CPRA NEWS AUTUMN/WINTER 2021 Printed August 2021 Visit our website: www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk
In this Issue INTRODUCTION SUMMER READING CHALLENGE 2021............... 35 FROM THE CHAIRMAN....................................... 3 TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS TPO ................... 36 PICTURES FROM CARPENDERS PARK RESIDENTS 40 AROUND CARPENDERS PARK GREEN HOME GRANT....................................... 40 WE MOVE, SHE MOVE...................................... 41 CARPENDERS PARK CALLS FOR PARTY LEADERSHIP FROM THE AUTHORITIES SUPPORT ........................................................... 5 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH.......................... 44-45 CPRA RESPONSE TO THE LOCAL PLAN..7-13, 51-55 REENA RANGER STOP THE CARPENDERS PARK GREEN BELT DEVEL- COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT ...................... 47 OPMENT PLAN................................................. 15 VALERIE AND DAVID COLTMAN, DISTRICT & PAR- CARPENDERS PARK HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY .. 19 ISH COUNCILLORS ............................................ 48 CARPENDERS PARK LADIES‘ CLUB..................... 20 LOCAL ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES................... 48 CARPENDERS PARK COMMUNITY HALL ............ 21 ABOUT CPRA CARPENDERS PARK CHURCH ............................ 26 TREASURE REPORT...................................... 50-51 CARPENDERS PARK AND SOUTH OXHEY COPY FOR NEXT ISSUE...................................... 56 METHODIST CHURCH....................................... 30 USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS ........................ 55 FLUE SEASON................................................... 30 CPRA NEWSLETTER DISCAIMER ........................ 48 ATTENBOROUGH SURGERY ......................... 31-32 CPRA COMMITTEE ........................................... 56 FAMILY & WELLBEING CRAIG DAVIES, ST. MERYL SCHOOL................... 34 Advertiser index ADAMS EYE CARE...................................... 49 M.C.P. ELECTRICAL APPROVED ALL LOCK SECURITIES ................................ 24 CONTRACTORS ......................................... 23 APOLLO BLIND .......................................... 38 M.K. GINDER & SONS ............................... 32 BELL CARPENTRY & JOINERY ..................... 27 MANJI & CO.............................................. 46 BOLTON TRAVELS LIMITED........................ 12 MRK PLUMBING & HEATING..................... 46 CARPENDERS PARK BUILDERS (CPB) .......... 10 P.A. BARHAM LTD....................................... 9 CARPENDERS PARK CARE .......................... 52 PEACE HOSPICE CARE .......................... 42-43 CARPENDERS PARK NURSERY.................... 16 ROOTS HAIRDRESSERS.............................. 13 CARPENDERS PARK NURSERY U-FLORIA.... 17 SABAT ACCOUNTANTS.............................. 27 CPRA—JOIN US...................................... 6,41 SAW GENERAL BUILDERS .......................... 22 CENTRAL GARDEN SERVICES ..................... 12 SPICERS CARPETS AND BEDS..................... 25 COOK FLORIST ............................................6 T.J. WATSON ............................................ 22 D20 BOARD GAME CAFE .............................8 TARRANTS TIMBER LIMITED...................... 37 DB JONES PHARMACY ............................... 33 TERENCE SPINKS....................................... 24 DEFINITION............................................... 20 TOE-TAL FOOTCARE.................................. 26 FOCUS EYECARE..........................................4 TOUCH OF GLASS - RICKY HODGSON........ 14 GEM TREE MANAGEMENT SERVICES .... 28-29 TREVOR WARNER ..................................... 23 HARROW GARDENING SERVICES ............... 21 UTILITY DEALS .......................................... 37 HOMESTEAD CAREHOME ......................... 18 VJG ROOFING SPECIALIST ........................... 3 JADE IN A BOX BAKES..................................8 WALSH AND MCGRATH FUNERAL ............. 54 KEN HODSON COMPUTERS ....................... 45 KP ROOFING ............................................. 39 2 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
From the C h a i r m a n INTRODUCTION Chairman: Page Costas Email: [email protected] Phone: 07399 972 929 Howdy! My name is Page (She/They) banging for the NHS, as well as seeing your Resident’s Association Chairman in lots of volunteering and donating. training and I have lived in Carpenders As a local business owner of d20 Board Park for most of my life. Whenever I have lived away, Game Café in Watford, I am nowhere else ever felt like fully invested in our little patch home as Carpenders Park did. of land, long term. My heart I am exceptionally passionate lies with local community about my community and where projects and businesses, saving I live and want to do what I can our Green Belt and inclusivity to maintain Carpenders Park’s in our neighbourhood. reputation for being a very nice place to live. I was exceptional- I hope to add a different ly proud during the height of the perspective to the Association Pandemic to see people in the local area to make Carpenders Park the coming together with whooping and pot best place it can be for everyone. Page Costas Vaughn Gatrell Mobile: 07985 359543 Tel: 0208 386 0426 3 Oulton Way, WD19 5EJ. Carpenders Park Specialists in: • Tiles & Slates Replaced • Gutter Cleaned, Repaired & Renewed • Re-cement Work of Chimneys, Stacks, Hips & Ridges • Flat Roofs Renewed & Repaired REF: 1M024262 CPRA NEWS 3
4 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Carpenders Park calls AROUND CARPENDERS PARK for Party Leadership and Support August 10th 2021 was a beautiful resident) to take photos and videos of the summer evening which brought together protest. around 500 people from Carpenders Park, South Oxhey, Oxhey Hall, Watford, Bushey and Harrow to peacefully protest against TRDC’s proposed development plans. Neighbours met on the land off Oxhey Lane (Carpenders Park Farm). To say it was a show of strength and community is a massive understatement. A small group of residents planned the The line of protesters stretched from the event four weeks prior. In this time a bottom of the field to the Hertsmere Facebook group, “Stop TRDC Greenbelt boundary. Only one Councillor, Ann Destruction” created a following of over Grant of Oxhey Hall stood with protesters one thousand members, leaflets and and the MP Dean Russell (having posters were designed and distributed, participated in a meeting the previous and volunteers went door-to-door to Saturday, at St Meryl School), did not create awareness of the Three Rivers stand alongside his constituents on this District Council’s (TRDC) Local occasion. However, some staff from the Plan. “Keep Watford Rural” have also school were in attendance, as were many instigated vast popularity. students. The field meeting was marshalled by Vast swathes of Green Belt land will be volunteers who made the whole protest lost if this Plan gets the go ahead. The safe and socially distanced. Many of the consultation closed on 20th August. protesters held posters which read “Can’t replace green space” and held them up to The group’s next steps are to keep the a drone directed by Ian Bushnell (also a community updated and to continue our work with the CPRA, to drive more support, highlighting the risks and making a plea to Party Leaders, stand with us and the local communities under threat. It is our intention to take this to the Prime Minister if necessary. Kirsty Barnes CPRA NEWS 5
