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Home Explore Advertising Track

Advertising Track

Published by avjay15, 2018-04-06 05:56:44

Description: Technical Manual


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ABOUT US Technical ServicesSocial Media Advertising

Table of ContentsIntroduction..................................AWhy Work With Us...........................BTechnology We Work With.................CAd Gingles.....................................DGami cation..................................E 1-4Our Creative Approach....................FIdeation.......................................GHeadliner Innovations......................HChange Management.......................I Advertising & New ProductsCampaign Planning & Mgmt .............1Brochure Design & Print ..................2Concept Market Research.................3TV Commercials.............................4Public Relations ............................5

Brand Consulting..........................................6Identity Design.............................................7Collateral Material Design...............................8Logo Design Articulation.............................. 9Corp Brand ID Manual.....................................10White Paper Download - Select Here Market Digital Marketing IntelDynamic Website............................................11Community Portal / Local Ads...........................12eCommerce Website......................................13Social Media Advertising................................14Domain Name Reg / Hosting............................ 15 Trademarks & Copyrights

It’s all about the best idea and solving issues. Mostconsumers love innovative products as well as ADs.But on a few fall into this category. Just how doesApple do it time and again. First, they plan for it.What seems relevant though, is that most consumerslove clever ADs, especially those that we can sing alongwith. But, most advertising campaigns are insanely bad.Even annoying to a point that warrants muting our TVor radio’s. Cheap print marketing - goes - from themailbox to the trash can in break-neck speed.Collectively, rarely do they alter a purchasing decision.Great products and fabulous creative AD are born fromcreativity, innovative messages, and an intelligentpresentation. And, if they are witty - all the better.Advertising Track accelerates progress by utilizingadvanced techniques for fast-forwarding work ows.In light of time and a coordinated e ort, we clearlydepict all requirement(s) via an up-front review in orderto prepare a statement-of-work. Once a blueprint planhas been put in place, we then provide the rightinformation at just the right time in order to expeditedecisions and alleviate any confusion.

Advertising Track is continually focussed on its customersneeds. Development of various options to gain alignmentof priorities and shared vision is just the beginning. In ourline of business, pragmatism and ways to improveinteractions is the order of the day. Seeking feedback fromour customers and understanding their overarchingcommitments ensures satisfaction via a continual spotlighton multiple demands and shifting priorities. Moreover, wecreate new possibilities when sensing inconsistencies inlogic. In all, our consultative services involves an approachwhich is predicated on integrity. Our campaign managers are PMP certi ed (Project Management Professionals). As such, they manage marketing projects in a manner that can re-de ne client expectations. In doing so, we utilize state-of-the-art technology in order to streamline coordination and collaboration. Most importantly, in making a campaign budget, we account for speci c AD e ectiveness or potential ROI; calculating net present internal rate of return, various “what-if” scenarios, and projected cash ow spreads. A

Advertising Track is committed to outstanding Why Work With Us services and results... by any de nition.Through collaboration and knowledge-sharingyou'll experience the value of working with ourteam of professionals. Clients who work with usquickly recognize that we are committed to theirsuccess.We do what we say we are going to do. You won’thave to worry about surprises. An e ective 2 waycommunication process is established from theget-go.Organizations of all sizes want a more detailedanalysis to assist in the decision making process.We get that ! Our goal is to help you maximize your Advertising ROI. Every project that we take is well researched before we suggest solutions. Every design activity commences only after a detailed brand study has been completed.

From creating a logo to executing a complete adcampaign, the same attention to detail is given.Our approach is of course well documented andyou may view it in-person at any time so thatany questions can be answered. Our hope is thatmost of our business will come from a small group ofcompanies that we get to know so that client referralsbecomes an extension of our existing communiy.The bene ts from doing so stem from a propensitytoward quality vs. quantity. The creative di erencein our campaigns are typically recognized instantly.Our domain expertise in traditional and digitalmarketing tactics combined with projectmanagement is the best of the best. Furthermore,our content writersare well published.Typically, with atleast 25 years ofcreating content.Finally, we markettest all our ideasvia in-person focusgroups for yourreview. B

