Supply Emerald City Indoor Gardening BENZONIA, MI 49616 1 Murray Dr. ---------------------------------------------- 276 West Main St. 51 Main St. 231-882-9270 BRUNSWICK, ME 04011 NORTHBOROUGH, MA 01532 Indoor Grower’s Edge 207-725-6400 RAYMOND, ME 04071 East Coast Hydro 508-393-4181 WESTMINSTER, MA 01473 805 Maple St. 207-655-2072 390 Rhode Island Ave. LiquidSun RI 978-668-5393 BIG RAPIDS, MI 49307 ---------------------------------------------- FALL RIVER, MA 02721 1179 Central Ave. 231-629-8177Four Seasons Hydroponics & --------------------------------------------- PAWTUCKET, MA 02861 ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------Garden Supply Maine Indoor Garden Supply 704-GO-HYDRO 401-722-2724248 State St. 829 Portland Rd., Route 1 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN Hydro Giant - West BloomfieldELLSWORTH, ME 04605 SACO, ME 04072 Harvest Moon Hydroponics 7480 Haggerty Rd.207-412-0190 207-494-8379 29 Washington St., Route 1 Evergreen Garden Center -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- FOXBORO, MA 02035 216 Newbury St. WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI 48322 800-660-6977 Get Growing Urban 248-661-0034 Full Bloom Hydroponics The Urban Garden Center ---------------------------------------------- PEABODY, MA 01960 Garden Centre 502 Wilton Rd. 235 Lewiston Rd. 978-854-5541 142 S. Main St. ---------------------------------------------- New England Hydroponics Growers Outlet FARMINGTON, ME 04938 TOPSHAM, ME 04086 855 Worcester Rd. Route 9 ---------------------------------------------- ADRIAN, MI 49221 7720 Clyde Park SW 207-860-2808 207-373-0990 FRAMINGHAM, MA 01701 Green Matters, Pocasset 517-920-4833 BYRON CENTER, MI 49513 888-529-9025 4 Barlows Landing Rd. 616-878-4444---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- POCASSET, MA 02346 ---------------------------------------------- Happy HarvestersFour Seasons Horticulture Greenlife Garden Supply ---------------------------------------------- 508-392-9249 Allegan Hydroponic Supply HydroponicsSupply 611 US Route 1 Here We Grow ---------------------------------------------- 1177 Lincoln Rd. 4410 South Saginaw St.235 Bridgton Rd. YORK, ME 03909 123 Russell St. (Route 9) ALLEGAN, MI 49010 BURTON, MI 48529FRYEBURG, ME 04037 207-363-0844 HADLEY, MA 01035 East Coast Hydro 269-355-1595 810-496-3005207-935-5444 413-584-FARM (3276) 1470 Route 44 ---------------------------------------------- Hydroponic Gardening--------------------------------------------- MARYLAND ---------------------------------------------- 4204 Davison Rd. RAYNHAM, MA 02767 Cultivation Station BURTON, MI 48505 The Urban Garden Center Maryland Hydroponics Inc. Perpetual Harvest 508-499-7220 of Michigan Inc., The 810-406-3355 806 Sabattus 10051 North 2nd St. 273 Hanover St. Route 139 Ste.14 Two Guys and a Grow Shop LAUREL, MD 20723 ---------------------------------------------- 6540 Allen Rd. 3374 Atherton Rd. LEWISTON, ME 04240 301-490-9236 HANOVER MA, 02339 Hydroponics N More Garden ALLEN PARK, MI 48101 BURTON, MI 48509 207-333-3696 Hydroworks 781-829-6900 Center 810-820-4275 1035 Benfield Blvd., Suite G 331 Centre Ave. 313-383-1766 Greenway Gardens--------------------------------------------- MILLERSVILLE, MD 21108 ---------------------------------------------- ROCKLAND, MA 02370 ---------------------------------------------- 916 W 13th St. 443-795-4525 781-421-3356 Hydroponics and More Inc CADILLAC, MI 49601 Meadowview Feed & RI Hydroponics 3519 Vandyke Rd. 231-775-7075 Garden Center 495 Central Ave ALMONT, MI Indoor Grower’s Edge 1202 Meadowview Rd. SEEKONK, MA 02771 810-798-2524 8998 E. 34 Rd., Suite B PASADENA, MD 21122 508-915-6172 CADILLAC, MI 49601 443-817-0018 231-468-3343 Caledonia Gardens 9750 Cherry Valley Ave. SE CALEDONIA GARDENS, MI 49316 616-891-0706 Hydro Helper 6445 Canton Center Rd. CANTON, MI 48187 734-354-3900194 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

---------------------------------------------- GroMart Indoor Gardening ---------------------------------------------- H2O Hydroponics Cedar Garden Wholesale Garden Wise Solutions 5210 W. Saginaw Hwy. 138 North Bound Gratiot 16010 King Rd.The Great Lakes Hydroponics Co. 68991 M-62 Suite Q Roots 2 NV LANSING, MI 48917 MT. CLEMENTS, MI 48043 RIVERVIEW, MI 48193 5998 US.31 South EDWARDSBURG, MI 49112 2223 East Highland Rd. 517-703-8120 586-738-0030 734-225-6414 269-414-4385 HIGHLAND, MI 48356 ---------------------------------------------- Green Grow LLC Green Thumb Hydroponics & CHARLEVOIX, MI 49720 ---------------------------------------------- 9046 N. Dort Organic Indoor Supply 231-237-9153 248-714-9292 High Tech Garden Supply MT. MORRIS, MI 48458 8460 Algoma, Suite G All Season Garden Supply ---------------------------------------------- 2815 East Grand River Ave. 810-687-9500 ROCKFORD, MI 49341---------------------------------------------- 833 North Lincoln Rd. LANSING, MI 48912 Indoor Grower’s Edge 616-884-5500 ESCANABA, MI 49829 Grow It Again Hydroponics 517-580-0555 2410 S. Leaton Suite 5 ---------------------------------------------- Cultivation Station 3 Inc. 906-553-7191 840 N. Black River Dr., Suite 70 MT. PLEASANT, MI 48858 46912 Gratiot ---------------------------------------------- 989-317-0944 Growers Edge ---------------------------------------------- HOLLAND, MI 49424 Sunshine