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Home Explore Fiscal Year 2021 City of Titusville Proposed Budget

Fiscal Year 2021 City of Titusville Proposed Budget

Published by City of Titusville, Florida, 2020-08-07 11:57:16

Description: Fiscal Year 2021 City of Titusville Proposed Budget


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City of Titusville, Florida Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... i City Manager’s Letter of Transmittal .............................................................................1 Budget Summary .............................................................................................................12 City-Wide Organizational Chart....................................................................................14 City Council Organizational Chart................................................................................15 City Attorney Organizational Chart..............................................................................16 City Administration Organizational Chart ...................................................................17 City Manager Organizational Chart..............................................................................18 City Clerk Organizational Chart ...................................................................................19 Law Enforcement Organizational Charts .....................................................................20 Fire & Emergency Services Organizational Chart.......................................................23 Public Works Organizational Charts.............................................................................24 Community Development Organizational Chart..........................................................34 Support Services Organizational Charts .......................................................................40 Water Resources Organizational Charts.......................................................................48 Five Year History of Budgeted Personnel .....................................................................56 GENERAL FUND Revenue Summary by Source .........................................................................................57 Expenditure Summary by Type .....................................................................................61 ADMINISTRATION City Council..........................................................................................................65 City Attorney........................................................................................................66 City Manager........................................................................................................67 City Clerk .............................................................................................................68 i

OPERATIONS Law Enforcement.................................................................................................69 Code Enforcement ...............................................................................................70 Fire & Emergency Services.................................................................................71 Public Works Administration .........................................................................................72 Engineering...............................................................................................73 Facilities Maintenance .............................................................................74 Roads and Streets.....................................................................................75 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Development Services ..........................................................................................77 Economic Development .......................................................................................78 Neighborhood Services ........................................................................................79 Planning ................................................................................................................80 SUPPORT SERVICES Administration .....................................................................................................81 Customer Service .................................................................................................82 Finance ..................................................................................................................83 Human Resources ................................................................................................84 Purchasing ............................................................................................................85 Community Relations ..........................................................................................86 NON-DEPARTMENTAL Expenditure Summary by Type .........................................................................87 Capital Outlay Schedules ....................................................................................89 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency)..................................................................92 Forfeiture Contraband ....................................................................................................96 Impact Fees.......................................................................................................................98 Building Inspections.......................................................................................................100 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Capital Improvement Revenue Series 2017.................................................................106 G.O. Bonds Series 2015 .................................................................................................108 CRA PIRN Series 2009..................................................................................................110 ii

CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS General Construction ....................................................................................................114 General Construction Capital Improvement Plan..........................................116 Roads and Streets...........................................................................................................118 Roads and Streets Capital Improvement Plan ................................................120 CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Capital Projects ...................................122 Community Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Plan .................124 Riverfront Acquisition...................................................................................................126 Water & Sewer Construction .......................................................................................128 Water & Sewer Construction Capital Improvement Plan.............................130 Storm Water Capital .....................................................................................................132 Storm Water Capital Improvement Plan ........................................................134 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water & Sewer System..................................................................................................135 Capital Outlay Schedules ..................................................................................148 Solid Waste .....................................................................................................................151 Capital Outlay Schedules ..................................................................................157 Municipal Marina ..........................................................................................................160 Municipal Marina Capital Improvement Plan ...............................................164 Storm Water Utility Management................................................................................165 Capital Outlay Schedule....................................................................................170 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Fleet Management..........................................................................................................172 Capital Outlay Schedule....................................................................................176 Information Technology................................................................................................178 Capital Outlay Schedule....................................................................................183 Self-Insured Dental ........................................................................................................184 Loss Fund Other Activities ...........................................................................................186 Loss Reserve ...................................................................................................................188 Fully Insured Insurance ................................................................................................190 Self-Insured Health........................................................................................................192 Health Clinic...................................................................................................................194 GLOSSARY................................................................................................................................197 iii

