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Home Explore Body Systems FlipBook for Kids

Body Systems FlipBook for Kids

Published by Pavan Govu, 2020-09-11 05:06:46

Description: Body Systems FlipBook for Kids


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Table of Contents ❏ ​The Integumentary System ❏ T​ he MusculoSkeletal System ❏ T​ he Nervous System ❏ ​Special Senses: The Eyes and The Ears ❏ ​The Cardiovascular System ❏ ​The Respiratory System ❏ ​The Digestive System ❏ T​ he Urinary System ❏ ​The Reproductive System   Return to Table of Contents

The Integumentary System ➔ Functions: ​This system protects your body from disease by providing a defense against viruses and bacteria. The system protects your body from physical damage by offering a thick barrier that both contains your internal organs and stops large objects from entering your body. The system also protects your body from dehydration, overheating, or freezing. The layer of skin can sweat and help your body cool or surround a layer of fat that keeps warmer temperatures inside. ➔ Parts of the System: ◆ Your skin has tiny ​glands ​that secrete sweat and oil. Those glands are termed ​exocrine glands.​ While it may feel a bit slimy, those fluids decrease the pH on the surface of your skin and kill microorganisms. ◆ The skin is made up of three layers, each with its own important parts. The layer on the outside is called the ​epidermis​. The e​ pidermis i​ s the part of your skin you can see. ◆ 5% of your skin cells make a substance called melanin. Melanin gives skin its color. The darker your skin is, the more melanin you have. ◆ Hair​ grows everywhere on the human body except the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and lips. They act as tiny nerve endings that are highly sensitive. ◆ Nails ​protect the sensitive tips of fingers and toes. Human nails aren't necessary for living, but they do provide support for the tips of the fingers and toes, protect them from injury, and aid in picking up small objects. ➔ Diseases/Infections: ◆ Tinea pedis, also known as a​ thlete’s foot,​ is when a smelly fungus grows on your foot. Basically, your foot gets moldy from being in a hot sweaty sock for a long time. If you have athlete’s foot, your foot becomes itchy, red, andy bumpy near the toes. ◆ Eczema is a severe rash in which your skin gets crusty, itchy, and covered with red bumps and pimples. ➔ Jobs Related to This System: ◆ A d​ ermatologist​ is a scientist who studies the skin. He/She is good at treating all types skin conditions, whether good or bad. ◆ A c​ osmetic surgeon​, also known as a plastic surgeon, can change the appearance of your body features. Michael Jackson is one example of someone who went through plastic surgery. Return to Table of Contents

➔ Pictures of the System: Return to Table of Contents

The MusculoSkeletal System ➔ Functions: ​Without the MusculoSkeletal System, you'd be unable to sit, stand, walk, or do any of the activities you do every day. The system is responsible for providing structure to the body, enabling the body to move, and protecting the internal organs of the body. ➔ Parts of the System: ◆ From our head to our toes, our ​bones p​ rovide support for our bodies and help form our shape. The skull protects the brain and forms the shape of our face. The spinal cord, a pathway for messages between the brain and the body, is protected by the backbone, or spinal column. The ribs form a cage that shelters the heart, lungs, liver, and spleen, and the pelvis helps protect the bladder, intestines, and in girls, the reproductive organs. Although they're very light, bones are strong enough to support our entire weight. ◆ Joints a​ re where two bones meet. They make the skeleton flexible — without them, movement would be impossible. ◆ Muscles ​are also necessary for movement: They're the masses of tough, elastic tissue that pull our bones when we move. ◆ Tendons ​connect muscles to bones. ◆ Ligaments c​ onnect bones to bones. ◆ Fascia​ connects muscles to muscles. ➔ Diseases/Infections: ◆ Luxation is just a fancy word for the dislocation of a bone from its socket or joint. This can be a result of sudden brute force or just being double-jointed. ◆ Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) ​is a long-term disease. People with FMS experience aching bones, painful joints, and tiredness throughout the day. Fortunately, once acquired, this disease can only get better, not worse. ➔ Jobs Related to This System: ◆ A ​chiropractor f​ ixes or adjusts a crooked spine and the problems, in other parts of the body, that may arise from this crooked spine. ◆ A ​neurologist​ treats the cause of paralysis and muscular disorders in which there is a loss of function. They sometimes deal with the brain, nerves, and their interaction with the major muscles of the body. Return to Table of Contents