Supply Co. 175 Marcell Dr. CHESTERFIELD, MI 48051 616-772-9421 Horizen Hydroponics 5800 East Pickard St. ROCKFORD, MI 49341 586-949-7453 Fenton Hydroponics & 5425 W. Saginaw Hwy. MT. PLEASANT, MI 48858 --------------------------------------------- Garden Center ---------------------------------------------- LANSING, MI 48917 989-775-3700 Happy Gardening---------------------------------------------- 495 Fenway Dr. Holland Hydroponic Outlet 517-323-ROOT Big Blue Hydroponics 20840 Telegraph Rd.Hydro Pro’s Indoor Garden 587-40 East 8th St. 590 Ottawa St. ROMULUS, MI 4817430504 23 Mile Rd. FENTON, MI 48430 HOLLAND, MI 49423 ---------------------------------------------- MUSKEGON, MI 49441 734-486-4115CHESTERFIELD, MI 48047 810-714-1719 616-298-7395 231-571-9400 ----------------------------------------------586-741-8805 ---------------------------------------------- Superior Growers Supply Inc. ----------------------------------------------HydroMaster ---------------------------------------------- 3928 West Saginaw Hwy. High Tech Garden Supply36345 Grosebeck Hwy. Green Thumb Garden Center HGR Garden Supply LANSING, MI 48917 Green Lantern H2O 28000 Groesbeck Hwy.CLINTON TWP, MI 48035 22963 Woodward Ave. 15231 N. Holly Rd. 517-327-1900 1383 E. Laketon Ave. ROSEVILLE, MI 48066586-792-0277 FERNDALE, MI 48220 HOLLY, MI 48442 586-435-2335Clio Cultivation 248-439-1851 248-369-8333 ---------------------------------------------- MUSKEGON, MI 4944211394 N.Saginaw Rd. Urban Garden Supply 231-722-0420 ----------------------------------------------CLIO, MI 48420 4516 Pasadena Ave. ---------------------------------------------- Superior Growers Supply, Inc. Plant Paradise810-686-4769 FLINT, MI 48504 5716 South Pennsylvania Ave. ---------------------------------------------- 7657 Michigan Ave.---------------------------------------------- 810-733-0420 Hydro Vision LANSING S., MI 48911 Growing Consultant ROTHBURY, MI 49452 Urban Garden Supply 1247 E. Grand River 517-393-1600 Hydroponics & Things 231-843-3000 Sun & Soil Hydro 3410 S. Dort Hwy. HOWELL, MI 48843 2260 Apple Ave. GrowMart 493 N. Marshall St. FLINT, MI 48507 ---------------------------------------------- MUSKEGON, MI 49442 2135 Warwick St. COLDWATER, MI 49036 810-875-9580 517-552-4965 Edenz Hydro 231-773-5600 SAGINAW, MI 48603 Granny Green Thumbs ---------------------------------------------- 560 Oak St. ---------------------------------------------- 989-799-6330 517-227-5245 103 W. Grand River Grow Fast Gardens LAPEER, MI 48446 Home Grown Hydroponics---------------------------------------------- FLOWERVILLE, MI 48836 5015 South Straits Hwy. 248-291-6691 Third Coast Horticulture 4880 Gratiot Rd., Suite # 2H2O Grow Supply 517-223-1302 INDIAN RIVER, MI 49749 Howz It Growing Supply SAGINAW, MI 486383364 Arent Ct. Indoor/Outdoor Garden Shop 231-238-4113 700 Main St. Suite 101B 989-781-1930COLOMA, MI 49038 105 N. Seymour Rd. Grow Maxx LAPEER, MI 48446 1965 Holton Rd. ----------------------------------------------269-468-3890 FLUSHING, MI 48433 1220 S. Stephenson Ave. 810-245-8687 MUSKEGON, MI 49445Lets Grow Hydroponics 810-867-4351 IRON MOUNTAIN, MI 49801 Two Guys and a Grow Shop Stealth Hydro1141 W Randall St., Suite L ---------------------------------------------- 906-221-2111 11917 E. Lennon Rd. 231-288-1762 15 E. Cross St.COOPERSVILLE, MI 49404 Hydrocapitol LENNON, MI 48449 ---------------------------------------------- SALINE, MI 48198616-997-0420 The Grow Shop of Garden City 258 Cooper St. 810-621-3790 Harbor Country Hydro 866-998-1916All Seasons 28505 Ford Rd. JACKSON, MI 49201 ---------------------------------------------- 17648 US Highway 12 ----------------------------------------------Organic Garden Supply 517-795-2633 NEW BUFFALO, MI 49117 Third Coast Garden Supply LLC711 S State Rd. GARDEN CITY, MI 48135 Mighty Grow Superior Growers Supply Inc. 269-469-2242 2327 Auburn Rd.DAVISON, MI 48423 734-956-5400 2418 West Michigan Ave. 292200 Seven Mile West ---------------------------------------------- SHELBY TOWNSHIP, MI 48195810-412-4025 JACKSON, MI 49202 LIVONIA, MI 48152 586-997-2700---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 517-962-4822 248-473-0450 Flo-N-Grow Hydroponics Co. ---------------------------------------------- Holland Hydroponic Outlet ---------------------------------------------- 214 North 2nd St. Hydro Giant - Dearborn 604 N. Beacon Blvd. ---------------------------------------------- NILES, MI 49120 Hydro Giant - Southgate 14455 Ford Rd. GRAND HAVEN, MI 49423 High Tech Garden Supply The Barefoot Gardener 269-683-1877 19363 Eureka Rd. 616-847-1277 1745 W. Main St. 11635 Fulton St. Suite 300B DEARBORN, MI 48126 Grand Rapids Hydroponics Inc. LOWELL, MI 49331 ---------------------------------------------- SOUTHGATE, MI 48195 313-216-8888 520 Leonard St. KALAMAZOO, MI 49006 616-987-3457 Owlyn Solutions for Growers 734-281-8888 GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49504 269-978-8697 Plant Paradise 2398 Jolly Rd., Suite 300---------------------------------------------- 616-454-2500 4593 W. US 10 OKEMOS, MI 48864 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- LUDINGTON, MI 49431 517-203-5070 \ Cultivation Station – 231-843-3000 Watch it Grow Hydroponics Eastern Market, The Growco Garden Supply Horizen Hydroponics Edenz Hydro 407 W. Center St. Cultivation Station 877-939-6900 4646 W. Main St. 1411 West 14 Mile OMER, MI 48749 of Michigan Inc., The 2518 Market St. MADISON HEIGHTS, MI 48071 989-653-2141 DETROIT, MI 48207 1042 Michigan St. NE KALAMAZOO, MI 49006 248-291-6691 Happy Harvesters 23529 Little Mack Ave. GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49503 269-567-3333 Northern Lights Hydroponic Hydroponics ST. CLAIR, MI 48080 313-394-0441 & Garden Supply 1772 S. Ortonville Dr.