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Published by Jocelyn Lee, 2021-12-16 13:40:28

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Celebrating 40 years of God's Faithfulness and Abiding in Christ \"I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.\" ~ John 15:5 ~

\"This book is dedicated to the late Deacon Poh Wha who left us to be with the Lord this year and to all the members of PPBC who have gone on before us. We shall meet again on that beautiful shore\"

Pr. Lee Yew Meng I chose this picture because it reminded me of what it was like growing up in PPBC as a youth. Almost every Saturday, a small group of us would meet on the first floor of the church. I remember food and fellowship, bean bags and bibles, guitars and games, chatter and prayer, greetings and good-byes. And God was in the midst of it all as we discovered life together. Growing up is never easy but it can be quite a beautiful journey when we give ourselves to following the Way with others. It was here that I found these “others” - this community of faith brought together by God and continually shaped by God. Not a perfect place but a safe enough place for the seeds of faith to have time and space grow. For this, I am eternally grateful to Christ and His Church. So thank you to every member of PPBC for being a friend and fellow pilgrim in this walk of faith. May we press on towards all that Christ has for us in this age and the age to come. Amen!

FOREWORD PPBC 40 ANNIVERSARY by Chairman Elder Living Lee It is my pleasure to write this forward for the compilation of contributions from PPBC members of their memories and photos of their time in PPBC in these past 40 years. Time indeed passes so fast when one is having fun as a family in Christ. Forty years for some and less for others worshipping God together, serving together in different ministries, fellowshipping together in our Care Groups, having fun and learning together at our church camps and Bible studies, watching our children perform at Christmas, Easter and other special occasions are stored in our shared memories. It seems just like yesterday when our kids were just babies, toddlers or teenagers and now they are all grown up with kids of their own. Yes, 40 years is a long time that has somehow swiftly flew by. Some of the pioneers and early members of the church have grown old. Some have gone home to the Lord and others have left to worship and serve elsewhere but we are still family no matter how long or short is our time in PPBC. We live on in each other’s hearts, grateful to have our time of fellowship in Christ in PPBC and knowing that one day we shall all meet again on that beautiful shore with each other and with Christ our Lord. Amen.

Chairman Elder Living Lee SWEET MEMORIES OF HAPPY TIMES IN PPBC by Living Lee and Family Grace and I answered the altar call to plant a church with Peter U and a few others from SEA Park Baptist (English) Church in 1981. We rented the upper floor of one of our present premises and started a simple Sunday service, prayer meeting and Sunday School. We grew in numbers and rented the next door premises before purchasing them in 1987(?) and 1997(?) and renovated them into our present premises in 2011. We had many happy times throughout these 40 years in PPBC. Happy memories include the annual church camps, day trips, family days, Christmas and Easter celebrations with special items and presentations with lots of food and warm fellowship. We got to know each other better in CGs in our homes and served with each other in different ministries both inside and out of the church. There were also times we drew closer together to support and grieve with one another as various loved ones suffered ill health or passed into glory. Our family of four even stayed a few months in church in 1985 while waiting to go to England for my Ph.D. We were away till 1989 and returned to PPBC and had another two younger ones. The children have grown up in PPBC and now have children of their own. PPBC has blessed us with much in the Lord and we treasure His gift of fellowship and love in Christ from all of you through thick and thin in all these wonderful years.

Families in PU receiving laptops. They are truly touched by our efforts. How time flies! I still remember vividly the day when both Grace and I joined People’s Park Baptist church in 1986 which was 35 years ago. We were staying down the next road behind the church and we just walked to attend church service. We felt very welcomed in a family church environment and until today though the church has grown in size, this has remained a characteristic of our church. Visit to Orang Asli in Batu 25, Cameron Highlands. As I looked back, God has been very faithful and blessing each and everyone of us. Through the years the various initiatives such as Evangelistic dinners, Alpha, Village ministry, Petaling Utama ministry, XYZ ministry have touched many lives. Many of our members have moved on and relocated to the various parts of Malaysia and overseas to bless others. But we are proud to have our own home-grown pastor! On this 40th Anniversary of PPBC, I would like to thank all the church members for all you have done to support her ministry. Keep up the good work and know that God is with us. Blessed 40th Anniversary! Let us continue to pray that our Soon church will continue to grow and positively impact the Elder Garycommunity for decades to come.

