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Home Explore Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Published by ding_964, 2020-07-27 23:01:11

Description: Malay Master Plan for Tourism

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3.1 Political Map Municipality of Malay 81 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

3.2 Microclimate Analysis 82 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

3.3 Topographic Map Topographic Map Municipality of Malay 83 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

3.4 Hazard Overlay Map 84 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

3.5 Development Constraints and Challenges A. Natural Hazards and Constraints lowlands. Without proper drainage and natural vegetation to protect the Environmental Degradation soil surface, slopes become saturated, loosening the natural cohesive Due to the unequivocal influx in the number of tourism arrivals in Malay Flooding properties and eventually causing the soil to erode. and their corresponding anthropogenic activities, the environmental Floods in Mainland Malay are caused by the overflowing of Napaan, quality of the Municipality of Malay is at high risk. Environmental issues Nabaoy, Putol and Malay rivers during heavy rains. Inadequate Limited Quality Water Supply such as improper solid waste management, intrusion of saline water drainage systems aggravate flooding around the area. Flood water Malay has sources of water that can sufficiently supply its constituents in the groundwater system, destruction of the aesthetic property of is high in barangays Argao, Caticlan, Sambiray, Cubay Norte, Cubay for the coming years. Unfortunately, existing and proposed water-related Malay’s coastal waters aggravates the degradation of the municipality’s Sur, Nabaoy, Napaan, Poblacion, and Motag. In barangays, Balabag, infrastructure mainly cater to Boracay clientele giving priority for tourism environment. Improper development of the natural environment or the Balusbos, Yapak, and Cabulihan, the height of the flood water is usually and commercial activities, while leaving behind residential consumers. lack on conservation or preservation can also lead to the degradation less than 0.5 meters. Barangays Cogon, Dumlog, Manocmanoc, and of the existing ecosystems. Naasog are not susceptible to flood hazards. Some parts of Malay has subsisted on traditional water extraction methods, such as open, deep, and artesian wells, and manual Disturbance of Wildlife Floodings in Boracay were caused by siltation and erosion of the and motor-powered pumps, meaning that water for consumption Anthropogenic activities such as helmet and scuba diving may interfere waterways. Upland areas developments cause more water to flow is potentially open to the outbreak of water-borne diseases. with the natural condition and interaction of marine organisms under the down as run-off rather than absorption of the soil. The obsolete drainage Because of the relatively high financial requirements to establish ocean. Some species of nudibranchs called rhinophores are known system’s capacity is not sufficient for the larger volume of the storm such system, the participation of private investors and the national as chemically sensitive. Intrusion of certain chemicals might put them water run-off in combination with the large amount of water discharge government is crucial to address the increasing water demand. at risk. Meanwhile, coral reefs are marine species which are highly from the establishments. sensitive and can be damaged by stepping on them. Divers/snorkellers Topography who are not aware of this immediately stress the organism and can Landslides Malay’s topography offers great vistas hundreds of meters above sea possibly kill them. Decline in coral reef system also puts multiple reef The result of the geo-hazard assessment of the Mines and Geosciences level (masl). The mountains also have the potential for eco-tourism fishes at risk. In the long run, it will affect the bigger fish and interfere with Bureau in the municipality of Malay showed that out of the 17 barangays, 6 activities like hiking and camping, adding to the tourism value and the marine ecosystem’s equilibrium, and also affect the livelihood of are not susceptible to landslide, namely; Argao, Caticlan, Cubay Norte, economic growth of the municipality. Although this is the matter, Malay human beings, most especially those that are dependent on seafood Cubay Sur, Manocmanoc, and Motag. Meanwhile, 8 barangays have endures its topography’s consequences. for their living and diet. While overfishing is not a problem, noise and been identified only as moderately susceptible, namely; Cabulihan, light pollution on the coasts, inland and highland animal habitats are a Nabaoy, Napaan, Yapak, Naasug, Balusbos, Dumlog, and Poblacion. The topography of the municipality restraints the spread of development disturbance to wildlife. Some parts of barangays Napaan, Dumlog, and Poblacion are highly into the inlands (away from the coast) since the buildable areas are susceptible to landslide; and barangays Sambiray, Cogon, and Yapak limited on the lowlands where the risks of hazards are moderate to high. only have low susceptibility. Potential hazards include storm surge, flooding and tsunami. A big part C. On Economy of the municipality’s population are presently situated on these hazard- Landslides are on the upland developments are caused by poor or prone areas. Challenges on Adherence to Agriculture and Fisheries Production Policies the lack of drainage system. Water erodes portions of the slope since Neglect of the ecological integrity of the strategic agricultural and fisheries it finds its own natural way downwards into catchment areas in the as well as development zones happen by converting prime agricultural B. Incapacities and Anthropogenic Hazards lands into urban developments. Some irrigated and irrigable lands are Table 3.1 Distribution of Landslide-Prone Barangays (2013) not given full protection from conversion. Moreover, sustainable farming Cultural Tourism technology to maximize the production potential of palay has not been Barangay Total Population With Boracay as a world-renowned tourism destination, there is bound utilized. Balabag 13,360 to be many tourism and tourism-related developments. As such, there should be a collaboration between the private sectors and the locals to Balusbos 1,302 prepare the Municipality for such industry. Furthermore, seeing as the On the other hand, some marine harvesters and gatherers of seaweeds, sand, rocks and corals or anything within the habitat for breeding and Cabulihan 694 Municipality has indigenous people, alternative tourism similar to the culture of marine resources are not strictly controlled. Cogon 656 Motag Living Museum should be encouraged and supported. This can Dumlog 926 also enhance the “cultural experience” of tourists and visitors without the Stagnant Value Characteristics of Commodities Naasog 660 commodication of culture. The agricultural products of the municipality are limited to common Nabaoy 1,236 Limited Skills crops like rice or coconut and other low-value vegetables. Not much effort is put into increasing the value of primary agricultural commodities Napaan 783 While employment generation has increased, the Municipality, having through agricultural processing, organic farming, product diversification Poblacion 1,514 only few college/university graduates, cannot utilize this opportunity. An and development, among others. The municipality is stuck in a traditional Sambiray 1,244 inventory and assessment of the current available skillset should be commodity production. Yapak 5,750 conducted to determine the needed capacity training to be offered. Source: MDRRMO – CP Form Scenario Building Municipality of Malay 85 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

establishments and used as an extension of their commercial space. Poor Adaptation to Environmental Challenges Concentrated Development Landscapes and trees are also very rare on the urbanized areas of the Environmental concerns such as soil erosion, watershed and water Both ports, Caticlan Jetty Port and Caticlan RoRo operations create island leading to air and visual pollution. management, pest management, climate change adaptation, among heavy traffic and hassles to tourist passing the Caticlan Jetty Port. Sea others have to be integrated with agriculture. These concerns can waters within the Caticlan Port and Cagban Port have already been directly or indirectly affect agricultural productivity. tested by the DENR and have been found out to be highly contaminated E. On Land Classification and Land with gasoline and other sea craft wastes. Most commercial uses are Ownership Cultural Minorities also concentrated in Caticlan which causes the great influx of people The cultural minorities of the community shall be involved in skills that come and go to shop and avail basic to complex services like training and self-employment assistance to meet the growing needs of salon, laundry, machine repair and the like. Notwithstanding the physical state of Boracay as a highly urbanized the family. area and the claims of land ownership by business establishments, Seasonal Changes Boracay Island is state-owned as declared by the Supreme Court Limited Government Facilities Currently, the sea public transport from mainland Malay to Boracay (SC) of the Philippines. In a court decision in October 2008, the SC Currently the Municipal Welfare and Development Office is occupying is considered to be not dependable during bad weather condition. had classified the island as both forest and agricultural land that the Senior Citizen’s Building with just a few facilities. As based on AO. 82. Suspension of boat operations from and to the island is very belongs to the government. It junked ownership claims by several resort S.2003 Standards on Social Welfare and Development Service Delivery unpredictable especially during south monsoon season. owners by affirming Proclamation 1064 issued by then president Gloria System in the Local Government Units, office space requirements is 4.0 Macapagal-Arroyo, which classified Boracay Island into 400 hectares sqms. per person with a free space of 4.0 sqms. per allotted room for Limited Transport Infrastructure Facilities of reserved forestland for “protection purposes” and 628.96 hectares mobility. Because there is no Municipal Social Welfare Development As mentioned above, there is only the Aklan West Road that traverses the of agricultural land that are “alienable and disposable.” Hence, the Office building, Malay has an inadequacy in facilities These include: entire municipality. It stretches from the Municipality of Nabas, through Supreme Court stressed that even if its forest cover has been replaced • A space/ room for interview and counseling Barangay Caticlan, to the Municipality of Buruanga, through Barangay by beach resorts, restaurants and other commercial establishments, • Conference Room, Dumlog. As an effect, vehicular traffic is always congested in Caticlan, Boracay Island has not been automatically converted from public forest • Separate living quarters for male and female personnel in times of especially near the jetty port. There is also lack of transportation terminals. to alienable agricultural land (Daily Inquirer, 18 August 2018). disaster or emergency operations Due to the influx of visitors, the jetty port has exceeded its capacity and • Ample space/ room for receiving clients cannot efficiently cater to the incoming and outgoing visitors, as well By implication, since it is state-owned, the government is well-justified in • Storage room for stockpiling of relief operations. as both private and public transport vehicles. Moreover, there is a lack closing down tourism activities in the Island to make way for recovery of sidewalks for pedestrians and bicycle lanes on the road transport and rehabilitation from decades of exploitation and abuse of its Limited Manpower corridors. Furthermore, transportation modes within the municipality is environmental assets. Based on AO. 82. S.2003 Standards on Social Welfare and Development limited to tricycles and motorcycles. The lack of a mass transportation Service Delivery System in the Local Government Units, the current mode does not only result to traffic congestion but also to environmental On the other hand, the local government of Malay is strongly supporting staffing of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office has degradation due to air and noise pollution from the excesseive number its local residents’ claim to the ownership of lands, following the Mayor’s inadequacy in support personnel such as Project Development Officers of low-capacity vehicles. Position Paper regarding the matter. This document can be found on (PDO), Livelihood Evaluation Officers (LEO), Youth Development the annex of this report. This issue has to be resolved initially to improve Officers (YDO), Manpower Development Officers (MDO), Nutritionists, Inefficient Sewerage and Drainage Systems social relations between the local residents and the government which Statisticians, Information Communication Technology Officers (ICTO) Drainage and Sewerage systems are vital to community developments will then result to smooth implementation of plans, programs and and drivers. especially to urban areas. In Boracay Island, it was recently discovered activities. that many establishments are illegally tapped to the drainage pipes D. On Transportation, Infrastructure and instead of the sewerage pipes when a very large amount of coliform Utilities was found at the outfall. It was also found out that the sewerage system is not sufficient to serve the current demand of the built-up areas. Topography Meanwhile, establishments and residential buildings at the mainland The topography of the land poses a great challenge to any kind of Malay have no proper sewerage disposal system. Most of them are development on the site, since most of its areas, specifically 60.2%, are using obsolete septic vaults without bottom, and outlets are overflowing sloping hilly to mountainous. The changing elevation of the land may to the drainageways when they become full. incur higher costs on infrastructure projects like roads and drainage ways but this also limits developments which in turn preserves the Lack of Walkability and Vegetation natural environment. As a result, there is only one main road traversing The first mode of transportation should always be walking, followed the entire municipality of Malay, the Aklan West Road. The down side by bicycles. On the road transport corridors of Boracay, sidewalks to this is that it is vulnerable to storm surges and tsunamis due to its were not considered in the design and planning of the infrastructure proximity ot the coast. developments. Some sidewalks are even encroached by business 86 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

