○ Unwanted response: A disconnect between the skills that the employee displays or wants to develop in relation to the skills required for the position. A disconnect between the interviewee’s and interviewer’s vision. 8. What originally brought you into this industry? ○ This question will uncover the candidate's original motivation to get into the industry and what actually motivates them while working on the golf course. ○ Desired response: replying about how much they love working with other people and their desire to work in a team. Teamwork is a huge part of working out on a golf course and if they love working with other people then this will be a great indicator that this candidate will work well with everyone on the crew. Another great response would be their love for the job itself and working outside. This will show that they have high levels of motivation for the job and an actual passion for keeping the course maintained to high level. ○ Unwanted responses: no real unwanted response, just used to gauge candidates passion for the industry. 9. Tell me about a time you set difficult goals. What did you do to achieve them? ○ This question will help you gauge whether they'll be able to handle the audacious goals you have in store for them.. ○ Desired response: A great answer shows they understand what difficult goals are, and they put a lot of effort into attaining their goals while maintaining a high standard of work quality. ○ Unwanted responses: Never had or has never accomplished any set goals. 10. Tell me about a time you screwed up. ○ This is a good test for selfawareness.. ○ Desired response: Someone who takes ownership of their messup and learns something from it are usually humble and mindful. ○ Unwanted responses:Candidates who blame others or give a \"fake\" screwup (something like \"I worked too hard and burned out.\") are red flags.