A great & blessed day of my commissioning as Elder of PPBC ( March 2021). My prayer is that... “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Elder William Message from an old friend People’s Park Baptist Church holds dear to me. It was there that my spiritual life was truly turned around. I was emotionally depressed over some personal matters sometime in 1982. Sleep eluded me for many nights. It was my brother Richard who saw me tossing and turning in my bed one night when I stayed in his house. He prayed for me and I slept like a baby. The next day, Sunday, he took me to PPBC where bro. Peter U, the Chairman called for people to come forward for prayers at the end of the sermon. I responded to the call and told the Lord, “ My life has been broken to a thousand pieces, please make something beautiful, something good out of my life.” That was the turning point of my life. God heard my prayer and gave me a hunger for His Word, with a deep assurance of His love and comfort. I grew spiritually in the Life group and went on to be a leader in the church. I have opportunity to serve in the Deacon Board and to disciple quite a number of young believers during the time I was there before I went on to serve in the outreach in Bandar Sri Damansara. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good! On this occasion of the 40th Anniversary of PPBC, we, Philip Chieng the members of Praise Baptist Centre, your outreach, extend our congratulations & share our joy with you. May more outreaches be birthed in the coming years. To God be the glory!

Editors’ Message Dearest PPBC members, I've been really blessed and privileged to have been able to work on this photobook for the 40th anniversary of our church. I would really like to give thanks to the amazing editorial team, Pastor Yew Meng, Melissa, Jocelyn, Wan Jin, not forgetting the technical team - Adrian and Jee Aik and all the church members who have made this photobook a success. I hope that everyone is able to take the time to read the stories of every individual while reminiscing the wonderful times spent as a member of the PPBC church. Jillian Being an editor was not easy, but it sure is fun! Especially having a supportive team like this one. Our team consists of Jillian- co- editor, our cell group leader Melissa Ho and our Pastor Yew Meng. We were first approached by Melissa for this amazing project and did not accept it immediately but we did eventually, haha. I am glad that we were not left to handle this project on our own. Melissa and pastor have been following up closely and working hand-in-hand with us this whole time. And we’re able to complete this 40th Anniversary Photo Book just in time for Christmas! Thank God for guidance. I want to thank Jee Aik and my husband Adrian for joining our technical team to help out with the collation of members' testimonies and pictures. With them, things were sorted out faster. Not forgetting Wan Jin, our designer for creating these beautiful layouts for our photo book. I also want to thank members for sending in your pictures and testimonies and the church for giving us this opportunity to contribute. This journey has been a blessing in disguise. We have put our level best to produce this book and we hope our readers will enjoy this book as much as we do. Merry Christmas all, may God’s blessings be upon you. Shalom, Jocelyn Lee 05

My most memorable moment in PPBC thus far was when I had the opportunity to partake in the Village Ministry which was headed by Uncle Hock Seng. It was around Christmas time that we threw a special Christmas celebration for the Orang Asli. We organized games, prepared presents, and served them scrumptious foods. It was very heart-warming to see the joy on their faces and it was truly an unforgettable time for everyone. A little introduction of myself, I’m the eldest daughter of Eric and Evonne Lee. I’ve met my husband in church, his name is Adrian, son of Thomas and Karen Leong. We have been attending the same church since we were 5 years old and got married 23 years later. Teaching in the Powerkids has changed the way I live. It taught me love, patience and faithfulness. I have nothing short of the blessings I have received. And I want to take this opportunity to extend our invitation to all of you to join our church ministry to be a helping hand. You will never regret it. 05

Branches in the Vine bearing fruits of love ......