3.6 SWOT Analysis Mainland Malay STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS • Expansive land area of 6,601 Hectares • 60% of land area is classified as hilly to • Development of various tourist attractions and • Natural calamities and geo-hazard • Presence of rivers: Malay River, Nabaoy River, mountainous activities • Unsustainable management of its land and water Napaan River, and Potol River • Limited access to social services • Agri-tourism resources • Presence of Caticlan Jetty Port and Airport • Weak institutional capability to implement • Cultural tourism • Uncontrolled population and unmonitored • Various areas for commercial and tourism construction and tourism-related ordinances • Improvement of Agricultural productivity migrations development • Lack of institutions (schools, hospitals, libraries, • Malay as international and local gateway • Corruption • Cultural ethnicity community and evacuation centers) • Development of tourism accommodations to • Contamination of the waterways due to improperly • Rich natural resources: waterfalls, caves, • Lack of infrastructure to mitigate the natural hazard catch spillover of tourists from Boracay designed sanitary landfill forestlands, mountain, lakes, rivers • Lack of good facilities to control and manage • Enhancement of public transportation and • Presence of Boracay solid waste. Existing sanitary landfill treatment is pedestrianization • Potential eco-tourism on the mountains and forests not implemented as observed. • Area Beautification • Potential farm-tourism with the presence of • Potential area for sustainable green technology agricultural lands (solar farms, windmills, hydropower, etc.) • Rich biodiversity: flora and fauna • If solid waste from Boracay Island will be collected • Substantial amount of water that can serve the full and managed properly, residents and tourists demand of potable water for human consumption follow the proper segregation. The collected solid and for watering of the agricultural plantations. waste can be converted to potential power (waste- to-energy). Boracay Island STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS • Best Beach in 2012 by Travel+Leisure Magazine • Limited groundwater supply • International events for water sports • Sanitation and sewerage problems • Best Island in the World by Conde Nast Traveler • High construction cost due to difficulty with logistics • Further development of tourism accommodation • Difficult terrain reduces its buildable area • Fine white sand beaches • Salt water intrusion of the water table facilities and tourist attractions • Development threat to endemic flora and fauna • Marine resources • Institutional weakness in the implementation of • Resort developments • Forest denudation • Proximity to Caticlan Airport (10-15 minutes boat regulatory ordinance on building, construction, • Promotion of eco-tourism • Terrorism and criminality ride from Caticlan Jetty Port) and tourism • Waterfront Developments • Uncontrolled development and rapid urbanization • Ideal for water sports (motorized and non • Insufficient health care services • Pedestrianization and Enhancement of Access • Unrestrained number of tourists per annum -motorized) • Lack of rainwater collection facilities • Island Beautification • Poor hygiene and sanitation for residential area • 22.7-km long coastline • Development of green infrastructure and • Presence of caves, islets, and reefs, forested architecture areas, and variety of flora and fauna • Disaster management measures • Cultural Ethnicity (Ati Tribe) • Rich biodiversity: flora and fauna Municipality of Malay 87 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

3.7 Coastal Waters of Boracay The study “Water Quality and Nutrient Loading in the Coastal Waters of Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan, Central For the BOD level, Site 4 had the highest BOD amount while Sites 2 and 7 got the lowest for the month of Philippines” discusses about the relationship of the mangrove ecosystem to the quality of Boracay Island’s February; Site 4 had the highest amount of BOD again while Sites 2 and 3 had the lowest amount for the coastal waters. Biophysico-chemical parameters were defined using a series of tests conducted during month of April; Sites 1 and 4 got the highest amount of BOD while Sites 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 all got a low amount different sampling periods. of BOD for the month of June; Site 4 had the highest amount of BOD while Site 7 got the lowest for the month of September; Site 4 got the highest amount while Site 2 got the lowest amount of BOD for the month of October; Seven sampling sites were chosen by the researchers and named as follows: Site 1 (Mangrove Swamp with and Site 4 got the highest amount of BOD while Site 7 got the lowest for the month of December. 49% mangrove cover); Site 2 (Puka Beach); Site 3 (Bulabog Beach – Front Beach); Site 4 (tree impoverished mangrove swamp); Site 5 (transition area between sites 4 and 6); Site 6 (Lugotan Cove); and Site 7 (Long Nitrate and phosphate contents in water indicate the presence of nutrients. Nitrates are poisonous organic Beach – Front Beach). Sampling periods were conducted during the months of February, April, June, compounds and can only be disposed by decomposition which is usually done by microorganisms. September, October, and December 2016. The study showed that during the sampling days with the hottest Phosphates meanwhile, are inorganic compounds which are usually present in agricultural fertilizers and/ temperature, the water quality was at its worst. The Dissolved Oxygen (DO) level even reached zero (0), and or pesticides. They also require decomposition to be banished from the environment. Excessive amounts Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) level did not pass the water quality standard set by the Department of of nitrate and phosphate can cause algal bloom or eutrophication which later on would lead to disruption of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). natural biochemical processes in water and cause DO levels to plummet. Sites 4 and 6 have high amounts of both nitrate and phosphate during the month of February; Sites 6 and Amount of Dissolved Oxygen refers to the amount of traceable oxygen in a liter of water (which in this case 7 in the month of April; Sites 2 and 7 in the month of June; Site 6 for both nitrate and phosphate in the month refers to the coastal water). Amount of DO in water diminishes with the presence of organic matter. Natural of September; Sites 1 and 2 for the month of October and Sites 4, 5, and 6 had high amounts of nitrate and biological and chemical processes needed oxygen to decompose decaying/organic matter in water. The phosphate in the month of December. High amounts of both nitrate and phosphate in the island’s coastal situation in Site 4 (having impoverished mangrove swamp) makes it much worse by not having trees that will waters may be attributed to a nearby agricultural land being cultivated or effluent of household wastewater. give off oxygen. The entire site had a normal to slightly basic pH. This can be attributed to the presence of a few nitrates in all The data showed that for the month of February, among the seven sampling sites, Site 6 had the highest DO the sampling stations. and Site 4 got the lowest traces of DO; for the month of April, Site 2 had the highest amount of DO while Site 4 got the lowest amount of DO; for the month of June, Site 2 got the highest amount of DO while Site 6 had the Lastly, the presence of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) had been shown to be high in Sites 1 for the month of lowest traces of DO; for the month of September, Site 7 had the highest amount of DO while Site 4 had the lowest February; Site 7 in the month of April and June; Site 4 in the month of September; Site 3 during the months of amount; for the month of October, Site 2 had the highest amount of DO while Site 4 got the lowest amount; and October and December. High amount of TSS may be attributed to silt, decaying plant, animal matter, industrial for the month of December, Site 6 got the highest amount of DO while Site 1 got the lowest amount. wastes, and sewage. Biological Oxygen Demand is in an indirect relationship with the amount of Dissolved Oxygen in water. The To conclude, the water quality of Boracay Island is mostly dependent on the anthropogenic activities that take higher the amount of DO the lowest the amount of BOD, and the lower the amount of DO the higher the BOD place on the island. Natural factors such as the geological characteristic also play an important role on the gets. The high amount of BOD in water analyses indicates that decomposition might be taking place/presence hydrological process in the island. According to the study, Boracay Island has a Karstic2 soil characteristic, of organic matter is too high. In this case, since the Site 4 consistently gets the highest amount of BOD shows which insinuates that leaching of nutrients from the source to the coastal waters has a 150 meters of hydrological that it also has the lowest amount of DO. Considering Site 4’s physical condition, it is very likely to have a high chain. The condition of the sewerage and wastewater system in the island is among the identified causes of amount of BOD.Site 2 on the other hand gets the lowest amount of BOD, this indicates that Puka Beach either this environmental problem. If not addressed properly, it will likely cause further deterioration of the physico- has a lot of mangroves surrounding the coastal area or is surrounded by trees inland the beach or hilly trees. chemical properties of Boracay Island’s water. Source: Journal of Environmental Science and Management Special Issue 2-2016: 15-29 ISSN 0119-1144 88 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