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City of Titusville “Gateway to Nature and Space” 555 SOUTH WASHINGTON AVENUE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA 32796-3584 (321)-567-3702 POST OFFICE BOX 2806 (32781-2806) Fax (321)-383-5704 July 14, 2020 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Titusville 555 S. Washington Avenue Titusville, Florida 32796 Honorable Mayor and Council Members: As required by Section 30 (4) of the City Charter, it is my duty to submit to you the City of Titusville’s proposed operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021. With property values increasing for the seventh consecutive year, I am pleased to present a budget that continues to address the City’s immediate operational needs, while at the same time, establishes a basis for long-term fiscal sustainability during these uncertain times. Each year, City Council reviews and adjusts, when necessary, their strategic guidance through public planning workshops. City Council held a public planning workshop on February 22, 2020. During this process, Council reviewed and reaffirmed both core and non-core City services, its strategic plan and made changes to the supporting objectives. The revised strategic plan provides a roadmap to City staff for the appropriate allocation of resources in order to meet the Council’s strategic direction. The approved Strategic Goals and Priority Objectives for the Fiscal Year 2021 budget are: Goal 1. Quality of Life  Continue initiatives & actions to improve the Indian River Lagoon  Enhance appearance of city including entryways  Enhance youth educational, recreational and employment opportunities  Balance the environment with economic development, including housing and community development; continue to protect green space in alignment with citizen concerns  Enhance emergency preparations and management  Sustain and improve public safety Goal 2. Efficient & Effective Services  Develop a sustainability plan  Continue to improve infrastructure  Commit to funding Capital Improvement Plan  Continue smart growth  Explore opportunities for collaboration, partnerships & coordination with public, private, and non-profit entities 1

Honorable Mayor and City Council Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 Page 2 of 10 Goal 3. Financial Stability  Develop strategies to address long term liabilities Goal 4. Economic Development  Continue to market trails & amenities  Continue to develop a thriving downtown area  Continue implementation of a comprehensive economic development plan in conjunction with appropriate agencies  Reimagine Code language to encourage redevelopment of existing buildings  Continue efforts to eliminate blight Goal 5. Effective Governance  Expand methods to increase and enhance 2-way communication, education, and marketing  Continue to increase the effectiveness of current advisory boards  Increase legislative/policy advocacy efforts The Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget is balanced at a roll back tax rate of $7.2145 mils. The millage rate of $7.2145 is 6.56% below the current millage rate of $7.7210. City of Titusville Operating Millage Rate 8.0000 7.8000 7.6000 7.4000 7.2000 7.0000 6.8000 6.6000 6.4000 The COVID-19 global pandemic has brought about unprecedented financial challenges and uncertainty for our community. The Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget levies the tax rate necessary to maintain basic service levels, continues the road-paving program at current levels, and continues to address the liabilities. 2

Honorable Mayor and City Council Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 Page 3 of 10 The City of Titusville continues to realize moderate steady growth, increased property values, and a diversifying economy. As the City grows, it is critical that we establish a strong financial foundation for basic services to enable growth and infrastructure maintenance in the future. This proposed budget emphasizes financial stability through continuing to address long-term liabilities; ensuring revenues are properly aligned with expenses; continuing to address critical infrastructure needs including roads and essential equipment; and investing in employees within budget constraints. This proposed budget supports our priorities of continuing to meet and reduce long-term commitments of debt service. The City is reducing the retiree healthcare liability by continuing contributions to the Other Post Employee Benefits (OPEB) trust fund. Additionally, the city maintains sufficient reserves of 60 days to ensure its ability to operate during times of emergency. Overview and Budget Guidance I am submitting to you a budget that funds service levels necessary for City operations and addresses the City’s most critical capital and infrastructure needs. I provided the following guidance to the Executive Leadership Team and Department Managers for the formulation of the Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget submission:  Continue the City-wide culture of continuous process improvement using Lean Six Sigma methodology and performance measurements. • Allocate resources to align with the Fiscal Year 2021 Strategic Goals as directed by City Council. • Continue to pursue Economic Development opportunities through the prudent use of ad valorem and other economic incentives. • Invest in our committed employee’s professional development by providing opportunities to participate in best practice training opportunities. • Continue to evaluate and adjust employee compensation, cost of living pay, and benefits to attract and retain a best in class quality workforce. • Examine the effectiveness of the bottom up review of insurance plans and policies to address rising costs and liabilities • Using the 5-year plan, prepare FY 21 and FY 22 operating budgets with a 0% increase in operating. For budget FY 23-FY 25 use a 3% increase in operating. 3