We develop our products and services using the latest Technology We Work Withand greatest technology available in the marketplace.We constantly strive to acquire overall team talent withas broad of technical knowledge as possible.A sampling of the technologies that we arepro cient in following include programminglanguages: ADAX, C, DHTML, Java Script, Java,JQuery, Objective C, SQL etc.Development work which includes: xhtml, CMS,E-Commerce, Mobile App Dev, Rendering servicesand custom development. Wordpress development Joomla development Drupal development eCommerce development Custom Php/mySQL coding Responsive website development Mobile website development PSD to xHTML development

We do not claim to beexpert in everytechnology on earth.But yes, there are manyareas where we are verystrong as well as o ersolutions only into thoseweb development service areas. if your project doesnot fall into our domain expertise, we would nothesitate to say “no” to that project. Quality Assurance For us the quality means client satisfaction. And as one might expect, with varied quality requirements... our jobs is to make sure that each are fully met. Expectations via a detailed SOW is always provided in order to get the job done. When we accept a project, we will deliver We will engage you at every level of project Our certi ed PMP’s follow rigorous processes C

AD Gingle Everyone has experienced a jingle before. You see an AD on TV and a few days later, you’re still humming the same melody. Should you buy a soft drink, see a movie, or change college selection? Such is the value of melody and / or a short song that crafts words with music for the sole purpose of selling products or services.Advertising Track was asked to write a fewlyrics coupled with a score for an advertising campaign targeted for a South East college. The university’s sports team - speci cally requested an educational vibe with a rap-tor type beat.

Education is like an Owl’s call Audibles,which structure thenucleus of a study to be.A night owl’s campus stands tall to thee,Nocturnal... for those who look up to see.Vocations - opportunity for joy & creativity,Often a pillar for required insight indeed. D

Advertising Track was asked to create a fun platform in order to facilitate innovation. “Putting old wine in new bottles” seemed to be the norm of their prior consulting experiences. And so, we decided to use a single case studyand video medium for the purpose of bringing conceptsto life while making the overall process more interesting. The gami cation enabled participants to easily understand the bene ts and pitfalls of convergent intellection and to implement a process for divergent modernization ideas.With parameters in hand, we sat down and and created an excellent pedagogy that encapsulateed ingenuity and imagination.

The Thread Theory is based on a sequence of constructs in a conceptual model that quanti es (mathematical terms) the “e ectiveness” by which product idea “selection(s)” are synthesized. Consumer problems / issues are tabled so that innovative solutions are creatively discussed... given suppliers and available resources. Collaborative Inter-Action / LearningBy using various media in concert with environment andnon-threatening political implications for open dialogue...oranizations are now taking note of many di erentpedagogical approaches that can maximize critical thinkingthrough personal engagement with management.Furthermore, when such pursuits are combined...“voice-of-the-customer” can be equally shared amongemployees & contributing marketing research specialistwith or without “in uence.” Importantly, the aim is to takeposturing from the “equation” in hopes of pivoting towardoriginality and break-through invention(s). Moreover,consensus is gained as a “critical aspect” to openperspectives and context where gaps in opinion areevaluated which typically begins by examining thecorrelation between value and cost. Transformationalthought is encouraged via game mechanics consideringpsychological aspects like: motivation, temperaments,competence etc. in order to gain a competitive advantage. E1

All great product innovation(s) hangs by a single thread. The clever company takes advantage of everything,neglects nothing that may give some added opportunity; the less clever rm... by neglecting one thing, sometimes misses the entire “big” picture.