3.8 Regional Oceanography of the Philippine Archipelago Figure 3.1 (a) Bathymetry of the se as and straits of the Philippine Archipelago from Smith and Sandwell (1997) and Figure 3.2 Current vectors from the shipboard-mounted 150-KHz ADCP system within the 25- to 55-m layer color coded by sea surface temperature topo. (b) Conductivity, temperature, depth, and dissolved oxygen, and lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler (CTD-O2/LA DCP) stations obtained (SST). A 1 m s-1 arrows given for scale. SCS is the South China Sea. Various features are shown in italics. (a) PhilEx regional cruise January 2008. (b) by the four PhilEx cruises identified within the figure legend. PhilEx mooring positions are indicated. PhilEx regional cruise March 2009. This study provides an overview of the setting and challenges of the Philippine seas with regards to its Analysis archipelagic condition, monsoonal climate, tides, and connectivity to other bodies of water in the Pacific and The major bodies of water that have great influence or effect on the coastal waters of Malay Mainland and the South East Asia. The researchers, Philippine Straits Dynamics Experiment (PhilEx), were sponsored by Boracay Island are the Tablas Straight and the south of Sulu Sea. Water currents around the municipality The Office of Naval Research to further study and identify the physical and quantitative characteristics of the vary according to the climate, together with the underlying effects of vigorous mixing, upwelling, thermohaline regional Philippine seas. conditions, atmospheric conditions and precipitation, and depth. Sea Surface Temperature (SST) will always depend on the atmospheric temperature, and the depth of the The study showed that around January season, the more active currents were observed from the west, that is basin water in oceans and seas also contribute to the determination of the water temperature. In addition to the Tablas Strait, and they flow east to southeast towards the municipality. Meanwhile, around March season, the change of monsoonal winds that bring change in precipitation which affects the ocean water circulation, the more active currents were observed to be coming from Sulu Sea, which flows west to southwest toward the thermohaline conditions, which refer to the movement of water in the ocean based on temperature (thermo) municipality. These study observations were made in 2008 and 2009 respectively. and salinity (haline), also have great repercussions. The Philippine Sea is connected to the Western Pacific through San Bernardino Strait and Surigao Strait, and it is said that these straits have an environment of vigorous mixing with possible upwelling (the process in which deep, cold water rises toward the surface). It is observed that the currents within these straits were the strongest. Salinity profile suggests however, that there is no clear continuity of the San Bernardino Strait into the Sibuyan or Camotes Seas. On the contrary, the Surigao Strait characteristics do show that there is intrusion into the Bohol Sea. The Sulu Sea is by far, the most difficult to identify. Studies show that it conveyed a cyclonic current way back January 2008 and an anti-cyclonic one in June 2007. With regard to the flow of the Sulu Sea, study suggests that it flows northward into the Panay Strait. Source: Regional Oceanography of the Philippine Archipelago by Arnold L. Gordon, Janet Sprintall and Amy Ffield Municipality of Malay 89 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Municipality of Malay 91 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

4.1 Tourism Industry Analysis A. Tourism Demand Analysis Market Projection for Boracay without the closure The municipality of Malay, particularly Boracay Island enjoyed an average of 10.1% visitor growth rate for the past 5 years. The number for the year 2018 is expected to significantly drop due to the 6-month closure of At a rapid market growth rate, given that the destination maintains its high quality natural condition (as the main the island to the tourists. The final 2018 numbers, however, would only be determined at the end of the current tourism market pull), the maintenance of the quality and professionalism of service, transportation, marketing, year. Thus, the projected growth will still be pegged at 10.1% and adjustments will have to be made by 2019. and institutional support such as visitor processing and tourist protection, the projected tourist arrivals to Boracay Island for the next 25 years is indicated in the table below. Table 4.2 25 Years Project Market Growth Rate for Boracay Island Nth Year Year Tourist Arrival 1 2018 2,204,173 2 2017 2,001,974 3 2019 2,426,795 4 2020 2,671,901 5 2021 2,941,763 6 2022 3,238,881 7 2023 3,566,008 8 2024 3,926,175 9 2025 4,322,719 10 2026 4,759,313 11 2027 5,240,004 12 2028 5,769,244 13 2029 6,351,938 14 2030 6,351,938 Figure 4.1 Total Number of Visitors - Annual Growth Rate (Municipality of Malay) Source: Municipal Tourism Office 15 2031 6,993,484 16 2032 7,699,826 Table 4.1 Total Number of Visitors, 2013-2017 (Municipality of Malay) 17 2033 8,477,508 Domestic Year Foreign OFW Total Growth Rate % 18 2034 9,333,737 (Local) 19 2035 10,276,444 2013 705,402 615,518 42,691 1,363,612 20 2036 11,314,365 2014 745,266 682,832 44,254 1,472,352 7.97 21 2037 12,457,116 2015 748,617 769,560 42,529 1,560,706 6.0 22 2038 13,715,284 2016 813,302 868,765 43,416 1,725,483 10.56 23 2039 15,100,528 24 2040 16,625,681 2017 972,994 986,920 42,060 2,001,974 16 25 2041 18,304,875 Average Annual Growth 10.1% Rate 26 2042 18,304,875 Source: Municipal Tourism Office Municipality of Malay 93 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Market Projection for Boracay with the Closure of Boracay Island Comparative Growth Rates with and without the closure of Boracay Island The 6-month closure of Boracay Island will have massive and long-lasting effect on the amount of visitors to Using the projected market growth rate, the closure of Boracay Island will hardly make any setback to the the island. The exact change in the number of visitors will not be known until the year 2019. Thus, in order to growth rate of tourists to Boracay Island as market demand is expected to be maintained immediately when determine the potential dip in the arrivals, a 50% change will be used to assign the negative growth rate for the the island opens up for tourism. The 2018 dip can be treated as a anomaly that can be disregarded given year 2018. The positive 10.1 average growth rate will then be applied for the years thereafter. It is also expected that the change 2018 arrival change is highly temporary and will not affect the medium to long term tourist that the visitor numbers will rebound to the projected growth based on the 2018 arrivals without the event of demand to the island. closure. It is highly recommended that the projection be revisited and changed accordingly to reflect the more accurate changes. Table 4.3 indicates the possible changes in visitor arrivals with the 6-month closure of the island. Table 4.4 Comparative Market Growth Rates with and without the Closure of Boracay Island Nth Year Year With Closure No Closure Table 4.3 15 Years Market Projection with the 6-month Closure of Boracay Island 1 2018 1,000,974 2,204,173 Nth Year Year Arrivals Growth Rate 2 2019 2,426,795 2,426,795 0 2017 2,001,947 10.1 (ave) 3 2020 2,671,901 2,671,901 1 2018 1,000,974 -50 4 2021 2,941,763 2,941,763 2 2019 1,102,072 10.1 5 2022 3,238,881 3,238,881 3 2020 1,213,381 10.1 6 2023 3,566,008 3,566,008 4 2021 1,335,933 10.1 7 2024 3,926,175 3,926,175 5 2022 1,470,862 10.1 8 2025 4,322,719 4,322,719 6 2023 1,619,419 10.1 9 2026 4,759,313 4,759,313 7 2024 1,782,980 10.1 10 2027 5,240,004 5,240,004 8 2025 1,963,061 10.1 11 2028 5,769,244 5,769,244 9 2026 2,161,331 10.1 12 2029 6,351,938 6,351,938 10 2027 2,379,625 10.1 13 2030 6,351,938 6,351,938 11 2028 2,619,967 10.1 14 2031 6,993,484 6,993,484 12 2029 2,884,584 10.1 15 2032 7,699,826 7,699,826 13 2030 3,175,927 10.1 14 2031 3,496,695 10.1 16 2033 8,477,508 8,477,508 15 2032 3,849,862 10.1 17 2034 9,333,737 9,333,737 16 2033 4,238,698 10.1 18 2035 10,276,444 10,276,444 17 2034 4,666,806 10.1 19 2036 11,314,365 11,314,365 18 2035 5,138,153 10.1 20 2037 12,457,116 12,457,116 19 2036 5,657,107 10.1 21 2038 13,715,284 13,715,284 20 2037 6,228,475 10.1 22 2039 15,100,528 15,100,528 21 2038 6,857,551 10.1 23 2040 16,625,681 16,625,681 22 2039 7,550,163 10.1 24 2041 18,304,875 18,304,875 23 2040 8,312,730 10.1 25 2042 18,304,875 18,304,875 24 2041 9,152,316 10.1 25 2042 10,076,699 10.1 94 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Comparative Growth Rates With and Without the Closure of Boracay Island Figure 4.2 Comparative Growth Rates With and Without the Closure of Boracay Island Municipality of Malay 95 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Market Projection for Mainland Malay On the other hand, the tourist attractions in the mainland of Malay are hardly getting a respectable amount of Table 4.5 Number of Visitors to the Mainland Tourist Attractions, 2014-2017 spill-over tourists that arrive both in Caticlan and Kalibo gateways. The number of tourists going to the various attractions of mainland Malay jumped from about 10,000 in 2014 to 23,000 in 2017 gaining an average growth Name ANNUAL VISITOR ARRIVAL rate of about 30.7%. The percentage growth may seem impressive, but it comprises a very small amount of Tourist of the huge potential market that should be provided by Boracay Island as the main tourist source. Given Attraction/ an ideal condition, the presence of a large number of visitors to Boracay should easily make the island an Establishment 2014 2015 2016 2017 established tourist hub and service center. However, the mere effort in travelling between the mainland and Boracay, the quality of the island compared to the mainland attractions, and the limited stay of the tourists of Mainland Domestic Foreign Domestic Foreign Domestic Foreign Domestic Foreign usually 3 days and 2 nights are contributing to the low traffic to the mainland attractions. Tourism Sites Ecological Park 168 3,901 494 7,568 5,282 382 5,814 1,228 There is a good chance that mainland sites can attract a more sizable number of tourists if the sites are appropriately developed, and infrastructure and transport services support are improved. Should the cultural Agnaga Mini sites be appropriately developed with enough facilities and services to cater walk-in and group tourists, visitors Falls 213 381 479 341 370 363 630 484 on specific travel motivation (e.g. students on “Pasyal Aral”) can then be attracted to those sites. Nabaoy River 144 4,656 248 6,831 9,971 558 11262 1,924 In the long term, when development would be made in the mainland due to the saturation of facilties in Boracay, the mainland attractions can then start to attract tourists and make them allot a part of their vacation Pangihan Cave 120 280 248 151 189 574 366 615 time exploring the mainland sites. Motag Living 213 250 543 433 212 323 418 335 Musuem TOTAL 858 9,468 2,012 15,324 16,024 2,200 18,490 4,586 Source: Municipal Tourism Office Number of Visitors to the Mainland Tourist Attractions Figure 4.3 Number of Visitors to the Mainland Tourist Attractions Source: Municipal Tourism Office 96 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

