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Home Explore JULY PRIDORA 2020


Published by racsxcrnc, 2020-08-08 06:43:23

Description: JULY PRIDORA 2020, take a look at the daybreak edition. A new beginning.

Keywords: Rotaract,Racsxcr,RID3250,The Pridora,Rotaract3250


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Vol.- XIII JULY 2020 Daybreak Edition The Monthly Newsletter of

Rtr. Aman Masood Rtr. Ankur Kr. Mehrotra Rtr. Shubham Kr. Soni Rtr. Yashwant Kr. Mahto President Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past President Rtr. Raunak Ray Rtr. Mahek Khanderia Vice President Joint Secretary Rtr. Aditya Mishra Rtr. Rishika Pushpal Joint Treasurer Sergeant At Arms Rtr. Bipasha Bose Rtr. Nikhil Dubey Club Service Director Community Service Rtr. Smriti Bhagat Director International Service Rtr. Parth Verma Director Professional Service Rtr. Varsha Director Club Editor Rtr. Priya Kumari Cultural Coordinator

DRS (R) MESSAGE Rtr. Shivam Ashish Dear Rotaractors, It gives me great pleasure to write this message to the newsletter of the Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College. Being rotaractors, our main objective is to serve the community and it’s not an easy task. It needs teamwork and determination and Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College is doing such good activities and projects to make it a reality. As an institution based club, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College has a good number of students as its members. Learning beyond subjects is equally important, this is what I followed during my graduation. Gaining social skills, intellectual skills, moral values, personality progress, and character appeal is very important for career building. And I am sure that each member will receive a sense of accomplishment to have achieved something while in college. Even after the completion of your graduation try to continue your membership by joining a community-based Rotaract Club and keep on learning something new every day. Rotary International has provided this volunteering opportunity through the platform Rotaract to inspire the young generation ageing 18 and above. We work hard to serve others in our local communities and feel proud to call ourselves Rotaractors - Rotary in Action. Always remember Rotaract is an opportunity to learn and grow by taking part in various projects. Congratulations to Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College for sponsoring Rotaract Club of Royal Ranchi, the very first Rotaract Club of RID 3250 being sponsored by another Rotaract Club. At last, I would like to wish all the best to every member of Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College and keep Rotaracting! Regards, Rtr. Shivam Ashish DRS Reporting | 2020-21 RID 3250 (Bihar & Jharkhand) 3| THE PRIDORA | JULY 2020

TREE PLANTATION Club Events On 1st July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. On 4th July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, planted saplings in Xavier’s College, conducted a mask the college campus itself. Many distribution drive across the streets of among the college administrators Ranchi and distributed it to the local were also present during the event. vendors and the needy ones. DOCTOR’S DAY On 9th July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College ,for increasing On 1st July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. awareness about current affairs Xavier’s College, on the occasion of initiated a quiz show on its Instagram Doctor’s Day, felicitated Dr. Anant Kumar handle. Sinha, President, Rotary Club of Ranchi by giving him a Tulsi plant as a token of On 10th July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. respect and gratitude. Xavier’s College organized a special learning session on poster and certificate making for the members of tech team under the professional service avenue. 4| THE PRIDORA | JULY 2020

Club Events WORLD POPULATION DAY On 12th July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of On 11th July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. International Day of Justice, released its Xavier’s College, on the occasion of first editorial initiative as an essay World Population Day, conducted an writing competition. online speech competition on the topic “IMPORTANCE OF SEX EDUCATION AND On 12th July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH FOR WOMEN” Xavier’s College, in collaboration with Winners for the same were: Rotaract Club of Achievers Aurangabad 1.) Shalini and Yuwa foundation conveyed an 2.) Zoa Anwar, Shreya Puri online session on cybersecurity and 3.) Aduiti Shreya cyber laws. PAPER BAG DAY On 17th July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of On 12th July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. World Emoji Day, organized an exciting Xavier’s College, on the occasion of and cheerful event for the club Paper Bag Day, distributed paper bags to members. vegetable vendors and ration shop sellers near Kadru, Ranchi. 5| THE PRIDORA | JULY 2020