Ha y40th A iversary

My Baptism Testimony 14 Jan 2018 I want to thank PPBC for having me as one of their new members especially Elder Living Lee & Grace Lee, Gary Soon & Grace Soon and Pastor Yew Meng. Also many thanks to all who have helped me find peace and a promise of eternal life through Our Lord Jesus Christ. I have always believed there is a God, and since I was brought up in Catholic schools I was taught to pray so I always prayed to God before I went to sleep at night, thanking Him for keeping me safe, also for all His blessings..a comfortable life, good friends, and opportunities to travel and see places. Sister Lillian Too introduced me to PPBC in Feb last year for SDE (sit down exercise), as I couldn't walk at all, and she was kind enough to introduce me to the SDE in hopes that I could recover fast. Around the same time, the Church was also conducting the Alpha Course. At the end of each Alpha session, my group also prayed for my knees to be healed. With God's grace now I can walk again. In this regard I wish to thank Lillian Too, Christina Chee and Helen Lim for their constant prayers, support and encouragement and all those who prayed for me. I also wish to record my thanks to Sis Rita Kong who help me pray \"the sinner’s prayer\" n finally sealed my faith in accepting Jesus as my Saviour. Now looking back, I know God has always been around to guide and protect me, plucked me out from poverty, even when I wasn't a Christian then. God has been good to me, even now I find my life to be smooth sailing with God next to me. I want to be baptised so that I can carry out his word and deeds as a true Christian, to be His witness and bring glory to His name. PaulineLeong Alpha Weekend Away in Port Dickson – 2nd April 2017 Enjoyed this creative activity where we folded the A4 size paper and cut it and once we opened it up – it’s a CROSS! Helen Lim

Audrey Lim Anyone interested in floral arrangement classes? Ah, floral arrangement classes? Of course, we're interested. And so it was for three periods that we, floral enthusiasts immersed ourselves under sister Sherine Leong’s guidance. We had so much fun and laughter but at times, felt sceptical creating one like teacher's! Teacher Sherine was ever so reassuring. Kudos to her encouragement and patience. Would like to thank our beloved late sister Poh Wha for organizing the classes and providing a scrumptious tea on the last day. Sister Poh Wha was indeed a child of God who lovingly gathered us sisters-in-Christ for a wonderful time. She will forever be remembered. Photos were taken at our Floral Arrangements class organised by our late Deacon Yeow Poh Wha (just before the Covid-19 started). It was held at the ground floor area of PPBC over the weekend. It was one of many social events with our church ladies. (looking at all the happy and fun faces l'm sure you know them). It was one of many fun events since I joined PPBC in 1997. Thank you Dear Jesus for bringing me to your place to worship and have blessed relationship with all who love and honor you. Happy and blessed 40th Anniversary to PPBC. Dianna Loo

Abundant Light Group God is Good.. I joined PPBC in early 2017 and was baptised in January 2018. My Christian faith started growing at PPBC when Sister Rita Kong taught a group of us The Abundant Life Book. ( And The Abundant Light). Every Friday evening at 8pm, she would punctually arrive at Sister Alice's house, which is nearby the church. Sister Alice was always hospitable by opening her beautiful home for our study group. She's also gracious and generous, despite having to rush back from her food outlet. Without fail she would bring home prepared delicious noodles and Chinese hot deserts for our supper. Sister Amy will supply us with her ever generous helping of assorted local fruits, her famous rojak, even durians when in season. Sister Pat Chor will also chip in her home-cook specialty meals. Audrey Lim and me always looked forward to our meetings. Our learning was very useful to help us engage more in God's Word. At the end of each session, Sister Rita will lead us in prayers to give praise and thanks to God, and to pray for our needs and others. God has been good to us throughout our studies. - On Behalf of Abundant Light Group, Pauline -8 May 2016 2015- Family working as a team for the Music and Movement class for toddlers. Aaron enjoying playing the keyboard with PowerKids during presentation for PPBC Parents Day.

My testimony….to stay connected. Attending PPBC every week is good for me, both spiritually and physically, I feel that it shouldn’t be my only interaction with believers on a weekly basis. Christianity is best experienced as part of a community, and an hour a week certainly isn’t enough. That’s why care-group is important part of PPBC. God knows I’m fragile creature who need constant reminders of what I am supposed to do. A care-group is a key tool to help with this. Regularly meeting with a committed group of believers allows me to reinforce the core of what I can live it out, learn more about God, and maintain the strength to serve others. Being part of a care-group is tremendously beneficial for Christian experience. Not only do I get to experience God with other believers outside of a weekly church service, but I also have the opportunity to go deeper in my studies and relationship with other church members, while socializing and having a good time. People often feel isolated, alone or abandoned when facing health issue, emotional or financial problems. In a care-group, members can provide a “safety net”, supporting one another in difficult times. Care-group allows me to connect, express, study the Bible, pray and grow together. I am thankful and blessed as my care-group members celebrated my birthday with me after our study in year 2019. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10: 24-25 NIV. Christina Chee Church Camp 2011 Refreshing Springs Resort We want to give thanks to God for bringing Aaron Joseph into our family after a series of events beginning with our visit to Sabah in 2010. Never in our minds could we have ever known that the visit would bring such a significant change for us leading to Aaron as a new addition to our family. As we look back, we see God’s hand in the whole process from the very start of Dorothyplanning for that trip.

