Living Light Universe,Healing, Past Life RegressionLiving Light Universe Pte. Ltd.We are located at Basic Essence Holistic Wellness Centrein Singapore, at Cluny Court, within 2 minutes [email protected]
Spiritual Advancement and TrainingYou wish to understand Life and the Universe better to improve your life.You know that what happens in the Universe is much more complex thanwhat can be seen or understood by most people in this world. You feelyou are ready to advance further as a Powerful and Positive Soul in theUniverse. You want to regain your Inner Power within, to live your life toyour Full Potential.
Geomancy (Universal Feng Shui) Services Improving the Energy in your Home or Office can Greatly Enhance the Well-Being of your Family and Employees, by creating a more Positive environment that Attracts Positive situations.
Universal & Holistic Healing: Heal & Improve Your Health & LifeAdrian Ng, Master Healer and Kundalini Reiki Master Trainer ishighly experienced in Powerful, Effective and Natural Healingbased on Universal Energies, Vibrational Science and AncientHealing techniques that have been modernised and greatlyenhanced.
Life & Divine Guidance and Fortune Telling ServicesAdrian Ng has theknowledge andexperience, and mostimportantly, the guidance,support and blessings ofthe Universe, to help youovercome your variouslife issues, in order to leada more positive, abundantand happier life.
CONTACT USLiving Light Universe is Universal, Holistic and non-religious. We can helpyou with your health and life matters, for your highest good, regardless ofyour beliefs. All outcomes require co-operation of yourself and theUniverse.By helping you improve your health and life, and obtain your happiness inyour life, Living Light Universe is also fulfilling our commitment and rolein the Universe. You may like to read the Testimonials and Feedback ofour global clients regarding Adrian Ng’s extraordinary services andcourses. (65)-98-000-651 | [email protected]
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