Carpenders Park Residents’ Association is looking for Volunteers A friendly group of local people looking after Carpenders Park. We need help with Committee Members, Planning, Public Relationship, Membership, Environment/Woodlands/Parks/Green Belt, Health, Traffic & Highway, Police, Newslet- ter Co-editor and Road Stewards. Interested? Email us. [email protected] http://www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk 6 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
CPRA AROUND CARPENDERS PARK Response to Local Plan Carpenders Park Residents’ Association, Rivers District Council officers report on a along with Residents’ Associations across the proposal for development close to the District, believes TRDC's proposed Local proposed development sites. Plan contains plans for significantly too much A view of any map will prove this point. The housing resulting in unnecessary damage to gap between Carpenders Park and the London our environment and, in particular, Green Borough of Harrow is very narrow as is the Belt. Here is our response to them. gap between Carpenders Park and Watford Dear Sir/Madam (not just the Watford Borough Council area I write on behalf of the Carpenders Park but land which most people would consider to Residents Association in response to the be Watford). Preferred Policy Options Consultation It is unclear from the proposed Plan how documents. Please note that when figures are Three Rivers District Council could reconcile quoted in this letter the figures are from the statement in their proposal document: “a information on Three Rivers District Council pressing need for more homes, especially website, all comments in quotation marks are more affordable homes, so young people are from Three Rivers District Council website not forced to move away from the area, but unless otherwise stated. that this cannot be addressed at the cost of General Comments harming existing communities and It is noted that page one of Part 1 of the reducing the quality of life and wellbeing of consultation document has a plan of Three our residents.” with the clear and total loss Rivers District, if all the proposals made in of land which is vital to the life and wellbeing respect of land in Carpenders Park Ward were of the current residents of Carpenders Park to be adopted all the land south of the B4542 and the great harm which would be inflicted (Little Oxhey Lane) and most of the land on on this small community of 5212 adults by the east side of Oxhey Lane i.e. the majority imposing a 66% increase in population with of the land shown on the Plan to the no indication of the improvements to document as not built on, would have either infrastructure that would be needed to cope housing or a secondary school. There would with this increase in population. The loss of no longer be any Green Belt land in our “green environment” would be felt by all Carpenders Park as in there would be nothing residents. between Carpenders Park and the London The 66% increase in the population of Borough of Harrow, Watford Borough Carpenders Park envisaged by the proposals Council and Bushey (Hertsmere). will make Affinity Water’s plea to residents I am sure Three Rivers District Council does in June to reduce their water usage and the not need to be reminded of the main purpose launch of the campaign “SOS Save our of the greenbelt “to safeguard the countryside Streams” doomed. from encroachment and to prevent Transport neighbouring towns merging into one Can the current transport facilities cope? No another”, sites CSF13, CSF14, CSF69a and evidence is given as to whether Three Rivers PCS47 form a gap “between the settlements District Council has considered the of Carpenders Park, Hatch End and Bushey implications for the travel options of possible …….development of the site and reduction to future residents of the proposed the gap would materially conflict with the developments. This is commented on by purpose of Green Belt in preventing Hertfordshire Highways on a number of the neighbouring towns merging into one sites proposed and will be commented on for another”. This is a comment from a Three each of the relevant sites. CPRA NEWS 7
8 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Residents of Carpenders Park have expressed AROUND CARPENDERS PARK doubt as to whether the two roads mainly affected by the proposals, Oxhey Lane and was an inadequate expensive two buses an Little Oxhey Lane, have the capacity to cope hour, new residents are therefore not expected with the additional traffic that would be to be reliant on public transport. Due to their generated by the proposed new dwellings. distance from the main centre of Carpenders Both roads are currently very busy, Little Park and anywhere else the occupants of the Oxhey Lane has a narrow bridge where it proposed new dwellings will not be walking crosses the main Euston railway line, whilst but driving. Oxhey Lane described as a “main transport There is no car park at Carpenders Park route ”leads to the traffic nightmare that is Railway Station unless you are willing to Bushey Arches. Hertfordshire Highways has drive over the bridge in Little Oxhey Lane, so commented about the need to assess whether commuters find parking where they can often these roads have the capacity to cope with the outside residents homes and along Delta traffic from the proposed developments. Gain. It is also noted that both Oxhey Lane and Three Rivers District Council recent Little Oxhey Lane flood, again mentioned in consultation, re cycling in the District, and in the detailed assessments of various sites. particular in Carpenders Park, did not state All the sites proposed for development in the how cyclists were to be protected when using consultation , bar one, are a distance from the proposed cycling routes. Carpenders Park Railway Station. There is Major infrastructure improvements to the currently an inadequate bus service of one bus narrow bridge in Little Oxhey Lane and the an hour into Watford and no buses from the congestion hotspot of Bushey Arches would estate into Harrow, prior to the pandemic it need to be made by Hertfordshire County Plumbing, Heating & Gas Engineering • Boiler Maintenance & Installation • Boiler Servicing • System Upgrades • Breakdown Repairs • Chemical Power Flushing Email: [email protected] www.pabarham.com Call: 07831 363182 CPRA NEWS 9
All general building work undertaken • Extensions • Patios • Driveways • Block Paving • Drainage and all ground work • Garden Landscaping • Fencing • Roofing Call for a free estimate DAN / SHANE 07394 488 412 COVID 19 safety guidelines will be followed (Both owners are Carpenders Park residents) 10 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Council prior to any of the development. GOV.UK (flood-warning- Affinity Water/Thames Water will have to information.service.gov.uk) shows the make major improvements to the water writer’s property in Carpenders Avenue at supply, surface water drainage and sewer high risk of surface flooding. drainage before any new dwelling envisaged The evidence submitted in the proposals is in by the consultation could be occupied. respect of new homes not the impact those Infrastructure new homes being placed on previous green We are told there might be 2 new primary field sites could have on the existing schools depending on which sites are settlement of Carpenders Park. No mitigation developed but no indication is given as to on these new sites should result in any whether the local doctors surgery can support increase in the flow of water from these sites the increased population, detailed information as this will directly impact on current is not given in the evidence although it is residents of Carpenders Park and Hatch End. clear elsewhere on the website that Three The Mead in Carpenders Park has in June Rivers District Council has the evidence. For 2021 seen the road crack and the road surface current residents with no access to private rise to above kerb height after heavy rainfall, vehicles the surgery in Attenborough Close is only experts know whether the problems with the only surgery they can attend, there is no the road surface are due to running water/ direct bus route to the Bushey Medical problems with the existing drainage system or Centre, how are new residents meant to other more long term problems due to heavy access doctors surgeries as the new rainfall. In recent years as stated earlier in this developments are so far away from the few letter the crown of Carpenders Avenue was facilities that currently exist in Carpenders obliterated by the river that came down the Park? road. At least two properties in The Mead There is no indication in the proposals as to have been affected by more than one flooding whether some land may be used for new issue. It is noted that an assessment of site shops to serve the large number of proposed CP1a 9 (not put forward but very close to The new dwellings. Presumably this is going to be Mead) states the groundwater level is only dealt with in later consultations? 