Ely a and Ely e I like Powerkids because its a fun place to be where I learn a lot about God and songs. I get to make new friends and play new games. I also get to learn new bible verses every Sunday. I especially like the quiz they organize as I can earn points. Finally, I enjoy the bible stories that was presented by the teachers. - Elyssa I like Powerkids because is fun and I can make new friends. Powerkids also teach me to learn more about God. I like the memory verse, game time and quizzes. I also enjoy the bible stories that the teachers presented. My Love Letter to God Dear God, I love you because you have done so much for me. Your love makes me happy. Because you love me, I will love you. - Elysse PPBC is very welcoming to the Filipino communities and allowed Catherineus to do a song presentation during 2019 Christmas Celebration.

This was my second PPBC family camp back in 2019 and I was given the privilege to be camp commandant. PPBC is truly a closely knitted family church with multi generations coming together serving God faithfully. I love this family of God! Ernest Lee This picture was taken from Sky Mirror, Sekinchan, organized by our church. This is our first time here and we enjoy the great fellowship with our church members. The food was great too :) Evonne Moments like this together have always Lu Erzabeen fun, memorable and a blessing!! #PPBCYouth #Campus #Family

Eliz 14.7.2019 The day I became child of God. \"Joy to the world, the Lord is Irene Wee come! Let earth receive her King, Let every heart prepare Him room, And heav'n and nature sing.......\" Photo taken 25 Dec 2018. A short getaway back in December 2019 filled with prayer, worship and genuine sharing with one another. I will always remember the midnight stories and the laughter that came together with it. Looking forward to more times like this. Hannah Toh

Never a dull moment in PPBC. All God's creation welcomed and loved! Janson Lee Petaling Utama Ministry The Petaling Utama (“PU”) ministry in PPBC commenced 2011. God led Rita Wong to minister to a student and her family in need (studies, finance and hope in Jesus Christ) residing at PU. From that one student, we reached out to her neighbours and community, primarily the urban poor. We offered tuition, badminton and guitar classes to help the children. Every year is a step of faith where God leads and provides for us. The first five years (2012 – 2016), we organized year end parties at a local municipal hall where the students, their families, neighbours and friends participated. From 2017 – 2019 when the number of students increased, we wanted to deepen friendship with the families of the students so year-end parties were held at the tuition venue instead. Non-Muslims were invited to join Powerkids’ activities. We know the best gift we can give to them is the good news of Jesus Christ. During Covid-19 pandemic (2020 – 2021), YTL; donated free mobile phones and data plan for online learning. God uses Christopher Lim; our church member to repair and upgrade donated/purchased laptops before giving them to the students. Beginning 22nd May 2021, we commenced our online tuition. To date, we have 35 students (standard 1 to form 4). Thank you, teachers past and present for Pooi See being part of this noble ministry. To God be the glory, amen!

I received my dream Christmas present from PPBC in Janet December 2001. Colin was studying for a Diploma in Music, followed by a degree in UCSI, a mainstream college/university. Colin had an interview for college entry. The lecturers and principal were impressed with his talent at the piano. They agreed he had the prerequisite to study music but there were no facilities for a Braille dependant. They were assured I will provide all required books and notes in Braille. While Colin attended lectures, I prepared what he needed or went to Brickfields to emboss them. Sometimes, the embossers broke down or there were urgent documents to prepare. I could not use them. I told Elder Peter U my problem. I needed a Braille printer. It was expensive. Understanding my genuine need, he only wanted to know the cost. It was RM12,000/-. PPBC organised fund raising projects. Most of the church congregation during that time were involved in it. Another RM2,000/- was added to buy an acoustic cover to dampen the noise during embossing. I was able to transcribe and emboss at home. Besides Colin, I also embossed books for the school he had once studied in and parents who asked for help. This embosser was used until the parts were worn out. There were no replacement parts for this old model. It was a blessing from the Lord. The love from our church. The care, concern and understanding. I have a lot to be thankful. Grace and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ! Colin insisted that I contribute to the compilation of testimonies for the 40th Anniversary of PPBC. Colin showed me photos of us working beside the embosser PPBC had sponsored. In 2013, the Youths of PPBC attended this Youth Conference, Refuse To Compromise. Among the many conferences, camps and retreats that we've been to, this conference stood out the most for some of us as this was the event that truly revealed to us who God is, allowing Him to enter into our lives for the first time that day. Even though many years have passed, and we’ve forgotten what we’ve learnt from the sermons, it was undoubtedly still the most memorable experience Jesslyn I’ve had as His presence was so evident in that place.

