WESTIN GALLERIA DALLAS ⃒ JUNE 3-4, 2014 ⃒ DALLAS , TX2014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 1 5/26/2014 12:32:14 AM
WELCOMEWelcome to the Second Annual CIPC ConferenceThe Council for Insuring Private Clients (CIPC) has awakened the high-net-worth insurance sector. In thetwo and a half years since formation of the CIPC, we have collectively facilitated a venue where agents,insurers, and intermediaries may collaborate on how to betterserve their private clients. With support from founding partnersAIG and Fireman’s Fund, our sponsors, and advisory board, theCIPC has expanded to include participants of the industry in 47 “...we are pleased tostates and 12 different countries.The CIPC Advisory Board has provided valuable insight, which announce the launchhas enabled the CIPC to attain great accomplishments in just a of the Certifiedfew short years. Personal RiskOne issue critical to everyone involved in the CIPC is staff Manager (CPRM)development and recruitment. Finding quality high-net-worth designation.”service and production personnel is difficult, therefore trainingis critical. In partnership with The National Alliance for InsuranceEducation and Research, we are pleased to announce the launchof the Certified Personal Risk Manager (CPRM) designation.Course work will be available by October 2014.If you are interested in getting involved with an education committeeor any of our initiatives, please contact a CIPC advisory board orstaff member.The CIPC is established to benefit everyone in the chain of procuring and underwriting high-net-worthpersonal lines.Thank you for your attendance and support of the CIPC.RICHARD KERRChairman & Chief Executive OfficerMarketScout 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 2 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2012014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 2 5/26/2014 12:32:14 AM
TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 05Agenda 06Conference Information 07CIPC Overview 10CIPC Advisory Board 12Sponsors 14ExhibitorsSpeakersom 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 3 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 3 5/26/2014 12:32:14 AM
AGENDATuesday, June 3, 20146:30 pm Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres7:30 pm CIPC Hosted DinnerWednesday, June 4, 20148:30 am Networking Breakfast9:00 am Welcome Jerry Hourihan, President, AIG Private Client Group, US and Canada9:15 am Power of the People Sheldon Yellen, CEO, BELFOR Property Restoration Featured on CBS’ Hit Series, “Undercover Boss”10:15 am Introducing the Certified Personal Risk Manager (CPRM) Designation Dr. William T. Hold, President and Co-Founder, The National Alliance10:45 am Networking Break11:15 am Panel Discussion - Lloyd’s; A Critical Component of the Private Client Services Market Nikolas Black, Lead Underwriter, Brit Syndicate #2987 Jonathan Powell, Lead Underwriter, Hiscox Syndicate #33 Karen Yeomans, Lead Underwriter, AmTrust Syndicate #1206 (Formerly Sagicor) Moderator: Richard Kerr, CEO, MarketScout12:15 pm CIPC Hosted Lunch1:30 pm Agent Panel - Trials and Tribulations of Building a Premier Private Client Services Agency Robert F. Larocca, Executive Vice President, SterlingRisk Lynn Rasmussen, SVP, National Practice Leader, Wells Fargo Insurance Private Risk Management Cindy B. Zobian, Executive Managing Director, Crystal & Company Moderator: Joe Kinsey, Personal Insurance Executive, Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company2:30 pm Everything a Producer Needs to Know About Placing Yacht Insurance for a Client Cary Wiener, President, Pantaenius3:30 pm Networking Break4:00 pm Security Threats to the Affluent: Cyber/Estate-Personal/Kidnapping & Ransom Dennis Franks, Managing Director, Risk Control Strategies5:00 pm Closing RemarksThursday, June 5, 201410:00 am CIPC Golf Outing - Cowboys Golf Club 600 Fairway Drive, Grapevine, Texas 760512014 CIPC CONFERENCE 4 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2012014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 4 5/26/2014 12:32:14 AM
Conference InformationRegistration and Information DeskThe CIPC Registration and Information Desk will be located in the pre-function space on the 4th floor, directlyoutside of the San Antonio Ballroom.If you need a taxi, information on local places to eat or anything else, knowledgeable staff will be ready to meetyour needs.Breakfast & BreaksBreakfast and breaks will be served in the pre-function space of the San Antonio Ballroom.LunchLunch will be served in the Dallas Ballroom on the 3rd floor.Name BadgesYour name badge is your entry into all sessions and meals; please wear it at all times.Program ChangesAnnouncements of changes to the schedule will be made on the main screen in the San Antonio Ballroom.The conference organizers cannot be held responsible for any program changes due to external or unforeseencircumstances.People with Special NeedsEvery effort will be made to accommodate those with special needs. Should you require assistance, please seethe Registration and Information Desk.om 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 5 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 5 5/26/2014 12:32:14 AM