The table below indicates the 25-year market projection to Malay to the Market Projection to the Various Attractions in Mainland Malay various tourist attractions in the mainland Malay. It must be considered, however that there is a good chance for double counting as the reference figures were based on gate entries and not overnight accommodation. The figure indicates that each attraction must be properly planned and developed in order to effectively accommodate and facilitate the visitors to the area. The closure of Boracay Island will definitely affect the growth rate of tourism to Malay mainland for the year 2018. However, since the market arrivals to Boracay will easily rebound the following year, the growth rate of 30.7% can then be applied for the year 2019 using the established rate of 30.7% and treating the 2018 data as an aberration. Table 4.6 Market Projection to the Various Attractions in Mainland Malay Nth Year Year Arrivals Growth Rate 1 2017 23076 30.70% 2 2018 11538 -50% 3 2019 30,160 30.70% Figure 4.4 Market Projections to the Various Attractinos in Mainland Malay 4 2020 39,420 30.70% 5 2021 51,521 30.70% Increasing the Value Chain Roles of Malay 6 2022 67,338 30.70% The agricultural sector of Malay is in the most opportune position to take 7 2023 88,011 30.70% advantage of the proximity of their land to a huge consumer market 8 2024 115,031 30.70% requiring high value products. 9 2025 150,345 30.70% 10 2026 196,501 30.70% It is recommended that the municipality of Malay’s agricultural players 11 2027 256,827 30.70% consider shifting a proportion of their livelihood towards organic farming and ponics (hydroponics or aquaponics) technology. By doing so, an 12 2028 335,673 30.70% increased number of people from the mainland who are not included in 13 2029 438,725 30.70% the tourism economy can be part of the island’s value chain. 14 2030 573,413 30.70% 15 2031 749,451 30.70% 16 2032 979,532 30.70% 17 2033 1,280,249 30.70% 18 2034 1,673,285 30.70% 19 2035 2,186,984 30.70% 20 2036 2,858,388 30.70% 21 2037 3,735,912 30.70% 22 2038 4,882,838 30.70% 23 2039 6,381,869 30.70% 24 2040 8,341,102 30.70% 25 2041 10,901,821 30.70% Municipality of Malay 97 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

B. Top Foreign Visitors Foreign visitors to Boracay Island is consistently dominated by the Asian markets such as Korea, China and Taiwan. The Chinese market has overtaken the Korean market due to the rapid increase of their outbound travelers. Table 4.7 Top 10 Foreign Visitors, 2013-2017 Number of Tourists 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 RANK COUNTRY TOTAL COUNTRY TOTAL COUNTRY TOTAL COUNTRY TOTAL COUNTRY TOTAL 1 KOREA 208,665 KOREA 263,377 KOREA 292,174 KOREA 321,016 CHINA 375,284 2 CHINA 200,794 CHINA 165,243 CHINA 177,926 CHINA 273,297 KOREA 356,644 3 TAIWAN 39,706 TAIWAN 48,354 TAIWAN 58,365 TAIWAN 55,736 TAIWAN 40,802 4 RUSSIA 19,407 U.S.A 22,203 MALAYSIA 34,970 MALAYSIA 26,115 U.S.A 22,648 5 U.S.A. 19,316 MALAYSIA 19,542 U.S.A 25,403 U.S.A 23,887 MALAYSIA 20,585 6 AUSTRALIA 16,889 SINGAPORE 18,175 AUSTRALIA 20,130 AUSTRALIA 16,745 UK 17,416 7 SINGAPORE 11,102 RUSSIA 17,945 SINGAPORE 16,446 UK 16,318 SAUDI ARABIA 15,944 8 UK 9,368 AUSTRALIA 17,649 SAUDI ARABIA 14,814 SAUDI ARABIA 15,681 AUSTRALIA 15,365 9 JAPAN 7,999 SAUDI ARABIA 11,136 UK 14,210 RUSSIA 11,593 RUSSIA 14,074 Source: Municipal Tourism Office The current drawback happening in Boracay will definitely affect the arrivals in the short term and the projections At this point in time, another very critical market consideration is identifying latent markets and the possibility will have to be scaled accordingly when the statistics for the year 2018 are obtained. that they may become substantial numbers of visitors that could influence the dynamics of a destination such as Boracay Island. Latent markets are travelers that are highly ready to surge into a destination provided all However, it is very clear that if positive market movements are sustained, the projected number of tourists the required components become available or put into use such as transportation, visitor processing and on the island would easily smother Boracay as the number of tourists is expected to double in less than 10 marketing. The Philippines (and Boracay) are actually not new to this kind of market as proven by the Chinese years, even with the 6-month closure. The tourist number is just one indicator of expected stress to the island travelers who are coming in droves due to the availability of the abovementioned components. The possible as corresponding adjustments will also happen such as the increased number of service providers, number latent market sources given their travel base and the current low volume of visitors to the Philippines would of residents, development and transport, plus utilities such as water services and electricity requirements and include India, Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian countries. solid waste areas, and sewerage facilities. 98 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Top 10 Foreign Visitors 2013-2017 Figure 4.5 Top 10 Foreign Visitors Source: Municipal Tourism Office Municipality of Malay 99 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

C. Tourism Supply The table below indicates the comparative beds and rooms demand for the island of Boracay. In the year 2017, the Boracay field office of the Department of Tourism listed 53 DOT-accredited tourist Beds and Rooms Demand in Boracay establishments with a total of 6,642 rooms. Each establishment type is indicated in the table below: Table 4.8 DOT-Accredited Tourist Establishments in Boracay Island, 2017 Establishment Type Number of Establishments Number of Rooms Hotels 11 942 Resorts 38 5,347 Tourist Inns 2 62 Apartelles 2 291 TOTAL 53 6,642 Source: DOT Boracay Field Office However, the number of DOT-accredited tourist establishments represents only 12.27% of the total number of units (45.94% for the rooms supply) in the island identified by the municipality of Malay. The number of the tourist establishment for the year 2017 was 432 with rooms supply at 14, 456 units. Several hundred rooms may not be accounted as non-listed facilities such as private Airbnb’s, households with extra rooms, as well as condominium units would add to the total of available rooms in the island. Figure 4.6 Comparative Beds and Rooms Demand in Boracay There are only three (3) identified tourist rooms establishments in the mainland of Malay with less than 50 total available units. Table 4.9 Beds and Rooms Demand in Boracay by Occupancy Rate Assumption BEDS AND ROOMS DEMAND ANALYSIS Occupancy Rate Beds Demand Rooms Demand 45% 24,377 14,339 Due to the absence of data to determine the exact demand for beds and rooms in Boracay Island, this analysis is made with assumptions based on the standard information in the industry (e.g. average room 65% 16,858 9,916 occupancy). The demands shall also be grounded on ranged numbers (e.g. average accommodation occupancy) to fully grasp the most possible demands numbers. 75% 14,626 8,603 Based on the latest (2017) data, Boracay Island attracted a total of 2,001,974 tourists, with an average stay 85% 12,905 7,591 of 3 days and 2 nights. Average accommodation occupancies are set at 45%, 65% (usual breakeven), 75%, and 85%. As a resort destination, the average room occupancy can be pegged at 1.7 persons per room. The demand analysis for beds and rooms with the tourist arrivals clearly indicate that Boracay Island already suffers a considerable rooms glut that could create unwanted economic growth scenarios such as cut- throat pricing and creating a low value perception for the destination. At 14,000 rooms inventory, the average occupancy that includes all the 432 accommodation establishments would have to be about 45%. This situation is very difficult to be allowed to persist due to the possible future repercussions that the rooms glut may bring. If the 65% occupancy rate is used as the peg for tourist arrivals, the island may already be getting almost three (3) million tourists by year 2017. 100 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Given the projected market demand for the next 25 years, the beds and rooms demand at 65% occupancy Tourist Arrivals Based on 65% and 85% average occupancy for 14,456 rooms would be about rate is expected to reach 154,000 beds and more than 90,000 rooms. 2,915,209 (65%) and 3,812,196. If no new development is undertaken for several years, the current room supply of about 14,000 may be fully Table 4.11 below indicates the possible tourist arrivals in 2017 and 25-years growth rate based on utilized at 65% occupancy by the year 2021. rooms count and standard industry occupancy of 65% for break-even and 85% for ideal occupancy level. The average growth rate of 10.1% shall be re-applied the following year after the closure of Table 4.10 Comparative Beds and Rooms Demand in Boracay Boracay Island (2019). Beds Demand @65% Year Tourist Arrival Rooms Demand Occupancy Table 4.11 Comparative Projected Growth Rate based on Rooms Availability with 65% and 85% Occupancy 1 2018 2,204,173 18581 10930 Factors 2 2019 2,426,795 20458 12034 3 2020 2,671,901 22524 13249 Nth Year Year Visitors Visitors 4 2021 2,941,763 24799 14588 65% Occupancy 85% Occupancy 5 2022 3,238,881 27304 16061 0 2017 2,915,209 3,812,196 6 2023 3,566,008 30061 17683 1 2018 1,457,604 1,906,098 7 2024 3,926,175 33097 19469 2 2019 3,533,819 4,621,148 8 2025 4,322,719 36440 21435 3 2020 3,890,735 5,087,884 9 2026 4,759,313 40121 23600 4 2021 4,283,699 5,601,760 10 2027 5,240,004 44173 25984 5 2022 4,716,353 6,167,538 11 2028 5,769,244 48634 28608 6 2023 5,192,705 6,790,459 12 2029 6,351,938 53546 31498 13 2030 6,351,938 53546 31498 7 2024 5,717,168 7,476,295 14 2031 6,993,484 58955 34679 8 2025 6,294,602 8,231,401 15 2032 7,699,826 64909 38182 9 2026 6,930,356 9,062,773 16 2033 8,477,508 71465 42038 10 2027 7,630,322 9,978,113 17 2034 9,333,737 78683 46284 11 2028 8,400,985 10,985,902 18 2035 10,276,444 86630 50959 12 2029 9,249,484 12,095,478 19 2036 11,314,365 95379 56105 20 2037 12,457,116 105013 61772 13 2030 10,183,682 13,317,122 21 2038 13,715,284 115619 68011 14 2031 11,212,234 14,662,151 22 2039 15,100,528 127296 74880 15 2032 12,344,670 16,143,028 23 2040 16,625,681 140153 82443 16 2033 13,591,482 17,773,474 24 2041 18,304,875 154309 90770 17 2034 14,964,221 19,568,595 25 2042 18,304,875 154309 90770 18 2035 16,475,608 21,545,023 D. Possible Erroneous Tourist Count 19 2036 18,139,644 23,721,070 20 2037 19,971,748 26,116,898 The 45% occupancy based on the number of rooms and tourist count may indicate errors in tourist 21 2038 21,988,894 28,754,705 count. A possible erroneous tourist count would have serious consequences on the effective de- velopment and visitor management of Boracay Island as it will put off appropriate management 22 2039 24,209,773 31,658,930 mechanisms, infrastructure and utilities designed for a given number of transient populations. As a 23 2040 26,654,960 34,856,482 comparative exhibition, market projections based on the 2017 rooms supply would be based on 24 2041 29,347,111 38,376,987 65% and 85% occupancy factors and not on the recorded visitor count. The results show dramatic 25 2042 32,311,169 42,253,063 differences which would clearly indicate that infrastructure, utilities and social services needs would have to be also drastically kept up. Municipality of Malay 101 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Comparative Projected Growth Rate based on Rooms Availability with 65% and 85% Occupancy Factors (Not Utilizing the 2-million Arrivals in 2017) Figure 4.7 Comparative Beds and Rooms Demand in Boracay The numbers generated by the projections provide greater urgency to properly develop and maintain troubling if the projections will be based on the adjusted numbers according to the usual industry the quality of the island and also the mainland of Malay. Should any of the numbers persist, the situations (3 million for 65% occupancy or almost 4 million [85% occupancy] arrivals in 2017). impact of an unplanned and poorly managed site would have its corresponding consequences on the site and the economy of the country. This should also be taken as an opportunity for the Mitigation to limit the market and development stress would not be as simple as putting a cap on the municipality to have enough justification to make the mainland be prepared to be the main spill-over number of tourists and facilities, as this may backfire as a result of stunted development of facilities and for both market and tourism development. services, loss of investment confidence for both direct and allied services, and marketing dynamics. The market and rooms supply projections are actually alarming given that the finite area of Boracay There is an immediate need to guide the development of the island and the municipality to absorb the Island may not be able to absorb such pressures that may occur in the near foreseeable future. future of tourism growth without compromising the environmental and product quality of the destination. Theoretically assuming that each tourist facility would have 100 rooms, more than 900 structures would need to be built on the island to accommodate the projected 18 million visitors to Boracay in 25 years, which is an unacceptable scenario given the fragile geological and ecological condition of the island. That is only based on the 2017 arrival record of 2 million. The situation becomes doubly 102 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

