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Home Explore Shiwasu no Okina JK Pro Wrestling Illustration

Shiwasu no Okina JK Pro Wrestling Illustration

Published by Wxz YT, 2021-07-24 06:41:57

Description: Shiwasu no Okina JK Pro Wrestling Illustration


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definition ot terms::_• - - - • The word 'hental\" .-ans 'pervert' It IS occaslonally ca eel \"£ccht' (I Japa,_ 'H'I or, tn America ru~t plam 'H' If you plckod O>ls book up, based on thO lilfe. you prob- ably already know this You ere an ftnlme.rnanga fan. an<laro famrllar wrlh Japanese fanzrnes known as 'dourlnshl' I W111J1roceed on thrs as.\"ml>tron r:ules of engagement=---• trhrnk an equovalenl word for 'hentoo' rs 'gonzo' (no, nor thu Muppet, tho &df&Ctlva, deftnod aa unrestrained, hedonratrc, and extreme.) rhia dooan't mean that every pi8Ct of ertwork you do has to be a gore fill '' Mmon carnival ~thoro's plenty ot fantallr< henter t>mplo'fing age-old p.n upleh ake sensib lrtlnl, bUt the hontal Lt'(le effor<Js you tho optJon to go Irom the 11tterly tibsurd 10 the complCIIy dor~ngld hsontielly, there ARE no rules In hltfltar You. es the artt5t, mu•t furd your own bound \"\"''end hmols as far as to what you want to draw Mv peraor~:~llrmrts may e•ceed yours, or you m.gll1 find my work ex'eed notv dull Wl>atcvtlf Ill try to share Will> you what• koow and what I've ul.o•e~ about l!ental In dolno so Ill be \" •no words like 'cock· 'pussy· 'hts.\" 'ass.' etc. Thl11s not out or a d.,.lre to be crau or offensrve, but hOMt!ly, folka, If you can't r.ny 'em, you ohouldn't be drawlno 'ern. Nuw that I think or it, rny work has ectuully been doacrlbed os 'cr<~ss\" Hmmm So he rt Peoplu, ahia isn't roctcct .eien<:fl: at•.. hent111/

Kaitlyn * Tianna


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