CIPC OVERVIEWOverviewMarketScout founded the Council for Insuring Private Clients (CIPC) to provide a venue where agents andinsurers may collaborate on how to better serve their private clients. Insuring wealthy individuals is a unique,specialty area of the insurance industry and until now, there wasn’t a forum for sharing ideas and perfectingskills. The CIPC will focus on implementing best practices and risk management techniques for insuring thepersonal assets of private clients. Any agent or insurer with a focus on insuring high-net-worth individualsmay join the CIPC.Insurers AIG and Fireman’s Fund are Strategic Partners of the CIPC.The annual CIPC Conference provides attendees the opportunity to network with high-net-worth insurers,agents, investors and others involved in the high-net-worth space. It will also focus on specific presentationsdesigned to improve the art and science of insuring private clients.In 2012, the CIPC made plans to develop the educational programs required for an individual to obtain anew designation, Certified Personal Risk Manager (CPRM). The CPRM designation program is specificallydesigned for the high-net-worth insurance industry. In May 2014, the CIPC, in collaboration with TheNational Alliance for Insurance Education & Research announced the development of the Certified PersonalRisk Manager (CPRM) Program. The purpose of the CPRM program is to train the insurance and riskmanagement communities to better serve the high-net-worth and affluent client base. The program’s fivemajor areas of emphasis will include personal risk management, insurance coverage differences, evaluationand protection of the lifestyle, the practical application, and management of the business of high-net-worthand affluent clients. The initial CPRM courses will be presented in early October 2014 and administered byThe National Alliance.The future direction of the CIPC will be built on a collaborative platform with all members having a voice inhow we work to improve the private client insurance industry. 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 6 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2012014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 6 5/26/2014 12:32:14 AM
CIPC Advisory Board Luke Proctor PresidentSteve Brown Signature Select LLCPresident Wichita, KS Hoffman Brown CompanySherman Oaks, CA Lynn Rasmussen SVP, National Practice LeaderJoseph Gendelman Wells Fargo Insurance Private Risk ManagementCEO Tampa, FL Bruce Gendelman Insurance ServicesMilwaukee, WI Laura Sherman Founding PartnerJerry Hourihan Baldwin Krystyn Sherman Partners (BKS-Partners)Executive Vice President & CMO Tampa, FL AIG Personal LinesNew York, NY Shari Violas President - USARichard Kerr Robertson Taylor (CA) Inc.CEO Sherman Oaks, CAMarketScoutDallas, TX Cindy B. Zobian Executive Managing DirectorJoe Kinsey Crystal & CompanyPersonal Insurance Executive New York, NYFireman’s Fund Insurance CompanyTampa, FL Sharon Simmons, CIC, AFIS, CISR VP & MemberRobert F. Larocca Lipscomb & Pitts Insurance LLCExecutive Vice President Memphis, TN SterlingRiskNew York, NY George Yates PresidentKimberly Lucarelli Dayton, Ritz & OsborneDirector of Personal Risk East Hampton, NYOswald CompaniesCleveland, OH Justin MoundasSVP & PrincipalYork International Agency, LLCHarrison, NYom 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 7 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 7 5/26/2014 12:32:14 AM
STRATEGIC PARTNERS 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 8 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2012014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 8 5/26/2014 12:32:15 AM
Founderom 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 9 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 9 5/26/2014 12:32:16 AM
SPONSORSDisaster Recovery Partner & Platinum SponsorGold Sponsors 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 10 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2012014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 10 5/26/2014 12:32:16 AM
Silver SponsorsBronze Sponsorsom 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE Since 1905 2014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 11 Service You Deserve, Tradition You Trust 11 PrivateClientCouncil.com 5/26/2014 12:32:16 AM