Honorable Mayor and City Council Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 Page 4 of 10 • Focus operating budgets on near and mid-term critical capital requirements, public safety enhancements, public outreach, and infrastructure improvements including roads, utilities, information technology, and public facilities. • Freeze current staffing levels until such a time when staff can fully analyze the budget effects from COVID-19. The City Manager will consider increasing staffing where there is an extreme shortage identified. • Maintain the General Fund emergency and stabilization reserves at current levels. • Continue to address liabilities and debt by aggressively funding the Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) trust fund. • Encourage managed growth using low impact development principles as a means of developing an attractive built-environment while protecting and conserving our natural resources. Revenues The Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget conservatively builds upon steady economic revitalization and growth. Over the past several years, the City’s overall property values have steadily increased through continued investment in residential and commercial development. 2,500,000,000 City of Titusville 2,000,000,000 Property Tax Values 1,500,000,000 1,000,000,000 Budget Year 500,000,000 - The COVID-19 global pandemic has decreased our revenues by 16.18%. Within this revenue decrease is a 1.32% General Fund decrease. The onset of the COVID-19 virus is expected to continue to negatively impact General Fund revenues over several budget cycles. We anticipate all revenue categories to decline with intergovernmental revenues decreasing by 21.3% equating 4

Honorable Mayor and City Council Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 Page 5 of 10 to slightly over $1 million. This proposed budget includes a 1% increase in Water and Sewer rates along with a 3% increase in recycling by 3% and Refuse by 1%. There are no proposed stormwater rate increases. The City continues to maximize the use of nonrecurring revenues to enhance its infrastructure needs. The Fiscal Year 2021 proposed General Fund budget contains $2.1 million revenues to support road resurfacing, public safety, public works and general operations of the City. In keeping with the City’s Revenue Policy, the Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget makes every effort to align these revenues with one-time expenses. City of Titusville Revenue 140,000,000 All Other Funds 120,000,000 Revenues 100,000,000 General Fund 80,000,000 Revenues 60,000,000 40,000,000 20,000,000 0 Expenditures The Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget contains an overall expense decrease of 16% when compared to the Fiscal Year 2020 adopted budget. Total personnel costs have increased by 1.5%, due primarily to rising healthcare costs and additional full-time equivalent positions, offset by declining pension costs. There are no proposed cost of living or pay raise adjustments. Operating costs have increased by less than a half a percent due to conscious cost reductions and streamlining operations. Capital expenses have also increased due to increased construction projects in the Enterprise Funds. The City’s overall debt payments have decreased by 24% due to the refinancing of the Water Resource Bonds and other long-term debt expiring. 5

Honorable Mayor and City Council Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 Page 6 of 10 City of Titusvlle Budgeted Expenses $140,000,000 All Other Funds $120,000,000 General Fund $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 $0 FY20 Adopted FY21 Proposed Full Time Equivalents Staffing Levels The Fiscal Year 2020 adopted budget contained 519.5 full time equivalents (FTE). The Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget contains 530 FTEs which is an overall increase of 10.5 FTEs. This is due to the City’s investment in additional resources to maintain service levels during this time of continued growth. This budget proposes increases to public safety, public works, community development and water resources. The City has budgeted to “phase in” the public safety FTEs throughout the fiscal year. City of Titusville Ten Year Staffing Levels 540.0 520.0 500.0 480.0 460.0 440.0 6