---------------------------------------------- 4640 West River Dr. ---------------------------------------------- 29090 Campbell Rd. ORTONVILLE, MI 48462 586-775-9485Growers R Us COMSTOCK PARK, MI 49321 Kalamazoo Indoor Garden MADISON HEIGHTS, MI 48071 248-793-3357 ----------------------------------------------19317 West Warren ---------------------------------------------- 450 W. Maple St. 248-439-6269 Healthy Harvest Garden Horti-Toad Hydroponic SupplyDETROIT, MI 48228 KALAMAZOO, MI 49001 Hypnotic Hydroponics Supply 21323 Harper313-633-1617 Horizen Hydroponics 269-344-2550 321 Deer St. 233 South State St. ST. CLAIR SHORES, MI 48080---------------------------------------------- 1614 Leonard St., NW Plainwell Indoor/Outdoor MANISTIQUE, MI 49854 OSCODA, MI 48750 586-944-0650 Garden Center 906- 341-GROW 989-569-3006 Advanced Hydroponic Hydro Giant - Detroit GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49504 8201 Douglas Ave. Big Creek Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- Growers 21651 W. 8 Mile Rd. 866-791-1664 KALAMAZOO, MI 49009 555 Old Little Lake Rd. 705 N. US 27 (8 Mile & Lahser) 269-532-1167 MARQUETTE, MI 49855 Green Earth Hydroponics ST. JOHNS, MI 48879 DETROIT, MI 48219 ---------------------------------------------- Zoo City Grower Supply 906-249-5297 8127 Portage Rd. 989-227-0408 313-387-7700 Greenville Gardens 3514 S. Westnedge Sweet Greens Hydroponics Hydro City LLC 11500 Morgan Mills Rd., NE KALAMAZOO, MI 49008 119 Fifth St. PORTAGE, MI 49002 34863 Schoenherr---------------------------------------------- GREENVILLE, MI 48838 269-903-2450 MICHIGAN CENTER, MI 49254 269-342-4190 STERLING HEIGHTS, MI 48312 616-745-0500 Halms Hydro ---------------------------------------------- 586-883-9075Urban Gardening Center, The Holland Hydroponic Outlet 2368 S. Huron Rd. ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 2520 22nd St. 1220 Phoenix Rd. KAWKAWKLIN, MI 48631 Cultivation Innovations HAVEN S., MI 49090 989-402-1296 15223 S. Dixie Hwy. Ultra Green Hydroponics High Tech Garden Supply DETROIT, MI 48216 269-637-5941 Howz It Growing MONROE, MI 48161 9300 Telegraph Rd. 7889 Telegraph Rd. 313-898-0200 HydroHarry’s- HP 1290 S. Lapeer Rd. 734-682-5819 TAYLOR, MI 48180 24047 Dequindre Rd. LAKE ORION, MI 48360 REDFORD, MI 48239 313-908-7554---------------------------------------------- HAZEL PARK, MI 48030 248-693-5747 ---------------------------------------------- 313-534-9377Sunnyside Hydroponics 248-541-0099 Capital City Growers ----------------------------------------------24930 Gratiot Ave. 2208 E. Michigan Ave. ----------------------------------------------EASTPOINT, MI 48021 LANSING, MI 48912586-777-2528 517-853-9988 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 195

MAXIMUM YIELD DISTRIBUTORS Retail Stores listed alphabetically by city in each state.Hydro Grow, The Hydro King Indoor ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Advanced Gardens NEW JERSEY8210 Telegraph Rd. Garden Supply HydroponicsTAYLOR, MI 48180 32000 Van Dyke Ave. Indoor Gardening Green Thumb Organics 7850 Dean Martin Dr., Suite 506 ----------------------------------------------313-633-0641 WARREN, MI 48093 10 NE 3rd St. 5911 Suemandy Rd. LAS VEGAS, NV 89139---------------------------------------------- 586-939-0518 702-247-4769 Dambly’s Garden Center Happy Harvesters FARIBAULT, MN 55021 ST. PETERS, MO 63376 All American Hydroponics 51 W. Factory Rd. Cultivation Innovations Hydroponics 507-209-1546 636-397-4769 2675 East Patrick Lane, Unit 8 6652 Lewis Ave. Suite 7 5720 Highland Rd. LAS VEGAS, NV 89120 BERLIN, NJ 08009 WATERFORD, MI 48327 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 702-894-9888 856-767-6883 TEMPERANCE, MI 48182 248-599-9761 Brew and Grow Best Hydroponic Supply 419-725-4769 Indoor Garden Superstore 8302 Highway 65 NE. MONTANA 6818 W Cheyenne ---------------------------------------------- 2570 Dixie Hwy. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55432 LAS VEGAS, NV 89108 77HYDRO---------------------------------------------- WATERFORD, MI 48328 763-780-8191 Dr. GreenThumbs 702-750-9300 37 Fairfield Pl. 248-673-2200; 877-22-HYDRO Interior Gardens 312 West Madison Ave Anything Grows CALDWELL W., NJ 07006 Grow Depot Light Green Water 115 -1620 Central Ave. NE BELGRADE, MT 59714 190 West Moana Lane 877-774-9376 700 South Main St. 3661 Highland Rd. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55413 406-222-7440 RENO, NV 89509 Boyer Indoor Gardening THREE RIVERS, MI 49093 WATERFORD, MI 48329 800-498-4178; 612-870-9077 Heightened Harvest 775-828-1460 57 Crescent Blvd. 248-681-0001 Still-H2O Inc. 1415 S 32nd St. West Battle Born Hydroponics GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ 08030 269-273-4769 ---------------------------------------------- 1266 Frontage Rd. W BILLINGS, MT 59102 1630 Merchant St. 856-456-5000---------------------------------------------- STILLWATER, MN 55082 406-656-1156 SPARKS, NV 89431 Bergen County Hydroponics Hydrospot 651-351-2822 One World – Life Products 775-432-1945 70 Essex St. Cultivation Station 34236 Michigan Ave. ---------------------------------------------- 906 Broadwater HACKENSACK, NJ 07601 1990 US-31 N. Suite C WAYNE, MI 48184 BILLINGS, MT 59101 NEW HAMPSHIRE 201-342-2001 TRAVERSE CITY, MI 49686 Midwest Hydroponics 406-839-9969 Creative Hydroponics 734-722-1285 5825 Excelsior Blvd. Planet Natural The Beez Kneez 379 Amwell Rd. 231-421-8118 ---------------------------------------------- 1251 N Rouse Ave. Garden Supply HILLSBOROUGH, NJ 08844 ---------------------------------------------- B&B Hydro Supply ST. LOUIS PARK, MN 55416 BOZEMAN, MT 59715 180 Emerald St. 908-359-7171Grow Store, The 28974 Warren Rd. 888-449-2739 406-551-2240 KEENE, NH 03431 Cleatus Farms90 N U.S. Highway 31 South WESTLAND, MI 48185 Heightened Harvests 603-903-1488 236 Livingston St.TRAVERSE CITY, MI 49685-7923 734-469-2805 ---------------------------------------------- 3103 Harrison Ave. Greenlife Garden Supply NORTHVALE, NJ 07647231-421-5191 ---------------------------------------------- Eco Garden Supply BUTTE, MT 59701 885 Second St. 201-768-3099---------------------------------------------- 800 Transfer Door 25 (in rear) 406-494-4222 MANCHESTER, NH 03102 Garden Indoors Ultra Green Hydroponics ST. PAUL, MN 55114 Alpengrow Nursery Supplies 603-782-8233 of New Jersey High Tech Garden Supply 8067 N. Wayne Rd. 651-647-1896 855 2nd Ave. E. ---------------------------------------------- 600 Meadowlands Pkwy., Suite 25 720 South Garfield Ave. EUREKA, MT 59917 SECAUCUS, NJ 07094 WESTLAND, MI 48185 MISSISSIPPI 406-297-7722 Hydro101 201-865-1616 TRAVERSE CITY, MI 49686 734-425-1000 Big Sky Garden Supply 545 Hooksett Rd. #24 231-668-6913 Urban Organics 528 West Idaho MANCHESTER, NH 03104 NEW MEXICO ---------------------------------------------- 2217 E Canal St. KALISPELL, MT 59901---------------------------------------------- Indoor Eden PICAYUNE, MS 39466 406-755-1465 603-782-8894 ----------------------------------------------Woodland Shore 9281 East-M 36 504-352-4709 Box of Rain INC ----------------------------------------------Garden Center WHITMORE, MI 48189 860 North Meridian Rd., Suite B AHL Year Round Garden956 W. South Airport Rd. 810-355-1465 MISSOURI #19&20 Natural Roots Hydroponics SupplyTRAVERSE CITY, MI 49686 AAA Hydroponics LLC KALISPELL, MT 59901 295 DW Hwy, Suite 8-B231-421-5901 22 50th St. Versaponics LTD 406-755-RAIN (7246) NASHUA, NH 03060 1051 San Mateo Blvd. S.---------------------------------------------- WYOMING, MI 49504 879 S. Kings Hwy. Cornucopia Grow Your Own 603-204-5528 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87108 616-249-8338 CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO 63703 127 Stoner Creek Rd. Downriver Hydro ---------------------------------------------- 573-450-5401 LAKESIDE, MT 59922 ---------------------------------------------- 505-255-3677 1910 West Rd. ---------------------------------------------- 406-709-1076 Green Harvest Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- Cultivation Station – Grand Dr. Green Thumbs 23 Plaistow Rd., Unit 2 TRENTON, MI 48183 Rapids, The Heartland Hydrogardens 1106 West Park PLAISTOW, NH 03865 All Seasons Gardening 734-301-3745 1808 Paris Rd. LIVINGSTON, MT 59047 603-378-9400 3600 Osuna Rd., Suite 406 5812 S. Division Ave. 406-222-7440 ---------------------------------------------- ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87109---------------------------------------------- WYOMING, MI 49548 COLUMBIA, MO 65201 ----------------------------------------------HTG Supply 573-474-4769 Grow Life Hydroponics 505-508-42923914 Rochester Rd. 616-855-4440 Outside In Garden & 13 Plaistow Rd. ----------------------------------------------TROY, MI 48083 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Greenhouse Supply Heavy’s Grow Supply248-275-1739 Grow Your Own Hydroponics 2302 McDonald Ave, #B PLAISTOW, NH 03865 1325 San Mateo Blvd. NE.Hydro Pro’s Indoor Garden Garden Doctor 1117 S. Fuller Ave. MISSOULA, MT 59801 603-974-2205 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 8711045410 Van Dyke Ave. 2290 28th St. SW Suite D INDEPENDENCE, MO 64050 505-315-4573UTICA, MI 48317 WYOMING, MI 49519 816-241-2122 406-274-3017 ---------------------------------------------- Dr. Green Hydroponics586-803-0966 Advanced Garden Supply ---------------------------------------------- 129 E. Idaho Ave.Forever Green 616-249-0193 901 Missouri Blvd., Suite C Bizzy Beez LLP Blue Seal Feeds LAS CRUCES, NM 88005340 S. Main St. ---------------------------------------------- JEFFERSON CITY, MO 65109 5785 Highway 93 South 275 Portland St. 575-524-6751VASSAR, MI 48768 573-635-7878 WHITEFISH, MT 59937 Southwest Hydroponics 989-882-9177 MINNESOTA Green Circle Hydroponics 406-863-9937 ROCHESTER, NH 03867 & Lighting H2 Hydro 12 East Missouri Ave. 603-332-4122 1300 El Paseo Rd.702 N. Pontiac Trail Extended Seasons Indoor KANSAS CITY, MO NEBRASKA LAS CRUCES, NM 88001WALLED LAKE, MI 48390 Gardening 816-421-1840 ---------------------------------------------- 575-524-5963248-669-6063 614 Central St. West The Sharper Edge Bodhi Organic Garden Tomato Joe’s Garden Supply ----------------------------------------------HydroHarry’s – WL BAGLEY, MN 56621 610 East 135th St. Supply 14 New