➔ Pictures of the System: Return to Table of Contents

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The Nervous System ➔ Functions: ​The Nervous System is responsible for many life-sustaining processes in the body. With the brain as its center, this system coordinates and controls all bodily activities. It is when the brain stops working that the body dies. ➔ Parts of the System: ◆ The c​ entral nervous system (CNS) i​ s just the part of the Nervous System that includes the brain and spinal cord. ◆ A p​ eripheral nervous system (PNS) i​ s the part of the Nervous System that includes the 12 pairs of nerves extending from the brain, called cranial nerves, and the 31 pairs of nerves extending from the spinal cord, called spinal nerves. ◆ The a​ utonomic nervous system (ANS) ​is just a part of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). ◆ A ​nerve i​ s basically like a signal wire that connects the brain and spinal cord with other parts of the body. Signals, called impulses, are sent down these wires and tell our eye to blink, our legs to walk, etc. ◆ A ​tract​ is a bundle of nerves inside brain or spinal cord. Return to Table of Contents

◆ Ascending tracts c​ arry signals toward the brain. Everytime you touch something, your fingers send a signal to your brain through the ​ascending tracts​. ◆ Descending tracts carry signals away from the brain. When the brain gives an order to one of your body parts, the signal travels down the d​ escending tract.​ ➔ Diseases/Infections: ◆ A m​ igraine headache ​ is a really bad headache. It is usually unexpected and hurts only on one side of the head. ◆ Alzheimer’s disease ​is a disease where your brain starts to break down. People with this disease slowly begin to lose their memories and personality. Eventually, they may not even recognize themselves or their own family. ➔ Jobs Related to this System: ◆ A n​ eurosurgeon​ is a doctor who specializes in surgery of the nervous system. Many times, he is responsible for doing surgery on the brain. ◆ A p​ sychiatrist i​ s basically a therapist for people who are addicted to drugs, can’t control their emotions, or are mentally ill. ➔ Pictures of the System: Return to Table of Contents

Special Senses: The Eyes and The Ears ➔ Functions: This system is pretty simple. The eyes enable us to see things, and the ears help us to to hear things. There is a part of the ear that also helps us maintain balance as we walk, jump, etc. ➔ Parts of the System: ◆ Extraocular i​ s a term that refers to the outside of the eyeball. ◆ The o​ rbit is just the ​eye socket​. It is the part of the skull that contains and protects the eyeball and its associated muscles, blood vessels, and nerves. ◆ Intraocular i​ s a term that refers to the inside of the eyeball. ◆ The ​lacrimal duct​ where your tears come out from. ◆ The term ​auditory​ means relating to the sense of hearing. ◆ The c​ ornea​ is a transparent part of your eye. It does most of the work in terms of vision. ◆ Acoustic​ means relating to sound or hearing. ◆ Accommodation is the process where the eyes make adjustments for seeing objects at different distances. This is where your pupil (the black circle in your eye) gets smaller or larger and sometimes even changes shape. ➔ Diseases and Disorders: Return to Table of Contents

◆ Strabismus​, also known as a s​ quint,​ is a disorder in which the eyes can’t be pointed towards the same object. One eye is always a little more the side than the other eye. ◆ A c​ ataract is where the cornea becomes “foggy” and “blurry” to the point where it is hard to see. This disorder could be present at birth or could be the result of a sudden injury or even just old age. ◆ Impacted cerumen is a disease where your ears get completely filled with earwax. Eventually, it becomes hard to hear. ➔ Jobs Related to this System: ◆ An ​audiologist is an ear scientist. This person can perform special hearing tests and can help someone regain their sense of hearing if it was damaged. ◆ An ​ophthalmologist is an eye scientist. They specialize in identifying and treating diseases and disorders of the eye or parts of the eye. ➔ Pictures of the System: Return to Table of Contents