E. Tourism Impact Analysis Impact analysis determines the existing and possible social, economic and environmental impacts The future cannot be denied and practices that cause the decay of the destination must be controlled of tourism development in the municipality which affect the quality, sustainability and viability of the or totally eradicated if the stakeholders of the island want their children to inherit the benefits that the tourist destinations. past and current generations enjoy. Boracay is a perfect example of a destination where individuals and organizations violate institutional The future indicates more stresses that come in the form of market and development pressures. On control mechanisms that unfortunately affected the entire quality of the destination despite the fact that the other hand, technologies and management tools can help maintain the island’s tourism viability. a good number of businesses and service providers are compliant and have high ethical standards. Thus, the island of Boracay, as well as the mainland of Malay must be future-proofed from both In order to direct the proper type of development and to ensure the survival of the tourism industry in predicted and unforeseen destination management challenges. the island, institutional control mechanisms must strictly be enforced. Impact analysis, it must consider that Boracay is a product of tourism, whose salability depends Future-proofing Boracay Island on the quality of its environment and visitors’ experience. Changes in the product’s quality would Given the projected market arrivals and demand for facilities, Boracay would be overwhelmed by have corresponding market responses that will define its short to long-term standing as a tourism the very industry that gave it significant socio-economic benefits. The said possibility is founded on destination. actual challenges that have been happening for several decades since the island was opened up for tourism. These include illegally-built structures due to dubious permits, property ownership Individual establishments would alter beach topography through clearing, hardening, setting up barricades resulting to social conflict, and environmental problems leading to the degradation of the quality of and transferring sand materials. To better illustrate the possible impacts of tourism to the island, two the destination. (2) scenarios will be considered. These are: 1) limited institutional control mechanism, and 2) strict institutional control mechanism. Scenario 1: Limited Institutional Control Mechanism Table 4.12 Tourism Impact Analysis by Type of Intervention Scenario 2: Strictly-enforced Institutional Control Mechanism Intervention Environmental Impacts Social Impacts Economic Impacts Setbacks not respected resulting to beach quality Crowding of decreasing beach space between Accelerated stagnation and decline of the destination collapse, decreased beach area, intensified rate tourists and service providers that include towards decreased economic returns Beach Setback of beach erosion ambulant vendors Beach quality and expanse maintained; slower A small number of businesses Economic opportunities maintained rate of beach erosion These may result to localized beach erosion either Decreased available space for tourists and other Decreased recreation space which eventually affects the in front or in the periphery of the said establishment stakeholders capacity of the site. Beach Topography Alteration Beach are kept clear of any artificial barricades Available space for visitors and stakeholders Available space for recreation and tourist use is maintained, and sand dynamics are maintained. Erosion utilizing common areas (i.e. beach) is maintained allowing more individuals to utilize the site would not be artificially created. Dust and noise will affect roadside developments Majority of local stakeholders denied of access Livelihood opportunities of other stakeholders affected due and transport services to transport and access issues Flood Prevention Road Transport Corridor width provisions are Quality tourist experience at high level. Local Increased and maintained economic activity sufficiently met stakeholders also benefit thru ease of travel and delivery of services. Municipality of Malay 103 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Establishments clog access. Visitor experience affected. Increased number of affected establishments and businesses affected due to compromised emergency Response to emergencies affected. response Beach Access and Emergency Access Access by emergency vehicles ensured. Tourist experience kept at high level due to ease Emergency situations such as fire to be promptly of beach access. Local stakeholders also benefit responded; affected establishments and individuals would from ease of access. have enough space for personnel evacuation and hauling of materials to be saved. Dumping of untreated sewage into the sea Health concerns that may influence tourist arrivals Depending on the response of the industry, would either be resulting to bathing water pollution that will affect the facilities and service providers sudden collapse of the entire tourism industry or decline that may happen in medium to long term Sewage Treatment Low percentage sewage connection Presence of an efficient and proper sewerage Bathing water quality maintained and visitor health Quality of the island as a beach destination maintained and system and sewage treartment plant not compromised. visitor confidence (i.e. arrivals) also maintained. Drainage blockage Drainage utilized for Visitor experience degraded. Safety compromised Floods caused by blocked drainage are too graphic which Drainage Improvement sewage disposal by households and business would eventually affect tourist word of mouth, may result to establishments decreased arrivals. Zero or limited segregation Organic wastes would emit foul odor that would Decreased value of large parts of the island due to waste become prevalent to tourist areas. issue. Solid Waste Management Localized landfills may occur Algae threat dismissed Tourist experience affected. Beach quality Will affect the viability of the main beach as a swimming compromised. Swimming may not be destination, leading to overall tourism viability of the island. May eventually pave the way for the appearance recommended of toxic blue-green algae (studies highly recommended) Algae Issue Algae issue directly dealt with. Prevent Tourist experience increased. Tourism maintained and businesses are positively eutrophication be regular removal of algae and influenced. dissipating them into the open sea (not regarded as land garbage as hauling algae inland would leach saltwater into the groundwater) Continuous loss of white sand that makes the Tourist experience degraded Market dissatisfaction and avoidance resulting to declined island a major destination visits. Coral Reefs and associate species that help in Tourist experience maintained and satisfaction Continued arrival of tourists and maintenance of businesses the production of white sand protected (e.g. local remains high. and livelihood. protection of parrotfishes). White Sand Beach Non-permission of any coastal development and facility-centered protection (e.g. fencing) that would result to beach dynamics disturbance and sand erosion. 104 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Developments are allowed to rise on wetlands and Storm water will be rediverted and waterways will Economic activites will be greatly affected and dwindled by waterways which results to the decrease or loss of overflow causing flooding on built-up areas, which inaccessible infrastructure during a flood. catchment areas for storm water. will eventually tarnish tourist experience. Restoration of wetlands, waterways and easements Developments are restricted on protected Tourist experience maintained and satisfaction Continued arrival of tourists and operation of businesses areas while easements are properly and strictly remains high. and livelihood. observed. Municipality of Malay 105 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Municipality of Malay 107 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