I grew up in PPBC with my family and friends. My parents were part of the leadership and so we were involved in almost everything - prayer meetings, cell groups, camps, Powerkids, pre-teens, youth, performances for special occasions like Easter, Christmas, Mothers' and Fathers' Day, etc. Those were very eventful times and looking back at the pictures, tons of memories come flooding back. However, I picked this picture of me reciting a passage by memory. I don't remember exactly the occasion or how old I was then, but I do remember what I had memorised and recited - it was Psalm 23 And I think that is one thing I want to thank PPBC, its leaders and members for - for teaching me the Word and helping me apply it to life. Even till today, I remember Psalm 23 and other verses and God uses these to speak to me. My journey as a believer is still ongoing; I am still learning, discovering and hopefully growing in my faith. There have been struggles and stumbles and questions in regards to my faith but I am thankful for the foundations built and I pray that PPBC will continue to help many others to lay firm foundations on God's truth and word. Wai Yan Joshua I would like to be thankful that I am able to communicate effectively with my peers even though I am nervous. I went through a bad time and I got out of it by thinking that God actually wants us to be a part of his great love. It happen so that I fought with a guy and eventually I was able to sort things out by the help of teachers thinking that the principal actually gave me a chance with the help of teacher he was there to actually stop the fight from getting worst. I never thought looking like a crybaby is one of the worst thing that happen in my life. The thing is becoming a loser, I don’t get the point where I lost my self-esteem where people start to look down on me and see me as a failure and nobody. I realize that it was the best thing to do was to ignore him as to speak my pastor told me in life we need to love and care for one another especially your closest friends. I kept thinking that the greatest people in life never stop trying and never give up in order to achieve success and victory. My pastor said that it is indeed true but it all comes down to the point where friendship actually matters that we need one another and to help one another and to lift one another.

Joyce Family and Friends in PPBC I first visited PPBC with my mum (Tracy Tan) back in 1985, after we moved from Penang. At that time, the church premise was newly set up with only the upstairs and half of the current space being used. I have met some of the current members in 1985. I don’t think they remember me as I was only a teenager then! Sometime later, my mum and I decided to check out other churches in PJ but she decided to continue worshipping at PPBC especially because by then, my sister Grace and bro-in-law Gary, had started to worship at PPBC too. As for me, I went to another Baptist Church (BBK) to worship until in 2018 when my god-sister, Lonnie decided to re-dedicate her life to Christ and to encourage her, I decided to move back to PPBC, after 36 years! My first PPBC Christmas in 2018 was a special one. I joined the Christmas Carol choir, which was my very first in my entire Christian life! This was priceless because it gave me an opportunity to know new friends in PPBC. In 2019, I was asked to be the voice-over for the Easter skit, which I truly enjoyed. My memory of PPBC in its earlier days to the current one is a testament of how quickly time has flown by and particularly how God has been faithfully taking care of my mum and I all these years, blessing us with a truly good life. Indeed, I will praise the Lord while I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being - Psalm 146:2. All glory to God! 14.12.2019 - The day I got married in PPBC. Julian Lee

One of my memories in PPBC is seeing the beautiful couples come together to celebrate Date Night back in 2018. Thanks to the capable team - Jye Yuen, Sherine and Aeric who made this event possible. May every couple in PPBC flourish with the love of God in their relationships. Lai Yee I thank God for People’s Park Baptist Church where I have grown spiritually and personally. I appreciate the fellowship of my brothers and sisters in Christ there. I am grateful to be part of the church to this day. Jee Aik These are the people that I have served with, in the worship ministry for years now, and friends for even longer. We grew up in this church and watched each other grow up physically, and spiritually. This is a photo of us playing for Adrian and Jocelyn's wedding! Aeric

