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The English version of the Cambridge Philosophical History 1870-1945
The Cambridge History of Philosophy 1870–1945 comprises over sixty specially commissioned essays by experts on the philosophy of this period, and is designed to
be accessible to non-specialists who have little previous familiarity with philosophy. The first part of the book traces the remarkable flowering of philosophy
in the 1870s, with the start of German Neo-Kantianism, American pragmatism,
and British idealism, through to the beginnings of the phenomenological movement and analytical philosophy in the early years of the twentieth century. After a
brief discussion of the impact of the First World War, the second part of the book
describes further developments in philosophy in the first half of the twentieth century, looking, for example, at some of the new ideas associated with Wittgenstein,
Heidegger, and the Vienna Circle. As with other volumes in the series, much
of the emphasis of the essays is thematic, concentrating on developments during
the period across the range of philoso

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