Zealand Rd.1138 E. West Maple Rd. 218-694-2002 KANSAS CITY, MO 64145 1438 S1 St., Suite 6 SEABROOK, NH 03874 All Seasons GardeningWALLED LAKE, MI 48390 Duluth Hydroponics 816-941-3343 LINCOLN, NE 68502 603-814-1657 1228 Parkway, Suite E.248-896-0099 26 W 1st St. Sho-Me Hydroponics 402-438-6785 ---------------------------------------------- SANTA FE, NM 87507---------------------------------------------- DULUTH, MN 55802 1873 N. State Hwy. CC Patio-Ponics 505-438-GROW 218-341-7253 NIXA, MO 65714 3255 Cornhusker Hwy., Suite 4 In Grown Gardens Beste’s Hydroponic Supply The Interior Tomato, LLC 417-714-4875 LINCOLN, NE 68504 40 Interchange Dr. ---------------------------------------------- 21410 Schoenherr Rd. 519 N. Central Ave. U-Grow 402-466-9218 WEST LEBANON, NH 03784 New Mexico Hydroponics WARREN, MI 48089 DULUTH, MN 55087 1724 North, 13th St. ---------------------------------------------- 603-790-8063 923 W. Almeada 586-776-1794 218-260-5167 ST. LOUIS, MO 63106 ---------------------------------------------- SANTA FE, NM 87501 314-452-6368 Paradigm Gardens 505-316-5855---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 8949 J St., Suite 5 EarthgoodsGreco’s Nursery OMAHA, NE 68127 120 Bertha& Garden Supplies Worm’s Way Missouri 402-339-4949 TAOS, NM 8757112219 E. 11 Mile Rd. 1225 North Warson Rd. 575-758-9131WARREN, MI 48093 ST. LOUIS, MO 63132 ----------------------------------------------586-759-1335 800-285-9676 NEW YORK NEVADA ---------------------------------------------- Organica: Garden Supply Lorraine Indoor Gardens & Hydroponics 290 Spear Court 467 Delaware Ave. FERNLEY, NV 89408 ALBANY, NY 12209 775-575-7757 518-729-5950 AAA Indoor Organic Garden SuperCenter 2101 S. Decatur Blvd. #21 LAS VEGAS, NV 89102 702-450-4769196 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- All Season Hydro ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Magic Home Garden 2159 Buffalo Rd. 4538 Indianola Ave. Green Zone Hydroponics Saratoga Organics ROCHESTER, NY 14624 L.O.T.U.S. Urban Farm and Almost Heaven Hydroponics COLUMBUS, OH 43214 2850 Niagara Falls Blvd. & Hydroponic Supply 585-247-8001 Garden Supply 56104 National Rd. 614-263-2440 AMHERST, NY 14228 ---------------------------------------------- 716-693-9663 10 Saratoga Ave. Harvest Moon Hydroponics 455 N. Louisiana Ave, Suite 8 BRIDGEPORT, OH 43912 GLEN FALLS S., NY 12803 Henrietta Townline Plaza ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 740-738-0578 Dayton Hydroponics---------------------------------------------- 3047 West Henrietta Rd. 828-505-3533 3856 Miamisburg-Centerville Rd.The Grow Room 518-798-820 ROCHESTER, NY 14623 ----------------------------------------------32-32 49th St. ---------------------------------------------- 716-865-7353 ---------------------------------------------- Campbells Indoor Gardening DAYTON, OH 45449ASTORIA, NY 11103 Dans Pro Grow Indoor ---------------------------------------------- Fifth Season Gardening Supplies 937-859-3999718-545-GROW (4769) Growing & Hydroponics Company 1721 Greenville Rd.---------------------------------------------- 2653 RT 17M Hydro Garden Center 106 South Greensboro St. BRISTOLVILLE, OH 44402 ---------------------------------------------- GOSHEN, NY 10924 1069B Lyell Ave. CARRBORO, NC 27510 330-889-0049 USA Hydrogarden Saratoga Organics 845-294-GROW 919-932-7600 Magic Home Gardens 542 Griswold Rd. & Hydroponic Supply Sunset Hydroponics & Home ROCHESTER, NY 14606 ---------------------------------------------- 209 Cemetery Rd. ELYRIA, OH 44035 Brewing 800-277-1322 CANAL WINCHESTER, OH 43110 440-324-4769 998 Route 50 133 Balta Dr. BWGS-NC 614-837-2440 Garden Connections BALLSTON LAKE, NY 12019 HENRIETTA, NY 14623 ---------------------------------------------- 4045 Perimeter West Dr., Suite 400 Dumont Seed Co. 3341 Centerpoint Dr. 518-885-2005; 800-850-4769 585-475-0011 619 30th St. N.W. GROVE CITY, OH 43123---------------------------------------------- Upstate Hydroponics Sunset Hydroponics CHARLOTTE, NC 28214 CANTON, OH 44709 614-871-0707Empire Hydroponics 3092 Lake Rd. & Home Brewing 800-316-1306 330-492-0204 Advanced Hydrorganics8512 Rt. 57 Suite 150 HORSE HEADS, NY 14845 777 Culver Rd. Green Garden Indoor Indoor Garden CenterBALSWINSVILLE, NY 13027 607-483-9199 ROCHESTER, NY 14609 ---------------------------------------------- Garden Center 5204 Darrow Rd.315-303-4540 ---------------------------------------------- 585-654-8766 1664 North Main St. HUDSON, OH 44236---------------------------------------------- High Tech Garden Supply CANTON N., OH 44720 234-380-1287 LI Hydro Sunset Hydroponics 2712 B Freedom Dr. 330-494-1234 Sweet Greens Delicious Gardens 3104 Expressway Dr. S. & Home Brewing ---------------------------------------------- 5540 Brecksville Rd. 180 Route 117 ByPass Rd. ISLANDIA, NY 11749 1590 West Ridge Rd. CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 INDEPENDENCE, OH 44131 BEDFORD HILLS, NY 10507 ROCHESTER, NY 14615 704-697-0911 The Bubbling Bucket 800-421-7084 631-651-8281 866-395-9204 11156 Kenwood Rd. ---------------------------------------------- 914-864-1400 ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greentree Garden Supply LiquidSun of New York Flow & Grow Hydroponics CINCINNATI, OH 45242 Hydro Gardens WholesaleThe Grape Vine 606 Elmira Rd. 1702 Fiero Ave. & Organic Garden Center 513-469-2825 