EXHIBITORSADT Custom Home — Booth #3When it comes to safeguarding your home and loved ones, you don’t want to settle for second best.ADT brings over 140 years experience in the security business, earning the reliability homeownersneed. When you choose ADT Custom Home Services, you not only get the most respected name,but the best in technology and concierge customer service.www.adt.com/custom-homeBelfor — Booth #1BELFOR is the leading global restoration and repair company. We analyze and restore fire, waterand storm damage of every kind and on any scale. We enable business and private customers toovercome the consequences of damage quickly, smoothly and cost-effectively. We invest everyeffort in minimizing business interruptions and getting things back to normal.www.belfor.comThe Fine Arts Conservancy — Booth #5The Fine Arts Conservancy is widely considered one of the country’s leading conservation andrestoration centers. There are separate labs for sculpture and objects conservation, paintingconservation, paper conservation, framing, and diagnostic and technical examination. We alsorestore, conserve and maintain outdoor sculpture. We have served 47 museums nationally andinternationally, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The National Gallery of Art who highlyrecommend us.www.art-conservation.orgipeople — Booth #9ipeople is a network of insurance professionals sharing ideas and information. Users can locateother professionals based upon their specialty expertise, geographic location, prior employers, almamatter or by dozens of other search criteria. Insurance buyers use ipeople to locate retail agentswith a specialty expertise in a particular industry or coverage class.http://www.marketscout.com/ipeople.phpLeak Defense — Booth #7As the leader in reducing catastrophic water damage, the most likely cause of loss in high-net-worthhomes, our Leak Defense line delivers innovative products and services designed to detect waterleaks, to protect personal property and to conserve natural resources with white glove treatment.www.leakdefensesystem.com 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 12 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2012014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 12 5/26/2014 12:32:17 AM
MarketScout — Booth #10 MarketScoutMarketScout is a national MGA and wholesale broker headquartered in Dallas, Texas, with over35,000 registered independent agents. We specialize in assisting agents in placing high-net-worthpersonal lines business. The firm operates the MarketScout Exchange at marketscout.com as wellas over 40 other online and traditional underwriting and distribution venues. We are the publisher ofthe Market Barometer, founder of the Entrepreneurial Insurance Alliance and a strategic partner ofThe National Alliance.www.marketscout.comThe National Alliance — Booth #2The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research provides insurance and risk managementprograms in the US, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Over 2,500 annual programs meet any agency orcompany’s education needs. Programs include the CIC, CRM, CISR, CSRM designations, sales andservice classes, online courses, and advanced seminars.www.scic.comPhantom Services — Booth #6Phantom Services’ Concierge Program provides the ultimate global security solution to insurers,owners, management companies, captains, crews, and security teams. Specializing in four areas forprivate clientele: Risk Management & Vulnerability Assessments mitigating security issues, SecurityAwareness and Deterrence Training focused on non-lethal measures, Monitoring & Tracking througha 24/7 Operations Center, and If necessary, Rescue and Recovery of your vessel along with yourprized assets.www.phantomservices.comU.S. Art Company, Inc. — Booth #8 mw w.us a rt.c o R wWorldwide fine art handling service specializing in museum quality packing, shipping, crating, storageand installation services. Import/ Export and international customs brokerage services. Climate and A V CO. INC.non-climate controlled storage at our locations in Boston, Dallas, New York, Orlando, St Louis, E IC EWashington DC and Los Angeles, and soon in Chicago. We have a nationwide shuttle service that F IN REcovers the entire country with scheduled departure and arrival times for most metropolitan areas TScoast to coast every week. HANDLINGwww.usart.comWater Security Solutions — Booth #4Water Security Solutions, LLC is a unique water damage risk mitigation sales and consulting firm thathelps our clients select water security systems that are compatible with their plumbing and lifestyle,as well as offering access to discounted products, local installers and custom integration. We alsooffer carrier sponsored programs.www.wssus.comom 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 13 PrivateClientCouncil.com2014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 13 5/26/2014 12:32:22 AM