5.1 Framework 1 The proposed framework strategy will serve as the municipality’s Food and Sustainable Farming Center. The Municipality can also River Parks and Waterfront Development. The rivers in the roadmap to growth and development in the next 10 years. Current adopt one product per district to diversify tourism products in mainland play an essential role in the development of Malay. issues on transportation, land conversion, and uncontrolled Malay. The establishment of a farmer’s market will help the local The development of linear parks will help promote healthy activity development projects take its toll on the progress of Malay, farmers sell their agricultural produce directly to the consumers. and will serve as a buffer in times of river overflow. A developed Aklan. The major aim of the proposed framework is to create It can also attract traders from other municipalities that patronize waterfront also increases land value. an integrated and holistic development that will regulate the products from the locality. municipality’s tourism development projects. It will also help Disaster Mitigation. Easements and disaster-resilient design alleviate the disparities between the Mainland and Boracay Agropolis/Farm Tourism. These areas are the main districts in this applications should be implemented especially in the areas that Island and provide employment and economic opportunities for framework. These will be the production areas that will accelerate are prone to tsunami and storm surge. all. The framework also highlights the essential role of agriculture the economic aspect of the municipality,which will open more and tourism as the municipality’s primary means of development opportunities for additional jobs, tourist attractions, and income. Waste Management Centers. Each district will have its own waste while providing complementary activities that are suitable to the These include the community-based agri-tourism and agri- management centers with features such as Materials Recovery existing developments and land use of the municipality. Proposed industrial zones that will further help the community generate more Facilities (MRFs), recycling centers, and organic composts infrastructure and linkages will create seamless flow of goods and jobs and to start diversifying crops such that production will not be among others. services not only to Malay, but also to its nearby municipalities and limited to onions and corn. cities. Furthermore, it will improve the quality of life and standard Heritage Zone. Containing the Motag Living Museum and the Ati of living of its populace as well as bring limitless opportunities to The proposed agri-industrial zones are strategically located near Village in Cubay Sur, this zone will set a sense of entry to the the Municipality. the airport and seaport hub for easier access for the logistics for New Urban Center and at the same time will promote the cultural the transportation of goods within and outside of the Municipality. heritage of the municipality. This will also be the educational center Features: for history and culture. Agri-tourism. The town will provide visitors an escape from the Primary Growth Center and Growth Center Expansion. The urban life with an immersive farm experience and educational MAIN OBJECTIVE: proposed growth center offers multiple services to its populace. trips. This will provide a greater understanding and appreciation • To weave seamlessly together all the major economic drivers To further enhance the existing urban center, the creation of mixed- for the farmers and fishers who provide food for all. available use growth center expansion will serve as a counter magnet to the existing developments,alleviate the congestion in the Poblacion Modern Agriculture and Aquaculture. Application of advanced UNDERLYING OBJECTIVES: area, and serve as a buffer zone between the proposed agri- practices will not only increase the land’s productivity but will also tourism area and residential mixed-used development. prevent environmental degradation, ensuring bountiful harvests • To strengthen the linkages among each districts through for future generations. integrated transport system University Town. In order to have a globally competitive municipality, a concept for the university town is proposed, which Post-harvest and support facilities. The plentiful harvest will not • To strengthen community and stakeholders’ capability to will further advance Malay as a knowledge-based economy with be wasted as various post-harvest and support facilities will be implement and facilitate growth sustainable employment as its aim in the long-term plan. provided to ensure fast and efficient processing leading to high- quality products ready for consumption and trade. • To provide even economic growth and opportunities for urban Agriculture, ICT, and Tourism Research and Development and rural areas. Center (ARC). Agriculture and Tourism are the major drivers of Mixed Use Development. Mixed-used development will serve the municipality’s economic sector, providing opportunities. On as a transition zone from the smart urban expansion to the • To identify each area’s development potential through the other hand, the R&D centercould be a great help to the local secondary urban area to accommodate more residential- considering its appropriate land use farmers through its investigative research on the variety of high- commercial developments that will cater to workers, tourists, and yielding crops suitable to the climate and land form of Malay. other residents. • To strengthen agriculture and tourism industry as the Moreover, it will be incharge of the introduction of advanced municipality’s primary means of development agricultural technology that will enhance the yield and production of local farmers and fishermen. According to the Tourism sector, it will help them maintain its status and sustain it in the long term. The rationale behind the ICT R&D center is to prepare the municipality for cityhood, becoming a smart and sustainable agropolis. Municipality of Malay 109 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Table 5.1 Framework Strategy 1 Matrix Framework Strategy Features Primary growth center, mixed use secondary growth centers, river parks and waterfront development, research and development center, agri-tourism development, economic zone, food and sustainable farming center, disaster resilient community irrigated farming of major crops, light agro-industrial development Advantages - Diversification of economic opportunities per growth center - Mitigate issues on urban sprawl - Highest and best use of agricultural lands - Various tourism developments are tapped based on the areas’ potential - Increase yields and quality farm products - Increased and varied employment opportunities Disadvantages - If not properly implemented and managed, it may result to fragmentation of communities - Service facilities and amenities are needed to support various rural barangays and communities Future Implications - Density in existing urban center will be lessened and transferred to the new urban centers - Enhanced capacity and skill level of locals in rural areas - Enhanced accessibility to various services - Improve the locals’ quality of life Sectoral Impacts Environment - Preserve the municipality’s forest and biodiversity - Increase local’s awareness on Environmental Protection - Promote sustainable development that would generate income to maintain the environment - Become a resource for natural products Economy - Improve the municipality’s economic growth - Provide livelihood opportunities to the local residents Social - Strengthen cooperation amongst the stakeholders 110 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Municipality of Malay 111 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

5.2 Framework 2 This framework focuses on strengthening the current use Medical Tourism. This can serve as a refuge or an area for post- should be strategically located in the areas easily accessible to of agriculture areas and linking other sectors to Agriculture/ recovery that offers different and innovative medical treatments neighborhood communities to cater to the resident’s daily needs Agribusiness, which is the center of development in this framework. while allowing nature to be a contributing factor to healing. This for goods and services. These neighbourhood communities will The existing roads are considered and recommended to be linked will not only help in physical recovery, but it can also improve create areas for future service-industry population that can foster to each other to provide easier access, serving as an alternative the person’s mental and emotional well-being through various their skills and training as well as serve as places to live, work, to the main road. A multi-modal transport system and interchange activities such as meditation, yoga, and nature therapy. play, and worship. spaces through an Intermodal Transport Terminal will provide tourists or users the option of an efficient mass transport system. Heritage and Culture Tourism. This will be an area to showcase Multi-Use Development. This area is designed to be multi- different delicacies and culinary experiences (e.g., production of functional in order to cater to all the commercial, residential, Features: crops from the mainland and integration of local cooking, creation and institutional support facilities for other developments. This of a brand for culinary tourism that is similar to Modena, Italy where will also generate communities that encourage new urbanism: Forest Area. Agroforestry includes the Production Forest and the icon of cooking is “Mom’s cooking”),aunique experience of accessibility to live,work, play, worship, and culture and heritage. Protection Forest where a wildlife learning center, ecotourism festivals, living museums, an Indigenous People Community, etc. It will encourage residents to stay in the mainland for employment, activities, and a potential renewable energy development will be that will exhibit Heritage and Cultural Architecture and Arts. which will control the migration of the workforce. located. Waterfront Tourism. The designated coastal development and Gateway Center. . This will serve as the entry and exit points for the Agritourism. This development will be composed of community- re-zoning of land use classification can optimize the waterfront airport and seaport hub, wherein hotels and convention centers based agriculture (Indigenous Farm Tourism), research, a training and create more value to the lands fronting the water. Measures will be available to accommodate more tourists, especially in and technology center, high-value and organic farming, and could be integrated to promote disaster resiliency and mitigation the Mainland area of Malay. There should also be warehouses post-harvest facilities for production process. This aims to sustain for the community (e.g., easements provide protection for disaster allotted for logistics and light industrial development to add more food security and promote the integration between sustainable mitigation and public amenities and this could be integrated into income generation in both the Mainland and Boracay Island.stics tourism and agriculture. the tourism circuit). This can also give tourists alternative beaches and light industrial development to add more income generation to visit, not just Boracay Island. in both Mainland and Boracay Island. Community-based Agriculture. The application of culture and heritage of the indigenous people of the island into modern farming Ecotourism. Minimal infrastructure facilities will be needed for eco- OBJECTIVES: methods will strengthen both agricultural and cultural heritage tourists sites to preserve, protect, and conserve the ecological balance in the Municipality. • To spread growth and development to the other areas of the Tourism town Eco-neighborhood district. There will be an eco-friendly Farm Tourism. This will introduce innovative farming methods, neighborhood where there will be minimal carbon footprints. • To increase interconnectivity between the town’s different provide permaculture classes and integration of permaculture Simple activities that will balance leisure and conservation of the districts into the areas (e.g., Kul Kul Farm in Bali provides classes for area will be made available. permaculture), introduce and provide experiences in indigenous • To increase accessibility by providing additional entry and ways of farming that will highlight the heritage and culture of the University Town. The idea of this development is to encourage exit points and alternative mass transport system area. and cultivate future generations, who are going to be the future workers and users of the development. The idea is to have an • To further strengthen the town’s agriculture and aquaculture Health and wellness Tourism. This is to enhance and highlight available educational facility and auxiliary developments such by adopting modern farming/fishing methods and agriculture/rural landscapes as the centerpiece for tourism rather as dormitories and commercial and retail centers that will be technology than focusing on oceanfronts.This will also provide homestays available in the smart city expansion and multi-use development and tourism facilities (boutique hotels, B&Bs, etc.) around these within the university town. It will also create research centers for • To protect the town’s natural environment through sustainable areas (e.g., Ubud, Bali that focuses their tourism on farming and new technologies that can improve the processes in agro-related development agriculture) and also create retreat centers that are nature-centric. activities, which will strengthen the agribusiness and agritourism sector in the Municipality. • To make the town disaster-resilient Service Oriented Communities. This area will include socialized • To promote the town’s existing tourism destination and to housing that will create neighborhoods with multi-density develop new attractions housing, including private and socialized housing. These 112 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Table 5.2 Framework Strategy 2 Matrix Framework Strategy Features Production and protection forest area, agri-tourism, ecotourism, eco-neighborhood district, university town (agri-education), multi-use development, gateway center Advantages - Clustered type of development depends on the highest and best use of the land - Various tourism developments are trapped based in the areas’ potential - Increase yields and quality farm products - Increase employment opportunities - Increase boutique and commercial farming - Increase agri-scientists Disadvantages - If not properly implemented and managed, it may result to fragmentation of communities - Service facilities and amenities are needed to support various rural barangays and communities Future Implications - Density in existing urban center will be lessened and transferred to the new urban centers - Enhanced capacity and skill level of locals in rural areas - Enhanced accessibility to various services - Improve the locals’ quality of life Sectoral Impacts Environment - Preserve the municipality’s forest and biodiversity - Increase locals’ awareness on Environmental Protection - Promote sustainable development that would generate income to maintain the environment - Become a resource for natural products Economy - Improve the municipality’s economic growth - Provide livelihood opportunities to the local residents Social - Strengthen cooperation amongst the stakeholders Municipality of Malay 113 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

