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Photo_Editing_ Manual Final

Published by Aquila Bonnett, 2022-06-14 13:59:59

Description: Photo_Editing_ Manual Final


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Photo Editing Introduction to Photoshop, Microsoft Paint Basics, Snipping Tool Basics Department of Information Technology 9181 Poston Road Jonesboro, GA 30238 770-473-3891 [email protected]

Table of Contents Getting To Know Photoshop........................................................................................................................... 5 The Interface ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Work with layers in the Layers panel ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Getting Acquainted with the Toolbar...................................................................................................................................... 8 Put It All Together ................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Spot Healing Brush ................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Working with Brushes.................................................................................................................................. 12 Brush Settings........................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Other tools that use Brush settings....................................................................................................................................... 15 Getting To Know Layers ............................................................................................................................... 15 Understanding Layers............................................................................................................................................................ 15 Layer Selection ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Changing the Order of Layers................................................................................................................................................ 17 Moving a Layer ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Creating a Layer..................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Deleting the Selected Layer................................................................................................................................................... 20 Layer Resizing ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Getting to Know Selections .......................................................................................................................... 23 Make a Geometric Selection ................................................................................................................................................. 23 Making a Freehand Selection ................................................................................................................................................ 25 Selection Fine-Tuning ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 Adding an Image.......................................................................................................................................... 30 Add black to the layer mask ......................................................................................................................... 31 Painting with white on the layer mask.......................................................................................................... 33 Select and Mask........................................................................................................................................... 36 Making the Background Transparent.................................................................................................................................... 36 Changing the background color in a photo ........................................................................................................................... 40 Unlocking the Background Layer........................................................................................................................................... 45 Add Text...................................................................................................................................................... 46 Adding Text and Shapes ........................................................................................................................................................ 46 Create and edit text............................................................................................................................................................... 47 Paint ........................................................................................................................................................... 54 Four Ways to Pick a Color...................................................................................................................................................... 54 Adding Visual Effects.................................................................................................................................... 58 Creating a Double Color Exposure Glitch Effect .................................................................................................................... 58 Reveal a splash of Color in a Black and White Image............................................................................................................ 61 Photo Editing 2

Importance of Photo Editing ........................................................................................................................ 67 Adjusting Photo Lighting .............................................................................................................................. 67 Brightening a dark photo to reveal details............................................................................................................................ 67 Enhancing Color in Photos............................................................................................................................ 70 Adjusting Color Vibrance in a Portrait photo ........................................................................................................................ 70 What is Microsoft Paint ............................................................................................................................... 74 How to Open Microsoft Paint....................................................................................................................... 74 User Interface.............................................................................................................................................. 74 What is Snipping Tool .................................................................................................................................. 77 Types of Snipping Tools................................................................................................................................ 77 How to Use the Snipping Tools..................................................................................................................... 78 Press Windows logo key +Shift + S....................................................................................................................................... 79 Photo Editing 3

Photo Editing 4

ORIENTATION Getting To Know Photoshop Adobe Photoshop is the predominant photo editing and manipulation software where usage ranges from the full featured editing of large batches of photos to creating intricate digital paintings and drawings that mimic those done by hand. There is a wide variety of image editing feature The Interface Photoshop interface is a preset collection and arrangement of various workspace element. The layout of the tools in the toolbar flows in a logical order, with related tools grouped together. Users will find a breakdown of the tools in the toolbar. 1. Menu bar: includes saving options (under File) and interface options (under Window). 2. Options bar: The options bar can be found at the top of the interface. It provides multiple settings for each tool. The options bar will change depending on what tool is selected. 3. Tool bar: The toolbar is one of the most important parts of the interface. There are tools for selecting, repositioning, and editing images, and much more. 4. Panels: Panels are an important part of the interface. The most essential panel is Layers. The Layers panel can be used to reorder layers, turn layers off, and on, create new layers, and much more. 5. Document window: Where the document design takes place. May display a ruler and guidelines, which are not visible in the final print. Photo Editing 5

6. Canvas: This is where the editing of the document takes place. When an image is opened, the image itself is considered the Canvas. Objects that are placed outside of the Canvas will not appear after export or printing. Work with layers in the Layers panel Photoshop’s main building blocks are the layers. All the layers in an image are represented in the Layers panel that can be found on the right of the interface. The Layers panel lists all the layers in an image, displaying the layer names and thumbnails and the icons that are shown on each layer. The Layers panel can be used to view, hide, reposition, delete, rename, and merge layers. NOTE: Access any panel from the Window menu. If the layers panel is not visible, click Window>Layers to ensure that it’s open. NOTE: Dragging a layer in the layers panel changes the order of the canvas images. Photo Editing 6