Judy Lim My name : JUDY LIM (full name) in blue overall, standing beside Dorothy (Christopher Lim' wife, she was there as a pianist) Below were the candidates of baptism for PPBC who were all baptised using mother church facility. The tallest person at the top of the picture is PETER U, chairman of PPBC who conducted the baptism. Below him was Andy Goh (who lived in SS4), the lady below him was Rita Kong. It was a joyous and momentous occasion for me. Christmas carolling practice in 2018! Thankful for the warm, loving and Christ-centred community at PPBC that welcomes people from all walks of life. Praise God for His faithfulness and may the church continue to glorify Him in every ministry and service! Natalie Chang Church camp 2019 - Bentong Didn’t know church camp is so much fun! A swim in the night in the setting of nature is definitely an unexpected bonus to our trip. Wonderful fellowship in the study of God’s Word & enjoying the company of all our brothers & sisters. Philip and Lai Kuen

Baptism is a picture of the miracle of My Perspective and, in turn, Fortitude new beginnings that only God can do For three decades of my life, I would bypass any unpleasant Lonnie emotions and encounters by shutting them and focused entirely on my work. Indeed, this approach had helped me on the fast track to succeed in my career. However, the silencing of pain robbed me of the opportunity for healing. My journey into successful healing began during the opportunity to reunite with God for the 3rd time in 2017. God gave me a real-world way to deal with my emotions, an alternative to the coping mechanisms especially when I underwent my rehabilitation for cancer. Today, coming out stronger and better, I have shifted my perspective and hope whenever I am facing any trials. Even when the going gets tough, I have a whisper in my head to remind me that God is faithful to his Word. I now love Bible quotes for life, the best reminders of God's Word, and His promises to be ever-present in our lives. Isaiah 41:10 \"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.\" As a self-reflection after going through various stages of life’s challenges, I always remember that I am who I am because of God. Any good or bad encounters with people or situations are a part of His plan for me and that is part of the spiritual learning curve. For I know, God will never abandon me, even when I am feeling alone. Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition by, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Happy 40th Anniversary PPBC! Thank you everyone in PPBC for your care and prayers for me all these times. This stands out to me because this was my first Youth Camp in 2011 and to me this was the start of it all. This was where I started to know God more seriously and got to know my brothers and sisters in PPBC. It was thanks to that small beginning that lead me to where I am now today. Timothy

My first ever youth meeting in PPBC :D Time flies! I think this photo was taken 1/2 year later since the day my family and I have I remember feeling very comfortable and welcomed the attended PPBC. This was one of the Saturday very moment I stepped into the building. The youth's meeting (after game session). environment was very simple and nothing too Looking back at these photos, it really complicated. The ambiance really felt like home... Ever reminds me of the good times when there since then, I introduced PPBC to my parents and we wasn't any Covid and all of us could still meet started attending PPBC from that day. I have made many up to play games together. special memories as a member in the youth group, and it is really wonderful that PPBC is Bible-centred and Ler Shen God-honouring in everything that they do. The people in the church also make it so very special. PA guys, before one became a pro DJ/MC and Indeed, a privilege to be called to teach (since 1999) & lead the other a reindeer. (since 2015) the PowerKids Ministry. It’s such a blessing to co-teach with the best and lovely teachers of PPBC! I’m Yew Leung, grew up in PPBC about 20 plus years of my life, \"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Haven’t been back in ages…. But yeah Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Here’s an ancient picture from Julee’s facebook dated 2010. Matthew 28:19-20 Not sure what the resolution is... (its old, and Cristina Magat downloaded lol). Yew Leung

PPBC Chinese CG Group PPBC 中文小组 我们非常感谢主,我可以用中文学习圣经,听道, 基督生平。基督耶稣永在 我们心中。 耶稣说:“我就是生命的食物,到我这里来,必定不 饿; 信我的,永远不渴。约翰福音 6�35 神的恩典 丰满全备 1 God's Grace 从他丰满的恩典里, 我们都领受了, 而且恩上 加恩。 约翰福音1�16 Eric Lee This picture was captured in PPBC couple’s night in 2018. It was so amazing. The props and dinner settings in church were well organised. The food is delicious and well presented. It was a memorable night indeed. Special thanks to our PPBC youth for this creative idea for us to enjoy.

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