0.025m below the surface which explains Climate Change and Flooding why properties in The Mead have flooded. Para 7.21 of the proposal states that climate The writer has a spring coming out of the change will result: “in drier summers and garden wall behind her garage in Carpenders warmer, wetter winters” a quick look at the Avenue, the garage is built into the hill, her BBC website What will climate change look patio also built into the hill frequently has like in your area? - BBC News reveals that in damp/ wet on the paving slabs with no recent the summer there may be fewer days of rainfall. Ground water levels are very high in rainfall but that rainfall will be more intense, Carpenders Park, there are anecdotal accounts potentially 28% more, in winter 40% more. of residents in By The Wood having sudden The recent floods in North London, close to ponds in their back gardens after rainfall, this Carpenders Park inform us of the possible accords with: “Surface water ponding occurs nature of these floods. After one summer where the topography flattens on the storm several years ago Carpenders Avenue floodplain of the River Colne, at …. turned into a river with the crown of the road Carpenders Park”.. There is regular flooding hidden by the flowing water and people in in some properties. A planning application in even numbered properties (the downhill side) land off of Oxhey Lane in 2014 revealed that looking worried at the height of the water and the land was sitting on 56 metres of London hoping that it wasn’t going to rise beyond the clay and attempts at testing whether water edge of the pavement, the government’s could be drained via soakaways was website. Your long term flood risk assessment abandoned as the water did not drain and the test holes had to be pumped out. CPRA NEWS 11
Central 12 years experience Garden Services All aspect of garden Maintenance undertaken. Discount for Senior Citizens Treework undertaken Call Vince for your FREE Estimate 07930 117522 12 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
The current Carpenders Park settlement lies of a development approved by Three Rivers in a valley which slopes down to the railway District Council. line. All the current settlement at Carpenders Park is affected by water which comes down No indication is given as to whether the the hill from the fields which are identified to existing foul water drainage system has the be built on. Flooding occurs on the estate as capacity to cope with the influx from the can be observed by any consultation of the proposed new dwellings. Watford Observer records and the Government’s website Check the long term General flood risk for an area in England - GOV.UK It is noted that only sites CFS12 and CFS13 (information.service.gov.uk) The view of appear in Appendix 9 – List of deliverable/ current flood risk in Carpenders Park and on developable sites. How do sites CFS14, the proposed sites is alarming. CFS69a and PCS47 therefore appear in Three Two “main rivers” flow through Carpenders Rivers District Council’s list of preferred Park, Oxhey Brook and the Hartsbourne proposed sites when Appendix 8 of Three Stream, both have caused flooding to Rivers District Council evidence states that properties in Carpenders Park and both are they are UNSUITABLE and NOT culverted for long lengths with the resultant DEVELOPABLE/DELVERABLE? No risk of blockages causing flooding. reason is given in Appendix 2 as to why some Nearly all the identified sites in Carpenders sites which are suitable and tick all the other Park state that mitigating measures will be boxes in Appendix 8 are not being taken needed to deal with surface water problems. forward. The residents of Carpenders Park do not wish their risk of flooding to be increased because Comments on each site, there will some repetition as similar concerns arise in connection with many of the sites. (follow at page 50) • His & Hers, Cut & Blow Dry • Hi-lights, Low-Lights • Semi-Permanent Colouring, Tints, Perm • Styling for weddings & Special Occasions CHILDREN WELCOME! Call us 020 8428 6862 4 The Parade, Carpenders Avenue, Carpenders Park, Watford WD19 5BL CPRA NEWS 13
Friendly reliable local Glazier and glass expert. Designing and building stained glass windows for the last 20 years Call us for all your glass and glazing needs Mobile: 07941 081005 Email: [email protected] Follow us in our Facebook page: Touch Of Glass 14 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Stop the Carpenders Park AROUND CARPENDERS PARK Green Belt Development Plans We created the Facebook group ‘Stop the being faced with a concrete jungle of 753 Carpenders Park Green Belt Development homes and a school, how scary would that be? Plans’ to help raise awareness of an appalling plan to build over 1500 homes and a school What about the traffic congestion, the impact on Green Belt land on the edge of our on our wildlife, the pollution, our health, the community. noise, the flooding, having nowhere lush and A local resident, Steve Smith knocked at our green to walk the dog, the roads will be door one evening and showed us a copy of absolute chaos for years to come, and let’s not Carpenders Park Matters, which not only forget the value of our homes plummeting, outlined the proposal but also explained to who would want to live here then? residents how to raise an objection to the Council, he’s apparently knocked at over 400 Our plan is to create an Interim Committee of local households to raise awareness, brilliant residents who will be the voice of the stuff! community liaising with our Councillors, as Over the past few months we heard rumours we continue to raise opposition to this that Three Rivers District Council scheme. had been looking to potentially build on the site, but as residents Communication platforms will be we really didn’t understand the our Facebook page, Nextdoor scale of the proposal. and the CPRA. I added articles on the Nextdoor media We need the whole community site Carpenders Park is a very behind this, so we must consider nice place and then finally I the cascade of communication to created the Facebook page. ensure residents without access to The response was amazing from social media have their voices South Oxhey and Carpenders Park residents, heard, this is where your we have over 1300 members already and what neighbours support will become became very clear is that the understanding of vital. the scale of this proposal was very low. We then went about raising awareness of the Gary Bunning of The Partridge has kindly development, explaining how residents could offered the use of his pub as a Committee object, reminding everyone of the cut-off date Meeting place which is great and it when objections had to be into the Council. demonstrates real community spirit. There have been some great posts from our members who are providing insight, data and At the time of writing our first priority is for personal views for our resident community to ALL residents to lodge their personal consider, it was really great to see people objections to Three Rivers District Council by coming together to help. 20th August 2021 (allowing time for post) we There are so many potential risks associated want to see piles of objection letters arriving with the proposed development and if we at their offices and thousands of emails in don’t act now as a collective it will be our their inbox. Unfortunately, petitions were not own fault, can you imagine driving up accepted. Carpenders Avenue towards Oxhey Lane and We are much stronger together, this will affect lots of our neighbouring communities so we will need to stand together and say NO to this development otherwise Three Rivers could soon be renamed Four Rivers District Council when the flooding starts! Terry Voss CPRA NEWS 15