To turn the Woman layer off click the Eye icon to the left. This can help to focus on the other layers. Photo Editing 7

Getting Acquainted with the Toolbar Found to the left of the interface are lots of tools in the toolbar. On the bottom of the toolbar is the Zoom tool. To zoom in, select the Zoom tool from the Toolbar and click the image. The Eyedropper tool is sued to select a color from the image. This will change the Foreground color. This color can also be used to paint with. Photo Editing 8

When selecting the Brush tool from the toolbar the Options bar changes to reflect the brush tool option. The Options bar contains controls for the tools. To the left of the brush folder icon users can find the Brush Preset picker. Put It All Together With the use of layers, tools, and the Options bar combine by doing the following Photo Editing 9

Select Layer>Circle Create new layer icon (also known as the plus symbol) at the bottom of the Layers panel. Brush in the center of the image without touching the edges. Click the empty box to the left of the Woman layer to reveal the image again Photo Editing 10

Spot Healing Brush The Spot Healing Brush tool is used to hide small unwanted items 1. To Spot Heal select the Spot Healing Brush Tool from the Toolbar. 2. Click to open the Brush Preset Picker from the Options bar. 3. Drag the Size slider to about 100px to set the size of the brush tip. Photo Editing 11

4. Drag over the objects and watch the replacement with the background image. Working with Brushes In the Tools panel, select the Brush tool from the Tools panel, then click and drag in the document window to paint. To choose a different brush color, click the top-most color in the Color Picker Tool (this is known a s the Foreground Color), then select the desired color from the dialog box. Photo Editing 12

Users will also be able to customize different settings for the Brush tool from the Control panel near the top of the screen.  The Brush tool, the Shape tools, the Type tool, and other features that apply color use the color in the Foreground Color box at the bottom of the Tools panel. Brush Settings Brush Size: To make the brush larger or smaller, click the Brush Picker drop-down arrow in the Control panel, then adjust the Size slider. Photo Editing 13

 Hardness: If you want to make the edges of the brush harder or softer, hardness can be adjusted from the same drop-down menu.  Brush Tip: To create a unique effect, there are different brush tips to choose from in the same drop-down menu.  Opacity: By default, the opacity of your brush is set to 100%, meaning the brush will use the highest intensity. Photo Editing 14

Other tools that use Brush settings Many other tools work in a similar way. For example, if you select the Eraser tool, you can click and drag in the document window to erase parts of the selected layer. Getting To Know Layers Understanding Layers Layers is a key feature and one of the most fundamental aspects of Photoshop that allows project building one step at a time. Each layer is an individual which means you can edit it without editing any of the other layers. When users add a second file to a document it appears as a separate layer in the Layers Panel. Layers are like a stack of panes of glass, with content and transparent areas. A layer is transparent, it reveals what’s on the below layers. 1. Click the Eye icon to the left of the Phonograph layer to hide this layer on the canvas. Photo Editing 15

2. Click the same empty box again to show the Phonograph layer. 3. Alt+Click the Eye icon on the Phonograph layer to display only this layer on the canvas. Photo Editing 16

The background can now be seen through the transparent pixels on the Phonograph layer. Layer Selection A selection isolates part of an image to work on that area without affecting the rest of the image. In photoshop Selection allows to create a space in a project that travels between layers and can be used to mask, edit, or create a specified layer. To select the layer, GO to the Wing layer and click to the right of the layer name. NOTE: Anytime a layer is not seen, look for a vertical scroll bar on the Layers panel and drag it to reveal more layers. Changing the Order of Layers 1.Select the Dodge Tool for lightening small areas Photo Editing 17

2. Drag over the bird’s wing in the image to lighten it. (This will not affect the content on other layers). 3. Select the Bird layer 4. Drag the Bird layer below the Phonograph layer and release Photo Editing 18

Changing the order in the layers panel controls how the content overlaps on the canvas. Moving a Layer The Auto-Select>Layer in the Options bar in the Options bar moves everything on a layer without affecting the rest of the image. NOTE: To activate when needed the Auto-Select in the Options bar can be unchecked. It can then be activated whenever needed by selecting the Move tool +Ctrl. To automatically select the green Butterfly layer in the Layers panel, and move only that layer do the following  Click directly on the green butterfly in the middle of the canvas and drag it to a new location. Creating a Layer To create a layer for pixels, like images and paint there are several kinds of layers for types, shapes, adjustments, and smart objects to apply this method 1. Click the Create new layer (Plus icon) at the very bottom of the Layers panel. Photo Editing 19