The Thread Theory IIdeally, new product idea generation and / or conceptconcept selection process(s) should be incorporated withstrategic planning initiatives for the purpose of org learningcoupled with success repeatability. By articulating a roadmap,a step-by-step blueprint can depict important procedureswhich can illustrate tasks with or without a given sequence.As a guide for understanding where activities start, what toconsider, and scheduling speci c deliverables...a visual representation of inter-relationships helps simplifythe objectives desired. Often, this is referred to as amodel where integration of speci cs are provided in atheoretical framework.Most participants will tell you that gami cation can build acreative climate within a company by synthesizing knowledgeas well as experiences, so that new ideas can be tested;best practices identi ed, or new product developmentconstructs evaluated and then advanced. Our game wasdesigned to encourage cross-functional groups to shareinsights in order to expand design possibilities. The ultimategoal was to derive at a design that would yield commercialviability. Ultimately, to accomplish such an undertaking,leadership had to be capable of blending acreative climate and matrix org structure.The Upshot: capability to make frequent, E2faster, and smarter decisions inreal-time. Focus: value creationas well as reducing risk.

Sports marketing and creative product designs are but one thread, the same line viewed from di erent sides. Hence, innovation makes the best use of both convergent and divergent thinking. Such circumstances follows an aptitude for making desirable discoveries ! Steve Pascale The Thread Theory II

Advertising Track gami cation - utilizing movie video’s and casestudy in order - facilitates key learning blocks relative to sportsmanagement. The “visual meduim” provided entertainment andwas truly an engaging experience. Again, the objective was toincorporate both convergent and divergent thinking by usingtwo di erent long-standing techniques. As such, we removedthe measurement of “tangible output” thinking in order tosynthesize new product ideas. Consequently, employees wereasked to draw upon their imaginations... relative to a requestfor descriptive form and action functionality.Learning allowed for appropriate questions. This was animportant game elements and essential in the overall process.At the onset, current market reports were provided to spur opendiscussions. The objective was forward-thinking i.e. push theenvelope of alternatives. Subsequently, group discussion waspromoted as to future implication. The whole experience wasconsidered nothing less than insightful as well as pure fun !Re ecting back... the exercise required a break down of existingparadigms about particular preferences, beliefs, and cultures.The new, unusual, and original was the focus. Noteworthy, it wasconsidered a “given” that implementation of various ideas wasthe target for designers. There are 6 steps and 2 phases used foridea screening and scoring. Concepts that followedwere either classi ed as an incremental advanceor entirely new and orginal product ideas.As to questions stemming from newinnovations, a robust process ensuedcentered around required resourcesand corresponding budget. E3

Gami cation is one of the most proven waysto innoate. However, there are important scienti cprinciples behind the strategy to understand.First, is important to understand user pro les,demographics, skills, and experiences.Inevitably, an innovation process must measuredesign levels and perceived value.From Henry Ford to Steve Jobs, we nd itincredible that a single person could see theworld entirely di erently. The characteristics andknack for design is often thought of as a naturalgift. Furthermore, understanding desires ofconsumers is a connectedness that obviouslyrequires some market research (primary andsecondary) coupled with a competitive forumcan be a catalyst for bringing about a certainmind-set. The net result can often be absolutelyamazing. So why don’t most companies invest inthe development of a robust innovation process?

Innovation competitions and games can set many creative minds to the task of solving challenging problems. Collaboration creates a free exchangeof creative thoughts and then fosters thinking in away that allows ideas participation that would not have occurred otherwise. Unleach the power of a game environmentwhere teams members can align and accelerate ideas. With a given framework that re ects arealistic and sophisticated realm, contributions can in uence favorable outcomes. E4

Founded in 2016. Advertising Track is new. That’s true. However, our ceo is not new to marketing, product development, or inventing original products. His pro le can be viewed on LinkedIn (Stephen Pascale). We specialize in marketing planning, advertising design, digital marketing, PR, brand mgmt and a lot more. With a team of 25 plus sta in 2 countries, Advertising Track is an epitome of today’s integratedmarketing agency. Collectively, our passion is to createreally awesome designs coupled with content that ts appropriately. And, we collaborate with some of the best leaders in business... not only in the U.S., but also in Canada and Great Britain. The idea behind a small group is simple. We onlywork with a limited number of clients at any one time. Consequently, we treat every project as #1 priority. F

are vital to growth and the very essence to change. And, innovative concept designs leading to corporate prosperity may indeed work best when an evaluation process is utilized; optimizingconvergent iterative solutions and divergent concepts. Breaking down existing paradigms about particular company culture and beliefs are required in order to view new possibilities.Innovation Management(949) 201- 9999 Agile InnovationAdvertising is not just the embellishment of a message.One that distinguishes itself e ectively.More than merely a catchy phrase or appealing image.E ective advertising requires creative ideas, personality,identity reinforcement, and should puts aninnovative spin on new products.