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5.3 Framework 3 This framework strategy focuses on the agropolis concept Service-oriented community. This development is intended for Waterfront Tourism. To further preserve the water quality and the wherein modernized agriculture will be applied to take the local social needs and facilities that the municipality needs such as marine ecosystems surrounding Boracay Island, the coasts of the agriculture to the next level, to be competitive both locally and housing, training facilities, collaboration spaces, and mixed use mainland shall be developed into a waterfront tourism attraction. internationally. Development will be done with consideration commercial area. Aside from serving as a disaster mitigation measure against storm for both sustainability and adaptability to ensure long-term surges or tsunamis, it will function as a recreational linear active prosperity for future generations. This framework also shows New Urban Center. The current Poblacion will be improved and park, a safe habitat for both human and wildlife. A section of the the different support facilities for tourism development such as enhanced for a multi-use development that will cater mostly to entire strecth of the coast will house the docks for the water sports medical tourism, university town, multi-use development and commercial development in both retail and offices that aims to vehicles and island hopping sailboats. also a business technology park that will boost the municipality’s expand the urban center in Mainland Malay and also boost the income generation. economic sector for commerce and trade. Transform it into a new Intermodal Transport System. To alleviate the influx of vehicles urban center, a gateway from and into Buruanga in order to direct along with the arrival of visitors from other towns and provinces, Features: development growth westward. The Poblacion will be the jumpoff an Intermodal Transport System shall be implemented to limit point for all tourism circuits in the mainland, while at the same time, the entry and promote the use of mass rapid transit within the Agropolis. The town will utilize its agricultural lands that will drive other sectors should also be enhanced in order to support the municipality. The same goes with Boracay Island. This will up the economic aspect of the municipality especially in the future demands of tourism industry. Expand educational facilities significantly decrease air pollution, energy consumption, and mainland area of Malay. There will be production areas that will and capacity, raise healthcare service level to Level 2 and traffic congestion, giving more space for pedestrians to freely cater modern agricultural techniques and technologies in order accommodate specialty medical facilities like wellness centers or walk around the island. to sustain not only within the municipality but its surrounding recovery center for medical tourism development. developments. OBJECTIVES: Compact and Resilient Housing. A community development for Agri-tourism/Farm Tourism. A way of attracting visitors and tourists socialized housing project in Malay Aklan that will cater to 13,500 • To create mixed-use growth centers that will counter magnet to farm areas for production, educational and recreational family units. Its objective is to regulate housing development in the development of the existing urban centers purposes, it will be an interactive experience between the farmers order to prevent problems such as diseases outbreaks, hazard and tourists who wants to be educated about the process of vulnerability, substandard sanitation facility, etc. • To strengthen the linkages among each districts through farming. This will also supply organic and diversified crops to integrated transport system serve from low class to high class markets. Smart Urban City Expansion. The Proposed smart urban center aims to be a compact expansion area of the urban center while • To alleviate disparities between each district and provide Agro-Forestry. This area will serve as an ecotourism zone decongesting the primary urban growth center. The Institutional employment and economic opportunities for all wherein low-carbon footprint activities will be available, while and Commercial area will be readily available for work, study, also preserving the forested area in the Mainland and generating and leisure balance. • To strengthen agriculture and tourism industry as the income from it. municipality’s primary means of development and to make Bridge Connection (Caticlan-Boracay). This strategy will the town self-sustaining Health and Wellness. A medical facility will be allocated in this area accommodate various kinds of transportation: pedestrian, to promote a medical tourism type of development. Its main goal bicycles, mass rapid transit, service transport and private • To incorporate disaster risk reduction and climate change is to attract tourist to travel and seek treatment and consultations. vehicles. It will also allow a more efficient and weather-resilient adaptation measures into the overall planning and design to connection for cargoes and services needed by the island, aside safeguard communities and economic developments University Town. Since there is a need to improve the rate of from increasing the response speed to emergencies. In terms manpower in Malay, a university town development will attract of tourism, opening of new business and investments on the • To provide affordable housing opportunities to displaced more people to stay in Malay for education and for employment. mainland will rise. Support facilities will also be relocated in the families and for those who wish to avail The University town is strategically located near the production, mainland, relieving the island from harmful industrial uses. mobilization and industrial areas, while also being far from storm surge-prone areas. Forestland and Wetland areas. The minimum built-up development for eco-tourism on these protected areas applying vernacular Gateway center. To further enhance the transport and logistics in architecture with the use of natural and indigenous materials to the municipality, a gateway center is designated for an airport lessen impact to the environment. and seaport hub for faster and modern transport infrastructure from Mainland to Boracay Island and vice versa. Municipality of Malay 115 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Table 5.3 Framework Strategy 3 Matrix Framework Strategy Features Agroplis, university town, gateway center, service-oriented community, new urban center, compact and resilient housing, smart city expansion, bridge connetion (Caticlan-Boracay), waterfront development, intermodal transport system, forest conservation Advantages - Mitigate issues on urban sprawl - Highest and best use of agricultural lands - Various tourism developments are tapped based on the areas’ potential - Increase yields and quality farm products - Increase employment opportunities - New infrastructure facilities that will open new and potential opportunity not only in Malay but on its surrounding municipalities - Controlled traffic conditions - Disaster risks mitigation Disadvantages - If not properly implemented and managed, it may result to fragmentation of communities - Service facilities and amenities are needed to support various rural barangays and communities Future Implications - Density in existing urban center will be lessened and transferred to the new urban centers - Enhanced manpower and job capacities - Enhanced accessibility to various services - Improve the locals’ quality of life - Harmony between the rural and urban areas Sectoral Impacts Environment - Restore and preserve the municipality’s forest lands and biodiversity - Increase locals’ awareness on Environmental Protection - Promote sustainable development that would generate income, at the same time, maintain the environment - Become a resource for natural products Economy - Improve the municipality’s economic growth - Provide livelihood opportunities to the local residents - Become self-sustainable in terms of agricultural production and yield - Introduce a new genre of tourism in the context of medicine and wellness Social - Strengthen cooperation amongst the stakeholders - Enhance public and private partnership - Develop residents’ trust to the government 116 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

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5.4 Framework 4 This framework strategy aims to maintain the existing land use University Town. To sustain the future manpower needs in Malay, OBJECTIVES: patterns and enhance its use to fully utilize its potential, further there should be a vocation and skills training center for future contributing to the socio-economic sector of the municipality. workers within the municipality. The University town is strategically • To enhance and develop the existing land uses in order to Its objective is to develop and expand each clustered used to located near the Poblacion area and is also near the boundary increase yield in production and services increase the production yield of agriculture, while building up of the Municipality of Buruanga, serving as a growth magnet to human resource to supply the manpower needs of both the encourage surrounding municipalities to spend their money in • To strengthen the linkages among each barangays through Mainland and Boracay Island. One of its objectives is to expand Malay. improvement of the road transport corridors and development the development growth westward and enhance the existing of new roads ecotourism sites to accommodate the redirection of the tourism Forest. Production and Protection. The forest protection area will industry towards sustainable development in Boracay Island and be conserved and maintained, and the allotted production area is • To strengthen the service industry to better support the tourism Mainland Malay. located near the ecotourism and agritourism areas. industry and the influx of developments on the rest of the municipality Framework Features: Coastal Walk. This will serve as a linear park and at the same time, it will serve as a protection or easement from the shoreline. • To expand development growth westward and, at the same Tourism. In order to decentralize and decongest the development time, enhance the existing eco-tourism sites to accommodate in Boracay Island, this framework aims to introduce Farm Tourism Service centered Industry. This development will focus on the the redirection of the tourism industry from Boracay island and Ecotourism as one of the main drivers for development in workforce facilities needed in the municipality such as housing, towards the mainland Mainland Malay to add potential and explorable tourism areas. training facilities, collaboration spaces and mixed used commercial and its amenities. EcoTourism. One of the key steps in transitioning to sustainable tourism as a way to preserve and conserve an ecotourism site Gateway center. This will serve as a jump-off area from Caticlan- would be to develop tourism sites in such a way that there will be Boracay island vice-versa and anywhere else. This airport and less infrastructure needed. Since this is becoming a new trend seaport hub will also serve as an industrial development area that nowadays, ecotoursim might be adopted in the municipality for will serve as a place for trade and commerce. future source of income, having less impact on the environment. Agribusiness. In order to increase the yield value in the Municipality, there should be allotted lands for cultivation or agriculture that will help them increase the number of their crop production per annum to sustain the food security within the municipality and also to export in some city or municipality once achieved. Farm Tourism. In support of the Agriculture and Tourism industry, Farm Tourism is one of the strategies to add activity in the municipality where in, production and leisure activities can be combined. 118 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Table 5.4 Framework Strategy 4 Matrix Framework Strategy Features Agribusiness, farm tourism, ecotourism, forest protection, foerest production, coastal walk, gateway center, service centered industry, development growth Advantages - Clustered type of development depends on the highest and best use of the land - Various tourism developments are trapped based in the areas’ potential - Increase yields and quality farm products - Increase employment opportunities Disadvantages - If not properly implemented and managed, it may result to fragmentation of communities - Service facilities and amenities are needed to support various rural barangays and communities Future Implications - Density in existing urban center will be lessened and transferred to the new urban centers - Enhanced capacity and skill level of locals in rural areas - Enhanced accessibility to various services - Improve the locals’ quality of life Sectoral Impacts Environment - Preserve the municipality’s forest and biodiversity - Increase local’s awareness on Environmental Protection - Promote sustainable development that would generate income to maintain the environment - Become a resource for natural products Economy - Improve the municipality’s economic growth - Provide livelihood opportunities to the local residents Social - Strengthen cooperation amongst the stakeholders Municipality of Malay 119 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

