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Home Explore Body Systems Flip Book

Body Systems Flip Book

Published by enzocordeiro, 2016-11-04 13:54:59

Description: BodySystemsFlipBook (1)


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BodySystem Enzo Cordeiro Table of Contents

Table of ContentsTable of ContentsIntegumentaryMusculoskeletalNervous SystemSpecial SensesCardiovascularRespiratoryDigestiveUrinaryReproductive Table of Contents

IntegumentaryFunctionact as a barrier to protect the body from the outside world. It also functions to retain body fluids, protectagainst disease, eliminate waste products, and regulate body temperature.Key Terms -xanth/o:yellow -onych/o:nail-derm/o: skin -erythr/o:red -myc/o:fungus-kerat/o:hard -pedicu/o:louse-xer/o:dry -rhytid/o:wrinkle -pil/o:composed of hair-lip/o:fat -albin/o:whiteDiseaseEczema- Inflammatory condition of the skinAlopecia Areata- Hair lossMelanoma- Cancer of the pigment cell of the skinVitiligo- Condition where areas of the skin lose pigmentation and become whiteHealth Care ProfessionsDermatologist- Doctor who specializes in hair, skin, and nailsFamily Doctor- Can identify basic skin conditionsVocab-Epidermis -outer layer of skin-Dermis (corium) -the inner layer of the two main layers of cells that make up the skin-Hypodermis -below the skin, not part of skin but attaches it to underlying bone-Epithelium -tissue composed of cells that line the cavities and surfaces of structures throughout the body-Adipose -fat tissue-Melanin -black pigment that protects against ultraviolet rays and skin cancer and gives skin its color-Melanocyte -cell that produces brown pigment-Sebum -oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands in skin-Keratin -hard protein in hair, epidermis, and nails-Tinea -fungus that can grow on skin, hair, nails Table of Contents

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MusculoskeletalFunctionprimary functions include supporting the body, allowing motion, and protecting vital organs.Key Terms -myel/o:spinal cord -oste/o:bone-my/o:muscle -crani/o:skull --pexy:fixation-cost/o:rib -arthr/o:joint --plegia:paralysis-chondr/o:cartilage -kinesi/o:movementDiseaseTendonitis– Repeated strain on a tendon, attachment of a muscle to bone, can inflame the tendon resultingin pain and difficulty with movement involving the muscle.Myasthenia gravis – “Muscular weakness, profound”. This is an autoimmune disease that involvesproduction of antibodies that interfere with nerves stimulating muscle contractions. Face and neck musclesare the most obviously affected, manifesting as drooping eyelids, double vision, difficulty swallowing andgeneral fatigue. There is no actual paralysis of muscles involved, but a rapid fatiguing of function.Osteoporosis – “Porous bone.”When too much calcium is dissolved from bones or not enough replaced,bones lose density and are easily fractured.Health Care ProfessionsOrthopedic surgeon- a doctor who specializes in bone, muscle, and joint surgery.Chiropractor- someone who specializes in treating problems that affect the alignment of muscles andbones.Vocab-External skeleton: also known as exoskeleton. Hard outer covering that provides structure, support,protection. Ex.: insects, lobsters-Joint: Area where two bones meet. Most provide for movement; include fluid for lubrication and cartilage forprotection. Ligaments hold bones together.-Ligament: strong connective tissue fibers that hold bones together-Tendon: strong connective tissue fibers that hold muscle to bone-Fluid: thick, slippery liquid that provides lubrication in joints-Skeletal system: all of the bones in the body, together with the ligaments and cartilage-Compact bone: solid, dense layer around outer surfaces of bones-Marrow: squishy, fatty tissue found in centers of long bones. Primary site of blood cell production-Pelvis: hip bone-Humerus: top of arm Table of Contents