Concept Selection & Evaluation ProcessThe decision process for inovationcomes down to evaluationa anddetermination of implementation.the second is concept scoring. Each issupported by a decision matrix that isused to rate, rank selected concepts.Traditional thinking and observation accountsfor the vast majority of concepts will fall intoincremental change category. The 2nd approachexplores changes and decisions of this type requireinput from the highest levels of the organization.RESEARCH PLANNING CONTENT DESIGN InnovationSales ROI Brand Quality G

Headliner Innovations like the “Jet-Ski” produced a path breaking shift. Disruptive products typically process that resulted in creativity that the world has not seen before. Inventive modernization necessitatesfostering new ideas whose implications are far-reaching.Oddly, what isn’t so apparent is how to sustain productdevelopment advancement & cultivation of orginality.Criteria for this type of innovation explored the changesin the organization and its structure that would berequired to make the concept feasible. If the changesis willing to make those changes. Hence, a viable ideaselection process must recognize human factors whichconsists of 3 stages: perceptual stage, cognitive stage,and the action stage. All stresses a top-down approach.Planning Tactics Strategy Media Selection AD Creation

Incremental Solutionsmuch like lling old wine in new bootles... requiresiterative changes in packaging. In this particular case,the talents and vision of product managers anddesigners (indicating their goals, approaches aswell criteria) are very di erent. Furthermore, theircriteria for selection, evaluation process, perspective,and context for making a decision are indeed verydi erent. Product managers prefer to do it right the rst time regardless of constraints. This is the area inwhich ideas for new products reside. The new, unusual,and original concepts are the focus of R&D while theimplementation of those inventions fall in the purview of designers who tend to be more short term focussed. For this reason, a team approach to getting incremental improvements is desired for keeping project e orts going in the right direction as a necessity for going concern. 27 H

Change ManagementE ecting change (as opposed to just letting it happen) isoften the di erence between success and failure.Persistence and change exist together. The symbiotic andparadoxical relationship between change and constancycan be confusing. Even entities that appear constant onsome scale are actually in a constant state of ux.Advertising Track uses a 2 tierd model when thinking about“Change.” We divide change types into “orders” or tiers.In the rst-order, change involves shifts between membersin the same class. An example of this would be to selectanother software package when the initial selectiondidn’t ful ll company requirements.A second level in this hierarchy of change we refer to assecond-order change. Where rst-order change involvesmoving from member to member (software to software),a second-order change would be to move away from thecomputer system entirely and abandon the existingframework. The di erences between rst-and second-orderchange are greater than just change of class versus changeof member. First-order change is the change that intuitivelycomes to mind when we identify a problem.First order change is commonsensical.

It is also the lowest common denominator of change. First-order change focusses on solving the problem itself, and is most concerned with the reasons behind a problem. On the other hand, second-order change is usually considered radical. First-order change attempts to alter the problem, but second-order change attempts to alter the solution. Second-order focuses not on the “why” of a problem, but only on “what” is wrong.Change is most successful when begun at the top or supportedby top-management; failure often results when such is not thecase. Utilizing a well de ned road map to the future requires apath to follow in making the right decisions.Innovation is a top priority for many CEOs, who look to newproducts as the engines to implement their corporatestrategy for growth and transformaton.However, translating these aspirations into reality requirestreating innovation as a key business process; thereby,providing solutions to product development. Thus, toachieve a competitive advantage... a systematic approach forcapturing and selecting the right ideas necessitates focus.When deciding on concepts to invest in, the ability tomeasure potential value in a consistent way leads to optimaldecision making. Ideally, this is based on a premise ofcapturing the voice of their customers early and leveragingthe knowledge & expertise of strategic supply chain partners. I