16 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
18 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Carpenders Park AROUND CARPENDERS PARK Horticultural Society In our and spent uncertain many hours times we are removing still planning them, but to host our the battle is Annual Show never won. on the 4th of Firstly we September must but cannot remember a guarantee it will take place. Fingers crossed it weed is just will and lots of the community will enter a plant that is growing where we don't want it. exhibits and come and visit us on the day. Our Often they crowd out and compete against show is not just about growing plants but we plants you are trying to grow, blocking out also love to see your craft and baking. It sunlight and removing the goodness and seems such a long time ago when flour water your plant needs. So how do you tackle became difficult to get hold in shops as them? The first rule is to identify them and everyone was doing home baking and bread remove them before they seed. You need to making. Doing craft activities helped many of learn the leaf pattern and shape of common us get through the difficult times during the weeds in your garden. Annual weeds such as pandemic. Chickweed or Shepherds Purse can be kept at bay by regular hoeing or loosening with a Having my own garden and allotment has fork. This is best done when the weather is helped to keep me sane between online dry so that the seedlings will dry out and die. meetings and working away at my computer. Perennial weeds (ones lasting more than a Watching nature and gardening are excellent year) such as Dandelions will need to be dug ways to de-stress and help you forget about out and all the taproot removed. They can also your troubles. I promised myself at the start of be treated with systemic glyphosate weed lockdown to tackle the weeds in my borders killer, which is applied to the foliage and absorbed into the plant's sap stream. but always read the label and use as directed. Some weed seeds survive only a year in the soil but others can last several years so don't think you have won the battle straight away. I find weeding can be relaxing if done for short periods and it takes your mind off your worries. Hope to see you on 4th September Robert Tunwell CPRA NEWS 19
Carpenders Park our Club members to step into Sue’s shoes so Ladies’ Club that our regular theatre visits will continue. At the time of writing we are still waiting for The Committee will be planning the confirmation of when restrictions can be programme for the remainder of lifted further so we can start planning for our the year, and as soon as we are Club to re-open. We know how much our permitted to open, we look members are looking forward to meeting old forward to welcoming back all friends again. our members and hopefully some new faces. If you are new Sue Thompson, who has been to the area or would like more with the club for over 45 years, information about joining, please has moved away to live near her give me a call. Our meetings are daughter in Kent. Sue is going held in the Community Hall on to be a great loss to our Club, organising all our theatre visits, the first Monday evening of the month, outings, Strawberry Suppers except on Bank Holidays. and much more. We thank Sue for all the outstanding work she has done and wish Sue Angela Tongue – Admin Secretary and Frank all the best in their new home. 020 8428 4552 We desperately need a volunteer from one of DEFINITION UNISEX HAIR, TANNING 020 8428 8151 All aspect of hairdressing Specialists in colour Latest in fashion cuts Keratin smoothing treatments from £150 Retired charges Tuesday & Wednesdays Reduced children’s cutting prices Stand up sunbed, Clean COVID safe environment Staff barbicide trained wearing PPE and using screen dividers Gift vouchers available Appointments advised but not always necessary Follow us on Facebook for regular promotions @Definition Hair Salon 18 The Parade Delta Gain, Watford, WD19 5BL 20 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Carpenders Park AROUND CARPENDERS PARK Community Hall the Hall to refurbish the disabled persons’ As you might imagine, the Community Hall toilet and this has now been brought up to the has not been used a great deal since March standard of the Ladies’ and Mens’ toilets last year, although the short breaks between which were refurbished some 18 months to lockdowns did allow for some small use. At two years ago. An additional item, which we present, the Hall is used by small groups hope will be of great use, is a baby changing throughout the week but the Hall Committee unit. is hoping for a large increase in use once the Government announces the relaxation of The Community Hall is there for YOUR use Covid regulations. and if you would like to book the Hall, please telephone Audrey Walpole on 07415361794. We’re looking forward to the start of Book Sales again. The sales are usually Four long-serving Committee held on the last Saturday of the members have left us in the last month between 10am and 2pm, year; Jean Underdown, who passed and there are hundreds - if not away; Mary Woolf who, with her thousands -of books to choose husband, moved to Devon; and from. We’re also looking forward Ron and Bobbie Wilson who to reintroducing the popular Quiz moved very recently to live nearer Night at the Community Hall. to their daughter. They all gave so These are held every two months, much to the success of the Hall and or so, on a Saturday evening. Everyone is we shall miss them enormously. invited and if you are not part of a team there are always tables who are looking for We are always ready to welcome new additional players. The cost is £4 per person members to the Committee, and extra help and the tradition is to bring some food, for with the monthly Book Sale is always useful, example a quiche or a salad, to share. Do so if you’re in any way interested in these keep an eye open for banners and activities, please let me know. advertisements for these events Bryan Jukes We have taken advantage of the lack of use of 0208 386 2157 Harrow Gardening Services Complete Garden Care, Rubbish Cleared, Pressure Cleaning, Gutters Cleared 18 Dorchester Avenue, North Harrow HA2 7AY Tel: 020 8427 2857 Mobile: 07973 250 926 www.harrowgardeningservices.co.uk CPRA NEWS 21
SaW General Builders Steve and Warren Kelly, Family run business Extensions • Refurbishments • Patios • Fencing • Carpentry • Roofing • Brickwork • Painting • PVC Facia • Driveways • Decking • Loft Rooms Call: Warren 07976 445056 Steve 07956 386827 References available from Carpenders Park Residents. View our work on our web site. www.SaWgeneralbuilders.com EXTERNAL / INTERNAL DECORATIONS LOCAL SERVICE Web: decoratorinwatford.com Email: [email protected] Telephone: 07973 256 978 22 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Looking For An Electrician? M.C.P. Electrical Approved Contractors 24 hour Emergencies - Rewires - Fault Finding Immersion Heaters - Showers - Cookers - Sockets Lights - Fuse Boards - Telephone Points FREE Visual Inspections and Quotes Any Size Job Welcomed Special Rates for Senior Citizens Garden Electrics - Storage Heaters Mobile: 07958 402371— 07943882412 CPRA NEWS 23
