Product Updates & Case Studies w | O 866.297.4914 | , Seattle, WA 1
ABOUT CLConversion Logix is a digital advertising agency committed to creating a funnel of first-party leads byengaging your unique visitors and providing them multiple opportunities to become a prospect. Wehelp you maximize one of your greatest and most proprietary assets - your direct website visitors - bymoving them from anonymous visitors to raving fans. We utilize the most powerful platforms in theindustry today to reach your customers via Site and Search Retargeting as well as providing a directcontact channel - Interactive Live Web Chat.By integrating these tools into one powerful lead generation platform, we have the ability to create asteady stream of first-party leads and help convert them to actual sales. Because our average clientgenerates ROI’s in excess of 1,000% on a regular basis and all of our solutions are scalable and allowfor rapid expansion, your business will gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.Our Leads, Appointments, Sales philosophy transcends traditional marketing plans and brings uniqueresults to both the top and bottom lines of your Profit and Loss Statement.We provide strategic campaign management of your digital resources and partner with your onproperty team to implement and support all of your other marketing efforts. Our singular focus ofcreating first party leads allows you to remain focused on your other areas of need while we continueto drive business to your doors. 2
Search & Display Campaign Today’s consumer uses a myriad of devices and websites as they browse online. Most of their time spent on mobile devices is spent in apps like Facebook, while most time spent on desktops and tablets is reading content. CONVERSION WEB MOBILE DEVICESmart Pixel:Many agencies would need separatepixels to track these events and adnetworks.We can manage each action, channel,page and device with our smart pixel.This increases the amount of trackingwe can provide and reduces theworkload on your IT department.CONVERSIONWEBMOBILE DEVICE 4
Reaching the Audience:Here’s how we’ll reach your audience on your behalf throughProgrammatic Real-Time Bidding.Buyers SellersYou Websites with available space on them will send signals that we can bid on the page that our audience is looking at. We work with you to set w Online Display parameters for who you Exchanges want to target. P Online VideoAD Networks such as... Exchanges Mobile Exchanges Consumer data aggregators AudienceOnce we decide to target your audience, they’ll start to see your ads as shebrowses the internet, no matter what site they’re on or what device they’reusing. This whole process happens in the background for every user online, so wecan identify new targets on the fly and make optimizations as we go to increaseyour campaign’s effectiveness. 5
Targeting the Audience:The Power of Big DataBIG DATAIN A SINGLE DAY ONLINEEnough Information is Consumed to Fill168 VDS 04.7 ce tbeosoSkpentMILLION million D MoinnuFa 294 E-mails are sent 6
Bring it all Together:In order to reach your audience with information about your business, we’ll need to use avariety of tactics. Google Search, Targeted Display, Facebook, and more.G FACEBOOK/ R RETARGETING K DATA DRIVEN DISPLAY CUSTOM AUDIENCE gReach cross-device on FB Delivers ads after visitors Reach our desired leave the website demographic everywhere online4 Priva te Audience s RETARGET IN GOOGLE p HOUSEHOLD EXT. Network High-value websites Reach people browsing to reach people as from multiple devices they research in the same houseTransparency:See up-to-date numbers on all yourcampaigns on our cutting-edge real-timereporting dashboard. 7
PremiumMarketplacePremium Marketplace by Conversion By defining specific audiences andLogix utilizes location-based service targeting high value private advertising(LBS) to identify when a user enters or exits space, we can make sure that your adsa specific geo-target (zip code) and Private are placed on those sites most visited byMarketplace inventory publishing to create your prospect. At the same time, we add aa high-value exchange that teams audience location-based service to further refine the result to make sure you are advertising totargeting with premium publishers. Our that local prospect when they enter your“by invitation only ” relationships allow us designated marketing area (DMA).to choose between one impression versusthe next.How It WorksThe consumer’s device receives a Mobile Positioninggenerated notification or in this case a Devicetargeted display advertisement while (User)engaged in certain apps or websites. Our advertising network allows us to Service & Communication target and display your compelling Content Network message on apps like Pandora, The Provider Weather Channel, CBS online, Spotify, and many more. Our combination Expected Results of Private Marketplace websites coupled with popular news, social, The quality of the interaction between your prospect and lifestyle apps guarantees that and your display ads is greatly increased due the micro- your local business or community targeted nature of the moment. While the quantity of will remain top of mind to your in- visits may or may not increase, the quality of the target market shoppers. is greatly enhanced. By combining the location-based service with the Private Marketplace element, you are By adding this cross-device marketing creating a more valuable impression to your prospect. feature to your existing display and search campaigns, you are guaranteed to be ahead of your competition.Why It WorksConversion Logix is actively managing yourcampaign by identifying and targeting your prospects You will see increased activity whether it ison the websites they are most likely to visit. AtConversion Logix, we have access to the Private through visits to your location or calls to yourMarketplace as a certified partner. This allows us team. You will see a more qualified prospect reaching out to you resulting in higherto gain control over the actual ad placement tiltingthe scale in favor of a conversion for our clients. conversion rates. 8
Enhanced EmailEnhanced E-mail: Enhance your email blasts by extending your reach to social networks. You get increased frequency and better reach than a standalone email blast.How it works:1. YOUR 2. YOUR 3. OFFER OFFERWe design and send out People see your email in their inbox When your customers go onan email with your offer and respond to it Facebook, they’ll see the offer from your email in their Facebook newsfeedBenefits of Enhanced Email Opportunities Get extended r e a c h on your email campaignsFlash Holiday Loyalty & Brand Premium Shopper Specific Product OPENSales Weekends Campaigns Campaigns Purchasers RATES Enhanced Email can tackle multiple types of campaigns Up to 3x the open rate/reach with an enhanced email Get true cross-device targeting Get > 4x sale the frequency on your message sale the frequency on your message the frequency on your messageIf they open the email on their desktop computer, we can serve the frequency on your message them your ad when they go to Facebook on a different deviceWe’re changing the way you can target your email subscribers. Enhanced Email is a powerful toolthat targets your customers through multiple channels and across all their devices. Go beyond thereach of traditional email campaigns by reinforcing your message to the broader internet. 9
Video Pre-Roll Video Pre-RollVideo advertising gives you the power of TV advertising with the targeting capabilities of digitalmedia. Imagine being able to show your TV ad only to people who were in market for yourproduct or service. With online video advertising that’s a reality.Incredible Reach PP 200 million watch online videos every month 30%Video advertising has grown to become Mobile represents a huge opportunity forone of the largest advertising opportunities video. 30% of all video views are doneavailable. Almost 200 million Americans on a tablet or mobile device – morewatch online videos every month. than double from last year.Eye-Catching Engagement VS 90% 95% 10%Videos also result in increased top of mind Video also helps with ad recall. Videoawareness and high levels of brand recall. viewers retain 95% of a video message90% of users say videos are helpful in the versus 10% when reading it in text. 80% ofdecision process. users recall a video ad they’ve seen within the last 30 days.Tremendous Targeting Capabilitiesmore than 48,283 Your ads will show up all over the Internet. Video Pre-Roll Increases: data segments They’ll be seen on local media sites, 1. Awareness of your business P 2. Phone calls national media properties and YouTube. 3. Online searches 4. Lead capture rates Anywhere your customer goes, you can 5. Improves your other digital reach them with your latest o ers. We’re campaigns by extending your traditional advertising online partnered with 44 data providers, giving us access to more than 48,283 data segments to reach your audience everywhere. CONTACT US TODAY | 1.866.297.4914 17921 Bothell Everett Highw10ay Suite 105, Bothell, WA 98012
