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Home Explore How Fitness Has Changed The Face Of The PGA Tour

How Fitness Has Changed The Face Of The PGA Tour

Published by cora, 2015-01-05 02:08:25

Description: Professional golfers on the tour today are approaching fitness as they never have before. PGA
players look to fitness for many of its benefits. Fitness can improve their game through gains in
strength, flexibility, and stamina. They can prevent or minimize injuries. Playing golf is not
only a recreation for PGA players, it is their job. Their financial success depends on tournament
results. Therefore, they must not only maintain a superb golf game, but a fit body as well.

Keywords: PGA tour, golf tour exercises, golf exercise, golf fitness, golf trainer, fitness for golf, golf strength


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Compare Pet Health Insurance in the USA抯In Europe over twenty-five percent of all pet owners carry a pet health insurance policy on theirpets. Approximately half of Sweden pet owners carry insurance. A recent poll of pet ownersin the United States predicted that only three percent had purchased a pet health care plan.Many veterinarians feel that three percent is a very generous estimate. One of the big reasonsveterinarians believe so many Europeans carry pet health insurance is because of a bill passedin 1971 that stated if a dog was considered at fault for an accident, like a car wreck, then thepet's owner would be held responsible. This prompted many dog owners to purchase somethingcalled Third Party Liability Insurance which would pay for any damages caused by the policyholder's pet dog.Chances are good that if you were to ask ten of your neighbors how they felt about pet healthinsurance you would probably get ten very different answers.Some pet owners are fanatical about their pets. They will except nothing but the best for theirfamily pet, the best food, the best water, the best doggie bed, and of course the best medical

treatments available. Every time it even looks like their cat or dog is about to cough or sneezethey rush the pet to the veterinarians clinic and start a fresh round of antibiotics. Becausemaintaining the absolute best health care available is quite expensive this type of owner is quickto purchase animal health insurance that promotes good pet medicine. At the slightest hint youare even considering purchasing pet health insurance for your pet and this over the top petowner is shoving all sorts of flyers and brochures and applications in your hand, sometimesthey even offer to call their pet health insurance rep. for you. This is fine and dandy butgenerally (not always) their monthly pet insurance bills are higher then you can afford.Another owner might love their family pet just as much as the over the top owner. They might抯wish they could provide their pet with the very best but it simply isn't economically possible.This pet owner advice about pet health insurance would be your own pet health insurance.Put the money you might have spent on a monthly insurance premium aside and use that to抯cover your pets medical needs. After all if you put aside thirty dollars a month then you'll haveenough money to cover the routine visits to the vet office plus have a little extra set aside ifan emergency happens down the road. This type of insurance is called self insurance. While itsounds like a good idea there are a couple of problems. One if a medical emergency happensright away you might not have enough money on hand to cover the treatment and be forced to抯accept economic euthanasia for your pet. A second problem with self insurance is that itsmoney that just laying around, its way to easy to see it as spare cash and use it on the familyvacation or as a down payment on that laptop you've always wanted.抰If as a pet owner you decide that pet health insurance simply isn for you or your pet you willwant to check and see if your homeowners insurance covers any potential accidents caused byyour pet. If a dog or cat bites somebody the bitten person can sue you and in some casesdemand that the pet be euthanized. If your homeowners insurance does not cover pet mishapsyou should probably give a lot of thought to purchasing pet liability insurance.Title:How Fitness Has Changed The Face Of The PGA TourWord Count:340Summary:Professional golfers on the tour today are approaching fitness as they never have before. PGAplayers look to fitness for many of its benefits. Fitness can improve their game through gains instrength, flexibility, and stamina. They can prevent or minimize injuries. Playing golf is notonly a recreation for PGA players, it is their job. Their financial success depends on tournamentresults. Therefore, they must not only maintain a superb golf game, but a fit body as well.Keywords:PGA tour, golf tour exercises, golf exercise, golf fitness, golf trainer, fitness for golf, golfstrengthArticle Body:

Professional golfers on the tour today are approaching fitness as they never have before. PGAplayers look to fitness for many of its benefits. Fitness can improve their game through gains instrength, flexibility, and stamina. They can prevent or minimize injuries. Playing golf is notonly a recreation for PGA players, it is their job. Their financial success depends on tournamentresults. Therefore, they must not only maintain a superb golf game, but a fit body as well.There are few players on tour who have not have revamped their fitness training techniques orgotten a fresh start within the last few years. Many players have looked to the concept offunctional fitness for golf. With functional fitness for golf, players can be assured that they areeffectively targeting muscles and joints used in their golf swing. This type of exerciseprogramming gives them an advantage over their competition.How exactly do the PGA players train? First, their fitness level is determined. It is a commonpractice for golfers to create goals for their golf game. It is popular to also produce fitness goals.Second, a personalized exercise program is generated which involves weight training andendurance improvement. Third, the exercise program must be followed on a consistent basis toachieve maximum results. PGA players have a busy schedule and must make time to fit in theirworkouts.Even if you are a recreational golfer you can still follow the trend of being functionally fit forgolf. It would be wise to have your fitness level determined by a certified fitness professional.You might not workout at the same level as Tiger Woods, but you will see benefits in yourbody and golf game.Many professional golfers are spending less time on the course and more time in the weightroom. They have seen concrete results through longer drives and increased stamina. Top levelgolfers are always searching for ways to rise above their competition. Adding fitness to theirtraining regimen provides the step up to the next level.Title:Texas Group Health InsuranceWord Count:311Summary:抯Most people are generally covered under the group health plans provided by their ownemployer or by the spouse employer. Whichever way, coverage provided under the groupinsurance programs not only serves to control the medical expenses of employees, but alsoprovides them with the security and peace of mind, which goes a long way in ensuring theirloyalty towards the company.Keywords:Texas Health Insurance, Texas Health Insurance Quote, Texas Group Health Insurance, TexasIndividual Health Insurance

Article Body:抯Most people are generally covered under the group health plans provided by their ownemployer or by the spouse employer. Whichever way, coverage provided under the groupinsurance programs not only serves to control the medical expenses of employees, but alsoprovides them with the security and peace of mind, which goes a long way in ensuring theirloyalty towards the company.Group plans can be broadly classified under small employer plans and large employer groupplans. Texas government has made some provisions for the small employer group plans in thatthey do have to have to cover state mandated benefits that are to be covered by the largeemployer companies.It is also important to point out that it is not mandatory for the employers to provide grouphealth coverage. Also, the companies are not required to pay the premiums on behalf of theiremployees.Small Employers Group Plans: To benefit from the small employers plans, the company shouldhave between two to fifty employees. Another thing is that they should be full time employeesputting in at least 30 hours of work every week. Part time or contractual employees are noteligible under this plan.Large Employers Group Plans: To benefit from these plans, the company should have morethan fifty employees. Also, another precondition is that the company should not be self fundedor funded through organizations such as the churches, trade unions or any other professionalorganizations.Being covered under the group plan makes sense because of the large number of employeesinvolved. This is beneficial in the sense that the insurance company can give more coverage atreduced costs. Also, you can choose your priorities in your own group plan and another set ofpriorities in the plan of your spouse if he or she is also being covered through group plans thatcover spouses also.

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