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Jenna C - Ideology Magazine Project

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Ideology Magazine Project ​By Jenna Chadwick & Kenzie Coyes C​ ollectivism: Collectivism thoroughly revolves around cooperation, the common good and the reliance of each other. Collectivists look at the common good of the people rather than the certain needs of individuals. Communism/Marxism Karl Marx was one of the most significant socialist thinkers, and he inspired socialist movements around the world. His works, especially the Communist Manifesto, greatly influenced the development of communist ideologies, even long after his death. Marx believed that through revolution people could move closer to a state of society so called Communism. Marx defined communism as an classless society in which all people share in the production of goods and no government is needed. Communism became an interpretation of Marxism and people see Marxism and Communism as the same. As Karl Marx once stated ​\"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.\" this meant the ​the community would take care of those who couldn't work. It would distribute goods and services to everyone as they required them. Those who were able to work would be motivated by enlightened self-interest. Communism provides individuals with free education for all children attending public schools, a heavy proggressive or graduated income tax, abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes, the opportunity to free healthcare and much more beneficial factors we live by today. ​ Where Does Communism Occur Today? In Canada we have show communist values through employment insurance, taxes, and our free healthcare. Although some people view this is unfair some see this as a benefit. Some ideologies include public property, responsibility, interests, norms, cooperation and economic equality.

Political Cartoon for Communism ​Utopian Socialism Utopian Socialism is an ideology that seeks equality and a life of perfection. Utopian is defined as a modeled on or aimed for a state in which everything is idealistic and progressive. This socialism seeks evolution and steady change. Adapted by a reformer named Robert Owen whom was an industrialist. Robert argued that workers deserved a better life and if treated well they themselves would work harder. Both Fourier and Owen wanted to have systems based on small collectivist communities not a centralized state. This social organization was mainly focused on cooperation rather than competition. Owen and Fourier had collectivists views such as public property and cooperation as a whole. Democratic socialism A political ideology that aims for democratic control over the economy, which is achieved through electoral processes. Essentially it means to have a welfare state with democratic ownership of some parts. “Democratic,” has a root word of “democracy” and for Norway this means free, fair elections, and people's choice. Norway is ranked with one of the highest Human Development Indexes (U.N.H.D.I) and it has the lowest income inequality in the world due to their progressive taxes. Norway, as well as many other Scandanavian countries have won the “World Happiness Report,” continuously year after year. You may be wondering “why are the Scandanavian countries so happy they are cold and dark etc…” and the reason being is because they live within a democtratic socialism society. Norway achieves democratic socialism through mechanisms such as a social wealth fund and state-owned enterprises.

Quote and Flag Representing Socialism LIberalism John Locke is labeled the “Father Of Liberalism” in which his ideas revolved around equality, individual rights and the role of state which helped lay the foundation down for modern societies. Liberalism is placed among the left center of the political spectrum regarding the limitation to government activity and sits in the middle of the communist side and facism side. Liberals want some change and are interested in progress. Liberalism has three main aspects which include Self Reliance, Competition and free liberty. Self reliance in which you are responsible for your income and how successful you are. Second being competition which revolves around competing against other individualists and companies. And final being Free Liberty to the freedom of choice and action. Individualism led to the development of a new political ideology, Liberalism which focuses on the importance of individual

liberty and freedoms. The political roots of liberalism are the French Revolution with the Declaration Of RIghts and the American Revolution with the Declaration of Independence. Modern Liberalism Modern Liberalism involves significant government intervention at times (hands on). As Well as it proposes that peoples rights should be included as a part of the political and economic systems in a society, including that all individuals should be valued equally and respectfully. Modern Liberalism proposes the development of government programs to help disadvantaged individuals and eliminate the causes of poverty, crime and abuse. Final Modern Liberalism promotes sharing the benefits of economic development and having some consideration for the environment. The creation of public education, welfare,public housing,unions,rights movements, civil rights legislation, labour standards and labour laws as well as protection of the environment. This form of liberalism is based on the degree to which government intervenes in peoples lives to ensure their well being. Mixed Economy An example of an Mixed Economy is Canada. In Canada we have free market in which entrepreneurs are able to make profit and then we have government intervention which includes progressive taxes to reduce inequality. We have freedom to set up businesses but also government regulations. Another example includes prices determined by market forces and taxes on demerit goods. Mixed economy sits in the middle of the political spectrum in which an Mixed Economy is open to change if necessary. This system combines the elements of a market economy and the elements of a planned economy, a synthesis of socialism and capitalism. Which combines both private enterprises and public enterprises.

Individualism Individualism is an ideology that values the rights and freedoms of an individual rather than a whole group. It is basically the complete opposite of collectivism. This ideology focuses on the fact that individuals are independent enough to make their own decisions, to be responsible for their own actions, and to value their own personal achievements. Conservatism Conservatism focuses on the concept of opposition to rapid changes, and supports keeping original traditions in society. Conservatives always want to keep the status quo. Traditional conservatism started with a politician, named Edmund Burke is known as one of the main theorists of conservatism.Conservatism evolved around the same time as classical liberalism, which is about around the 1930’s. It was born with the opposition towards the New Deal of President Franklin D Roosevelt. Conservative Republicans and Southern Democrats united for the first time and conservatism started to appear.

Capitalism/Classic Liberalism Classical liberalism is an ideology based on the belief that the rights and freedoms of an individual should be the foundation of society. Capitalism is an economic system based on a free market, fair competition, wise consumers, and profit-motivated producers. There is very little government involvement. Every individual is free to sell their labour to employees , they directly profit from their own work. Capitalism focuses on individual achievement and personal wealth because individuals are responsible for themselves and are independent. The people are motivated to work hard because of competition, money, and the pursuit of profit. John Stuart Mill believed that in classical liberalism, the government should only be involved with three things: rule of law, protect private property, and ensure the security of the individual.

Facism Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. After the end of the first world war facism had grown exponentially, and was praised by the citizens of Germany and Italy. People had begun to reject liberal values and many had felt that the values of liberalism had a part in the first world war. Facist believed that democartic government was weak, unstable, and unable to solve social, economic political problems.​ Some examples of facism in the past was when Italy was under Benito Mussolini, Nazy Germany under Adolf Hitler, and Spain under Francisco Franco. Facism was founded in Italy by the dictator leader, Benito Mussolini, in 1915. In 1919, Mussolini founded Italian Fasces of Combat in Mulan, which became the National Fascist Party two years later. Today, very few political parties describe themselves as fascist, but there are still many systems of government that still incorporate fascist ideas into the modern day. The United States in 2020 with Donald Trump has shown some neo-fascism qualities. Ultra-nationalists, white supremacists, and “radical rightests” are always present in a capitalist society. Individuals involved in these groups promote hatred towards racial, and ethnic minorities.

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