Honorable Mayor and City Council Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 Page 7 of 10 Road Resurfacing The Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget provides for 6.6 miles of road resurfacing which is on target with the annual goal – 1.2 miles funded through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and 5.4 miles through the General Fund. Miles of Roadways Paved 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 The Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget continues to address our shortfalls in our infrastructure, information technology, and computer recapitalization as funding permits. This budget contains funding for the following technological and infrastructure initiatives:  Continue citywide computer replacement program and necessary software upgrades  Continue to replace public safety, maintenance and utility vehicles on a normalized cycle.  Continue investments in road resurfacing  Continue investments in utility infrastructure  Continue investments in downtown CRA 7

Honorable Mayor and City Council Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 Page 8 of 10 Information Technology Computer Recapitalization Program $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 The health insurance market continues to experience annual premium increases. Our Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget contains the fifth consecutive year of healthcare cost increases. The Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget includes a 5% premium increase to city paid costs and a 5% increase to employee paid premiums. The City continues to maintain its healthcare costs at a steady level through plan design changes. The Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget is unable to fund half the OPEB $3.1 million annual required contribution (ARC). The Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget funds $1.58 million of the ARC which is comprised of $1.48 million in explicit contributions and $103 thousand towards the OPEB trust fund. Additionally, this proposed budget funds the entire contribution from recurring revenues. Annual Individual Healthcare Premiums $9,000 $8,000 $7,000 $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $- 8

Honorable Mayor and City Council Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 Page 9 of 10 City Debt The City’s governmental debt balances consist of several small capital leases; a bank loan for the downtown streetscape project; a bank loan for the North Brevard Economic Development Zone Titus Landing project, and the Series 2005 G.O. Bonds funding Riverfront Acquisition. The Riverfront Acquisition Bonds, through voter referendum, may levy a maximum millage rate of $0.5930. The Fiscal Year 2021 budget proposes a millage levy of $0.3147 to fund debt service. The City’s proprietary fund debt balance, consisting of the Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, was refinanced into a bank loan in Fiscal Year 2020, reducing the utility’s annual debt payment by $218 thousand. City of Titusville Debt 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 - 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Governmental Enterprise 9

Honorable Mayor and City Council Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 Page 10 of 10 Conclusion In summary, I have submitted a balanced budget that continues to guide the City toward growth and fiscal stability during this period of unusual economic conditions. The Fiscal Year 2021 proposed budget continues to address the City’s strategic objective of reducing long-term liabilities in a sustainable way. This budget continues our long-term investments in our employees and infrastructure with significant reductions in state revenues in these uncertain times. Our Executive Leadership Team continues to review all departmental operations to seek continuous process improvement to find efficiencies, improve processes, and reduce costs. As the City of Titusville continues to navigate the COVID-19 global pandemic challenges, it is important we do so with prudence to ensure reliable and quality service to the community. The City continues to see steady growth in property values over last year of 7.63%. The ability to sustain this level of continued growth remains uncertain. The City continues to reduce expenses and seek efficiencies to ensure adequate service levels. Our City staff and elected officials have worked with multiple local, county and state partners to bring new companies and help grow our existing business community. These projects are important to bring new job opportunities along with enhanced leisure, recreation, tourism, revitalization, and new development to our community. The next step in the budget approval process will be the adoption of a tentative millage rate by the end of July. City Council will conduct a budget workshop on August 12, 2020. During this workshop, staff will provide City Council with a comprehensive review of the operating and capital budgets for the upcoming fiscal year followed by two public hearings in September prior to adopting a final millage rate and approval of the final Fiscal Year 2021 budget. Respectfully submitted, William S. Larese City Manager 10