Club Events NELSON MANDELA DAY On 28th July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College ,on the occasion of On 18th July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Nature Conservation Day organized a Xavier’s College, on the occasion of poster making competition for its club Nelson Mandela Day organized an members. E-conference on the topic “Nelson Mandela’s Idea of Peace”. Participants On 26th July- 28th July 2020 ,Rotaract were from different districts as well as Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the different countries. occasion of Parents and Nature Conservation Day, with a motive “be a KARGIL VIJAY DIWAS vrisksh to our parents “organized a tree plantation drive. On 26th July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of On 29th July 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Kargil Vijay Diwas, organized a quiz Xavier’s College, sponsored a new club competition on google meet app. which is Rotaract Club of Royal Ranchi and with this Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College became the first Rotaract club in the district to sponsor another Rotaract Club. 6| THE PRIDORA | JULY 2020

BOARDS Daybreak Rising out of the ground like a Lesson learned – Daybreak is a swamp mist And falling out of beginning, a starting point where heaven like soft dew, slowly but there are more than a thousand surely the night was breaking into possible paths we could pick to day and I was sitting on a hilltop commence, it's up to us how we wondering why they call it decide to start our day but firmly a 'DAYBREAK'. Oh, it must have each day is going to end differently, been a majestic sight as the sweet or bitter hard to tell. Our mighty sun was revealing itself past was a Golden Tenure but unfortunately, I was (undeniably hard totally), the preoccupied, still wondering future may behold something even why 'DAYBREAK'? better but it's futile wasting time Maybe because it's a new day, a thinking or assuming about the new beginning, another future is present, our actions and opportunity to make things better, certainly, not just predictions to make things right. Or maybe it’s should futuristic. For inference I a day of 'Change'— a change of should quote Sir Abraham mind, a change of tune, a change Lincoln (my favorite American)— of pace, and a change of scene. “The best way to predict your Maybe this maybe that. My future is to create it\". endless hypothesis gave not a single convincing conclusion. The Rtr. Parth Verma one thing which I was sure of was Professional Service Director that I missed the first light, the RACSXC very reason for me waking up so early and climbing up the cliff. 7| THE PRIDORA | JULY 2020

EDITORIAL WORLD NATURE CONSERVATION DAY Margaret Mead, an anthropologist, once said, \"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has\". World Nature Conservation Day is recognised all around the globe to bring to the attention of the citizens of the world, the importance of a healthy and sustainable environment. This is our planet and it is under attack, to specify – our attack. Human activities and greed for more have led to the extinction of species, irreversible climate crisis and scarcity of resources. Planet Earth provides everything essential for our survival for free and we have drastically failed to appreciate and preserve its biodiversity. It is utterly vital to take significant steps - at individual, societal and global levels, for the conservation of nature or else we shall face the consequence of our actions. Rtr. Arya Club Member RACSXC 8| THE PRIDORA | JULY 2020

नई सबु ह अच्छा वक़्त मुठ्ठी में पड़ी रेत की तरह तो िुरुआत के पहले मह िे मंे ह हमिे आहहस्ता -आहहस्ता करके निकल कारगगल ववजय हदवस को सलाम़ी जाता है हम लाख कोशिि कर लें की हदया, पौधा लगाकर प्रकृ नत को सम्माि कु छ पलों को रोक लें टोक लंे मगर ऐसा हदया और सेक्स एजुके िि का छोटा सा होता कहाँा है। मगर इंसाि को उदास प्रयास भ़ी िई हदिा का पहला कदम ह िह ं होिा चाहहये क्योंकक रात का अधं ेरा तो है। इतिे छोटे से वक़्त मे इतिा कु छ ककतिा भ़ी काला क्यों ि हो सबु ह की कर जािा इस बात का प्रमाण है की हम पहल ककरण का भरोसा जरूर होता है। िई सुबह की िई रौिि़ी के साथ सफलता के मुकाम चूमिे को तैयार हंै वक़्त और जज्बात के ऐसे ह कु छ और दनु ियााँ मे कोई ऐस़ी मंजजल कोई खट्ट -म़ीठी अिभु वों के साथ हमारे ऐसा मकु ाम िह ं जहााँ तक हम क्लब का 2020-21 का सिु हरे सफ़र की रोटरैक्टर के ईरादे ि पहुँाचते हों। अिोख़ी िरु ूआत होत़ी है। मौजूदा हालात भले ह तनिक सजं ़ीदा हो मगर Rtr. Akshay हदलों मंे अमि शलए हम साथ शमलकर चलिे के शलए तयै ार हैं। हम सबको ये Club Member पता है की इस राह में िई चुिौनतयां RACSXC होंग़ी िये सवाल होंगे मगर कु छ खोकर पािे की राह और िई चाह को ह तो जजदं ग़ी की संज्ञा द गई है, क्योंकक एक साँास लेिे के शलए भ़ी पहल छोडि़ी पडत़ी है। कु छ अच्छा कर जािे के हौसले की बदौलत ह 9| THE PRIDORA | JULY 2020