SPEAKERS NIKOLAS BLACK, ACII Lead Underwriter Brit Syndicate #2987 Nikolas Black is ACII qualified and has over 18 years of experience in the insurance sector, specializing in the North American Property market. Nikolas has held underwriting roles within the property teams at Hiscox and most recently at Sagicor, where Nikolas developed a successful High Value Homeowners account from start- up. In July 2013, Nikolas joined Brit as a Class Underwriter. Working with Christiern Dart, Divisional Director of Property Facilities, Nikolas will focus on creating a new lead market for the High Value Homeowner class of business. DENNIS FRANKS Managing Director Risk Control Strategies Dennis Franks is the Managing Director (Texas) of Risk Control Strategies, Inc. Prior to joining RCS, Franks was an attorney and 22-year veteran of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Franks served in various capacities during his FBI career. His last assignment was as supervisor of the Houston Division’s Special Operations Group. Franks also supervised several investigative squads during his career, to include criminal enterprise squads, a multi-agency task force and intelligence group. He held collateral assignments as Assistant Crisis Management Coordinator, Assistant Legal Advisor and Undercover Program Coordinator. In these capacities, Franks was involved in numerous counterterrorism, counter-intelligence and criminal program investigations. In addition to his management experience, Franks served as an investigator and case agent of several complex cases that utilized sophisticated investigative techniques and undercover operations. For his exemplary efforts he received over twenty commendations. He was also a member of the FBI’s Special Weapons and Tactics team for eight years. Franks was an international police instructor at the International Law Enforcement Academy, Bangkok, Thailand, the Middle East Law Enforcement Academy, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and in Bucharest, Romania, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Defense. DR. WILLIAM T. HOLD, CIC, CPCU, CLLU President & Co-Founder The National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research Dr. Hold is President of The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research. In 1969, the Certified Insurance Counselors (CIC) program was founded. Today, The National Alliance is an umbrella organization that has delivered 57,000 educational programs for 2.2 million participants and conducts research for insurance and risk management professionals. Dr. Hold was a faculty member for the University of Wisconsin and an Associate Professor at the University of Texas. His writings have been published in academic and trade journals, including the Journal of Risk and Insurance, the Insurance Law Journal, and the CPCU Annals. He is the author of several books on industry-related topics. Dr. Hold completed his undergraduate studies at Florida State University; his master’s degree in 1964 and his Ph.D. in 1967 from the University of Wisconsin. He was named to Insurance Newscast’s list of the “100 Most Powerful People in the Insurance Industry” six years in a row. In 2011, he received the Dr. Henry C. Martin Award of Industry Achievement, named after the founder of The Rough Notes Company. He was included in the 2012 list of the “Top 25 Living Legends in Insurance” by Property Casualty 360. In 2012, he was inducted into the Florida State University College of Business Hall of Fame. The College of Business at Florida State University has established a foundation and program in his name – the Dr. William T. Hold/The National Alliance Program in Risk Management and Insurance. In cooperation with FSU, Dr. Hold helped to establish Careers for Life, an initiative providing insurance and risk management training for military personnel, veterans, and their spouses. 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 14 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2012014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 14 5/26/2014 12:32:22 AM
JERRY HOURIHAN President AIG Private Client Group, US and Canada Jerry Hourihan is the President of AIG Private Client Group in the United States and Canada, a division that specializes in property and casualty insurance solutions for high-net-worth individuals and families. Jerry joined AIG in 2002 and has held roles with increasing responsibility throughout his tenure. Most recently, he served as Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer for AIG Personal Lines in the US and Canada, with oversight of sales and marketing efforts, distribution management, and field operations across several personal lines insurance segments. Previously, Jerry spent 16 years with Chubb in a number of management positions including Senior Vice President, Co-European Zone Manager including responsibility for the Asia/Pacific and Latin American personal lines businesses. Jerry