ALL LOCKS SECURITIES We offer a complete service from non-destructively gaining access to covering locks on windows, doors, garages, safes and outbuildings. We open, supply, fit, replace and repair any types of locks ensuring the security of your property or premises, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, providing you with all round peace of mind. • 24 hour Rapid Response • Gaining Access • Lock Repairs • Burglary Repairs • Lock Fitting • Glazing • Insurance Work • Double Sealed Units For FREE quote please call: Office 020 8386 1036 Mobile 07973 638006 Special Rates for Carpenders Park Residents PHYSICS & MATH TUITION to GCSE & A-Level Terence Spinks PhD (Carpenders Park) £35 per hour (one-to-one sessions) £30 per hour (on line by Zoom) DBS Certified Tel 07443 543 568 Email: [email protected] 24 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Carpenders Park not be constantly anxious about what’s Church around the corner. Of course we’ve got to take due precautions – for our own sake and What a year we’ve had! I guess we’re all others’ – but we don’t have to add anxiety longing to be back to ‘normal’ after so much into the mix as we take those precautions. anxiety, sadness and loss. But we’re still We’ve been praying for our whole living with uncertainty. What will life be like Carpenders Park community as we have a year from now – who knows? As a church gone through lockdown, and especially for we are facing great uncertainty. We don’t the people who have lost loved ones, faced actually know whether we are going to debilitating illness or just great disruption to survive the disruptions of lockdown. Watch their lives. We find that prayer is a great way this space! of tapping into that huge resource which is In the face of such anxiety and loss many God himself, surrounding our lives with love people call on spiritual resources to help. and hope and calling us to trust him, come Those deeper parts of us, nourished by what may. Please get in touch if there are kindness, love, and the beauty of the world any particular ways in which we could around us, from which we can so easily be support you or your family in prayer. distracted. It can be important to learn to live in the moment, enjoying and being thankful Bryan Jukes (0208 386 2157) for what we have right now. As Jesus says, Steve Motyer (07808 794 031) ‘Don’t be anxious about tomorrow: let tomorrow be anxious for itself!’ (Matthew’s Paul Spiller (07729 816 237) Gospel 6:34). For all of us it can be hard to ‘let go’ like this – to leave the future to its own resources and Graham Spendlove MCFHP, MAHFP For all the family, for the treatment of Corns, Callus, Ingrown or Thickened Nails, Nail Trimming and other complaints. For an appointment that will last between 40 minutes and 1 hour, at a cost of £30 in your own home at a time to suit you, book now on 07799 033974 26 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
28 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Carpenders Park & South Oxhey Methodist Church, (CPSO) 122 Prestwick Road, South Oxhey, WD19 6LA PLEASE observe any safeguarding measures Minister: Rev. Richard Lowson: 01923 223906. that are currently in place. Website: cpsomc.org.uk Once a month there will be an on-line (Bus: W19 and No.8 stops in Prestwick Road, Service led by our Minister,, almost outside the Church). Rev. Richard Lowson. Church contact: Jenny (0208 428 6375) BREAD MAKING ZOOM - All are welcome – especially beginners! We ALL AREAS OF THE CHURCH ARE FULLY continue to meet twice a month by Zoom. ACCESSIBLE FOR THE DISABLED. The shopping list, Zoom invitation and any updated news is on our website. Well – things are looking up! We now hold FILM CLUB and MESSY CHURCH. We live’ services in the Church on the 2 nd and feel it is unwise to resume these activities for 4 th Sundays of each month (subject, of the time being but please refer to our website course, any new government guidelines). We for any up to date news. would love to see you! Please check website or phone Jenny for times of services. 30 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
AROUND CARPENDERS PARK NEW PATIENTS ARE WELCOME TO REGISTER Surgery Website www.attenboroughsurgery.co.uk Telephone lines open Monday to Friday from 8.00 Local Hospitals Watford General Hospital 01923 244366 Mount Vernon Hospital 01923 826 111 St Albans City Hospital 01727 866122 Hemel Hempstead 01442 213141 Community Nursing District Nurses 01923 686815 Health Visitors 01932 235322 Monday Bushey Medical Carpenders Holywell Tudor Tuesday Centre Reception Park Surgery Surgery Surgery Wednesday 020 8428 0355 01923 243130 01923 223724 Thursday 01923 231 633 08.00 - 12.30 08.00 - 18.30 08.00 - 18.30 Friday 08.00 - 18.30 14.30 - 18.00 08.00 - 18.00 08.00 - 18.30 Most Saturdays 08.00 - 12.30 08.00 - 18.00 08.00 - 18.30 each month 08.00 - 18.30 14.30 - 18.00 08.00 - 18.00 08.00 - 18.30 Most Sundays 08.00 - 12.30 08.00 - 18.00 08.00 - 18.30 Check dates 07.00 - 18.30 14.30 - 18.00 08.00 - 12.30 CLOSED CLOSED 08.00 - 18.30 14.30 - 18.00 08.00 - 12.30 CLOSED CLOSED 08.00 - 18.30 14.30 - 18.00 09.00 - 13.00 15.00 - 19.00 CLOSED Pre-booked 09.00 - 13.00 CLOSED Pre-booked The GP Partners at Attenborough Surgery This gives our patients access 24 hours a would like to thank all our patients for their day/7 days a week to an Online Consultation patience and support during the COVID-19 Form that can be sent into the GP at any Pandemic. It has been a difficult time for all time and will be assessed by the end of the Staff working in the NHS but the response next working day. The Doctor will contact from our patients to new ways of working you via a phone call, text or video including telephone and video consulting has consultation and where necessary a face to been truly inspiring. As you are aware we face appointment can be provided if have been open to all patients throughout the required. We have already introduced this as crisis and would continue to encourage our a pilot service which has been very patients to contact us should they have any successful and we would now encourage all medical issue that needs to be discussed. our patients who have access to the internet As a result of the success of our telephone to contact us in this way. and video consulting we have been able to CHANGES TO OUR CLINICAL TEAM introduce our ONLINE CONSULTATION We have recently been able to recruit in- OPTION which can be accessed via our house Physiotherapists, Mental Health Website at www.attenboroughsurgery.co.uk CPRA NEWS 31