1144 N Memorial Dr.4020 Hempstead Turnpike ITHACA, NY 14850 ROTTERDAM, NY 12303 4521 Cumberland Rd. LANCASTER, OH 43130BETHPAGE, NY 11714 607-272-3666 518-952-4654 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28306 ---------------------------------------------- 740-654-9376516-731-1100 Planted Earth Hydroponics 910-423-FLOW (3569)---------------------------------------------- 2255 N. Triphammer Rd. Hydroponic Garden Centers Inc Hydro Garden Zone Dayton Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- ITHACA, NY 14850 146 49 Horace Harding Exp. 2222 Patterson St. Suite H 4920 Provident Dr. CropKingGreen Gnome Hydro Gardens 607-319-0918 RUSHING, NY 11367 GREENSBORO, NC 27407 134 West Dr. 51 North Main St. Organica Garden Supply & 718-762-8880 336-854-0788 CINCINNATI, OH 45246 LODI, OH 44254 Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- Fifth Season Gardening 513-942-7111 330-302-4203 BROCKPORT, NY 14420 1094 Morton Blvd. Company USA Hydrogarden 585-431-3006 KINGSTON, NY 12401 Little Heck’s Hydroponics & 1616 D-3 Battleground Ave. ---------------------------------------------- 7450 Industrial Pkwy., Suite A 845-481-4009 Organics Supply GREENSBORO, NC 27408 Eastside Hydroponics LORAIN, OH 44053---------------------------------------------- Mike’s Nursery & Grower 615 Maple Ave. 336-271-3373 834 Ohio Pike #318 440-282-4880Indoor Outdoor Gardener Supplies Fifth Season Gardening CINCINNATI, OH 45245 ----------------------------------------------8223 5th Ave. 199 E. Fairmount Ave. SARATOGA SPRINGS, NY 12866 Company 513-528-4769BROOKLYN, NY 11209 LAKEWOOD, NY 14750 518-306-4992 5619-A Hillsborough St. Kissed by the Sun Urban Gardens718-836-2402 716-763-1612 RALEIGH, NC 27606 Hydroponic 3665 Likens Rd.Buffalo Roots Hydroponics O.G. Green Thumbz ---------------------------------------------- 919-852-4747 10740 Reading Rd. MARION, OH 43302and Organics Hydroponics New Age Gardens CINCINNATI, OH 45241 740-375-28003231 Main St. 678 Old Liverpool Rd., Space #7 Hydroponic Shops of 2236A US Highway 70 513-769-0159 ----------------------------------------------BUFFALO, NY 14214 LIVERPOOL, NY 13088 America SWANNANOA, NC 28778 Hydro Garden and Lights Campbell’s Indoor716-240-9075 315-453-2371 2606 Erie Blvd. E 828-299-9989 24497 State Route 23 Gardening SuppliesHydroponics of Buffalo TJ’s Hydroponics SYRACUSE, NY 13224 LiquidSun East CIRCLEVILLE, OH 43113 8226 Warren Sharon Rd.1471 Hertel Ave. 4205 Long Branch Rd. Suite 5 315-251-2516 12 Bay St., Unit 105 740-420-9376 MASURY OH, 44438BUFFALO, NY 14216 LIVERPOOL, NY 13090 WILMINGTON, NC 01887 Cleveland Garden Center Inc. 330-978-6200716-838-3545 315-314-6776 Hydrotek East 978-447-5442 727 East 185th St. Top Garden ProductsHarvest Moon Hydroponics ---------------------------------------------- 27 Corporate Circle Progressive Gardens CLEVELAND, OH 44119 8600 East Ave., Suite C320 W. Route 59 SYRACUSE E., NY 13057 6005 Oleander Dr. 216-481-7868 MENTOR, OH 44060CENTRAL NYACK, NY 10960 Roots to Bloom Hydroponics 315-432-9387; 866-411-0865 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 The Grow Wizard 440-290-8773845-353-7310 5714 South Transit Rd. 910-395-1156 5700 Denison Ave. USA Hydrogarden - WestSunset Hydroponics & Home LOCKPORT, NY 14094 Big Bloom Hydroponics CLEVELAND, OH 44102 11001 Route 250 Suite B9Brewing 716-491-8999 1864 Colvin Blvd. OHIO 216-961-2500 MILIN, OH 448463530 Erie Blvd. TONAWANDA, NY 14150 Herb-N-Garden Center 419-499-0480EAST SYRACUSE, NY 13214 ---------------------------------------------- 716-832-5666 Akron Garden Center 14901 Puritas Ave. ----------------------------------------------315-446-5208 KG Grow & Brew 434 W Wilbeth Rd. CLEVELAND, OH 44135Sunset Hydroponics & Home 4575 Commercial Dr. M&M Hydroponics & Garden AKRON, OH 44314 216-252-2001 Gardening-IndoorBrewing NEW HARTFORD, NY 13413 Supply 330-724-2700 ---------------------------------------------- 5851 Youngstown-Warren Rd.830 Country Rd., Rt.64 877-KG-HYDRO 2222 Oriskany St. W ----------------------------------------------ELMIRA, NY 14903 Harvest Moon Hydroponics UTICA, NY 13502 Indoor Gardens NILES, OH 44446607-796-2603 217 Route 32 N. 315-790-9825 \ 5705 Chantry Dr. 330-932-1023Planted Earth Hydroponics NEW PALTZ, NY 12561 COLUMBUS, OH 43232120 Vestal Ave. 845-255-3633 Sunset Hydroponics Indoor Gardens 614-866-5180 ----------------------------------------------ENDICOTT, NY 13760 Crossroads Hydroponics & Home Brewing 2076 Romig Rd. ---------------------------------------------- Pet Finatics LLC607-239-6207 and Organics 8053 Route 96 3150 Navarre Ave., Suite AHippo Hydroponics & 181 South Plank Rd. (Route 52) VICTOR, NY 14564 AKRON, OH 44320 \ OREGON, OH 43616Organics NEWBURGH, NY 12550 585-223-3410 234-678-5820 Indoor Gardens ----------------------------------------------37 Elm St. #5 845-561-4769 4720 Indianola Ave.FISHKILL, NY 12524 The Grow Room Follow The Sun ---------------------------------------------- COLUMBUS, OH 43214 Trinity Hydro Organics845-202-7444 8 Bridge St. 1185 B Yonkers Ave. Summit Hydroponics 465 Woodman Dr.East Coast Hydroponics NYACK, NY 10960 YONKERS, NY 10704 1030 Kenmore Blvd. 614-262-160014649 Horace Harding Exp. 800-449-9630 914-237-2760 AKRON, OH 44314-2114 ---------------------------------------------- RIVERSIDE, OH 45431FLUSHING, NY 11367 Green Zone Hydroponics 330-753-5222 937-252-GROW718-762-8880 2928 Southwestern Blvd. NORTH CAROLINA Cool DigsHealthy Harvest Organics ORCHARD PARK, NY 14127 6 Euclid Dr. ---------------------------------------------& Hydro 716-677-9663 Fifth Season Gardening ATHENS, OH 45701163 Broadway ---------------------------------------------- Company 740-249-4270FORT EDWART, NY 12828 45 Banks Ave.518-480-4698 Mor Gro Hydroponics ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 5680 State Route 104 E 828-253-4112 OSWEGO, NY 13126 315-877-8725 ---------------------------------------------- Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015 197