CASE STUDYDigital AdvertisingNational Property Managment Co. Multifamily HousingClient • National Property Managment Company SOLUTIONProperty • Northwest Region - 27 Properties • Utilize a combination of Site Retargeting, Facebook Targeting,Business Challenge • Develop digital marketing strategy for mid-to- Data Driven Display Targeting and upscale Lease-up communities who are just Paid Search Targeting to produce entering the market and grow online visits by a measured increase in monthly 20-25% website traffic • Target in-market prospects with geographic, • Specifically target individuals who demographic data to create qualified lead are in-market and searching for an generation for each community apartment to lease while having a qualified income • Utilize specific brand and direct marketing tactics to drive leasing velocity via website traffic • Deliver offer-driven display and search content to in-marketAverage Monthly Investment $1,751 shoppers driving them to aAverage Monthly Visits 2,711 conversion page thus generating aAverage Paid Visits 853 steady flow of leadsAverage Cost per Visit $2.02Average Search Rank 1.6 RESULTSAverage Paid Search CTRAverage Diplay Campaign CTR (85% of Clicks Are in the Top 3 Spots) Six (6) Month MeasurementAverage Facebook Campaign CTR 5.56% • On average, monthly increase in 0.09% website traffic exceeded 45.91% 1.67% • Created paid click-through rates (CTR) that more than doubled industry average (1.5% industry average) • Managed average cost per click (CPC) by combining aggressive brand and battleground tactics resulting in higher volume of qualified traffic while maintaining budget integrity • Delivered custom campaigns at an effective investment level that maximized total results • Consistently #2 Source of Traffic to websites (Google Organic was #1)[email protected] 11Retargeting Interactive Conversion Search Facebook Paid Search866.297.4914 Targeting Drivers Retargeting Targeting Targeting17921 Bothell Everett Hwy.Suite 105Bothell, WA 98012
CASE STUDYNational Senior Living Managment Co. Client • National Senior Living Management Company SOLUTION Property • 24 Properties Nationwide • Develop multi-channel digital Timeframe • 12-Month Campaign marketing solution that targets key decision makers of senior livingBusiness Challenge • Build awareness of their up-scale senior living housing including seniors, their communities with targeted consumers. families and others. • Increase consumer interest in touring individual • Utilize Paid Search, Data Driven properties. Display and Site Retargeting to drive traffic to website. • Reduce cost-per-tour and cost-per-lease to improve operating efficiency. • Create specialized messaging for each influencer segment and tactic. • Diminish impact of “cluster vacancies” due to spikes in resident mortality rates. • Activate Live Chat, to engage web visitors and convert them to leads.Per Property Results for a 12 Month Campaign • Plan year-long campaign to ensurePaid Search Visitors 1,416 a steady tour pipeline to reduceNumber Live Chat Conversations 81 cluster vacancy impact.% Leads from Live Chat 61%% Tours from Live Chat RESULTS% Live Chat Tours to Move-Ins 28%Revenue from Move-Ins 11% • Revenue from Move-ins equaledLive Chat Spend $162,000 $162,000 per property.Total Digital Advertising Spend $6,000Total Campaign Spend $5,005 • Total program enjoyed a 1,472% ROI.Return on Investment (ROI) $11,005 1,472% • Paid search drove over 1,400 visitors to each property site. • 28% of Live Chats converted to tours, with 11% resulting in move-ins. • Live Chat also served as a key tool for employee recruitment and property management. ―Employment inquiries constituted 11.5% of chats. ―11.6% of chats involved administrative requests. • Year long campaign led to media buying efficiency and produced sustained leasing [email protected] 12Retargeting Interactive Conversion Search Facebook Paid Search866.297.4914 Targeting Drivers Retargeting Targeting Targeting17921 Bothell Everett Hwy.Suite 105Bothell, WA 98012
CASE STUDYSunset Electric Client • Greystar Property • Sunset Electric, Seattle, WABusiness Challenge • Due to 1 year lease expirations, occupancy below 93% target • Competitive market entrantsSOLUTION Email Open Rate 32%Email Targeting Email CTR 9.29%• Conversion Logix harnessed existing Impact 4 Leases in First Weekend CRM data to turn Sunset Electric’s past and current email prospects Estimated Revenue Per $57.17 into valuable audiences. Email Sent*• Tiered “refer-a-friend” strategy Estimated ROI* 240% attracted upper income residents to higher priced units. * Based upon average $2,000 rent/month, $96,000 yearly revenue for 4 leases.RESULT * For every $1 spent on a Conversion Logix campaign, Sunset Electric received it back plus an additional $240.• Sunset Electric earned strong email open and click through rates – We experienced fast results with Indexing 174 and 120 above industry Conversion Logix’s Email Targeting — It’s a crucial averages. tactic for controlling our vacancy expenses.• Conversion Logix tracking enabled immediate prospect follow up to – Sunset Electric Management Team keep the competition at bay.• The result -- the campaign delivered 4 new leases – in just the first [email protected] 13Retargeting Interactive Conversion Search Facebook Paid Search866.297.4914 Targeting Drivers Retargeting Targeting Targeting17921 Bothell Everett Hwy.Suite 105Bothell, WA 98012