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CITY OF TITUSVILLE REVENUE SUMMARY FY2021 PROPOSED BUDGET ALL FUNDS ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED PROPOSED % CHANGE FY2018 FY2019 BUDGET BUDGET FY2020 TO FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 GENERAL USE FUNDS 39,726,862 41,032,211 51,455,740 48,051,411 (6.62%) 001 - GENERAL FUND 887,794 959,726 1,233,253 979,345 (20.59%) 104 - CRA 65,614 38,385 149,496 112,812 (24.54%) 109 - FORFEITURE CONTRABAND 121,027 268,053 953,517 670,517 (29.68%) 111 - IMPACT FEES - - 1,532,563 118 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS 296,954 514,646 430,739 1,533,014 0.03% 121 - CDBG 54,291 8,567 505,548 - (100.00%) 122 - HOME 117,241 368,543 450,646 - (100.00%) 123 - SHIP 133,684 727,865 778,654 - (100.00%) 203 - CAP IMP REV SERIES 2017 675,502 690,938 838,138 205 - G.O. BONDS SERIES 2015 124,081 123,165 122,494 774,746 (0.50%) 207 - CRA - PIRN SERIES 2009 23,363 257,678 771,065 833,981 (0.50%) 301 - GEN. CONSTRUCTION 297,080 2,254,168 125,008 303 - ROADS AND STREETS 375,397 2,561,273 1,055,583 2.05% 304 - CRA CAPITAL 6,353 535,857 161 - (100.00%) 305 - RIVERFRONT ACQ. - 1,026,243 401 - WATER AND SEWER 24,212,687 36,276,398 (54.47%) 402 - WS CONSTRUCTION 5,332,168 32,081,000 36,030,643 506,216 (52.04%) 404 - SOLID WASTE 6,095,535 2,057,711 - (100.00%) 405 - MUNICIPAL MARINA 1,341,976 5,602,234 7,319,516 (17.88%) 406 - STORMWATER UTILITY MGMT 2,780,162 1,331,577 1,589,135 29,791,342 (75.92%) 408 - STORMWATER CAPITAL 1,166,145 3,363,701 3,873,574 8,677,489 501 - FLEET MANAGEMENT 3,325,893 2,128,786 2,530,150 7,057,785 (3.58%) 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2,414,972 3,182,680 3,619,501 1,425,627 (10.29%) 2,708,566 4,482,786 3,658,763 706,995 (5.55%) 3,407,161 (72.06%) 2,936,445 (5.87%) TOTAL GENERAL USE FUNDS $89,574,781 $100,543,162 $158,253,468 $112,274,900 (34.50%) SPECIAL USE FUNDS 357,935 349,568 573,603 664,689 (29.05%) 504 - SELF INS. DENTAL 1,440,189 1,364,257 1,826,001 1,935,079 508 - LOSS FUND 1,252,078 1,534,189 1,232,000 15.88% 509 - LOSS RESERVE FUND 955,707 1,114,336 5.97% 510 - FULLY INSURED 883,969 885,415 993,320 8,410,176 511 - PARTIALLY SELF INSURED 5,792,753 6,168,430 8,240,879 (19.70%) 512 - HEALTH CLINIC FUND 317,289 558,025 12.18% 332,176 574,864 2.05% TOTAL SPECIAL USE FUNDS $9,747,842 $13,914,305 $10,351,924 $13,742,856 (2.93%) 1.25% TOTAL REVENUES $99,322,623 $110,895,086 $171,996,324 $126,189,205 (26.63%) 12