Workers and House Dieticians who will Care Alliance. Work alongside our clinical team of Doctors, Contact our Reception Team for details of Nurses, Pharmacists, Health Care Assistants, any of the above services you may require. Health Coaches, Social Prescriber and Travel advice and immunisation service Receptionists. The new members of the If you have an overseas trip booked please Team will be available across all our sites. ask our Reception Team for an appointment We also work closely with all other members with our Travel Nurse for advice and of the local Community Health Team. immunisations as appropriate, ideally at least HEALTH CARE SERVICES AVAILABLE six weeks in advance of your trip. TO ALL OUR PATIENTS Patient Group Contraception services including coil and The Surgery would like to recruit new implant, Anticoagulation (Warfarin) members to our Patient Group. Please Monitoring, Minor Surgery, Joint Injections, contact Ceara Keane at the Surgery if you Physiotherapy, Counselling, Midwifery and are interested in becoming a member. Antenatal care, Carers Health Checks, Extended Hours appointments (Saturdays NEW: FOLLOW ATTENBOROUGH and Sundays), Video appointments and SURGERY ON FACEBOOK access to evening and weekend appointments as part of our joint working with Watford 32 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Craig Davies But things are slowly beginning to happen St. Meryl School again. This half term we returned to the swimming pool. Our after school sports This time last year, I remember writing clubs restarted. Pupils began to take music about the challenges we faced after a new lessons. We even opened up our dining room virus had swept the globe, the challenges we after 2 terms of individually boxing up hot endured, the sacrifices we made, the closer dinners and taking them to classrooms for we become. I spoke of looking to the future, children to eat them sat at their tables. Last to new beginnings and anticipation of a week, we had our sports day – again a very pandemic going away so that we can return different one than usual. A special day for to our lives as they were. parents to see their children again had to be I write this piece looking out my window at “tweaked”. Still under restrictions children enjoying an adaptation of our (and again to our sadness), pupils Summer Fete. They are in their competed to empty grandstands – class bubbles still, there are much like many of our actual numerous hand sanitiser bottles sportspeople this year. A highlight, scattered around the activity areas. however, was when the whole Our PTA (the best in the world, by school came out on the field and the way) are leading each stall watched as the winning house was tirelessly. In between class announced (Yellow House, for bubbles, timetabled into having those that are interested). It was their fun, there is much frantic the first time that we have all been wiping down of bouncy castles, together this year. whack-a-rat bats and hook-a-duck poles. As heartbroken as we are Three weeks ago we had an Ofsted that we could not hold a proper inspection. I have received the draft report fete again this year and invite our whole and we now wait until it is published before community, we do what we always do – we can share it with our community. I am what is best for our children. not permitted to share any of the report until this happens, but as ever I am proud of the This year marks the 70th Anniversary of our all the community – parents, staff and above school – something that again is being all the pupils. postponed to the Autumn – with yet more anticipation that we can all be together. I am very thankful to be a member of our community where we all band together and Today is a very good representation of what give our children the best possible deal that this year has been and still is like at St we can, no matter what hardships we face. It Meryl. We adapt. We plan differently. Yes, is our sincere intention that this will never there have been some very challenging times change. this year. We are currently up to 9 bubble closures since September. Pupils have Craig Davies missed out on many events that we usually Head Teacher, St Meryl School all look forward to – residential trips, whole school enrichment days, clubs, school visits. Tel: 02084281695 34 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Summer reading FAMILY & WELLBEING Challenge 2021 behind the Summer Reading Challenge) We were excited to announce that ‘Wild have released a special Wild World Heroes World Heroes’ Summer Reading Challenge booklist and our super Children’s Fiction 2021 was launched in Hertfordshire Buying Team have been busy making sure Libraries on Saturday 10 July. we have lots of these in stock as well as plenty of brand new books! You can search Our doors are wide open, and we are our catalogue to order books, download welcoming back and encouraging our eBooks from our eLibrary, Borrowbox or existing and new young readers to join and pop to your local library to see what they take part in this free challenge. have available to loan! This year The Reading Agency has teamed If your child prefers to listen to books, we up with WWF UK to inspire our young have lots of brilliant eAudiobooks available readers, through working together to stand on BorrowBox. eAudiobooks are a great up for our planet. This is a fun and inspiring alternative to reading as they help children to challenge and is a great opportunity for develop their listening and concentration children to catch up and develop their joy of skills! And they are perfect for long journeys reading by themselves and/or with their too. families. The Challenge! Wild World Heroes Packs! For every two books read the children will In the packs this year, the children will join collect a set of transferable stickers (some six young heroes in their adventure through are scratch and sniff). Using the clues and fictional ‘Wilderville’, helping the heroes fix the town map, they can help the six heroes the environmental problems they have with their journey to fix the places in noticed in their cool town. The Challenge is ‘Wilderville’, making it environmentally for the children to read any six books from friendly and a better place for the people and the ‘World Full’ of exciting books in our nature to live. libraries. Oxhey Library (South Oxhey) The books! The Reading Agency (the organisation CPRA NEWS 35
TPO Tree Preservation Order I became interested in Tree Preservation this is not the case Orders when a neighbour applied to have a in Three Rivers. tree protected with a TPO. I had no You have to send a objection. but I wondered how the process request to them and takes place and what protection the tree has. this can be done online. TPO's are orders made by I am sure you are a local planning aware that authority in Hertfordshire England to County Council protect specific have been carrying trees, groups of out major work on trees or trees on the estate woodlands. If a and surrounding tree or wood is area. I am sure protected by a many of you have TPO or is in a conservation area, anyone seen the video on wishing to carry out management work or Facebook showing the drastic cutting back of remove the tree will need to get permission an Oak tree outside Delta Gain shops or the from the local planning authority. If article in the Watford Observer where a permission is not sought from and given by contractor had cut back the wrong tree which the Council, then they have the ability to they were about to fell. I understand why prosecute which could result in a fine some dangerous and diseased trees have had between £2,500 and £20,000! branches removed or have been cut down but You may have a tree in your garden that is I don't understand why healthy trees have protected by this Order, so how do you find out? Well, some Councils have a section on been cut back so drastically when they are their website where you can do a search, but not obstructing the highway. It is also shocking that this work was carried out during the nesting season and at the wrong time of year to prune trees! You might ask what has this got to do with TPO's? Well, I was shocked that trees that I knew had an Order on them had been hacked back by HCC's subcontractors. I have been told the County Council have a legal right to cut back or cut down any tree they wish and do not have to comply with any TPO! It is a funny old world we live in! Robert Tunwell 36 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
TARRANTS TIMBER LIMITED Harrow Garden Centre, Headstone Lane, Harrow HA2 6NB Telephone: 020 8421 5989 We carry large stocks of sawn and prepared timber, skirting, cladding etc. Also a full range of sheet materials, i.e. MDF, Plywood, Chipboard etc. We also have a cutting service. Vast selection of Fencing, Decking and Garden Sheds All competitively priced. Daily Delivery Service FREE PARKING Website: www.tarrantstimber.co.uk E-mail: [email protected] CPRA NEWS 37