CASE STUDYThe Bravern Client • Greystar SOLUTION Property • The Bravern, Bellevue, WABusiness Challenge • Penthouse occupancy trending Enhanced Email Targeting & below 93% target Facebook Targeting • Increased competition in market • When the target consumer for theEmail Open Rate 17% Bravern’s high end penthousesEmail CTR 2.4% represents just 1.9% of the entireFacebook Impressions 27,000 Bellevue population, finding aFacebook CTR 1.0% prospective renter can be equivalent toExtended Reach 3.8 Xs finding a needle in a haystack. Conversion Logix took the time to really • Conversion Logix channeled existing understand the online profile of our niche CRM data to grab their potentialconsumer. They placed impactful ads at the right customers’ attention – in their in box time and place to drive powerful results. AND Facebook newsfeed. – The Bravern Management Team • Conversion Logix built sophisticated buyer personas to deliver engaging creative precisely targeted for the high end renter. RESULTS • The Bravern saw success throughout the email sales funnel, thanks to a 17% open rate. • Enhanced email extended the reach and life of a traditional email blast by 3.8 times! • Facebook campaign enjoyed above click thru rates of 1.0%. • Facebook targeting enabled social sharing of The Bravern’s message via Shares, Likes and Comments, earning 27,000 [email protected] 14Retargeting Interactive Conversion Search Facebook Paid Search866.297.4914 Targeting Drivers Retargeting Targeting Targeting17921 Bothell Everett Hwy.Suite 105Bothell, WA 98012
CASE STUDYBailey at Amazon Creek Client • Greystar Email Open Rate 35% Property • Bailey at Amazon Creek, Email CTR 4.6% Eugene, ORBusiness Challenge • Surplus of 2 bedroom Facebook Impressions 34,685 units Facebook CTR 2.59% • Approaching building Impact 39% Lease Close Rate delivery date Revenue Per Email Sent* $187.82 (Estimated) SOLUTION Estimated ROI* 152% Email Targeting & Facebook Targeting * Based upon average $1,270 rent/month, $106,680 yearly revenue for 7 leases. • To help meet critical deadlines, * For every $1 spent on a Conversion Logix campaign, The Bailey received it back Conversion Logix extended Bailey’s plus an additional $152. reach “beyond the inbox” by fusing email targeting with Facebook. With Conversion Logix’s digital solutions, we were able to schedule 18 showings and • The Bailey’s message was expanded across channels via lifestyle oriented sign 7 new leases – in just one week! Facebook campaign. – The Bailey Management Team RESULTS • Strong open rates of 35% index high versus national averages (18.35%). • Facebook’s built-in social tools such as shares, like, and comments extended Bailey’s message to over 34,000 impressions. • The Bailey’s remarkable Facebook CTR of 2.59% exceeded industry averages. • 18 showings and 7 leases were signed in just one week. • This 39% lease close rate helped the Bailey meet their building delivery [email protected] 15Retargeting Interactive Conversion Search Facebook Paid Search866.297.4914 Targeting Drivers Retargeting Targeting Targeting17921 Bothell Everett Hwy.Suite 105Bothell, WA 98012
What Our Clients Are Saying“I don’t give kudos very often, but I just wanted to say that I am so impressedwith your overview. I’m glad Stephanie connected us, and look forward toseeing better and better results.”Dana PodgurskiMarketing Manager | Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 16
“This is so nice to see, Melissa. I can also attest that your company’sproactive approach, service, and dedication to making our campaignssuccessful is exceptional. In my experience, you are the only provider inthe space that offers this elite level of service. “Melissa RobbinsDirector of Marketing | Denver, Colorado“Thank you Holly and the Conversion Logix team for all the very detailedwork and follow up. I love your attention to detail and customer service. Asthe need provides for any of my communities in Arizona for digital marketing,I will definitely seek you out. We will for sure work together in the future.”Brian PattonMarketing Associate | Phoenix, Arizona 17
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