graduated from Wesleyan University in Connecticut and holds a Bachelor of Arts in economics. ranks RICHARD KERRarious Chairman & CEOpecial MarketScout minal ts as Richard Kerr is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MarketScout Corporation, a Dallas, Texas-basedtor. In electronic insurance exchange, which presents best of class Certified Market Specialists to its 35,000-memberogram agency network across the United States. Mr. Kerr is Chairman of MSW (MarketScout Wholesale), and agent Chief Executive Officer of Monster Insurance Company, a Bermuda-based insurer. He is founder of thes. For Entrepreneurial Insurance Alliance and the Entrepreneurial Insurance Symposium, an annual conferencepecial that explores and promotes entrepreneurship in the insurance industry. In 2012, he founded the Council foral Law Insuring Private Clients (CIPC), an association serving those in the high-net-worth personal insurance space. He previously served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lambert Fenchurch US Holdings, Chairman Arab of Sedgwick Energy, President of Sedgwick James of Texas, and was a partner with Arthur L. Owen insurance. Richard has an extensive background in launching new ventures and entrepreneurial concepts in all facets of om insurance underwriting and distribution. He is a sought-after keynote speaker and lecturer on industry economic trends, pricing, distribution, and underwriting concepts. Richard participates in various forums during the year. As an author, he has written two technical insurance publications, as well as articles for various insurance publications. His monthly Market Barometer is published by namy insurance trade journals and various other business publications including the Wall Street Journal. Richard holds a business degree in Insurance and Risk Management from the University of Texas in Austin and serves as a board member for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. He founded the Kerr Educational Trust, which helps under-privileged students by providing college tuition and related expenses. He also founded HEROES, a support organization that honors American soldiers returning from active duty. JOE KINSEY Personal Insurance Executive Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company Joe Kinsey is the SVP, PI Field Executive for Fireman’s Fund Insurance. In that role, he has oversight responsibility for the operations of all Personal Insurance underwriting and marketing staff countrywide. He has been with Fireman’s Fund since June of 2012. Prior to assuming the SVP, PI Field Executive role, Joe was the PI Eastern Zone Executive. Based in Tampa, Florida, Joe is a 25-year veteran of the insurance industry with a diverse and solid background in underwriting, marketing, agency management, and field sales management. Most recently, he served as field underwriting officer of the private client segment at Chartis Insurance, where he was responsible for oversight of all underwriting staff in North America. Previously at Chartis, he was responsible for marketing and agency management for their largest region. He has also held leadership positions with Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, FJ Wilkes & Co., and Atlantic Mutual. Joe holds a bachelor’s degree in organizational communications from Rutgers University. 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 15 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 15 5/26/2014 12:32:23 AM
SPEAKERS ROBERT F. LAROCCA Executive Vice President SterlingRisk Robert F. Larocca joined SterlingRisk in 1999 and brings more than 20 years of experience on both the carrier and brokerage side of the insurance industry. Since joining SterlingRisk, he has helped to successfully transform the organization into one of the top 100 Brokerages in the United States. His responsibilities include executive oversight of projects, Strategic Insurance Carrier Relations, New Business Development, Strategic Planning, and Executive Management. Robert’s influence on the Private Client Industry Practice has enabled Sterling Risk to excel in this space and to offer value added insurance products and services to these highly specialized clients. Prior to joining SterlingRisk, Robert held the position of Branch Manager of Long Island for American International Group (AIG). He began his career as a broker with Marsh & McLennan’s FINPRO Division in New York. Robert is a Board member of RiskProNet, an international network of insurance brokers. He is also a tireless supporter of many local and national charitable organizations. Robert is a current member of the board of directors for The Mental Health Association of Nassau County, The Theodore Roosevelt Council of the Boy Scouts of America and is a former member of The Coalition on Child Abuse and Neglect’s fundraising Board. JONATHAN