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Nervous SystemFunctionThe nervous system has three main functions: gathering sensory input, integrating data, and forming motoroutputKey Terms -ambu/o: walk -psych/o: mind-neur/o: nerve --esthesia: nervous sensation -concuss/o: shaken together-encephal/o:brain -mening/o: meninges-myel/o:spinal cordDisease-Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) – the fancy name for a “stroke”.-Transient -Ischemic Attack (TIA) – “Ischemia” was introduced previously in the circulatory diseases modulereferring to the heart. It literally means “not quite enough blood”.-Epilepsy – a Greek word for “seizure.” Convulsions is another term used.Aphasia – loss of speech.Health Care Professions-Neurologist- A​ neurologist is a medical doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the nervous system-Anesthesiologist:P​ hysicians who administer anesthetics prior to, during, or after surgery or other medicalproceduresVocabAcetylcholine:​ Chemical neurotransmitter in the brain and PNSAction Potential:​ a conducted change in the membrane potential of excitable cells, initiated by a change inthe membrane permeable to sodium ionsAutonomic Nervous System:​ Centers, nuclei, tracts, ganglia, and nerves involved in the unconsciousregulation of visceral functions.Axon:​ Elongate extension of a neuron that conducts an action potential.Brain:​ The main neurological headquarters of the bodyCell Body:​ The main center of the cellDendrite:​ part of the neuron that receives incoming messagesGa​ nglia:​ A collection of nerve cell bodiesMeninges:​ Three membranes that surround the surface of the CNSMixed Nerve:​ nerves that contains sensory and motor fibers Table of Contents

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Special SensesFunctionSight, Hearing, Touch, Taste, SmellKey Terms -ot/o:ear --metry: process of measuring-irid/o:iris--cusis:hearing -tympan/o:tympanic membrane--opia:visual condition -ophthalm/o:eyeDisordersAmblyopia- Lazy eye...when muscles are weaker in eye than the otherAstigmatism-Eyeball is not perfectly round, causing the eye to focus improperlyBlepharoptosis- drooping of the upper eyelidMonochromatism- Color Blindness ...inability to distinguish colorsHealth Care ProfessionsOptometrists: Perform vision tests and analyze results.Otolaryngologists- are physicians trained in the medical and surgical management and treatment of patientswith diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throatVocabEquilibrium Being evenly balancedOphthalmoscope Instrument used in viewing the retinaOtitis Media Inflammation of the middle earAudiometer Instrument to measure hearingGlaucoma Increased Intraocular pressure Inability to focus light rays that enter the eye inAstigmatism different planes Tube that connects the middle ear to theEustachian Tube nasopharynx Inflammation of the scleraScleritis Complete or partial opacity of the lensCataract Specialist in evaluation of hearing functionsAudiologist Table of Contents

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Cardiovascular individual cells with oxygen and nutrients and helps dispose of metabolic wastes.Key Terms -tachy-- fast -arteri/o- artery-cardi/o- heart -thromb/o- clot erythr/o- red-angi/o- pain --emia - blood condition-hem/o- blood -leuk/o- white-brady--slowDiseaseMitral valve prolapse: the valve between your left upper and left lower chamber doesn't close rightAortic stenosis: your aortic valve narrows. It affects blood flow from your heart to the bodyMitral valve insufficiency: your mitral valve doesn't close tightly enough. This makes blood back upHealth Care ProfessionsCardiologist: a doctor that studies the structure function and disorder of the heartCardiovascular surgeon- operates on the heartVocabsystolic- ventricles contract, highest pressure,diastolic- ventricles relax, lowest pressureMacrophages- from spleen,liver, and bone marrow destroy erythrocytes after no longer useful 120 daysAorta- main trunk, begins from L ventricleArterioles- smaller thinner branches, carry blood to capillariesThrombocytes - platelets, fragments of large bone marrow cells called megakaryocytes, become sticky andform clotsVena cavae-2 large veins that enter heartThrombus- blood clot attached to interior wall of vein or arteryinfarct - localized area of necrosis caused by interruption of blood supplycardiac arrhythmia- dysrhythmia, irregularity or loss of normal rhythm Table of Contents

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Respiratory individual cells with oxygen and nutrients and helps dispose of metabolic wastes.Key Terms -oxy-- swift -thorac/o- chest-bronch/o- bronchial tube -pleur/o- pleura -trache/o- trachea-cyan/o- blue -pneum/o- lung-laryng/o- larynx -pulmon/o- lungs---oxia- oxygenDiseaseLung cancer- Lung cancer is cancer that starts in the lungCroup- a viral infection that causes swelling in the throat and vocal cordsHealth Care ProfessionsPulmonologist- a physician who possesses specialized knowledge and skill in the diagnosis and treatmentof pulmonary (lung) conditions and diseasesCardiothoracic surgeon- specializes in surgical procedures of the heart, lungs, esophagus, and otherorgans in the chest.VocabAdenoids- Lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx, pharyngeal tonsilsAlveolus- Air sac in the lungExpiration- Breathing out, exhalationGlottis- Slits like opening to the LarynxInspiration- Breathing in, inhalationLarynx- Voice box, containing the vocal cordsLobe- Division of a lungParanasal sinus- One of the air cavities in the bones near the earsParietal pleura- Outer fold of the pleura lying closer to the ribs and chest wallPleura- double folded membranes surrounding each lung Table of Contents