The Cardiovascular System ➔ Functions: These structures work together as an efficient pumping system to supply all body parts with oxygen-rich blood and nutrients. They also carry waste away for disposal. In addition, the blood cells play important roles in keeping you healthy against diseases or infections. ➔ Parts of the System: ◆ The term c​ ardiovascular ​means relating to the heart and the blood vessels. ◆ The p​ ericardium​ is the a large sac that encloses the heart. ◆ The ​myocardium i​ s the heart muscle itself. This layer is thick and allows the heart to pump throughout your life. ◆ The e​ ndocardium​ is the inside lining of the heart. ◆ The e​ picardium​ is the inner lining of the pericardium. ◆ Systemic circulation​ refers to the blood flow to all parts of the body ​except​ the lungs. ◆ Pulmonary circulation​ is the flow of blood between the heart and lungs. ◆ The ​aorta is a large blood vessel. All the blood exits the heart from here and goes towards all the body parts. ◆ Blood pressure is the amount of pressure that the blood puts against the walls of the blood vessels. Return to Table of Contents

◆ The ​pulse is where the blood vessels expand and contract with each pump of the heart. You can feel your pulse on your wrist or near your throat. ➔ Diseases and Disorders: ◆ A m​ yocardial infarction is a facy word for a ​heart attack or M​ I​. During a heart attack, the muscles that help the heart pump fail, and the heart can no longer pump blood to the rest of your body. ◆ Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a disorder in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs for oxygen and nutrients. ➔ Jobs Related to the System: ◆ A ​cardiologist specializes in identifying and treating abnormalities, diseases, and disorders of the heart. ◆ A ​hematologist ​specializes in identifying and treating diseases and disorders of the blood and blood cells. ➔ Pictures of the System: Return to Table of Contents

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The Respiratory System ➔ Functions: This system is responsible for breathing in oxygen-rich air and breathing out air with carbon dioxide. The Respiratory System also helps you talk by allowing air to flow through your voice box to produce sound. ➔ Parts of the System: ◆ The n​ asal septum​ is a wall of cartilage that divides the nose into two equal sections. ◆ Mucus helps to moisten, warm, and filter the air as it enters the nose. When you have a cold, there is a lot of mucus. ◆ The ​olfactory receptors a​ re at the back of your nose. These are what give you your sense of smell. ◆ The t​ onsils protect the entrance to your lungs from your mouth. They protect the body from invading bacteria by not allowing them to even be breathed in. ◆ The l​ arynx is a fancy word for the voice box. When you talk, air passes through the voice box and vibrate muscles that create sound. ◆ The ​thyroid cartilage is a fancy word for the Adam’s apple. This helps to protect your voicebox, in case anything hits you in the throat. ◆ Alveoli a​ re small sacs in your lungs that help take the oxygen into the body when you breathe in air. ➔ Diseases and Disorders: ◆ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) ​is a long term disease where it becomes very difficult to breathe. ◆ Croup i​ s a painful infection in children and infants. People with this infection find it hard to talk, have a sore throat, and cough a lot. ➔ Jobs Related to the System: ◆ A ​otolaryngologist specializes in identifying and treating diseases and disorders of the ears, nose, and throat. ◆ A p​ ulmonologist ​is a doctor who specializes in identifying and treating diseases and disorders of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory system. Return to Table of Contents