POWELL Lead Underwriter Hiscox Syndicate #33 Jonathan Powell started working in the Lloyd’s market in 1984, underwriting most property lines of insurance and reinsurance. After six years, he concentrated on UK personal and commercial lines. Jonathan joined Hiscox in 2005. In 2007, he took over the running of the personal lines account, which includes the high value business across North America, including Canada and the Caribbean. LYNN RASMUSSEN Senior Vice President, National Practice Leader Wells Fargo Insurance Private Risk Management Lynn Rasmussen leads the Private Risk Management Practice of Wells Fargo Insurance, having joined the company in 1999. She applies her years of expertise in Personal Risk Management and Insurance to the leadership of advisors and specialists throughout the country. Lynn’s experience provides insight to the challenges and complexities of the risks faced by these clients. As one of Wells Fargo Insurance’s proven career professionals, Lynn and her teams provide customized risk transfer and insurance solutions tailored to the individual client’s needs through comprehensively structured programs providing consultation, protection, and peace of mind. The Wells Fargo Insurance Private Risk Management Practice provides comprehensive risk management and insurance consultation to individuals and family offices with complex financial and insurance needs. We work with our clients to evaluate these needs and identify solutions to help safeguard their assets through appropriately structured liability protection. Our team of experienced insurance professionals uses a consultative approach to servicing clients with hands-on communications, active oversight of resources, and a dedication to representing the interests of each client. We provide insurance solutions through highly specialized carriers, each of which has been carefully and thoroughly reviewed for long-term financial stability and consistent performance in the areas of client and claim service. 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 16 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2012014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 16 5/26/2014 12:32:23 AM
carrier CARY WIENER sform Presidentcutive Pantaenius Americanning, erling Cary Wiener is President of Pantaenius America Ltd, an international yacht insurance company. Pantaeniusalized has offices worldwide, boasts 40-plus years of experience, and insures over 80,000 yachts. Prior to taking theerican helm at Pantaenius America, Cary was a Senior and Founding Partner of DeOrchis, Wiener & Partners, LLP,n New a New York maritime and insurance law firm. Cary is admitted to the state and federal bars of New York, Newalso a Jersey, District of Columbia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Texas. As anboard attorney, he has worked on many famous cases, including the salvage of the Titanic, claim against the PLO fore Boy the taking of the Cruise Vessel ACHILLE LAURO, and the Exxon Valdez. Cary currently holds a New York Stateoard. Insurance Broker license in all lines of insurance (property, casualty, life accident, and health) and is licensed in all fifty states. He is also licensed as an Independent General Adjuster. Recent accolades include his election to vice chairman of the U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee, serving as secretary of the Maritime Law Association Committee on Insurance, and being appointed to the board of governors of the Maritime Security Council. He has also authored sections in Seaport Security (Maritime Security Institute for the Americas), Maritime Security Manual Part II (American Society for Industrial Security), International Perspectives on Maritime Security (United States Maritime Administration), and USPHS, The Medicine Chest. SHELDON YELLEN CEO BELFOR Property Restoration Sheldon Yellen has built himself a robust reputation for his unconventional management style. As CEO of BELFOR Holdings, Inc., which operates a number of companies including BELFOR Restoration, the global leader in integrated disaster recovery and restoration services, he carefully watches every penny spent yet doesn’t hesitate to hop on a private plane to visit a sick employee or customer. His rationale? BELFOR is his family. Abandoning traditional business proceedings in order to put more stock in his greatest asset-people- Yellen admits hating meetings, committees, and layers of corporate hierarchy, preferring instead to constantly grow his business in order to expand his family, which today includes over 6,400 men and women in more than 300 offices spanning 30 countries. Yellen received national acclaim for his deeply compassionate management style when he was featured in CBS’ hit series “Undercover Boss”, a show that provides corporate executives a glimpse into the inner workings of the