CITY OF TITUSVILLE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY2021 PROPOSED BUDGET ALL FUNDS ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED PROPOSED % CHANGE FY2018 FY2019 BUDGET BUDGET FY2020 TO FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 GENERAL USE FUNDS 37,033,340 39,476,031 51,475,740 48,051,411 (6.65%) 001 - GENERAL FUND 824,957 943,727 1,233,253 979,345 (20.59%) 104 - CRA 118,839 43,376 149,496 112,812 (24.54%) 109 - FORFEITURE CONTRABAND 1 (17) 953,517 670,517 (29.68%) 111 - IMPACT FEES - - 1,512,563 118 - BUILDING INSPECTIONS 126,276 662,840 430,739 1,533,014 1.35% 121 - CDBG 11,546 43,929 505,548 - (100.00%) 122 - HOME 178,883 125,903 450,646 - (100.00%) 123 - SHIP 134,239 732,267 778,654 - (100.00%) 203 - CAP IMP REV SERIES 2017 682,673 680,917 838,138 205 - G.O. BONDS SERIES 2015 121,405 123,161 122,494 774,746 (0.50%) 207 - CRA - PIRN SERIES 2009 188,126 771,065 833,981 (0.50%) 301 - GEN. CONSTRUCTION 1,619,214 2,254,168 125,008 303 - ROADS AND STREETS 421,509 2,535,412 1,055,583 2.05% 304 - CRA CAPITAL 530,717 356,817 161 - (100.00%) 305 - RIVERFRONT ACQ. 11,794 - 1,026,243 401 - WATER AND SEWER 36,276,398 (54.47%) 402 - WS CONSTRUCTION 24,565,356 18,688,977 36,030,643 506,216 (52.04%) 404 - SOLID WASTE 1,864,843 10,117,031 - (100.00%) 405 - MUNICIPAL MARINA 5,544,931 7,319,516 (17.88%) 406 - STORMWATER UTILITY MGMT 1,038,880 5,056,556 1,589,135 29,791,342 (75.92%) 408 - STORMWATER CAPITAL 1,875,388 1,278,435 3,873,574 8,677,489 501 - FLEET MANAGEMENT 1,286,874 2,603,131 2,530,150 7,057,785 (3.58%) 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 3,034,857 1,871,758 3,619,501 1,425,627 (10.29%) 2,213,221 3,175,321 4,482,786 3,658,763 1,775,541 706,995 (5.55%) 3,407,161 (72.06%) 2,936,445 (5.87%) TOTAL GENERAL USE FUNDS $83,239,743 $90,479,239 $158,253,468 $112,274,900 (34.50%) SPECIAL USE FUNDS 368,502 319,492 573,603 664,689 (29.05%) 504 - SELF INS. DENTAL 1,603,606 1,287,152 1,826,001 1,935,079 508 - LOSS FUND 1,534,189 1,232,000 15.88% 509 - LOSS RESERVE FUND 883,667 944,579 1,114,336 5.97% 510 - FULLY INSURED 851,512 882,101 993,320 8,410,176 511 - PARTIALLY SELF INSURED 5,948,835 5,253,557 8,240,879 (19.70%) 512 - HEALTH CLINIC FUND 287,417 195,805 558,025 12.18% 574,864 2.05% TOTAL SPECIAL USE FUNDS $9,943,539 $8,882,686 $13,914,305 $13,742,856 (2.93%) 1.25% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $93,183,282 $99,361,925 $171,996,324 $126,189,205 (26.63%) 13

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 City-Wide Orga Citizens City Council City City Attorney Manage Assistant City Attorney Executive Assistant City Auditor Law Enforcement Fire & Assistant City Emergency Services Manager Code Enforcement Customer Service Finance Human Resources Information Technology Purchasing & Contracting Community Relations Marina F3 Marina, Inc. 1

anization Chart Advisory er Boards City Clerk Community Water Public Development Resources Works Development Services Utility Engineering Engineering Faclities Maintenance Neighborhood Services Water Production Fleet Maintenance Planning Water & Sewer Streets Maintenance Field Operations Stormwater Utility Management Economic Development Water Reclamation Solid Waste Building Laboratory Services Recycling Electronic Services 14