➔ Pictures of the System: Return to Table of Contents

The Digestive System ➔ Functions: This system is responsible for the taking-in and digestion of food, the absorbing of nutrients from digested food. The system also deals with pooping out the waste products. ➔ Parts of the System: ◆ The ​upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract i​ s made up of the mouth, esophagus, and stomach ◆ The l​ ower gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the part of the digestive system that mainly deals with pooping out waste after the digestion of your food. ◆ The h​ ard palate​ is just the roof of your mouth. ◆ Rugae​ are the small bumps and ridges on the roof your mouth. ◆ The ​uvula is that little thing that hangs in the back of your throat. It helps in producing sounds and speech. ◆ Edentulous​ means without teeth. This term is used after the adult teeth have been lost. ◆ The c​ rown of the tooth is the part that is visible in the mouth. It is covered with enamel, which protects from cavities. ◆ The ​rectum is where most of the digestion process ends. This is also where the pooping part begins. ➔ Diseases and Disorders: ◆ A ​cleft lip​ is a birth defect where one’s lip looks like it is connected to the nose. ◆ A c​ left palate is where a hole forms between the nose and the mouth. If not corrected, this opening makes it difficult for a child to eat and speak. ➔ Jobs Related to This System: ◆ A ​dentist holds specializes in identifying and treating diseases and disorders of teeth and inside the mouth. ◆ A g​ astroenterologist specializes in identifying and treating diseases and disorders of the stomach and intestines. Return to Table of Contents

➔ Pictures of the System: Return to Table of Contents

The Urinary System ➔ Function: The urinary system is responsible for peeing out the unecessary materials, or waste, in your body. It helps in maintaining a proper balance of salts and water in the bloodstream, which ultimately regulates the temperature of your body. ➔ Parts of the System: ◆ The r​ enal cortex ​is the outer layer of the kidney. It contains over one million microscopic units called nephrons. ◆ The ​medulla is the inner layer of the kidney. This is where most of the blood is filtered for waste. ◆ Urochrome is the pigment that gives pee, also known as urine, its normal yellow color. The color of urine can be influenced by the amount of water drank, medicines, or even diseases. ◆ The u​ reters are narrow tubes, each about 10 to 12 inches long. Each ureter carries urine from a kidney to the bladder. ◆ The u​ rinary bladder is a hollow muscular organ that holds 1 pint of urine before it is full. Once it is full, you get the tingling sensation of having to use the restroom. ◆ The ​urethra​ is the tube that leads from the bladder to the outside of the body. ➔ Diseases and Disorders: ◆ Anuria,​ also known as anuresis, is where your kidneys stop producing urine and filtering the blood. ◆ Chronic renal failure (CRF) i​ s a long term disease where your kidneys slowly begin to break down. Eventually, the kidneys stop working altogether, and the person has to be hooked up to a machine or get his kidneys replaced. ➔ Jobs Related to the System: ◆ A ​nephrologist ​specializes in identifying and treating diseases and disorders of the kidneys. ◆ A u​ rologist specializes in identifying and treating diseases and disorders of the urinary system. Return to Table of Contents

➔ Pictures of the System: Return to Table of Contents

The Reproductive System ➔ Function: The human reproductive system is made up of organs that allow humans to produce offspring, or children, for the survival and continuation of the human race. The system also helps to pass on genetic traits from one generation to the next. ➔ Jobs Related to the System: ◆ A g​ ynecologist s​ pecializes in identifying and treating diseases and disorders of the female reproductive system. ◆ An o​ bstetrician specializes in providing medical care to women during pregnancy, delivery, and immediately right after that. Return to Table of Contents

Copyright © 2010 by Bill Shakespeare All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below. Imaginary Press 1233 Pennsylvania Avenue San Francisco, CA 94909 Ordering Information: Quantity sales. Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, and others. For details, contact the publisher at the address above. Orders by U.S. trade bookstores and wholesalers. Please contact Big Distribution: Tel: (800) 800-8000; Fax: (800) 800-8001 or visit Printed in the United States of America Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data Shakespeare, William. A title of a book : a subtitle of the same book / Bill Shakespeare ; with Ben Johnson. p. cm. ISBN 978-0-9000000-0-0 1. The main category of the book —History —Other category. 2. Another subject category —From one perspective. 3. More categories —And their modifiers. I. Johnson, Ben. II. Title. HF0000.A0 A00 2010 299.000 00–dc22 2010999999 First Edition 14 13 12 11 10 / 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Return to Table of Contents

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