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Home Explore Lunch Box Monday for 06.19.23

Lunch Box Monday for 06.19.23

Published by dbe_community, 2023-06-17 23:54:32

Description: Lunch Box Monday for 06.19.23

Keywords: Religion; Bible; Christian; Spiritual; People; Word; Jesus; Christ; Holy; Spirit; God; Savior; Faith; Teach; Family; Sunday; Groups; Church; Faith; Networking; Books; eBooks; Kindle; Shopping; Food; Other; Action; Education; Reference; Promote; Advertising; Marketing, Connect; Prayer; Amazon; Share;


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Lunch Box Monday is a weekly focused meditation on Prayer, Scripture, and Lunch. It is a way to turn off the noise and listen to the voice of wisdom with a blessing from God. Our ability to hear from God is similar to anything else we hear. We must turn up what we need to hear and turn down the things we don't. Take a moment today and carefully consider all that impacts your ability to hear God. Begin to turn down the \"noise\" that is drowning out His voice. Bible Reading: Proverbs 8

Father God, thank You for the Scriptures that started to open up all that Jesus is to be. I pray that You will continue to open my heart to a deeper understanding of Jesus. Thank You for this momentous truth that Christ has never ceased to work and to teach from the moment He was born as the eternal Son of God, clothed in a Body that God prepared for Him. Thank You that I am part of His Body, the Church. There are also many other things that Jesus did. If they were all written, the world could not contain the books. I pray for Your praise and glory. Amen.

John Chapter 21 ■■ Search Scripture KJV BibleGateway Public Domain

Caribbean Chicken Salad Recipe by Allrecipes -chicken-salad/

♦ eBook (PDF) https://8d3fae89-ecb3-4a32-b60c- 339e165f84acd7dc74.pdf

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