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 City Co 010 Mayor Vice M City Manager City At 1

ouncil 01 Mayor Council Members (3) ttorney Assistant City Attorney 15

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 City At 020 City Cou City Attorney Legal Secretary Legal ( P/T) 1

ttorney 01 uncil Assistant City Attorney l Secretary 16

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 Adminis 0301, City Ma City Manager's Office 1

stration ,0501 anager City Clerk 17

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 City Ma 030 City Co City Ma Executive Assistant 1

anager 01 ouncil anager Internal Auditor 18

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 City C 050 Ci Mana City C Assistant City Clerk Records Manager EDMS Records Manager Sr Administrative Assistant (PT) 1

Clerk 01 ity ager Clerk Administrative Assistant Clerical Assistant Clerical Assistant ( P/T) (2 P/T) 19

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 Law Enfo 0801, City Ma Law Enfo Code Enf 2

orcement 0808 anager orcement orcement 20

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 Law Enfo 080 Sr Fiscal Analys Deputy Chief Investigations PSAP Manager Operations Bureau Lieutenant PSAP Supervisor (3) Commander 911 PST (19) Crime Scene & Evidence CIS Sergeant Sr Administrative Administrative Cor Manager Corporal Assistant Traffic Officers Crime Scene Detectives (8) Technicians (2) Victim Advocate SRO Sergeant Patrol Squad School Resource Lieutenants (4) Officers (7) Squad Sergeant (4) SIS Sergeant Corporal Detectives (5) Squad Corporal (4) K9 Officers Squad Officers (4) (48) 2

orcement 01 City Manager Police Chief t II Sr Administrative Assistant Administrative Bureau Lieutenant Public Affairs Accreditation Manager Training Coordinator Coordinator Service Manager Logistics Analyst II rporal (2) Police Services Police Records Supervisor Professional Standards Specialist Police Records Clerk (3) Sergeant Police Records Clerk PT ) ts ls s School Guard Coordinator School Guards (14) 21

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 Code Enfo 080 Police Deput Code En Man Sr Code Enforcement Specialist Code En Office Code En Of ( 2

orcement 08 e Chief ty Chief nforcement nager nforcement er-Lead nforcement ficer (3) 22

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 Fire and Emerg 090 Sr Admin Assis Oper Ch Administrative Assistant Battalion Battalion Chief Battalio Chief (3) Training EM Lieutenants (12) Driver- Operator (12) Firefighters (30) 2

gency Services 901 City Manager Fire Chief nistrative Fiscal Analyst stant rations Fire Marshall hief Sr. Fire Fire Inspector Inspector on Chief Logistics Life Safety MS Coordinator Specialist 23

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 Public 1501,1507,1508,1509,1 Engineering Facilities Fleet Ci Maintenance Maintenance Mana Public Dire Stre Mainte 2

Works 1510,1512,1513, & 1614 ity ager Works ector eets Stormwater Solid Recycling enance Utlity Management Waste 24

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 Public Adminis 150 Ci Mana Public Dire Sr Admin Assis 2

Works stration 01 ity ager Works ector nistrative stant 25

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 Public Engine 150 City Ma Public Wor Public Deputy D City Surveyor 2

Works eering 07 anager rks Director Works Director Project Engineer 26

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 Public Facilities M 150 Traffic Signal City Man Electrician (2) Public Works Facilities Su Maintenance Mechanic I 2

Works Maintenance 08 nager Facilities Maintenance Mechanic s Director (2) upervisor Maintenance Mechanic II 27

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 Fleet Man 150 City Man Public Works Public W Deputy Di Fleet Manager Equipment Inventory Contro Mechanic Clerk (6) 2

nagement 09 nager s Director Works irector Operations Administrator ol Clerical Assistant (2) 28

CITY OF TITUSVILLE PROPOSED BUDGET FY2021 Public Streets Ma 151 City Man Public Works PW Deputy Streets Main Manag Forema (2) Crew Leader II Equipment Operator III (2) Equipment Operator II (4) Equipment Operator Service Worker (5) 2

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