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DigestiveFunctionbreakdown of food into small molecules, which are then absorbed into the body.Key Terms-cholecyst/o: gallbladder -enter/o: intestine -col/o: colon -or/o: mouth-hepat/o: liver -gastr/o: stomach -proct/o:anus--pepsia: digestion -chol/e: bileDiseaseJaundice – Literally means “yellow” in French. Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes from a backup ofbile metabolic by-products from the blood into body tissues.Dysphagia – Difficulty swallowingPeritonitis – Inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity.Health Care Professionsgastroenterologist is a physician who specializes in diseases of the digestive systemgastric surgeon- specializes in surgical procedures of the digestive systemVocabAbsorption- passage of materials through the walls of the intestine into the bloodstreamAmylase- enzyme secreted by the pancreas to digest starchanus-opening of the digestive tract to the outside of the bodyBile- Digestive juice made in the liver stored in the gallbladderBilirubin- pigment released by the liver in bileBowel- intestineCecum- first part of the large intestineDeglutition- swallowingDigestion- breakdown of complex foods to simpler formsElimination- removal of waste material from the body Table of Contents

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Urinary liquid waste from the blood in the form of urine.Key Terms --lysis: breakdown -cyst/o:bladder--cele: hernia -ren/o: kidney --uria: urination-nephr/o:kidney --ectasis: dilation -pyel/o:renal pelvis--pexy: fixationDiseaseNephrosis – a noninflammatory disease of kidneys.Nephrolith – a kidney stone.Nocturia – frequently getting up and urinating during the night.Health Care Professionsurologist is a physician who specializes in diseases of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system.genitourinary surgery, is the branch of medicine that focuses on surgical and medical diseases of the maleand female urinary tract systemVocabBowman capsule: cup-shaped capsule surrounding each glomerulus.calyx (calix): cup-like collecting region of the renal pelvis.catheter: tube for injecting or removing fluids.cortex: outer region; the renal cortex is the outer region of the kidney.creatinine: a waste product of muscle metabolism; nitrogenous waste excreted in urine.erythropoietin: a hormone secreted by the kidney to stimulate the production of red blood cells.glomerulus: tiny ball of capillaries in cortex of kidney.hilum: depression or pit in that part of an organ where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave.kidney: one of the two bean-shaped organs located behind the abdominal cavity on either side of thebackbone in the lumbar region.medulla: inner region; the renal medulla is the inner region of the kidney. Table of Contents

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Reproductive​ he female reproductive system has two functions: The first is to produce egg cells, and the second is toprotect and nourish the offspring until birth. The male reproductive system has one function, and it is toproduce and deposit sperm.Key Terms -salping/o:fallopian tube -ov/o:egg-cervic/o:cervix -oophor/o:ovary -men/o:menstruation-orchid/o:testis -gynec/o:woman -colp/o:vagina-mamm/o:breast-prostat/o:prostate glandDiseaseProstate cancer- cancer of the prostate glandBreast cancer- cancer of the mammary gland .Ovarian cancer- cancer of the ovaryHealth Care ProfessionsGynecologist- ​deals with the functions and diseases specific to women and girls, especially those affectingthe reproductive system.Fertility specialist- a doctor that specializes in fertilityVocabFertilization: Union of a sperm and egg; occurs in a fallopian tube.Fetus: Stage of a developing baby between the end of the 8th week after fertilization and birth.Eggs: Female gametes or sex cells.Embryo: Stage of a developing baby between implantation and the end of the 8th week after fertilization.Epididymis: Male reproductive organ where sperm mature and are stored until they leave the body.Estrogen: Main sex hormone in females.Fallopian tubes: Female reproductive organs through which eggs pass to reach the uterus and where anegg may unite with a sperm.Follicle: Nest of cells in an ovary that enclose an egg; protects egg during maturation prior to ovulation.Implantation: Process in which the ball of cells that will become an embryo embeds in the lining of theuterus.Menstruation: Monthly shedding of the lining of the uterus through the vagina; also called a menstrualperiod. Table of Contents

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