Marketing Campaigns are often extremely complex, which would Campaign Planning & Managementinclude a number of media, multiple channels and plenty ofsuppliers. Advertising Track can help you plan and managecampaigns to ensure that they happen on time, on brief and onbudget. We are PMP certi ed and provide the following services: Cloud technology project management tool Plan an integrated multimedia campaign Ensure marketing costs follow budgeted baseline Plan and execute communications brief Assess & select the right suppliers according to req Ensure your campaigns follow legal IP protocol Great marketing campaigns are generally not convincingly achieved by many companies or agencies. Why? For the most part, they generally lack in-depth market knowledge and highly e ective execution standards. E ective project management ensures that your schedule stays its course. Secondly, your marketing e orts must achieve a certain level of di erentiation. Thirdly, each and e ort project must strengthen & build a brand. Collectively, advertising initiatives should not only inspire your target market while harmonizing multiple diverse components in order to achieve optimal results.

At Advertising Track, we are always willing to go that extra mile toachieve great results for your Marketing campaign. And, our creativeAnd, our creative design process only begns after we understandyour company, requirements, budget, and scheduling parameters.Only the right mix of print, broadcast, traditional as well asnon-traditional online media are used to create a customizedapproach. This includes: Creative design & prototype creation Media buying Assessing product / service within industry Advertising channel collaboration Campaign logistics / trouble-shooting Measuring campaign e ectivenessWhat’s more, we create amazing concepts for you to choosefrom. Each idea will be highly innovative while keeping an eyeon coordinating activity details.At Advertising Track, we o er a wide range ofa ordable marketing planning services andproject management. So, why not give us a call.949.201.9999 1

If you want your brand to sing like an old Coke commercial...then make sure your brochure doesn’t look like something ajunior college might print.Really though, are you tired of dull boiler-plate brochures that onemight receive from a two-bit tax company? Advertising Trackdesigns brochures that keep your audiences engaged. If your typicalbrochure is without special print accents... then you will be verypleasantly surprised with our brochure designs.That said, we can be creative to keep them reading.We o er complete content creation and copy writing services.Engaging product catalogs are a powerful marketing tool whendone correctly. As such, they need to be easy to navigate withcrystal clear copy. The aim is to strike a balance between messageclarity and eye-catching aesthetics.To do so, a brochure design must uniquely integrate content, space,typography and image. But, most importantly... relevant informationmust be logical, intuitive, easy to read wherein the design enhancesvisual print accents that highlights corporate identity.It’s simple really, the goals is to gain an edge over your competitors. At Advertising Track, we manage every stage of the creative process from concept to print, professional photography, persuasive copy and enhanced design layout. Along with superior understanding of the latest print techniques

BROCHURE DESIGN (example stochastic) our work will deliver an impact. & PRINT For all our accents, please refer to “Snapshot.” Award winning print solutions - that’s what each of our clients expect. And so, that’s what we deliver. Much thought is given to the feel and nish, embossing, die-cut, foiling, thermography etc... Ultimately, it is your brochure and business card that reaches your potential customers hands. The rst impression should speak volumes with regard to your brand identity. Our purpose is to assist you with hitting the right chord with your target audience. Advertising Track has extensive experience with designing company brochures and product catalogs. Give us an opportunity to show case your brand in an innovative style which corresponds with outstanding marketing collateral. 2

TV Commercials are an e ective way to get your message out to a large audience. Brilliant Ideas = Creative Genius Our team of experts are willing to suggest how your brand and products can be re ected in its TV Commercials. And, we manage your entire project from creative brief to to post production. All our is work will be completed with the“highest-standards”in order to achieve intended“value.” Impact – Your commercial will get noticed Brand Entertainment – Customer engagement Content – How it communicates with customersAdvertising is suppose to convey a message, typically to market a product or service. But, how many times have you seen a commercial and asked... Really? Many TV ads continue to be the subject of philosophical discourse. That’s why clarity of message can be the di erence between high & low sales.