2. Select the Brush Tool Deleting the Selected Layer  Click the Trash icon at the very bottom of the layers panel. Then click Yes This deletes the selected layer, but a deleted layer can be recovered with Ctrl+Z. NOTE: It may disappear if accidently clicked outside the selection. If this occurs recreate it or choose Select>Reselect in the Menu bar. NOTE: For future editing remember to save a master copy as a layered PSD or TIFF to keep all the layers intact. Photo Editing 20

Layer Resizing To Change the size of the content of selected layers. 1. In the Layers panel, select one or more layers that contain images or objects you want to resize. 2. Choose Edit > Free Transform. A transform border appears around all the content on the selected layers. Hold the Shift key to avoid distorting the content and drag the corners or edges until it is the desired size. Drag inside the transform border to move the content around the image. Drag outside the transform border to rotate the content. Photo Editing 21

3. Click the check mark in the options bar or press Enter to finalize the change. Photo Editing 22

Getting to Know Selections Make a Geometric Selection Marquee tools are useful for geometric selections like rectangles, squares, ovals, and circles. To make a rectangular selection 1. Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool 2. Start at the top left corner and diagonally drag to make a rectangular selection around the entire grapefruit image, include the green background also. Photo Editing 23

To create a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer that will be used to edit the selected part of the image  Click the Create New Adjustment layer icon and choose Hue/Saturation. Photo Editing 24

Note: An adjustment layer enables editing without directly changing the image.  Select the Fruit Layer Making a Freehand Selection  Select the Lasso Tool. This will allow for drawing choice selections  Draw a selection around an individual piece of fruit and its shadow Photo Editing 25

To allow for color sampling from the image.  Select the Eyedropper Tool.  Select Edit>Fill  Select Contents>Foreground Color and c Photo Editing 26

 Click Select>Deselect A freehand selection to conceal part of an image has now been used. Automatically Select Part of an Image The Object Selection Tool allows for automatic selections of a single object or part of the image. Selection Fine-Tuning Selection Enhancement 1. Select with a selection tool, like the Quick Selection tool. 2. In the options bar, click Select and Mask. Photo Editing 27

3. Go to the View menu on the right side of the workspace and choose one of the view options 4. In the Tools panel, select the Brush tool Photo Editing 28

5. Scroll down on the right side of the workspace to the Output Settings > Output to menu and choose Selection as the output type. 6. Click OK to close the Select and Mask workspace. Photo Editing 29

Adding an Image Add a new photo to an image in photoshop with the Place Embedded Command. 1. Choose File > Place Embedded, navigate to an image file in File Explorer (Windows) 2. Hold the Shift key to avoid distorting the image and drag the corners of the image border to resize the added image. 3. Drag inside the border to position the added image where you want it. 4. Press Enter on the keyboard to place the image. The image placed is now a new layer above the previously active layer. Getting to Know Layer Masks Layer masks are the key to flexible editing and composing. Add a Layer Mask The image below shows a woman’s face on one layer and a cat face on the layer below it. Photo Editing 30

To combine the two using a layer mask  Click on an empty part of the Woman layer to select the Woman layer.  Click the Add layer mask icon to add a layer mask to the Woman layer. Make sure there is a border around the white layer mask thumbnail to select the mask. Add black to the layer mask  To hide part of the woman’s face so the cat shows through  Select the Brush Tool  Click to open the Brush Preset picker. Photo Editing 31

 Set the Size and Hardness slider to create a soft-edged brush  Brush over part of the Woman’s face and eyes from below the hairline to just below the nose, and from one side of the face to the other. Photo Editing 32

Painting with white on the layer mask Users can pain with white whole on the layer mask to bring back any content hidden with black paint.  To turn off layer mask Hold the shift key and click the layer mask thumbnail.  To turn on the layer mask again Hold the shift key and click the layer mask thumbnail. Photo Editing 33

 Paint with white over any hidden parts to bring back into view. The white paint reveals the parts of the woman again.  Paint along the hairline with the gray to partially conceal the hair there. This blends the hairline on the Woman layer with the cat on the below layer. Photo Editing 34