MAXIMUM YIELD DISTRIBUTORS Retail Stores listed alphabetically by city in each state.Hot Hydro ---------------------------------------------- Northern Light & Garden ---------------------------------------------- Green Solutions Garden Hydro Ponics of Harrisburg855 S. Holland-Sylvania Rd. #2 1203 Rogue River Hwy. Supply 310 S. 10th St.TOLEDO, OH 43615 Bend’s Indoor Garden Station GRANTS PASS, OR 97527 Ladybug Indoor Gardens 628 SW Glacier Ave. LEMOYNE, PA 17043419-866-1266 35 NW Bond 541-474-1700 The Shoppes at Exit 24, REDMOND, OR 97756 877-684-3808Organic Garden Center 541-504-2604 Esbenshades Greenhouses5215 Monroe St. BEND, OR 97701 Redwood Nursery 205 Fern Valley Rd., Suite X DC Hydroponics & Organics 546A E. 28th Div. Hwy.TOLEDO, OH 43623 541-385-5222 1303 Redwood Ave. PHOENIX, OR 97535 1775 Green Siding Rd. LITITZ, PA 17543419-517-8110 GRANTS PASS, OR 97527 541-618-4459 ROSEBURG, OR 97471 717-626-7007Toledo Hydroponics Ltd. ---------------------------------------------- 541-474-2642 541-679-3700 Always Green Garden Supply855 S. Holland-Sylvania Rd., Suite 2 ---------------------------------------------- Roseburg Hydroponics 4400 Old William Penn Hwy., Suite 106TOLEDO, OH 43615 Gorilla Garden Supply Vital Organix American Agriculture 853 SE Stephens St. MONROEVILLE, PA 15145877-893-0716 2011 Union Ave. 932-B S.E. “M” St. 9220 SE Stark St. ROSEBURG, OR 97470 412-646-1243---------------------------------------------- GRANTS PASS, OR 97526 PORTLAND, OR 97216 541-229-1420 Home Hydroponics of BEND N., OR 97459 800-433-6805 Indoor Garden Center Pittsburgh Plant Lighting Hydroponics 541-756-5005 Healthy Harvest Indoor Bloom Garden Supply 1697 SE 25th St. 19th & Smallman St. 2201-A Pinnacle Parkway Garden 518 N.E. 20th Ave. SALEM, OR 97302 PITTSBURGH, PA 15222 TWINSBURG, OH 44087 ---------------------------------------------- Suite #1, 1635 S.E. Tualatin PORTLAND, OR 97232 503-566-7888 412-232-7030 888-258-0670 Valley Hwy. 971-255-1336 Northern Light & Garden Always Green Garden Supply Green Leaf Garden Center HILLSBORO, OR 97123 ---------------------------------------------- Salem 1046 Sawmill Run Blvd.---------------------------------------------- 610 SE 9th St. 503-640-0995 1915 Lancester Dr. PITTSBURGH, PA 15220Greenleaf Hydroponics BWGS-OR SALEM, OR 97305 412-481-48004913 Mahoning Ave. BEND, OR 97701 Gorge Garden Center 18201 N.E. Portal Way, Suite 104 503-364-4769 Healthy Gardens and SupplyWARREN, OH 44483 541-306-4505 1203 12th St., Suite H Grow Big Inc. 1008 Lincoln Ave.330-646-6046 HOOD RIVER, OR 97031 PORTLAND, OR 97230 16572 SE 362nd Dr. PROSPECT PARK, PA 19076---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 541-386-4769 888-316-1306 SANDY, OR 97055 610-586-2171 503-826-8277 Northeast Hydroponics & Gardening-Indoor Westcoast Organic Healthy Harvest Indoor ---------------------------------------------- Greener Side of Life Homebrewing 9215 Market St. & Hydroponic Supply Garden Evergreen Garden Supply 623 West Centennial Blvd. 221 Scranton Carbondale Hwy. 12410 SE 282nd Ave., Unit G 3837 River Rd. 3393 SE 21st Ave. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 SCRANTON, PA 18508YOUNGSTOWN (NORTH LIMA), KEIZER, OR 97303 PORTLAND, OR 97055 541-636-3552 570-209-7924 OH 44452 BORING, OR 97009 503-393-2901 503-206-5670 Oregon’s Constant Gardener Full Time Garden Supply 503-512-7710 Evergreen Garden Supply 2053 Laura St. 1011 Ritner Hwy. 330-758-0272 Basin Indoor Gardening 10415 NE Sandy Blvd., Unit C SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 SHIPPENSBURG, PA 17257---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 417 N. Spring St. PORTLAND, OR 97220 541-747-8170 717-477-0350Indoor Garden Worx Southern Oregon Discount KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 503-408-6635 Moonshine Park Farm Western Pennsylvania304 West Monroe St. Garden Center 541-273-2023 Garden Spout, The 135 South East 62nd, Unit F Innovative GardeningZANESVILLE, OH 43701 620 Hemlock St. 4532 SE 63rd Ave. SOUTH BEACH, OR 97366 1177 Pittsburgh Rd., Suite 103866-900-9679 BROOKINGS, OR 97415 Green Zone Garden Center PORTLAND, OR 97206 541-444-2298 VALENCIA, PA 16059 541-469-6500 & Hydroponic Supplies 503-788-GROW Rogue Farmers 724-903-0800OKLAHOMA The Good Earth Organics 1845 S.W. Hwy. 101 Suite 3 ---------------------------------------------- 1007 S. Pacific Hwy. ---------------------------------------------- 30088 Redwood Hwy. LINCOLN, OR 97367 TALENT, OR 97540Aeroponic Tower Garden CAVE JUNCTION, OR 97523 541-994-7070 Grow World 541-512-4600 Organic Garden Center204 W. 5th St. PO Box 712 541-592-4496 ---------------------------------------------- 17410 SE Division St. Portland Hydroponics & 1307 Park Ave.BEGGS, OK 74421 Anthony’s Garden & Light Supply PORTLAND, OR 