38 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Pictures from Carpenders Park Residents Do you like photography and have you taken a lovely picture of Carpenders Park? Please send them to us and we will publish them in the next edition. Here what we selected. Green Home Grant If you would like a warmer home in winter and cooler in summer, but cannot afford to make improvements, help is available through our Green Homes Grant scheme. We're working with the National Energy Foundation (NEF) to help eligible homeowners get up to £10,000 and private landlords up to £5,000 towards the cost of energy efficiency improve- ments. Among the measures which could be made are external wall, underfloor and roof insu- lation, as well as heating upgrade to help improve your home's performance. A properly-insulated home can save you up to £250 per year. To find out more and to see if you're eligi- ble, contact NEF on their free helpline, 0800 038 6030, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, excluding bank holidays. Alternatively, you can email NEF with your full name, address and phone number and an advisor will give you a call back. 40 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
We Move, FAMILY & WELLBEING She Moves Previously funded by Sport England and delivered by Hertsmere Borough Council, this initiative is about women coming together, to try something new and get moving. There’s strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and even happier life. Learn more about the effects of physical activity on your mind and body. Write to us or call us to discover our next section: 020 8207 7801 [email protected] Yoga in the Rose Garden, Bushey https://bookwhen.com/marymclellanyoga#focus=ev- sera-20210526180000 A friendly group of local people looking after Carpenders Park. We need help with Committee Members, Planning, Public Relationship, Membership, Environ- ment/Woodlands/Parks/Green Belt, Health, Traffic & Highway, Police, Newsletter Co-editor and Road Stewards. Interested? Email us : [email protected]. CPRA NEWS 41
42 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Neighbourhood Watch HertsWatch is the umbrella organisation control of their own finances and governance, which oversees the maintenance and and established a Memorandum of development of Neighbourhood Watch across Understanding with the Constabulary and the the county of Hertfordshire. OPCC. Hertfordshire NHW was established in 2004, Our membership was less than 20,000 in when the then Chief Constable, Frank 2006 but we have seen a rise to over 140,000 Whitely, held the Association of Chief Police during 2018 and to over 165,000 households Officers (ACPO) responsibility for in 2021. We are deemed to be the largest Neighbourhood Watch. He wanted to ensure NhW community in the country, with over that Hertfordshire had a strong and vibrant 33% of the homes receiving OWL messages. organisation in place. The dedication of the HertsWatch group was The HertsWatch Committee was made up of a recognised again in 2017, when a local representative from each of the ten Districts, Councillor in Three Rivers recommended the but the governance and funding at that time group for the Queen’s Award for Voluntary was organised by the police. The aim of the Service. It was an absolute honour to be Committee was to offer help and advice on presented with the award, and for Sue setting up Watches, recruiting volunteers, Thompson to attend a Garden Party at developing the Online Watch Link (OWL) Buckingham Palace. (www.owl.co.uk) database and messaging Representatives from the Police and the service, and ensuring consistency and Police Crime Commissioners Office also continuity across the county. Household attend Herts Watch meetings enabling the membership was very low at that time. three organisations to work very closely By working together, HertsWatch was able to together. galvanise effort and encourage new What are the Main Aims of HertsWatch? volunteers to join the system as road, area or ward coordinators. As with all volunteer • Provide a forum for efficient and effective work, key figures in the organisation served communication between the individual their time and utilised their individual skills to Districts of Hertfordshire and its partner develop the Watches in their districts. organisations such as Hertfordshire In 2012, HertsWatch became totally Constabulary, the County Council, the independent from the Police. They took Police Authority, National Neighbourhood Watch, Crimestoppers, Trading Standards 44 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
FROM THE AUTHORITIES and local colleges. Community Input • Promote a good working relationship based Information given by residents, who have received a message about a missing person, on mutual trust and respect with our has often resulted in the speedy identification partner organizations. and a safe recovery of that person. • Support the ongoing development of I wish Sue Thompson, who I have known and Watch Schemes throughout the County. worked with for many years, many thanks • Work with our partner organizations and and hope her house move went well. Kent the wider community to reduce both crime NHW will wonder what has hit them once she and the fear of crime and to help create gets going! neighbourhoods where all members of the About me? I am a self employed consultant community can live, work and play safely. in Records Management and in Health and • Support the individual Districts of Safety. As well as being the District Co- Hertfordshire by encouraging a consistent ordinator for East Herts I am also Secretary of approach to the development of all Watch Ware Pub Watch. Hobbies? Too many to list! schemes in the County. • Share 'Best Practice' ideas between all Keith Batchelor Districts, and hence all Watch Schemes in 10 Beacon Road, Ware. Herts. SG12 7HY the County. 01920 462241 • Explore and co-ordinate both existing and [email protected] new funding opportunities, to help ensure that all Districts are adequately funded. Ken Hodson Computers Computer Hardware and Software Repairs PCs and iMacs Upgrades and Advice for Home and Business No fix, no fee all repairs - you have nothing to lose. Low hourly rate. Most repairs carried out in your home If not, the computer will be picked up and delivered back to you [email protected] Telephone: 01582 794723 Mobile: 07974 156743 CPRA NEWS 45
1A Fairfield Avenue, South Oxhey, Watford, WD19 7ER Need a Hand with Accounting? Let us make things easy! With over 45 years’ experience, we deal with a wide variety of businesses including: Pharmacy, Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Opticians, Antiques, Care homes, Retailers, Wholesalers, News agents & Off- licences, Builders, Rental Property, Property Management Companies, Car garages, Motor dealers, Self-Assessment Returns and many more Call us for a free consultation to help with your tax affairs or any general tax advise you may require. 