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CREATIVE EFFECTS Select and Mask Making the Background Transparent Selecting the coffee cup A subject on a transparent background can be very useful. To select an image and hide the background 1. Select the Quick Selection tool. (If the tool is not visible right click and select Quick Selection). Photo Editing 36

 Starting on the blue rim at the top of the cup, drag the Quick Selection tool down over the surface of the coffee, the dark bubbles, and over the handle on the right to select most of the cup.  If there is a small area on the left side of the cup that is not selected, drag from the inside of the cup over the edge of the blue rim to add it to the selection.  The Quick Selection tool works well when there is contrast between an objects edge and the background. Add a layer mask 2. Click the Add layer mask icon to add a layer mask to the Background layer that is based on the selection of the coffee cup. Photo Editing 37

With the selection that has been made in the previous section, create a layer mask to hide the background and make it transparent. 3. Select Image>Trim to trim away the excess pixels around the cup Photo Editing 38

1. In the top section for Based On 2. Check Transparent Pixels 3. Then check all the boxes under the Trim Away section 4. Click OK Photo Editing 39

The layer with the coffee cup and its layer mask that hides the background, are now ready to be added. Changing the background color in a photo Select the Subject The technique begins with a selection. Use the Select command to quickly select everything except the background. 1. Select the Layer>Photo Choose Select>Subject to automatically create a selection around the subject in the image. Photo Editing 40

Adding a layer mask to hide the background Creating a layer mask from the selection will hide the non-selected area around the subject, making the background transparent. 2. Click the Add layer mask icon to create a layer mask on the Photo layer NOTE: Black paint on a layer mask conceals the layer. White paint on a layer mask reveals the layer. Photo Editing 41

The black pain on the layer mask hides the pink background, making it transparent Creating a New Background Color. 1. CTRL+ Create new layer icon 2. Select the Eyedropper Tool Photo Editing 42

3. Click on the purple glasses frame to sample the color use for a new background. This will become the Foreground color. 4. Select Edit>Fill Photo Editing 43

5. Make sure that in the Fill dialog box the Contents is set to Foreground Color and Click OK Photo Editing 44

By selecting the subject, adding a layer mask to hide the pink background, and creating a new layer filled with purple the photo now has a new background color. Unlocking the Background Layer When you open an image in Photoshop, the background layer is usually locked in the Layers palette. To convert a Background layer into a regular layer 1. Select Layer > New > Layer from Background. Layer from Background 2. Give the layer a name and select OK. Photo Editing 45

3. The new, unlocked layer will replace the background layer in the palette. Add Text Adding Text and Shapes To add text 1. In the Tools panel, select the Horizontal Type tool 2. In the options bar, choose a font, font size, color, and other options for your text. You can edit any of these settings later. 3. Click on the canvas and enter a single line of text. 4. Click the check mark in the options bar to accept the text and exit text mode. Note: This automatically creates a new, editable type layer in the Layers panel. 5. Use the Move tool to move your text into position in the image. 6. Save your image in the Photoshop (PSD) format to retain the editable type layers for future editing. Creating Shapes Basic shape tools for working with images and artwork are all at user’s command with a simple click-drag. Photo Editing 46

Select the appropriate tool in the Toolbox, select the desired options in the Options bar, and click-drag to create your object. (The various shape tools are nested in the Toolbox, as shown in this figure. Create and edit text Add a line of text Lines of text are known as point type. Point type is useful when you need a small amount of text. 1. In the Tools panel, select the Horizontal Type tool 2. Click the arrow to the right of the Font Size menu and choose the desired font size. 3. Click the color option. In the Color Picker that opens, go to the large color field on the left and click a shade of white. Photo Editing 47

4. Click in the center of the image to add default text.  DO NOT click in the text!  Instead move the cursor away and type the word “HIKE”.  Click the check mark in the Options bar above the image. Photo Editing 48

There is now a new editable type layer named HIKE that is now automatically added to the Layers panel and is selected. Add a paragraph of text Paragraph text is a text that wraps and reflows inside a text box. It’s useful when there is more than a few lines of text, like a movie 1. Drag diagonally to make a text box at the bottom of the photo.  Move the pointer away from the default text  Type a paragraph describing this movie.  Click the check mark in the Options bar above. 2. Choose Window>Properties Photo Editing 49

3. Scroll down to the Character section and find Leading (the icon with two A’s). If it’s not set to Auto, open the Leading menu, and choose Auto. 4. Scroll down to the paragraph section of the Properties panel and click the Center text icon (2nd icon from left) to center align the paragraph text. Photo Editing 50

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