97236 Organics918-221-4630; 1-877-213-8868 93779 B Troy Lane Applegate Soils & 11564 S.W. Pacific Highway WILLIAMSPORT, PA 17701Organics OKC Garden Supply COOS BAY, OR 97420 Hydroponics 503-477-9351 TIGARD, OR 97223 570-322-31202800 N. Pennsylvania Ave. 541-266-8822 610 Rossanley Dr. ---------------------------------------------- 503-746-4303OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73107 Corvallis Hydroponics & Indoor Garden Depot Pharmer Hydroponics ----------------------------------------------405-528-GROW Organics MEDFORD, OR 97501 7461 SW Barbur Blvd., Suite B 11135 S.W. Industrial Way, Bldg 10-4 Home Hydroponics of 5490 SW Philomath Blvd. 541-952-2378 PORTLAND, OR 97219 TUALATIN, OR 97062 PittsburghOREGON CORVALLIS, OR 97333 971-888-5169 503-486-5751 404 North 3rd St. 541-738-2820 ---------------------------------------------- Jantzen Beach Hydroponics The Green Future Garden & YOUNGWOOD, PA 15697Samurai Greenhouse Supply ---------------------------------------------- 909 N. Tomahawk Island Dr., Hydroponics 724-836-11181862 Rye St. SE Green Thumb Hydrogarden Suite 103 25999 SW Canyon Creek Rd., Ste. I Hydro-Ponics Inc. ALBANY, OR 97322 Aqua Serene & Organic Supply PORTLAND, OR 97217 WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 (of Lancaster/York)541-928-3431 2836 West 11th Ave. 2021 West Main St. 503-546-3185 503-685-9200 4464 Lincoln Hwy East, Ste. 1Indoor Hydroponic Garden EUGENE, OR 97402 MEDFORD, OR 97501 ---------------------------------------------- YORK, PA 17406& Lights 541-779-8600 PENNSYLVANIA 717-668-86415990 SW 185th Ave. 541-302-9073 Mt. Hood Garden Supply ----------------------------------------------ALOHA, OR 97078 ---------------------------------------------- The Greenway Hydroponics 19959 SE Burnside St. Pocono Hydroponic503-848-3335 1010 Fisher Ave. PORTLAND, OR 97233 Solutions National Garden Wholesale/---------------------------------------------- Aurora Innovations MEDFORD, OR 97504 503-328-8630 3280 Route 611 Sunlight Supply PO Box 22041 541-622-8097 BARTONSVILLE, PA 18321 450 Grim Lane Aqua Serene ---------------------------------------------- 570-730-4544 YORK, PA 17406 465 Applegate Way EUGENE, OR 97402 Growing Crazy (Hooked North West Hydroponic Lehigh Valley Hydroponics ASHLAND, OR 97520 866-376-8578 On Hydroponics) Repair & Resale 7576 Beth Bath Pike 877-779-7111 (Northeast) 817 W. 2nd St. 2510 E. Burnside St. BATH, PA 18014 ---------------------------------------------- 541-482-7600 ---------------------------------------------- MEDFORD, OR 97501 PORTLAND, OR 97214 610-837-7500 PA Hydroponics & Home---------------------------------------------- Emerald Valley Gardens Inc. ---------------------------------------------- 503-719-7671 Green Solutions Hydroponics Gardening SupplyFullbloom Hydroponics 88680 McVay Hwy. Roots Garden Supply 1700 Orange St. 20 Quaker Church Rd.415 Williamson Way, Suite #3 EUGENE, OR 97405 In & Out Gardens 6850 North Interstate Ave. BERWICK, PA 18603 YORK SPRINGS, PA 17372ASHLAND, OR 97520 541-636-3763 1574 Skypark Dr. PORTLAND, OR 97217 570-752-1530 717-528-4175888-725-4769 Oregon’s Constant Gardener 503-285-4768 Garden Indoors ofAstoria Indoor Garden 2385 West 11th MEDFORD, OR 97501 Urban Flora Pennsylvania RHODE ISLANDSupply EUGENE, OR 97402 541-858-3333 2865 South East 208 Route 131343 Duane St., Unit C 541-636-4220 PORTLAND, OR 97214 BRISTOL, PA 19007 Oakworld Garden CenterASTORIA, OR 97103 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 503-236-3344 215-781-0305 39 West St.503-468-0606 Oregon Indoor Organics 422 GROW BARRINGTON, RI 02806American Agriculture Vital Organics Northwest Advanced Organics 109 East A St. 1775 North Main St. Ext. 401-245-57059966 SW. Arctic Dr. 457 River Ave. & Garden Supply RANIER, OR 97048 BUTLER, PA 16001-1327 ----------------------------------------------BEAVERTON, OR 97005 290- B Merlin Ave. 503-556-5565 724-561-3777503-641-3500 EUGENE, OR 97404 MERLIN, OR 97532 BIGS Warehouse ---------------------------------------------- EZ Grow SupplyNorthern Light & Garden 541-688-0028 541-659-1466 2606 S.W. 4th St., Unit B 477A Tiogue Ave.9290 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. REDMOND, OR 97756 High Tech Garden Supply COVENTRY, RI 02816BEAVERTON, OR 97005 ---------------------------------------------- Green Zone Garden Center 541-504-8886 20232 Route 19, Unit 6503-297-7331 Advanced Indoor Gardens & Hydroponic Supplies 401-822-4769---------------------------------------------- 17831 S.E. 82nd Dr. 454 S.W. Coast Hwy. CRANBERRY TWP., PA 16066 ---------------------------------------------- GLADSTONE, OR 97027 NEWPORT, OR 97365 724-473-1113Suburban Garden Wholesale 503-305-6341 541-265-8252 3 Guys Hydroponics 18968 SW Shaw ---------------------------------------------- 768 Atwood Ave. Indoor Garden Depot Hydrofarm East BEAVERTON, OR 97078 3260 SE Oak Grove Blvd. 270 Canal Rd. CRANSTON, RI 02920 503-268-1803 OAK GROVE, OR 97267-1421 FAIRLESS HILLS, PA 19030 401-944-0000 503-786-2445 888-780-4567---------------------------------------------- Buds to Blooms Garden ---------------------------------------------- Four Seasons Garden Supply and Supply Co., LLC 329 S. Oregon St. 509 Orchard Ave. ONTARIO, OR 97914 KENNETT SQUARE, PA 19348 541-889-6499 610-388-0100198 Maximum Yield USA  |  July 2015

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