Television advertising involves two main tasks: creating a television advertisement that meets broadcast standards and then, placing the advertisement on television via a targeted air time media buy that reaches the desired customer.TV Commercials Each commcial is conceived as a work of art and created to perfection, with the utmost care on every detail including production design speci cations and market research. TV Commercials are ideal to communicate the emotion that characterizes your company’s products and services. What’s more, we have the technical resources to create broadcast-ready content. Makes no di erence to us whether you want a 15 second ad or 1 minute infomerial... we o er the ability to tailor your communications plan so that you can target speci c segments of your market. Our advertising design will entice, encapsulate, and educate consumers. A clear message that speaks directly about a product or service bene ts. 3

ReAacuShdpiinoegrntcRseeslevant Advertising Track o ers clients a wide range of innovative solutions. We undertstand our customer’s requirements to identify the ideal combination of concept designs supported by market research.Will the red polka dotted tie sell ? Market ResearchToday, playing sports includesbranding team apparel as well asconsumer goods. Teeing o marketing research necessitatesasking some initial questions like: What are the marketing research questions ? Idea of your sample size ? Surveys or other instruments you wish to to use (or have used) to collect your data. New Product Introductions is Our Advertising SpecialtyMarket research improves advertising decision making. One way to do this is to communicate the relationships that will be tested in a concept model.

Marketing managers have many challenges as they needto be more decisive and o er higher quality products andservices. And, they must do so with fewer people atlower costs. is means decisions must be made in ashorter period of time coupled with favorable outcomes.Our research design begins with a sampling plan-of-actionthat includes: Conceptualization / sampling de nition(primary+secondary) ID product or service variable / construct characteristics Development of exploratory, descriptive, and casual design Questionnaire for collecting info and eldwork procedures Random in-person interviews per demographic targets Focus group observations where dynamics are noted Qualitative data compilation and understanding Interpretation - data analysis, veri cation of results Conclusions are illustrated in an easy-to-understand presentation. e collective e ort is nothing more than pursuit of truth concerning a product concept and various corresponding media ad ideas in order to predict an outcome of importance. 4

Message Positioning Public Relations Reputation Management 24 x7 Media Relations Crisis Communications Issues Management Contingency Planning University Sporting Events Annual Shareholders Mtg Marketing Planning & Strategy Thought Leadership Market/Industry Research Content ScribingNew Product Development Launches Sales collateral

Advertising Track’s public relations team can helpto communicate with your audience. We do this bylistening and understanding your particular needs.We then like to conduct a limited amount of primarymarket research; thereby, having conversations withtarget audience(s) that messages are intended for.Our integrity about what we can achieve is forthright.That said, we are sincere about providing a one of akind solution. We set high standards and measure ourdeliverables and AD e ectiveness (see ROI download)so that clients completely understand the derivedbene ts right from day one. What’s more, our team ofof marketing consultants have a diverse pool of skills. 5

Most people confuse branding for logo design or creation ofcorporate collateral. At Advertising Track we don’t only createlogos and brand identities we also help companies improvetheir brand.Since its recent creation in 2016, Advertising Track is quicklyearning a reputation for building and adapting brands totoday’s business dynamics. Landing Page Design Brand Consulting Logo Design Corporate Collateral Design Branding Design Corporate Identity Design Corporate Pro le Design Corporate Brochure Design Corporate Video ProductioneMail Landing O erSocial Page & LeadBlog Form Generated

Brand Convert Close Promotion Inquiry Visitor Lead Customer Word ofProspect MouthOnce you put all these elements together, you can use your 6various promotional channels to link and drive tra c to the landing page so you can start generating leads. Essentially, a landing page is an ideal place to collect info which could come as the result of a shopper sharing personal information, or a person lling out a form to download an educational piece of content. Within the inbound marketing methodology, a landing page is usedfor visitor leads via a forms-in exchange for valued content. Landing page creation without the fuss of doing it yourself or hiring an entire inbound marketing... call Advertising Track.