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5.5 Preferred Framework: Approved Framework: Framework 3 The approved scheme reinforces fourteen (14) features that from and into Buruanga in order to direct development growth 6. Gateway center identify generalized strengths for the whole municipality, as well westward. Poblacion will be the jumpoff point of all tourism circuits 7. Service-oriented communities as prioritize an inward and outward direction of growth from in the mainland at the same time, other sectors should also be 8. New urban center the identified development clusters. This framework strategy enhanced in order to support the future demands of the tourism 9. Compact and resilient communities focuses on agropolis concept wherein modernized agriculture industry. Framework 3 also aims to expand educational facilities 10. Smart urban city expansion will be applied to achieve self-sustainability and increase and capacity, raise healthcare service level to Level 2 and 11. Bridge connection competitiveness both locally and internationally. Developments accommodate specialty medical facilities like wellness centers or 12. Preservation of forestlands and wetlands will be done with consideration for adaptability to ensure long-term recovery center for medical tourism development. 13. Waterfront Tourism prosperity for future generations to come. This framework also 14. Intermodal Transport System shows the different support facilities for tourism development such Accessibility and proposed circulation networks for this scheme as medical tourism, university town, multi-use development and are still for further studies. Bridge Connection (Caticlan-Boracay) is The framework also reflects the municipality’s current also a business technology park that will boost the municipality’s a strategy that will accommodate various kinds of transportation: Comprehensive Land Use Plan’s Tourism Renewal Infrastructure income generation. walking pedestrian, bicycles, mass rapid transit, service transport Projects (TRIP). Detailed conceptual plans and design schemes and private vehicles. are presented on Chapter 6. The focus on Mainland Malay will be on the establishment of an Agropolis - a combination of agriculture and tourism development The waterfront development will open new opportunities for that will also include commercial, residential, institutional and economic developments and investments in the municipality. industrial uses. Agriculture is seen as an integral part of the tourism Aside from mitigating the effects of possible storm surges and value chain, where each barangay contributes. Special attention tsunamis to the coastal areas and barangays, it will serve as the will be given for the expansion of their urban center and post- new venue for the water sports activities. It will also be the new harvest facilities for modernizing their agricultural crops which will ground for starting up a healthy lifestyle for the residents of Malay add value to their produce. Existing barangay settlements in the because it will contain active linear parks and other recreational cluster will prioritize urban design and accessibility improvements areas. Community centers will also be planned every 800 meters. such as pedestrian walkway beautification, addition of These nodes will house basic community services and will serve landscaping ornamentations and trees, provision of bike lanes, as a temporary shelter in times of disasters. benches, and rest areas; Enhancement of existing developments as opposed to developing the expansion of the urban center. To solve the issues in traffic, Intermodal transport system shall be recommended. In this kind of system, intermodal transit stations As per the long term plan for this framework, a University town will be built on entry/exit points of the municipality and they shall concept will be applied considering the need for improving the control the entry of vehicles, especially private use. Visitors will manpower resources in Malay. A university town development will be encouraged to park and leave their cars and take the public attract more people to stay in Malay for education and for job transport within the town instead. It is a win-win situation since it will opportunities. The University town is strategically located near the bear positive environmental impacts and will generate income at production, mobilization and industrial areas and also far from the same time. storm surge hazard-prone areas. To summarize, the tourism master plan framework will contain the A New Urban Center, where the current Poblacion is, will be following features: improved and enhanced for a multi-use development that 1. Agropolis will cater to mostly commercial development in both retail and 2. Agri-tourism/Farm Tourism offices. It will aim to expand the existing urban center in Mainland 3. Agro-forestry Malay and also boost the economic sector for commerce and 4. Health and wellness trade. It will be transformed into a new urban center, a gateway 5. University Town Municipality of Malay 121 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Table 5.5 Preferred Framework Strategy Matrix Framework Strategy Features Agroplis, University town, Gateway Center, Service-oriented community, New Urban Center, Compact and Resilient Communities, Smart Urban City expansion, Bridge connetion (Caticlan-Boracay), Waterfront Development, Intermodal Transport System, environmental conservation Advantages - Mitigate issues on urban sprawl - Highest and best use of agricultural lands - Various tourism developments are tapped based on the areas’ potential - Increase yields and quality farm products - Increase employment opportunities - New infrastructure facilities that will open new and potential opportunity not only in Malay but on its surrounding municipalities - Controlled traffic conditions - Disaster risks mitigation Disadvantages - If not properly implemented and managed, it may result to fragmentation of communities - Service facilities and amenities are needed to support various rural barangays and communities Future Implications - Density in existing urban center will be lessened and transferred to the new urban centers - Enhanced manpower and job capacities - Enhanced accessibility to various services - Improve the locals’ quality of life - Harmony between the rural and urban areas Sectoral Impacts Environment - Restore and preserve the municipality’s forest lands and biodiversity - Increase locals’ awareness on Environmental Protection - Promote sustainable development that would generate income, at the same time, maintain the environment - Become a resource for natural products Economy - Improve the municipality’s economic growth - Provide livelihood opportunities to the local residents - Become self-sustainable in terms of agricultural production and yield - Introduce a new genre of tourism in the context of medicine and wellness Social - Strengthen cooperation amongst the stakeholders - Enhance public and private partnership - Develop residents’ trust to the government 122 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

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6.1 TOURISM CIRCUITS 1. Within Boracay The big wetland near D’Mall that used to be the dead forest can actually be made into park that will also dissipate the tourists and ease the traffic in the area. An elevated park that shall also serve as Majority of the visitors to the Municipality of Malay exclusively stay in Boracay Island mainly due to wide footpaths can be built over the wetland. Said elevated park will not create environmental threat to the limited time they have and to fully enjoy their short amount of time for vacation and recreation. The the wetland and it should enhance the built-up environment of that dense section of Boracay Island. said market would most likely include those who have up to only 3 days of stay in the area. People NO commercial unit should be allowed on the park to keep its integrity as an open space. tend to stay in hotels, resort facilities or the major beach areas and participate in various recreation options that include the following: The municipality of Malay can also establish museums or special interest spots that should cultivate the interest of the visitors any day of the year. Some ideas that will definitely attract large numbers of • Swimming curious tourists would include: • Beach Combing • Stand Up Paddling • A house made up of recycled materials from Boracay waste (e.g. water bottles) • Snorkeling • An Ati Model House (construction can be funded by the LGU and would serve as a livelihood • Boating option for the island Atis as an LGU’s way of assisting the community). • Beach-hopping • An open space that will serve as a public park – should be well-landscaped and maintained. • Boat Sailing With the diminishing open spaces in the island, this spot can actually become a prized • Helmet Diving visitor site for many tourists who would appreciate a break for more green spaces. Said • Scuba Diving spot can also become a community congregation area with pop-up kiosks (strictly pop-up • Snorkeling and non-permanent) to create a more festive environment. • ATV Driving • Zorb Balls • Kite Surfing 2. Boracay + Mainland • Windsurfing • Parasailing Boracay visitors who have more than 3 days of available time or those on repeat visits would have • Banana Boating the opportunity to visit other attractions outside the island. These types of tourists may want to allot half • Spa Services or even a full day to discover other interesting destinations that cannot be found in Boracay Island. Each activity usually takes an hour or up to half a day of a visitor’s time, which would allow them to The challenge in marketing and maintaining tourist sites outside of Boracay Island would be participate in three or more options while in the island. The rest of a visitor’s stay would be spent for convincing the tourists to take out one precious day of their travel to Boracay and allot said time for lounging, resting, dining shopping and visiting other parts of the island. other sites. There is a need to create a good amount of improvement to the mainland tourist sites to make them compelling enough to pull the tourists, specially those on their first visit from Boracay There is, however, the high possibility that the increasing number of visitors would result in congestion Island. The possible itenararies are shown on the tables on the following page: caused by both tourists and service providers which would then lead to accidents, lowered tourist satisfaction and eventual visitor decline. Non-beach Activities Should the remaining forests and rescued wetlands be protected and maintained in their natural state, they can become interesting enhancements or attractions that will cater to a number of tourists looking for other places to visit within the island. The lowland forests can have trails that will have to be maintained and guiding elements (posts, lights, signages) set up to help the people navigate through the vegetation. Specialized guides who are able to talk about the natural environment, the ecosystem roles of the forests and wetlands as well as other topics such as the bird population in the island can be trained in order to generate interest in ecotourism sites in Malay. To promote transparency and public awareness, the DENR’s water quality monitoring station can actually be turned into an attraction wherein visitors are encouraged and welcomed by the institution to visit the facility in order to understand and appreciate the conservation efforts being done on the island. Municipality of Malay 127 Malay Master Plan for Tourism

Option 1: The travel itinerary scenario would greatly change in the long term if the proposed bridge is instituted in the Municipality. It would easily provide an opportunity for the tourists to make quick visits to easily Table 6.1 Boracay + Mainland Itinerary Option 1 accessible destinations in the mainland, which should then increase the number of tourists visiting Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 other attractions aside from Boracay Island. It will also provide greater opportunities to the mainland Arrive in Boracay Mainland Excursion Boracay Island Depart for origin (e.g. Malay communities by allowing them to be directly involved in the tourism industry. Island Manila or foreign city) 3. Mainland Stay in Boracay Island Nagata Falls & Boracay Island and Nabaoy River various activities Tourists visiting the Municipality of Malay exclusively for attractions that are outside of Boracay Island comprise the smallest market size for the Municipality. Visitors include those who have visited Option to add one of Ati Village Boracay Island in the past or those who travel for a specific objective (e.g. pasyal aral). In order to the following: continue cultivating this market, the attractions must be appropriately and attractively developed to Pangihan Cave entice people to visit the sites. Motag Living Museum Agnaga Mini Falls and Cold Spring Table 6.3 Mainland Itinerary Ati Village Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Malay Ecopark *** Single Destination with Arrive in Malay on added destination Check-in at a mainland hotel or Boracay Excursion Depart for Origin (Philippines or – Naasug Point/Beach resort foreign city) Visit any of the attractions in the Option 2: mainland. Table 6.2 Boracay + Mainland Itinerary Option 2 Naasug as possible alternative Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 If road access to Naasug is still to Boracay as excursion difficult, will not be part of the Day 1 destination Arrive in Boracay Boracay Island Mainland Excursion Depart for origin (e.g. itinerary Island Manila or foreign city) Stay in Boracay Island Boracay Island and Nagata Falls & various activities Nabaoy River 3. “The Complete Experience” Circuit Ati Village Option to add one of An all-inclusive tourism circuit that incorporates all the attractions in the Island and the Mainland the following: would not be feasible due to the realities of tourism. These include the limited time of visit of the tourists Pangihan Cave combined with product-market matching wherein specific market segments would only be interested Motag Living Museum to visit attractions that cater to their interests. Resources may unnecessarily be utilized to try to come Agnaga Mini Falls and up with programs and marketing efforts to make the tourists go thru all the attractions. Cold Spring Ati Village The circuits formulated herein are deemed to be the most practical modules that could attract the right Malay Ecopark market segment to the corresponding attractions. Thereby, optimizing the limited resources that would *** have to be utilized for marketing. Single Destination with on added destination – Naasug Point/Beach 128 Municipality of Malay Malay Master Plan for Tourism

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