46 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Reena Ranger FROM THE AUTHORITIES Hertfordshire County Councillor’s Report It has been a busy 7 weeks. I have been Carpenders Avenue, Penrose Avenue and learning about the roles and responsibilities Greenfield Avenue. I am waiting for the of Hertfordshire County Council, meeting outcome of speed surveys commissioned by residents as the opportunity presents and Frances Button. Speed surveys were halted learning about my County Division. I had due to the pandemic, but have now restarted. hoped to start knocking on your doors to say My colleagues held an open air, socially “hello” with my District colleagues and ask distanced, surgery in Delta Gain. We hope to about local issues that you may wish to continue these as the weather allows. If you discuss but feel this is more appropriate once would like to be notified of these, please do we are fully out of lockdown. I am always let me know. available Finally, in our common endeavour to keep at [email protected] or on Carpenders Park as we love it, please report 07455 210 408. any highways, vegetation, street or traffic The exceptional weather we have been light faults at : https:// experiencing has caused www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/ many problems. services/highways-roads- Hertfordshire County and-pavements/report-a- Council (HCC) clear out problem/report-a-highway- the gullies regularly but the fault/what-type-of-fault-are infrastructure that we rely -you-reporting.aspx on below the ground is You are also able to report struggling to cope with the issues with flooding and volume and speed of recent drainage, pavements and rainfall. Unfortunately, we verges, signs and a number have experienced very of other things. All reports heavy rainfall twice since are assessed for urgency my election and I have had and dealt with accordingly. to request that the highway If you do not have internet on The Mead opposite the access you can report car park be fixed (after Highways issues by calling each incident) after 0300 123 4047. Any significant water pressure reports can be followed up split the road surface. I am with me. engaging with HCC in pursuing Thames Water to Cllr Reena Ranger see what can be done to 07455 210 408 help the situation. The rain has also meant that the verges have been vulnerable to car www.facebook.com/CllrReenaRanger and tyre damage. I am also following up on Hertfordshire County Councillor for this but believe our verges add so much to Rickmansworth East and Oxhey Park our street scene and hope that despite parking pressure and the rush of life, drivers (Rickmansworth Town, Carpenders Park, are considerate about protecting them. Oxhey Hall & Moor Park) Speeding concerns have also been raised in & Three Rivers District Councillor for Moor Park and Eastbury. CPRA NEWS 47
Valerie and David Coltman District & Parish Cllrs We were delighted to be re-elected as Three were heartened when they began to be reo- Rivers District and Watford Rural Parish pened. Councillors following the local elections in May. Carpenders Park has always been very We will continue to be of service to residents important to us since we moved here in 2001 as Carpenders Park will be facing several and we are keen to be of service to the resi- challenges in the coming months and we will dents. do all we can to lessen the impact. All your elected Councillors work hard to It is important that you continue to inform us keep Carpenders Park the green and pleasant of your views so that we can help you with area that it is known for and the past fifteen any concerns that you have. months have been particularly difficult for many. We are aware of how much has been Valerie Coltman, Parish Councillor done by residents to support their neighbours 07887 550 758 during this time and closed shops always have David Coltman, District Councillor a dispiriting effect on anybody's life and we 07775 696 087 Local Elected Representatives MP Dean Russell [email protected] 01923 296 790 Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner 01707 806 100 07455 210 408 David Lloyd [email protected] 07400 414 344 County Councillor 07534 080 736 07775 696 087 Reena Ranger [email protected] 07951 031 806 District Councillors 07534 080 736 Shanti Maru 07887 550 758 Donna Duncan 07596 543 524 David Coltman Parish Councillors Angela Arnold Donna Duncan Valerie Coltman George Hallam-Attree CARPENDERS PARK RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER DISCLAIMER Neither the Committee of the Carpenders Park Residents' Association, nor the editors of this newsletter accept any responsibility for the views by contributors or for the content of the advertisements within or any services provided by the advertisers. CPRA is a non-party-political Association. Any opinions expressed here are incidental and should not be deemed to associate the Association with, or stand particularly against, any political Party. 48 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Your local Opticians in South Oxhey for over 30 years Is now closed due to redevelopment BUT all patients’ personal records have been transferred to our other branch in Harrow weald. Staff members at South Oxhey will be there to welcome you. 411 High Road, Harrow Weald, HA3 6EL Tel 020 8427 3201 / 020 8428 5152 Situated near Harrow Weald Bus Garage and Opposite Waitrose, Iceland & Lidl Supermarkets with free parking up to 2 hours As VARILUX SPECIALIST CENTRE we supply bespoke spectacle lenses We will offer you special discounts for your valued loyalty over so many years and continue to provide the same, if not better, optical services to all existing and new Patients. £20 off Voucher for you and your family On purchase of a complete pair of Spectacles On production of this voucher. Terms & conditions Apply CPRA NEWS 49
Treasurer’s Report for 2020 The accounts of the Association are for our work being done in-house, in the capable financial year 2020 ending on 31st December hands of our News Editor, Chiara Breda. Our 2020, and also include the accounts for 2018 thanks go to Chiara for this. and 2019 as a comparison. I would like, as ever, to thank all the Road Looking at the bottom line, it can be seen that Stewards for the work they do in delivering the we had more than £8000 at the end of the year, magazines. As always, we could do with which is a significant increase over the previ- additional help in this, and if anyone can spare ous year. The Association, accordingly, is still a few hours, at most, twice a year, it would be in good financial shape. much appreciated. Please contact any Com- Rather than go through the Accounts item-by- mittee Member. item, I would like to highlight a few salient Finally, I would like to thank Mr Gary Skelton points. who has examined and passed As previously, our income is the accounts for 2020. Mr primarily from advertising, and Skelton has again generously our major expenditure is the waived his fee, and in return we printing cost of the Newsletter will be making a donation to his we publish twice a year. chosen charity Sense. Our income in 2020 was busted by a grant of £1,500 that we Treasurer’s Declaration were very pleased to receive I confirm I have prepared the from Watford Rural Parish account for 2020 from the Council, which more than records of the Carpenders Park offset the reduction in actual Residents’ Association and that advertising income we experience in the last they include all funds under control of the year. Our thanks go to Sajida Chandoo, our Association. Advertising Editor for managing our advertis- February 2021 ers. D.Colin Jones Our expenditure, at nearly £3,400 is signifi- cantly down on last year. This is due to the Independent Examiner’s Unqualified step that we took to change the firm that prints Report to the Members of Carpenders Park Residents’ Association. our magazine. I report on the Accounts of the Association for The other items of Expenditure remain sub- the year ended 31 December 2020, which are stantially the same. set out on the accompanying page. I would like to acknowledge the much- Basis of the Independent Examiner’s Re- appreciated support we continue to receive port from our local advertisers, which allows us to My examination included a review of account- issue the magazine free of charge to all our ing records kept by the Association and a residents in Carpenders Park. comparison of the Accounts presented with those records. It also included consideration of As with last year, our printing costs continue any unusual items in the Accounts. The proce- to be held down by much of the preparatory 50 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]