Assimilating exceptional experiences with a consistent brand voice drives positive sustainability.Brand identity design is more than a name or a symbol. In anutshell, it is the rms identity, personality and perception acustomer will consider. A company’s goal is to be recognizedin consumer minds. Memorable, distinctive, and innovative.If done correctly, an emotional a nity occurs.At Advertising Track, our objective is to employ strategicthinking to each stage of our creative process which includesboth convergent and devergent ideas.The commencement milestone involves a brand evaluation asa starting point. The purpose is to establish a solid foundationfor lasting results which entails the integration of creativethinking, marketing strategy, and technology.In our technology-information driven age, your product orservice must be top tier. It’s critical. A brand must convey anexceptional user experience and/or incredible customer value.

Brand Identity Design Creating a brand identity for your business is comparable to creating a blue print for your dream house. You wouldn’t trust such an important design with just anybody? So why design your logo with anybody but a marketing expert. At Advertising Track, we have the best creative brand architects in the world. They are of the highest caliber. One look at our design work coupled with content... and you’ll understand that our work is simply outstanding by any de nition. Importantly, if your not completely satis ed - there is no charge. We want your business plain and simple. Not just for today, but for 3, 5, and 10 years from now. We have worked on branding projects for some of the largest and most reputable companies in the U.S. Logo California Brand Elements Color Palette 7 PhotographyBrand Style Guide Business CardsStationery Design

The Corporate Collateral of your brand is often the rst impressionof your product or service and rst impressions really count.Collateral is an integral part of your business and we understandthis. Advertising Track keeps in mind your business objectives todeliver your message with high quality content and exceptionaldesign that culminates in your unique brand identity. We try andharmonize with all your integrated brand communications.Some of the collateral design services that we provide include: Pitch Deck / Proposals Banner Ad Design Packaging Design POP Displays Brochures Posters Marketing collateral is one of the best ways that a rm can present information. At Advertising Track, we will work with you to produce just the right media that supports your sales team. This includes brochures or sell sheets and various marketing aids. If you think about corporate collateral material on an enterprise level, it is easy to understand that the objective is to enhance your brand via consistent content according to a de ned organizational process, strategy, and other methods used throughout a product or service’s lifecyle.

Corporate Collateral Design Business Cards Letterheads Envelopes Printed Brochures & Newsletters Digital Product Sheets Magazines Technical Bulletins Product Manuals Presentation Folders Seminar Booklets Sales Kits Successful marketing collateral depends on identifying futuretrends and what that competitive market place is likely to look like. 8

Online Brand Reputation Stakeholder interviews Competitor Point Di erences SWOT Analysis User Personas Value Proposition Key User Groups Demographic Information Key Performance Indicator’s Target Audience Goals Journalists write the content for your ORM website / blog which gives it much better content structure and quality. We believe inproactive measures rather than reactive measures. Negative reviewsor bad links on google search or on YouTube causes brand damageto your business and reputation. Being a image driven company,we primarily focus on eliminating the negative or bad links from thefront pages of search engines. We help to negate the e ects causing harm to your reputation. Thereby, we assist with building a positive brand image for your products/services. If your company has been the victim of false negative feedback on certain blogs or forums, or if a resented customer has been overaggressive smearing your prominence on the rst result pages, then reputation management may indeed be an invaluable solution.

Brand & Logo Design A brand logo is generally developed around a central idea coupled with one or more ideologies that would represent a corporation. It should be simple yet creative and should adhere to norms. Nevertheless, a really good logo might be considered somewhat divergent or“out of the box,”innovative. Many onlookers might think such a task is elementary. Nothing could be farther from the truth as the task is often daunting. In today’s world, the word“branding”is colloquial and greatly over used. Often., people tend to see brand image and the logo of the rm as one and the same. A logo is a very important element of the brand but is not the brand itself. Furthermore, it not only speaks a lot about your company, but it also ampli es how you are perceived by others. A company or product logo identity is the visual bridging between your brand and your customers. Moreover, the logo serves the purpose of a trigger which associates your buyers minds to your product or service, and embodies what your brand stands for. Logo’s can be so in uencial and relevant that they are now used extensively in politics around the world. 9