companies they run. Yellen’s emotional journey through the everyday lives of four employees working on the front lines of his diverse business landed the series’ BELFOR episode an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Reality Program. Widely recognized as a preeminent figure in the restoration industry, Sheldon Yellen has developed an influential following of decision makers who love his unconventional management style. His presentations reflect his management philosophies through his personal journey as a leader and his intense belief in people from all walks of life. Failure is not in his vocabulary and when asked about the recession, he simply responded, “BELFOR will not participate.”om 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 17 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 17 5/26/2014 12:32:24 AM
SPEAKERS KAREN YEOMANS, ACII Lead Underwriter AmTrust Syndicate #1206 (formerly Sagicor) Chartered Underwriter, Karen Yeomans ACII (41) has held a number of significant positions with Lloyd’s of London based syndicates over the past 24 years. She currently brings her wealth and breadth of experience to AmTrust at Lloyd’s where she underwrites their USA and Canadian facility business, specializing in high valued homes along with leading inland marine including jewelry, fine art, contractors and logging equipment. Karen started her career in 1990 as an underwriting assistant and developed her capabilities working alongside esteemed property underwriter, Richard Fielder at Venton Underwriting. Venton Underwriting was later purchased by Talbot Insurance Underwriting. Having progressed to the position of Underwriter in 1996 and gaining ACII Chartership in 1999, Karen specialized in writing North American property binding authorities until 2005, when she joined Gerling at Lloyd’s to write residential and commercial property binding authorities alongside Geoff Thrower. Gerling was bought by Sagicor in 2008 and has since been acquired by AmTrust. CINDY B. ZOBIAN Executive Managing Director Crystal & Company Cindy B. Zobian is an Executive Managing Director at Crystal & Company. She leads the Private Client Services team, providing personal insurance, life insurance, and executive benefit solutions to affluent individuals and families. She is responsible for the overall strategy and growth of the unit. Under her leadership, the Private Client Services team was named the 2014 Best High-Net-Worth Insurance Broker by Private Asset Management magazine and the 2014 Best Insurance Solution by the Family Wealth Report. Zobian has over 20 years of experience in the personal risk management industry. Prior to joining Crystal & Company, she was with PLI Brokerage and Chubb Personal Insurance. Zobian received her Bachelor of Arts in Marketing from Rider University.Flowers provided by Mockingbird Florist | www.mockingbirdflorist.com | (214) 821-14332014 CIPC CONFERENCE 18 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2012014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 18 5/26/2014 12:32:25 AM
rvices dualsp, theAssets overe was from Antitrust Compliance Statement We are setting forth this statement is to help prevent any violation of antitrust laws. All recipients must remember that their respective firms are competitors in the marketplace and that the McCarran-Ferguson Act and the laws of some states provide the insurance industry with only very limited immunity from federal and state antitrust scrutiny. Therefore, those in attendance must exercise care during all presentations and discussions, since even innocuous discussions of certain topics might later be misinterpreted as evidence of collusion. Discussions or sharing of competitive information is prohibited. For purposes of this discussion, “competitive information” includes, but is not limited to, information concerning; • any information related to ratemaking or pricing including strategies or plans provide an insurance product or service • discussions about reasonable profit levels • decisions to quote or not to quote on certain types or classes of risks • credit terms and other price-related or ancillary terms • raising, lowering, or stabilizing rates; and • market allocation • any issues concerning how agents or insurers compete amongst themselves • the concerted refusal to deal with a customer, supplier, competitor; or to Help to enforce this policy and speak up if you have concerns about the conversation.om 2014 CIPC CONFERENCE 19 PrivateClientCouncil.com 2014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 19 5/26/2014 12:32:25 AM
col·lab·o·ra·tionTo band together with colleagues as well as competitors, all for the greater goodWESTIN GALLERIA DALLAS ⃒ JUNE 3-4, 2014 ⃒ DALLAS , TX2014_CIPC_Handbook_FINAL_For-Printer.indd 20 5/26/2014 12:32:25 AM
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