नई शुरुआत!! अपने जनु नू से अश़ छू ने की जहम्मत रखो स्वयं के मन की आराइश करने की चाहत रखो नया आरंभ, नई शुरुआत इर्खलास से चलो लक्ष्य की ओर नए उमंग, नई कायनात तुम्हारी सिलता एवं ताबीर मचाएगा शोर! गुल-ए-सरु ्ख़ दो खुद को सौगात नामहरम से करो सलीके से बात! जनस्पहृ बन के सत्य स्वीकार करो इजततदा करो अजवकार बनने की ज़िन्दगी बेहद हसीन है,हर जदन रंगीन है अजवरल, अबाध पवा़़ि भरो अतीत के पन्नों के सदंु र लम्हों के साथ क्योंजक ये है.... वत़मान को बनाना मोहजसन है नया आरंभ, नई शुरुआत तू वो सरू ज है और वो महताब है नए उमंग, नई कायनात!! जजसकी रौशनी चारों सम्त में बलवान है Rtr. Divyani Singh हर जनराशा से नई आशा पैदा करो हर जदन कु छ सीखने की जजज्ञासा पैदा करो Club Member यूँ बैठकर मुंतजजर न बने रहो RACSXC खुजशयाँू तुम्हारे दरपेश है शाद रहो रौनके -महजिल बनो अजवराम बढ़ते रहो! 10| THE PRIDORA | JULY 2020

Tears rolling through the eyes, POEM from the moment that van started to beep, heart beating so fast and loud and D holy words chanting through the lips, O with our loved one lying on the bed having the body C at so unusual rest, T evils knocking at the mind, with no idea to execute O for next. R ‘S Drops of blood all over the body, creating the situation so painful, the sight of which gets our heart sink, being the situation so pitiful, but here we got a man, being the ultimate warrior, ready to challenge the situation, no matter how unbeatable be the barrier. Reminding that white apron of their kindest purity, D who endeavor with all his effort, A consoling about life with maximum security, Y yeah for sure, they are not god, but there will fight against all of odd, reminds us about there goodness having a heart so remarkable certainty... Rtr. Aman Agarwal Club Member RACSXC 11| THE PRIDORA | JULY 2020

Fun and facts MEMES BY: Rtr. Atul Narayan Rtr. Rounak Lohia Rtr. Utkarsh Anand Rtr. Kumar Sourav 12| THE PRIDORA | JULY 2020


Rota-Wishes 14| THE PRIDORA | JULY 2020

Happenings Economic Centre to spend 11.85 crore to fund 112 agricultural start-ups. IPL 2020 Schedule: IPL set to begin on September 19, final on Sports November 8, confirms IPL Chairman Brijesh Patel. International The Japanese Government recently approved Dexamethasone as a second treatment of COVID-19. Mamata Banerjee reshuffles TMC ahead of Bengal polls, appoints Political new party members as district chiefs. The Big News India’s defence got a major boost as the first batch of Rafale fighter jets landed at the IAF base in Ambala. QUESTION OF THE MONTH What does YOLO stand for? 15| THE PRIDORA | JULY 2020

Rotaractor Of The Month MOTTO OF CLUB Rotary- Service Above Self Rotaract-Fellowship Through Service This newsletter contains information ,data ,documents ,images and promotion material pages prepared by Pr team of RAC St. Xavier’s College Ranchi. RACSXC wishes to make available the Information to better inform the community. Although the Information is not protected by any legal copyright agreement but RACSXC handles the all rights. Few Images are brought from some third party website ,the RACSXC and/or the pr team do not warn to represent that the Information or the third party Information are free from errors or omissions. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form or transmitted to any other person without the prior written permission of the RACSXC or the Board. The RACSXC will not be responsible for any technical or typing mistakes on this newsletter. This Disclaimer is design to this Newsletter as created for the RACSXC by the PR Team of THE PRIDORA. Send Your Feedback at : Or Mail us at- [email protected]

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