At Advertising Track, we understand the power of a unique identity which captures the essence of your company’s brand and communicates it through simple yet compelling visuals. In short, we just don’t design logo’s (although we love these typeof projects)… rather we create brands. As such, weensure that the overall “look and feel” remainsconsistent through all media channels in order to showcase that abusiness is dependable as well as credible. Inevitably, this instills trust.Company’s that prefer using a brand ID manual typically take a Corporate Brand ID Manual stance to educate and inform clients about their product or our service(s).Corporate ID Manual Brand Color Guide

Logo Colors Typography Print Guide Uniform Applications A corporate brand identity manual helps you implement newproducts or services and ensure visual consistency. For each brand identity project, we deliver a step by step easy to follow manual. This circular thus provides all required information about your logo design, colors for print, online usage, typography choices,general applications. and usage guidelines. That’s why this handbillis then supplied to vendors who may need to reproduce your logo... safeguarding accuracy in terms of usage. At Advertising Track, we know how paramount a strong logo can be as well as the signi cance for universal acceptance. Hence, we do our best to establish that there are no variation in customer perception. Noteworthy, each brand identity manual is customized according to unambiguous demands. Creating a Brand ID Manual Should Include: Communicate Brand Message Is Memorable & Distinctive Target Market Appropriate Supports an Emotional Connection Aligns with Brand Values 10

We o er Dynamic website development services that are all tailoredDynamic Website Designto meet the diverse requirements of our di erent clients. With ourour personalized content management system, we assure thatyou will have a user-friendly interface, instant access andcomplete control over all information.A CMS (Content Management System) can be perceived as ahybrid technology of website maintenance and documentmanagement system. The delivery, addition, modi cation ordeletion of new or updated content can be achievedsimultaneously from di erent points via the same platformthat makes your website Google friendly and gives you a highersearch ranking. We use the very best in bespoke CMSmanagement tools to ensure that your content is in a exibleand systematic manner.There is a close relation between dynamic content and pageranking. Content is King. Better the content, higher the ranking.If the content is updated and changed dynamically, then itbecomes the responsibility of the search engine to update itself,and keep re-visiting. This makes the presence of the websitemore visible. Our Cont Management System does this automaticallyand dynamically by updating the content to the website.

If the content on your web site gets changed frequently, perhaps you are in need need of CMS.Do you make changes to your website when the world is sleepingor when you have just a couple of minutes to make the changes?The maintenance cost of large and medium sites is a big constrainton the budget. CMS not only reduces the maintenancecost, but it also manages the content more e ectively.And the most important factor from a business perspectiveis a global team with the authority to change site content.CMS is indispensable for global content deliveryand management.At Advertising Track, we realize that every client and project isunique. Hence we o er you a custom content managementsystem solution. We specialize in delivering exible and scalablecontent-centric solutions suited to customers’ speci crequirements. We o er CMS in di erent languages like .Netand .PHP based on your core requirements such as CMS,PHP based, Magento, Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress.We also specialize in Hubspot which is emergingas the hottest integrated marketing tools.Any business owner who knows the importance ofcontent will acknowledge that CMS is anindispensable tool for the website. 11

A community portal is a website that provides relevant informationCommunity Portal / Local Listigsto a speci c group. Local governments and school districts arecommon users of online portals as a way to inform their audienceof current news, views, and activities. An e ective portal hasregular updated information, is easy to navigate, and has a strongonline following. It should be dense with up-to-date market datathat also links to other websites. A successful online portal isone that has trustworthy content and loyal following of regularusers who continue to visit the site to nd new information.Advertising Track realizes that the main purpose of a communityportal is to provide value to the community it is serving.So we design our community portals to be the online startingpoint for that community and provide convenient access to allrelevant information. Common elements of our communityportals are articles, classi eds, a calendar, groups, and contactlists. We also can o er your online games, Polls, Quizzes, andinteractive videos. These online environments also oftenincorporate interactivity by using blogs, forums, and othersocial media links. Most portals also allow users to sign upfor RSS feeds or email newsletters as a way of lettingthe community know what is new on the portal.A community portal should also bene t the wideraudience. This type of website is a great marketing devicefor a community or school district. If used correctly,it is a re ection of the community as well as for Local Listings.

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