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Home Explore January 2020 Newsletter

January 2020 Newsletter

Published by Learning Tree, 2020-01-01 09:36:10

Description: January 2020 Newsletter


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MOSCOW UNITED METHODIST  LEARNING TREE    JANUARY 2020  NEWSLETTER      January Happy New Year! January is our last full month of the first semester! This month we will learn the letters Z​ z, Ww, Vv, Yy, Xx, ​and the numbers ​13, 14, 15, a​ nd​ 16. ​Our themes for the month are A​ nimals of T​ he Mitten,​ Polar Animals, Dr. King, ​and G​ roundhog Day. January Owl of the Week Schedule Week of: Preschool Pre-K Jan 6: Nathan Jake Jan 13: Peyton Abigail Jan 20: John Everett Jan 27: Bryson Lucia Things to Bring for the Owl of the Week Monday: Owl’s Choice Tuesday: Game Wednesday: Toy Thursday: Stuffed Animal Friday: Book January Birthdays! Pre-K Everett-20 Workshop Jaxon-20

Dates to Remember January 2, 2020 - School Resumes January 15, 2020 - Scholastic Book Order Due January 20, 2020- SCHOOL CLOSED Martin Luther King Day Important Reminders ● Please remember we are following North Pocono School District’s School Calendar. In the event the school district closes due to inclement weather, the preschool will also be closed. We will notify you via email in the event of a school cancellation. Cancellation information can also be found on our Facebook Page Moscow United Methodist Learning Tree​ and WBRE channel 28. *The preschool will operate on a normal schedule in the event of a two hour delay. However, there will NOT be early drop off at 8:30am. School will begin at 9:00am for all students in the Pre-K class. *If the school district should have an early dismissal due to impending inclement weather, the preschool will close at 11:30am (after the morning Pre-K class) and afternoon preschool (or Mommy and Me) will be cancelled for the day. ● Please like and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @NPLearningTree ● Our handbook, newsletter, and forms are always available on our website

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